History of Economics Review ELETTRONICHE DATINI

History of Economics Review

Perth, History of Economic Thought Society of Australia
ISSN: 1037-0196
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:

consistenza fascicoli digitali: n. 2, 1982 – n. 30, 1999
consistenza fascicoli digitali: n. 31, 2000 – n. 45, 2007
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0729
Consistenza: n. 25, 1996-
Lacune: n. 34, 2001, 1
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1982 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 52, 2010, 2

Darryl Jarvis, Theorising Risk and Uncertainty in Social Enquiry: Exploring the Contribution of Frank Knight, p. 1
Richard J. Kent, Keynes as Biographer and Obituarist, p. 27
Troy Lynch, The Categorical Requisite of Mises’s Pure Time-Preference Theory of Interest, p. 41

One Hundred Years from today
J. E. King, Hilferding’s Finance Capital in the Development of Marxist Thought, p. 52

Review Essays, p. 63
Communications and Notes from the Archives, p. 109
Book Reviews, p. 132
HETSA Conference 2010, p. 146
Editorial corner, p. 158

n. 51, 2010, 1

Franz F. Eiffe, Amartya Sen Reading Adam Smith, p.
Phillip Anthony O ‘Hara, Contribution of E. L. Wheelwright to Political Economy: Public Scholar, Economic Power and Global Capitalism, p. 24
Geoffrey Poitras, Franck Jovanovic, Pioneers of Financial Economics: Das Adam Smith Irrelevanzproblem?, p. 43

Communications and Notes from the Archives
Tony Aspromourgos, Obituary: Warren Pat Hogan, 3 April 1929 – 17 December 2009: Academic Economist, Adviser to Business and Government, p. 65
Michael McLure, Darrell Turkington, Ernst Juerg Weber, A Conversation with Arnold Zellner, p. 72
John Pullen, An Index to Malthus’s Essay on the Principles of Population, 1798, p. 82
Michael V. White, A Revised Bibliography of Publications by W. Stanley Jevons, p. 106

Book Reviews, p. 129

n. 50, 2009, 2

Donald Winch, HETSA 2009 Keynote Address
Taku Eriguchi, The Webbs, Public Administration and the LSE: The Origin of Public Governance and Institutional Economics in Britain
Peter Groenwegen, Some Critical Perspectives on Böhm-Bawerk’s Capital and Interest, Volume I, A Critical History of Economic Theory, with Special Reference to his Treatment of Turgot, John Stuart Mill and Jevons
John Pullen, Henry George and the Australian Economic Association: On Land Ownership and Land Taxation
J.E King, One Hundred Years From today

Book Reviews
HETSA Matters

n. 49, 2009, 1

Taro Hisamatsu, Robert Torrens’ Theory of Profit Reconsidered
Alex Millmow, The Transition from Keynesian to Monetarist Economics in Australia: Joan Robinson’s 1975 Visit to Australia
Norikazu Takami, Pigou on the Minimum Wage: An Institutional Inquiry into the Labour Market
A. M. C. Waterman, Adam Smith’s Macrodynamic Conception of the Natural Wage
Richard J. Kent,Keynes’ Collected Writings, a Correction
Robert Prasch, Thierry Warin, ‘Il est encore plus important de bien faire que de bien dire’ A Translation and Analysis of Dupont de Nemours’ 1788 Letter to Adam Smith

Review Article
John Pullen, The Ups and Downs of Henry George

Book Reviews
Communications and Notes from the Archives

n. 48, 2008, 2

Franco Donzelli, Marshall vs. Walras on Equilibrium and Disequilibrium
Nicola Giocoli, From Marketability to Flexibility: Pantaleoni’s ‘Impure’ Theory of Money and Banking
Peter Groenwegen, Alfred William Flux (1867-1942): A Mathematician successfully ‘caught’ for Economics by Marshall
Peter Kesting, One Hundred Years From today
Peter Groenwegen, Dave Clark (1946-2008): A Fine Historian of Economics and early HETSA member
Tony Aspromourgos, A Wealth of Notions

Book Review

n. 47, 2008, 1

Harry Bloch, John Finch, Schumpeter and Steindl on Growth and the Transformation to Maturity in Capitalism
Simon Cook, Poetry, Faith and Chivalry: Alfred Marshall’s Response to Modern Socialism
Steven Kates, A Letter from Keynes to Harlan McCracken dated 31st August 1933: Why the Standard Story on the Origins of the General Theory Needs to be Rewritten
Alex Millmow, J.E King, Crank or Proto-Monetarist?: J.K. Gifford and the Cost-Push Inflation Fallacy
Michael McLure, History of Economic Thought at the University of Western Australia: 1953 compared to 2003
Aldo Montesano, A Restatement of Walras’ Theories of Capitalisation and Money
Alex Millmow, Steven Kates, The History Wars of Economics: The Classification Struggle in the History of Economic Thought

Editors Corner
Review Essay

n. 46, 2007, 2

Selwyn Cornish, The Appointment of the ANU’s First Professor of Economics
Peter Groenwegen, Walter Layton on The Relations of Capital and Labour (1914): A Marshallian Text pur sang?
Steven Kates, Mill, McCracken and the Modern Interpretation of Say’s Law
J.E King, Not the Devil’s Decade: Nicholas Kaldor in the 1930s
Frederic S. Lee, Making History by Making Identity and Institutions: The Emergence of Post Keynesian-Heterodox Economics in Britain, 1974-1996
Adil H. Mouhammed, On Ibn Khaldun’s Contribution to Heterodox Political Economy
Matthew Smith, A Survey of Thomas tooke’s Contributions to Political Economy
Colin Rogers, One Hundred Years from today – Irving Fisher’s Rate of Interest

Book Reviews Communications and Notes from the Archives Editors Corner

Festschrift for Allen Oakley
G. C. Harcourt, Foreword: Allen Oakley-An Independent-Minded Scholar of Quality, p. 1
Phillip Anthony O ‘Hara, Preface: Outline of the Allen Oakley Festschrift Papers, p. 2
Phillip Anthony O ‘Hara, Allen Oakley’s Contribution to the History of Political Economy: Capitalism, Agency-Structure and Realism, p. 7
Richard D. Wolff, The New Reading of Karl Marx’s Capital in the United States, p. 26
Jerry Courvisanos, The Ontology of Innovation: Human Agency in the Pursuit of Novelty, p. 41
Michael Schneider, The Nature, History and Significance of the Concept of Positional Goods, p. 60
Alien Oakley, What is Capital?, p. 82
G. C. Harcourt, The Structure of Post Keynesian Economics: The Core Contributions of the Pioneers, p. 95

J, E. King, RQF and HET Assassin and Corpse?, p. 106
Peter Groertewegen, Obituary: Professor A. W. (Bob) Coats, p. 112

Book Reviews, p. 115
Editor’s Corner, p. 132

Daniele Besomi, Roy Harrod and Joan Robinson on Thriftiness and Growth: An Introduction to Their Correspondence, 1965-1970, p. 1
Roy Harrod, Joan Robinson, Correspondence on Growth Theory, 1965-1970, p. 16
Robert Dixon, Carlyle, Malthus and Sismondi: the Origins of Carlyle’s Dismal View of Political Economy, p. 32
Yukihiro Ikeda, Shinzo Koizumi (1888-1966): a Japanese Economist’s Encounter with the West, p. 39
Jeanette C. Mitchell, The Doctrine of Market Faillure and Early Development Theory, p. 50
John Pullen, Did Ricardo Really Have a Law of Comparative Advantage? A Comparison of Ricardo’s Version and the Modern Version, p. 59

One Hundred Years From today
Michael McLure, Vilfredo Pareto’s Manuale di Economia Politica, p. 76

Review Article, p. 87
Book Reviews, p. 120
HETSA conference 2006:Programme, p. 148
HETSA conference 2006: Abstracts, p. 153
Communications, p. 166
Editor’s Corner, p. 167
HETSA conference 2006: Call for papers, p. 168

HETSA’S Silver Jubilee, p. 1

Afanasyev V.S., An Austrian Paradox: the Contribution of the Austrian School to the Development of Marx’s Labour Theory of Value, p. 21
Dixon William, Wilson David, Political Economy and the Historians: E.P. Thompson and the Moral Depletion Hypothesis, p. 37
King Jack, Herbert Heaton: a Scholar ‘Exiled’ from Australia, p. 56
McLure Michael, Pareto on the History of Economic Thought as an Aspect of Experimental Economics, p. 71
Tobon Alexander, On price in Myrdal’s Monetary Theory, p. 88
White Michael V., Cultivated Circles of The Empire: Bibliographical Notes on W.S. Jevons’s Antipodean Interluce (1854-1859), p. 101
Wrenn Mary V., On the Nature of Heterodox Economics: a Srvey Study, p. 123

Harcourt G.C., Australians in Cambridge: a Comment on William Coleman’s Conversation with Murray Kemp, p. 146

Review Articles, p. 150
Book Reviews, p. 182
Communications, p. 217
Editor’s Corner, p. 218

Max Corden, Effective Protection and I, p. 1-11
George E. Economakis, Definition of the Capitalist Mode of Production: A Re-examination (with Application to Non-capitalist Modes of Production), p. 12-28
Peter Groenewegen, A Book That Never Was: Marshall’s Final Volume on Progress and His System of Ethical and Political Beliefs, p. 29-44
Marc Lavoie, René Roy, the Separability and Subordination of Needs, and Post Keynesian Consumer Theory, p. 45-49
Rene Roy, The Hierarchy of Needs and the Concept of Groups in Consumer Choice Theory [1943], p. 50-56
Alex Millmow, Searching for a ‘First-Class Man’: The Appointment of the Inaugural Ritchie Professor of Economics, p. 57-66
Alex Millmow, The Mystery of Edward Shann, p. 67-76

Review Articles
G.C.G. Moore, Masters of Theory and its Relevance to the History of Economic Thought, p. 77-99

William Coleman, A Conversation with Murray Kemp, p. 1
Craig Freedman, Power Without Glory: George Stigler’s Market Leviathan, p. 19
Steven Kates, ‘Supply Creates Its Own Demand’: A Discussion of the Origins of the Phrase and of its Adequacy as an Interpretation of Say’s Law of Markets, p. 49
Richard J. Kent, Keynes and say’s Law, p. 61
Peter Kesting, Vision, Revolution and Classical Situation: Schumpeter’s Theory of Scientific Development, p. 77
Panayotis Michaelides, John Milios, Did Hilferding Influence Schumpeter?, p. 98
Malcolm Treadgold, Colonial Currency Boards: The Seigniorage Issue, p. 126
Michael V. White, Breaking New Ground: The Significance of W. S. Jevons’s Rent Theory, p. 142

Book Reviews, p. 157
Editor’s Corner, p. 183
Communications, p. 184

Michel Dimou, ‘Back to the Roots’ of Alfred Marshall’s Industrial Organisation Analysis, p. 1
S. Drakopoulos, G. N. Gotsis, Ametatheoretical Assessment of the Decline Scholastic Economics, p. 19
Riccardo Faucci, Schools, Styles and Trends in Italian Economic Thought, p. 46
Geoffrey Fishburn, Natura Non Facit Saltum in Alfred Marshall (and Charles Darwin), p. 59
Paul Flatau, Jevons’s One Great Disciple: Wicksteed and the Jevonian Revolution in the Second Generation, p. 69
Craig Freedman, Williamson’s Back Door: Transactions Costs and the Efficient Firm, p. 108
Murray C. Kemp, Ben Higgins in Melbourne, p. 118
David Wilson, William Dixon, The Irreducibly Social Self in Classical Economy: Adam Smith and Thomas Chalmers Meet G. H. Mead, p. 121

James E. Alvey, The Role of Teleology in Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations: A Belated Comment on Kleer, p. 137
Richard Kleer, Smith on Teleology: A Reply to Alvey, p. 145
James E. Alvey, Adam Smith on Teleology and the Stationary State: A Rejoinder, p. 150

One Hundred Years From today, p. 152
Book Reviews, p. 157
HETSA Conference 2004: Programme, p. 170
HETSA Conference 2004: Abstracts, p. 172
Communications, p. 184
Editor’s Corner, p. 186
HETSA Prizes 2004-2005, p. 187
HETSA Conference 2005: Call for Papers, p. 188

William Coleman, Cambridge, England, or Cambridge, Tasmania? Some Recent Excavations of the Giblin Multiplier, p. 1
Bingyuan Hsiung, An Interpretation of Ronald Coase’s Analytical Approach, p. 12
Jeanette C. Mitchell, Development: An Obituary, p. 33
Matthew Steen, Schumpeter’s Theory of Ideological Influence, p. 35
James M. Warner, Kenneth P. Jameson, The Role of Eastern Europe in Development Economics’ History, p. 65

Review Article, p. 88
Book Reviews, p. 97
Communications, p. 117

Alain Clément, The Influence of Medicine on Political Economy in the Seventeenth Century, p. 1
Richard J. Kent, Keynes, Kuznets and Estimates of Investment, p. 23
Michael V. Withe, Some Difficulties With Sunspots and Mr Macleod: Adding to the Bibliography of W. S. Jevons, p. 33

Gregory C. G. Moore, W. J. Ashley: The Tariff Problem (1903), p. 53

Book Reviews, p. 69
HETSA Conference 2003: Programme, p. 96
HETSA Conference 2003: Abstracts, p. 98
Communications, p. 109
Editor’s Corner, p. 111
Call for Papers: HETSA Conference 2004, p. 112

Tony Aspromourgos, Peter Groenewegen: A Life (Unfinished!) of Scholarship, p. 1
Daniele Besomi, The Papers of Roy Harrod, p. 19
Jan Toporowski, Marek Breit’s and Oskar Lange’s Financial Model of the Socialist Economy, p. 41
Marek Breit, Oskar Lange, The Way to the Socialist Planned Eco9nomy (1934). Translated by Jan Toporowski, p. 51
Hansjörg Klausinger, Hayek Translated: Some Words of Caution, p. 71
Alex Millmow, The Power of Economic Ideas: Australian Economists in the Thirties, p. 84
J. W. Nevile, Expectations, Lags adn Parameter Values in Harrod’s Dynamics, p. 100

Peter Groinewegen, Teaching the History of Economic Thought at the University of Sydney: Soime Reflections, p. 109

Gregory C. G. Moore, Some Victorian Reflections on an Inventory of Women Economists and the Art of Dcitionary Making, p. 126
Phillip Anthony O’Hara, The Revival of Political Economy and Its Main Protagonists: 1960s to the Present, p. 140

Book Reviews, p. 152
HETSA Conference 2003
Communicatios, p. 180
Editor’s Corner, p. 182

Therese Burton,Brian Dollery, Joe Wallis, A Note on the Debate Over ‘Economic Rationalism’ in Australia.
An Application of Albert Hirschman’s Rhetoric of Reaction
, p. 1
Peter H. Clarke, Unity in the Influences on Adam Smith, p. 10
Brian Dollery, A Century of Vertical Fiscal Imbalance in Australian Federalism, p. 26
Paul Flatau, Hicks’s The Theory of Wages: Its Place in the History of Neoclassical Distribution Theory, p. 44
Peter Groenewegen, R. C. Mills (1886-1952) and Australian Fiscal Federalism, With Special Reference to the Methodology of the Grants Commission, p. 66
G. C. Harcourt, Keith Frearson on Roy Harrod, As told to Geoff Harcourt, p. 76
Michael Perelman, The Comparative Sociology of Environmental Economics in the Works of Henry Carey and Karl Marx, p. 85
Sean Turnell, Australia’s ‘Employment Approach’ to International Postwar Reconstruction: Calling the Bluff of Multilateralism, p. 111

Brian Dollery, A Conversation with Peter Groenewegen, p. 126

Teaching the History of Economic Thought, p. 160
One Hundred Years From today, p. 165
Obituaries, p. 169
Book Reviews, p. 180
HETSA Conference 2002, p. 194
Editor’s Corner, p. 209
Communications, p. 210
HETSA 2003 Announcements, p. 212

Craufurd D. Goodwin, Economic Enquiry in Australia: Reflections After 41 Years, p. 1
Moira Gordon, Barry Gordon’s Research, Influences and Contacts, p. 4
George Gotsis, Sarah Drakopoulou Dodd, Economic Ideas in the Pauline Epistles of the New Testament, p. 13
John Laurent, St Augustine on Economic Man, p. 35
Frederic S. Lee, Mutual Aid and the Making of Heterodox Economics in Postwar America: A Post Keynesian View, p. 45
Gregory Moore, Selling Plutology: Correspondence Relating to the Failure of Australia’s First Economics Text, p. 63
Phillip Anthony O’Hara, The Contemporary Relevance of Thorstein Veblen’s Institutional-Evolutionary Political Economy, p. 78
Andrew B. Trigg, Surplus Value and the Kalecki Principle in Marx’s Reproduction Schema, p. 104

Controversy, p. 115

Review Article
Craig Fredman, Court Jesters, House Gadflies and Economic Critics, p. 120

Book Reviews, p. 140
Editor’s Corner, p. 177
Communications, p. 179

Articles Paul Flatau, Robert Leeson, Ray Petridis, HETSA and the Revival of the History of Economic Thought
Tony Aspromourgos, Is Labour Cheapening a Means to Reducing Involuntary (Labour) Unemployment?
A.W. Coats, The Role of Economists in Government and International Agencies: A Fresh Look at the Field
Paul Flatau, The Methodology of Early Neoclassical Distribution Theory: Universalism, the Deductive Method and Ethics
Craufurd D. Goodwin, The Value of Things in the Imaginative Life: Microeconomics in the Bloomsbury Group
Peter Groenewegen, Thomas Carlyle, The Dismal Science and the Contemporary Political Economy of Slavery
Geoff Harcourt, Forty Years Teaching Post Keynesian Themes in Adelaide and Cambridge M.C. Howard, J.E. King, ‘State Capitalism’ in the Soviet Union
Rob Knowles, Carlyle, Ruskin and Morris: Work across the ‘River of Fire’ Robert Leeson, Internalising the Externalities of Homoeconomicus: Turning Silicon Astronomers Into Popperian Bookmakers
John Lodewijks, Training Professional Economists: The Australian Experience
John Pullen, Keynes’s Criticisms of Malthus and Malthus’s ‘Reply’: the concept of Effective Supply
Michael Schneider, Sismondi’s Macroeconomic Model: An Annotated Translation

Paul Flatau, Some Reflections on the ‘Pigou-Robinson’ Theory of Exploitation, p. 1
Guglielmo Forges Davanzati, Riccardo Realfonzo, An Overinvestment (but Anti-Austrian) Explanation of the Turning Points of the Cycle: Italian Contributions of the Early Twentieth Century, p. 17
Peter Groenewegen, Boisguilbert’s Theory of Money, Circular Flow, Effective Demand and Distribution of Wealth, p. 33
Anitra Nelson, Marx’s Theory of the Money Commodity, p. 44
Masazumi Wakatabe, William Edward Hearn on Knowledge-Based Growth: Innovator, Or Plagiarist of John Rae?, p. 64

James E. Alvey, Adam Smith’s Moral Science of Economics, p. 81
Craig Freedman, When Truth Is Not Beauty, Nor Beauty Truth, p. 96
Gregory G. C. Moore, An Irish Clerisy of Political Economists? Friendships and Enmities Amongst the Mid-Victorian Graduates of Trinity College, Dublin, p. 102

Reviews, p. 112