The Journal of Interdisciplinary History DATINI

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Cambridge Ms, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. School of Humanities and Social Sciences
ISSN: 0022-1953

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Straniere 0464
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-a. 32, 4, 2002

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza, Riv. Straniere 0370 RUSPOL
Consistenza: a. I, 1, 1970-
Lacune: a. 38, 2-a. 38, 1; a. 36, 3/4;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 41, 2010, 2

Tine de Moor, Jan Luiten van Zanden, “Every Woman Counts”: A Gender-Analysis of Numeracy in the Low Countries during the Early Modern Period, p. 179
Jennifer R. Davis, The Problem of King Louis IX of France: Biography, Sanctity, and Kingship, p. 209
Hamish Scott, The Making of a Revolution?, p. 227
Gillian Gillison, Culture-A Post-Concept?, p. 243

Reviews, p. 265

a. 41, 2010, 1

Reed Ueda, ntroduction: State Development and International Migration, p. 1
David Cook-Martín, David FitzGerald, Liberalism and the Limits of Inclusion: Race and Immigration Law in the Americas, 1850-2000, p. 7
Philip E. Wolgin, Irene Bloemraad, “Our Gratitude to Our Soldiers”: Military Spouses, Family Re-Unification, and Postwar Immigration Reform, p. 27
Rogers Brubaker, Migration, Membership, and the Modern Nation-State: Internal and External Dimensions of the Politics of Belonging, p. 61
Riva Kastoryano, Negotiations beyond Borders: States and Immigrants in Postcolonial Europe, p. 95
Yasemin Nuhoglu Soysal, Simona Szakács, Reconceptualizing the Republic: Diversity and Education in France, 1945-2008, p. 115

Reviews, p. 117

a. 40, 2010, 4

Oscar Gelderblom, Regina Grafe, The Rise and Fall of the Merchant Guilds: Re-thinking the Comparative Study of Commercial Institutions in Premodern Europe, p. 477
Guido Alfani, Wealth Inequalities and Population Dynamics in Early Modern Northern Italy, p. 513
Andreas Hess, “Working the Waves”: The Plebeian Culture and Moral Economy of Traditional Basque Fishing Brotherhoods, p. 551

Reviews, p. 579

a. 40, 2010, 3


Robert I. Rotberg, Preface, p. VII

Robert I. Rotberg, Biography and Historiography: Mutual Evidentiary and Interdisciplinary Considerations, p. 305-324
Michael Prestwich, Medieval Biography, p. 325-346
Janet Browne, Making Darwin: Biography and the Changing Representations of Charles Darwin, p. 347-373
Lucy Riall, The Shallow End of History? The Substance and Future of Political Biography, p. 375-397
Stanley Wolpert, Biography as History: A Personal Reflection, p. 399-412
Susan Ware, Writing Women’s Lives: One Historian’s Perspective, p. 413-435

Reviews, p. 437

a. 40, 2009, 2


Theodore K. Rabb, Introduction: The Persistence of the “Crisis”, p. 145-150
Jan de Vries, The Economie Crisis of the Seventeenth Century after Fifty Years, p. 151-194
Anne E. C. McCants, Historical Demography and the Crisis of the Seventeenth Century, p. 195-214
Jacob Soli, Accounting for Government: Holland and the Rise of Politicai Economy in Seventeenth-Century Europe, p. 215-238
Peter Burke, The Crisis in the Arts of the Seventeenth Century: A Crisis of Representation?, p. 239-261
Edward Bever, Witchcraft Prosecutions and the Decline of Magic, p. 263-293

Commentaries, p. 295

a. 40, 2009, 1

Gregory Hanlon, The Facts of Life in Rural Counter-Reformation Tuscany, p. 1
Melissa Willard-Foster, Planning the Peace and Enforcing the Surrender: Deterrence in the Allied Occupations of Germany and Japan, p. 33

Review Essay
Paul E. Lovejoy, Extending the Fronti ers of Transatlantic Siavery, Partially, p. 57

Reviews, p. 71

a. 39, 2009, 4

Johann N. Neem, Creating Social Capital in the Early American Republic: The View from Connecticut, p. 471-495
Christine Fertig, Rural Society and Social Networks in Nineteenth-Century Westphalia: The Role of Godparenting in Social Mobility, p. 497-522
Jerome Bourdieu, Joseph P. Ferrie, Lionel Kesztenbaum, Vive la différence? Intergenerational Mobility in France and the United States during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 523-557

Reviews, p. 559

a. 39, 2009, 3

Knut Oyangen, The Gastrodynamics of Displacement: Place-Making and Gustatory Identity in the Immigrants’ Midwest, p. 323-348

Anne Hardy, A New Chapter in Medical History, p. 349-359
Caroline Elkins, The Re-assertion of the British Empire in Southeast Asia, p. 361-385
Jeremy Adelman, Remembering in Latin America, p. 387-398

Reviews, p. 399

a. 39, 2008, 2

William P. Caferro, Warfare and Economy in Renaissance Italy, 1350-1450, p. 167-209
Alan Carson, The Stature and Body Mass of Mexicans in the Nineteenth-Century United States Scott, p. 211-232

Review Essay
James L. Cavallaro, Stephanie Erin Brewer, Never Again? The Legacy of the Argentine and Chilean Dictatorships for the Global Human Rights Regime, p. 233-244

Reviews, p. 245

a. 39, 2008, 1

Zorina Khan, “Justice of the Marketplace”: Legai Disputes and Economie Activity on America’s Northeastem Frontier, 1700-1860, p. 1-35
Robbie totten, National Security and U.S. Immigration Policy, 1776-1790, p. 37-64
Craig Heinicke, Wayne A. Grove, “Machinery Has Completely Taken Over”: The Diffusion of the Mechanical Cotton Picker, 1949-1964, p. 65-96

Reviews, p. 97

a. 38, 2008, 4

Linda T. Darling, Political Change and Political Discourse in the Early Modern Mediterranean World, p. 505-531 Len Smith, Janet McCalman, Ian Anderson, Sandra Smith, Joanne Evans, Gavan McCarthy, Jane Beer, Fractional Identities: The Political Arithmetic of Aboriginal Victorians, p. 533-551 Review Essay Patrick J. Ryan, How New Is the “New” Social Study of Childhood? The Myth of a Paradigm Shift, p. 553-576 Reviews, p. 577

a. 38, 2008, 3

Arthur P. Wolf, Theo Engelen, Fertility and Fertility Control in Pre-Revolutionary China, p. 345
Larry M. Logue, Peter Blanck, “Benefit of the Doubt”: African-American Civil War Veterans and Pensions, p. 377

Robert H. Jackson, The Population and Vital Rates of the Jesuit Missions of Paraguay, 1700-1767, p. 401

Reviews, p. 433

a. 38, 2007, 2

Samuel K Cohn, Jr., Guido Alfani, Households and Plague in Early Modern Italy, p. 177
Martin Dribe, Christer Lundh, Paul Nystedt, Widowhood strategies in Preindustrial Society, p. 207
Jeffrey S. Adler, Shoot to Kill: The Use of Deadly Force by the Chicago Police, 1875-1920, p. 233

Reviews, p. 255

a. 38, 2007, 1

Wim De Clercq, Jan Dumolyn, Jelle Haemers, “Vivre Noblement”: Material Culture and Elite Identity in Late Medieval Flanders, p. 1
Howard Bodenhorn, Single Parenthood and Childhood Outcomes in the Mid Nineteenth Century Urban South, p. 33
Michel S. Lewis-Beck, Daniel S. Morey, The French “Petit Oui”: The Maastricht Treaty and the French Voting Agenda, p. 65

Reviews, p. 89

a. 37, 2007, 4

Paul K. Longmore, Good English without Idiom or tone”: The Colonial Origins of American Speech, p. 513-542
Peter Tammes, Jewish Immigrants in the Netherlands during the Nazi Occupation, p. 543-562.
Robert Cross, Pretense and Perception in the Spanish Match, or History in a Fake Beard, p. 563-583

Reviews, p. 585

a. 37, 2007, 3

Gary Magee, The Importance of Being British: Imperial Factors and the Growth of British Imports, 1870-1960, p. 341

John Theilmann, Frances Cate, A Plague of Plagues: The Problem of Plague Diagnosis in Medieval England, p. 371
Gillian Gillison, From Cannibalism to Genocide: THe Work of Denial, p. 395
Mark Tushnet, Constitutional Interpretation outside the Courts, p. 415

Reviews, p. 423

a. 37, 2006, 2

Thomas Brennan, Peasants and Debt in Eighteenth-Century Champagne, p. 175
Scott Alan Carson, The Biological Living Conditions of Nineteenth-Century Chinese Males in America, p. 201
J. Trent Alexander, Defining the Diaspora: Appalachians in the Great Migration, p. 219

Donald Quataert, The Massacre of Ottoman Armenians and the Writing of Ottoman History, p. 249

Reviews, p. 261

a. 37, 2006, 1

Grubb Farley, Babes in Bondage? Debt Shifting by German Immigrants in Early America, p. 1
Main Gloria L., Rocking the Cradle: Downsizing the New England Family, p. 35
Woodward Nicholas, Transportation Convictions during the Great Irish Famine, p. 59

Reviews, p. 89

a. 36, 2006, 4



Davis, John Anthony, Opera and Absolutism in Restoration Italy, 1815-1860, p. 569
Sorba, Carlotta, To Please the Public: Composers and Audiences in Nineteenth-Century Italy, p. 595
Castelvecchi, Stefano, Commentary: Was Verdi a “Revolutionary”?, p. 615
Smart, Mary Ann, Commentary: A Stroll in the Piazza and a Night at the Opera, p. 621

Steinberg, Michael P., The Politics and Aesthetics of Operatic Modernism, p. 629
Fulcher, Jane F., French Identity in Flux: The Triumph of Honegger’s Antigone, p. 649
Schorske, Carl E., Operatic Modernism, p. 675
Wolff, Lawrence, Commentary: The Operatic Tragedy of Central Europe, p. 683

Crawford, Richard, Where did Porgy and Bess Come From?, p. 697

a. 36, 2006, 3


Rabb, Theodore K., Preface, p. 319

Rabb, Theodore K., Opera, Musicology, and History, p. 321

Muir, Edward, Why Venice? Venetian Society and the Success of Early Opera, p. 331
Calcagno, Mauro, Censoring Eliogabalo in Seventeenth-Century Venice, p. 355
Heller, Wendy Beth, Poppea’s Legacy: The Julio-Claudians on the Venetian Stage, p. 379
Romano, Dennis, Commentary: Why Opera? The Politics of an Emerging Genre, p. 401
Rosand, Ellen, Commentary: Seventeenth-Century Venetian Opera as Fondamente nuove, p. 411

Harris, Ellen T, With Eyes on the East and Ears in the West: Handel’s Orientalist Operas, p. 419
Monod, Paul Kléber, The Politics of Handel’s Early London Operas, 1711-1718, p. 445

Lockwood, Lewis, Beethoven’s Leonore and Fidelio, p. 473
Tusa, Michael Charles, Cosmopolitanism and the National Opera: Weber’s Der Freischütz, p. 483
Weber, William, Redefining the Status of Opera: London and Leipzig, 1800-1848, p. 507
Johnson, James H., The Myth of Venice in Nineteenth-Century Opera, p. 533
Grey, Thomas S., Commentary: Opera in the Age of Revolution, p. 555

a. 36, 2005, 2

Cormac Ó. Gráda, Markets and Famines in Pre-Industrial Europe, p. 143
Eric H. Monkkonen, Homicide in Los Angeles, 1827-2002, p. 167
Simon Ville, Social Capital Formation in Australian Rural Communities: The Role of the Stock and Station Agent, p. 185
Gidon Cohen, Propensity-Score Methods and the Lenin School, p. 209

Review Essay, p. 233
Reviews, p. 241

a. 36, 2005, 1

Richard H. Steckel, Health and Nutrition in Pre-Columbian America: The Skeletal Evidence, p. 1
Carol H. Shiue, The Political Economy of Famine Relief in China, 1740-1820, p. 33

Jason Scott Smith, A Reintroduction to Political Economy: History, Institutions, and Power, p. 63

Reviews, p. 73
Comment and controversy, p. 139

a. 35, 2005, 4

Miles Fairburn, Stephen Haslett, The Rise of the Left and Working-Class Voting Behavior in New Zealand: New Methods, p. 523

Steven A. Epstein, Italy Revisited: The Encyclopedia, p. 557
Galen Brokaw, Toward Deciphering the Khipu, p. 571
Richard Grassby, Material Culture and Cultural History, p. 591
Peter Temin, A Hobbesian Approach to Political-Economic History, p. 605

Reviews, p. 615

a. 35, 2005, 3


Mark R. Cohen, Poverty and Charity in Past Times, p. 347

Peregrine Horden, The Earliest Hospitals in Byzantium, Western Europe, and Islam, p. 361
Michael Bonner, Poverty and Economics in the Qur’an, p. 391
Mark R. Cohen, Feeding the Poor and Clothing the Naked: The Cairo Geniza, p. 407
Judah D. Galinsky, Jewish Charitable Bequests and the Hekdesh Trust in Thirteenth-Century Spain, p. 423
Brian Pullan, Catholics, Protestants, and the Poor in Early Modern Europe, p. 441
Marjorie K. McIntosh, Poverty, Charity, and Coercion in Elizabethan England, p. 457
Amy Singer, Serving Up Charity: The Ottoman Public Kitchen, p. 481
Mine Ener, Religious Prerogatives and Policing the Poor in Two Ottoman Contexts, p. 501
Peter Brown, Remembering the Poor and the Aesthetic of Society, p. 513

a. 35, 2004, 2

Massimo Livi-Bacci, Ernesto J. Maeder, The Missions of Paraguay: The Demography of an Experiment, p. 185
Sevket Pamuk, Institutional Change and the Longevity of the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1800, p. 225

Anne Sa’adah, Reflections on Democracy: The Beginning of the End or the End of the Beginning?, p. 249
Ted Steinberg, Fertilizing the Tree of Knowledge: Environmental History Comes of Age, p. 265

Reviews, p. 279

a. 35, 2004, 1

Jason Kaufman, David Weintraub, Social-Capital Formation and American Fraternal Association: New Empirical Evidence, p. 1
Charles F. Heller Jr., John T. Houdek, Women Lenders as Sources of Land Credit in Nineteenth-Century Michigan, p. 37
Michael Thrasher, Ron Johnston, Colin Rallings, Magnifying Voters’ Preferences: Bias in Elections to Birmingham’s City Council, p. 69

Review Essay, p. 105
Reviews, p. 113

a. 34, 2004, 4

Peter Temin, The Labor Market of the Early Roman Empire, p. 513
Geoff Cunfer, Manure Matters of the Great Plains Frontier, p. 539
Scott Alan Carson, European Immigration to America’s Great Basin, 1850-1870, p. 569

Review Essay, p. 595

Mark Jurdjevic, Trust in Renaissance Electoral Politics, p. 601

Reviews, p. 615

a. 34, 2004, 3

Gretchen A. Condran, Harold R. Lentzner, Early Death: Mortality among Young Children in New York, Chicago, and New Orleans, p. 315
Brian Gratton, Jon Moen, Immigration, Culture, and Child Labor in the United States, 1880-1920, p. 355
George R. Boyer, The Evolution of Unemployment Relief in Great Britain, p. 393

Review Essay, p. 435
Reviews, p. 441

a. 34, 2003, 2


Simon Szreter, Robert A. Nye, Frans van Poppel, Fertility and Contraception during the Demographic Transition: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, p. 141

Frans van Poppel, Hugo Röling, Physicians and Fertility Control in the Netherlands, p. 155
Kari Pitkänen, Contraception in Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Finland, p. 187
Solvi Sogner, Abortion, Birth Control, and Contraception: Fertility Decline in Norway, p. 209
Elinor A. Accampo, The Gendered Nature of Contraception in France: Neo-Malthusianism, 1900-1920, p. 235
Kate Fisher, Simon Szreter, “They Prefer Withdrawal”: The Choice of Birth Control in Britain, 1918-1850, p. 263
Diane Gervais, Danielle Gauvreau, Women, Priests, and Physicians: Family Limitation in Quebec, 1940-1970, p. 293

a. 34, 2003, 1

Michael McCormick, Rats, Communications, and Plague: toward an Ecological History, p. 1
Jeffrey S. Adler, “We’ve Got a Right to Fight; We’re Married”: Domestic Homicide in Chicago, 1875-1920, p. 27

Edward Peters, Quid nobis cum pelago? The New Thalassology and the Economic History of Europe, p. 49

Reviews, p. 63

a. 33, 2003, 4

John E. Murray, Fates of Orphans: Poor Children in Antebellum Charleston, p. 519
Kevin McQuillan, Family Composition and Remarriage in Alsace, 1750-1850, p. 547

Review Essays, p. 569
Reviews, p. 593

a. 33, 2003, 3

Joseph M. Prince, Richard H. Steckel, Nutritional Success on the Great Plains: Nineteenth-Century Equestrian Nomads, p. 353
Rebecca Jean Emigh, Property Devolution in Tuscany, p. 385

Robert Woods, Did Montaigne Love His Children? Demography and the Hypothesis of Parental Indifference, p. 421

Review Essay, p. 443
Reviews, p. 453

a. 33, 2002, 2

Mark Spoerer, Jochen Fleischhacker, Forced Laborers in Nazi Germany: Categories, Numbers, and Survivors, p. 169

Carolyn M. Moehling, Broken Homes: The “Missing” Children of the 1910 Census, p. 205

John M. Murrin, David S. Silverman, The Quest for America: Reflections on Distinctiveness, Pluralsim, and Public Life, p. 235
Jack P. Greene, “By Their Laws Shall Ye Know Them”: Law and Identity in Colonial British America, p. 247
Robin B. Barnes, Varieties of Apocalyptic Experience in Reformation Europe, p. 261

Reviews, p. 275

a. 33, 2002, 1

James E. McWilliams, New England’s First Depression: Beyond an Export-Led Interpretation, p. 1
Howard Bodenhorn, The Mulatto Advantage: The Biological Consequences of Complexion in Rural Antebellum Virginia, p. 21
J. S. Butler, Diana Weinhold, Taxing Losses: Economic Suicide or Shrewd Trade Policy?, p. 47

Samuel M. Otterstrom, Carville Earle, The Settlement of the United States from 1790 to 1990: Divergent Rates of Growth and the End of the Frontier, p. 59

Review Essay, p. 87
Reviews, p. 95

a. 32, 2002, 4


Peter Arnade, Martha Howell, Walter Simons, Fertile Spaces: The Productivity of Urban Space in Northern Europe, p. 515

Vanessa Harding, Real Estate: Space, Property, and Propriety in Urban England, p. 549
Lorraine Attreed, Urban Identity in Medieval English towns, p. 571
Carl B. Estabrook, Ritual, Space, and Authority in Seventeenth-Century English Cathedral Cities, p. 593
Marc Boone, Urban Space and Political Conflict in Late Medieval Flanders, p. 621
Frances E. Dolan, Gender and the “Lost “Spaces of Catholicism, p. 641
Ludo J. K. Milis, Monks, Canons, and the City: A Barren Relationship?, p. 667
Herman Pleij, Restyling “Wisdom, “Remodeling the Nobility, and Caricaturing the Peasant: Urban Literature in the Late Medieval Low Countries, p. 689

a. 32, 2002, 3

Noble Davis Cook, Sickness, Starvation and Death in Early Hispaniola, p. 349
Scott Alan Carson, Indentured Migration in America’s Great basin: Occupational Targeting and Adverse Selection, p. 387

Peter Dinzelbacher, Animal Trials: A Multidisciplinary Approach, p. 405

Bruce S. Fetter, History and Health Science: Medical Advances across the Disciplines, p. 423

Reviews, p. 443

a. 32, 2001, 2

Ronald F. King, Counting the Votes: South Carolina’s Stolen Election of 1876, p. 169
Neil S. Rushton, Windy Sigle-Rushton, Monastic Poor Relief in Sixteenth-Century England, p. 193
Amy Nelson Burnett, Generational Conflict in the late reformation: the Basel Paroxysm, p. 217
Flurin Condrau, “Who is the Captain of All These Men of Death”? The Social Structure of a Tuberculosis Sanatorium in Postwar Germany, p. 243

Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom, New Approaches to Old Shanghai, p. 263

Reviews, p. 281

a. 32, 2001, 1

Jona Schellekens, Economic Change and Infant Mortality in England, 1580-1837, p. 1
John Robertson, Re-Enlistment Patterns of Civil War Soldiers, p. 15

Julie M. Flavell, Cordon Hay, Using Capture-Recapture Methods to reconstruct the Colonial American Population in London, p. 37
Martin Shanahan, Personal Wealth in South Australia, p. 55

James C. Mc. Cann, Literacy, Orality, and Property : Church Documents in Ethiopia, p. 81
Richard Landes, The Fruitful Error: Reconsidering Millennial Enthusiasm, p. 89

Reviews, p. 99

a. 31, 2001, 4

Marshall B. Jones, Elizabeth Rapley, Behavioral Contagion and the Rise of Convent Education in France, p. 489
Caroline Castiglione, Political Culture in Seventeenth-Century Italian Villages, p. 523
Jason Kaufman, Rise and Fall of a Nation of Joiners: The Knights of Labor Revisited, p. 553

Terence McIntosh, Urban Demographic Stagnation in Early Modern Germany: A Simulation, p. 581

Reviews, p. 613

a. 31, 2001, 3

Trevor Burnard, Slave Naming Patterns: Onomastics and the Taxonomy of Race in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica, p. 325
David Beck Ryden, Does Decline Make Sense? The West Indian Economy and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, p. 347

Thomas T. Allsen, The Cultural Worlds of Marco Polo, p. 375
Fred I. Greenstein, The Prudent Professionalism of George Herbert Walker Bush, p. 385
Ronald P. Formisano, The Concept of Political Culture, p. 393

Reviews, p. 427