Explorations in Economic History DATINI

Explorations in Economic History

New York, Kent State University
ISSN: 0014-4983

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll: Riv. Str. 0572
Consistenza: v. 25, 1988, 1-v. 38, 2001, 4

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche – Coll: Riv. Str. 0517
Consistenza: v. 17, 1980, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991] [ 1990-1980 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 90, 2023

Benjamin Bridgman, Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy, The economic impact of social distancing: Evidence from state-collected data during the 1918 influenza pandemic
Pantelis Kammas, Maria Poulima, Vassilis Sarantides, Fueling the party machine: Evidence from Greece during Metapolitefsi
Conor Lennon, Women?s educational attainment, marriage, and fertility: Evidence from the 1944 G.I. Bill
María Angélica Bautista, Felipe González, Luis R. Martínez, Pablo Muñoz, Mounu Prem, The intergenerational transmission of higher education: Evidence from the 1973 coup in Chile
Maya Eden, Quantifying racial discrimination in the 1944 G.I. bill
Marco Del Angel, Caroline Fohlin, Marc D. Weidenmier, Stock returns and the Spanish flu, 1918–1920
Meredith M. Paker, The jobless recovery after the 1980–1981 British recession

v. 89, 2023

Christopher Paik, Keshar Shahi, Ancient nomadic corridors and long-run development in the highlands of Asia
David S. Jacks, Krishna Pendakur, Hitoshi Shigeoka, Urban mortality and the repeal of federal prohibition
Jacopo Timini, Revisiting the ?Cobden-Chevalier network? trade and welfare effects
Felix S.F. Schaff, Warfare and Economic Inequality: Evidence from Preindustrial Germany (c. 1400-1800)
Igor Martins, Jeanne Cilliers, Johan Fourie, Legacies of loss: The health outcomes of slaveholder compensation in the British Cape Colony
Craig Palsson, The forces of path dependence: Haiti’s refugee camps, 1937–2009
Sergi Basco, Jordi Domènech, Laura Maravall, Land reform and rural conflict. Evidence from 1930s Spain

v. 88, 2023

James M. Harrison, Exploring 200 years of U.S. commodity market integration: A structural time series model approach
Nuno Palma, Jaime Reis, Lisbeth Rodrigues, Historical gender discrimination does not explain comparative Western European development: evidence from Portugal, 1300-1900
Gregori Galofré-Vilà, Spoils of War: The Political Legacy of the German hyperinflation
Louis Rouanet, Foutu maximum: The political economy of price controls and national defense in revolutionary France
Pim de Zwart, Phylicia Soekhradj, Sweet equality: Sugar, property rights, and land distribution in colonial Java
Leonard Kuki?, The last Yugoslavs: Ethnic diversity and national identity

v. 87, 2023

Edited by Christian M. Dahl, Carola Frydman, Marianne Wanamaker
Marianne Wanamaker, Carola Frydman, Christian M. Dahl, Preface Enrico Berkes, Ezra Karger, Peter Nencka, The census place project: A method for geolocating unstructured place names
Hannah M. Postel, Record linkage for character-based surnames: Evidence from chinese exclusion
Thilo N.H. Albers, Kalle Kappner, Perks and pitfalls of city directories as a micro-geographic data source
Martha J. Bailey, Susan H. Leonard, Joseph Price, Evan Roberts, … Mengying Zhang, Breathing new life into death certificates: Extracting handwritten cause of death in the LIFE-M project
Christian M. Dahl, Torben S.D. Johansen, Emil N. Sørensen, Simon Wittrock, HANA: A handwritten name database for offline handwritten text recognition
Christopher Blomqvist, Kerstin Enflo, Andreas Jakobsson, Kalle Åström, Reading the ransom: Methodological advancements in extracting the Swedish Wealth Tax of 1571
Sergio Correia, Stephan Luck, Digitizing historical balance sheet data: A practitioner?s guide
Someswar Amujala, Angela Vossmeyer, Sanjiv R. Das, Digitization and data frames for card index records
Bryan Seegmiller, Dimitris Papanikolaou, Lawrence D.W. Schmidt, Measuring document similarity with weighted averages of word embeddings

v. 86, 2022

Sascha O. Becker, Sharun Mukand, Ivan Yotzov, Persecution, pogroms and genocide: A conceptual framework and new evidence
Taylor Jaworski, Ian Keay, Globalization and the spread of industrialization in Canada, 1871-1891
Leandro Prados de la Escosura, C. Vladimir Rodríguez-Caballero, War, pandemics, and modern economic growth in Europe
Jonathan Hersh, Hans-Joachim Voth, Sweet diversity: Colonial goods and the welfare gains from global trade after 1492
Kris Inwood, Les Oxley, Evan Roberts, The mortality risk of being overweight in the twentieth century: Evidence from two cohorts of New Zealand men

v. 85, 2022

Robert Calvert Jump, Karsten Kohler, A history of aggregate demand and supply shocks for the United Kingdom, 1900 to 2016
Ariell Zimran, US immigrants’ secondary migration and geographic assimilation during the Age of Mass Migration
Ali  Coskun Tunçer, Leonardo Weller, Democracy, autocracy, and sovereign debt: How polity influenced country risk on the peripheries of the global economy, 1870-1913
Austin M. Mitchell, Weiwen Yin, Political centralization, career incentives, and local economic growth in Edo Japan
Vadim Kufenko, Ekaterina Khaustova, Vincent Geloso, , Escape underway: Malthusian pressures in late imperial Moscow
Anna Grodecka-Messi, Seán Kenny, Anders Ögren, Erratum to « Predictors of bank distress: The 1907 crisis in Sweden » [Explorations in Economic History 80 (2021)]

v. 84, 2022

Parashar Kulkarni, Steven Pfaff, Church politics, sectarianism, and judicial terror: The Scottish witch-hunt, 1563 – 1736
Bram van Besouw, Daniel R. Curtis, Estimating warfare-related civilian mortality in the early modern period: Evidence from the Low Countries, 1620-99
Eline Poelmans, Jason E. Taylor, Samuel Raisanen, Andrew C. Holt, Estimates of employment gains attributable to beer legalization in spring 1933
Bert S. Kramer, Petros Milionis, Democratic constraints and adherence to the classical gold standard
Peter Sandholt Jensen, Maja Uhre Pedersen, Cristina Victoria Radu, Paul Richard Sharp, Arresting the Sword of Damocles: The transition to the post-Malthusian era in Denmark
Enda Patrick Hargaden, Who donates to revolutionaries? Evidence from post-1916 Ireland

v. 83, 2022

Stephen Broadberry, Leigh Gardner, Economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1885-2008: Evidence from eight countries
Sheilagh Ogilvie, Jeremy Edwards, Markus Küpker, Economically relevant human capital or multi-purpose consumption good? Book ownership in pre-modern Württemberg
Giacomo Domini, Patterns of specialization and economic complexity through the lens of universal exhibitions, 1855-1900
Fabio Braggion, Narly Dwarkasing, Lyndon Moore, Value creating mergers: British bank consolidation, 1885-1925
Jakob Molinder, Tobias Karlsson, Kerstin Enflo, Social democracy and the decline of strikes
Nils Herger, Unregulated and regulated free banking: Evidence from the case of Switzerland (1826-1907)

v. 82, 2021, 4

Alessandro Nuvolari, Valentina Tartari, Matteo Tranchero, Patterns of innovation during the Industrial Revolution: A reappraisal using a composite indicator of patent quality
Barry R. Chiswick, RaeAnn Halenda Robinson, Women at work in the United States since 1860: An analysis of unreported family workers
Prince Young Aboagye, Jutta Bolt, Long-term trends in income inequality: Winners and losers of economic change in Ghana, 1891-1960
Oana Borcan, Ola Olsson, Louis Putterman, Transition to agriculture and first state presence: A global analysis
David Escamilla-Guerrero, Edward Kosack, Zachary Ward, Life after crossing the border: Assimilation during the first Mexican mass migration

Stephen D. Billington, What explains patenting behaviour during Britain’s Industrial Revolution?

v. 81, 2021, 3

Timur Natkhov, Natalia Vasilenok, Skilled immigrants and technology adoption: Evidence from the German settlements in the Russian empire
Faisal Z. Ahmed, Muslim conquest and institutional formation
Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Leonid E. Limonov, Sofie R. Waltl, Housing rent dynamics and rent regulation in St. Petersburg (1880-1917)
Werner Troesken, Nicola Tynan, Yuanxiaoyue Artemis Yang, What are the health benefits of a constant water supply? Evidence from London, 1860-1910
Kate Ekama, Johan Fourie, Hans Heese, Lisa-Cheree Martin, When Cape slavery ended: Introducing a new slave emancipation dataset
Yao Chen, Nuno Palma, Felix Ward, Reconstruction of the Spanish money supply, 1492-1810

v. 80, 2021, 2

Surveys and Speculations
William J. Collins, The Great Migration of Black Americans from the US South: A guide and interpretation
Andriana Bellou, Emanuela Cardia, The Great Depression and the rise of female employment: A new hypothesis
Anna Grodecka-Messi, Seán Kenny, Anders Ögren, Predictors of bank distress: The 1907 crisis in Sweden
Joseph Price, Kasey Buckles, Jacob Van Leeuwen, Isaac Riley, Combining family history and machine learning to link historical records: The Census Tree data set
Vincent Geloso, Jamie Bologna Pavlik, The Cuban revolution and infant mortality: A synthetic control approach

v. 79, 2021, 1

Vellore Arthi, John Parman, Disease, downturns, and wellbeing: Economic history and the long-run impacts of COVID-19

Seán Kenny, Jason Lennard, John D. Turner, The macroeconomic effects of banking crises: Evidence from the United Kingdom, 1750-1938
Jonathan Rose, Short-term residential mortgage contracts in American economic history
Max Breitenlechner, Gabriel P. Mathy, Johann Scharler, Decomposing the U.S. Great Depression: How important were loan supply shocks?
Adrien Montalbo, Schools without a law: Primary education in France from the Revolution to the Guizot Law

Jan Annaert, Gertjan Verdickt, Go active or stay passive: Investment trust, financial innovation and diversification in Belgium’s early days