
Binghamton, Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems, and Civilizations
ISSN: 0147-9032
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 40
Consistenza: a. I/1 (1977) -a. XXVIII, 2005, 4
Lacune: a. XXIII, 2000, 1, 2, 3, 4; a. XXVII, 2004, 1, 2;

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali – RIV STR 304
Consistenza: XII, 1989, 1-a. XXXV, 2012, 3-4
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1977 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XXXIII, 2010, 4

Immanuel Wallerstein, Anouar Abdel-Malek (1924-2012), p. III
Edvige Bilotti, Models of Economic Development from a World-Systems Perspective: Moving Beyond Universalism, p. 271
Alf Hornborg, Toward a Truly Global Environmental History: A Review Article, p. 295
Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas, Latin America’s Antisystemic Movements and Its Struggle for the Land in the Twenty-first Century, p. 325

Notes on Authors, p. 351
Abstracts, p. 353
Index, p. 355

a. XXXIII, 2010, 2-3

Special Editor: Philip McMichael

Richard E. Lee, Preface, p. V
Philip McMichael, Introduction: Food, Energy, Environment: Crisis of the Modern World-System, p. 95
Fred Magdoff, Multiple Crises as Symptoms of an Unsustainable System, p. 103
Tony Weis, The Ecological Hoofprint and the Population Bomb of Reverse Protein Factories, p. 131
John Wilkinson, Water and Land in Latin America – Global Strategies and Policies, p. 153
David Pimentel, Biofuels versus Food Resources and the Environment, p. 177
Richard York, Brett Clark, Nothing New Under the Sun? The Old False Promise of New Technology, p. 203
Jason Moore, Cheap Food & Bad Money: Food, Frontiers and Financialization in the Rise and Demise of Neoliberalism, p. 225

Notes on Authors, p. 263
Abstracts, p. 265

a. XXXIII, 2010, 1

Immanuel Wallerstein, Vitorino Magalhães Godinho (1918-2011), p. iii

Jason Moore, Madeira, Sugar, and the Conquest of Nature in the « First » Sixteenth Century, Part II: From Regional Crisis to Commodity Frontier, 1506-1530, p. 1
Phillip A. Hough, Hegemonic Projects and the Social Reproduction of the Peasantry: Fedecafé, Fedegán and the FARC in Comparative Historical Perspective, p. 25
Klas Rönnbäck, Consumers and Slavery: Diversified Markets for Plantation Produce and the Survival of Slavery in the Nineteenth Century, p. 69

Notes on Authors, p. 89
Abstracts, p. 91

a. XXXII, 2009, 4

Jason Moore, Madeira, Sugar, and the Conquest of Nature in the « First » Sixteenth Century, Part I: From « Island of Timber » to Sugar Revolution, 1420-1506, p. 345
Enrico Dal Lago, Second Slavery, Second Serfdom, and Beyond: The Atlantic Plantation System and the Eastern and Southern European Landed Estate System in Comparative Perspective, 1800-60, p. 391
Staughton Lynd, Toward Another World, p. 421

Notes on Authors, p. 441
Abstracts, p. 443
Index, p. 445

a. XXXII, 2009, 3

Huei-Ying Kuo, Agency amid Incorporation: Chinese Business Networks in Hong Kong and Singapore and the Colonial Origins of the Resurgence of East Asia, 1800-1940, p. 211
Eric Wilson, Making the World Safe for Holland: De Indis of Hugo Grotius and International Law as Geoculture, p. 239
Geoffrey C. Gunn, Timor-Leste (Former Portuguese East Timor): From Colonial Anthropology to an Anthropology of Colonialism, p. 289

Notes on Authors, p. 339
Abstracts, p. 341

a. XXXII, 2009, 2


Note from the Editor, p. v

Immanuel Wallerstein, Braudel on the Longue Durée: Problems of Conceptual Translation, p. 155
Fernand Braudel, History and the Social Sciences: The longue durée, p. 171

Notes on Authors, p. 205
Abstracts, p. 207

a. XXXII, 2009, 1

Special Editor: Philip McMichael

Philip McMichael, Interpreting the World Food Crisis of 2007-08, p. 1
Raj Patel, Philip McMichael, A Political Economy of the Food Riot, p. 9
Lucy Jarosz, The Political Economy of Global Governance and the World Food Crisis: The Case of the FAO, p. 37
Shalmali Guttal, New and Old Faces of Hunger: Cambodia, Timor Leste, and Food Crises, p. 61
John Wilkinson, The Emerging Global Biofuels Market, p. 91
Farshad Araghi, Accumulation by Displacement: Global Enclosures, Food Crisis, and the Ecological Contradictions of Capitalism, p. 113

Notes on Authors, p. 147
Abstracts, p. 149

a. XXXI, 2008, 4

Charles Lemert, Sam Han, « Whither the Time of World Structures after the Decline of Modern Space », p. 441
Ken-ichi Watanabe, « Long Waves in the U.S. Economy: The Dating of Long Waves in Terms of the Rate of Capital Accumulation », p. 467
Maria Lois, « Place and Marketplace: Reconstructing Sites in the World-Economy », p. 493

Notes on Authors, p. 433
Abstracts, p. 435
Index, p. 515

a. XXXI, 2008, 3

Special Editors: Dale Tomich and Michael Zeuske

Sidney Mintz, « Creolization and Hispanic Exceptionalism », p. 251
Ada Ferrer, « Cuban Slavery and Atlantic Antislavery », p. 267
Javier Laviña and Michael Zeuske, « Failures of Atlantization: First Slaveries in Venezuela and Nueva Granada », p. 297
Jane Landers, « Slavery in the Spanish Caribbean and the Failure of Abolition », p. 343
Flávio dos Santos Gomes, « Peasants, Maroons, and the Frontiers of Liberation in Maranhão », p. 373
Dale Tomich, « Thinking the ‘Unthinkable’: Victor Schoelcher and Haiti », p. 401

Notes on Authors, p. 433
Abstracts, p. 435

a. XXXI, 2008, 2

special editors: Dale Tomich and Michael Zeuske

Dale Tomich, Michael Zeuske, « Introduction, The Second Slavery: Mass Slavery, World-Economy, and Comparative Microhistories », p. 91
Christopher Schmidt-Nowara, « Empires against Emancipation: Spain, Brazil, and the Abolition of Slavery », p. 101
Carolyn Fick, « Revolutionary Saint Domingue and the Emerging Atlantic: Paradigms of Sovereignty », p. 121
Claus Füllberg-Stolberg, « Economic Adjustments and the Fight for Cultural Hegemony in the British and Danish West Indies after Slavery », p. 145
Manuel Barcia, « ‘A Not-so-Common Wind’: Slave Revolts in the Age of Revolutions in Cuba and Brazil », p. 169
Rafael de Bivar Marquese, « African Diaspora, Slavery, and the Paraiba Valley Coffee Plantation Landscape: Nineteenth-Century Brazil », p. 195
Ulrike Schmieder, « Histories under Construction: Slavery, Emancipation, and Post-Emancipation in the French Caribbean », p. 217

Notes on Authors, p. 243
Abstracts, p. 245

a. XXXI, 2008, 1

Amy A. Quark, « Towards a New Theory of Change: Socio-Natural Regimes and the Historical Development of the Textiles Commodity Chain », p. 1
Eric Vanhaute, « The End of Peasantries? Rethinking the Role of Peasantries in a World-Historical View », p. 39
Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas,« Les nouveaux mouvements antisystémiques en Amérique Latine : Une breve radiographie générale », p. 61
Abstracts, p. 85

a. XXX, 2007, 4

Shelley Feldman, « Introduction », p. 237
Shelley Feldman, « Households, Labor, and Global Capitalism: A Close Encounter with Joan Smith », p. 243
Torry D. Dickinson, « (Hetero) Sexism as a Weapon of the World-System: Feminist Reflections on Household Research by Joan Smith and the Fernand Braudel Center », p. 261
Jane L. Collins, « The Paradox of Poverty in the Transition from Welfare to Work », p. 283
Wilma A. Dunaway, M. Cecilia Macabuac, « ‘The Shrimp Eat Better Than We Do’: Philippine Subsistence Fishing Households Sacrificed for the Global Food Chain », p. 313
Joan Smith, « Selected Publications », p. 339

Notes on Authors, p. 343
Abstracts, p. 345

a. XXX, 2007, 3

Richard E. Lee, « Legitimating Hierarchy and Constructing Consensus, or the ‘Cultural’ Aspect of the Modern World-System: The Morant Bay Uprising, the Irish Rebellion, and English Franchise Reform », p. 177
Blaise Farina, « A Portrait of World Historical Production and World Historical Waste after 1945 », p. 215

Notes on Authors, p. 231
Abstracts, p. 233

a. XXX, 2007, 2

Jonathan Leitner, « An Incorporated Comparison: Fernand Braudel’s Account of Dutch Hegemony in a World-Ecological Perspective », p. 97

Dale Tomich, « Stephen Bunker: Material Process and the World-System », p. 139
Denis O’Hearn, « Bringing the Human Back into the Material: Embodied Perception in Stephen Bunker’s Political Economy », p. 145
Kolya Abramsky, « The Underground Challenge – Raw Materials, Energy, the World-Economy, and Anticapitalist Struggle: Reflections on Globalization and the Race for Resources by Stephen G. Bunker and Paul Ciccantell », p. 161

Notes on Authors, p. 171
Abstracts, p. 173

a. XXX, 2007, 1

Immanuel Wallerstein, « Naming Groups: The Politics of Categorizing ‘Identities' », p. 1
Franco Barchiesi, « Labor and Social Citizenship in Colonial and Postcolonial Modernity: South African Perspectives in a Continental Context », p. 17
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, « Beyond Abyssal Thinking: From Global Lines to Ecologies of Knowledges », p. 45

Notes on Authors, p. 91
Abstracts, p. 93

a. XXIX, 2006, 4

Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, « Toward A Dialectical Conception of Imperiality: The Transitory (Heuristic) Nature of the Primacy of Analyses of Economies in World-Historical Social Science », p. 291
Abebe Zegeye, Maurice Vambe, « African Indigenous Knowledge Systems », p. 329

Notes on Authors, p. 359
Abstracts, p. 361
Index, p. 363

a. XXIX, 2006, 3

Luis M. Pozo, « The Mechanisms of Class Accommodation in Precapitalist Europe: A Study in Hegemony », p. 227
Eric Slater, « Caffa: Early Western Expansion in the Late Medieval World, 1261-1475 », p. 271

Notes on Authors, p. 285
Abstracts, p. 287

a. XXIX, 2006, 2

Special Editor: Ramón Grosfoguel

Ramón Grosfoguel, « Preface », p. 141
Boaventura de Sousa Santos, « Between Prospero and Caliban: Colonialism, Postcolonialism, and Interidentity », p. 143
Ramón Grosfoguel, « World-Systems Analysis in the Context of Transmodernity, Border Thinking, and Global Coloniality », p. 167
Aníbal Quijano, « El ‘Movimiento Indígena’ y las Cuestiones Pendientes en América Latina », p. 189

Notes on Authors, p. 221
Abstracts, p. 223

a. XXIX, 2006, 1

Letter from the Editor, p. III

Jonathan Nitzan, Shimshon Bichler, « New Imperialism or New Capitalism? », p. 1
Minqi Li, Adam Hanieh, « Secular Trends, Long Waves, and the Cost of the State: Evidence from the Long-Term Movement of the Profit Rate in the U.S. Economy », p. 87
Richard E. Lee, « Complexity and the Social Sciences », p. 115

Notes on Authors, p. 135
Abstracts, p. 137

a. XXVIII, 2005, 4

Dale Tomich, Vitorino Magalhäes Godinho: Atlantic History, World History, p. 305
Vitorino Magalhäes Godinho, Portugal and the Making of the Atlantic World: Sugar Fleets and Gold Fleets, the Seventeenth to the Eighteenth Centuries, p. 313
Rui Santos, With a Mind to Science: Theoretical Underpinnings of Vitorino Magalhäes Godinho’s Historical Work, p. 339
Immanuel Wallerstein, The Discovery of the World-Economy, p. 351
Vitorino Magalhäes Godinho, Vitorino Magalhäes Godinho Currículo, p. 365

Letter from the Editor, p. 405
Notes on Authors, p. 407
Abstracts, p. 409
Index, p. 411

a. XXVIII, 2005, 3

Immanuel Wallerstein, Remembering Andre Gunder Frank, p. III
Franco Moretti, World-Systems Analysis, Evolutionary Theory, Weltliteratur, p. 217
Massimo De Angelis, The Political Economy of Global Neoliberal Governance, p. 229
Samir Amin, China, Market Socialism, and U.S. Hegemony, p. 259
Ismael Saz, Was There Francoism in Spain? Impertinent Reflections on the Historic Place of the Dictatorship, p. 281

Notes on Authors, p. 299
Abstracts, p. 301

a. XXVIII, 2005, 2

Hans Ulrich Obrist, Science and Art: A Conversation with Ilya Prigogine, p. 115
Hans Ulrich Obrist, La science et l’art: Une conversation avec Ilya Prigogine, p. 129
Isabelle Stengers, Events and Histories of Knowledge, p. 143
Roberto Fernández Retamar, Conocimiento, teoría y tensión entre conocimiento local y universal, p. 161
Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas, Hegemonic Cultures and Subaltern Cultures: Between Dialogue and Conflict, p. 187

Notes on Authors, p. 211
Abstracts, p. 213

a. XXVIII, 2005, 1

Special Editor, William G. Martin

William G. Martin, Introduction: Recapturing Black Worlds in Postliberal Times, p. 1
William G. Martin, Global Movements Before « Globalization »: Black Movements as World-Historical Movements, p. 7
Jeffrey D. Howison, « Let Us Guide Our Own Destiny »: Rethinking the History of the Black Star Line, p. 29
Kelvin Santiago-Valles, World-Historical Ties Among « Spontaneous » Slave Rebellions in the Atlantic, p. 51
Michael O. West, Global Africa: The Emergence and Evolution of an Idea, p. 85

Notes on Authors, p. 109
Abstracts, p. 111

a. XXVII, 2004, 4

Immanuel Wallerstein, The Ecology and the Economy: What is Rational?, p. 273
Richard Wilk, The Extractive Economy: An Early Phase of the Globalization of Diet, p. 285
Marina Fischer-Kowalshi, Fridolin Krausmann, Barbara Smetschka, Modeling Scenarios of Transport Across History from a Socio-Metabolic Perspective, p. 307
J. R. McNeill, Yellow Jack and Geopolitics: Environment, Epidemics, and the Struggles for Empire in the American Tropics, 1640-1830, p. 343
Ferruccio Bugnaro, A Poem: All Acquitted in Trial Over Petrochemical Dead, p. 365

Notes on Authors, p. 367
Abstracts, p. 369

a. XXVII, 2004, 3

Martin Aust, Rossia SIberica: Russian-Siberian History Compared to Medieval Conquest and Modern Colonialism, p. 181
Hans-Heinrich Nolte, The Modern World-System and Area Studies: The Case of Russia, p. 207
Eva-Maria Stolberg, The Siberian Frontier and Russia’s Position in World History: A Reply to Aust and Nolte, p. 243

Notes on Authors, p. 269
Abstracts, p. 270

a. XXVII, 2004, 2

Amiya Kumar Bagchi, « The Axial Ages of the Capitalist World-System », p. 93
Andrea Komlosy, « State, Regions, and Borders: Single Market Formation and Labor Migration in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1918 », p. 135

Abstracts, p. 180

a. XXVII, 2004, 1

Hartmut Elsenhans, « On the Development of World-Systems Studies », p. 1
Peter J. Taylor, « Homo Geographicus: A Geohistorical Manifesto for Cities », p. 37
Steven Sherman, « Culture and the Global Emancipatory Project », p. 61

Abstracts, p. 89

a. XXVI, 2003, 4

Stephen G. Bunker, Paul S. Ciccantell, Creating Hegemony via Raw Materials Access: Strategies in Holland and Japan, p. 339
Sjaak van der Velden, Strikes in Global Labor History: The Dutch Case, p. 381
Stefan Gandler, Alltag in der kapitalistischen Moderne: Nicht-eurozentrische Theoriebeiträge as Mexiko, p. 407

Notes on Authors, p. 423
Abstracts, p. 425

a. XXVI, 2003, 3

Oscar C. Gelderblom, From Antwerp to Amsterdam: The Contribution of Merchants from the Southern Netherlands from the Southern Netherlands to the Commercial Expansion of Amsterdam (c. 1540-1609), p. 247
Leo Lucassen, Wim Willems, The Weakness of Well-Ordered Societies: 283 Gypsies in Western Europe, the Ottoman Empire, and India, 1400-1914, p. 283
Mario González Arencibia, Socialismo entre globalización y mercado: Experiencias de Europa, China y Vietnam, p. 315

Notes on Authors, p. 333
Abstracts, p. 335

a. XXVI, 2003, 2

In memoriam Ilya Prigogine, p. I

Jason W. Moore, Nature and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism, p. 97
Jonathan Leitner, North American Timber Economy: Log Transport, Regional Capitalist Conflict, and Corporate Formation in Wisconsin’s Chippewa Basin, 1860-1900, p. 173
Rolf Czeskeba-Dupont, Sustainable World-system Development: Restructuring Societal Metabolism, p. 221

Notes on Authors, p. 241
Abstracts, p. 243

a. XXVI, 2003, 1

R. Bin Wong, Between Nation and World: Braudelian Regions in Asia, p. 1

Hans-Heinrich Nolte, Why Is Europe’s South Poor? A chain of Internal Peripheries Along the Old Muslim-Christian Borders, p. 49
Ray Kiely, The Race to the Bottom and International Labor Solidarity, p. 67

Notes on Authors, p. 89
Abstracts, p. 91

a. XXV, 2002, 4

In Memoriam Clemens Heller, p. 349
Tieting Su, Myth and Mystery of Globalization: World Trade Networks in 1928, 1938, 1960, and 1999, p. 351
Gérard Duménil, Dominique Lévy, Neoliberalism: The Crime and the Beneficiary, p. 393
Eric Mielants, Europe and China Compared, p. 401

Notes on Authors, p. 451
Absracts, p. 452

a. XXV, 2002, 3

Special Editor: Ramón Grosfoguel

Ramón Grosfoguel, Preface-Eurocentrism, Border Thinking, and Coloniality of Power in the Modern/Colonial World-System: The Implications for Utopian Thinking, p. 201
Ramón Grosfoguel, Colonial Difference, Geopolitics of Knowledge, and Global Coloniality in the Modern/Colonial Capitalist World-System, p. 203
Eduardo Mendieta, Utopia, Dystopia, Utopistics, or the End of Utopia: On Wallerstein’s Critique of Historical Materialism, p. 225
Walter D. Mignolo, The Zapatistas’s Theoretical Revolution: Its Historical, Ethical, and Political Consequences, p. 245
Nelson Maldonado-Torres, Postimperial Reflections on Crisis, Knowledge, and Utopia: Transgresstopic Critical Hermeneutics and the « Death of European Man », p. 277
Teivo Teivainen, Overcoming Economism, p. 317

Notes on Authors, p. 343
Abstracts, p. 345

a. XXV, 2002, 2

Miriam Halpern Pereira, Portugal Between Two Empires, p. 103
Cynthia Lucas Hewitt, Racial Accumulation on a World-Scale: Racial Inequality and Employment, p. 137
Elizabeth Rata, The Transformation of Indigeneity, p. 173

Errata, p. 196
Notes on Authors, p. 197
Abstracts, p. 198

a. XXV, 2002, 1

Kees Terlouw, The Semiperipheral Space in the World-System, p. 1
Louis Fontvieille, Sandrine Michel, The Transition Between two Social Orders: The Relation of Education and Growth, p. 23
Léo Poncelet, Bridging Ethnography and World-Systems Analysis, p. 47

Notes on Authors, p. 99
Abstracts, p. 100

a. XXIV, 2001, 4

Ho-fung Hung, Imperial China and Capitalist Europe in the Eighteenth-Century Global Economy, p. 473
Boris Stremlin, Bounding Historical Systems: The Wallerstein-Frank Debate and the Role of Knowledge in World History, p. 515
Khaldoun Samman, The Limits of the Classica! Comparative Method, p. 533

Notes on Authors, p. 574
Abstracts, p. 575

a. XXIV, 2001, 3

Shelley Feldman, Intersecting and Contesting Positions: Postcolonialism, Feminism, and World-Systems Theory, p. 343
Jonathan Leitner, Red Metal in the Age of Capital: The Political Ecology of Copper in the Nineteenth-Century World-Economy, p. 373
José Itzigsohn, World-Systems and Institutional Analysis-Tensions and Complementarities: The Cases of Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic, p. 439

Notes on Authors, p. 469
Abstracts, p. 470

a. XXIV, 2001, 2

Heinz R. Sonntag, Miguel A. Contreras, Javier Biardeau, Development as Modernization and Modernity in Latin America, p. 219
Amiya Kumar Bagchi, Fluctuations and Turbulence of the World-Economy, p. 253
Mohammad H. Tamdgidi, Open the Antisystemic Movements: The Book, the Concept, and the Reality, p. 301

Notes on Authors, p. 339
Abstracts, p. 340

a. XXIV, 2001, 1


I. The Heritage of Fernand Braudel
Immanuel Wallerstein, Braudel and Interscience: A Preacher to Empty Pews?, p. 3
Maurice Aymard, One Braudel or Several?, p. 13
Carlos A. Aguirre Rojas, Braudel in Latin America and the U.S.: A Different Reception, p. 25

II. Fernand Braudel and U.S. Foundations
Giuliana Gemelli, U.S. Foundations and Braudel’s Institution Building, p. 49
F.X. Sutton, The Ford Foundation’s Transatlantic Role and Purposes, 1951-81, p. 77

III. Fernand Braudel and U.S. Scholarship
Giovanni Arrighi, Braudel, Capitalism, and the New Economic Sociology, p. 107
Jean Heffer, Is the Longue Durée Un-American?, p. 125
Anthony Molho, Like Ships Passing in the Dark: Reflections on the Reception of La Méditerranée in the U.S., p. 139
Susan Mosher Stuard, A Capital Idea: Pursuing Demand, p. 163
Steven Kaplan, The 1960’s: Was Braudel a Turning-Point?, p. 185

Notes on Authors, p. 211
Abstracts, p. 212
Errata, p. 215