Explorations in Economic History DATINI

Explorations in Economic History

New York, Kent State University
ISSN: 0014-4983

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll: Riv. Str. 0572
Consistenza: v. 25, 1988, 1-v. 38, 2001, 4

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche – Coll: Riv. Str. 0517
Consistenza: v. 17, 1980, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991] [ 1990-1980 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 27, 1990, 4

Kenneth A. Snowden, Historical Returns and Security Market Development, 1872-1925, p. 381
Andrew J. Economopoulos, Free Bank Failures in New York and Wisconsin: A Portfolio Analysis, p. 421
N. F. R. Crafts, S. J. Leybourne, T. C. Mills, Measurement of Trend Growth in European Industrial Output before 1914: Methodological Issues and New Estimates, p. 442
Pierre L. Siklos, The Link between Money and Prices under Different Policy Regimes: The Postwar Hungarian Experience, p. 468
Peter Temin, Barrie A. Wigmore, The End of One Big Deflation, p. 483

v. 27, 1990, 3

Gene N. White, Free Banking during the French Revolution, p. 251
Terence C. Mills, A Note on the Gibson Paradox during the Gold Standard, p. 277
David A. Bessler, A Note on Chinese Rice Prices: Interior Markets, 1928-1931, p. 287
Norman Gemmell, Peter Wardley, The Contribution of Services to British Economic Growth, 1856-1913, p. 299
Martha L. Olney, Demand for Consumer Durable Goods in 2Oth Century America, p. 322
E. L. Jones, Enclosure, Land Improvement, and the Price of Capital. A Comment, p. 350
Gregory Clark, Enclosure, Land Improvement, and the Price of Capital. A Reply to Jones, p. 356
Charles J. McClain, Jr., Chinese Immigration: A Comment on Cloud and Galenson, p. 363
Correction, p. 379

v. 27, 1990, 2

Jeffrey G. Williamson, The Impact of the Corn Laws Just Prior to Repeal, p. 123
A. Gemery, Jan Hogendorn, Marion Johnson, Evidence on English/African Terms of Trade in the Eighteenth Century, p. 157
Martin Ravallion, Rural Indebtedness in the Punjab 1878: Results of a Household Survey, p. 178
Joseph E. Inikori, The Credit Needs of the African Trade and the Development of the Credit Economy in England, p. 197
Leonard Dudley, Structural Change in Interdependent Bureaucracies: Was Rome’s Failure Economic or Military?, p. 232
Announcements, p. 249

v. 27, 1990, 1

Kenneth J. Weiller, Philip Mirowski, Rates of Interest in 18th Century England, p. 1
Yossi Katz, Shoshana Neuman, Agricultural Land Transactions in Palestine, 1900-1914: A Quantitative Analysis, p. 29
Mary MacKinnon, Relief Not Insurance: Canadian Unemployment Relief in the 1930s, p. 46
John McDonald, Ralph Shlomowitz, Mortality on Immigrant Voyages to Australia in the 19th Century, p. 84

Lars G. Sandberg, Richard H. Steckel, Hard Times in 19th-Century Sweden: A Reply, p. 114

v. 26, 1989, 4

César Molinas, Leandro Prados De La Escosura, Was Spain Different? Spanish Historical Backwardness Revisited, p. 385
Sumner J. La Croix, Price a. Fishback, Firm-Specific Evidence on Racial Wage Differentials and Workforce Segregation in Hawaii’s Sugar Industry, p. 403
Richard J. Sullivan, England’s « Age of Invention »: The Acceleration Of Patents and Patentable Invention during the Industrial Revolution, p. 424
David C. Wheelock, The Strategy, Effectiveness, and Consistency of Federal Reserve Monetary Policy 1924-1933, p. 453
Johan Söderberg, Hard Times in 19th-Century Sweden: A Comment, p. 477

David Richardson, Accounting for Profits in the British Trade in Slaves: Reply to William Darity, p. 492

v. 26, 1989, 3

Jeffrey B. Nugent, Nicholas Sanchez, The Efficiency of the Mesta: A Parable, p. 261
Mitsuhiko Kimura, Public Finance in Korea under Japanese Rule: Deficit in the Colonial Account and Colonial Taxation, p. 285
C. Knick Harley, Coal Exports and British Shipping, 1850-1913, p. 311
Barbara N. Sands, Agricultural Decision-Making under Uncertainty: The Case of the Shanxi Farmers, 1931-1936, p. 339
Claudia Goldin, Robert A. Margo, The Poor at Birth: Birth Weights and Infant Mortality at Philadelphia’s Almshouse Hospital, 1848-1873, p. 360

William Darity, Jr., Profitability of the British Trade in Slaves Once Again, p. 380

v. 26, 1989, 2

John A. James, The Stability of the 19th-Century Phillips Curve Relationship, p. 117
Georg Rich, Canadian Banks, Gold, and the Crisis of 1907, p. 135
W. G. Huff, Bookkeeping Barter, Money, Credit, and Singapore’s International Rice Trade, 1870-1939, p. 161
Richard H. Steckel, Household Migration and Rural Settlement in the United States, 1850-1860, p. 190
Price a. Fishback, Debt Peonage in Postbellum Georgia, p. 219

Charles H. Feinstein, Wages and the Paradox of the 1880s, p. 237
David Greasley, British Wages and Income, 1856-1913: A Revision, p. 248

Announcement, p. 260

v. 26, 1989, 1

Eric S. Schubert, Arbitrage in the Foreign Exchange Markets of London and Amsterdam during the 18th Century, p. 1
Julian L. Simon, Richard J. Sullivan, Population Size, Knowledge Stock, and Other Determinants of Agricultural Publication and Patenting: England, 1541-1850, p. 21
John Joseph Wallis, Employment in the Great Depression: New Data and Hypotheses, p. 45
Anthony Patrick O’Brien, The ICC, Freight Rates, and the Great Depression, p. 73
Mark Toma, The Policy Effectiveness of Open Market Operations in the 1920s, p. 99

v. 25, 1988, 4

Michael R. Haines, Barbara A. Anderson, New Demographic History of the Late 19th-Century United States, p. 341

David R. Meyer, The Industrial Retardation of Southern Cities, 1860-1880, p. 366
John H. Munro, Deflation and the Petty Coinage Problem in the Late-Medieval Economy: The Case of Flanders 1334-1484, p. 387
William A. Sundstrom. Internal Labor Markets before World War I: On-the-Job Training and Employee Promotion, p. 424
Announcements, p. 446

v. 25, 1988, 3

Henk Jan Brinkman, J. W. Drukker, Brigitte Slot, Height and Income: A New Method for the Estimation of Historical National Income Series, p. 227
Gregory Clark, The Cost of Capital and Medieval Agricultural Technique, p. 265
James R. Irwin, Exploring the Affinity of Wheat and Slavery in the Virginia Piedmont, p. 295
John R. Hanson II, Third World Incomes before World War I: Some Comparisons, p. 323
Corrigendum, p. 337
Announcement, p. 339

v. 25, 1988, 2

Robert C. Allen, The Growth of Labor Productivity in Early Modern English Agriculture, p. 117
Stephen I. Easton, William A. Gibson, Clyde G. Reed, Tariffs and Growth: The Dales Hypothesis, p. 147
William A. Sundstrom, Paul A. David, Old-Age Security Motives, Labor Markets, and Farm Family Fertility in Antebellum America, p. 164
Morris Altman, Economic Development with High Wages: An Historial Perspective, p. 198
Announcements, p. 225

v. 25, 1988, 1

Lars O. Sandberg, Richard H. Steckel, Overpopulation and Malnutrition Rediscovered: Hard Times in 19th-Century Sweden, p. 1
Douglas E. Booth, Urban Growth and Decline, Budgetary Incrementalism, and Municipal Finances: Milwaukee, 1870-1977, p. 20
Sue M. Bowden, The Consumer Durables Revolution in England 1932-1938; A Regional Analysis, p. 42
P. W. J. Bartrip, p. I. Fenn, Factory Fatalities and Regulation in Britain, 1878-1913, p. 60
Debra Glassman, Angela Redish, Currency Depreciation in Early Modern England and France, p. 75
Robert Stavins, A Model of English Demographic Change: 1573-1873, p. 98

v. 24, 1987, 4

Kenneth A. Snowden, American Stock Market Development and Performance, 1871-1929, p. 327
Martin Ravallion, Trade and Stabilization: Another Look at British India’s Controversial Foodgrain Exports, p. 354
Raymond L. Cohn, The Determinants of Individual Immigrant Mortality on Sailing Ships, 1836-1853, p. 371
John S. Lyons, Powerloom Profitability and Steam Power Costs: Britain in the 1830s, p. 392
Steven B. Webb, The German Infation and Foreign Business Cycles, 1920-1922, p. 409

Anoouncements, p. 434

v. 24, 1987, 3

N. F. R. Crafts, British Economic Growth, 1700-1850; Some Difficulties of Interpretation, p. 245
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Debating the British Industrial Revolution, p. 269
Joel Mokyr, Has the Industrial Revolution Been Crowded Out? Some Reflections on Crafts and Williamson, p. 293

References, p. 320

v. 24, 1987, 2

Philip Mirowski, What Do Markets Do? Efficiency Tests of the 18th-Century London Stock Market, p. 107
Donald F. Schaefer, A Model of Migration and Wealth Accumulation: Farmers at the Antebellum Southern Frontier, p. 130
Stephen Nicholas, Peter R. Shergold, Human Capital and the Pre-Famine Irish Emigration to England, p. 158
David Richardson, The Costs of Survival: The Transport of Slaves in the Middle Passage and the Profitability of the 18th-Century British Slave Trade, p. 178
Avi J. Cohen, Factor Substitution and Induced Innovation in North American Kraft Pulping: 1914-1940, p. 197
Gary M. Pecquet, Money in the Trans-Mississippi Confederacy and the Confederate Currency Reform Act of 1864, p. 218

v. 24, 1987, 1

Kaushik Basu, Eric Jones, Ekkehart Schlicht, The Growth and Decay of Custom: The Role of the New Institutional Economics in Economic History, p. 1
Patricia Cloud, David W. Galenson, Chinese Immigration and Contract Labor in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 22
T. J. Valentine, The Causes of the Depression in Australia, p. 43
Farley Grubb, Colonial Immigrant Literacy: An Economic Analysis of Pennsylvania-German Evidence, 1727-1775, p. 63
Michael B. Percy, Tamara Woroby, American Homesteaders and the Canadian Prairies, 1899 and 1909, p. 77

Farley Grubb, Colonial Labor Markets and the Length of Indenture: Further Evidence, p. 101

v. 23, 1986, 4

Michael D. Bordo, Explorations in Monetary History: A Survey of the Literature, p. 339

David Greasley, British Economic Growth: The Paradox of the 1880s and the Timing of the Climacteric, p. 416

v. 23, 1986, 3

Gary D. Libecap, Property Rights in Economic History: Implications for Research, p. 227

Andrew T. Allen, Private Sector Response to Stabilization Policy: A Case Study, p. 253
Price V. Fishback, Workplace Safety during the Progressive Era: Fatal Accidents in Bituminous Coal Mining, 1912-1923, p. 269
Mary MacKinnon, Poor Law Policy, Unemployment, and Pauperism, p. 299

Announcement, p. 337

v. 23, 1986, 2

William H. Phillips, The Labor Market of Southern Textile Mill Villages: Some Micro Evidence, p. 103
Brinley Thomas, Was There an Energy Crisis in Great Britain in the 17th Century?, p. 124
Michael Beebstock, Peter Warburton, Wages and Unemployment in Interwar Britain, p. 153
Richard H. Steckel, Birth Weights and Infant Mortality among American Slaves, p. 173
Milton Friedman, Anna J. Schwarts, The Failure of the Bank of United States: A Reappraisal. A Reply, p. 199
Sevket Pamuk, The Decline and Resistance of Ottoman Cotton Textiles, 1820-1913, p. 205

Announcement, p. 226

v. 23, 1986, 1

Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich, U.S. Capital Exports to Germany 1919-1923 Compared to 1924-1929, p. 1
Eugene Nelson White, Before the Glass-Steagall Act: An Analysis of the Investment Banking Activities of National Banks, p. 33
Barry Eichengreen, The Bank of France and the Sterilization of Gold, 1926-1932, p. 56
John R. Hanson II, Export Shares in the European Periphery and the Third World before World War I: Questionable Data, Facile Analogies, p. 85

Announcements, p. 100

v. 22, 1985, 4

Peter H. Lindert, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Growth, Equality, and History, p. 341

Alexander James Field, On the Unimportance of Machinery, p. 378
Joseph L. Lucia, The Failure of the Bank of United States: A Reappraisal, p. 402
M. E. F. Jones, Regional Employment Multipliers, Regional Policy, and Structural Change in Interwar Britain, p. 417

Announcement, p. 440

v. 22, 1985, 3

Joan Underhill Hannon, Poor Relief Policy in Antebellum New York State: The Rise and Decline of the Poorhouse, p. 233
T. J. Hatton, The British Labor Market in the 1920s: A Test of the Search-Turnover Approach, p. 257
R. W. Hafer, The Stability of the Short-Run Money Demand Function, 1920-1939, p. 271
Daniel Landau, Explaining Differences in Per Capita Income between Countries: A Hypothesis and Test for 1950 and 1970, p. 296
Farley Grubb, The Incidence of Servitude in Trans-Atlantic Migration, 1771-1804, p. 316

Announcements, p. 340

v. 22, 1985, 2

George R. Boyer, An Economic Model of the English Poor Law circa 1780-1834, p. 129
Loren Brandt, Chinese Agriculture and the International Economy, 1870-1930s: A Reassessment, p. 168
Louis S. Drake, Reconstruction of a Bimetallic Price Level, p. 194
Donald Schaefer, Mark Schmitz, The Parker-Gallman Sample and Wealth Distributions for the Antebellum South: A Comment, p. 220
Donghyu Yang, The Parker-Gallman Sample and Wealth Distributions for the Antebellum South: A Reply, p. 227

v. 22, 1985, 1

Robert Higgs, Crisis, Bigger Government, and Ideological Change: Two Hypotheses on the Ratchet Phenomenon, p. 1

Jeremy Atack, Industrial Structure and the Emergence of the Modern Industrial Corporation, p. 29
William Lazonick, Thomas Brush, The « Horndal Effect » in Early U.S. Manufacturing, p. 53
Wolfgang Kleber, Labor Force Change in Germany since 1882: A Life Cycle Perspective, p. 97

Announcement, p. 127

v. 21, 1984, 4

Paul Johnson, Self-Help versus State Help: Old Age Pensions and Personal Savings in Great Britain, 1906-1937, p. 329
Kenneth L. Sokoloff, Was the Transition from the Artisanal Shop to the Nonmechanized Factory Associated with Gains in Efficiency?: Evidence from the U. S. Manufacturing Censuses of 1820 and 1850, p. 351
William J. Hausman, Market Power in the London Coal Trade: The Limitation of the Vend, 1770-1845, p. 383
Robert Millward, The Early Stages of European Industrialization: Economic Organization under Serfdom, p. 406

Announcement, p. 430

v. 21, 1984, 3

John A. James, The Use of General Equilibrium Analysis in Economic History, p. 231

Carole Shammas, The Eighteenth-Century English Diet and Economic Change, p. 254
Richard J. Sullivan, Measurement of English Farming Technological Change, 1523-1900, p. 270
Yuzo Murayama, Contractors, Collusion, and Competition: Japanese Immigrant Railroad Laborers in the Pacific Northwest, 1898-1911, p. 290
Robert A. Margo, « Teacher Salaries in Black and White »: The South in 1910, p. 306

Announcement, p. 327

v. 21, 1984, 2

Charles P. Kindleberger, Financial Instituions and Economic Development: A Comparison of Great Britain and France in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, p. 103
David A. Bessler, Additional Evidence on Money and Prices: U. S. Data 1870-1913, p. 125
Stanley L. Engerman, Economic Change and Contract Labor in the British Caribbean: The End of Slavery and the Adjustment to Emancipation, p. 133
Sumner J. La Croix, James Roumasset, An Economic Theory of Political Change in Premissionary Hawaii, p. 151
Ann M. Carlos, Steel Rails versus Iron Rails: Evidence from Canada, p. 169
Arthur G. Woolf, Electricity, Productivity, and Labor Saving: American Manufacturing, 1900-1929, p. 176
John A. James, Public Debt Management Policy and Nineteenth-Century American Economic Growth, p. 192
Mary MacKinnon, Paul Johnson, The Case against Productive Whipping, p. 218
Clark Nardinelli, The Productivity of Corporal Punishment. A Reply to MacKinnon and Johnson, p. 224

Announcements, p. 229

v. 21, 1984, 1

Claudia Goldin, The Historical Evolution of Female Earnings Functions and Occupations, p. 1
Cathy L. McHugh, Earnings in the Post-bellum Southern Cotton Textile Industry: A Case Study, p. 28
Thomas M. Renaghan, Distributional Effects of Federal Tax Policy 1929-1939, p. 40
Barry Eichengreen, Central Bank Cooperation under the Interwar Gold Standard, p. 64
Donghyu Yang, Notes on the Wealth Distribution of Farm House-holds in the United States, 1860: A New Look at Two Manuscript Census Samples, p. 88

v. 20, 1983, 4

Martha Shiells, Gavin Wright, Night Work as a Labor Market Phenomenon: Southern Textiles in the Interwar Period, p. 331
David C. Mowery, The Relationship between Intrafirm and Contractual Forms of Industrial Research in American Manufacturing, 1900-1940, p. 351
Susan J. Linz, Measuring the Carryover Cost of WWII to the Soviet People: 1945-1953, p. 375
N. F. R. Crafts, Gross National Product in Europe 1870-1910: Some New Estimates, p. 387
Angela Redish, The Economic Crisis of 1837-1839 in Upper Canada: Case Study of a Temporary Suspension of Specie Payments, p. 402
Lars Jonung, Monetization and the Behavior of Velocity in Sweden, 1871-1913, p. 418

Announcements, p. 440

v. 20, 1983, 3

Michael J. Twomey, The 1930s Depression in Latin America: A Macro Analysis, p. 221
C. Knick Harley, Steel Rails and American Railroads 1867-1880: Cost Minimizing Choice. A Comment on the Analysis of Atack and Brueckener, p. 248
Jeremy Atack, Jan K. Brueckner, Steel Rails and American Railroads, 1867-1880: Reply to Harley, p. 258
Lee Soltow, Land Fragmentation as an Index of History in the Virginia Military District of Ohio, p. 263
James C. Riley, John J. McCusker, Money Supply, Economic Growth, and the Quantity Theory of Money: France, 1650-1788, p. 274
Carolyn L. Weaver, On the Lack of a Political Market for Compulsory Old-Age Insurance Prior to the Great Depression: Insights from Economic Theories of Government, p. 294

Erratum, p. 329

v. 20, 1983, 2

Peter H. Lindert, English Living Standards, Population Growth, and Wrigley-Schofield, p. 131
Philip E. Graves, Robert L. Sexton, Richard K. Vedder, Slavery, Amenities, and Factor Price Equalization: A Note on Migration and Freedom, p. 156
T. J. Hatton, John S. Lyons, S. E. Satchell, Eighteenth-Century British Trade: Homespun or Empire Made?, p. 163
Bryan D. Haig, Neville G. Cain, Industrialization and Productivity: Australian Manufacturing in the 1920s and 1950s, p. 183
Alan Heston, Dharma Kumar, The Persistence of Land Fragmentation in Peasant Agriculture: An Analysis of South Asian Cases, p. 199

v. 20, 1983, 1

Ronald W. Batchelder, Herman Freudenberger, On the Rational Origins of the Modern Centralized State, p. 1
Richard H. Steckel, The Economic Foundations of East-West Migration during the 19th Century, p. 14
Michael J. Twomey, Employment in Nineteenth Centuty Indian Textiles, p. 37
Louis P. Cain, To Annex or Not? A Tale of Two towns: Evanston and Hyde Park, p. 58
Bennett D. Baack, Edward John Ray, The Political Economy of Tariff Policy: A Case Study of the United States, p. 73
Peter H. Lindert, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Reinterpreting Britain’s Social Tables, 1688-1913, p. 94
Sidney Pollard, Capitalism and Rationality: A Study of Measurements in British Coal Mining, ca. 1750-1850, p. 110

Announcement, p. 130

v. 19, 1982, 4

Richard H. Day, Instability in the Transition from Manorialism: A Classical Analysis, p. 321
Jeremy Atack, Jan K. Brueckner, Steel Rails and American Railroads, 1867-1880, p. 339
Joel Mokyr, Cormac Ó Grada, Emigration and Poverty in Prefamine Ireland, p. 360
Peter H. Lindert, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Revising England’s Social Tables 1688-1812, p. 385
M. B. Percy, K. H. Norrie, R. G. Johnston, Reciprocity and the Canadian General Election of 1911, p. 409
Elmus Wicker, Interest Rate and Expenditure Effects of the Banking Panic of 1930, p. 435

v. 19, 1982, 3

Paul B. Trescott, Federal Reserve Policy in the Great Contraction: A Counterfactual Assessment, p. 211
Jeffrey G. Williamson, Was the Industrial Revolution Worth It? Disamenities and Death in 19th Century British towns, p. 221
David Greasley, The Diffusion of Machine Cutting in the British Coal Industry, 1902-1938, p. 246
Raymond L. Cohn, Richard A. Jensen, The Determinants of Slave Mortality Rates on the Middle Passage, p. 269
Clark Nardinelli, Corporal Punishment and Children’s Wages in Nineteenth Century Britain, p. 283
Federic L. Pryor, An International Perspective on Land Scattering, p. 296

v. 19, 1982, 2

Edward Bubnys, Nativity and the Distribution of Wealth: Chicago 1870, p. 101
Eugene Nelson White, The Membership Problem of the National Banking System, p. 110
Michael B. Tannen, Women’s Earnings, Skill, and Nativity in the Progressive Era, p. 128
Ann Carlos, The Birth and Death of Predatory Competition in the North American Fur Trade: 1810-1821, p. 156
Gary D. Libecap, George Alter, Agricultrual Productivity, Partible Inheritance, and the Demographic Response to Rural Poverty: An Examination of the Spanish Southwest, p. 184

Communications, p. 201

v. 19, 1982, 1

David Feeny, Infrastructure Linkages and Trade Performance: Thailand, 1900-1940, p. 1
Joan Underhill Hannon, Ethnic Discrimination in a 19th Century Mining District: Michigan Copper Mines, 1888, p. 28
N. F. R. Crafts, Regional Price Variations in England in 1843: An Aspect of the Standard-of-Living Debate, p. 51
Barry J. Eichengreen, Did Speculation Destabilize the French Franc in the 1920s?, p. 71

v. 18, 1981, 4

Paul P. Christensen, Land Abundance and Cheap Horsepower in the Mechanization of the Antebellum United States Economy, p. 309
Raymond L. Cohn, Antebellum Regional Incomes: Another Look, p. 330
Moses S. Musoke, Mechanizing Cotton Production in the American South: The Tractor, 1915-1960, p. 347
John A. James, Some Evidence on Relative Labor Scarcity in 19th Century American Manufacturing, p. 376
Lee Soltow, Age and Economic Achievement in an Irish Barony in 1821, p. 389
Russel R. Menard, The Growth of Population in the Chesapeake Colonies: A Comment, p. 399
Terry L. Anderson, From the Parts to the Whole: Modeling Chesapeake Population, p. 411
Robert R. Locke, French Industrialization: The Roehl Thesis Reconsidered, p. 415
Richard Roehl, French Industrialization: A Reply, p. 434

v. 18, 1981, 3

Lee J. Alston, Tenure Choice in Southern Agriculture, 1930-1960, p. 211
Jeffrey C. Williams, Economics and Politics: Voting Behavior in Kansas during the Populist Decade, p. 233
James Foreman-Peck, The Effect of Market Failure on the British Motor Industry before 1939, p. 257
Mark Schmitz, The Elasticity of Substitution in 19th Century Manufacturing, p. 290
Stefano Fenoaltea, The Slavery Debate: A Note from the Sidelines, p. 304

v. 18, 1981, 2

Michael D. Bordo, Anna J. Schwartz, Money and Prices in the 19th Century: Was Thomas tooke Right?, p. 97
Leonard A. Carlson, Land Allotment and the Decline of American Indian Farming, p. 128
Forrest Capie, Shaping the British Tariff Structure in the 1930s, p. 155
Alexander James Field, What Is Wrong with Neoclassical Institutional Economics: A Critique with Special Reference to the North/Thomas Model of Pre-1500 Europe, p. 174
Carl Mosk, The Evolution of Premodern Demographic Regimes: A Research Note, p. 199

Robert Higgs, Edward Franklin Meeker (1943-1980), p. 209

v. 18, 1981, 1

I. D. Koval’Chenko, N. B. Selunskaia, Labor Rental in the Manorial Economy of European Russia at the End of the 19th Century and the Beginning of the 20th, p. 1
R. Millward, The Emergence of Wage Labor in Early Modern England, p. 21
Hiroya Akimoto, Capital Formation and Economic Growth in Mid 19th Century Japan, p. 40
Shannon R. Brown, Tim Wright, Technology, Economics, and Politics in the Modernization of China’s Coal-Mining Industry, 1850-1895, p. 60
Richard Pomfret, Capital Formation in Canada 1870-1900, p. 84

v. 17, 1980, 4

Mark Aldrich, Randy Albelda, Determinants of Working Women’s Wages during the Progressive Era, p. 323
Robert A. McGuire, A Portfolio Analysis of Crop Diversification and Risk in the Cotton South, p. 342
Ronald N. Johnson, Gary D. Libecap, Efficient Markets and Great Lakes Timber: A Conservation Issue Reexamined, p. 372
Kenneth H. Norrie, Cultivation Techniques as a Response to Risk in Early Canadian Prairie Agriculture, p. 386
William J. Hausman, James M. Watts, Structural Change in the 18th-Century British Economy: A Test Using Cubic Splines, p. 400
John R. Hanson II, Small Notes in the American Colonies, p. 411
John Komlos, Discrimination in the Austrian Capital Market?, p. 421
David F. Good, « Discrimination in the Austrian Capital Market? »: A Reply, p. 428

v. 17, 1980, 3

Jeffrey G. Williamson, Greasing the Wheels of Sputtering Export Engines: Midwestern Grains and American Growth, p. 189
C. Knick Harley, Transportation, the World Wheat Trade, and the Kuznets Cycle, 1850-1913, p. 218
Robert E. Ankli, The Growth of the Canadian Economy, 1896-1920. Export Led and/or Neoclassical Growth, p. 251
Trevor J. O. Dick, Canadian Wheat Production and Trade 1896-1930, p. 275
Donald N. McCloskey, Magnanumous Albion: Free Trade and British National Income, 1841-1881, p. 303

Announcement, p. 321

v. 17, 1980, 2

Elyce J. Rotella, Women’s Labor Force Participation and the Decline of the Family Economy in the United States, p. 95
Donald R. Adams Jr., Earnings and Savings in the Early 19th Century, p. 118
Paul R. Gregory, Grain Marketings and Peasant Consumption, Russia, 1885-1913, p. 135
P. J. George, E. H. Oksanen, An Index of Aggregate Economic Activity in Canada, 1896-1939: A Factor Analytic Approach, p. 165
N. F. R. Crafts, National Income Estimates and the British Standard of Living Debate: A Reappraisal of 1801-1831, p. 176

v. 17, 1980, 1

Rochard E. Caves, Douglass C. North, Jacob M. Price, Introduction: Exports and Economic Growth, p. 1
Claudia D. Goldin, Frank D. Lewis, The Role of Exports in American Economic Growth during the Napoleonic Wars, 1793 to 1807, p. 6
Michelle Burge McAlpin, The Impact of Trade on Agricultural Development: Bombay Presidency, 1855-1920, p. 26
François Crouzet, Toward and Export Economy: British Exports during the Industrial Revolution, p. 48