Business history DATINI

Business History

Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale; dal 1986 trimestrale; attualmente bimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6791

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0334
Consistenza: a. 2, 1959, 1-
Lacune: v. 48, 2006, 4-v. 48, 2006, 6
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1959 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 42, 2000, 4

Michael Turner, Corporate Strategy or Individual Priority? Land Management, Income and Tenure on Oxbridge Agricultural Land in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, p. 1
Laura Stanciu, Free-Standing Companies in the Oil Sector in Romania and Poland before 1948: Typologies and Competencies, p. 27
A. I. M. Fleming, S. McKinstry, K. Wallace, The Decline and Fall of the North British Locomotive Company, 1940-62: Technological and Financial Mismanagement or Institutional Failure?, p. 67
Alan McKinlay, Helen Mercer, Neil Rollings, Reluctant Europeans? The Federation of British Industries and European Integration, 1945-63, p. 91
Nick Tiratsoo, The United States Techmnical Assistance Programme in Japan, 1955-62, p. 117
Mike Wright, Ken Robbie, Brian Chiplin, Mark Albrighton, The Development of an Organisational Innovation: Management Buy-Outs in the UK, 1980-97, p. 137

Book reviews, p. 185
Books received, p. 229

a. 42, 2000, 3

a cura di David Merrett

D. T. Merrett, Business Institutions and Behaviour in Australia: A New Perspective, p. 1
Simon Ville, D. T. Merrett, The Development of Large Scale Enterprise in Australia, 1910-64, p. 13
Grant Fleming, Collusion and Price Wars in the Australian Coal Industry during the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 47
Peter Burn, Opportunism and Long-Term Contracting: Transactions in Broken Hill Zinc Concentrates in the 1930s, p. 71
Helen Fountain, Technology Acquisition, Firm Capability and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A Case Study of Australian Glass Manufacturers Ltd, 1915-39, p. 89
Diane Hutchinson, The Transformation of Boral: From Dependent, Specialist Bitumen Refiner to Major Building Products Manufacturer, p. 109
D. T. Merrett, Andrew Seltzer, Work in the Financial Services Industry and Worker Monitoring: A Study of the Union Bank of Australia in the 1920s, p. 133

Abstracts, p. 153
Book reviews, p. 156
Books received, p. 191

a. 42, 2000, 2

Duncan Ross, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1998, p. 1

Karl James Moore, David Charles Lewis, Multinational Enterprise in Ancient Phoenicia, p. 17
Scott R. Fletcher, Andrew Godley, Foreign Direct Investment in British Rectaling, 1850-1962, p. 43
Charles Harvey, Jon Press, Management and the Taff Vale Strike of 1900, p. 63
O. de Wit, J. van den Ende, The Emergence of a New Regime: Business Management and Office Mechanisation in the Dutch Financial Sector in the 1920s, p. 87
Trevor Buck, Malcolm Tull, Anglo-American Contributions to Japanese and German Corporate Governance after World War Two, p. 119

W. D. Rubinstein, Wealth Making in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries: A Response, p. 141
Tom Nicholas, Wealth Making, in the Nineteenth and Early Century: The Rubinsteinis Hypothesis Revisited, p. 155

Book reviews, p. 169
Books received, p. 217

a. 42, 2000, 1

Roy Church, Ossified or Dynamic? Structure, Markets and the Competitive Process in the British Business System of the Nineteenth Century, p. 1
Peter Howlett, Evidence of the Existence of an Internal Labour Market in the Great Eastern Railway Company, 1875-1905, p. 21
Simon Ville, Grant Fleming, The Nature and Structure of Trade-Financial Networks: Evidence from the New Zealand Pastoral Sector, p. 41
David Higgins, Steven Toms, Public Subsidy and Private Investment: The Lancashire Cotton Textile Industry, c. 1950-c. 1965, p. 59
Christopher Wright, From Shop Floor to Boardroom: The Historical Evolution of Australian Management Consulting, 1940s to 1980s, p. 85

Book reviews, p. 107
Books received, p. 156

a. 41, 1999, 4

M. Marinetto, The Historical Development of Businesses Philanthropy: Social Responsibility in the New Corporate Economy, p. 1
David Sunderland, ‘Objectional Parasites’: The Crown Agents, and the Purchase of Crown Colony Government Stores, 1880-1914, p. 21
Priscilla Connolly, Pearson and Public Works Construction in Mexico, 1890-1910, p. 48
Paloma Fernández-Pérez, Challenging the Loss of an Empire: González & Byass of Jerez, p. 72
Peter Wardley, The Emergence of Big Business: The Largest Corporate Employers of Labour in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States c. 1907, p. 88

Book reviews, p. 117
Books received, p. 176

a. 41, 1999, 3

Stefania Licini, Francesco Saverio Amman: An Austrian Cotton Entrepreneur in Lombardy, 1838-82, p. 1
Sue Bowden, David M. Higgins, Productivity on the Cheap? The ‘More Looms’ Experiment and the Lancashire Weaving Industry during the Inter-War Years, p. 20
Sally M. Horrocks, Enthusiasm Constrained? British Industrial R&D and the Transition from War to Peace, 1942-51, p. 42
Ian Clark, Institutional Stability in Management Practice and Industrial Relations: The Influence of the Anglo-American Council for Productivity, 1948-52, p. 64
Roger Lloyd-Jones, M. J. Lewis, Mark Eason, Culture as Metaphor: Company Culture and Business Strategy at Raleigh Industries, c. 1945-60, p. 93
Marek Korczynski, The Restrictive Practices of Capital: Employer Commercial Opportunism, Labour Militancy and Economic Performance in the Engineering Construction Industry, 1960-80, p. 134

Book reviews, p. 161
Rooks received, p. 202

a. 41, 1999, 2

Michael French, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1997, p. 1

Christine MacLeod, Negotiating the Rewards of Invention: The Shop-Floor Inventor in Victorian Britain, p. 17
Antje Hagen, German Direct Investment in the United Kingdom, 1871-1918, p. 37
Geoffrey Jones, Judith Wale, Diversification Strategies of British Trading Companies: Harrisons & Crosfield, c. 1900-c. 1980, p. 69
Geoffrey Tweedale, David J. Jeremy, Compensating the Workers: Industrial Injury and Compensation in the British Asbestos Industry, 1930s-60s, p. 102

Book reviews, p. 121
Books received, p. 174

a. 41, 1999, 1

John Smail, The Sources of Innovation in the Woollen and Worsted Industry of Eighteenth-Century Yorkshire, p. 1
Tom Nicholas, Wealth Making in Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Britain: Industry v. Commerce and Finance, p. 16
Forrest Capie, Michael Collins, Banks, Industry and Finance, 1880-1914, p. 37
Philip Ollerenshaw, Textile Business in Europe during the First World War: The Linen Industry, 1914-18, p. 63
Mairi MacLean, Corporate Governance in France and the UK: Long-Term Perspectives on Contemporary Institutional Arrangements, p. 88

B. W. E. Alford, The Study of Big Business: Lessons from the Past, p. 117

Book reviews, p. 123
Books received, p. 184

a. 40, 1998, 4

a cura di Nicholas Alexander, Gary Akehurst

Nicholas Alexander, Gary Akehurst, Introduction: The Emergence of Modern Retailing, 1750-1950, p. 1
Joshua Bamfield, Consumer-Owned Community Flour and Bread Societies in the Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries, p. 16
Christina Fowler, Changes in Provincial Retail Practice during the Eighteenth Century, with Particular Reference to Central Southern England, p. 37
Martin Purvis, Stocking the Store: Cooperative Retailers in North-East England and Systems of Wholesale Supply, circa 1860-77, p. 55
Gareth Shaw, Andrew Alexander, John Benson, John Jones, Structural and Spatial Trends in British Retailing: The Importance of Firm-Level Studies, p. 79
Deborah Hodson, ‘The Municipal Store’: Adaptation and Development in the Retail Markets of Nineteenth-Century Urban Lancashire, p. 94
Matthew Hilton, Retailing History as Economic and Cultural History: Strategies of Survival by Specialist Tobacconists in the Mass Market, p. 115
Jonathan Morris, The Fascist ‘Disciplining’ of the Italian Retail Sector, 1922-40, p. 138

Abstracts, p. 165
Book reviews, p. 169
Books received, p. 208

a. 40, 1998, 3

Clive Behagg, Mass Production Without the Factory: Producers, Guns and Small Firm Innovation, 1790-1815, p. 1
Priscilla Roberts, Willard D. Straight and the Diplomacy of International Finance during the First World War, p. 16
Michael Schwartz, Andrew Fish, Just-in-Time Inventories in Old Detroit, p. 48
Derek Matthews, The Business Doctors: Accountants in British Management from the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day, p. 72
Kosmas Tsokhas, The Australian Mining Industry Council, 1967-75, p. 104

Book reviews, p. 129
Books received, p. 181

a. 40, 1998, 2

Keetie A. Sluyterman, The Internationalisation of Dutch Accounting Firms, p. 1
Michael French, Public Policy and British Commercial Vehicles during the Export Drive Era, 1945-50, p. 22
Carlo Morelli, Constructing a Balance between Price and Non-Price Competition in British Multiple Food Retailing, 1954-64, p. 45

Jim Tomlinson, Nick Tiratsoo, ‘An Old Story, Freshly told’? A Comment on Broadberry and Crafts’ Approach to Britain’s Early Post-War Economic Performance, p. 62
S. N. Broadberry, N. F. R. Crafts, The Post-War Settlement: Not Such a Good Bargain After All, p. 73

Francesca Carnevali, A Review of Italian Business History from 1991 to 1997, p. 80
Trevor Boyns, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1996, p. 95

Book reviews, p. 115
Books received, p. 167

a. 40, 1998, 1

Steven Toms, Windows of Opportunity in the Textile Industry: The Business Strategies of Lancashire Entrepreneurs, 1880-1914, p. 1
Choi Chi-Cheung, Kinship and Business: Paternal and Maternal Kin in Chaozhou Chinese Family Firms, p. 26
Susanne Hilger, Welfare Policy in German Big Business after the First World War: Vereinigte Stahlwerke AG, 1926-33, p. 50
Stephen Rosevear, Balancing Business and the Regions: British Distribution of Industry Policy and the Board of Trade, 1945-51, p. 77
John F. Wilson, International Business Strategies at Ferranti, 1907-75: Direction, Management and Performance, p. 100

Book reviews, p. 122
Books received, p. 172

a. 39, 1997, 4

A cura di Mark Casson, Mary B. Rose

Mark Casson, Mary B. Rose, Introduction, p. 1
S. R. H. Jones, Transaction Costs and the Theory of the Firm: The Scope and Limitations of the New Institutional Approach, p. 9
S. A. Caunce, Complexity, Community Structure and Competitive Advantage within the Yorkshire Woollen Industry, c. 1700-1850, p. 26
Oliver M. Westall, Invisible, Visible and ‘Direct’ Hands: An Institutional Interpretation of Organisational Structure and Change in British General Insurance, p. 44
Matthias Kipping, Consultancies, Institutions and the Diffusion of Taylorism in Britain, Germany and France, 1920s to 1950s, p. 67
Hans Sjögren, Financial Reconstruction and Industrial Reorganisation in Different Financial Systems: A Comparative View of British and Swedish Institutions during the Inter-War Period, p. 84
Sverre Knutsen, Post-War Strategic Capitalism in Norway: A Theoretical and Analytical Framework, p. 106
Mary B. Rose, The Politics of Protection: An Institutional Approach to Government-Industry Relations in the British and United States Cotton Industries, 1945-73, p. 128
Mark Casson, Institutional Economics and Business History: A Way Forward?, p. 151

Book reviews, p. 176
Books received, p. 204

a. 39, 1997, 3

Trevor Boyns, Richard Edwards, The Construction of Cost Accounting Systems in Britain to 1900: The Case of the Coal, Iron and Steel industries, p. 1
Howard Cox, Learning to do Business in China: The Evolution of BAT’s Cigarette Distribution Network, 1902-41, p. 30
John Hillman, The Impact of the International Tin Restriction Schemes on the Return to Equity of Tin Mining Companies, 1927-39, p. 65
Dirk De Wit, The Construction of the Dutch Computer Industry: The Organisational Shaping of Technology, p. 81
Sam McKinstry, The Rise and Progress of John Brown Engineering, 1966-97: US Technology, Scottish Expertise and English Capital, p. 105

Book reviews, p. 135
Books received, p. 182

a. 39, 1997, 2

Robin Pearson, British Business History: A Review of the periodical Literature for 1995, 1

Charles Jones, Institutional Forms of British Foreign Direct Investment in South America, p. 21
Christopher Schmitz, The Nature and Dimensions of Scottish Foreign Investment, 1860-1914, p. 42
Christopher J. Napier, Allies or Subsidiaries? Inter-Company Relations in the P&0 Group, 1914-39, p. 69
James Darby, The Environmental Crisis in Japan and the Origins of Japanese Manufacturing in Europe, p. 94

Book reviews, p. 115
Books received, p. 164

a. 39, 1997, 1

Gillian Cookson, Family Firms and Business Networks: Textile Engineering in Yorkshire, 1780-1830, p. 1
Gary B. Magee, Technological Divergence in a Continuous Flow Production Industry: American and British Paper Making in the Late Victorian and Edwardian Era, p. 21
Christian Bellak, Austrian Manufacturing MNEs: Long-Term Perspectives, p. 47
Rolv Petter Amdam, Ove Bjarnar, Regional Business Networks and the Diffusion of American Management and Organisational Models to Norway, 1945-65, p. 72

Book reviews, p. 91

a. 38, 1996, 4

Antje Hagen, Export versus Direct Investment in the German Optical Industry: Carl Zeiss, Jena and Glaswerk Schott & Gen. in the UK, from their Beginnings to 1933, p. 1
Catherine R. Schenk, Exchange Controls and Multinational Enterprise: The Sterling-Dollar Oil Controversy in the 1950s, p. 21
Peter Scott, The Worst of Both Worlds: British Regional Policy, 1951-64, p. 41
S. N. Broadberry, N. F. R. Crafts, British Economic Policy and Industrial Performance in the Early Post-War Period, p. 65

Book reviews, p. 92
Books received, p. 135

a. 38, 1996, 3

a cura di Andrew Godley, Duncan M. Ross

Andrew Godley, Duncan M. Ross, Introduction: Banks, Networks and Small-Firm Finance, p. 1
Duncan M. Ross, The Unsatisfied Fringe in Britain, 1930s-80s, p. 11
Hans Sjögren, Sven Jungerhem, Small Firm Financing in Sweden, 1960-95, p. 27
Simon Ville, Networks and Venture Capital in the Australasian Pastoral Sector before World War Two, p. 48
Lucy Newton, Regional Bank-Industry Relations during the Mid-Nineteenth Century: Links between Bankers and Manufacturers in Sheffield, c. 1850 to c. 1885, p. 64
Francesca Carnevali, Between Markets and Networks: Regional Banks in Italy, p. 84
Andrew Godley, Jewish Soft Loan Societies in New York and London and Immigrant Entrepreneurship, 1880-1914, p. 101
Jan Ottosson, Anders Lundgren, AB Gust Carlsson, 1880-1990: Networks and Survival in the Swedish Printing Industry, p. 117

Book reviews, p. 127
Books received, p. 166

a. 38, 1996, 2

John Singleton, British Business History: A Review of Periodical Literature for 1994, p. 1

Ann M. Carlos, Jill L. Van Stone, Stock Transfer Patterns in the Hudson’s Bay Company: A Study of the English Capital Market in Operation, 1670-1730, p. 15
A. J. Arnold, Should Historians Trust Late Nineteenth-Century Financial Statements?, p. 40
Trevor Boyns, Judith Wale, The Development of Management Information Systems in the British Coal Industry, c.1880-1947, p. 55
Ross Hamilton, Despite Best Intentions: The Evolution of the British Minicomputer Industry, p. 81

Book reviews, p. 105
Books received, p. 150

a. 38, 1996, 1

Matthias Kipping, Inter-Firm Relations and Industrial Policy: The French and German Steel Producers and Users in the Twentieth Century, p. 1
Forrest Capie, Michael Collins, Industrial Lending by English Commercial Banks, 1860s-1914: Why Did Banks Refuse Loans?, p. 26
Etsuo Abé, The Technological Strategy of a Leading Iron and Steel Firm, Bolkow Vaughan & Co. Ltd: Late Victorian Industrialists Did Fail, p. 45
I. R. Phimister, The Chrome Trust: The Creation of an International Cartel, 1908-38, p. 77
Alan Pilkington, Learning from Joint Venture: The Rover-Honda Relationship, p. 90

Hubert Bonin, French Banking History: A Review Article, p. 115

Book reviews, p. 128
Books received, p. 179

a. 37, 1995, 4

Michael Huberman, Some Early Evidence of Worksharing: Lancashire before 1850, p. 1
John Griffiths, ‘Give my Regards to Uncle Billy’: The Rites and Rituals of Company Life at Lever Brothers, c. 1900-c. 1990, p. 25
Andrew Godley, The Development of the UK Clothing Industry, 1850-1950: Output and Productivity Growth, p. 46
Sam McKinstry, Argyll Motors Ltd: A Corporate Post-Mortem, p. 64
Christopher Schmitz, The World’s Largest Industrial Companies of 1912, p. 85

B.W. E. Alford, ‘To see oursels as others see us …’: The Study of British Economic History since 1700, p. 97

Books reviews, p. 103
Books received, p. 152

a. 37, 1995, 3

David Higgins, Geoffrey Tweedale, Asset or Liability? Trade Marks in the Sheffield Cutlery and tool Trades, p. 1
Trevor Boyns, John Richard Edwards, Accounting Systems and Decision-Making in The Mid-Victorian Period: The Case of the Consett Iron Company, p. 28
Robert David, The Demise of the Anglo-Norwegian Ice Trade, p. 52
D. T. Merrett, Global Reach by Australian Banks: Correspondent Banking Networks, 1830-1960, p. 70
Takeo Kikkawa, Enterprise Groups, Industry Associations, and Government: The Case of the Petrochemical Industry in Japan, p. 89

Ben Fine, Zav Rustomjee, Afrikaner Nationalism, Anglo American and Iscor: The Formation of the Highveld Steel and Vanadium Corporation, 1960-70, p. 111

Books reviews, p. 115
Books received, p. 149

a. 37, 1995, 2

a cura di Etsuo Abe, Robert Fitzgerald

Etsuo Abe, Robert Fitzgerald, Japanese Economic Success: Timing, Culture and Organisational Capability, p. 1
Hidemasa Morikawa, The Role of Managerial Enterprise in Post-War Japan’s Economic Growth: Focus on the 1950s, p. 32
Takeo Kikkawa, Kigyo Shudan: The Formation and Function of Enterprise Groups, p. 44
Masahiro Shimotani, The Formation of Distribution Keiretsu: The Case of Matsushita Electric, p. 54
Mariko Tatsuki, The Rise of the Mass Market and Modern Retailers in Japan, p. 70
Tetsuji Okazaki, The Evolution of the Financial System in Post-War Japan, p. 89
Masaru Udagawa, The Development of Production Management at the toyota Motor Corporation, p. 107
Shinji Sugayama, Work Rules, Wages and Single Status: The Shaping of the ‘Japanese Employment System’, p. 120

Book reviews, p. 141
Books received, p. 174

a. 37, 1995, 1

Martin Chick, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1993, p. 1

S. Clarke, A. M. Tobias, Complexity in Corporate Modelling: A Review, p. 17
Simon Smith, British Exports to Colonial North America and the Mercantilist Fallacy, p. 45
Hermut Berghoff, Regional Variations in Provincial Business Biography: The Case of Birmingham, Bristol and Manchester, 1870-1914, p. 64
Robert Greenhill, Investment Group, Free-Standing Company or Multinational? Brazilian Warrant, 1909-52, p. 86

Charles W. Munn, Money, Banking and Sources, p. 112

Book reviews, p. 117
Books received, p. 174

a. 36, 1994, 4

Richard H. K. Vietor, Contrived Competition: Economic Regulation and Deregulation, 1920s-1980s, p. 1
Craig Young, The Economic Characteristics of Small Craft Businesses in Rural Lowland Perthshire c. 1830-c. 1900, p. 33
Michael J. Turner, Henry Demarest Lloyd and Business Ethics in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century America, p. 53
Rolv Petter Amdam, Foreign Influence on the Education of Norwegian Business Managers, before World War II, p. 79

Mark Casson, Institutional Diversity in Overseas Enterprise: Explaining, the Free-Standing Company, p. 95
T. A. B. Corley, Free-Standing Companies, their Financing, and Internalisation Theory, p. 109
Jean-François Hennart, Free-Standing Firms and the Internalisation of Markets for Financial Capital: A Response to Casson, p. 118

Book reviews, p. 132
Books received, p. 188

a. 36, 1994, 3

Peter Scott, Learning to Multiply: The Property Market and the Growth of Multiple Retailing in Britain, 1919-39, p. 1
Keith Burgess, British Employers and Education Policy, 1935-45: A Decade of ‘Missed Opportunities’?, p. 29
Stuart Jones, Origins, Growth and Concentration of Bank Capital in South Africa, 1860-92, p. 62
Tim Cross, Afrikaner Nationalism, Anglo American and Iscor: The Formation of the Highveld Steel & Vanadium Corporation, 1960-70, p. 81

Book reviews, p. 100
Books received, p. 151

a. 36, 1994, 2

John F. Wilson, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1992, p. 1

Oliver Westall, Marketing Strategy and the Competitive Structure of British General Insurance, 1720-1980, p. 20
David A. Kent, Small Businessmen and their Credit Transactions in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 47
Nick Tiratsoo, Jim Tomlinson, Restrictive Practices on the Shopfloor in Britain, 1945-60: Myth and Reality, p. 65

V. N. Balasubramanyam, The Transnational Corporation, p. 83

Book reviews, p. 90
Books received, p. 142

a. 36, 1994, 1

a cura di Geoffrey Jones

Geoffrey Jones, The Making of Global Enterprise, p. 1
Mira Wilkins, Comparative Hosts, p. 18
Jean?François Hennart, International Financial Capital Transfers: A Transaction Cost Framework, p. 51
T. A. B. Corley, Britain’s Overseas Investments in 1914 Revisited, p. 71
Frances Bostock, Geoffrey Jones, Foreign Multinationals in British Manufacturing, 1850-1962, p. 89
Graham D. Taylor, Negotiating Technology Transfer within Multinational Enterprises: Perspectives from Canadian History, p. 127
Akira Kudo, I. G. Farben in Japan: The Transfer of Technology and Managerial Skills, p. 159
Alan McKinlay, Ken Starkey, After Henry: Continuity and Change in Ford Motor Company, p. 184

Book reviews, p. 206
Book received, p. 228

copertina della rivista

a. 35, 1993, 4

a cura di Geoffrey Jones, Mary B. Rose

Geoffrey Jones, Mary B. Rose, Family Capitalism, p. 1
Roy Church, The Family Firm in Industrial Capitalism: International Perspectives on Hypotheses and History, p. 17
Sheila Smith, Fortune and Failure: The Survival of Family Firms in Eighteenth-Century India, p. 44
Ann Prior, Maurice Kirby, The Society of Friends and the Family Firm, 1700-1830, p. 66
Stana Nenadic, The Small Family Firm in Victorian Britain, p. 86
Philip Scranton, Build a Firm, Start Another: The Bromleys and Family Firm Entrepreneurship in the Philadelphia Region, p. 115
Keetie E. Sluyterman, Hélène J. M. Winkelman, The Dutch Family Firm confronted with Chandler’s Dynamics of Industrial Capitalism, 1890-1940, p. 152
Emmanuel Chadeau, The Large Family Firm in Twentieth-Century France, p. 184

Book reviews, p. 206
Books received, p. 238

a. 35, 1993, 3

Robert Millward, Robert Ward, From Private to Public Ownership of Gas Undertakings in England and Wales, 1851-1947: Chronology, Incidence and Causes, p. 1
Richard Roberts, What’s in a Name? Merchants, Merchant Bankers, Accepting Houses, Issuing Houses, Industrial Bankers and Investment Bankers, p. 22
Jerry L. S. Wang, The Profitability of Anglo-Chinese Trade, 1861-1913, p. 39
Karel Williams, Colin Haslam, John Williams, Andy Adcroft, Sukhdev Johal, The Myth of the Line: Ford’s Production of the Model T at Highland Park, 1909-16, p. 66
Mariko Tatsuki, Intensifying Competition and the Streamlining of Japanese Shipping Companies: The Pacific Routes between the two World Wars, p. 88

Book reviews, p. 108
Books received, p. 154

a. 35, 1993, 2

a cura di Kersti Ullenhag

Kersti Ullenhag, Introduction, p. 1
Anita Göransson, Gender and Property Rights: Capital, Kin and Owner Influence in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Sweden, p. 11
Per Boje, A Career Approach to Entrepreneurship: The Case of Thomas B. Thrige, p. 33
Barbro Anell, Timing is All: On the Roles of Owners and Managers in Expanding and Contracting Corporate Activities, p. 45
Hans Modig, Management of Public Enterprises: A Special Type of Managerial Capitalism? The Swedish Case, p. 55
Kersti Ullenhag, Those in Power: On the Role of Owners in Swedish Business, p. 68
Alf Johansson, Structures, Managers and Owners: The Case of the Post-War Swedish Paint Industry, p. 87
Jan Glete, Swedish Managerial Capitalism: Did It Ever Become Ascendant?, p. 99

Book reviews, p. 111
Books received, p. 146

a. 35, 1993, 1

Martin Chick, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1991, p. 1

Maxine Berg, Small Producer Capitalism in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 17
Alun C. Davies, British Watchmaking and the American System, p. 40
Sue Bowden, Paul Turner, Some Cross-Section Evidence on the Determinants of the Diffusion of Car Ownership in the Inter-War UK Economy, p. 55

Book reviews, p. 70
Books received, p. 117

a. 34, 1992, 4

Robin Pearson, Fire Insurance and the British Textile Industries during the Industrial Revolution, p. 1
Martin Lynn, British Business and the African Trade: Richard & William King Ltd. of Bristol and West Africa, 1833-1918, p. 20
John Lovell, Employers and Craft Unionism: A Programme of Action for British Shipbuilding, 1902-5, p. 38
Ina Zweiniger-Bargielowskan, Colliery Managers and Nationalisation: The Experience in South Wales, p. 59
Elizabeth Garnsey, An Early Academic Enterprise: A Study of Technology Transfer, p. 79

Martin Chick, Crisis of Government, p. 99

Book reviews, p. 103
Books received, p. 142

a. 34, 1992, 3

a cura di Gregory P. Marchildon, Duncan McDowall

Gregory P. Marchildon, Canadian Multinationals and International Finance: Past and Present, p. 1
Marilyn Gerriets, The Rise and Fall of a Free-Standing Company in Nova Scotia: The General Mining Association, p. 16
Graham D. Taylor, From Branch Operation to Integrated Subsidiary: The Reorganisation of Imperial Oil under Walter Teagle, 1911-17, p. 49
Gregory P. Marchildon, Hands across the Water’: Canadian Industrial Financiers in the City of London, 1905-20, p. 69
Christopher Armstrong, Canadian Promoters and American Markets: Regulating the Irregular, 1945-55, p. 96
Lawrence L. Schembri, Jennifer A. Hawkins, The Role of Canadian Chartered Banks in US Banking Crises: 1870-1914, p. 122
James L. Darroch, Global Competitiveness and Public Policy: The Case of Canadian Multinational Banks, p. 153
Duncan McDowall, Fin de Siècle: Canadian Business in the 1990s, p. 176

Book reviews, p. 181
Books received, p. 221

a. 34, 1992, 2

Alan McKinlay, British Business History: A Review of the Recent Periodical Literature, p. 1

Satoshi Sasaki, The Introduction of Scientific Management by the Mitsubishi Engineering Co. and the Formation of an Organised Scientific Management Movement in Japan in the 1920s and 1930s, p. 12
Keetie E. Sluyterman, From Licensor to Multinational Enterprise: the Small Dutch Firm Océ-van der Grinten in the International World, 1922-66, p. 28
Kosmas Tsokhas, The Eastern & Australian Steamship Company and the Shipping Dispute Between Australia and Japan, 1936-39, p. 50

W. D. Rubinstein, British Businessmen as Wealth-holders, 1870-1914: A Response, p. 69
Hartmut Berghoff, A Reply to W. D. Rubinstein’s Response, p. 82

Simon Ville, A Historiographical Assessment of New Zealand Business History, p. 86

Book reviews, p. 103
Books received, p. 150

a. 34, 1992, 1

a cura di Charles Harvey, Geoffrey Jones

Charles Harvey, Geoffrey Jones, Organisational Capability and Competitive Advantage, p. 1
Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., Managerial Enterprise and Competitive Capabilities, p. 11
Gordon Boyce, Corporate Strategy and Accounting Systems: A Comparison of Developments at Two British Steel Firms, 1898-1914, p. 42
Mira Wilkins, The Neglected Intangible Asset: The Influence of the Trade Mark on the Rise of the Modern Corporation, p. 66
Geoffrey Tweedale, Marketing in the Second Industrial Revolution: A Case Study of the Ferranti Group, 1949-63, p. 96
Patricia A. O’Brien, Industry Structure as a Competitive Advantage: The History of Japan’s Post-war Steel Industry, p. 128
Susan Ariel Aaronson, Serving America’s Business? Graduate Business Schools and American Business, 1945-60, p. 160
Richard Roberts, Regulatory Responses to the Market for Corporate Control in Britain in the 1950s, p. 183

Book reviews, p. 201
Books received, p. 232

a. 33, 1991, 4

R. H. Parker, Misleading Accounts? Pitfalls for Historians, p. 1
Simon Ville, The Expansion and Development of a Private Business: An Application of Vertical Integration Theory, p. 19
R. B. Weir, Science, Marketing and Competition in the Yeast Trade, 1860-1918, p. 43
Daniel Barbezat, A Price for Every Product, Every Place: The International Steel Export Cartel, 1933-39, p. 68

Mary Mills, George Livesey and Profit Sharing: A Comment on Some Recent Literature, p. 87

Mira Wilkins, The du Ponts, p. 91

Book reviews, p. 99
Books received, p. 135

a. 33, 1991, 3

a cura di Geoffrey Jones

Geoffrey Jones, Introduction, p. 1
Edwin J. Perkins, Conflicting Views on Fiat Currency: Britain and its North American Colonies in the Eighteenth Century, p. 8
P. L. Cottrell, The Coalescence of a Cluster of Corporate International Banks, 1855-75, p. 31
Youssef Cassis, Financial Elites in Three European Centres: London, Paris, Berlin, 1880s-1930s, p. 53
Gregory P. Marchildon, British Investment Banking and Industrial Decline before the Great War: A Case Study of Capital Outflow to Canadian Industry, p. 72
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, ‘No Arbitrary Discretion’: Specialisation in Short-Term Commercial Lending by Banks in Late Nineteenth-Century New England, p. 93
Hans Sjögren, Long-Term Contracts in the Swedish Bank-Orientated Financial System during the Inter-War Period, p. 119
Geiger, Duncan M. Ross, Banks, Institutional Constraints and the Limits of Central Banking: Monetary Policy in Britain and West Germany, TILL 1950-52, p. 138
Frances Bostock, The British Overseas Banks and Development Finance in Africa after 1945, p. 157
Kathleen Burk, The House of Morgan Redivivus? The Abortive Morgan International, 1972-73, p. 177

Book reviews, p. 196
Books received, p. 218

a. 33, 1991, 2

Derek Matthews, British Business History: A Review of the Periodical Literature for 1989, p. 185

J. F. Wilson, Ownership, Management and Strategy in Early North-West Gas Companies, 1815-30, p. 203
Hartmut Berghoff, British Businessmen as Wealth-Holders, 1870-1914: A Closer Look, p. 222
S. M. Bowden, Demand and Supply Constraints in the Inter-War UK Car Industry: Did the Manufacturers Get it Right?, p. 241
Peter Wardley, De Anatomy of Big Business: Aspects of Corporate Development in the Twentieth Century, p. 268

Leslie Hannah, Scale and Scope: towards a European Visible Hand?, p. 297

Book reviews, p. 310
Books received, p. 358
Erratum, p. 358

a. 33, 1991, 1

T. C. Barker, In Memoriam: W. J. Reader, p. 5

John Armstrong, An Introduction to Archival Research in Business History, p. 7
John Richard Edwards, Edmund Newell, The Development of Industrial Cost and Management Accounting before 1850: A Survey of the Evidence, p. 35
David J. Jeremy, The Enlightened Paternalist in Action: William Hesketh Lever at Port Sunlight before 1914, p. 58
Jim Tomlinson, The Failure of the Anglo-American Council on Productivity, p. 82
David J. Jeremy, The Hundred Largest Employers in the United Kingdom, in Manufacturing and Non-manufacturing Industries, in 1907, 1935 and 1955, p. 93

Geoffrey Jones, Locational Choice, Performance and the Growth of British Multinational Firms: A Comment, p. 112
Stephen Nicholas, Debating Business History: Location, Performance and Growth of British MNEs, p. 116

Book reviews, p. 121
Books received, p. 171