Business history DATINI

Business History

Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale; dal 1986 trimestrale; attualmente bimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6791

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0334
Consistenza: a. 2, 1959, 1-
Lacune: v. 48, 2006, 4-v. 48, 2006, 6
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1959 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 12, 1970, 2

B. L. Anderson, Money and the Structure of Credit in the Eighteenth Century, p. 85
D. S. Macmillan, The Transfer of Company Control from Scotland to London in the Nineteenth Century, p. 102
A. J. Robertson, The Decline of the Scottish Cotton Industry 1860-1914, p. 116

J. R. Harris, Industrial Archaeology and its Future, p. 129

Book reviews, p. 135
Book note, p. 151
Books received, p. 152

a. 12, 1970, 1

C. N. Smith, Motivation and Ownership: Ownership of the Gelsenkirchener Bergwerks A. G., p. 1
R. A. Church, Labour Supply and Innovation 1800-1860: the Boot and Shoe Industry, p. 25
T. R. Gourvish, Captain Mark Huish: A Pioneer in the Development of Railway Management, p. 46

J. Saville, The Development of British Industry and Foreign Competition 1875-1914, p. 59

Book reviews, p. 66
Book notes, p. 81
Books received, p. 84

a. 11, 1969, 2

S. D. Chapman, The Peels in the Early English Cotton industry, p. 61
Peter Prince, John Bell and the Universal Advertiser, p. 90
P. L. Cottrell, London Financiers and Austria 1863-1875: The Anglo-Austrian Bank, p. 106
R. G. Greenhill, The State under pressure: the ‘West Indian Mail Contract 1905, p. 120
L. S. Pressnell, Money Finance and Industrialisation, p. 128

Book reviews, p. 134
Business archives council, p. 144

a. 11, 1969, 1

Thomas Southcliffe Ashton, p. 1

D. W. Thoms, The Mills Family: London Sugar Merchants of the Eighteenth Century, p. 3
B. L. Anderson, Provincial Aspects of the Financial Revolution of the Eighteenth Century, p. 11
Alex J. Robertson, Robert Owen and the Campbell Debt 1810-1822, p. 23
B. C. G. Nokes, John English of Feckenham, Needle Manufacturer, p. 31
J. H. Porter, Management, Competition and Industrial Relations: The Midlands Manufactured Iron Trade 1873-1914, p. 37

Book reviews, p. 48
Book notes, p. 60
Books received, p. 60

a. 10, 1968, 2

R. Gravil, Trading to Spain and Portugal, 1670-1700, p. 69
C. H. Lee, Marketing Organization and Policy in the Cotton Trade: M’Connel & Kennedy of Manchester 1795-1835, p. 89
Neil K. Buxton, The Scottish Shipbuilding Industry between the Wars: A Comparative Study, p. 101
F. F. Ridley, The Economic Causes of the German Empire, p. 121

Book reviews, p. 126
Book notes, p. 140
Books received, p. 141

a. 10, 1968, 1

T. J. Raybould, Systems of Management and Administration on the Dudley Estates 1774-1833, p. 1
B. W. E. Alford, The Flint and Bottle Glass Industry in the Earl Nineteenth Century, p. 12
S. B. Saul, The Machine tool Industry in Britain to 1914, p. 22
Baron E. Duckham, Railway Steamship Enterprise: The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway’s East Coast Fleet 1904-14, p. 44

Book reviews, p. 58

a. 9, 1967, 2

Joseph Lee, The Construction Costs of Irish Railways, 1830-1853, p. 110
Janet Blackman, The Development of the Retail Grocery Trade in the Nineteenth Century, p. 110
H. D. Watts, Agricultural Industries: the Decline of Small Business, p. 118
D. H. Aldcroft, Factor Prices and the Rate of Innovation in Britain, 1875-1914, p. 126
Barbara M. D. Smith, The Galtons of Birmingham: Quaker Gun Merchants and Bankers, p. 132

Book reviews, p. 151

a. 9, 1967, 1

D. F. Dixon, The Growth of Competition Among the Standard Oil Companies in the United States, 1911-1961, p. 1
Hoh-Cheung, Lorna H. Mui, Andrew Melrose, Tea Dealer and Grocer of Edinburgh, 1812-1833, p. 30
J. N. Bartlett, The Mechanisation of the Kidderminster Carpet Industry, p. 49
R. G. Wilson, The Fortunes of a Leeds Merchant House, p. 70

Book reviews, p. 87

a. 8, 1966, 2

James M. Laux, Rochet-Schneider and the French Motor Industry to 1914, p. 77
Fritz Redlich, Some English Stationers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Part II, p. 86
David M. Williams, Merchanting in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century: The Liverpool Timber Trade, p. 103
Derek H. Aldcroft, Technical Progress and British Enterprise 1875-1914, p. 122
Roy Church, Messrs Gotch & Sons and the Rise of the Kettering Footwear Industry, p. 140
Peter L. Payne, A Select List of Business Histories, p. 150

Book reviews, p. 153
Book notes, p. 163
Books received, p. 164

a. 8, 1966, 1

Fritz Redlich, Some English Stationers of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: In the Light of their Autobiographies. Part I, p. 1
Richard Graham, A British Industry in Brazil: Rio Flour Mills, 1886-1920, p. 13
Asa Briggs, Trade Union History and Labour History, p. 39
A. W. Slater, A London Firm of Still-Makers, p. 48

Book reviews, p. 60

a. 7, 1965, 2

H. W. Richardson, J. M. Bass, The Profitability of Consett Iron Company before 1914, p. 71
R. S. Neale, An Equitable Trust in the Building Industry in 1794, p. 94
S. D. Chapman, The Pioneers of Worsted Spinning by Power, p. 97

Book reviews, p. 117

a. 7, 1965, 1

B. W. E. Alford, Business Enterprise and the Growth of the Commercial Letterpress Printing Industry, 1850-1914, p. 1
David S. Landes, Factor Costs and Demand: Determinants of Economic Growth, p. 15
W. E. Cheong, Trade and Finance in China: 1784-1834, p. 34
Harold E. Williamson, The Uses of Business History, p. 57

Book reviews, p. 59

a. 6, 1964, 2

W. H. Chaloner, Hazards of Trade with France in Time of War, 1776-1783, p. 79
G. B. Sutton, The Marketing of Ready Made Footwear in the Nineteenth Century, p. 93
Derek H. Aldcroft, Britain’s Internal Airways, p. 113

Book reviews, p. 124

Business archives council
Peter L. Payne, A Select List of Business Histories, p. 134

a. 6, 1963, 1

Donald F. Dixon, Petrol Distribution in the United Kingdom 1900-1950, p. 1
Francis E. Hyde, The Business of Shipping, p. 20
Joyce M. Bellamy, A Hull Shipbuilding Firm, p. 27
Barry E. Supple, The Great Capitalist Manhunt, p. 48

Book reviews, p. 63
Business archives council, p. 79

a. 5, 1963, 2

J. R. Harris, R. O. Roberts, Eighteenth Century Monopoly: The Cornish Metal Company Agreements of 1785, p. 69
Janet Blackman, The Food Supply of an Industrial town, p. 83
J. Burnett, The Baking Industry in the Nineteenth Century, p. 98
B. L. Crapster, The London Sunday Advertiser and its Immediate Successors, p. 109
D. W. E. Hardie, The Emergence of the German Dye Industry, p. 118

Book reviews, p. 123
Book notes, p. 134
Business archives council, p. 135

a. 5, 1962, 1

Francis E. Hyde, Economic Theory and Business History, p. 1
Peter L. Payne, The Uses of Business History, p. 11
S. B. Saul, The Motor Industry in Britain to 1914, p. 22
Esra Bennathan, German National Income 1850-1960, p. 45
A. K. Cairncross, The British Economy 1850-1960, p. 45

Book reviews, p. 57
Business archives council, p. 68

a. 4, 1962, 2

B. E. Supple, The Uses of Business History, p. 81
Joyce M. Bellamy, Cotton Manufacture in Kingston upon Hull, p. 91
Barbara M. Smith, Patents for Invention: The National and Local Picture, p. 109
Roy A. Church, An Aspect of Family Enterprise in the Industrial Revolution, p. 120

Book reviews, p. 126
Book notes, p. 138

Business archives council
Peter L. Payne, A Select List of Business Histories, p. 139

a. 4, 1961, 1

Frederick J. Glover, The Rise of the Heavy Woollen Trade of the West Riding of Yorkshire in the Nineteenth Century, p. 1
R. H. Campbell, Early Malleable Iron Production in Scotland, p. 22
Roland Smith, An Oldham Limited Liability Company 1875-1896, p. 34
D. L. McLachlan, The Conference System since 1919, p. 54

Book reviews, p. 64

a. 3, 1961, 2

W. O. Henderson, The Rise of the Metal and Armament Industries in Berlin and Brandenburg 1712-1795, p. 63
P. L. Payne, The Govan Collieries 1804-1805, p. 75
D. H. Aldcroft, Port Congestion and the Shipping Boom of 1919-20, p. 97
P. W. Kingsford, The Lanchester Engine Company Ltd. 1899-1904, p. 107
E. Gwynne Jones, Business Records in the Library of the University College of North Wales, Bangor, p. 114
C. E. Welch, Records in the Archives Department of Plymouth City Library, p. 119

Book reviews, p. 121
Book notes, p. 131
Business archives council, p. 132

a. 3, 1960, 1

J. E. Merritt, The Triangular Trade, p. 1
A. E. Musson, An Early Engineering Firm, p. 8
S. B. Saul, The American Impact upon British Industry, p. 19
G. Clayton, Central Banking between the Wars, p. 39
R. Sharpe France, Business Records in the Lancashire Record Office, p. 44

Book reviews, p. 46
Book notes, p. 60
Business archives council, p. 61

a. 2, 1960, 2

W. J. Jones, Elizabethan Marine Insurance-The Judicial Undergrowth, p. 53
B. L. C. Johnson, The Midland Iron Industry in the early Eighteenth Century, p. 67
Olga Crisp, French Investment in Russian Joint-Stock Companies, 1894-1914, p. 75
L. S. Pressnell, Family Bankers, p. 91
N. J. Cunningham, Industrial Innovation, p. 97

Book reviews, p. 101
Book notes, p. 107
Business archives council, p. 108

a. 2, 1959, 1

G. Heberton Evans, Economists, Economic Historians and Business Enterprise, p. 1
S. G. Checkland, Corn for South Lancashire and Beyond, 1780-1800, p. 4
M. W. Flinn, The Lloyds in the Early English Iron Industry, p. 21
L. J. Williams, A Carmarthenshire Ironmaster and the Seven Years’ War, p. 32

Book reviews, p. 44