Journal of Social History DATINI

The Journal of Social History

Pittsburgh, Carnegie-Mellon University
ISSN: 0022-4529

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0537
Consistenza: v. 14, 1980/81-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981]

copertina della rivista

v. 34, 2000, 2

Anna Clark, The New Poor Law and the Breadwinner Wage Contrasting Assumptions, p. 261
Elaine Frantz Parsons, Risky Business: The Uncertain Boundaries of Manhood in the Midwestern Saloon, p. 283
Scott C. Martin, Violence, Gender, and Intemperance in Early National Connecticut, p. 309
Anthony Crubaugh, Local Justice and Rural Society in the French Revolution, p. 327
Mark Bevir, Republicanism, Socialism, and Democracy in Brirain: The Origins of the Radical Left, p. 351
Nelleke Bakker, The Meaning of Fear, Emotional Standards for Children in the Netherlands 1850-1950: Was there a Western Transformation?, p. 369
Susan Burch, Transcending Revolutions: The Tsars, The Soviets and Deaf Culture, p. 393
Albert J Schmidt, Review Essay, p. 437

Reviews, p. 443
Article Abstracts, p. 507

v. 34, 2000, 1

Jan Plamper, The Russian Orthodox Episcopate, 1721-1917: A Prosopography, p. 5
David L. Hoffmann, Mothers in the Morherland: Stalinist Pronatalism in Its Pan-European Context, p. 35
Dorothee Sturkenboom, Historicizing the Gender of Emotions Changing Perceptions in Dutch Enlightenment Thought, p. 55
Bruce Dorsey, A Gendered History of African Colonization in the Antebellum United States, p. 77
Greta De Jong, « With the Aid of God and the F.S.A »: The Louisiana Farmers’ Union and the African American Freedom Struggle in the New Deal Era, p. 105
Marian J. Morton, Institutionalizing Inequalities: Black Children and Child Welfare in Cleveland, 1859-1998, p. 141
Tanya Kevorkian, The Rise of the Poor, Weak, and Wicked: Poor Care, Punishment Religion, and Patriarchy in Leipzig, 1700-1730, p. 163

Reviews, p. 183
Article Abstracts, p. 253

v. 33, 2000, 4

James E. Cronin, Convergence by Conviction Politics and Economics in the Emergence of the ‘Anglo-American Model’, p. 781
Lisa M. Fine, Rights of Men, Rites of Passage Hunting and Masculinity at Reo Morors of Lansing, Michigan, 1945-1975, p. 805
James C. Albisetti, Portia Ante Portas: Women and the Legal Profession in Europe, Ca. 1870-1925, p. 825
Lisa Z. Sigel, Fifth in the Wrong People’s Hands Postcards and the Expansion of Pornography in Britain and the Atlantic World, 1880-1914, p. 859
Donald Ramos, Gossip, Scandal and Popular Culture in Golden Age Brazil, p. 887
Michael Pammer, Death and the Transfer of Wealth: Bequest Patterns and Cultural Change in the Eighteenth Century, p. 913
Zsuzsa Berend, « The Best of None! » Spinsterhood in Nineteenth-Century New England, p. 935

Review Essay, p. 959
Reviews, p. 965
Article Abstracts, p. 1031
Index., p. 1035

v. 33, 2000, 3

David M. Robinson, Banditry and the Subversion of State Authority in China: The Capital Region During the Middle Ming Period (1450-1525), p. 527
Megan Barke, Rebecca Fribush, Peter N. Stearns, Nervous Breakdown in 2Oth-Century American Culture, p. 565
Mike J. Huggins, More Sinful Pleasures? Leisure, Respectability and the Male Middle Classes in Victorian England, p. 585
Kathryn v. Edwards, Female Sociability, Physicality, and Authority in an Early Modern Haunting, p. 601
Manon Van Der Heijden, Women as Victims of Sexual and Domestic Violence in Seventeenth-Century Holland: Criminal Cases of Rape, Incest, and Maltreatment in Rotterdam and Delft, p. 623
Elizabeth v. Lehfeldt, Convents as Litigants: Dowry and Inheritance Disputes in Early-Modern Spain, p. 645
Leah Leneman, « No Unsuitable Match »: Defining Rank in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century Scotland, p. 665

Reviews, p. 683
Article Abstracts, p. 769

v. 33, 1999, 2

Janet Golden, « An Argument that Goes Back to the Womb »: The Demedicalization of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, 1973-1992, p. 269
Jessica Warner, Frank Ivis, « Damn You, You Informing Bitch ». « Vox Populi » and the Unmaking of the Gin Act of 1736, p. 299
Pablo Piccato, Politics and the Technology of Honor: Dueling in Turn-of-the-Century Mexico, p. 331
Jill Fields, ‘Fighting the Corsetless Evil’: Shaping Corsets and Culture, 1900-1930, p. 355
Jessica Kross, Mansions, Men, Women, and the Creation of Multiple Publics in Eighteenth-Century British North America, p. 385
Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn, How to Behave Sensitively: Prescriptions for Interracial Conduct from the 1960s to the 1990s, p. 409
Andrew Wiese, Black Housing, White Finance: African American Housing and Nome Ownership in Evanston, Illinois, before 1940, p. 429

Reviews, p. 461
Article Abstracts, p. 517

v. 33, 1999, 1

Hanchao Lu, Becoming Urban: Mendicancy and Vagrants in Modern Shanghai, p. 7
Greg Bankoff, Devils, Familiars and Spaniards: Spheres of Power and the Supernatural in the World of Seberina Candelaria and her Village in Early 19th Century Philippines, p. 37
Carolyn Conley, The Agreeable Recreation of Fighting, p. 57
Martha Mabie Gardner, Working on White Womanhood: White Working Women in the San Francisco Anti-Chinese Movement, 1877-1890, p. 73
Jacqueline H. Wolf, « Mercenary Hirelings » or « A Great Blessing »?: Doctors’ and Mothers’ Conflicted Perceptions of Wet Nurses and the Ramifications for Infant Feeding in Chicago, 1871-1961, p. 97
Clay Gish, Rescuing the ‘Waifs and Strays’ of the City: The Western Emigration Program of the Children’s Aid Society, p. 121
Claude S. Fischer, Comment on « Anxiety »: Compensation in Social History, p. 143

Andrew Hunt, « When Did the Sixties Happen ». Searching For New Directions, p. 147
Michael E. Lomax, The African American Experience in Professional Football, p. 163

Reviews, p. 179
Article Abstracts, p. 261

v. 32, 1999, 4

Elizabeth Pleck, The Making of the Domestic Occasion: The History of Thanksgiving in the United States, p. 773
Russell L. Johnson, The Civil War Generation: Military Service and Mobility in Dubuque, Iowa, 1860-1870, p. 791
Timothy B. Smith, Assistance and Repression: Rural Exodus, Vagabondage and Social Crisis in France, 1880-1914, p. 821
Peter M. Beattie, Conscription Versus Penal Servitude: Army Reform’s Influence on the Brazilian State’s Management of Social Control, 1870-1930, p. 847
Hal Langfur, Myths of Pacification: Brazilian Frontier Settlement and the Subjugation of the Bororo Indians, p. 879
L. Mara Dodge, « One Female Prisoner is of More Trouble than Twenty Males »: Women Convicts in Illinois Prisons, 1835-1896, p. 907

Joseph Amato, Realms of Memory: The Construction of the French Past, Vol. 2, p. 931
Constance E. Putnam, The Greatest Benefit to Mankind: A Medical History of Humanity from Antiquity to the Present, p. 935

Reviews, p. 941
Article Abstracts, p. 1011

v. 32, 1999, 3

Alan Hunt, Anxiety and Social Explanation: Some Anxieties about Anxiety, p. 509
Jessamyn Neuhaus, The Way to a Man’s Heart: Gender Roles, Domestic Ideology, and Cook-books in the 1950s, p. 529
James Clyde Sellman, Social Movements and the Symbolism of Public Demonstrations: The 1874 Women’s Crusade and German Resistance in Richmond, Indiana, p. 557
David I. Kertzer, Syphilis, Foundlings, and Wetnurses in Nineteenth-Century Italy, p. 589
Robert Wegs, Youth Delinquency & « Crime »: The Perception and the Reality, p. 603
Lynn MacKay, Why They Stole: Women in the Old Bailey, 1779-1789, p. 623
Erik Beekink, Frans Van Poppel, Aart C. Liefbroer, Surviving the Loss of the Parent in a Nineteenth-Century Dutch Provincial town, p. 641

E. Anthony Rotundo, Endangered Children: Dependence, Neglect, and Abuse in American History. By LeRoy Ashby, Growing Pains: Children in the Industrial Age, 1850-1890. By Priscilla Ferguson Clement, p. 671
Daniel v. Cohen, Kidnapped Culture, p. 677

Reviews, p. 689
Article Abstracts, p. 759

v. 32, 1998, 2

Jason Scott Smith, The Strange History of the Decade: Modernity, Nostalgia, and the Perils of Periodization, p. 263
Jeffrey Merrick, Commissioner Foucault, Inspector Noël, and the « Pederasts » of Paris, 1780-3, p. 287
Bruce Curtis, Administrative Infrastructure and Social Enquiry: Finding the Facts about Agriculture in Quebec, 1853-4, p. 309
Mieko Nishida, From Ethnicity to Race and Gender: Transformations of Black Lay Sodalities in Salvador, Brazil, p. 329
Andrew Davies, Youth Gangs, Masculinity and Violence in Late Victorian Manchester and Salford, p. 349
Keith Allen, Sharing Scarcity: Bread Rationing and the First World War in Berlin, 1914-1923, p. 371

David F. Crew, Gender, Media and Consumerism in Germany, 1920s-1950s, p. 395
Mark Elvin, Technology and Gender: Fabrics of Power in Late Imperia1 Chinv. By Francesca Bray, p. 403

Reviews, p. 411
Article Abstracts, p. 497

v. 32, 1998, 1

Timothy Kelly, Joseph Kelly, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Gender Roles, and the Decline of Devotional Catholicism, p. 5
Joseph Spillane, The Making of an Underground Market: Drug Selling in Chicago, 1900-1940, p. 27
Clifton Crais, Of Men, Magic, and the Law: Popular Justice and the Political Imagination in South Africa, p. 49
M. Langley Biegert, Legacy of Resistance: Uncovering the History of Collective Action by Black Agricultural Workers in Central East Arkansas from the 1860s to the 1930s, p. 73
Linda Reeder, Women in the Classroom: Mass Migration, Literacy and the Nationalization of Sicilian Women at the Turn of the Century, p. 101
Daniel H. Kaiser, The Poor and Disabled in Early Eighteenth-Century Russian towns, p. 125
Peter Shapely, Charity, Status and Leadership: Charitable Image and the Manchester Man, p. 157
Thomas S. Wermuth, New York Farmers and the Market Revolution: Economic Behavior in the Mid-Hudson Valley, 1780-1830, p. 179

Frederick Marquardt, « Schaffe, Schaffe, Häusie Baue »: Hans Medick, the Swabians, and Modernity, p. 197

Reviews, p. 207
Article Abstracts, p. 497

v. 31, 1998, 4

Mark v. Swiencicki, Consuming Brotherhood: Men’s Culture, Style and Recreation as Consumer Culture, 1880-1930, p. 773
Mara L. Keire, Dope Fiends and Degenerates: The Gendering of Addiction in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 809
Michael C. Hickey, Revolution on the Jewish Street: Smolensk, 1917, p. 823
Julie Kay Mueller, Staffing Newspapers and Training Journalists in Early Soviet Russia, p. 851
Catharine Anne Wilson, Tenancy as a Family Strategy in Mid-Nineteenth Century Ontario, p. 875
Ellen E. Kittell, Guardianship Over Women in Medieval Flanders: A Reappraisal, p. 897

Doug Munro, Indenture, Deportation, Survival: Recent Books on Australian South Sea Islanders, p. 931

Reviews, p. 949
Article Abstracts, p. 1009

v. 31, 1998, 3

David H. Onkst, « First a Negro … Incidentally a Veteran »: Black World War Two Veterans and the G.I. Bill of Rights in the Deep South, 1944-1948, p. 517
Simone M. Caron, Birth Control and the Black Community in the 1960s: Genocide or Power Politics?, p. 545
Robert Mark Silverman, The Effects of Racism and Racial Discrimination on Minority Business Development: The Case of Black Manufacturers in Chicago’s Ethnic Beauty Aids Industry, p. 571
Marc C. McLeod, Undesirable Aliens: Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism in the Comparison of Haitian and British West Indian Immigrant Workers in Cuba, 1912-1939, p. 599
Stana Nenadic, The Social Shaping of Business Behaviour in the Nineteenth-Century Women’s Garment Trades, p. 625
Richard J. Soderlund, « Intended as a Terror to the Idle and Profligate »: Embezzlement and the Origins of Policing in the Yorkshire Worsted Industry, c. 1750-1777, p. 647
Steven M. Bealtdoin, « Without Belonging to Public Service »: Charities, the State, and Civil Society in Third Republic Bordeaux, 1870-1914, p. 671

Joseph v. McCartin, Industrial Unionism as Liberator or Leash? The Limits of « Rank-and-Filism » in American Labor Historiography, p. 701

Reviews, p. 711
Article Abstracts, p. 761

v. 31, 1997, 2

Jeffrey S. Adler, « My Mother-in-Law is to Blame, But I’ll Walk on Her Neck Yet »: Homicide in Late Nineteenth-Century Chicago, p. 253
Daniel v. Cohen, The Beautiful Female Murder Victim: Literary Genres and Courtship Practices in the Origins of a Cultural Motif, 1590-1850, p. 277
Janna Jones, The Distance from Home: The Domestication of Desire in Interior Design Manuals, p. 307
Todd v. Postol, Creating the American Newspaper Boy: Middle-Class Route Service and Juvenile Salesmanship in the Great Depression, p. 327
Helena Waddy, St. Anthony’s Bread: The Modernized Religious Culture of German Catholics in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 347
Joseph Melling, Richard Adair, Bill Forsythe, « A Proper Lunatic for Two Years »: Pauper Lunatic Children in Victorian and Edwardian England. Child Admissions to the Devon County Asylum, 1845-1914, p. 371
Kenneth H. Wheeler, Infanticide in Nineteenth-Century Ohio, p. 407
Richard J. Morris, Social Change, Republican Rhetoric, and the American Revolution: The Case of Salem, Massachusetts, p. 419

Reviews, p. 435

Peter N. Stearns, A Little Problem About Bookstores, p. 501

Article Abstracts, p. 503

v. 31, 1997, 1

Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, « Loveliest Daughter of our Ancient Cathay! »: Representations of Ethnic and Gender Identity in the Miss Chinatown U.S.v. Beauty Pageant, p. 5
Carol Lansing, Gender and Civic Authority: Sexual Control in a Medieval Italian town, p. 33
Kevin C. Robbins, Magical Emasculation, Popular Anticlericalism, and the Limits of the Reformation in Western France circa 1590, p. 61
Mary Kupiec Cayton, Who Were the Evangelicals?: Conservative and Liberal Identity in the Unitarian Controversy in Boston, 1804-1833, p. 85
Larry Goldsmith, History from the Inside Out: Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts, p. 109
Gilles Vandal, Property Offences, Social Tension and Racial Antagonism in Post-Civil War Rural Louisiana, p. 127
Wayne K. Durrill, New Schooling for a New South: A Community Study of Education and Social Change, 1875-1885, p. 155

James L. Wunsch, Big Book, Big City, p. 183

Reviews, p. 193
Article Abstracts, p. 241

v. 30, 1997, 4

Jesse Berrett, Feeding the Organization Man: Diet and Masculinity in Postwar America, p. 805
Beth Bailey, Prescribing the Pill: Politics, Culture, and the Sexual Revolution in America’s Heartland, p. 827
Craig Buettinger, Women and Antivivisection in Late Nineteenth-Century America, p. 857
James M. Brophy, Carnival and Citizenship: The Politics of Carnival Culture in the Prussian Rhineland, 1823-1848, p. 873
Lorna F. Hurl, David J. Tucker, The Michigan County Agents and the Development of Juvenile Probation, 1873-1900, p. 905
Susan L. Tananbaum, Philanthropy and Identity: Gender arid Ethnicity in London, p. 937
Louise Corti, Paul Thompson, Research/Resources Note: Latest News from the ESRC Qualitative Data Archival Resource Centre (QUALIDATA), p. 963

Michael Adas, Social Transformations: A Genera Theory of Historical Development, p. 967

Reviews, p. 971
Article Abstracts, p. 1017

v. 30, 1997, 3

Lisa Jacobson, Revitalizing the American Home: Children’s Leisure and the Revaluation of Play, 1920-1940, p. 581
Owen Davies, Urbanization and the Decline of Witchcraft: An Examination of London, p. 597
Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen, Ineke Maas, Social Mobility in a Dutch Province, Utrecht 1850-1940, p. 619
Michael O. West, Liquor and Libido: « Joint Drinking » and the Politics of Sexual Control in Colonial Zimbabwe, 1920s-1950s, p. 645
Patrick J. Ryan, Unnatural Selection: Intelligence Testing, Eugenics, and American Political Cultures, p. 669
Henriette Donner, Under the Cross-Why VA.D.s Performed the Filthiest Task in the Dirtiest War: Red Cross Women Volunteers, 1914-1918, p. 687
Robert E. Johnson, Family Life-Cycles and Economic Stratification: A Case-Study in Rural Russia, p. 705

Reviews, p. 733
Article Abstracts, p. 797

v. 30, 1996, 2

C. Dallett Hemphill, Middle Class Rising in Revolutionary America: The Evidence From Manners, p. 317
Peter N. Stearns, Perrin Rowland, Lori Giarnella, Children’s Sleep: Sketching Historical Change, p. 345
Daniel Scott Smith, « The Number and Quality of Children »: Education and Marital Fertility in Early Twentieth-Century Iowa, p. 367
Kimberley L. Phillips, « But it is a Fine Place to Make Money »: Migration and African-American Families in Cleveland, 1915-1929, p. 393
Maxine Berg, Women’s Consumption and the Industrial Classes of Eighteenth-Century England, p. 415
Thomas Miller Klubock, Working-Class Masculinity, Middle-Class Morality, and Labor Politics in the Chilean Copper Mines, p. 435
Leah Leneman, « Disregarding the Matrimonial Vows »: Divorce in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth-Century Scotland, p. 465
Lynne Taylor, Food Riots Revisited, p. 483

Randolph Trumbach, The Third Gender in Twentieth-Century America, p. 497
Gregory Hanlon, The Perils of Patriarchy, p. 503

Reviews, p. 521
Article Abstracts, p. 569

v. 30, 1996, 1

Jesus Cruz, An Ambivalent Revolution: The Public and the Private in the Construction of Liberal Spain, p. 5
Susan B. Whitney, Embracing the Status Quo: French Communists, Young Women and the Popular Front, p. 29
Richard Bodek, The Not-So-Golden Twenties: Everyday Life and Communist Agitprop in Weimar-Era Berlin, p. 55
Lynn Mally, Performing the New Woman: The Komsomolka as Actress and Image in Soviet Youth Theater, p. 79
Peter Konecny, Library Hooligans and Others: Law, Order, and Student Culture in Leningrad, 1924-38, p. 97
Jacquelyn C. Miller, An « Uncommon Tranquillity of Mind »: Emotional Self-Control and the Construction of a Middle-Class Identity in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia, p. 129
Daniel v. Cohen, Miss Reed and the Superiors: The Contradictions of Convent Life in Antebellum America, p. 149
Mary v. Procida, A Tale Begun in Other Days: British Travellers in Tibet in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 185
Richard Lindstrom, « Not From the Land Side, But From the Flag Side »: Native American Responses to the Wanamaker Expedition of 1913, p. 209

Richard Price, Languages of Revisionism: Historians and Popular Politics in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 229

Reviews, p. 253
Article Abstracts, p. 305

v. 29, 1996 (Supplement)


Peter N. Stearns, Introduction, p. 3

Peter N. Stearns, Uncivil War: Current American Conservatives and Social History, p. 7
Richard Jensen, The Culture Wars, 1965-1995: A Historian’s Map, p. 17
Gary B. Nash, The History Standards Controversy and Social History, p. 39
Jan Lewis, The Double-Consciousness of the Academic Historian, p. 51
Barry W Bienstock, Everything Old Is New Again: Social History, The National History Standards and the Crisis in the Teaching of High School American History, p. 59

Jürgen Kocka, What Is Leftist About Social History today?, p. 67
John K. Walton, The Lion and the Newt: A British View of American Conservatives’ Fear of Social History, p. 73
Joe W. Trotter, Reflections on the African American Experience, Social History, and the Resurgence of Conservatism in American Society, p. 85
Judith P. Zinsser, Real History, Real Education, Real Merit – or Why Is « Forrest Gump » so Popular?, p. 91
Roy Rosenzweig, The Best of Times, The Worst of Times, p. 99
George Reid Andrews, Social History and the Populist Moment: Contesting, the Political Terrain, p. 109
Louise v. Tilly, History as Exploration and Discovery, p. 115

v. 29, 1996, 4

Thomas Goebel, The Uneven Rewards of Professional Labor: Wealth and Income in the Chicago Professions, 1870-1920, p. 749
James Donnelly, Defining the Industrial Chemist in the United Kingdom, 1850-1921, p. 779
Joel v. Tarr, Mark Tebeau, Managing Danger in the Home Environment, 1900-1940, p. 797
John O. Burnham, Why Did the Infants and toddlers Die? Shifts in Americans’ Ideas of Responsibility for Accidents-From Blaming Mom to Engineering, p. 817
Stephen Lassonde, Learning and Earning: Schooling, Juvenile Employment, and the Early Life Course in Late Nineteenth-Century New Haven, p. 839
Allyson M. Poska, When Love Goes Wrong: Getting Out of Marriage in Seventeenth-Century Spain, p. 871
Christine Adams, A Choice Not to Wed? Unmarried Women in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 883
Laird W Bergad, Demographic Change in a Post-Export Boom Society: The Population of Minas Gerais, Brazil, 1776-1821, p. 895
Herbert S. Klein, Clotilde Andrade Paiva, Freedmen in a Slave Economy: Minas Gerais in 1831, p. 933
Ruth Wallis Herndon, Research Note: Literacy Among New England’s Transient Poor, 1750-1800, p. 963

Reviews, p. 967
Article Abstracts, p. 1033

v. 29, 1996, 3

Andrea Tone, Contraceptive Consumers: Gender and the Political Economy of Birth Control in the 1930s, p. 485
Peter Laipson, « Kiss Without Shame, For She Desires It »: Sexual Foreplay in American Marital Advice Literature, 1900-1925, p. 507
Susan Mumm, « Not Worse than Other Girls »: The Convent-Based Rehabilitation of Fallen Women in Victorian Britain, p. 527
Jeffrey Clayton Foster, The Rocky Road to a « Drug Free Tennessee »: A History of the Early Regulation of Cocaine and the Opiates, 1897- 1913, p. 547
Mark Voss-Hubbard, The Amesbury-Salisbury Strike and the Social Origins of Political Nativism in Antebellum Massachusetts, p. 565
Joyce M. Mastboom, By-Employment and Agriculture in the Eighteenth-Century Rural Netherlands: The Florijn/Slotboom Household, p. 591
Sandra Burman, Patricia Van Der Spuy, The Illegitimate and the Illegal in a South African City: The Effects of Apartheid on Births Out of Wedlock, p. 613
Hendrik Kraay, « The Shelter of the Uniform »: The Brazilian Army and Runaway Slaves, 1800-1888, p. 637
Paul Street, The Logic and Limits of « Plant Loyalty »: Black Workers, White Labor, and Corporate Racial Paternalism in Chicago’s Stockyards, 1916-1940, p. 659
Michael Nash, Research Note: Searching for Working-Class Philadelphia in the Records of the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society, p. 683

Reviews, p. 689
Article Abstracts, p. 739

v. 29, 1995, 2

Joanne L. Goodwin, ‘Employable Mothers’ and ‘Suitable Work’: A Re-evaluation of Welfare and Wage-earning for Women in the Twentieth-Century United States, p. 253
Palle Ove Christiansen, Culture and Contrasts in a Northern European Village: Lifestyles among Manorial Peasants in 18th-Century Denmark, p. 275
Sigurdur Gylfi Magnússon, From Children’s Point of View: Childhood in Nineteenth-Century Iceland, p. 295
Cas Wouters, Etiquette Books and Emotion Management in the 2Oth Century: Part Two- The Integration of the Sexes, p. 325
Louis Haas, Il Mio Buono Compare: Choosing Godparents and the Uses of Baptismal Kinship in Renaissance Florence, p. 341
Monique Stavenuiter, A Cracked Mirror. Images and Self-Images of Elderly Men and Women in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century, p. 357
Robert Von Friedeburg, Social and Geographical Mobility in the Old World and New World Communities: Earls Come, Ipswich and Springfield, 1636-1685, p. 375

Reviews, p. 401
Article Abstracts, p. 473

v. 29, 1995, 1

Anne T. Quartararo, The Perils of Assimilation in Modern France: The Deaf Community, Social Status, and Educational Opportunity, 1815-1870, p. 5
Curt Garner, Public Service Personnel in West Germany in the 1950s: Controversial Policy Decisions and Their Effects on Social Composition, Gender Structure, and the Role of Former Nazis, p. 25
Samuel J. Watson, Flexible Gender Roles During the Market Revolution: Family, Friendship, Marriage, and Masculinity Among U.S. Army Officers, 1815-1846, p. 81
Cas Wouters, Etiquette Books and Emotion Management in the 2Oth Century: Part One- The Integration of Social Classes, p. 107
Kenneth Moss, St. Partrick’s Day Celebrations and the Formation of Irish-American Identity, 1845-1875, p. 125
John T. Cumbler, Whatever Happened to Industrial Waste?: Reform, Compromise, and Science in Nineteenth Century Southern New England, p. 149

Reviews, p. 173
Article Abstracts, p. 241

v. 28, 1995, 4

Daniel v. Cohen, Homicidal Compulsion and the Conditions of Freedom: The Social and Psychological Origins of Familicide in America’s Early Republic, p. 725
Christine Ruane, Clothes Shopping in Imperial Russia: The Development of a Consumer Culture, p. 765
Lawrence M. Lipin, Burying the « Destroyer of One Happy Home »: Manhood, Industrial Authority, and Political Alliance Building in the Murder Trial of Ira Strunk, p. 783
Carolyn v. Conley, No Pedestals: Women and Violence in Late Nineteenth-Century Ireland, p. 801
Edgar-Andre Montigny, « Foisted Upon the Government »: Institutions and the Impact of Public Policy Upon the Aged. The Elderly Patients of Rockwood Asylum, 1866-1906, p. 819
Avi Chomsky, Afro-Jamaican Traditions and Labor Organizing on United Fruit Company Plantations in Costa Rica, 1910, p. 837
Sally Scully, Marriage or a Career?: Witchcraft as an Alternative in Seventeenth-Century Venice, p. 857

James C. Albisetti, Secondary Schools and Social Structure in 19th Century Germany, p. 877
Michael Richards, How to Succeed in Revolution Without Really Trying, p. 883

Reviews, p. 889
Article Abstracts, p. 941

v. 28, 1995, 3

Anne-Marie Sohn, The Golden Age of Male Adultery: The Third Republic, p. 469
Jeremy Krikler, Social Neurosis and Hysterical Pre-Cognition in South Africa: A Case-Study and Reflections, p. 491
David Monod, Culture Without Class: Canada’s Retailers and the Problem of Group Identification 1890-1940, p. 521
Martin Bruegel, « Time That Can Be Relied Upon ». The Evolution of Time Consciousness in the Mid-Hudson Valley, 1790-1860, p. 547
Gerda W. Ray, From Cossack to Trooper: Manliness, Police Reform, and the State, p. 565
Matthew Hilton, « Tabs », « Fags » and the « Boy Labour Problem » in Late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, p. 587
Doug Munro, The Labor Trade in Melanesians to Queensland: An Historiographic Essay, p. 609

Malia B. Formes, Beyond Complicity Versus Resistance: Recent Work on Gender and European Imperialism, p. 629
James L. Wunsch, The Suburban Cliché, p. 643

Reviews, p. 659
Article Abstracts, p. 715

v. 28, 1994, 2

Marylynn Salmon, The Cultural Significance of Breastfeeding and Infant Care in Early Modern England and America, p. 247
C. Dallett Hemphill, Age Relations and the Social Order in Early New England: The Evidence From Manners, p. 271
John C. Spurlock, Cynthia v. Magistro, « Dreams Never to Be Realized »: Emotional Culture and the Phenomenology of Emotion, p. 295
Timothy Kelly, Suburbanization and the Decline of Catholic Public Ritual in Pittsburgh, p. 311
Stephen H. Norwood, The Student as Strikebreaker: College Youth and the Crisis of Masculinity in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 331
Richard Oestreicher, The Counted and the Uncounted: The Occupational Structure of Early American Cities, p. 351

George Reid Andrews, Afro-Latin America: The Late 1900s, p. 363

Reviews, p. 381
Article Abstracts, p. 456

v. 28, 1994, 1

David L. Gollaher, From Ritual to Science: The Medical Transformation of Circumcision in America, p. 5
Jeanne Maddox toungara, Inventing the African Family: Gender and Family Law Reform in Cote D’Ivoire, p. 37
Trevor Burnard, A Failed Settler Society: Marriage and Demographic Failure in Early Jamaica, p. 63
Daniel Scott Smith, Female Householding in Late Eighteenth-Century America and the Problem of Poverty, p. 83
Anne McKernan, War, Gender, and Industrial Innovation: Recruiting Women Weavers in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland, p. 109
Marti Lamar, « Choosing » Partible Inheritance: Chilean Merchant Families, 1795-1825, p. 125

Glenn C. Altschuler, Science, The State and Higher Education in America, p. 147
Stanley Coben, Ordinary White Protestants: The KKK of the 1920s, p. 155

Reviews, p. 167
Article Abstracts, p. 233

v. 27, 1994, 4

Rudolph Binion, Fiction as Social Fantasy: Europes’s Domestic Crisis of 1879-1914, p. 679
Pieter Spierenburg, Faces of Violence: Homicide Trends and Cultural Meanings: Amsterdam, 1431- 1816, p. 701
Robert v. Wells, Taming the « King of Terrors »: Ritual and Death in Schenectady, New York, 1844-1860, p. 717
Andor Skotnes, « Buy Where You Can Work »: Boycotting for Jobs in African-American Baltimore, 1933-1934, p. 735
Sandra M. O’Donnell, The Care of Dependent African-American Children in Chicago: The Struggle Between Black Self-Help and Professionalism, p. 763
Leslie Ann Schuster, Workers and Community: The Case of the Peat-Cutters and the Shipbuilding Industry in Saint-Nazaire, 1881-1910, p. 777
Patricia E. Prestwich, Family Strategies and Medical Power: ‘Voluntary’ Committal in a Parisian Asylum, 1876-1914, p. 799

Reviews, p. 819
Article Abstracts, p. 899

v. 27, 1994, 3

Claude S. Fischer, Changes in Leisure Activities, 1890-1940, p. 453
James P. Brennan, Monica B. Gordillo, Working Class Protest, Popular Revolt, and Urban Insurrection in Argentina: The 1969 « Cordobazo », p. 477
Joan Meznar, Orphans and the Transition from Slave to Free Labor in Northeast Brazil: The Case of Campina Grande, 1850-1888, p. 499
Karl E. Westhauser, Friendship and Family in Early Modern England: The Sociability of Adam Eyre and Samuel Pepys, p. 517
Adrienne D. Hood, The Gender Division of Labor in the Production of Textiles in Eighteenth-Century, Rural Pennsylvania (Rethinking the New England Model), p. 537
Mary Neth, Gender and the Family Labor System: Defining Work in the Rural Midwest, p. 563
Tom L. Franzmann, Antislavery and Political Economy in the Early Victorian House of Commons: A Research Note on « Capitalist Hegemony », p. 579

James R. Lehning, Bringing in Culture, p. 595

Reviews, p. 601
Article Abstracts, p. 663

v. 27, 1993, 2

Robin Pearson, Knowing One’s Place: Perceptions of Community in the Industrial Suburbs of Leeds, 1790-1890, p. 221
Eric Van Young, Agrarian Rebellion and Defense of Community: Meaning and Collective Violence in Late Colonial and Independence-Era Mexico, p. 245
John Theibault, The Rhetoric of Death and Destruction in the Thirty Years War, p. 271
Beth Abelson MacLeod, « Whence Comes the Lady Tympanist? » Gender and Instrumental Musicians in America, 1853-1990, p. 291
Bronwyn Dalley, Following the Rules? Women’s Responses to Incarceration, New Zealand, 1880-1920, p. 309
Steven W. Pope, Negotiating the « Folk Highway » of the Nation: Sport, Public Culture and American Identity, 1870-1940, p. 327
Gisli Ágúst Gunnlaugsson, « Everyone’s Been Good to Me, Especially the Dogs »: Foster-Children and Young Paupers in Nineteenth-Century Southern Iceland, p. 341
Gerald F. Reid, The Seeds of Prosperity and Discord: The Politica1 Economy of Community Polarization in Greenfield, Massachusetts, 1770-1820, p. 359

Joseph Amato, Guy Thuillier: « Paris Will Save Nothing », p. 375

Reviews, p. 381
Article Abstracts, p. 441

v. 27, 1993, 1

David Gerber, Anger and Affability: The Rise and Representation of a Repertory of Self-Presentation Skills in a World War II Disabled Veteran, p. 5
Donna Harsch, Public Continuity and Private Change? Women’s Consciousness and Activity in Frankfurt, 1945-1955, p. 29
Timothy B. Smith, In Defense of Privilege: The City of London and the Challenge of Municipal Reform, 1875-1890, p. 59
Pamela Radcliff, Elite Women Workers and Collective Action: The Cigarette Makers of Gijón, 1890-1930, p. 85
Kevin R. Hardwick, « Your Old Father Abe Lincoln is Dead and Damned »: Black Soldiers and the Memphis Race Riot of 1866, p. 109
Donald Reid, Schools and the Paternalist Project at Le Creusot, 1850-1914, p. 129

Reviews, p. 145
Article Abstracts, p. 207

v. 26, 1993, 4

Gunther Peck, Manly Gambles: The Politics of Risk on the Comstock Lode, 1860-1880, p. 701
Joshua B. Freeman, Hardhats: Construction Workers, Manliness, and the 1970 Pro-War Demonstrations, p. 725
Patricia Seed, Narratives of Don Juan: The Language of Seduction in Seventeenth-Century Hispanic Literature and Society, p. 745
Peter N. Stearns, Mark Knapp, Men and Romantic Love: Pinpointing a 20th-Century Change, p. 769
Angus McLaren, Illegal Operations: Women, Doctors, and Abortion, 1886-1939, p. 797
Beth Bailey, David Farber, The « Double-V » Campaign in World War II Hawaii: African Americans Racial Ideology, and Federal Power, p. 817
Leah Leneman, Rosalind Mitchison, Clandestine Marriage in the Scottish Cities 1660-1780, p. 845

Reviews, p. 863
Article Abstracts, p. 913
Letters to the Editor, p. 917

v. 26, 1993, 3

Howard I. Kushner, Suicide, Gender, and the Fear of Modernity in Nineteenth-Century Medical and Social Thought, p. 461
Ellen Furlough, Selling the American Way in Interwar France: « Prix Uniques » and the Salons des Arts Ménagers, p. 491
Dieter K. Buse, Urban and National Identity: Bremen, 1860-1920, p. 521
Howard M. Wach, Unitarian Philanthropy and Cultural Hegemony in Comparative Perspective: Manchester and Boston, 1827-1848, p. 539
Edgar Melton, Household Economies and Communal Conflicts on a Russian Serf Estate, 1800-1817, p. 559
Daniel L. Schafer, « A Class of People Neither Freemen nor Slaves »: From Spanish to American Race Relations in Florida, 1821-1861, p. 587
Larry M. Logue, Who Joined the Confederate Army? Soldiers, Civilians, and Communities in Mississippi, p. 611

Reviews, p. 625
Article Abstracts, p. 689

v. 26, 1992, 2

George Reid Andrews, Racial Inequality in Brazil and the United States: A Statistical Comparison, p. 229
John Bohstedt, The Moral Economy and the Discipline of Historical Context, p. 265
Chris Hosgood, A ‘Brave and Daring Folk’? Shopkeepers and Trade Associational Life in Victorian and Edwardian England, p. 285
Alexander Von Hoffman, An Officer of the Neighborhood: A Boston Patrolman on the Beat in 1895, p. 309
Richard Harris, The End Justified the Means: Boarding and Rooming in a City of Homes, 1890-1951, p. 331
Monique Stavenuiter, Research Note: Elderly Women within the Household in Amsterdam in the Period 1851-1891, p. 359

C. R. Day, Science, Applied Science and Higher Education in France 1870-1945, an Historiographical Survey since the 1950s, p. 367

Reviews, p. 385
Article Abstracts, p. 451

v. 26, 1992, 1

Stephen M. Frank, « Rendering Aid and Comfort »: Images of Fatherhood in the Letters of Civil War Soldiers from Massachusetts and Michigan, p. 5
Bill M. Donovan, Changing Perceptions of Social Deviance: Gypsies in Early Modern Portugal and Brazil, p. 33
John Higginson, Liberating the Captives: Independent Watchtower as an Avatar of Colonial Revolt in Southern Africa and Katanga, 1908-1941, p. 55
Hal S. Barron, And the Crooked Shall be Made Straight: Public Road Administration and the Decline of Localism in the Rural North, 1870-1930, p. 81
Scott Hughes Myerly, « The Eye Must Entrap the Mind »: Army Spectacle and Paradigm in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 105
Julie Hardwick, Widowhood and Patriarchy in Seventeenth-Century France, p. 133

Reviews, p. 149
Article Abstracts, p. 214

v. 25, 1992, 4

Stephen P. Frank, « Simple Folk, Savage Customs? » Youth, Sociability, and the Dynamics of Culture in Rural Russia, 1856-1914, p. 711
Jeffrey S. Adler, Streetwalkers, Degraded Outcasts, and Good-For-Nothing Huzzies: Women and the Dangerous Class in Antebellum St. Louis, p. 737
Craig Patton, « Proletarian Protest »?: Skill and Protest in the German Chemical Industry, 1914- 1924, p. 757
Sarah D. Shields, Sheep, Nomads and Merchants in Nineteenth-Century Mosul: Creating Transformations in an Ottoman Society, p. 773
John Smail, Manufacturer or Artisan? The Relationship Between Economic and Cultural Change in the Early Stages of the Eighteenth-Century Industrialization, p. 791
Allen Isaacman, Peasants, Work and the Labor Process: Forced Cotton Cultivation in Colonial Mozambique 1938-1961, p. 815
Thomas v. Cohen, The Lay Liturgy of Affront in Sixteenth-Century Italy, p. 857

Joseph Amato, Eugen Weber’s France, p. 879

Reviews, p. 883
Article Abstracts, p. 933

v. 25, 1992, 3

Pamela Haag, The « III-Use of a Wife »: Patterns of Working-Class Violence in Domestic and Public New York City, 1860-1880, p. 447
Peter K. Taylor, Military System and Rural Social Change in Eighteenth-Century Hesse-Cassel, p. 479
Herbert S. Klein, The Social and Economic Integration of Spanish Immigrants in Brazil, p. 505
Paul Seeley, Catholics and Apprentices: an Example of Men’s Philanthropy in Late Nineteenth-Century France, p. 531
Karl Ittmann, Family Limitation and Family Economy in Bradford, West Yorkshire 1851-1881, p. 547
Norman H. Murdoch, Salvation Army Disturbances in Liverpool, England, 1879-1887, p. 575
Kenneth J. Winkle, The Voters of Lincoln’s Springfield: Migration and Political Participation in an Antebellum City, p. 595

John Martin, Journeys to the World of the Dead: The Work of Carlo Ginzburg, p. 613

Reviews, p. 627

Joseph Kelly, Timothy Kelly, Searching the Dark Alley: New Historicism and Social History, p. 677

Article Abstracts, p. 695

v. 25, 1991, 2

Robert Orsi, The Center Out There, In Here, and Everywhere Else: The Nature of Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Saint Jude, 1929-1965, p. 213
Bruce C. Nelson, Revival and Upheaval: Religion, Irreligion, and Chicago’s Working Class in 1886, p. 233
Clifton C. Crais, The Vacant Land: The Mythology of British Expansion in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, p. 255
Carl Strikwerda, Interest-Group Politics and the International Economy: Mass Politics and Big Business Corporations in the Liège Coal Basin, 1870-1914, p. 277
Barbara J. Logue, In Pursuit of Prosperity: Disease and Death in a Massachusetts Commercial Port, 1660-1850, p. 309
Lynne M. Adrian, Joan E. Crowley, Hoboes and Homeboys: The Demography of Misdemeanor Convictions in the Allegheny County Jail, 1892-1923, p. 345
Gilles Vandal, « Bloody Caddo »: White Violence Against Blacks in a Louisiana Parish, 1865-1876, p. 373

Roberto Da Matta, Religion and Modernity: The Three Studies of Brazilian Religiosity, p. 389

Reviews, p. 407
Letters to the Editor, p. 435
Article Abstracts, p. 439

v. 25, 1991, 1

Linda W. Rosenzweig, « The Anchor of My Life »: Middle-Class American Mothers and College Educated Daughters, 1880-1920, p. 5
Mary Odem, Single Mothers, Delinquent Daughters, and the Juvenile Court in Early 20th Century Los Angeles, p. 27
Jeffrey Haydu, « No Change in Existing Standards »? Production, Employee Representation and Government Policy in the United States, 1917-1919, p. 45
Ann F. La Berge, Medicalization and Moralization: The Crèches of Nineteenth-Century Paris, p. 65
Peter Rushton, The Matter In Variance: Adolescents and Domestic Conflict in the Pre-Industrial Economy of Northeast England, 1600-1800, p. 89
Carol K. Coburn, Learning to Serve: Education and Change in the Lives of Rural Domestics in the Twentieth Century, p. 109

Reviews, p. 123
Letters to the Editor, p. 187

Michael Grossberg, « Fighting Faiths » and the Challenges of Legal History, p. 191

Article Abstracts, p. 203

v. 24, 1991, 4

Cas Wouters, On Status Competition and Emotion Management, p. 699
Mark H. Haller, Policy Gambling, Entertainment, and the Emergence of Black Politics: Chicago From 1900 to 1940, p. 719
Steven M. Gelber, A Job You Can’t Lose: Work and Hobbies in the Great Depression, p. 741
Merry E. Wiesner, Wandervogels and Women: Journeymen’s Concepts of Masculinity in Early Modern Germany, p. 767
Philip Ingram, Protestant Patriarchy and the Catholic Priesthood in Nineteenth Century England, p. 783
Barbara E. Lacey, Gender, Piety, and Secularization in Connecticut Religion, 1720-1775, p. 799
Mathew S. Kuefler, A Wryed Existence: Attitudes toward Children in Anglo-Saxon England, p. 823

Glenn C. Altschuler, History of Education, p. 835
Paul E. Johnson, Democracy, Patriarchy, and American Revivals, 1780-1830, p. 843

Reviews, p. 851
Article Abstracts, p. 921

v. 24, 1991, 3

Miriam Cohen, Michael Hanagan, The Politics of Gender and the Making of the Welfare State, 1900-1940: A Comparative Perspective, p. 469
Warren G. Breckman, Discipling Consumption: The Debate about Luxury in Wilhelmine Germany, 1890-1914, p. 485
Christiane Eisenberg, Artisans’ Socialization at Work: Workshop Life in Early Nineteenth-Century England and Germany, p. 507
Mark J. Stern, Poverty and the Life-Cycle, 1940-1960, p. 521
Robert W. Thurston, Social Dimensions of Stalinist Rule: Humor and Terror in the USSR, 1935-1941, p. 541
James B. Collins, Geographic and Social Mobility in Early Modern France, p. 563
Gloria L. Main, An Inquiry Into When And Why Women Learned to Write in Colonial New England, p. 579

Kathleen Alaimo, Childhood and Adolescence in Modern European History, p. 591
Andrew Barnes, Poor Relief and Brotherhood, p. 603

Reviews, p. 613

Robert L. Paquette, Slave Resistance and social History, p. 681

Abstracts, p. 687