The Journal of Interdisciplinary History DATINI

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Cambridge Ms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. School of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN: 0022-1953

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0464
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-a. 32, 4, 2002

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza, Riv. Straniere 0370 RUSPOL
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-
Lacune: a. 38, 2-a. 38, 1; a. 36, 3/4;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 54, 2023, 2

Sabine R. Huebner, Brandon T. McDonald, Egypt as a Gateway for the Passage of Pathogens into the Ancient Mediterranean, p. 163–204
Jakub Wysmu?ek, Household Cohabitation Patterns in Multiethnic Seventeenth-Century Lviv, p. 205–237
Giorgio Brosio, Roberto Zanola, The Origin of Electoral Absenteeism in Early Italy: New Evidence to Explain North–South Diverging Trends, p. 239–260

a. 54, 2023, 1

Seth Bernard, Joseph McConnell, Federico Di Rita, Fabrizio Michelangeli, Donatella Magri, Laura Sadori, Alessia Masi, Giovanni Zanchetta, Monica Bini, Alessandra Celant, Angela Trentacoste, Lisa Lodwick, J. Troy Samuels, Marta Mariotti Lippi, Cristina Bellini, Claudia Paparella, Dan-el Padilla Peralta, James Tan, Peter van Dommelen, Andrea U. De Giorgi, Caroline Cheung, An Environmental and Climate History of the Roman Expansion in Italy, p. 1–41
Henry Misa, A Medieval Climate Anomaly: The Qarakhanid Adaptation, p. 43–65
Riccardo Rosolino, Preserving Trust: Strength of Contracts and Abuses of the Spanish Inquisition, p. 67–81
Erik Buyst, Vincent Delabastita, Regional Inequalities in Nineteenth-Century Female Wages: Evidence from Belgium, p. 83–110

Reviews, p. 111-161

a. 53, 2023, 4

Luisa Muñoz Abeledo, Rosa Verdugo Matés, New Evidence for Women?s Labor Participation and Occupational Structure in Northwest Spain, 1877–1930, p. 571–598
Carlos Domper Lasús, Julio Ponce Alberca, Political Science, History, and Dictatorships: Linz? Limited Pluralism Theory and the Late Francoist Regime in Spain, p. 599–623

Review Essay, p. 625–633
Reviews, p. 635–680

a. 53, 2023, 3

R. I. R., WALTER DEAN BURNHAM: In Memory and Appreciation, p. i–ii

Philip Gooding, Droughts, Famines, and Chronicles: The 1780s Global Climatic Anomalies in Highland Ethiopia, p. 387-405
Tyler Anbinder, Cormac Ó Gráda, Simone A. Wegge, “The Best Country in the World”: The Surprising Social Mobility of New York’s Irish-Famine Immigrants, p. 407-438

Asher Colombo, Rocco Molinari, Displacement of Death from Home to Hospital in Historical Perspective: The Case of Italy, 1883-2013, p. 439-469
Lino Wehrheim, Mark Spoerer, Tobias A. Jopp, Turn, Turn, Turn: A Digital History of German Historiography, 1950-2019, p. 471-507

Robert I. Rotberg, The Great Twister: The Legal Fiction of Persons and States, p. 509-515

a. 53, 2022, 2

Piotr Guzowski, Did the Black Death Reach the Kingdom of Poland in the Mid-Fourteenth Century?, p. 193-223
Marco H. D. van Leeuwen, Ineke Maas, Social Mobility through Migration to the Colonies: The Case of Algeria, p. 225-265
Andrew Otis, “Guilty of Publishing Only”: Jury Nullification as a Legal Defense in the Eighteenth Century, p. 267-288
Manuel Llorca-Jaña, Damian Clarke, Roberto Araya-Valenzuela, Juan Navarrete-Montalvo, Adult Female Height and the Gender Gap in Chile, 1860s-1990s, p. 289-318

James L. A. Webb, Jr., On Writing the History of Human Infectious Disease, p.319-327
Volker R. Berghahn,Power, Ideology, and Economics during the Cold War, p. 329-336

a. 53, 2022, 1

Dimitrios Theodoridis, Colonialism and Trade: Ecological Foundations of British Trade in the Nineteenth Century, p. 1-23
Verónica Cañal-Fernández, Antonio Álvarez, Explaining the Decline of Rural Population in Spain (1900-2018), p. 25-47
Mario Holzner, Michael Huberman, Red Vienna: A Social Housing Experiment, 1923-1933, p. 49-88
Outi Autti, Saara Intonen, The Recognition of War Refugees: Lapland, Love, and Care, p. 89-115

Ingeborg van Vugt, Networking in the Republic of Letters: Magliabechi and the Dutch Republic, p. 117-141

a. 52, 2022, 4

Jan de Vries, On the Road: Poor Travelers in Mid-Seventeenth-Century Friesland, p. 477-511
Matteo Pompermaier, Credit and Poverty in Early Modern Venice, p. 513-536
Blanca Sánchez-Alonso, Carlos Santiago-Caballero, Spain’s Loss of Human Capital after the Civil War: Spanish Refugees in Mexico, p. 537-564

Bert De Munck, Assembling Path Dependency and History: An Actor-Network Approach, p. 565-588

Review Essay, p. 589

a. 52, 2021, 3

Ingrid K. van Dijk, Jan Kok, Kept in the Family: Remarriage, Siblings, and Consanguinity in the Netherlands, p. 313
Jordi Domènech, Juan Jesús Fernàndez, Survival in a Nazi Concentration Camp: The Spanish Prisoners of Mauthausen, p. 351
Daniel Schwartz, An Early Power-Sharing Regime: The Alternativa System in Spanish Colonial America, p. 383

Sukriti Issar, Property, Custom, and Religion in Early Nineteenth-Century Bombay, p. 401

a. 52, 2021, 2

Valerie Shrimplin, Channa N. Jayasena, Was Henry VIII Infertile? Miscarriages and Male Infertility in Tudor England, p. 155
Lyong Choi, Sang Hun Yi, Forced Self-Reliance: The Kamakura Bakufu Defense against the Mongol Invasion of Japan, p. 177
Hillel Eyal, Going Local and Global: Internal and Transatlantic Migration in Eighteenth-Century Spain, p. 197
Wayne Geerling, Gary B. Magee, Russell Smyth, Occupation, Reparations, and Rebellion: The Soviets and the East German Uprising of 1953, p. 225

a. 52, 2021, 1

Giacomo Bonan, Claudio Lorenzini, Common Forest, Private Timber: Managing the Commons in the Italian Alps, p. 1
Gábor Mihály Tóth, Friendship, Uncertainty, and “Commonplacing” in Renaissance Florence, p. 27

Nicolas Todd, Baptiste Coulmont, Naming for Kin during World War I: Baby Names as Markers for War, p. 55

Review Essays, p. 69

a. 51, 2021, 4

Francisco J. Marco-Gracia, Adapting Family Size and Composition: Childhood Mortality and Fertility in Rural Spain, 1750-1949, p. 509
Elena Crinela Holom, Mihaela Haragus, Ioan Bolovan, Socioeconomic and Marital-Status Inequalities in Longevity: Adult Mortality in Transylvania, 1850-1914, p. 533
Tirthankar Roy, Water, Climate, and Economy in India from 1880 to the Present, p. 565

Review Essays, p. 595