
Binghamton, Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations
ISSN: 0147-9032
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 40
Consistenza: a. I/1 (1977) -a. XXVIII, 2005, 4
Lacune: a. XXIII, 2000, 1, 2, 3, 4; a. XXVII, 2004, 1, 2;

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali – RIV STR 304
Consistenza: XII, 1989, 1-a. XXXV, 2012, 3-4
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1977 ]

copertina della rivista

a. IV, 1980, 2

J.F. Petras, M.H. Morley, The U.S. Imperial State, p. 171
H. Levine, Gentry, Jews, and Serfs: The Rise of Polish Vodka, p. 223

J. Torras, Class Struggle in Catalonia: A Note on Brenner, p. 253
F. Perlin, Precolonial South Asia and Western Penetration in the Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries: A Problem of Epistemological Status, p. 267
Ph. McMichael, Settlers and Primitive Accumulation: Foundations of Capitalism in Australia, p. 307

Book Finds, p. 335

a. IV, 1980, 1

J.M. Bak, Serfs and Serfdom: Words and Things, p. 3
H. Lefebvre, Marxism Exploded, p. 19
C. von Werlhof, Notes on the Relation Between Sexuality and Economy, p. 33

Cedric Robinson, Notes Toward a « Native » Theory of History, p. 45
G. Shepperson, Ourselves as Others: Some Comments on Cedric Robinson on George Shepperson, p. 79

J. Galtung, T. Heiestad, E. Rudeng, On the Decline and Fall of Empires: The Roman Empire and Western Imperialism Compared, p. 91
S. Amin, Revolution ou decadence? La crise du systeme imperialiste contemporain et celle de l’Empire romain, p. 155

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a. III, 1980, 4

P. Vilar, Spain and Catalonia, p. 527
Ç. Keyder, Credit and Peripheral Structuration: Turkey in the 1920’s, p. 579

T.C. Smout, Scotland and England: Is Dependency a Symptom or a Cause of Underdevelopment?, p. 601
I. Wallerstein, One Man’s Meat: The Scottish Great Leap Forward, p. 631

a. III, 1980, 3

R. Mukherjee, On the Appraisal of Social Reality and Thus the « Quality of Life », p. 375
P. McPhee, A Case-Study of Internal Colonization: The Francisation of Northern Catalonia, p. 399
A.V. Desai, Population and Standards of Living in Akbar’s Time: A Second Look, p. 429
E. Feder, The Odious Competition Between Man and Animal over Agricultural Resources in the Underdeveloped Countries, p. 463
G. Elwert, D. Wong, Subsistence Production and Commodity Production in the Third World, p. 501

a. III, 1979, 2


The Process of Peripheralization
G. Arrighi, Peripheralization of Southern Africa, I: Changes in Production Process, p. 161
I. Wallerstein, William G. Martin, Peripheralization of Southern Africa, II: Changes in Household Structure and Labor-Force Formation, p. 193

Three Case Studies
M. Wright, I. The Reluctant Integration of Zimbabwe, 1852-1908, p. 211
I. Phimister, Comments, p. 229
K. Anse Tambila, Comments, p. 233
Discussion, p. 237

L. Vail, L. White, II. The Struggle for Mozambique: Capitalist Rivalries, 1900-40, p. 243
Jeanne Penvenne, Comments, p. 277
Discussion, p. 286

Ch. van Onselen, III. The World the Mineowners Made: Social Themes in the Economic Transformation of the Witwatersrand, 1886-1914, p. 289
F. Johnstone, Comments, p. 303
I. Matsepe-Casaburri, Comments, p. 315
Discussion, p. 318

Theoretical Implications
G. Arrighi, J. Higginson, B. Magubane, J. Saul, I. Wallerstein, A Roundtable Discussion, p. 325
Discussion, p. 361

a. III, 1979, 1

R. Hilton, Towns in English Feudal Society, p. 3
G. Haupt, In What Sense and to What Degree Was the Russian Revolution a Proletarian Revolution?, p. 21
A. Abdel-Malek, Historical Surplus-Value, p. 35
J. Copans, In Search of Lost Theory: Marxism and Structuralism Within French Anthropology, p. 45
E. Fernandez de Pinedo, Un cas regional avec faible pression fiscale: le Pays Basque peninsulaire, p. 75

J. Nichtweiss, The Second Serfdom and the So-Called « Prussian Way »: The Development of Capitalism in Eastern German Agricultural Institutions, p. 99
J. Kuczynski, Commentary on Johannes Nichtweiss, p. 141
J. Nichtweiss, In Answer to Jürgen Kuczynski, p. 147

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a. II, 1979, 4

Research Working Group on Cyclical Rhythms and Secular Trends, Cyclical Rhythms and Secular Trends of the Capitalist World-Economy: Some Premises, Hypotheses, and Questions, p. 483
N. Bousquet, Esquisse d’une theorie de l’alternance de periodes de concurrence et d’hegemonie au centre de l’economie-monde capitaliste, p. 501
N.D. Kondratieff, The Long Waves in Economic Life, p. 519
K. Pomian, The Secular Evolution of the Concept of Cycles, p. 563
F. Braudel, A Model for the Analysis of the Decline of Italy, p. 647
I. Wallerstein, Kondratieff Up or Kondratieff Down?, p. 663
K. Barr, Long Waves: A Selective, Annotated Bibliography, p. 675

a. II, 1979, 3

A. Gunder Frank, Unequal Accumulation: Intermediate, Semi-Peripheral, and Sub-Imperialist Economies, p. 281
D. Tomich, The Dialectic of Colonialism and Culture: The Origins of the Negritude of Aime Cesaire, p. 351

I. Wallerstein, The Ottoman Empire and the Capitalist World-Economy: Some Questions for Research, p. 389
H. Islamoglu, S. Faroqhi, Crop Patterns and Agricultural Production Trends in Sixteenth-Century Anatolia, p. 401
B. Braude, International Competition and Domestic Cloth in the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1650: A Study in Undevelopment, p. 437

F.C. Lane, The Modern Whole as a Trichotomy, p. 455
E. Gellner, The Withering Away of the Dentistry State, p. 461

a. II, 1978, 2

J. Friedman, Crises in Theory and Transformations of the World Economy, p. 131

E. Labrousse, A View of the Allocation of Agricultural Expansion Among Social Classes, p. 149
N. Fitch, The Demographic and Economic Effects of Seventeenth-Century Wars: The Case of the Bourbonnais, France, p. 181

M. Davis, « Fordism » in Crisis: A Review of Michel Aglietta’s Regulation et crises: L’experience des Etats-Unis, p. 207

Book Finds, p. 271

a. II, 1978, 1

G. Haupt, Why the History of the Working-Class Movement?, p. 5
K. Gough, Agrarian Relations in Southeast India, 1750-1976, p. 25
M.I. Finley, Empire in the Graeco-Roman World, p. 55

P. Beiguelman, The Destruction of Modern Slavery: A Theoretical Issue, p. 71
S.W. Mintz, Was the Plantation Slave a Proletarian?, p. 81

H.H. Stahl, Theories de C. D. Gherea sur les lois de la penetration du capitalisme dans les « pays retardataires », p. 101
D. Chirot, A Romanian Prelude to Contemporary Debates about Development, p. 115

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a. I, 1977, 3/4

The Editors, Introductory Note, p. 3
I. Wallerstein, Annales as Resistance, p. 5
J. Revel, The Annales: Continuities and Discontinuities, p. 9
Discussion, p. 49
T. Stoianovich, Social History: Perspective of the Annales Paradigm, p. 53
M. Aymard, Impact of the Annales School in Mediterranean Countries, p. 65
H. Inalcik, Impact of the Annales School on Ottoman Studies and New Findings, p. 69
Discussion, p. 97
K. Pomian, Impact of the Annales School in Eastern Europe, p. 101
Discussion, p. 119
A. Dubuc, The Influence of the Annales School in Quebec, p. 123
P. Burke, Reflections on the Historical Revolution in France. The Annales School and British Social History, p. 147
E.J. Hobsbawm, Comments, p. 157
Discussion, p. 163
R. Mowery Andrews, Some Implications of the Annales School and its Methods for a Revision of Historical Writing About the United States, p. 165
Discussion, p. 181
H.L. Wesseling, The Annales School and the Writing of Contemporary History, p. 185
A. Burguiere, The New Annales: A Redefinition of the Late 1960’s, p. 195
Discussion, p. 206
Ch. Tilly, Anthropology, History, and the Annales, p. 207
G. Huppert, The Annales School Before the Annales, p. 215
Discussion, p. 220
N. Birnbaum, The Annales School and Social Theory, p. 225
Discussion, p. 236
F. Braudel, En guise de conclusion, p. 243
Discussion, p. 254

a. I, 1977, 2

A.R. Richards, Primitive Accumulation in Egypt, 1798-1882, p. 3
M. Cattini, Congiuntura economica, gettiti fiscali ed indebitamento publico in un comune rurale del Basso Modenese, p. 51
A. Emmanuel, Gains and Losses from the International Division of Labor, p. 87
Research Proposal, Patterns of Development of the Modern World-System, p. 111
B. Magubane, The Poverty of Liberal Analysis: A Polemic on Southern Africa, p. 147

a. I, 1977, 1

I. Wallerstein, The Tasks of Historical Social Science: An Editorial, p. 3
K. Polanyi, The Economistic Fallacy, p. 9
E. Le Roy Ladurie, Occitania in Historical Perspective, p. 21
H. Islamoglu, Ç. Keyder, Agenda for Ottoman History, p. 31
A. Abdel-Malek, East Wind, p. 57

T.K. Hopkins, Notes on Class Analysis and World-System, p. 67
F. Fröbel, J. Heinrichs, O. Kreye, The Tendency Towards a New International Division of Labor, p. 73
A. Gunder Frank, Long Live Transideological Enterprise! The Socialist Economies in the Capitalist International Division of Labor, p. 91