Agricultural History Review ELETTRONICHE DATINI

Agricultural History Review

Londra, British Agricultural History Society
ISSN: 0002-1490
Rivista digitale online all’indirizzo web:

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. 1, 1953-v. 64, 2016, II
(vedi le Open Access Policy della rivista)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 48
Consistenza: v. 4, 1956, 2 – v. 51, 2003, 2
Lacune: v. 5, 1957, 1, 2; v. 8, 1960, 1, 2; v. 10, 1962, 1 – v. 13, 1965, 1; v. 14, 1966, 1; v. 30, 1982, 1; v. 34, 1986, 1;

Conservata in:Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Str. 0653
Consistenza: a. 19, 1971-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

John Broad, Alternate Husbandry and Permanent Pasture in the Midlands, 1650-1800, p. 77
A. R. Wilkes, Adjustments in Arable Farming after the Napoleonic Wars, p. 90
Douglas Moss, The Economic Development of a Middlesex Village, p. 104
Salim Rashid, The Scarcity of 1800: A Contemporary Account, p. 115
F. H. W. Green, Field Under-Drainage Before and After 1940, p. 120
Sarah Carter, List of Books and Pamphlets on Agrarian History 1979, p. 124
Book Reviews, p. 129

Wray Vamplew, A Grain of Truth: The Nineteenth-Century Corn Averages, p. 1
Carolina Lane, The Development of Pastures and Meadows during the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, p. 18
B.E.S. Trueman, Corporate Estate Management: Guy’s Hospital Agricultural Estates, 1726-1815, p. 31
Jennifer Tann, Co-operative Corn Milling: Self-help During the Grain Crises of the Napoleonic Wars, p. 45
Raine Morgan, Annual List and Brief Review of Articles on Agrarian History, 1978, p. 58

Book Reviews, p. 68

Roger Kain, Tithe as an index of pre-industrial agricultural production, p. 73
C.J. Harrison, Elizabethan village surveys: a comment, pp 82
P.R. Edwards, The horse trade of the Midlands in the seventeenth century, pp 90
J.M. Martin, Members of Parliament and enclosure: a reconsideration, pp 101
P.E. Dewey, Government provision of farm labour in England and Wales, 1914-18, p. 110
Michael Zell, Accounts of a sheep and corn farm, 1558-60, pp 122
Sarah Carter, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history, p. 129

Book Reviews, p. 135

Ian D. Whyte, Written leases and their impact on Scottish agriculture in the seventeenth century, p. 1
Andrew Jones, Land measurement in England, 1150-1350, p. 10
W.J. Carlyle, The changing distribution of breeds of sheep in Scotland, 1795-1965, p. 19
Stuart Macdonald, The diffusion of knowledge among Northumberland farmers, 1780-1815, p. 30
Cormac Ó Gráda, The landlord and the agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a comment on Richard Perren’s hypothesis, p. 40
Richard Perren, The landlord and the agricultural transformation, 1870-1900: a rejoinder, p. 43
Edith H. Whetham, The trade in pedigree livestock, 1850-1910, p. 47
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1977, p. 51

Book Reviews, p. 59

Sue Farrant, John Ellman of Glynde in Sussex, p. 77
E.A. Wasson, The Third Earl Spencer and Agriculture, 1818-1845, p. 89
Pamela Horn, The Dorset Dairy System, p. 100
John Chapman, Some Problems in the Interpretation of Enclosure Awards, p. 108
David Hey, Work in Progress, p. 115
Sarah Carter, List of Books and Pamphlets on Agrarian History 1977, p. 127

Book Reviews, p. 132

Robert A. Dodgshon, Land improvement in Scottish farming: marl and lime in Roxburghshire and Berwickshire in the eighteenth century, p. 1
J.R. Fisher, The Farmers’ Alliance: an agricultural protest movement of the 1880s, p. 15
N.E. Fox, The spread of the threshing machine in central southern England, p. 26
Stuart MacDonald, Further progress with the early threshing machine: a rejoinder, p. 29
Shimon Applebaum, White and the Rustici, p. 33
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, 1976, p. 37
David Cannadine, The landowner as millionaire: part IV, p 47

Book Reviews, p. 48

David Cannadine, Silver jubilee prize essay: The landowner as millionaire: the finances of the Dukes of Devonshire, c. 1800 -c. 1926, p. 77
Andrew Jones, Harvest customs and labourers’ perquisites in southern England, 1150-1350: the hay harvest, p. 98
Michael G. Jarrett, Stuart Wrathmell, Sixteenth- and seventeenth-century farmsteads: West Whelpington, Northumberland, p. 108
Michael Turner, Enclosure commissioners and Buckinghamshire parliamentary enclosure, p. 120
Sarah Carter, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history, 1976, p. 130

Book Reviews, p. 141

John Higgs, ‘Twenty-five Years On’, p. 1
William N. Parker, From the Colonies: a Tempered Tribute, p. 6
Andrew Jones, Harvest Customs and Labourers’ Perquisites in Southern England, 1150-1350: the corn harvest, p. 14
J.M. Lindsay, Forestry and Agriculture in the Scottish Highlands 1700-1850: A Problem in Estate Management, p. 23
J.H. Bettey, The Development of Water Meadows in Dorset during the Seventeenth Century, p. 37
Raine Morgan, Annual List and Brief Review of Articles on Agrarian History, 1975, p. 44

Book Reviews, p. 51

B.A. Holderness, Credit in English rural society before the nineteenth century, with special reference to the period 1650-1720, p. 97
John Sheail, Land improvement and reclamation: the experiences of the First World War in England and Wales, p. 110
J.A. Perkins, The prosperity of farming on the Lindsey uplands, 1813-37, p. 126
R.W. England, The Cluster potato: John Howard’s achievement in scientific farming, p. 144
Alan Everitt, Review article: fields, farms, and families: agrarian history in Kent, p. 149
Sarah Carter, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1975, p. 153
Michael Martin, Letter to the editor, p 160

Book Reviews, p. 161

John Chapman, Parliamentary enclosure in the uplands: the case of the North York Moors, p. 1
Juliet Clutton-Brock, George Garrard’s livestock models, p. 18
Kenneth Hutton, The distribution of wheelhouses in Britain, p. 30
Richard Grove, Coprolite mining in Cambridgeshire, p. 36
G.E. Fussell, Agricultural science and experiment in the eighteenth century: an attempt at a definition, p. 44
Eric Kerridge, Review article: British field systems, p. 48
Raine Morgan, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, p. 51

Book Reviews, p. 63

E.J.T. Collins, Dietary change and cereal consumption in Britain in the nineteenth century, p. 97
R.W. Unwin, A nineteenth-century estate sale: Wetherby 1824, p. 116
Cormac Ó Gráda, The investment behaviour of Irish landlords 1850-75: some preliminary findings, p. 139
Raymond E Dumett, Obstacles to government-assisted agricultural development in West Africa: cotton-growing experimentation in Ghana in the early twentieth century, p. 156
Robert S. Dilley, The customary acre: an indeterminate measure, p. 173
Sarah Carter, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history 1974, p. 177

Book Reviews, p. 187

J.A. Perkins, Tenure, tenant right and agricultural progress in Lindsey, 1780-1850, p. 1
F. Beavington, The development of market gardening in Bedfordshire 1799-1939, p. 23
Janet Blackman, The cattle trade and agrarian change on the eve of the railway age, p. 48
Stuart Macdonald, The progress of the early threshing machine, p. 63
W. Harwood Long, Some farming customs and practices in the late 1860s: the case of St Quinton v. Lett, p. 78
David Hey, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, p. 84

Book Reviews, p. 89
Obituary: Professor H.P.R. Finberg, p. 96

Eric Richards, ‘Leviathan of wealth’: West Midland agriculture, 1800-50, p. 97
June A. Sheppard, Metrological analysis of regular village plans in Yorkshire, p. 118
L.A. Clarkson, The English bark trade, 1660-1830, p. 136
David Taylor, The English dairy industry, 1860-1930: the need for a reassessment, p. 153
A.R. Mitchell, Sir Richard Weston and the spread of clover cultivation, p. 160
David Hey, Work in progress, p. 162
Sarah Carter, List of books and pamphlets on agrarian history issued since June 1972, p. 178

Book Reviews, p. 186

R.J. Colyer, Some Welsh breeds of cattle in the nineteenth century, p. 1
John H. Harvey, The stocks held by early nurseries, p. 18
Edith H. Whetham, The Agriculture Act 1920 and its repeal – the ‘Great Betrayal’, p. 36
Claus Bjørn, The study of the agrarian history of Denmark: a brief introduction to the literature, p. 50
John Hatcher, Myths, miners and agricultural communities, p. 54
Ian Blanchard, Rejoinder: Stannator fabulosus, p. 62
David Hey, Annual list and brief review of articles on agrarian history, p. 75

Reviews, p. 82

G.F.R. Spenceley, The origins of the English pillow lace industry, p. 81
Geoffrey Hewlett, Reconstructing a historical landscape from field and documentary evidence: Otford in Kent, p. 94
Wendy Davies, Unciae: land measurement in the Liber Landavensis, p. 111
C.S.L. Davies, Peasant revolt in France and England: a comparison, p. 122
Eric John, The Agrarian History of England and Wales Volume I, p. 135

Reviews, p. 140

P. Roebuck, Absentee landownership in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries: a neglected factor in English agrarian history, p. 1
J.A. Yelling, Changes in crop production in east Worcestershire 1540-1867, p. 18
Michael E. Turner, The cost of parliamentary enclosure in Buckinghamshire, p. 35
Alan R.H. Baker, A relatively neglected field form: the headland ridge, p. 47
Keith Sutton, A French agricultural canal – the canal de la Sauldre and the nineteenth-century improvement of the Sologne, p. 51
David Hey, List of books and articles on agrarian history issued since June 1971, p. 57

Reviews, p. 66

Ian Blanchard, The miner and the agricultural community in late medieval England, p. 93
E.L. Jones, The bird pests of British agriculture in recent centuries, p. 107
B.A. Holderness, ‘Open’ and ‘close’ parishes in England in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, p. 126
J.A. Hellen, Agricultural innovation and detectable landscape margins: the case of wheelhouses in Northumberland, p. 140
Stuart Elliott, The open-field system of an urban community: Stamford in the nineteenth century, p. 155
G.E. Fussell, The genesis of the British Agricultural History Society, p. 169
P.D.A. Harvey, Agricultural treatises and manorial accounting in medieval England: review article, p. 170

Reviews, p. 183

John Patten, Village and town: an occupational study, p. 1
J.P. Boxall, The Sussex breed of cattle in the nineteenth century, p. 17
P.J. Perry, Where was the ‘Great Agricultural Depression’? A geography of agricultural bankruptcy in late Victorian England and Wales, p. 30
C.R. Twidale, ‘Lands’ or relict strip fields in South Australia, p. 46
David H. Kennett, Wheat and malt prices in Cambridge in the late eighteenth century, p. 61
David Hey, List of books and articles on agrarian history issued since June 1970, p. 64

Reviews, p. 76

P.F. Brandon, Demesne arable farming in coastal Sussex during the later middle ages, p. 113
C.J. Harrison, Grain price analysis and harvest qualities, 1465-1634, p. 135
D.J. Rowe, The Culleys, Northumberland farmers, 1767-1813, p. 156
John Sheail, Changes in the supply of wild rabbits, 1790-1910, p. 175

Reviews, p. 178

Andrew Fleming, Bronze Age agriculture on the marginal lands of north-east Yorkshire, p. 1
Ian Gentles, The management of the crown lands, 1649-60, p. 25
John Rosselli, An Indian governor in the Norfolk marshland: Lord William Bentinck as improver, 1809-27, p. 42
Michael Williams, The enclosure and reclamation of the Mendip Hills, 1770-1870, p. 65
David Hey, List of books and articles on agrarian history issued since June 1969, p. 82
L.A. Clarkson, Agriculture and the development of the Australian economy during the nineteenth century: review article, p. 88

Reviews, p. 97