Essays in Economic and Business History ELETTRONICHE DATINI

Essays in Economic and Business History

Anaheim, California, Economic and Business Historical Society
ISSN: 0896-226X
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 106
Consistenza: v. XXIII, 2005-v. XXXII, 2014
Lacune: v. XXV, 2007;
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:
Nota bene: per la consultazione è necessaria la registrazione

consistenza fascicoli digitali: v. XVII, 1999 –

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1999 ]

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Mary Eschelbach Hansen, Michelle McKinnon Miller, Women’s Access to Credit Increases Women in Bankruptcy: Evidence From Maryland Since 1940, p. 1-37
Stephanie O. Crofton, Luis G. Dopico, James A. Wilcox, Credit Union Capital Insolvency and Mergers Before and After Share Insurance, p. 38-69
Mike Matheis, Production Prices and Technology: A Historical Analysis of the United States Coal Industry, p. 70-104
Benjamin Kalischer Wellander, Tino Sanandaji, Tracing the Historic Roots of Generalized Trust, p. 105-141
Byron Carson, Privately Preventing Malaria in the United States, 1900-1925, p. 142-192
Ioannis Papanagiotou, The First Greek Modernizer: Just How Much of a Modernizer Was He? The Charilaos Trikoupis Case, p. 193-223
Henric Häggqvist, How Does Globalization Affect the Welfare State? Openness to Trade and Social Spending Patterns in 21 Countries, 1920-2000, p. 224-270
Nathaniel Chimhete, Eric Makombe, Accepting the Inevitable: The Liberalization of the African Alcohol Industry in Salisbury, Rhodesia, 1960s to the Early 1980s, p. 271-309
John Naglick, Martin Lavelle, John A. Moore, “The Grand Bargain”: Detroit’s Financial Fall to Bankruptcy and Rise to New Possibilities, p. 310-334
John A. Dove, Detroit: A Microcosm of Municipal Finance, Bankruptcy, and Recovery, p. 335-342

Book Reviews, p. 343

John Haggerty, Sheryllynne Haggerty, Avoiding “Musty Mutton Chops”: The Network Narrative of an American Merchant in London, 1771-1774, p. 1
Khayen Prentice, László Kónya, David Prentice, Was the African American Great Migration Delayed by Outlawing Emigrant Agents?, p. 43
Erik Lakomaa, Richard Wahlund, Microprocesses of Deregulation: The Swedish Experience of The Decentralisation of Education, p. 76
Eline Poelmans, Samuel Raisanen, Jason E. Taylor, The Long-Run Effect of Geographically-Staggered Legalizations: Was There a First-Adopter Advantage for States That Legalized Beer More Quickly in 1933?, p. 106
Pierre-Yves Donzé, Dynamics of Innovation in the Electronic Watch Industry: A Comparative Business History of Longines (Switzerland) and Seiko (Japan), 1960-1980, p. 120
James Fowler, Statistics: Spur to Productivity or Publicity Stunt? London Underground Railways 1913-32, p. 146
Paul E. Orzechowski, George Scrope, Free Bankers, and The Bank Charter Act of 1833, p. 180
Laura Favero Carraro, The Language of the Emerging Financial Market and Early Eighteenth-Century English Plays, p. 206

Book Reviews, p. 242

Price Fishback, The Newest on the New Deal, p. 1
Rebecca Stuart, The Co-movement of the Irish, UK, and US Stock Markets, 1869-1925, p. 23
Wendy Lucas, Noel Campbell, Unwritten Rules and Gendered Frames Amongst Probate Appraisers? Evidence from Eighteenth-Century York County, Virginia, p. 47
Ann Carlos, Global Trade and Development: The Good, Bad, and Unanticipated 1600-1800, p. 95
Daniel C. Giedeman, Ryan A. Compton, Steam Engines of Credit: The Role of Banks in Switzerland’s Economic Development, 1850-1913, p. 121
Takashi Kitaura, The Growth of the Japanese Electric Power Industry and the World Bank’s Request to Increase Depreciation Costs Between 1951 and 1973, p. 159
Soudeh Mirghasemi, Philosopher’s Concrete: Dam Construction, Farmland Values, and Agricultural Production in the Western US, 1890-1920, p. 187
John H. Perry, Colonial Transatlantiques: The French Line in Algeria, 1880-1940, p. 223
Kelly M. Kilcrease, Early American Joint-Stock Investors and Their Challenges Investing in a Physical Structure: The Case of Boston’s Long Wharf, 1710-1825, p. 253
Louis Galambos, The Entrepreneurial Culture and the Mysteries of Economic Development, p. 290

Book Reviews, p. 321

Mary Jo Billiot, Randy McFerrin, Douglas Wills, Returns in the Western Range Cattle Industry: Reconstructing the Financial History of the Matador Land and Cattle Company, 1883-1920, p. 1
Paul Ferdinand Schmelzing, Did Raw Material Shortages Decide World War Two? New Data for the Example of Nazi Rubber Supplies, p. 26
Scott Clayman, Scott Deacle, Andrew Economopoulos, Caught in the Headlights: Revising the Road Kill Hypothesis of Antebellum Illinois Bank Failures, p. 61
Jari Eloranta, Pro Bono Publico? Demand for Military Spending Between the World Wars, p. 99
Jason E. Taylor, Andrea O’Sullivan, Have Postwar Fiscal Stimulus Policies Met the “Timely, Targeted, and Temporary” Principle?, p. 143

Book Reviews, p. 180

Stefan Öberg, Susanna Fellman, Klas Rönnback, The Rhythm of Life and Work: Introduction to a Special Issue in Honor of Professor Christer Lundh, p. 1
Erik Bengtson, Tobias Karlsson, What We Know and What We Don’t Know About Swedish Labor Market History: Reflections on Spelets Régler, p. 15
Joacim Waara, Conflict or Cross-Class Alliance? New Perspectives on the Swedish Model in the Labor Market from the 1930s to the 1970s, p. 37
Sakari Heikkinen, War, Inflation, and Wages: The Labor Market in Finland, 1910-1925, p. 63
Svante Prado, Dimitrios Theodoridis, Electricity and the Technology-Skill Complementarity: Evidence from the Swedish Industrial Census of 1931, p. 97
Stefan Überg, Kristoffer Collin, Regional Variation and Convergence of Height and Living Conditions in Sweden During the Twentieth Century, p. 123
Kathryn Gary, Mats Olsson, Business as Usual: Nobility and Landed Estates in Sweden, p. 151
Antoinette Fauve-Chamoux, A Personal Account of the History of Historical Demography in Europe at the End of the Glorious Thirty (1967-1975), p. 175
Helena Haage, Lotta Vikström, Erling Häggström Lundevaller, Disabled and Unmarried? Marital Chances Among Disabled People in Nineteenth-Century Northern Sweden, p. 207
Satomi Kurosu, Miyuki Takahashi, Hao Dong, Marriage, Household Context and Socioeconomic Differentials: Evidence From a Northeastern town in Japan, 1729-1870, p. 239
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors, Age Homogamy and Modernization: Evidence From Turn-of-the-Twentieth Century Sweden, p. 265
Matteo Manfredini, Marco Breschi, Alessio Formasin, Mortality Differentials By Gender in the First Years of Life: The Effect of Household Structure in Casalguidi, 1819-1859, p. 291
Stefan Öberg, Klas Rönnback, Socioeconomic Differences in Mortality Among European Settlers in Pre-Colonial Western Africa, p. 315
Benny Carlson, Eli Hecksher as a Portrait Maker, p. 340
Staffan Albinsson, What Is so “Cultural” About Cultural Entrepreneurship, p. 365

Vincent Geloso, Inequality, Capital and Many Other Things in the 21st Century (and Before), p. 1
David Beckworth, The Regional Effects of Monetary Policy: the Case of the American South, p. 22
Andrew Odlyzko, The Early British Railway System, the Casson Counterfactual, and the Effectiveness of Central Planning, p. 60
Eline Poelmans, Sandra Rousseau, Quantifying the Heterogenity of Publication Cultures in Economic, Business, and Financial History, p. 95
Etsuo Yokoyama, Anders Nilsson, Company-Based Vocational Education and Training: Case Studies of Shipbuilding Industries in Japan and Sweden, p. 136
Brad Sturgill, Daniel C. Giedeman, Factor Shares, Economic Growth, and the Industrial Revolution, p. 165
Wendy Lucas, Noel Campbell, The Economic Significance of Cloth and Apparel: an Analysis of George Washington’s Shipping Receipts, 1754-1772, p. 208

Book Reviews, p. 258

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Leslie Hannah, The Origins, Characteristics and Resilience of the “Anglo-American” Corporate Model, p. 1
Scott Alan Carson, The Mexican Calorie Allocation Among the Working Class in the American West, 1870-1920, p. 26
Vincent Geloso, Toleration of Catholics in Quebec and British Public Finances, 1760 to 1775, p. 51
Laird Jones, Inside the Numbers: Using Private Commercial Data to Analyze East African Imported Soap Consumption, 1870-1914, p. 81
Steven Salaga, Competitive Balance in American College Football: the Gi Bill, Grant-in-Aid and the College Football Association, p. 116
Janice Traflet, William R. Gruver, The Quixotic Quest For Fairness: the Sec’s Role in the Rise of High Frequency Trading, p. 144

Book Reviews, p. 190
Editor’s Notes, p. 205

Louis Galambos, Is this a Decisive Moment for the History of Business, Economic History, and the history of Capitalism?, p. 1
Bradley A. Hansen, Mary Eschelbach Hansen, The Evolution of Garnishment and Wage Assignment Law in Illinois, p. 19
John A. Dove, Gary M. Pecquet, and Clifford F. Thies, The Michigan Free Bank Experience: Wild Cat Banking or Interference with Contract?, p. 47
Bernard C. Beaudreau, Discriminating between Tariff Bill-Based Theories of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 Using Event Study Data, p. 80
Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo, Tobias Karlsson, Björn Thodenius, The Originss of the Cashless Society: Cash Dispensers, Direct-to-Account Payments and the Development of on-Line Real-Time Networks, c.1965-1985, p. 100

Book Reviews, p. 138
Editor’s Notes, p. 158

Kenneth Weiher, Sometimes the Horse Will Drink and Sometimes It Wont: Monetizing the Recoveries from the Great Depression and the Great Recession, p. 1
Randy McFerrin and Douglas Wills, Searching for the Big Die-Off: an Event Study of 19th Century Cattle Markets, p. 33
Mark J. Crowley, Reducing, Re-Defining and Retaining: the Struggle to Maintain a Stable Workforce and Service in the British Post Office during the Second World War, p. 53
Ni Yuping, Steady Customs Duties in the “Daoguang Depression”, p. 78
Douglas Karsner, The Real Bottom Line: a History of Business Executives Move for Vietnam Peace, p. 92

Book Reviews, p. 120
Editor’s Notes, p. 134

Eline Poelmans, Changes in the Structure of Coal and Steel Industries Under the Ecsc (1952-1967): Was West Germany Kept “Small”?, p. 5
Stephanie Crofton, Luis Dopico, James Wilcox, Conversions and Capital of Mutual Thrifts: Connections, Problems, and Proposals for Credit Unions, p. 31
Matthew David Mitchell, The “Extravagant Humour of Stock-Jobbing” and the Members of the English Body Politic, 1690-1720, p. 49
Clayton Koppes, Show Stoppers: Movie Censorship Considered as a Business Proposition, p.
Mark James Crowley, Women Post Office Workers in Britain: the Long Struggle for Gender Equality and the Positive Impact of World War II, p.
Helen Julia Paul, Archibald Hutcheson’s Reputation as an Economic Thinker: His Pamphlets, the National Debt, and the South Seas Bubble, p.
Caroline Arnold, The Bombay Improvement Trust, Bombay Millowners and the Debate Over Housing Bombay’s Millworkers, 1896-1918, p.

Mathias Mutz, Going Global Acting Local: Siemens on the Chinese Electrical Market, 1904-1937, p. 5
Roger Lloyd-Jones, Myrddin John Lewis, Armaments Firms, the State Procurement System, And the Naval Industrial Complex in Edwardian Britain, p. 23
Ranjit S. Dighe, Saving Private Capitalism: the U.S. Bank Holiday of 1933, p. 41
John A. Moore, “The Grossesst And Most Unjust Species of Favoritism” Competing Views of Republican Political Economy: the Tariff Debates of 1841 And 1842, p. 59
Mark Horowitz, A Country Under Contract: Early-Tudor England And the Growth of A Credit Culture, p. 75
Patricia Van den Eeckhout, Peter Scholliers, The Belgian Multiple Food Retailer Delhaize Le Lion And Its Clientele, 1867-1914, p. 87
Jari Eloranta and Jeremy Land, Hollow Victory: Britain’s Public Debt And the Seven Years’ War, p. 101