The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought DATINI

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

bimestrale, fino al 2009 trimestrale
ISSN: 0967-2567
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll.: RIV STR0699
Consistenza: a. 1, 1993, 1-
Lacune: a. 2, 1995, 3
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1993 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 27, 2020, 6

André Lapidus, Jean-Sébastien Lenfant, Goulven Rubin, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Introduction, p. 815

Ghislain Deleplace, Orthodox versus unorthodox views on Ricardo’s theory of money, p. 819
Sofia Valeonti, Simon Newcomb’s monetary theory: a reappraisal, p. 837
Anthony De Grandi, Christian Tutin, Marx and the « Minsky moment » liquidity crises and reproduction crises in Das Kapital, p. 853
Emmanuel Carre, Sandrine Leloup, Threadneedle street meets Lombard street: Bagehot and central bankers in the aftermath of the great recession, p. 881
Robert W. Dimand, Harald Hagemann, Jacob Marschak and the Cowles approaches to the theory of money and assets, p. 901
Pierrick Clerc, Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes after fifty years, p. 919
Jean-Bernard Chatelain, Kirsten Ralf, How macroeconomists lost control of stabilization policy: towards dark ages, p. 938
Richard van den Berg, Daniel Russell, Turgot’s calculations on the effects of indirect taxation, p. 983
Pedro N. Teixeira, Loose ends? Discussing human capital and the economic value of education in the first half of the twentieth century1, p. 1011

v. 27, 2020, 5

Patricia Faraldo-Cabana, On the political economy of fines. Rusche and Kirchheimer’s Punishment and Social Structure revisited, p. 661
Joseph T. Salerno, Carmen Elena Dorobat, Karl-Friedrich Israel, Two views on neutral money: Wieser and Hayek versus Menger and Mises, p. 682
Thomas Michael Mueller, Against the orthodox: Walras and Laveleye’s reluctant alliance, p. 712
Nicolas Brisset, Raphaël Fèvre, The « community of labour » in troubled times (1926-1944): François Perroux’s irrational foundations of economic expertise, p. 735
Christophe Depoortère, Arnold Heertje, Lord William Wyndham Grenville’s manuscript notes on the first edition of David Ricardo’s Principles, p. 762

v. 27, 2020, 4

Sylvie Rivot, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Macroeconomic statics and dynamics in a historical perspective, p. 471

John Berdell, José M. Menudo, Richard Cantillon’s stabilizing market dynamics, p. 476
Bruna Ingrao, Claudio Sardoni, Images of competition and their impact on modern macroeconomics*, p. 500
Sylvie Rivot, Keynes’ treatment of dynamics and stability in a monetary economy: the role played by expectations from the Tract on Monetary Reform to the General Theory, p. 523
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Looking for the rationale of the instability principle in Harrod’s Essay in dynamic theory: who is adjusting what?, p. 549
Robert W. Dimand, Macroeconomic dynamics at the Cowles Commission from the 1930s to the 1950s, p. 564
Michaël Assous, Vincent Carret, (In) stability at the Cowles Commission (1939-1948), p. 582
Mauro Boianovsky, Paul Samuelson’s ways to macroeconomic dynamics, p. 606
Antonella Rancan, From dynamics to stabilisation: Albert Ando and Franco Modigliani’s contributions to the theory of economic growth and fluctuations (1959-1970) 1, p. 635

v. 27, 2020, 3


Michel Bellet, Introduction to ‘Economists and Saint-Simonism’, p. 361

Gilles Jacoud, Jean-Pierre Potier, Auguste and Léon Walras and Saint-Simonianism*, p. 368
Thierry Demals, Alexandra Hyard, Pareto and Saint-Simonianism. The history of a criticism, p. 388
Ludovic Frobert, Industrialism in the mirror: Edward S. Mason, reader of the Saint-Simonians, p. 410
Michel Bellet, Adrien Lutz, Piero Sraffa’s St. Simonian temptations. An examination of the Sraffa Papers, p. 428

v. 27, 2020, 2

Francesco Sergi, The Standard Narrative about DSGE Models in Central Banks’ Technical Reports, p. 163
Tony Aspromourgos, Rationalising the supply-and-demand cross, 1838-1890, p. 194
John B. Davis, Robert McMaster, A road not taken? A brief history of care in economic thought, p. 209
Tobias Henschen, Marx on alienation and employee capital participation, p. 230
Alexandre Chirat, A reappraisal of Galbraith’s challenge to Consumer Sovereignty: preferences, welfare and the non-neutrality thesis*, p. 248
Paolo Santori, Donum, exchange and common good in Aquinas: the dawn of civil economy, p. 276
François Allisson, Federico D’Onofrio, Danila E. Raskov, Leonid D. Shirokorad, Marxism before Marxism: Nikolaj Sieber and the birth of Russian social-democracy, p. 298

v. 27, 2020, 1

Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Richard Sturn, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Editors’ note, p. 1

James R. Wible, C. S. Peirce’s theory of abductive expectations, p. 2
Michael McLure, A critical note on the new english title for Walras Éléments, p. 45
Nikola Regent, Guicciardini and economic (in)equality, p. 49
Ferdinando Meacci, The distinction between relative and positive profit: Sir James Steuart after Adam Smith and the Classics, p. 66
Rémy Guichardaz, The controversy over intellectual property in nineteenth-century France: a comparative analysis between Proudhon and Walras, p. 86
Marek Hudik, The Marshallian demand curve revisited, p. 108
Lucy Brillant, Pierre-Hernan Rojas, Central banking under the gold standard: Rist versus Hawtrey on the policy of the bank of France from 1928 to 1931, p. 131

v. 26, 2019, 6


Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Estrella Trincado, Introduction to the special issue devoted to the 2018 ESHET conference at Madrid, p. 1081

André Lapidus, Bringing them alive, p. 1084
Richard van den Berg, Circular reasoning. Forbonnais and the intricate history of circular flow analysis in the 1750s, p. 1107
Stefano Fiori, Nature and labour: theoretical approaches and metaphors of wealth before Adam Smith, p. 1153
Jimena Hurtado, Adam Smith and Alexis de Tocqueville on the division of labour*, p. 1187

Virginie Gouverneur, John Stuart Mill on wage inequalities between men and women, p. 1212

Philippe Steiner, Altruism, sociology and the history of economic thought, p. 1252
Léon Guillot, Widening Wicksell’s conception of political economy: his « thoroughly revolutionary programme », p. 1275
Johannes Schmidt, Balance Mechanics and Business Cycles, p. 1310
Quentin Couix, Natural resources in the theory of production: the Georgescu-Roegen/Daly versus Solow/Stiglitz controversy, p. 1341

v. 26, 2019, 5

Milan Zafirovski, The dark side of capitalism – in orthodox economics?, p. 827
N. Emrah Aydinonat, Emin Köksal, Explanatory value in context: the curious case of Hotelling’s location model, p. 879
Agnès Festré, Hayek on expectations: the interplay between two complex systems, p. 911
Stefan Kolev, The puzzles of a triumvir: Friedrich von Wieser as political economist and sociologist, p. 942
Adrien Lutz, Antoinette Baujard, Is there a link between Saint-Simonian ability and the capability approach to social justice?, p. 1027
Roger E. Backhouse, Béatrice Cherrier, Paul Samuelson, gender bias and discrimination, p. 1053

v. 26, 2019, 4


Muriel Dal Pont Legrand & On the behalf of the EJHET Managing Editors, Editorial, p. 653

Claude Diebolt, Harald Hagemann, Mixing history of economic thought with cliometrics: room for debates on economic growth, p. 654

Markus Lampe, Paul Sharp, Accounting for the wealth of Denmark: a case study of Smithian growth using the emergence of modern accounting in Danish dairying, p. 659
Jean-Daniel Boyer, Magali Jaoul-Grammare, Sylvie Rivot, The debate over grain in the 1750s. A cliometric point of view, p. 698
Michael Haupert, A brief history of cliometrics and the evolving view of the industrial revolution, p. 738
Claude Diebolt, Charlotte Le Chapelain, Audrey-Rose Menard, Learning outside the factory: a cliometric reappraisal on the impact of technological change on human capital accumulation, p. 775

v. 26, 2019, 3

Joseph Persky, Kirsten Madden, The economic content of G.D.H. Cole’s guild socialism: behavioral assumptions, institutional structure, and analytical arguments, p. 427
Luiz Felipe Bruzzi Curi, Adolph Wagner’s economic thought in Brazil: money and public finance in the turn of the 20th century, p. 464
Elodie Bertrand, Much ado about nothing? The controversy over the validity of the Coase theorem, p. 502
Giuseppe Freni, Neri Salvadori, Ricardo on machinery: an analysis of Ricardo’s examples, p. 537
Enrico Petracca, The rejection of Andrew G. Pikler from postwar American economics, p. 554
Pierre-Hernan Rojas, The structural asymmetry of the international gold standard in Hawtrey’s works, p. 587
Marc-Arthur Diaye, André Lapidus, Decision and time from a Humean point of view, p. 622

v. 26, 2019, 2

Pierrick Clerc, Brunner and Leijonhufvud: friends or foes?, p. 231
John B. Davis, Specialization, fragmentation, and pluralism in economics, p. 271
Marion Dieudonné, Thorstein Veblen’s 1904 contributions to q and insider/outsider analysis, p. 294
Fabio Masini, Tracing neoliberalism in Italy: intellectual and political connections, p. 327
Marion Gaspard, Antoine Missemer, An inquiry into the Ramsey-Hotelling connection, p. 352
Roberto Baranzini, Raphaël Fèvre, Walras as an ordoliberal?, p. 380

Book Review, p. 414

v. 26, 2019, 1

Luigino Bruni, The rent disease: Achille Loria’s criticism to the capitalistic society, p. 1
Ryu Susato, How Rousseau read Hume’s Political Discourses: hints of unexpected agreement in their views of money and luxury, p. 23
Giuseppe Mastromatteo, Financial capital and banks in Hilferding and Sraffa: lessons for today, p. 51
Miguel D. Ramirez, Marx and Ricardo on machinery: a critical note, p. 81
Åsbjørn Melkevik, Starve all the lawyers: four theories of the just price, p. 101-
Agnar Sandmo, A fundamental externality in the labour market? Ragnar Frisch on the socially optimal amount of work, p. 129
Laurie Bréban, André Lapidus, Adam Smith on lotteries: an interpretation and formal restatement, p. 157

Book Review, p. 198

v. 25, 2018, 6


Hans-Michael Trautwein, Guido Erreygers, Introduction, p. 1201

Erik S. Reinert, Fernanda A. Reinert, 33 Economic Bestsellers published before 1750, p. 1206

Robert W. Dimand, Adam Smith on Portuguese wine and English cloth, p. 1264

Carlos Eduardo Suprinyak, Thiago Dumont Oliveira, Economists, social scientists, and the reconstruction of the world order in interwar Britain, p. 1282
Carlo Cristiano, Paolo Paesani, Monetary policy and price stability in British post-war debate: restatement of evidence from economists’ papers presented to the Radcliffe Committee, p. 1311
Angela Ambrosino, Stefano Fiori, Ideologies and beliefs in Douglass North’s theory, p. 1342
Esther-Mirjam Sent, Rationality and bounded rationality: you can’t have one without the other, p. 1370
Carlo Zappia, Rationality under uncertainty: classic and current criticisms of the Bayesian viewpoint, p. 1387
Guilhem Lecouteux, Bayesian game theorists and non-Bayesian players, p. 1420
Nicolas Vallois, Dorian Jullien, A history of statistical methods in experimental economics, p. 1455
Christian Gehrke, Joel Mokyr’s A Culture of Growth: a book roundtable, p. 1493

Obituary , p. 1537

v. 25, 2018, 5


Gilbert Faccarello, Heinz D. Kurz, ‘Marx at 200’: introductory remarks, p. 665

Herbert De Vriese, Not a man of solid principles. The relevance of Edgar Bauer’s polemical portrait of Karl Marx in his 1843 novella Es leben feste Grundsätze!, p. 679
Zacharias Zoubir, « Alienation » and critique in Marx’s manuscripts of 1857-58 (« Grundrisse »), p. 710
David Andrews, Error or absurdity? A non-cognitive approach to commodity fetishism, p. 738
Regina Roth, Concepts in examining the legacy of Karl Marx, p. 756
Heinz D. Kurz, Will the MEGA2 edition be a watershed in interpreting Marx?, p. 783
Izumi Omura, Re-examining the authorship of the Feuerbach chapter in The German Ideology on the basis of a hypothesis of dictation, p. 808
Nicolas Eyguesier, Marx, primitive accumulation, and the impact of Sismondi, p. 833
Christian Gehrke, Marx’s reproduction schemes and multi-sector growth models, p. 859

Kenji Mori, New aspects of Marx’s economic theory in MEGA: Marx’s original six-sector model, p. 893-

Kenji Mori, The Books of Crisis and tooke-Newmarch excerpts: a new aspect of Marx’s crisis theory in MEGA, p. 912
Susumu Takenaga, Marx on rent: new insights from the new MEGA, p. 926

Saverio M. Fratini, Is Marx’s absolute rent due to a monopoly price?, p. 961

Carlo Benetti, Alain Béraud, Edith Klimovsky, Antoine Rebeyrol, Use values and exchange values in Marx’s extended reproduction schemes, p. 986
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Matari Pierre Manigat, James Steuart and the making of Karl Marx’s monetary thought, p. 1022
Wilfried Parys, Labour values and energy values: some developments on the common substance of value since 1867, p. 1052
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Ragip Ege, The employment contract with externalised costs: the avatars of Marxian exploitation, p. 1081
Michaël Assous, Antonin Pottier, Marx and Kalecki on aggregate instability and class struggle, p. 1094
Michael V. White, Searching for New Jerusalems: P.H. Wicksteed’s « Jevonian » critique of Marx’s Capital, p. 1113
Michel Bellet, The reception of Marx in France: La Revue Socialiste (1885-1914), p. 1154

v. 25, 2018, 4


Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, On behalf of the EJHET Managing Editors, p. 523

Francesca Dal Degan, Antonio Genovesi and Italian economic thought: when ethics matters in economics, p. 524
Pier Luigi Porta, From Economia Civile to Kameralwissenschaften. The line of descent from Genovesi to Beccaria in pre-Smithian Europe, p. 531

Francesca Dal Degan, Beyond virtues and vices: Antonio Genovesi’s and Adam Smith’s « science of relationships », p. 562

Adrian Pabst, Political economy of virtue: civil economy, happiness and public trust in the thought of Antonio Genovesi, p. 582
Cosimo Perrotta, Evolution and development, categories of Genovesi’s economics, p. 605
Pascal Bridel, On the origin of money, or Menger’s one-sided reading of Genovesi’s Lezioni, p. 627
Luigino Bruni, Paolo Santori, The plural roots of rewards: awards and incentives in Aquinas and Genovesi, p. 637

v. 25, 2018, 3

Beate Sauer, Friedrich L. Sell, Lost in translation – a revival of Wolfgang Stützel’s Balances Mechanics, p. 401
Philippe Légé, History, utility and liberty: John Stuart Mill’s critical examination of Auguste Comte, p. 428
Luca Fiorito, Massimiliano Vatiero, Positional goods and social welfare: a note on George Pendleton Watkins’ neglected contribution, p. 460
Michele Bee, Wealth and sensibility. The historical outcome of better living conditions for all according to Adam Smith, p. 473

v. 25, 2018, 2

Taro Hisamatsu, Robert Torrens and the Ricardian model of dynamic equilibrium growth, p. 203
Constantinos Repapis, F. A. Hayek vs. J. M. Keynes in Shackle’s marginal gloss, p. 227
Romain Plassard, The origins, development, and fate of Clower’s « stock-flow » general-equilibrium programme, p. 263
Roberto Romani, On science and reform: the parable of the new economics, 1960s-1970s, p. 295
Maria Bach, What laws determine progress? An Indian contribution to the idea of progress based on Mahadev Govind Ranade’s works, 1870-1901, p. 327
Samuel Demeulemeester, The 100% money proposal and its implications for banking: the Currie-Fisher approach versus the Chicago Plan approach, p. 357
Jochen Schumann, Heinrich von Storch’s innovative contributions to economics, p. 388

v. 25, 2018, 1

Leanne J. Ussher, Armin Haas, Klaus Töpfer, Carlo C. Jaeger, Keynes and the international monetary system: Time for a tabular standard?, p. 1
Jean-Sébastien Lenfant, Probabilising the consumer: Georgescu-Roegen, Marschak and Quandt on the modelling of the consumer in the 1950s, p. 36
Ludovic Ragni, Applying mathematics to economics according to Cournot and Walras, p. 73
Pedro Teixeira, Conquering or mapping? Textbooks and the dissemination of human capital theory in applied economics, p. 106
Katia Caldari, Alfred Marshall and François Perroux: the neglected liaison, p. 134

v. 24, 2017, 6

José Luís Cardoso, Nathalie Sigot, Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Introduction, p. 1131

Hans-Michael Trautwein, The last generalists, p. 1134
Richard van den Berg, ‘A judicious and industrious compiler’: Mapping Postlethwayt’s Dictionary of Commerce, p. 1167
Claire Pignol, Benoît Walraevens, Smith and Rousseau on envy in commercial societies, p. 1214
Ecem Okan, How did it all begin? Adam Smith on the early and rude state of society and the age of hunters, p. 1247
Catherine Herfeld, Between mathematical formalism, normative choice rules, and the behavioural sciences: The emergence of rational choice theories in the late 1940s and early 1950s, p. 1277
Ivan Moscati, Expected utility theory and experimental utility measurement, 1950-1985. From confidence to scepticism, p. 1318
Cléo Chassonnery-Zaïgouche, Lauren Larrouy, « From warfare to welfare »: Contextualising Arrow and Schelling’s models of racial inequalities (1968-1972), p. 1355
Romain Plassard, Disequilibrium as the origin, originality, and challenges of Clower’s microfoundations of monetary theory, p. 1388
Lilia Costabile, Gerald Epstein, An activist revival in central banking? Lessons from the history of economic thought and central bank practice, p. 1416

v. 24, 2017, 5

Betsy Jane Clary, Keynes, the socialisation of trade, and international monetary institutions, p. 979
Clara Elisabetta Mattei, Article Austerity and repressive politics: Italian economists in the early years of the fascist government, p. 998
Jean-Guy Prévost, Stefano Spalletti, Stefano Perri, Methodology, theory and inquiry in Italian economic and social thought: The making of Francesco Coletti, p. 1027
Sylvie Rivot, Economic policy as expectations management: Keynes’ and Friedman’s complementary approaches, p. 1053
Chris Grocott, Friedrich Hayek’s fleeting foray into 1940s colonial development, p. 1085

v. 24, 2017, 4


Gilbert Faccarello, Sæculum, p. 625

Richard Sturn, Agency, exchange, and power in scholastic thought, p. 640
Ragip Ege, The concept of « lawfulness » in economic matters. Reading Ibn Rushd (Averroes), p. 670
Caroline Bauer, The necessity to work, according to John Calvin’s duty of stewardship, p. 689
Arnaud Orain, Maxime Menuet, Liberal Jansenists and interest-bearing loans in eighteenth-century France: a reappraisal, p. 708
Thomas Ruellou, Defending free trade after physiocracy: On Dugald Stewart’s architectonic of passions, reason and Providence, p. 742
Sergio Cremaschi, Theological themes in Ricardo’s papers and correspondence, p. 784
Pierre Musso, Religion and political economy in Saint-Simon, p. 809
Gilbert Faccarello, A dance teacher for paralysed people? Charles de Coux and the dream of a Christian political economy, p. 828
Philippe Steiner, Religion and the sociological critique of political economy: Altruism and gift, p. 876
Keith Tribe, Henry Sidgwick, moral order, and utilitarianism, p. 907
Daniela Donnini Macciò, Pigou on philosophy and religion, p. 931
David Andrews, Keynes and Christian socialism: Religion and the economic problem, p. 958

v. 24, 2017, 3

Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay, A genealogy of the concept of merit wants, p. 409
Thomas Michael Mueller, Can you put free will into an equation? The debate on determinism and mathematics at the end of the nineteenth century, p. 441
Pedro Nuno Teixeira, Economic beliefs and institutional politics: Human capital theory and the changing views of the World Bank about education (1950-1985), p. 465
Antoine Missemer, Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen and degrowth, p. 493
Neri Salvadori, Rodolfo Signorino, From endogenous growth to stationary state: The world economy in the mathematical formulation of the Ricardian system, p. 507
Deniz T. Kilinçoglu, Islamic Economics in the Late Ottoman Empire: Menâpirzâde Nuri Bey’s Mebâhis-i Ilm-i Servet, p. 528
D. Wade Hands, The road to rationalisation: A history of « Where the Empirical Lives » (or has lived) in consumer choice theory, p. 555

v. 24, 2017, 2

Peter J. Boettke, Alain Marciano, The distance between Buchanan’s « An Economic Theory of Clubs » and Tiebout’s « A Pure Theory of Local Public Expenditures ». New insights based on an unpublished manuscript, p. 205
Till Düppe, How modern economics learned French: Jacques Drèze and the foundation of CORE, p. 238
Rogério Arthmar, Michael McLure, Pigou, Del Vecchio, and Sraffa: the 1955 International « Antonio Feltrinelli » Prize for the Economic and Social Sciences, p. 274
Nathalie Berta, On the definition of externality as a missing market, p. 287
Joseph Persky, Producer co-operatives in nineteenth-century British economic thought, p. 319
Abdallah Zouache, Race, competition, and institutional change in J.R. Commons, p. 341
Óscar Dejuán, Hidden links in the warranted rate of growth: the supermultiplier way out, p. 369

v. 24, 2017, 1

Gabriel Sabbagh, An unrecorded Physiocratic précis by Charles Richard de Butré and the experiment of Karl Friedrich of Baden-Durlach in Dietlingen, p. 1
Claudia Sunna, Manuela Mosca, Heterogenesis of ends: Herbert Spencer and the Italian economists, p. 25
Gilles Jacoud, Why is money important in Jean-Baptiste Say’s analysis?, p. 58
Christophe Depoortère, Say’s involvement in the 1819 French edition of Ricardo’s Principles and the issue of rent, p. 80
Craig Allan Medlen, Veblen’s Discounted Expected Earnings Streams: Monopoly and Make-Believe, p. 119
Antonella Rancan, The wage-employment relationship in Modigliani’s 1944 article, p. 143

v. 23, 2016, 6

A Selection of Papers Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought in Rome, May 2015

José Luís Cardoso, Antonella Stirati & Hans-Michael Trautwein, Introduction, p. 867

Anders Ögren, A neglected contribution to monetary theory in the eighteenth century: anders Wappengren on paper money, floating exchange rates, and purchasing power parity, p. 870
Anthony Howe, State versus market in the early historiography of the industrial revolution in Britain c.1890-1914, p. 897
Janette Rutterford, Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Financial diversification before modern portfolio theory: UK financial advice documents in the late nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century, p. 919
Roger E. Backhouse, Mauro Boianovsky, Secular stagnation: the history of a macroeconomic heresy, p. 946
Wilfried Parys, The interaction between Leontief and Sraffa: No meeting, no citation, no attention?, p. 971
Sylvie Rivot, Patinkin as a reader of Keynes’ General theory: Are wage cuts a good remedy to unemployment?, p. 1001
Ariel Dvoskin, Saverio M. Fratini, On the Samuelson-Etula Master Function and the capital controversy, p. 1032

v. 23, 2016, 5

Maria N. Ivanova, Hayek, Mach, and the re-ordering of mind, p. 693
Marlies Schütz, Andreas Rainer, J.A. Schumpeter and T.B. Veblen on economic evolution: the dichotomy between statics and dynamics, p. 718
Manisha Chakrabarty, Werner Hildenbrand, How should Engel’s law be formulated?, p. 743
Reinhard Schumacher, Adam Smith and the « rich country-poor country » debate: eighteenth-century views on economic progress and international trade, p. 764
Carlos Bastien, Readings and translations of Karl Marx in Portugal (1852-1914), p. 794
Christian Ydesen, The Hayek-Sraffa controversy in 1932 – a philosophy of science perspective, p. 814
Carlo Zappia, Whither Keynesian probability? Impolite techniques for decision-making, p. 835

v. 23, 2016, 4

Ragip Ege, Herrade Igersheim, Charlotte Le Chapelain, Transcendental vs. comparative approaches to justice: a reappraisal of Sen’s dichotomy, p. 521
Rodolfo Signorino, How to pay for the war in times of imperfect commitment: Adam Smith and David Ricardo on the sinking fund, p. 544
Verena Halsmayer, Kevin D. Hoover, Solow’s Harrod: Transforming macroeconomic dynamics into a model of long-run growth, p. 561
Craig SmithAll in the best possible taste: Adam Smith and the leaders of fashion, p. 597
Alexander Douglas, Contrived desires, affluence, and welfare: J.K. Galbraith’s Pigovian redistribution argument reconsidered, p. 611
Serhat Kologlugil, Thorstein Veblen’s Darwinian framework and gene-culture coevolution theory, p. 641

v. 23, 2016, 3

John Pullen, Malthus on causality, p. 349
Philippe Gillig, Marx’s critique of « eternal » political economy: how Mill is alien to Marx’s attacks, p. 378
Lilia Costabile, The value and security of money. Metallic and fiduciary media in Ferdinando Galiani’sDella moneta, p. 400
D.W. Hands, The individual and the market: Paul Samuelson on (homothetic) Santa Claus economics, p. 425
Guy Numa, The monetary economics of Jules Dupuit, p. 453
Niels Geiger, « Psychological » elements in business cycle theories: old approaches and new insights, p. 478

v. 23, 2016, 2

Matteo Menegatti, On some ‘Austrian’ misreadings of Cantillon’s notions of intrinsic value and market price, p. 173
Ariel Dvoskin, An unpleasant dilemma for contemporary general equilibrium theory, p. 198
Katia Caldari, Tamotsu Nishizawa, Progress beyond growth: Some insights from Marshall’s final book, p. 226
Elise S. Brezis, Warren Young, Population and economic growth: Ancient and modern, p. 246
Attilio Trezzini, Early contributions to the economics of consumption as a social phenomenon, p. 272
Svetoslav Danchev, Was Bentham a primitive rational choice theory predecessor?, p. 297

v. 23, 2016, 1

Theofanis Papageorgiou, Panayotis G. Michaelides, Joseph Schumpeter and Thorstein Veblen on technological determinism, individualism and institutions, p. 1
Antonio Magliulo, Hayek and the Great Depression of 1929: Did he really change his mind?, p. 31
Mário Graça Moura, António Almodovar, Political economy and the ‘modern view’ as reflected in the history of economic thought, p. 59
Joan O’Connell, On Keynes on inflation and unemployment, p. 82
Guang-Zhen Sun, The economics of the division of labour in early Chinese literature: With particular comparison to the ancient Greek thought, p. 102
Sergio Parrinello, Causality and normal states in economics and other disciplines, p. 127

v. 22, 2015, 6

Special Issue: A Selection of Papers Presented at the Annual Conference of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought in Lausanne, May 2014

Roberto Baranzini, Annalisa Rosselli, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Introduction, p. 931

José Luís Cardoso, Liberalism and enlightened political economy, p. 934
Michalis Psalidopoulos, Nicholas J. Theocarakis, Disparaging liberal economics in nineteenth-century Greece: The case of « The economist’s duck », p. 949
Francis Clavé, Comparative study of Lippmann’s and Hayek’s liberalisms (or neo-liberalisms), p. 978
Arash Molavi Vasséi, Recursive utility, increasing impatience and capital deepening: F.A. Hayek’s ‘utility analysis and interest’, p. 1000
Robert Sugden, Consumers’ surplus when individuals lack integrated preferences: A development of some ideas from Dupuit, p. 1042
Victor Bianchini, Interpersonal comparisons and individual welfare: back to James Mill, p. 1064
Alain Marciano, Rustam Romaniuc, Accident costs, resource allocation and individual rationality: Blum, Kalven and Calabresi, p. 1084
Anna M. Carabelli, Mario A. Cedrini, On « fear of goods » in Keynes’s thought, p. 1115
Olav Bjerkholt, How it all began: the first Econometric Society meeting, Lausanne, September 1931, p. 1149

v. 22, 2015, 5

Special Issue: Special Issue on Ricardo

Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Gilbert Faccarello, Editorial, p. 753

Gilbert Faccarello, A calm investigation into Mr Ricardo’s principles of international trade, p. 754
Christian Gehrke, Ricardo’s discovery of comparative advantage revisited: a critique of Ruffin’s account, p. 791
Heinz D. Kurz, David Ricardo: on the art of « elucidating economic principles » in the face of a « labyrinth of difficulties », p. 818
Victor Bianchini, From the laws of human nature to capital accumulation: James Mill’s analysis of the states of society in the Elements of Political Economy, p. 852
Shin Kubo, Political economy at mid-nineteenth-century Cambridge: reform, free trade, and the figure of Ricardo, p. 872
Naveen Kanalu, Krishna Bharadwaj’s « Return to Classical Theory »: an attempt towards an archaeological reconstruction, p. 896

Book reviews, p. 15

v. 22, 2015, 4

Mark Donoghue, The scope and significance of William Thomas Thornton’s literary works, p. 569
Sylvie Rivot, Rule-based frameworks in historical perspective: Keynes’ and Friedman’s monetary policies versus contemporary policy-rules, p. 601
Germán D. Feldman, A Sraffian interpretation of classical monetary controversies, p. 634
Rudi Verburg, Bernard Mandeville’s vision of the social utility of pride and greed, p. 662
Jean Dellemotte, Benoît Walraevens, Adam Smith on the subordination of wage-earners in the commercial society, p. 692

Book reviews, p. 728

v. 22, 2015, 3

Special Issue: Antiphysiocratic Perspectives in Eighteenth-century France

Arnaud Orain, On the difficulty of constituting an economic avant-garde in the French Enlightenment, p. 349

Loïc Charles, Christine Théré, Jeux de mots, narrative and economic writing: The rhetoric of anti-physiocracy in French economic periodicals (1764-1769), p. 359
Arnaud Orain, Figures of mockery. The cultural disqualification of physiocracy (1760-1790), p. 383
Florence Magnot-Ogilvy, A body without a voice: A literary approach to Linguet’s opposition to the physiocrats over the free trade in grain, p. 420
Thierry Demals, Alexandra Hyard, Forbonnais, the two balances and the Économistes, p. 445
Théophile Pénigaud, The political, p. 473
Pierre Henri Goutte, Gérard Klotz, Turgot: a critic of physiocracy? An analysis of the debates in Éphémérides du Citoyen and in correspondence with Dupont, p. 500
Alain Clément, Nicolas Baudeau, an anti-physiocrat? Éphémérides du citoyen prior to « conversion » (1765-1766), p. 534

v. 22, 2015, 2

Daniela Donnini Macciò, G.E. Moore’s philosophy and Cambridge economics: Ralph Hawtrey on ethics and methodology, p. 163
Muriel Gilardone, Rawls’s influence and counter-influence on Sen: Post-welfarism and impartiality, p. 198
Ying-Fang Kao, K. Vela Velupillai, Behavioural economics: Classical and modern, p. 236
Nikolay Nenov Nenovsky, Ivan Kinkel’s (1883-1945) theory of economic development, p. 272
Renaud Fillieule, A comprehensive graphical exposition of the macroeconomic theory of Böhm-Bawerk, p. 300

Book reviews, p. 322

v. 22, 2015, 1

David Laidler, Three revolutions in macroeconomics: their nature and influence, p. 1
Michael V. White, A peculiar archaeology: Searching for Mr Giffen’s behaviour, p. 26
Claire Silvant, The question of inheritance in mid-nineteenth century French liberal thought, p. 51
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Hilferding on derivatives, p. 77
Richard K. Blundel, Beyond strategy: A critical review of Penrose’s ‘single argument’ and its implications for economic development, p. 97

Book reviews, p. 123

v. 21, 2014, 6


Annalisa Rosselli, Richard van den Berg, Introduction, p. 947

Oleg Ananyin, « Quorum pars magna fui »: On the Cantillon-Marx connection, p. 950
Margaret Schabas, « Let your science be human »: David Hume and the honourable merchant, p. 977
Wilfried Parys, Why didn’t Charasoff and Remak use Perron-Frobenius mathematics?, p. 991
Fabio Masini, A history of the theories on Optimum Currency Areas, p. 1015
Carlo Cristiano, Nerio Naldi, Keynes’s activity on the cotton market and the theory of the ‘normal backwardation’: 1921-1929, p. 1039
Anna M. Carabelli, Mario A. Cedrini, Keynes’s General Theory, Treatise on Money and Tract on Monetary Reform: different theories, same methodological approach?, p. 1060
Lucy Brillant, A reconsideration of the role of forward-market arbitrage in Keynes’ and Hicks’ theories of the term structure of interest rates, p. 1085
Luca Fantacci, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Eleonora Sanfilippo, A note on the notions of risk-premium and liquidity-premium in Hicks’s and Keynes’s analyses of the term structure of interest rates, p. 1102

v. 21, 2014, 5


Pascal Bridel, Muriel Dal Pont Legrand, Introduction, p. 755

Axel Leijonhufvud, Economics of the crisis and the crisis of economics, p. 760
Richard Arena, On the importance of institutions and forms of organisation in Piero Sraffa’s economics: the case of business cycles, money, and economic policy, p. 775
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Mr Keynes, the Classics and the new Keynesians: A suggested formalisation, p. 801
Hans-Michael Trautwein, Three macroeconomic syntheses of vintage 1937: Hicks, Haberler, and Lundberg, p. 839
Michaël Assous, Roberto Lampa, Lange’s 1938 model: dynamics and the « optimum propensity to consume », p. 871
Alain Raybaut, Toward a non-linear theory of economic fluctuations: Allais’s contribution to endogenous business cycle theory in the 1950s, p. 899
Pascal Bridel, The « Treasury View »: An (un-)expected return?, p. 920

v. 21, 2014, 4

Richard van den Berg, Turgot’s Valeurs et monnaies: our incomplete knowledge of an incomplete manuscript, p. 549
Alain Clément, Liberal economic discourse on colonial practices and the rejection of the British Empire (1750-1815), p. 583
Jesús Astigarraga, Juan Zabalza, Public Finance in Spain in the early twentieth century, p. 605
Martin Kragh, The ‘Wigforss Connection’: the Stockholm School vs. Keynes debate revisited, p. 635
Michael E. Bradley, Manuela Mosca, Enrico Barone’s ‘Ministry of Production’: Content and Context, p. 664
José M. Edwards, Consumer power and market control: Exploring consumer behaviour in affluent contexts (1946-1980), p. 699
Michel De Vroey, Backhouse and Boianovsky on » disequilibrium theory ». A review article of transforming modern macroeconomics. Exploring disequilibrium microfoundations, 1956-2003, p. 724
Roger E. Backhouse, Mauro Boianovsky, Response to De Vroey, p. 743

v. 21, 2014, 3

Laurie Bréban, Smith on happiness: towards a gravitational theory, p. 359
Ferdinando Meacci, From bounties on exportation to the natural and market price of labour: Smith versus Ricardo, p. 392
Erdem Ozgur, Hamdi Genc, Sarantis Archigenes (Serandi Arsizen), Pellegrino Rossi and the spread of the classical approach in the Ottoman Empire, p. 421
Jocelyn Poirel, Beveridge’s analysis of unemployment in 1909: the reserve of labour, p. 448
Olivier Bruno, Muriel Dal-Pont Legrand, The instability principle revisited: an essay in Harrodian dynamics, p. 467
Marco Dardi, Neither Lausanne nor Cambridge: Pantaleoni and the missing boundary between economics and sociology, p. 485

Obituary, p. 520
Book reviews, p. 526

v. 21, 2014, 2

Dotan Leshem, The ancient art of economics, p. 201
Anastassios D. Karayiannis, Ioannis A. Katselidis, Wages and work effort in English economic thought, 1670-1770, p. 230
Estrella Trincado, Manuel Santos-Redondo, Bentham and Owen on entrepreneurship and social reform, p. 252
Maurizio Pugno, Scitovsky’s The Joyless Economy and the economics of happiness, p. 278
Renata Bianconi, Alexandre Minda, Multinational firms, peripheral industrialisation and the recovery of national decision centres: the contribution of Celso Furtado, p. 304

Book reviews, p. 342

v. 21, 2014, 1

José Luís Cardoso, Gilbert Faccarello, Heinz D. Kurz, Antoin E. Murphy, Editorial, p. 1

Fabio Monsalve, Scholastic just price versus current market price: is it merely a matter of labelling?, p. 4
Tony Aspromourgos, Entrepreneurship, risk and income distribution in Adam Smith, p. 21
Stephen Meardon, Negotiating free trade in fact and theory: the diplomacy and doctrine of Condy Raguet, p. 41
Javier San-Julián-Arrupe, The institutionalisation of political economy in Italy and Spain (1860-1900): a comparative approach, p. 78
Alla Semenova, Carl Menger’s theory of money’s origins: Responding to revisionism, p. 107
Saverio M. Fratini, The Hicks Malinvaud average period of production and ‘marginal productivity’: A critical assessment, p. 142

Book Reviews, p. 158

v. 20, 2013, 6

Gilbert Faccarello, Harald Hagemann, Danila Raskov, Amos Witztum, Editors’ note, p. 863

Annalisa Rosselli, Economic history and history of economics: In praise of an old relationship, p. 865
Julie Ferrand, Mably and the liberalisation of the grain trade: An economically and socially inefficient policy, p. 882
Ivan Moscati, How cardinal utility entered economic analysis: 1909-1944, p. 906
Simon John Cook, Race and nation in Marshall’s histories, p. 940
Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Come back Marshall, all is forgiven? Complexity, evolution, mathematics and Marshallian exceptionalism, p. 957
Ghislain Deleplace, Marshall and Ricardo on note convertibility and bimetallism, p. 982
Cécile Dangel-Hagnauer, Schumpeter’s institution of money: Slipping off the border of economic theory and landing in economic sociology, p. 1000
Omar Ottonelli, Dealing with a dangerous golem: Gino Arias’s corporative proposal, p. 1032
Anna Maria Carabelli, Mario Aldo Cedrini, Further issues on the Keynes-Hume connection relating to the theory of financial markets in the General Theory, p. 1071
Denis V. Kadochnikov, Gustav Cassel’s purchasing power parity doctrine in the context of his views on international economic policy coordination, p. 1101
Ivo Maes, On the origins of the Triffin dilemma, p. 1122

v. 20, 2013, 5

Romuald Dupuy, The physiocrats’ concept of labour: A difficulty in Marx’s interpretation, p. 695
Sylvie Diatkine, Monetary policy on interest rates: a retrospective analysis since Thornton, p. 715
Virginie Gouverneur, Mill versus Jevons on traditional sexual division of labour: Is gender equality efficient?, p. 741
Roberto Marchionatti, Francesco Cassata, Giandomenica Becchio, Fiorenzo Mornati, When Italian economics « Was Second to None ». Luigi Einaudi and the Turin School of Economics, p. 776
Robert Urquhart, Taking the modern for nature: methodological individualism as an interesting mistake, p. 812

Book reviews, p. 845

v. 20, 2013, 4

Jérôme de Boyer des Roches, Bank liquidity risk: From John Law (1705) to Walter Bagehot (1873), p. 547
Amos Witztum, Jeffrey T. Young, Utilitarianism and the role of utility in Adam Smith, p. 572
Fiona Tregenna, The specificity of manufacturing in Marx’s economic thought, p. 603
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Ragip Ege, General equilibrium as competitive equilibrium: The significance of Walras’ achievement from a Cournotian viewpoint, p. 625
Phillip Deen, John Atkinson Hobson and the roots of John Dewey’s economic thought, p. 646

Obituary, p. 666
Book reviews, p. 672

v. 20, 2013, 3

Klaus Hofmann, Beyond the principle of population: Malthus’s Essay, p. 399
Guy Numa, On the origins of vertical unbundling: The case of the French transportation industry in the nineteenth century, p. 426
Antonella Stirati, Sraffa’s 1930 manuscripts on the representative firm and Marshall’s theory of value and business profit, p. 439
Amedeo Fossati, Vilfredo Pareto’s influence on the Italian tradition in public finance: A critical assessment of Mauro Fasiani’s appraisal, p. 466
Erik K. Olsen, The comparability of the aggregates revisited, p. 489

Book reviews, p. 513

v. 20, 2013, 2


Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Jérôme de Boyer des Roches, Irving Fisher’s restatement of the quantity theory, p. 167
David Laidler, Professor Fisher and the quantity theory – a significant encounter, p. 174
Mauro Boianovsky, Fisher and Wicksell on money: A reconstructed conversation, p. 206
Sylvie Diatkine, The reception of Fisher’s Purchasing Power of Money in England, p. 238
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Jérôme de Boyer des Roches, Origins and developments of Irving Fisher’s compensated dollar plan, p. 261
Robert W. Dimand, David Hume and Irving Fisher on the quantity theory of money in the long run and the short run, p. 284
Michael Assous, Irving Fisher’s debt deflation analysis: From the Purchasing Power of Money (1911) to the Debt-deflation Theory of the Great Depression (1933), p. 305
Harald Hagemann, The impact of Fisher’s Purchasing Power of Money in the German Language Area, p. 323
Alain Béraud, French economists and the purchasing power of money, p. 349
Florencia Sember, The reception of Irving Fisher in Argentina: Alejandro Bunge and Raúl Prebisch, p. 372

v. 20, 2013, 1

Ghislain Deleplace, Christophe Depoortère, Nicolas Rieucau, An unpublished letter of David Ricardo on the double standard of money, p. 1
Geoffrey Poitras, Richard Price, miracles and the origins of Bayesian decision theory, p. 29
Mauro Boianovsky, Humboldt and the economists on natural resources, institutions and underdevelopment (1752 to 1859), p. 58-
Andrés Álvarez, Vincent Bignon, L. Walras and C. Menger: two ways on the path of modern monetary theory, p. 89
Lowell Jacobsen, On Robinson, Penrose, and the resource-based view, p. 125

Book Reviews, p. 148

v. 19, 2012, 6


Fikret Adaman, Ragip Ege, Gilbert Faccarello, Amos Witztum, Editors’ Note,851
Rodolphe Dos Santos Ferreira, Two views of competition: « Is it peace or war? », p. 852
Richard van den Berg, ‘Something wonderful and incomprehensible in their oeconomy’: The English versions of Richard Cantillon’s Essay on the Nature of Trade in General, p. 868
Gilles Campagnolo, Christel Vivel, Before Schumpeter: forerunners of the theory of the entrepreneur in 1900s German political economy – Werner Sombart, Friedrich von Wieser, p. 908
Ragip Ege, Harald Hagemann, The modernisation of the Turkish University after 1933: The contributions of refugees from Nazism, p. 944
Johannes A. Schwarzer, A.W. Phillips and his curve: Stabilisation policies, inflation expectations and the ‘menu of choice’, p. 976

v. 19, 2012, 5

Assistant Professor Hsiao Ping Peng, Professor Ming Chung Chang, The foundations of Chinese attitudes towards advocating luxury spending, p. 691
Angel Alonso-Cortes, Francisco Cabrillo, From merchants to speakers: The common origins of trade and language, p. 709
Ghislain Deleplace, Professor Nathalie Sigot, Ricardo’s critique of Bentham’s French manuscript: Secure currency versus secure banks, p. 733
Michel De Vroey, Marshall and Walras: Incompatible bedfellows?, p. 765
Craig Medlen, A historiographical exhumation of J.A. Hobson’s Over-Saving Thesis: General theory versus historiography, p. 785
Floris Heukelom, Three explanations for the Kahneman-Tversky Programme of the 1970s, p. 797
Luca Fiorito, American institutionalism at Chicago: A documentary note, p. 829

v. 19, 2012, 4

Nesrine Bentemessek, Public credit and liquidity in James Steuart’s Principles, p. 501
Claire Pignol, Rousseau’s notion of envy: A comparison with modern economic theory, p. 529
Laurie Breban, Sensitivity to prosperity and adversity: What would a Smithian function of happiness look like?, p. 551
Francesco Forte, Roberto Marchionatti, Luigi Einaudi’s economics of liberalism, p. 587
Roxana Bobulescu, The making of a Schumpeterian economist: Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, p. 625
Leonid D. Shirokorad, Joachim Zweynert, Izrail G. Blyumin – the fate of a Soviet historian of economic thought under Stalin, p. 653

v. 19, 2012, 3

Gilbert Faccarello, Philippe Steiner, ‘Philosophie economique’ and money in France, 1750-1776: the stakes of a transformation, p. 325
Marc-Arthur Diaye, Andre Lapidus, Pleasure and belief in Hume’s Decision Process, p. 355
Jean-Louis Peaucelle, Rhetoric and logic in Smith’s Description of the Division of Labor, p. 385
A M. C Waterman, Adam Smith and Malthus on high wages, p. 409
Professor Franck Jovanovic, Bachelier: Not the forgotten forerunner he has been depicted as. An analysis of the dissemination of Louis Bachelier’s work in economics, p. 431
Luca Fantacci, Maria Cristina Marcuzzo, Annalisa Rosselli, Eleonora Sanfilippo, Speculation and buffer stocks: The legacy of Keynes and Kahn, p. 453

Obituary, p. 475

v. 19, 2012, 2

Maria Pia Paganelli, Economies in transition and in development: A possible warning from Adam Smith, p. 149
Simon Hupfel, The Spitalfields Acts and the classics: Ricardo, J.S. Mill, Bowring, and Senior on the London silk industry (1823 to 1841), p. 165
Antonio Almodovar, Pedro Teixeira, ‘Catholic in its faith, Catholic in its manner of conceiving science’: French Catholic political economy in the 1830s, p. 197-225
Kenichi Yamamoto, Susumu Egashira, Marshall’s organic growth theory, p. 227
Fabio Masini, The reception of Lionel Robbins in Italy, p. 249
Paul Oslington, Jacob Viner on Adam Smith: Development and reception of a theological reading, p. 287

Obituary, p. 303

v. 19, 2012, 1

Lisa Hill, Adam Smith on thumos and irrational economic ‘man’, p. 1
Dalibor Rohac, Knight, Habermas and Rawls on freedom, personhood and constitutional choice, p. 23
Antonio Garcia-Lizana, Salvador Perez-Moreno, Consumption and income distribution: a proposal for a new reading of Keynes’ thinking, p. 45
Jan-Otmar Hesse, The ‘Americanisation’ of West German economics after the Second World War: Success, failure, or something completely different?, p. 67
Tiziano Raffaelli, On Marshall’s presumed idealism: A note on The Intellectual Foundations of Alfred Marshall’s Economic Science. A Rounded Globe of Knowledge by Simon Cook, p. 99
Simon J. Cook, On Marshall’s idealism, p. 109

Obituary, p. 115

v. 18, 2011, 5

in collaboration with the European Society for the History of Economic Thought

Harro Maas, Tiago Mata, John B. Davis, Introduction: The history of economics as a history of practice, p. 635
Harald Hagemann, European émigrés and the ‘Americanization’ of economics, p. 643
Pedro Nuno Teixeira, A reluctant founding father: Placing Jacob Mincer in the history of (labor) economics, p. 673
H. Furuya, Working the peripheral into the picture: The case of Thomas Hepburn in eighteenth-century Orkney, p. 697
Katia Caldari, Fabio Masini, Pigouvian versus Marshallian tax: market failure, public intervention and the problem of externalities, p. 715
Mario Pomini, The Great Depression and the corporatist shift of Italian economists, p. 733
Kyu Sang Lee, Three ways of linking laboratory endeavours to the realm of policies, p. 755
Nicola Giocoli, When low is no good: Predatory pricing and U.S. antitrust law (1950-1980), p. 777

v. 18, 2011, 4

Seiichiro Ito, The making of institutional credit in England, 1600 to 1688, p. 487
Pier Luigi Porta, Lombard Enlightenment and Classical Political Economy, p. 521
Rainer Klump, Manuel Wörsdörfer, On the affiliation of phenomenology and ordoliberalism: Links between Edmund Husserl, Rudolf and Walter Eucken, p. 551
Hansjoerg Klausinger, Hayek’s Geldtheoretische Untersuchungen: New insights from a 1925-29 typescript, p. 579
Antonio Guccione, Will the true Francesco Ferrara please stand up?, p. 601
Stefano Perri, The ‘true’ Francesco Ferrara on exchange and income distribution, p. 609

Book reviews, p. 617

v. 18, 2011, 3

Arnaud Orain, ‘Preferring that which you desire less’: A Condillacian approach to choice under uncertainty, p. 321
Philippe Steiner, The creator, human conduct and the maximisation of utility in Gossen’s economic theory, p. 353
Nahid Aslanbeigui, Guy Oakes, Richard Kahn’s fellowship dissertation: The fate of ‘The Economics of the Short Period’, p. 381
John Maloney, Straightening the Phillips curve, 1968-1976, p. 407
Stavros A. Drakopoulos, The neglect of comparison income: An historical perspective, p. 441

Book reviews, p. 465

v. 18, 2011, 2

Jérôme de Boyer des Roches, Ricardo Solis Rosales, R.G. Hawtrey on the national and international lender of last resort, p. 175
Norikazu Takami, Pigou on business cycles and unemployment: an anti-gold-standard view, p. 203
Ana Maria Bianchi, Visiting-economists through Hirschman’s eyes, p. 217
Mats Lundahl, The Janus face of Eli Heckscher: theory, history and method, p. 243
Alessandro Lanteri, Anna Carabelli, Beauty contested: how much of Keynes’ remains in behavioural economics’ beauty contests?, p. 269

v. 18, 2011, 1

Panayotis Michaelides, Ourania Kardasi, John Milios, Democritus’s economic ideas in the context of classical political economy, p. 1
Gregory C. G. Moore, The Anglo-Irish context for William Edward Hearn’s economic beliefs and the ultimate failure of his Plutology, p. 19
Sebastiano Nerozzi, From the Great Depression to Bretton Woods: Jacob Viner and international monetary stabilization (1930-1945), p. 55
Lennart Erixon, A social innovation or a product of its time? The Rehn-Meidner model’s relation to contemporary economics and the Stockholm school, p. 85
Peter Rodenburg, The remarkable transformation of the UV curve in economic theory, p. 125

Book reviews, p. 155