The Journal of Interdisciplinary History DATINI

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Cambridge Ms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. School of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN: 0022-1953

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0464
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-a. XXXII, 4, 2002

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza, Riv. Straniere 0370 RUSPOL
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-
Lacune: a. XXXVIII, 2-a. XXXVIII, 1; a. XXXVI, 3/4;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ]

copertina della rivista

a. XI, 2, 1980

Kenneth F. Kiple, Virginia H. Kiple, Deficiency Diseases in the Caribbean, p. 197
Kenneth D. Wald, The Visible Empire: The Ku Klux Klan as an Electoral Movement, p. 217

Steven A. Riess, Professional Baseball and Social Mobility, p. 235
Richard H. Steckel, Miscegenation and the American Slave Schedules, p. 251

Anthony T. Grafton, The Importance of Being Printed, p. 265
Miles E. Shore, On Action and Affect, p. 287

Reviews, p. 295

a. XI, 1, 1980

Rudolph A. Zambardino, Mexico’s Population in the Sixteenth-Century: Demographic Anomaly or Mathematical Illusion?, p. 1
Darrett B. Rutman, Charles Wetherell, Anita H. Rutman, Rhythms of Life: Black and White Seasonality in the Early Chesapeake, p. 29

Barry Reay, The Social Origins of Early Quakerism, p. 55
Michael R. Haines, Roger C. Avery, The American Life Table of 1830-1860: An Evaluation, p. 73

William Beik, Popular Culture and Elite Repression in Early Modern Europe, p. 97
Bruce Mazlish, The Hysterical Personality, p. 105
Allan Sharlin, On the Universality of Occupational Prestige, p. 115
Jorge I. Domínguez, Of Social Science and the Passage of Time, p. 127

Reviews, p. 133
Comment and Controversy, p. 194

a. X, 4, 1980

The Editors, Introduction, p. 583

Reid A. Bryson, Christine Padoch, On the Climates of History, p. 583
Jan de Vries, Measuring the Impact of Climate on History: The Search for Appropriate Methodologies, p. 599
Helmut E. Landsberg, Past Climates from Unexploited Written Sources, p. 631
Andrew B. Appleby, Epidemics and Famine in the Little Ice Age, p. 643
Christian Pfister, The Little Ice Age: Thermal and Wetness Indices for Central Europe, p. 665
Jerome Namias, Severe Drought and Recent History, p. 697
David Herlihy, Climate and Documentary Sources: A Comment, p. 713
John D. Post, The Impact of Climate on Political, Social, and Economic Change: A Comment, p. 719
John A. Eddy, Climate and the Role of the Sun, p. 725
Thompson Webb III, The Reconstruction of Climatic Sequences from Botanical Data, p. 749
Harold C. Fritts, G. Robert Lofgren, Geoffrey A. Gordon, Past Climate Reconstructed from Tree Rings, p. 773
Alexander T. Wilson, Isotope Evidence from Past Climatic and Environmental Change, p. 795
Donald G. Baker, Botanical and Chemical Evidence of Climatic Change: A Comment, p. 813
David Hackett Fischer, Climate and History: Priorities for Research, p. 821
Theodore K. Rabb, The Historian and the Climatologist, p. 831

Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Micheline Baulant, Grape Harvests from the Fifteenth through the Nineteenth Centuries, p. 839
Barbara Bell, Analysis of Viticultural Data by Cumulative Deviations, p. 851

a. X, 3, 1980

J. Morgan Kousser, Making Separate Equal: Integration of Black and White School Funds in Kentucky, p. 399
Joel Mokyr, Industrialization and Poverty in Ireland and the Netherlands, p. 429
Boaz Shoshan, Grain Riots and the “Moral Economy”: Cairo, 1350-1517, p. 459

Belinda Meteyard, Illegitimacy and Marriage in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 479
Cormac Ó Gráda, Primogeniture and Ultimogeniture in Rural Ireland, p. 491
Stephen E. Wiberley, Jr., Editing Maps: A Method of Historical Cartography, p. 499

Robert V. Wells, Birth Control: Different Conceptions, p. 511

Reviews, p. 517

a. X, 2, 1979

John S. Pettengill, The Impact of Military Technology on European Income Distribution, p. 201
Judith A. McGaw, “A Good Place to Work”. Industrial Workers and Occupational Choice: The Case of Berkshire Women, p. 227
Miles F. Shore, Cecil Rhodes and the Ego Ideal, p. 249

William Pencak, The Social Structure .of Revolutionary Boston: Evidence from the Great Fire of 1760, p. 267
Joel Perlmann, Using Census Districts in Analysis, Record Linkage, and Sampling, p. 279

John D. Post, Climatic Change and Historical Explanation, p. 291
J. G. A. Pocock, To Market, to Market: Economic Thought in Early Modern England, p. 303
Mary Jo Maynes, Theory and Method in Recent German Historical Studies, p. 311
Mary P. Ryan, Reproduction in American History, p. 319

Reviews, p. 333

a. X, 1, 1979

Michael Craton, Changing Patterns of Slave Families in the British West Indies, p. 1
Anand A. Yang, Peasants on the Move: A Study of Internal Migration in India, p. 37
Robert Harms, Oral Tradition and Ethnicity, p. 61

Michel Verdon, The Stem Family: toward a General Theory, p. 87

Paul G. Spagnoli, Social History With and Without Numbers, p. 107
John R. Gillis, Affective Individualism and the English Poor, p. 121
Claudia Goldin, American Slavery: De Jure and De Facto, p. 129
Kenneth L. Kusmer, The Social History of Cultural Institutions: The Upper-Class Connection, p. 137
Willard B. Gatewood, Jr., Progressivism: From the Old Style to the New, p. 147

Reviews, p. 155

a. IX, 4, 1979

Sarah Rubin Blanshei, Population, Wealth, and Patronage in Medieval and Renaissance Perugia, p. 597
John Modell, Suburbanization and Change in the American Family, p. 621
Thomas Dublin, Women Workers and the Study of Social Mobility, p. 647
Eul-Soo Pang, Modernization and Slavocracy in Nineteenth-Century Brazil, p. 667

Richard A. Horsley, Who Were the Witches? The Social Roles of the Accused in the European Witch Trials, p. 689

R. Burr Litchfield, Broadening the Social Explanation of Demographic History, p. 717
Mark Friedberger, Work and Its Discontents, p. 723

Reviews, p. 729
Comment and Controversy, p. 793

a. IX, 3, 1979

E. William Monter, Historical Demography and Religious History in Sixteenth-Century Geneva, p. 399
H. A. Gemery, J. S. Hogendorn, Comparative Disadvantage: The Case of Sugar Cultivation in West Africa, p. 429

Eric Monkkonen, Systematic Criminal Justice History: Some Suggestions, p. 451
Harvey J. Graff, A Reply, p. 465

John E. Hammond, New Approaches to Aggregate Electoral Data, p. 473
John A. Phillips, Achieving a Critical Mass While Avoiding an Explosion: Letter-Cluster Sampling and Nominal Record Linkage, p. 493

Dietrich Orlow, Totalitarian Politics and Sexual Perversion: The Case of Adolf Hitler, p. 509
Miles F. Shore, The Psychogenic Theory of History, p. 517

Reviews, p. 525

a. IX, 2, 1978

A. L. Beier, Social Problems in Elizabethan London, p. 203
Christian Pfister, Climate and Economy in Eighteenth-Century Switzerland, p. 223
Harriet B. Applewhite, Political Legitimacy in Revolutionary France, 1788-1791, p. 245
Edward T. Gargan, Robert A. Hanneman, Recruitment to the Clergy in Nineteenth-Century France: “Modernization” and “Decline”?, p. 275

Carole Shammas, Constructing a Wealth Distribution from Probate Records, p. 297

Jean-Louis Flandrin, A Case of Naiveté in the Use of Statistics, p. 309
Cissie C. Fairchilds, A Reply, p. 316

Robert Wohl, What Price Order?, p. 323
Nannerl O. Keohane, Burke on His Head, and Other Postures, p. 331

Reviews, p. 337

a. IX, 1, 1978

Carl F. Kaestle, Social Change, Discipline, and the Common School in Early Nineteenth-Century America, p. 1
Kenneth E. Ames, Meaning in Artifacts: Hall Furnishings in Victorian America, p. 19
David Northrup, African Mortality in the Suppression of the Slave Trade: The Case of the Bight of Biafra, p. 47

Gilbert Rozman, Urban Networks and Historical Stages, p. 65
Ross W. Beales, Jr., Studying Literacy at the Community Level: A Research Note, p. 93
Robert V. Wells, On the Dangers of Constructing Artificial Cohorts in Times of Rapid Social Change, p. 103
Margo Anderson Conk, Occupational Classification in the United States Census: 1870-1940, p. 111
Peter C. Hoffer, Psychohistory and Empirical Group Affiliation: Extraction of Personality Traits from Historical Manuscripts, p. 131

Richard S. Dunn, Quantifying Slavery and the Slave Trade, p. 147

Reviews, p. 151

a. VIII, 4, 1978

Thomas W. Africa, The Mask of an Assassin: A Psychohistorical Study of M. Junius Brutus, p. 599
Cissie Fairchilds, Female Sexual Attitudes and the Rise of Illegitimacy: A Case Study, p. 627
Michael B. Katz, Michael Doucet, Mark Stern, Migration and the Social Order in Erie County, New York: 1855, p. 669

Maris A. Vinovskis, The Jacobson Life Table of 1850: A Critical Reexamination from a Massachusetts Perspective, p. 703

Andrew B. Appleby, Disease, Diet, and History, p. 725
Peter N. Stearns, Toward Historical Gerontology, p. 737
Walter Dean Burnham, The Politics of Crisis, p. 747

Reviews, p. 765
Comment and Controversy, p. 799

a. VIII, 3, 1978

Daniel Blake Smith, Mortality and Family in the Colonial Chesapeake, p. 403
Peyton McCrary, Clark Miller, Dale Baum, Class and Party in the Secession Crisis: Voting Behavior in the Deep South, 1856-1861, p. 429

Edward Shorter, W. R. Lee, Bastardy in South Germany: Comment and Reply, p. 459

James Trussell, Richard Steckel, The Age of Slaves at Menarche and Their First Birth, p. 477
Nicholas Scott Cardell, Mark Myron Hopkins, The Effect of Milk Intolerance on the Consumption of Milk by Slaves in 1860, p. 507
R. Christian Johnson, A Procedure for Sampling the Manuscript Census Schedules, p. 515

Don R. Leet, John A. Shaw, French Economic Stagnation, 1700-1960: Old Economic History Revisited, p. 531
Marilyn Robinson Waldman, Islamic Studies: A New Orientalism?, p. 545

Reviews, p. 563

a. VIII, 2, 1977

Susan Grigg, Towards a Theory of Remarriage: Early Newburyport, p. 183
Lee Soltow, Edward Stevens, Economic Aspects of School Participation in the United States, p. 221
Michael R. Haines, Fertility, Nuptiality, and Occupation: A Study of British Mid-Nineteenth-Century Coal Mining Populations, p. 245
Peter Alexis Gourevitch, International Trade, Domestic Coalitions, and Liberty: The Crisis of 1873-1896, p. 281

F. V. Carstensen, S. E. Goodman, Trouble on the Auction Block: Interregional Slave Sales and the Reliability of a Linear Equation, p. 315

Don Karl Rowney, What Is Urban History?, p. 319
Orest Ranum, Revolts in Provence and Périgord, p. 329
C. Duncan Rice, The Indestructible Institution, p. 343

Reviews, p. 353
Comment and Controversy, p. 399

a. VIII, 1, 1977

Barbara A. Hanawalt, Childrearing Among the Lower Classes of Late Medieval England, p. 1
Lucie G. Colvin, Theoretical Issues in Historical International Politics: The Case of the Senegambia, p. 23
Irene W. D. Hecht, Kinship and Migration: The Making of an Oregon Isolate Community, p. 45
Thomas W. Kremm, Cleveland and the First Lincoln Election: The Ethnic Response to Nativism, p. 69
Ballard C. Campbell, Did Democracy Work? Prohibition in Late Nineteenth-Century Iowa: A Test Case, p. 87

Robert Hajdu, Family and Feudal Ties in Poitou, 1100-1300, p. 117
David Cressy, Literacy in Seventeenth-Century England: More Evidence, p. 141

Reviews, p. 152

a. VII, 4, 1977

Gloria E. Main, Inequality in Early America: The Evidence from Probate Records of Massachusetts and Maryland, p. 559
Jon Amsden, Stephen Brier, Coal Miners on Strike: The Transformation of Strike Demands and the Formation of a National Union, p. 583
John R. Bylsma, Party Structure in the 1852-1857 House of Commons: A Scalogram Analysis, p. 617

George D. Sussman, Parisian Infants and Norman Wet Nurses in the Early Nineteenth Century: A Statistical Study, p. 637
Daniel T. Rodgers, Tradition, Modernity, and the American Industrial Worker: Reflections and Critique, p. 655
Carlos Manuel Peláez, World War I and the Economy of Brazil: Some Evidence from Monetary Statistics, p. 683

Charles S. Maier, History and the Monetarist Controversy, p. 691

Reviews, p. 701
Comment and Controversy, p. 739

a. VII, 3, 1977

Jerome M. Clubb, Santa Traugott, Partisan Cleavage and Cohesion in the House of Representatives, 1861-1974, p. 375
W. R. Lee, Bastardy and the Socioeconomic Structure of South Germany, p. 403

Paul G. Spagnoli, Population History from Parish Monographs: The Problem of Local Demographic Variations, p. 427
Melvyn Hammarberg, A Sampling Design for Mormon Utah, 1880, p. 453
Harvey J. Graff, Crime and Punishment in the Nineteenth Century: A New Look at the Criminal, p. 477
Arthur E. Imhof, Øivind Larsen, Social and Medical History: Methodological Problems in Interdisciplinary Quantitative Research, p. 493

Chalmers Johnson, Pregnant with “Meaning!” Mao and the Revolutionary Ascetic, p. 499
William A. Green, Caribbean Historiography, 1600-1900: The Recent Tide, p. 509

Reviews, p. 531

a. VII, 2, 1976


Stephan Thernstrom (Guest Editor), Introduction, p. 191

Franklin F. Mendels, Social Mobility and Phases of Industrialization, p. 193
William H. Sewell, Jr., Social Mobility in a Nineteenth-Century European City: Some Findings and Implications, p. 217
Jonathan M. Wiener, Planter Persistence and Social Change: Alabama, 1850-1870, p. 235
Daniel D. Luna, Wealth, Capital, and Power: The Social Meaning of Home Ownership, p. 261

Donald J. Treiman, A Standard Occupational Prestige Scale for Use with Historical Data, p. 283
Glenna Matthews, The Community Study: Ethnicity and Success in San José, p. 305

Reviews, p. 319

a. VII, 1, 1976

Thomas S. Kuhn, Mathematical vs. Experimental Traditions in the Development of Physical Science, p. 1
Clifford E. Clark, Jr., Domestic Architecture as an Index to Social History: The Romantic Revival and the Cult of Domesticity in America, 1840-1870, p. 33

Burton Singer, Exploratory Strategies and Graphical Displays, p. 57

Neil Harris, Fun and Games, p. 71
Paul Vauthier Adams, Historical Demography by Aggregative Methods: Nineteenth-Century France, p. 79
Ted W. Margadant, The Paris Commune: A Revolution that Failed, p. 91
John Talbott, Private Lives and Public Affairs in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 99
M. Lewin, Stalin and the Fall of Bolshevism, p. 105

Reviews, p. 119
Comment and Controversy, p. 187

a. VI, 4, 1976


Jack P. Greene, Pauline Maier (guest editors), Introduction, p. 543

Gary B. Nash, Urban Wealth and Poverty in Pre-Revolutionary America, p. 545
G. B. Warden, Inequality and Instability in Eighteenth-Century Boston: A Reappraisal, p. 585
Duane E. Ball, Dynamics of Population and Wealth in Eighteenth-Century Chester County, Pennsylvania, p. 621
Edward Countryman, Consolidating Power in Revolutionary America: The Case of New York, 1775-1783, p. 645
Robert M. Weir, Who Shall Rule at Home: The American Revolution as a Crisis of Legitimacy for the Colonial Elite, p. 679

Jacob M. Price, Quantifying Colonial America: A Comment on Nash and Warden, p. 701

Pauline Maier, Why Revolution? Why Democracy?, p. 711

Reviews, p. 733

a. VI, 3, 1976

W. R. Prest, Stability and Change in Old and New England: Clayworth and Dedham, p. 359
Maris A. Vinovskis, Socioeconomic Determinants of Interstate Fertility Differentials in the United States in 1850 and 1860, p. 375
Thomas M. Doerflinger, The Antilles Trade of the Old Regime: A Statistical Overview, p. 397
Robert Y. Eng, Thomas C. Smith, Peasant Families and Population Control in Eighteenth-Century Japan, p. 417
Louise A. Tilly, Joan W. Scott, Miriam Cohen, Women’s Work and European Fertility Patterns, p. 447

Paul Wheatley, Handle sans Blade: A Misappropriation of Central Place Theory, p. 477
F. M. Leventhal, The Urban Landscape, p. 485
Miles F. Shore, The Child and Historiography, p. 495
Robert V. Bruce, Packaging the Past: The Boorstin Experience, p. 507

Reviews, p. 513

a. VI, 2, 1975


The Editors, Introduction, p. 179

Herbert G. Gutman, Persistent Myths about the Afro-American Family, p. 181
Frank F. Furstenberg, Jr., Theodore Hershberg, John Modell, The Origins of the Female-Headed Black Family: The Impact of the Urban Experience, p. 211
Crandall A. Shifflett, The Household Composition of Rural Black Families: Louisa County, Virginia, 1880, p. 235
B. W. Higman, The Slave Family and Household in the British West Indies, 1880-1834, p. 261

Peter H. Wood, Philips Upside Down: Dialectic or Equivocation?, p. 289

Reviews, p. 299

a. VI, 1, 1975

Andrew B. Appleby, Nutrition and Disease: The Case of London, 1550-1750, p. 1
Donald R. Allen, Florence Nightingale: toward a Psychohistorical Interpretation, p. 23
Temma Kaplan, The Social Base of Nineteenth-Century Andalusian Anarchism in Jerez de la Frontera, p. 47

Hildred Geertz, An Anthropology of Religion and Magic, Two Views, p. 71
Keith Thomas, An Anthropology of Religion and Magic, Two Views, p. 91

Martin A. Klein, The Decolonization of West African History, p. 111
Bernard Sternsher, The Emergence of the New Deal Party System: A Problem in Historical Analysis of Voter Behavior, p. 127

Reviews, p. 151
Bibliographic Notes, p. 175

a. V, 4, 1975


The Editors, The History of the Family, II, p. 535

Daniel Scott Smith, Michael S. Hindus, Premarital Pregnancy in America, 1640-1971: An Overview and Interpretation, p. 537
Stanley Chojnacki, Dowries and Kinsmen in Early Renaissance Venice, p. 571
Robert Wheaton, Family and Kinship in Western Europe: The Problem of the Joint Family Household, p. 601
Andrejs Plakans, Seigneurial Authority and Peasant Family Life: The Baltic Area in the Eighteenth Century, p. 629
Robert V. Schnucker, Elizabethan Birth Control and Puritan Attitudes, p. 655
William L. Langer, The Origins of the Birth Control Movement in England in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 669

Abigail J. Stewart, David G. Winter, A. David Jones, Coding Categories for the Study of Child-Rearing from Historical Sources, p. 687

Arlene Skolnick, The Family Revisited: Themes in Recent Social Science Research, p. 703
Lutz K. Berkner, The Use and Misuse of Census Data for the Historical Analysis of Family Structure, p. 721
Richard T. Vann, Quaker Family Life, p. 739

Reviews, p. 751

a. V, 3, 1975

J. Harvey Smith, Work Routine and Social Structure in a French Village: Cruzy in the Nineteenth Century, p. 357
Herbert S. Klein, Slaves and Shipping in Eighteenth-Century Virginia, p. 383
Howard Spodek, From “Parasitic” to “Generative”: The Transformation of Post-Colonial Cities in India, p. 413

Paul A. David, Peter Temin, “Times on the Cross”: Two Views Capitalist Masters, Bourgeois Slaves, p. 445
Maris A. Vinovskis, The Demography of the Slave Population in Antebellum America, p. 459
Stanley E. Engerman, Up or Out: Social and Geographic Mobility in the United States, p. 469

Reviews, p. 491

a. V, 2, 1974

Aristide R. Zolberg, The Making of Flemings and Walloons: Belgium, 1830-1914, p. 179
Jorge I. Domínguez, Political Participation and the Social Mobilization Hypothesis: Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, and Cuba, 1800-1825, p. 237

Robert P. Swierenga, Computers and Comparative History, p. 267
Richard T. Vann, Literacy in Seventeenth-Century England: Some Hearth-Tax Evidence, p. 287

Harold D. Woodman, Economics and Scientific History, p. 295
Robert Forster, Quantifying History, p. 303
William R. Hutchison, American Religious History: From Diversity to Pluralism, p. 313

Reviews, p. 319

a. V, 1, 1974

Theodore Evergates, The Aristocracy of Champagne in the Mid-Thirteenth Century: A Quantitative Description, p. 1
Martha Ellis François, Revolts in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe: A Spiral Model, p. 19
R. Keith Aufhauser, Profitability of Slavery in the British Caribbean, p. 45
Raymond E. Dumett, The Social Impact of the European Liquor Trade on the Akan of Ghana (Gold Coast and Asante), 1875-1910, p. 69

Nathaniel H. Leff, Long-Term Viability of Slavery in a Backward Closed Economy, p. 103

Michael Kammen, On Predicting the Past: Potter and Plumb, p. 109
Ted W. Margadant, Peasant Protest in the Second Republic, p. 119
Dietrich Orlow, The Significance of Time and Place in Psychohistory, p. 131

Reviews, p. 139
Bibliographic note, p. 175

a. IV, 4, 1974

Gale Stokes, Cognition and the Function of Nationalism, p. 525
Robert V. Wells, Household Size and Composition in the British Colonies in America, 1675-1775, p. 543
Rebecca V. Colman, Reason and Unreason in Early Medieval Law, p. 571

E. Terrence Jones, Using Ecological Regression, p. 593

Giles Constable, Wealth and Philanthropy in Late Medieval England, p. 597
Lauro Martines, Early Effects of Credit Mechanisms in Italy, p. 603
Martin Shapiro, Barbara Shapiro, Interdisciplinary Aspects of American Legal History, p. 611
Irving H. Bartlett, Richard L. Schoenwald, The Psychodynamics of Slavery, p. 627
John E. Talbott, Vichy Reconsidered, p. 635

Regina Markell Morantz, The Perils of Feminist History, p. 649

Reviews, p. 661

a. IV, 3, 1974

Elizabeth Wirth Marvick, The Character of Louis XIII: The Role of His Physician, p. 347
Harry S. Stout, University Men in New England, 1620-1660: A Demographic Analysis, p. 375
Nancy S. Struever, The Study of Language and the Study of History, p. 401

Allan J. Lichtman, Correlation, Regression, and the Ecological Fallacy: A Critique, p. 417

Isser Woloch, French Economic and Social History, p. 435
David G. Smith, Subjects and Citizens: Operative Ideals of Civic Activity, p. 459
Clyde Griffen, Public Opinion in Urban History, p. 469
Samuel P. Hays, Historical Social Research: Concept, Method, and Technique, p. 475

Reviews, p. 483

a. IV, 2, 1973

T. W. Heyck, William Klecka, British Radical M.P.s, 1874-1895: New Evidence from Discriminant Analysis, p. 161
William G. Shade, Stanley D. Hopper, David Jacobson, Stephen E. Moiles, Partisanship in the United States Senate: 1869-1901, p. 185
Gary M. Fink, James W. Hilty, Prologue: The Senate Voting Record of Harry S. Truman, p. 207

J. Morgan Kousser, Ecological Regression and the Analysis of Past Politics, p. 237

William O. Aydelotte, Lee Benson’s Scientific History: For and Against, p. 263
Erich S. Gruen, Roman Imperialism and the Greek Resistance, p. 273
Roger Owen, Studying Islamic History, p. 287

Reviews, p. 299
Bibliographical Notes, p. 339

a. IV, 1, 1973


The Editors, The Historian and the Arts, p. 1

David Burrows, Style in Culture: Vivaldi, Zeno, and Ricci, p. 1
Ann Douglas Wood, “The Fashionable Diseases”: Women’s Complaints and Their Treatment in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 25
William J. McGrath, “Volksseelenpolitik” and Psychological Rebirth: Mahler and Hofmannsthal, p. 53

Martin A. Jackson, Film As a Source Material: Some Preliminary Notes toward a Methodology, p. 73
Thomas Milton Kemnitz, The Cartoon As a Historical Source, p. 81
John V. Fleming, Historians and the Evidence of Literature, p. 95

Theodore K. Rabb, The Historian and the Art Historian, p. 107
Lacey Baldwin Smith, “Christ, What a Fright”; The Tudor Portrait As an Icon, p. 119

Reviews, p. 129

a. III, 4, 1973

David Herlihy, Three Patterns of Social Mobility in Medieval Society, p. 623
J. Zvi Namenwirth, Wheels of Time and the Interdependence of Value Change in America, p. 649
Owen S. Ireland, Germans Against Abolition: A Minority’s View of Slavery in Revolutionary Pennsylvania, p. 685

Kenneth C. Wylie, The Uses and Misuses of Ethnohistory, p. 707

John D. Post, Meteorological Historiography, p. 721
Daniel F. McCall, Prehistory as a Kind of History, p. 733
John F. C. Harrison, In Search of Victorian England, p. 741
Paul Wheatley, The City Overseas, p. 749
Carl N. Degler, The Problem of the Color-Line, p. 757

Reviews, p. 763

a. III, 3, 1973

Allan G. Bogue, The Radical Voting Dimension in the U.S. Senate During the Civil War, p. 449
J. E. Seigel, Marx’s Early Development: Vocation, Rebellion, and Realism, p. 475
Donald L. Horowitz, Color Differentiation in the American Systems of Slavery, p. 509

James K. McConica, The Prosopography of the Tudor University, p. 543

Asa Briggs, Doing the New History, p. 555
Peter Marsh, The Elusive Impact of the Modern English Church, p. 559
Benjamin I. Schwartz, On Filial Piety and Revolution: China, p. 569
Peter K. Frost, Men of Meiji: The Possibility of Japanese Psychobiography, p. 581
Theodore Friend, Southeast Asia: Integration, Development, and the Terror of Time, p. 585

Reviews, p. 591

a. III, 2, 1972


E. A. Wrigley, The Process of Modernization and the Industrial Revolution in England, p. 225
Henry L. Misbach, The Balanced Economic Growth of Carolingian Europe: Suggestions for a New Interpretation, p. 261
William J. Courtenay, Token Coinage and the Administration of Poor Relief During the Late Middle Ages, p. 275
P. J. Perry, R. J. Johnston, The Temporal and Spatial Incidence of Agricultural Depression in Dorset, 1868-1902, p. 297

Tom G. Kessinger, Anthropology and History: The Study of Social and Economic Change in Rural India, p. 313

Harold D. Woodman, Economic History and Economic Theory: The New Economic History in America, p. 323
Robert Brandfon, Specific Purposes and the General Past: Slaves and Slavery, p. 351
James D. Norris, History and the Political Economy, p. 363
Darrett B. Rutman, Notes to the Underground: Historiography, p. 373

Reviews, p. 385
Bibliographical Note, p. 439

a. III, 1, 1972

Walter D. Burnham, Political Immunization and Political Confessionalism: The United States and Weimar Germany, p. 1
Hobart A. Spalding, Jr., Education in Argentina, 1890-1914: The Limits of Oligarchical Reform, p. 31

Michael B. Katz, Occupational Classification in History, p. 63
Olivier Zunz, Technology and Society in an Urban Environment: The Case of the Third Avenue Elevated Railway, p. 89

John W. Dardess, The Late Ming Rebellions: Peasants and Problems in Interpretation, p. 103
J. G. A. Pocock, Virtue and Commerce in the Eighteenth Century, p. 119
Harry N. Scheiber, Government and the Economy: Studies of the “Commonwealth” Policy in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 135
Peter Stansky, The Diminishing Edwardians, Or Private Lives and Public Process: Biographical Evidence, p. 153
Suzanne Berger, Bretons, Basques, Scots, and Other European Nations, p. 167
Jerome H. Skolnick, Interpreting Violence, p. 177

a. II, 4, 1972


Miles F. Shore, Henry VIII and the Crisis of Generativity, p. 359
Nancy L. Roelker, The Appeal of Calvinism to French Noblewomen in the Sixteenth Century, p. 391
Fred Weinstein, Gerald M. Platt, History and Theory: The Question of Psychoanalysis, p. 419

E. William Monter, The Historiography of European Witchcraft: Progress and Prospects, p. 435

E. J. Hundert, History, Psychology, and the Study of Deviant Behavior, p. 453
James T. Patterson, The Uses of Techno-Psychohistory, p. 473
Ainslie T. Embree, Studies in Indian History, p. 477

Short Reviews, p. 483
Comment and Controversy, p. 503

a. II, 3, 1972

Richard D. Brown, Modernization and the Modern Personality in Early America, 1600-1865: A Sketch of a Synthesis, p. 201
Alan D. Anderson, Patricia Bryan, Charles Cannon, Barbara Day, Julie Jeffrey, An Experiment in Combat Simulation: The Battle of Cambrai, 1917, p. 229

E. Terrence Jones, Ecological Inference and Electoral Analysis, p. 249

J. R. T. Hughes, Economic Growth and Change: How and Why, p. 263
John H. Parry, Portugal Overseas: The Search for Riches, p. 281
Lawrence Rosen, The Social History of Muslim Communities, p. 287
Darrett B. Rutman, Political History: The New and the Pseudo-New, p. 305
Thomas O. Beidelman, Neglected Master: A. M. Hocart, p. 311

Short Reviews, p. 317
Bibliographic Notes, p. 353

a. II, 2, 1971


The Editors, The Family in History, p. 203

Emily R. Coleman, Medieval Marriage Characteristics: A Neglected Factor in the History of Medieval Serfdom, p. 205
Peter Laslett, Age at Menarche in Europe since the Eighteenth Century, p. 221
Edward Shorter, Illegitimacy, Sexual Revolution, and Social Change in Modern Europe, p. 237
Robert V. Wells, Demographic Change and the Life Cycle of American Families, p. 273
Joseph F. Kett, Adolescence and Youth in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 283
Virginia Yans McLaughlin, Patterns of Work and Family Organization: Buffalo’s Italians, p. 299
John Demos, Developmental Perspectives on the History of Childhood, p. 315
Kenneth Keniston, Psychological Development and Historical Change, p. 329

Lois W. Banner, On Writing Women’s History, p. 347
Etienne van de Walle, Recent Approaches to Past Childhoods, p. 359
David J. Rothman, Documents in Search of a Historian: toward a History of Children and Youth in America, p. 367
James A. Henretta, The Morphology of New England Society in the Colonial Period, p. 379
Tamara K. Hareven, The History of the Family as an Interdisciplinary Field, p. 399

a. II, 1, 1971

Thomas W. Africa, Urban Violence in Imperial Rome, p. 3
Louise A. Tilly, The Food Riot as a Form of Political Conflict in France, p. 23
Phyllis Keller, George Sylvester Viereck: The Psychology of a German-American Militant, p. 59

F. M. Leventhal, Why A Massacre? The Responsibility for Peterloo, p. 109
Pauline Maier, Revolutionary Violence and The Relevance of History, p. 119
Gerald N. Izenberg, The Wish to be Free, p. 137
William T. Hagan, On Writing the History of the American Indian, p. 149
Fawn M. Brodie, Jefferson Biographers and The Psychology of Canonization, p. 155
Stuart M. Blumin, In Pursuit of the American City, p. 173

Short Reviews, p. 179

a. I, 3, 1971

Natalie Zemon Davis, Missed Connections: “Religion and Regime”, p. 381
Theodor V. Brodek, Socio-Political Realities in the Holy Roman Empire, p. 395
H. G. Koenigsberger, The Unity of the Church and the Reformation, p. 407
Guy E. Swanson, Interpreting the Reformation, p. 419

Caroline Bingham, Seventeenth-Century Attitudes toward Deviant Sex, p. 447
Bruce Mazlish, Comment, p. 468
Michael Drake, The Mid-Victorian Voter, p. 473

G. Edward White, The Appellate Opinion as Historical Source Material, p. 491

T. O. Beidelman, Lévi-Strauss and History, p. 511
Lester K. Little, Verbal and Pictorial Sources in Medieval History, p. 527
Dan S. White, The German Peasantry, p. 535
Lucian W. Pye, The Historian and Southeast Asia, p. 541

Short Reviews, p. 545

a. I, 2, 1971

John Shy, The American Military Experience: History and Learning, p. 205
R. G. L. Waite, Adolf Hitler’s Guilt Feelings: A Problem in History and Psychology, p. 229
Peter Temin, Labor Scarcity in America, p. 251
David E. Apter, Radicalization and Embourgeoisement: Some Hypotheses for a Comparative Study of History, p. 265

Stephen E. Fienberg, A Statistical Technique for Historians: Standardizing Tables of Counts, p. 305

Frank J. Frost, Science, Archaeology, and the Historian, p. 317
Erich S. Gruen, Thucydides, his Critics and Interpreters, p. 327
Mark Mancall, Revolution in the Counter-Revolution: A Paradigm, p. 339

Short Reviews, p. 349

a. I, 1, 1970

The Editors, Interdisciplinary History, p. 3
Stephan Thernstrom, Peter R. Knights, Men in Motion: Some Data and Speculations about Urban Population Mobility in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 7
Pierre Goubert, Historical Demography and the Reinterpretation of Early Modern French History: A Research Review, p. 37
Bruce Mazlish, Toward a Psychohistorical Inquiry: The “Real” Richard Nixon, p. 49

Ian Winchester, The Linkage of Historical Records by Man and Computer: Techniques and Problems, p. 107

Donald R. Kelley, Philology and the Mirror of History, p. 125
Daniel F. McCall, Anthropology and History: The African Case, p. 137
Daniel Calhoun, Studying American Violence, p. 163
Sudhir Kakar, The Logic of Psychohistory, p. 187

Short Reviews, p. 195