Journal of Social History DATINI

The Journal of Social History

Pittsburgh, Carnegie-Mellon University
ISSN: 0022-4529
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 0537
Consistenza: v. 14, 1980/81-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981]

copertina della rivista

v. 54, 2020, 2

Maarten Prak, Clare Haru Crowston, Bert De Munck, Christopher Kissane, Chris Minns, Ruben Schalk, Patrick Wallis, Access to the Trade: Monopoly and Mobility in European Craft Guilds in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, p. 421
Noah Shusterman, The Strange History of the Right to Bear Arms in the French Revolution, p. 453
Elwin Hofman, The End of Sodomy: Law, Prosecution Patterns, and the Evanescent Will to Knowledge in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands, 1770-1830, p. 480
Kaat Louckx, Population, Territory, and State-istics: “Habitual Residence” in the Belgian Census, 1846-1947, p. 503
Esther Isaac, Alisa Bajramovic, Isabel Miller, Chelsea Pan, Emily Ratté, Anton Vicente Kliot, To “Labour with a Greater Sense of Safety”: First Aid, Civic Duty, and Risk Management in the British Working Class, 1870-1914, p. 526
Peter Scott, “Forced Selling,” Domesticity, and the Diffusion of Washing Machines in Interwar America, p. 546
Anne Hanley, “Sex Prejudice” and Professional Identity: Women Doctors and Their Patients in Britain’s Interwar VD Service, p. 569
Tanya Agathocleous, Janet Neary, Before Bandung: Afro-Asian Cross-referencing and Comparative Racialization, p. 599
Alyssa Bowen, “Taking in the Broad Spectrum”: Human Rights and Anti-Politics in the Chile Solidarity Campaign (UK) of the 1970s, p. 623
Christian G. De Vito, Juliane Schiel, Matthias van Rossum, From Bondage to Precariousness? New Perspectives on Labor and Social History, p. 644

v. 54, 2020, 1

Titas Chakraborty, Matthias van Rossum, Slave Trade and Slavery in Asia—New Perspectives, p. 1
Hans Hägerdal, Slaves and Slave Trade in the Timor Area: Between Indigenous Structures and External Impact, p. 15
Rafaël Thiébaut, French Slave Trade on Madagascar: A Quantitative Approach, p. 34
Alexander Geelen, Bram van den Hout, Merve Tosun, Mike de Windt, Matthias van Rossum, On the Run: Runaway Slaves and Their Social Networks in Eighteenth-Century Cochin, p. 66
Kate Ekama, Precarious Freedom: Manumission in Eighteenth-Century Colombo, p. 88
Ulbe Bosma, Commodification and Slavery in the Nineteenth-Century Indonesian Archipelago, p. 109
Anne M. Koenig, Shipping Fools: Foucault’s Wandering Madman and Civic Responsibility in Late Medieval Germany, p. 125
Brodie Waddell, “Verses of My Owne Making”: Literacy, Work, and Social Identity in Early Modern England, p. 161
Siobhán Hearne, Prosecuting Procurement in the Russian Empire, p. 185
Emily Bartlett, Reassembling Disabled Identities: Employment, Ex-servicemen and the Poppy Factory, p. 210
Michael Kenneth Huner, How Pedro Quiñonez Lost His Soul: Suicide, Routine Violence, and State Formation in Nineteenth-Century Paraguay, p. 237
Hatice Yildiz, The Politics of Time in Colonial Bombay: Labor Patterns and Protest in Cotton Mills, p. 260
Cara Delay, Annika Liger, Bad Mothers and Dirty Lousers: Representing Abortionists in Postindependence Ireland, p. 286
Rakesh Ankit, Bureaucracy, Community, and Land: The Resettlement of Meos in Mewat, 1949-50, p. 306
Will Cooley, “We Just Can’t Afford to Be Democratic”: Liberals, Integrationists, and the Postwar, p. 330

v. 53, 2020, 4

Kristine Alexander, Mischa Honeck, Isabel Richter, Mapping Modern Rejuvenation: An Introduction, p. 875
Mischa Honeck, Rubble and Rebirth: Postwar Rejuvenation and the Erasure of History, p. 889
Michelle J. Smith, Jane Nicholas, Soft Rejuvenation: Cosmetics, Idealized White Femininity, and Young Women’s Bodies, 1880-1930, p. 906
Leslie Paris, The Sexual Clock: Middle-Aged American Women and Sexual Vitality in the 1960s and 1970s, p. 922
David M. Pomfret, Imperial Rejuvenations: Youth, Empire, and the Problem of Accelerated Aging in “Tropical” Colonies, ca. 1800-1914, p. 939

Julia Laite, The Emmet’s Inch: Small History in a Digital Age, p. 963
Ashley Wright, Gender, Violence, and Justice in Colonial Assam: The Webb Case, c. 1884, p. 990
Saima Nasar, Gavin Schaffer, The Poetics of Narrativity: Understanding Trauma, Temporality, and Spatiality Forty Years after the Birmingham Pub Bombings, p. 1008
Garrett Felber, Integration or Separation? Malcolm X’s College Debates, Free Speech, and the Challenge to Racial Liberalism on Campus, p. 1033
Ruthann Clay, Peter N. Stearns, Don’t Forget to Say “Thank You”: Toward a Modern History of Gratitude, p. 1060

v. 53, 2020, 3

Martina Salvante, Introduction: Gender and Disability in the Two World Wars, p. 595
Adam Luptak, John Paul Newman, Victory, Defeat, Gender, and Disability: Blind War Veterans in Interwar Czechoslovakia, p. 604
George N. Njung, Amputated Men, Colonial Bureaucracy, and Masculinity in Post-World War I Colonial Nigeria, p. 620
Martina Salvante, The Wounded Male Body: Masculinity and Disability in Wartime and Post-WWI Italy, p. 644
Lee K. Pennington, Wives for the Wounded: Marriage Mediation for Japanese Disabled Veterans during World War II, p. 667
Julie Anderson, “Homes away from Home” and “Happy Prisoners”: Disabled Veterans, Space, and Masculinity in Britain, 1944-1950, p. 698
Laurel Daen, “to Board & Nurse a Stranger”: Poverty, Disability, and Community in Eighteenth-Century Massachusetts, p. 716
K. Smith Alison, False Passports, Undocumented Workers, and Public (Dis)Order in Late-Eighteenth-Century Russia, p. 742
Nilay Özok-Gündogan, Counting the Population and the Wealth in an “Unruly” Land: Census Making as a Social Process in Ottoman Kurdistan, 1830-50, p. 763
Janet Golden, John T. Duffy, “Normal Enough”: Paula Patton, Intellectually Disabled Immigrant Children, and the 1924 Immigration Act, p. 792

v. 53, 2019, 2

Carolien Stolte, Introduction: Trade Union Networks and the Politics of Expertise in an Age of Afro-Asian Solidarity, p. 331
Gerard Mccann, Possibility and Peril: Trade Unionism, African Cold War, and the Global Strands of Kenyan Decolonization, p. 348
Leslie James, “Essential Things Such as Typewriters”: Development Discourse, Trade Union Expertise, and the Dialogues of Decolonization between the Caribbean and West Africa, p. 378
Su Lin Lewis, “We Are Not Copyists”: Socialist Networks and Non-alignment from Below in A. Philip Randolph’s Asian Journey, p. 402
Rachel Leow, Asian Lessons in the Cold War Classroom: Trade Union Networks and the Multidirectional Pedagogies of the Cold War in Asia, p. 429
Mathilde Von Bülow, Beyond the Cold War: American Labor, Algeria’s Independence Struggle, and the Rise of the Third World (1954-62), p. 454
Nadja Durbach, Comforts, Clubs, and the Casino: Food and the Perpetuation of the British Class System in First World War Civilian Internment Camps, p. 487
Ashley D. Farmer, “All the Progress to Be Made Will Be Made by Maladjusted Negroes”: Mae Mallory, Black Women’s Activism, and the Making of the Black Radical Tradition, p. 508

v. 53, 2019, 1

Sam Lebovic, Introduction: Social Histories of Neoliberalism, p. 1
Anne Gray Fischer, “The Place is Gone!”: Policing Black Women to Redevelop Downtown Boston, p. 7
Carly Beth Goodman, Selling Ghana Greener Pastures: Green Card Entrepreneurs, Visa Lottery, and Mobility, p. 27
Gizem Zencirci, Affective Politics of Structural Adjustment: “Cruel Optimism” and Turhan Selçuk’s Cartoons in Turkey, 1983-1986, p. 53
J. T. Way, City Streets in Rural Places: Emerging Cities, Youth Cultures, and the Neoliberalization of Guatemala, p. 76
Gabriel Winant, “Hard Times Make for Hard Arteries and Hard Livers”: Deindustrialization, Biopolitics, and the Making of a New Working Class, p. 107

William A. Pettigrew, Edmond Smith, Corporate Management, Labor Relations, and Community Building at the East India Company’s Blackwall Dockyard, 1600-57, p. 133
Taylor Spence, Naming Violence in United States Colonialism, p. 157
Matthias Ruoss, Fighting Unfair Competition: The Bamberger Riot and the Emergence of Hire Purchase in Switzerland around 1900, p. 194
Krista Cowman, “The Atmosphere is Permissive and Free”: The Gendering of Activism in the British Adventure Playgrounds Movement, ca. 1948-70, p. 218

v. 52, 2019, 4

Alan S Ross, Introduction: Preserving the Animal Body—Cultures of Scholarship and Display, 1660-1914, p. 1027
E C Spary, On the Ironic Specimen of the Unicorn Horn in Enlightened Cabinets, p. 1033
Merle Patchett, The Biogeographies of the Blue Bird-of-Paradise: From Sexual Selection to Sex and the City, p. 1061
Alan S Ross, Recycling Embryos: Old Animal Specimens in New Museums, 1660-1840, p. 1087
Marieke M A Hendriksen, Animal Bodies between Wonder and Natural History: Taxidermy in the Cabinet and Menagerie of Stadholder Willem V (1748-1806), p. 1110

Tijl Vanneste, Instruments of Trade or Maritime Entrepreneurs? The Economic Agency of Dutch Seamen in the Golden Age, p. 1132
Miguel A Cabrera, The Discursive Origins of the Welfare State: Spanish Social Reformism, 1870-1900, p. 1165
Farzin Vejdani, Urban Violence and Space: Lutis, Seminarians, and Sayyids in Late Qajar Iran, p. 1185
Caroline R Kahlenberg, The Tarbush Transformation: Oriental Jewish Men and the Significance of Headgear in Ottoman and British Mandate Palestine, p. 1212
Abigail Trollinger, Revealing the “Social Consequences of Unemployment”: The Settlement Campaign for the Unemployed on the Eve of Depression, p. 1250
Simon Belokowsky, Laughing on the Inside: Humor as a Lens on Gulag Society, p. 1281
Beatriz Valverde Contreras, Alexander Keese, The Limits of Authoritarian Rule at the Periphery: The PIDE, the American Airbase, and Social Control on Terceira Island, Azores, 1954-1962, p. 1307
Benjamin T Smith, The Paradoxes of the Public Sphere: Journalism, Gender, and Corruption in Mexico, 1940-70, p. 1330
Jennifer Wilson, “I’m Not a Man. I Don’t Want to Destroy You”: Tolstoy College and LGBTQ Studies in the Vietnam War Era, p. 1355

Reviews, p. 1377

v. 52, 2019, 3

Jack R Censer, The French Revolution is Not Over: An Introduction, p. 543
Jack R Censer, Intellectual History and the Causes of the French Revolution, p. 545
Sophia Rosenfeld, The French Revolution in Cultural History, p. 555
Suzanne Desan, Recent Historiography on the French Revolution and Gender, p. 566
Paul Cheney, The French Revolution’s Global Turn and Capitalism’s Spatial Fixes, p. 575
Paul R Hanson, Political History of the French Revolution since 1989, p. 584

A B Wilkinson, People of Mixed Ancestry in the Seventeenth-Century Chesapeake: Freedom, Bondage, and the Rise of Hypodescent Ideology, p. 593
Paulina L Alberto, Liberta by Trade: Negotiating the Terms of Unfree Labor in Gradual Abolition Buenos Aires (1820s-30s), p. 619
Kabria Baumgartner, Love and Justice: African American Women, Education, and Protest in Antebellum New England, p. 652
Martine Jean, “Worthy of Freedom”: Abolitionist Discourse on Slavery, Freedom, and Imprisonment in Late Nineteenth-Century Brazil, p. 677
Xosé M Núñez Seixas, Galician Immigrant Societies in Cuba: Local Identity, Diaspora Politics and Atlantic Mobilization (1870-1940), p. 705
Chris Pearson, “Four-Legged Poilus”: French Army Dogs, Emotional Practices and the Creation of Militarized Human-Dog Bonds, 1871-1918, p. 731
Ian Miller, Bedwetting, Doctors, and the Problematization of Youth in Britain and America, c.1800-1980, p. 761
Daniel Newcomer, Obfuscating the State Line: Land Conflict and State Formation on Oaxaca’s Frontier, 1856-1912, p. 783
Thomas Rath, Modernizing Military Patriarchy: Gender and State-Building in Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1920-1960, p. 807
Sharon Maftsir, Emotional Change: Romantic Love and the University in Postcolonial Egypt, p. 831
Jared Leighton, “All of Us Are Unapprehended Felons”: Gay Liberation, the Black Panther Party, and Intercommunal Efforts Against Police Brutality in the Bay Area, p. 860
Benjamin Holtzman, “Shelter is Only a First Step”: Housing the Homeless in 1980s New York City, p. 886

Reviews, p. 911

v. 52, 2018, 2

Matthew B. Karush, Editor’s Note: Music Histories, p. 205
James A. Millward, The Silk Road and the Sitar: Finding Centuries of Sociocultural Exchange in the History of an Instrument, p. 206
Michael O’Malley, Dark Enough as It Is: Eddie Lang and the Minstrel Cycle, p. 234
Pablo Palomino, Nina Sibirtzeva, or the Hidden Half of Musical Globalization, p. 260
Panagiota Anagnostou, Did You Say Rebetiko? Musical Categories, Their Transformation, and Their Meanings, p. 283
Michael Schmidt, The Louis Armstrong Story, Reissues, and the LP Record: Anchors of Significance, p. 304
Christina D. Abreu, Mas que una reina: Race, Gender, and the Musical Careers of Graciela, Celia, and La Lupe, 1950s-1970s, p. 332
Jason McGraw, Sonic Settlements: Jamaican Music, Dancing, and Black Migrant Communities in Postwar Britain, p. 353
David Suisman, Afterword: Music, Sound, History, p. 383

Claudia Rueda, Agents of Effervescence: Student Protest and Nicaragua’s Post-war Democratic Mobilizations, p. 390
Atalia Shragai, In the Service of their Homeland and Themselves: The U.S. Women’s Club in Costa Rica 1945-1980, p. 412
Christoph Laucht, Transnational Professional Activism and the Prevention of Nuclear War in Britain, p. 439
Eloise Moss, “Dial 999 for Help!” : The Three-Digit Emergency Number and the Transnational Politics of Welfare Activism, 1937-1979, p. 468
Cormac Behan, “We Are All Convicted Criminals”? Prisoners, Protest and Penal Politics in the Republic of Ireland, p. 501

Reviews, p. 527

v. 52, 2018, 1

Keith M. Brown, Allan Kennedy, “Their Maxim is Vestigia Nulla Restrorsum”: Scottish Return Migration and Capital Repatriation from England, 1603-c.1760, p. 1
Maha A. Ghalwash, Peasant Women and Rights to Land in Nineteenth Century Egypt: Sites of Resistance?, p. 26
Gregory Swedberg, Moralizing Public Space: Prostitution, Disease, and Social Disorder in Orizaba, Mexico, 1910-1945, p. 54
Hanchao Lu, Bourgeois Comfort under Proletarian Dictatorship: Home Life of Chinese Capitalists before the Cultural Revolution, p. 74
Joanna Bourke, Psychiatry, Hate Training, and the Second World War, p. 101
Christopher W. Shaw, “Banks of the People”: The Life and Death of the U.S. Postal Savings System, p. 121
Dennis Doyle, “We Didn’t Know You Were a Negro”: Fredric Wertham and the Ironies of Race, Comic Books, and Juvenile Delinquency in the 1950s, p. 153

Review, p. 180

v. 51, 2018, 4

Manon van der Heijden, Marion Pluskota, Introduction to Crime and Gender in History, p. 661
Jeannette Kamp, Ariadne Schmidt, Getting Justice: A Comparative Perspective on Illegitimacy and the Use of Justice in Holland and Germany, 1600-1800, p. 672
Manon van der Heijden, Sanne Muurling, Violence and Gender in Eighteenth-Century Bologna and Rotterdam, p. 695
Marion Pluskota, Petty Criminality, Gender Bias, and Judicial Practice in Nineteenth-Century Europe, p. 717
Beate Althammer, Roaming Men, Sedentary Women? The Gendering of Vagrancy Offenses in Nineteenth-Century Europe, p. 736
Alana Jayne Piper, Victimization Narratives and Courtroom Sexual Politics: Prosecuting Male Burglars and Female Pickpockets in Melbourne, 1860-1921, p. 760

Magdalena Naum, The Pursuit of Metals and the Ideology of Improvement in Early Modern Sápmi, Sweden, p. 784
Laurie M Wood, PhD, Recovering the Debris of Fortunes between France and its Colonies in the 18th Century, p. 808
Katie L Jarvis, Exacting Change: Money, Market Women, and the Crumbling Corporate World in the French Revolution, p. 837
Benjamín N Narváez, Subaltern Unity? Chinese and Afro-Cubans in Nineteenth-Century Cuba, p. 869
James Taylor, “A Fascinating Show for John Citizen and his Wife”: Advertising Exhibitions in Early Twentieth-Century London, p. 899
Joshua Savala, “Let Us Bring it with Love”: Violence, Solidarity, and the Making of a Social Disaster in the Wake of the 1906 Earthquake in Valparaíso, Chile, p. 928
Ryan S Pettengill, “Fair Play in Bowling”: Sport, Civil Rights, and the UAW Culture of Inclusion, 1936-1950, p. 953
Rose Holz, The 1939 Dickinson-Belskie Birth Series Sculptures: The Rise of Modern Visions of Pregnancy, the Roots of Modern Pro-Life Imagery, and Dr. Dickinson’s Religious Case for Abortion, p. 980
Ivan Simic, Building Socialism in the Countryside: The Impact of Collectivization on Yugoslav Gender Relations, p. 1023
Kristy Ironside, “I Beg You Not to Reject My Plea”: The Late Stalinist Welfare State and the Politics of One-Time Monetary Aid, 1946-1953, p. 1045
Ellen L Manovich, “Time and Change Will Surely Show”: Contested Urban Development in Ohio State’s University District, 1920-2015, p. 1069

Reviews, p. 1100

v. 51, 2018, 3

Matthew B Karush, Editor’s Note: Peter Stearns and Social History, p. 443
Jack R Censer, On a Mission: Peter Stearns and the Journal of Social History, p. 444
Michael Adas, The Virtues of Rigorous Comparison: Peter Stearns’s Contributions to Global History, p. 457
Gary Cross, Peter Stearns on the History of Childhood and the Family, p. 467
Stephanie Olsen, Rob Boddice, Styling Emotions History, p. 476
Matthew B Karush, Peter N Stearns, Five Decades of Social History: An Interview with Peter Stearns, p. 488
Peter N Stearns, American Selfie: Studying the National Character, p. 500

Whitney Nell Stewart, Fashioning Frenchness: Gens de Couleur Libres and the Cultural Struggle for Power in Antebellum New Orleans, p. 526
David Hopkin, Intimacies and Intimations: Storytelling between Servants and Masters in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 557
Lena Oak Suk, “Only the Fragile Sex Admitted”: The Women’s Restaurant in 1920s São Paulo, Brazil, p. 592

Reviews, p. 621

v. 51, 2017, 2

Laura Kounine, Emotions, Mind, and Body on Trial: A Cross-Cultural Perspective, p. 219
Gian Marco Vidor, The Press, the Audience, and Emotions in Italian Courtrooms (1860s-1910s), p. 231
Marianna Muravyeva, Emotional Environments and Legal Spaces in Early Modern Russia, p. 255
Allyson F. Creasman, Fighting Words: Anger, Insult, and “Self-Help” in Early Modern German Law, p. 272
Katie Barclay, Performing Emotion and Reading the Male Body in the Irish Court, c. 1800-1845, p. 293

Douglas Hart, Social Class and American Travel to Europe in the Late Nineteenth Century, with Special Attention to Great Britain, p. 313
Michael Matthews, Deadly Words, Deadly Deeds: Honor, Sexuality, and Uxoricide in Porfirian Mexico, p. 341
Gay L. Gullickson, When Death Became Thinkable: Self-Sacrifice in the Women’s Social and Political Union, p. 364
James Nott, The Dancing Front: Dancing, Morale, and the War Effort in Britain during World War II, p. 387

Review, p. 407
Corrigenda, p. 440

v. 51, 2017, 1

Russell L. Johnson, “Better Gestures”: A Disability History Perspective on the Transition from (Silent) Movies to Talkies in the United States, p. 1
Rachael L. Pasierowska, “Screech Owls Allus Holler ’round the House before Death”: Birds and the Souls of Black Folk in the 1930s American South, p. 27
Zoë Burkholder, “Integrated Out of Existence”: African American Debates over School Integration versus Separation at the Bordentown School in New Jersey, 1886-1955, p. 47
Robert James, “Literature Acknowledges No Boundaries”: Book Reading and Social Class in Britain, c.1930-c.1945, p. 80
Hester Barron, Claire Langhamer, Feeling through Practice: Subjectivity and Emotion in Children’s Writing, p. 101
Olga Dror, Foundational Myths in the Republic of Vietnam (1955-1975): “Harnessing” the Hùng Kings against Ngô Ðình Di?m Communists, Cowboys, and Hippies for Unity, Peace, and Vietnameseness, p. 124

Review, p. 160

v. 50, 2017, 4

Special Issue: History of Friendship in Colonial America
Guest Editor: Janet Moore Lindman

Janet Moore Lindman, Histories of Friendship in Early America: An Introduction, p. 603
Gregory D. Smithers, “Our Hands and Hearts are Joined together”: Friendship, Colonialism, and the Cherokee People in Early America, p. 609
Shelby M. Balik, “Dear Christian Friends”: Charity Bryant, Sylvia Drake, and the Making of a Spiritual Network, p. 630
Thomas J. Balcerski, “A Work of Friendship”: Nathaniel Hawthorne, Franklin Pierce, and the Politics of Enmity in the Civil War Era, p. 655
Janet Moore Lindman, “This Union of the Soul”: Spiritual Friendship among Early American Protestants, p. 680
Nik Ribianszky, “Tell Them that My Dayly Thoughts are with Them as Though I was Amidst Them All”: Friendship among Property-Owning Free People of Color in Nineteenth-Century Natchez, Mississippi, p. 701

v. 50, 2017, 3

Special Issue: Colonial Christian Missions
Guest Editor: Claire Louise McLisky

Claire Louise McLisky, Introduction to Colonial Christian Missions: Social and Cultural Impacts and Ongoing Legacies, p. 457
Ndu Life Njoku, Chijioke L. Ihenacho, James C. Onyekwelibe, The Encounter with “Evil Forests” in Igbo-land: The Legacy of Nineteenth-and Twentieth-century Missionaries’ Interactions with African Culture, p. 466
Nancy Rushohora, German Colonial Missionaries and the Majimaji Memorials in Southern Tanzania, p. 481
Rebekka Habermas, Colonies in the Countryside: Doing Mission in Imperial Germany, p. 502
Daniel Henschen, The Circulation of Danish Missionary Literature 1880-1944, p. 518
Claire Louise McLisky, The History and Legacy of Popular Narratives about Early Colonial Missions to Greenland and Australia, p. 534
Julie Evans, Living together Justly in Settler Societies: Legacies of the Coranderrk Aboriginal Reserve and the 1881 Inquiry into Its Management, p. 555

v. 50, 2016, 2

José Antolín Nieto Sánchez, Juan Carlos Zofío Llorente, The Return of the Guilds: A View from Early Modern Madrid, p. 247
Jeffrey Merrick, Patterns and Concepts in the Sodomitical Subculture of Eighteenth-Century Paris, p. 273-306 Kurt Korneski, Planters, Eskimos, and Indians: Race and the Organization of Trade under the Hudson’s Bay Company in Labrador, 1830-50, p. 307
Matteo Millan, The Shadows of Social Fear: Emotions, Mentalities and Practices of the Propertied Classes in Italy, Spain and France (1900-1914), p. 336
Susan Burch, Disorderly Pasts: Kinship, Diagnoses, and Remembering in American Indian-U.S. Histories, p. 362
Ezequiel Adamovsky, A Strange Emblem for a (Not So) White Nation: La Morocha Argentina in the Latin American Racial Context, c. 1900-2015, p. 386
Mike Amezcua, On the Outer Rim of Jazz: Mexican American Jazzmen and the Making of the Modern Pacific Borderlands, 1950-1969, p. 411

v. 50, 2016, 1

Vaughn Scribner, Transatlantic Actors: The Intertwining Stages of George Whitefield and Lewis Hallam, Sr., 1739-1756, p. 1
Nicholas Trinehart, The Man That Was a Thing: Reconsidering Human Commodification in Slavery, p. 28
Griet Vermeesch, The Legal Agency of Single Mothers: Lawsuits over Illegitimate Children and the Uses of Legal Aid to the Poor in the Dutch town of Leiden (1750-1810), p. 51
Camille Lyans Cole, Precarious Empires: A Social and Environmental History of Steam Navigation on the Tigris, p. 74
Sigurdur Gylfi Magnússon, The Love Game as Expressed in Ego-Documents: The Culture of Emotions in Late Nineteenth Century Iceland, p. 102
Jiayan Zhang, Water, Dike, and Temple: Water Deity Worship and Dike Management in the Jianghan Plain, 1788-2013, p. 120
Christopher Lawrence, Michael Brown, Quintessentially Modern Heroes: Surgeons, Explorers, and Empire, c.1840-1914, p. 148
Ana Antic, The Pedagogy of Workers’ Self-Management: Terror, Therapy, and Reform Communism in Yugoslavia after the Tito-Stalin Split, p. 179
Jennifer Thomson, Toxic Residents: Health and Citizenship at Love Canal, p. 204

Reviews, p. 224

v. 49, 2016, 4

Joanne M. Ferraro, Youth in Peril in Early Modern Venice, p. 761
Steven A. King, Peter Jones, Testifying for the Poor: Epistolary Advocates and the Negotiation of Parochial Relief in England, 1800-1834, p. 784
Kevin Linch, Desertion from the British Army during the Napoleonic Wars, p. 808
Rebecca A. Fried, No Irish Need Deny: Evidence for the Historicity of NINA Restrictions in Advertisements and Signs, p. 829
Richard Jensen, Rebecca A. Fried, Disscussion: Evidence for the Historicity of NINA Restrictions in Advertisements and Signs, p. 853
Elizabeth Sage, Jaytalking in Fin-de-Siècle Paris: Streets, Graffiti, and the Police, p. 855
Kate Merkel-Hess, The Public Health of Village Private Life: Reform and Resistance in Early Twentieth Century Rural China, p. 881
Jeffrey S. Adler, “Spineless Judges and Shyster Lawyers”: Criminal Justice in New Orleans, 1920-1945, p. 904
Simon Jenkins, Inherent Vice?: Maltese Men and the Organization of Prostitution in Interwar Cardiff, p. 928
Heli Leppälä, Welfare or Workfare?: The Principle of Activation in the Finnish Post-War Disability Policy, Early 1940s to Late 1980s, p. 959
Despo Kritsotaki, Turning Private Concerns into Public Issues: Mental Retardation and the Parents’ Movement in Post-war Greece, c. 1950-80, p. 982

Reviews, p. 999

v. 49, 2016, 3


Patrick Wallis, Introduction: The Growth of the Early Modern Medical Economy, p. 477
Alexandra Bamji, Medical Care in Early Modern Venice, p. 483
Patrick Wallis, Teerapa Pirohakul, Medical Revolutions?: The Growth of Medicine in England, 1660-1800, p. 510
Heidi Deneweth, Patrick Wallis, Households, Consumption and the Development of Medical Care in the Netherlands, 1650-1900, p. 532

Igor Fedyukin, Nobility and Schooling in Russia, 1700s-1760s: Choices in a Social Context, p. 558
Marco H.D. Van Leeuwen, Ineke Maas, Danièle Rébaudo, Jean-Pierre Pélissier, Social Mobility in France 1720-1986: Effects of Wars, Revolution and Economic Change, p. 585
Rosa Congost, Rosa Ros, Enric Saguer, Beyond Life Cycle and Inheritance Strategies: The Rise of a Middling Social Group in an Ancien Régime Society (Catalonia, Eighteenth Century), p. 617

Linda Mahood, Thumb Wars: Hitchhiking, Canadian Youth Rituals and Risk in the Twentieth Century, p. 647
Alana Jayne Piper, “Woman’s Special Enemy”: Female Enmity in Criminal Discourse during the Long Nineteenth Century, p. 671
Jonathan Lande, Trials of Freedom: African American Deserters during the U.S. Civil War, p. 693
Joseph Moreau, “I Learned it by Watching YOU!”: The Partnership for a Drug-Free America and the Attack on Use Education in the 1980s, p. 710

Reviews, p. 738

v. 49, 2015, 2


Martyn Lyons, Sofia Kotilainen, Ilkka Mäkinen, The Functions and Purpose of Vernacular Literacy: An Introduction, p. 283
Ilkka Mäkinen, From Literacy to Love of Reading: The Fennomanian Ideology of Reading in the 19th-century Finland, p. 287
Sofia Kotilainen, Literacy and Social Advancement in Nineteenth-Century Rural Finland: Training to be a Cantor as a Path to a Professional Occupation for a Peasant, p. 300
Martyn Lyons, Writing Upwards: How the Weak Wrote to the Powerful, p. 317

Deirdre Clemente, The College Shop: Making, Selling, and Buying Women’s Casual Clothing, 1930-1970, p. 331
Annalise J.K. Devries, Utopia in the Suburbs: Cosmopolitan Society, Class Privilege, and the Making of Ma?adi Garden City in Twentieth-century Cairo, p. 351

Larry M. Logue, Elephants and Epistemology: Evidence of Suicide in the Gilded Age, p. 374
Hannah Robb, Purses and the Charitable Gift, p. 387
Uzma Quraishi, Diffracted Diasporas: Trinidad’s East Indians, Religio-Nationalism, and India’s Independence, p. 406
Liora R. Halperin, A Murder in the Grove: Conceptions of Justice in an Early Zionist Colony, p. 427

Reviews, p. 452

v. 49, 2015, 1

Peter N. Stearns, Passing the Baton, p. 1
Matthew B. Karush, Looking Forward, p. 3


Huong Nguyen, Globalization, Consumerism, and the Emergence of Teens in Contemporary Vietnam, p. 4
Johan Edman, Temperance and Modernity: Alcohol Consumption as a Collective Problem, 1885-1913, p. 20
Ivan Greenberg, Postage and Power: U.S. Nationalism and the 1970s “Bicentennial” and “Americana” Stamp Series, p. 53

Cornelia H. Dayton, “The Oddest Man that I Ever Saw”: Assessing Cognitive Disability on Eighteenth-Century Cape Cod, p. 77
Lance van Sittert, Fighting Spells: The Politics of Hysteria and the Hysteria of Politics on Tristan da Cunha, 1937-1938, p. 100
Leanne McCormick, “No Sense of Wrongdoing”: Abortion in Belfast 1917-1967, p. 125
Manon van der Heijden and Marion Pluskota, Leniency versus toughening? The Prosecution of Male and Female Violence in 19th Century Holland, p. 149

Ofra Friesel, Changing the American Race Narrative, 1962-1965: Transparency as a Guiding Rule in American Cold War Diplomacy, p. 168
Keisha N. Blain, “We Want to Set the World on Fire”: Black Nationalist Women and Diasporic Politics in the New Negro World, 1940-1944, p. 194
Benjamin Bryce, Paternal Communities: Social Welfare and Immigration in Argentina, 1880-1930, p. 213

Review Essay, p. 237
Reviews, p. 249

copertina della rivista

v. 48, 2015, 4

Rudi Batzell, Sven Beckert, Andrew Gordon, and Gabriel Winant, E. P. ThompsonPolitics and History: Writing Social History Fifty Years after The Making of the English Working Class, p. 753
Gabrielle Clark, “Humbug” or “Human Good?”: E.P. Thompson, the Rule of Law and Coercive Labor Relations Under Neoliberal American Capitalism, p. 759
Lisa Furchtgott, Tents Amid the Fragments: The Law at Greenham Common, p. 789
Nikos Potamianos, Moral Economy?: Popular Demands and State Intervention in the Struggle over Anti-Profiteering Laws in Greece 1914-1925, p. 803
D. Parthasarathy, The Poverty of (Marxist) Theory: Peasant Classes, Provincial Capital, and the Critique of Globalization in India, p. 816

Janet Farrell Brodie, Radiation Secrecy and Censorship after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, p. 842
Vesna Drapac, Gareth Pritchard, Beyond Resistance and Collaboration: towards a Social History of Politics in Hitler’s Empire, p. 865
Anna Green, Timothy Cooper, Community and Exclusion: The Torrey Canyon Disaster of 1967, p. 892

Jonathan Saha, Among the Beasts of Burma: Animals and the Politics of Colonial Sensibilities, c. 1840-1940, p. 910
Megan Webber, Honest and Useful?: The Post-Institutional Lives of Refuge for the Destitute Beneficiaries, p. 933

Reviews, p. 956

v. 48, 2015, 3

Natasha Zaretsky, Radiation Suffering and Patriotic Body Politics in the 1970s and 1980s, p. 487
Lydia Murdoch, Carrying the Pox: The Use of Children and Ideals of Childhood in Early British and Imperial Campaigns Against Smallpox, p. 511
Gal Ventura, Nursing in Style: Fashion versus Socio-medical Ideologies in Late Nineteenth-Century France, p. 536
C. S. Monaco, Shadows and Pestilence: Health and Medicine during the Second Seminole War, p. 565

David E. Eagle, Historicizing the Megachurch, p. 589

April F. Masten, Challenge Dancing in Antebellum America: Sporting Men, Vulgar Women, and Blacked-Up Boys, p. 605
Brett Bebber, “We Were Just Unwanted”: Bussing, Migrant Dispersal, and South Asians in London, p. 635
Frank Trey Proctor III, An “Imponderable Servitude”: Slave versus Master Litigation for Cruelty (Maltratamiento or Sevicia) in Late Eighteenth-century Lima, Peru, p. 662

Daniel R. Curtis, An Agro-town Bias? Re-examining the Micro-Demographic Model for Southern Italy in the Eighteenth Century, p. 685

Reviews, p. 714

v. 48, 2014, 2

Evan A. Kutzler, Captive Audiences: Sound, Silence, and Listening in Civil War Prisons, p. 239

Peter C. Baldwin, Public Privacy: Restrooms in American Cities, 1869-1932, p. 264

Guillaume Périssol, “The Quality of Mercy is not Strain’d”: Ideological and Repressive Modes of Juvenile Justice—A Comparison between Paris and Boston in the Mid-Twentieth Century, p. 289
Rune Sakslind, Ove Skarpenes, Morality and the Middle Class: The European Pattern and the Norwegian Singularity, p. 313

Jeremy C. Young, Empowering Passivity: Women Spiritualists, Houdini, and the 1926 Fortune Telling Hearing, p. 341
Stephen Robinson, “to think, act, vote, and speak for ourselves”: Black Democrats and Black “Agency” in the American South after Reconstruction, p. 363
Jack R. Censer, Historians Revisit the Terror—Again, p. 383

Ian Read and Kari Zimmerman, Freedom for too Few: Slave Runaways in the Brazilian Empire, p. 404
John McCallum, “Nurseries of the Poore”: Hospitals and Almshouses in Early Modern Scotland, p. 427

Reviews, p. 450

v. 48, 2014, 1


Paul Freedman, Women and Restaurants in the Nineteenth-Century United States, p. 1
Gleb Tsipursky, “Active and Conscious Builders of Communism”: State-Sponsored tourism for Soviet Adolescents in the Early Cold War, 1945-53, p. 20

Erika Vause, “The Business of Reputations”: Secrecy, Shame, and Social Standing in Nineteenth-Century French Debtors’ and Creditors’ Newspapers, p. 47
Thomas C. Buchanan, Class Sentiments: Putting the Emotion Back in Working-Class History, p. 72
Paul Michel Taillon, “All Men Are Entitled to Justice By the Government”: Black Workers, Citizenship, Letter Writing, and the World War I State, p. 88
Elizabeth Searcy, The Dead Belong to the Living: Disinterment and Custody of Dead Bodies in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 112

Jon Shelton, Letters to the Essex County Penitentiary: David Selden and the Fracturing of America, p. 135
Tünde Cserpes, István M. Szijártó, An Open Elite in Hungary?: High Office Holders in the 18th Century, p. 156
Elise M. Dermineur, Single Women and the Rural Credit Market in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 175

Reviews, p. 200

v. 47, 2014, 4

George Reid Andrews, Racial Inequality in Brazil and the United States, 1990-2010, p. 829
Michael D. Pante, Mobility and Modernity in the Urban Transport Systems of Colonial Manila and Singapore, p. 855
Benjamin Reilly, Mutawalladeen and Malaria: African Slavery in Arabian Wadis, p. 878
Calvin Schermerhorn, Capitalism’s Captives: The Maritime United States Slave Trade, 1807-1850, p. 897
Lashawn Harris, The “Commonwealth of Virginia vs. Virginia Christian”: Southern Black Women, Crime & Punishment in Progressive Era Virginia, p. 922
Elizabeth Foyster, Prisoners Writing Home: The Functions of Their Letters c. 1680-1800, p. 943
Kavita Sivaramakrishnan, Aging and Dependency in an Independent Indian Nation: Migrant Families, Workers and Social Experts (1940-60), p. 968
Chris Brickell, Sensation and the Making of New Zealand Adolescence, p. 994
Kris Alexanderson, “A Dark State of Affairs”: Hajj Networks, Pan-Islamism, and Dutch Colonial Surveillance during the Interwar Period, p. 1021
Barry Reay, The Transsexual Phenomenon: A Counter-History, p. 1042
Marc Brodie, “You Could Not Get Any Person to be Trusted Except the State”: Poorer Workers’ Loss of Faith in Voluntarism in Late 19th Century Britain, p. 1071

Reviews, p. 1096

v. 47, 2014, 3


Stacy Otto, A Garden from Ashes: The Post-9/11 Manhattan City-Shrine, the Triangle Fire Memorial March, and the Educative Value of Mourning, p. 57
Peter N. Stearns, Obedience and Emotion: A Challenge in the Emotional History of Childhood, p. 593
Warren E. Milteer Jr., The Strategies of Forbidden Love: Family across Racial Boundaries in Nineteenth-Century North Carolina, p. 612
Hera Cook, From Controlling Emotion to Expressing Feelings in Mid-Twentieth-Century England, p. 627
Susan Broomhall, Jacqueline Van Gent, Converted Relationships: Re-negotiating Family Status after Religious Conversion in the Nassau Dynasty, p. 647

Shane White, The Gold Diggers of 1833: African American Dreams, Fortune-Telling, Treasure-Seeking, and Policy in Antebellum New York City, p. 673
Micah Alpaugh, A Self-Defining “Bourgeoisie” in the Early French Revolution: The Milice Bourgeoise, the Bastille Days of 1789, and Their Aftermath, p. 696
Helen Rogers, Kindness and Reciprocity: Liberated Prisoners and Christian Charity in Early Nineteenth-Century England, p. 721
Katie Barclay, Singing, Performance, and Lower-Class Masculinity in the Dublin Magistrates’ Court, 1820-1850, p. 746

Penne Restad, The Third Sex: Historians, Consumer Society, and the Idea of the American Consumer, p. 769

Reviews, p. 787

v. 47, 2013, 2

Sam Lebovic, “A Breath from Home”: Soldier Entertainment and the Nationalist Politics of Pop Culture during World War II, p. 263
Dave Russell, Glimpsing La Dolce Vita: Cultural Change and Modernity in the 1960s English Cabaret Club, p. 297
Linford D. Fisher, An Indian Bible and A Brass Hawk: Land, Sachemship Disputes, and Power in the Conversion of Ben Uncas II, p. 319
Roark Atkinson, Satan in the Pulpit: Popular Christianity during the Scottish Great Awakening, 1680-1750, p. 344

Clarence Lang, Locating the Civil Rights Movement: An Essay on the Deep South, Midwest, and Border South in Black Freedom Studies, p. 371
Timothy J. Lombardo, The Battle of Whitman Park: Race, Class, and Public Housing in Philadelphia, 1956-1982, p. 401
J. A. Zumoff, Black Caribbean Labor Radicalism in Panama, 1914-1921, p. 429

Anne E. Bowler, Chrysanthi S. Leon, Terry G. Lilley, “What Shall We Do with the Young Prostitute? Reform Her or Neglect Her?”: Domestication as Reform at the New York State Reformatory for Women at Bedford, 1901-1913, p. 458
Curtis D. Johnson, “Disordered” Democracies: Gender Conflict and New York Baptist Women, 1791-1830, p. 482
Eleanor Gordon, Irregular Marriage: Myth and Reality, p. 507

Reviews, p. 526

v. 47, 2013, 1


Alan Derickson, “No Such Thing as a Night’s Sleep”: The Embattled Sleep of American Fighting Men from World War II to the Present, p. 1
Kate Loveman, The Introduction of Chocolate into England: Retailers, Researchers, and Consumers, 1640-1730, p. 27
John McGowan-Hartmann, Shadow of the Dragon: The Convergence of Myth and Science in Nineteenth Century Paleontological Imagery, p. 47

Kevin Dawson, Enslaved Ship Pilots in the Age of Revolutions: Challenging Notions of Race and Slavery between the Boundaries of Land and Sea, p. 71
R. David Goodman, Expediency, Ambivalence, and Inaction: The French Protectorate and Domestic Slavery in Morocco, 1912-1956, p. 101
Stephanie Hinnershitz, “We Ask not for Mercy, but for Justice”: The Cannery Workers and Farm Laborers’ Union and Filipino Civil Rights in the United States, 1927-1937, p. 132

Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied, Against Multiple Hegemonies: Radical Malay Women in Colonial Malaya, p. 153
Saheed Aderinto, Where Is the Boundary?: Cocoa Conflict, Land Tenure, and Politics in Western Nigeria, 1890s-1960, p. 176
Jürgen Beyer, Donations by Strangers to Lutheran Churches during the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, p. 196

Reviews, p. 222

v. 46, 2013, 4


Timothy Scott Brown, The Sixties in the City: Avant-gardes and Urban Rebels in New York, London, and West Berlin, p. 817
Sarah Lloyd, Ticketing the British Eighteenth Century: “A thing … never heard of before”, p. 843

Sergio Lussana, “No Band of Brothers Could Be More Loving”: Enslaved Male Homosociality, Friendship, and Resistance in the Antebellum American South, p. 872
Joel E. Black, A Theory of African-American Citizenship: Richard Westbrooks, The Great Migration, and the Chicago Defender’s “Legal Helps” Column, p. 896
Elisabeth McMahon, Networked Family: Defining Kinship in Emancipated Slave Wills on Pemba Island, p. 916

James Heinzen, Thirty Kilos of Pork: Cultural Brokers, Corruption, and the “Bribe Trail” in the Postwar Stalinist Soviet Union, p. 93
Timo Schaefer, Citizen-Breadwinners and Vagabond-Soldiers: Military Recruitment in Early Republican Southern Mexico, p. 953
Robert N. Gross, “Lick a Stamp, Lick the Kaiser”: Sensing the Federal Government in Children’s Lives during World War I: Winner of the 2012 JSH Student Essay Competition, p. 971
Saurabh Mishra, Cattle, Dearth, and the Colonial State: Famines and Livestock in Colonial India, 1896-1900, p. 989

Kathy Callahan, Women Who Kill: An Analysis of Cases in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century London, p. 1013
Christopher Bischof, Masculinity, Social Mobility, and the Plan to End Pauperism in Mid-Victorian England: Kneller Hall Teacher’s Training College, p. 1039

Review Essay, p. 1060
Reviews, p. 1066

v. 46, 2013, 3

Special Issue: The Politics of Suicide: Historical Perspectives on Suicidology before Durkheim

Maria Teresa Brancaccio, Eric J. Engstrom, David Lederer, The Politics of Suicide: Historical Perspectives on Suicidology before Durkheim. An Introduction, p. 607
Andreas Bähr, Between “Self-Murder” and “Suicide”: The Modern Etymology of Self-Killing, p. 620
Alexander Kästner, Saving Self-Murderers: Lifesaving Programs and the Treatment of Suicides in Late Eighteenth-Century Europe, p. 633
Susan K. Morrissey, Mapping Civilization: The Cultural Geography of Suicide Statistics in Russia, p. 651
Evelyne Luef, Low Morals at a High Latitude? Suicide in Nineteenth-century Scandinavia, p. 668
David Lederer, Sociology’s “One Law”: Moral Statistics, Modernity, Religion, and German Nationalism in the Suicide Studies of Adolf Wagner and Alexander von Oettingen, p. 684
Maria Teresa Brancaccio, “The Fatal Tendency of Civilized Society”: Enrico Morselli’s Suicide, Moral Statistics, and Positivism in Italy, p. 700
Åsa Jansson, From Statistics to Diagnostics: Medical Certificates, Melancholia, and “Suicidal Propensities” in Victorian Psychiatry, p. 716
Georgina Laragy, “A Peculiar Species of Felony”: Suicide, Medicine, and the Law in Victorian Britain and Ireland, p. 732
Ian Marsh, The Uses of History in the Unmaking of Modern Suicide, p. 744
John Weaver, Doug Munro, Austerity, Neo-Liberal Economics, and Youth Suicide: The Case of New Zealand, 1980-2000, p. 757

Reviews, p. 784

v. 46, 2012, 2


Matthias Neumann, “Youth, It’s Your Turn!”: Generations and the Fate of the Russian Revolution (1917-1932, p. 273
Tamar Groves, Everyday Struggles against Franco’s Authoritarian Legacy: Pedagogical Social Movements and Democracy in Spain, p. 305
ZoË Burkholder, “Education for Citizenship in a Bi-Racial Civilization” Black Teachers and the Social Construction of Race, 1929-1954, p. 335

Laurel Flinn, Social and Spatial Politics in the Construction of Regent Street, p. 364
Stephen Jankiewicz, A Dangerous Class: The Street Sellers of Nineteenth-Century London, p. 391
Marian H. A. C. Weevers, Margo De Koster, Catrien C. J. H. Bijleveld, Swept up from the Streets or Nowhere Else to Go? The Journeys of Dutch Female Beggars and Vagrants to the Oegstgeest State Labor Institution in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 416

Rudolf Kucera, Marginalizing Josefina: Work, Gender, and Protest in Bohemia 1820-1844, p. 430
Jussi Turtiainen, Ari Väänänen, Men of Steel? The Masculinity of Metal Industry Workers in Finland after World War II, p. 449

Lindsey Patterson, Points of Access: Rehabilitation Centers, Summer Camps, and Student Life in the Making of Disability Activism, 1960-1973, p. 473
Catherine Cox, Hilary Marland, Sarah York, Emaciated, Exhausted, and Excited: The Bodies and Minds of the Irish in Late Nineteenth-Century Lancashire Asylums, p. 500

Sonja Deschrijver, Vrajabhumi Vanderheyden, Experiencing the Supernatural in Sixteenth-Century Brabant: Construction and Reduction of the Exceptional in Everyday Life, p. 525
Jeremy Hayhoe, Rural Domestic Servants in Eighteenth-Century Burgundy: Demography, Economy, and Mobility, p. 549

Reviews, p. 572

v. 46, 2012, 1


Lauren Jae Gutterman, “The House on the Borderland”: Lesbian Desire, Marriage, and the Household, 1950-1979, p. 1
Matthias Reiss, The Importance of Being Men: The Afrika-Korps in American Captivity, p. 23
Heather Morrison, “Making Degenerates into Men” by Doing Shots, Breaking Plates, and Embracing Brothers in Eighteenth-Century Freemasonry, p. 48
Carolyn Strange, Reconsidering the “Tragic” Scott Expedition: Cheerful Masculine Home-making in Antarctica, 1910-1913, p. 66
Charles Upchurch, Full-Text Databases and Historical Research: Cautionary Results from a Ten-Year Study, p. 89

Robert Hawkins, “Industry Cannot Go On without the Production of Some Noise”: New York City’s Street Music Ban and the Sound of Work in the New Deal Era: Winner of the 2011 JSH Student Essay Competition, p. 106
Maurizio Peleggi, The Social and Material Life of Colonial Hotels: Comfort Zones as Contact Zones in British Colombo and Singapore, ca. 1870-1930, p. 124
Leonardo Affonso de Miranda Pereira, The Flower of the Union: Leisure, Race, and Social Identity in Bangu, Rio de Janeiro (1904-1933), p. 154

Charles G. Steffen, The Corporate Campaign against Homelessness: Class Power and Urban Governance in Neoliberal Atlanta, 1973-1988, p. 170
Dianne Creagh, The Baby Trains: Catholic Foster Care and Western Migration, 1873-1929, p. 197

Review Essay, p. 219
Reviews, p. 231

v. 45, 2012, 4


Robert L. Griswold, “Russian Blonde in Space”: Soviet Women in the American Imagination, 1950-1965, p. 881
Kitae Sohn, The Social Class Origins of U.S. Teachers, 1860-1920, p. 908
Caroline Lieffers, “The Present Time is Eminently Scientific”: The Science of Cookery in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 936
Ilyana Karthas, The Politics of Gender and the Revival of Ballet in Early Twentieth Century France, p. 960
Elaine F. Farrell, “The fellow said it was not harm and only tricks”: The Role of the Father in Suspected Cases of Infanticide in Ireland, 1850-1900, p. 990

Kaspar Burger, A Social History of Ideas Pertaining to Childcare in France and in the United States, p. 1005
Helen Zoe Veit, “Why Do People Die?”: Rising Life Expectancy, Aging, and Personal Responsibility, p. 1026
Nigel Goose, Henk Looijesteijn, Almshouses in England and the Dutch Republic circa 1350-1800: A Comparative Perspective, p. 1049

Edward Slavishak, Loveliness but with an Edge: Looking at the Smoky Mountains, 1920-1945, p. 1074
Brett L. Shadle, Cruelty and Empathy, Animals and Race, in Colonial Kenya, p. 1097
Frederik Buylaert, The Late Medieval “Crisis of the Nobility” Reconsidered: The Case of Flanders, p. 1117

v. 45, 2012, 3


Renate Bridenthal, The Hidden History of Crime, Corruption, and States: An Introduction, p. 575
Mary Lindemann, Dirty Politics or “Harmonie”?: Defining Corruption in Early Modern Amsterdam and Hamburg, p. 582
Douglas R. Burgess Jr, A Crisis of Charter and Right: Piracy and Colonial Resistance in Seventeenth-Century Rhode Island, p. 605
Eiko Maruko Siniawer, Befitting Bedfellows: Yakuza and the State in Modern Japan, p. 623
Béatrice Hibou, Economic Crime and Neoliberal Modes of Government: The Example of the Mediterranean, p. 643

Alice Rio, Self-sale and Voluntary Entry into Unfreedom, 300-1100, p. 661
Sascha Auerbach, “The Law Has No Feeling for Poor Folks Like Us!”: Everyday Responses to Legal Compulsion in England’s Working-Class Communities, 1871-1904, p. 686
Kenneth Aslakson, The “Quadroon-Plaçage” Myth of Antebellum New Orleans: Anglo-American (Mis)interpretations of a French-Caribbean Phenomenon, p. 709
Chanelle N. Rose, Tourism and the Hispanicization of Race in Jim Crow Miami, 1945-1965, p. 735

Avi Rubin, The Trial of the Prosecutor Hamdi Bey: Inside and Out of the Ottoman Nizamiye Court, p. 757
Stephen J. Gross, The Not-So-Great Cat Massacre: An Episode in American Catholic History, p. 780v Kira L. S. Newman, Shutt Up: Bubonic Plague and Quarantine in Early Modern England, p. 809

v. 45, 2011, 2


Clare Anderson, Introduction to Marginal Centers: Writing Life Histories in the Indian Ocean World, p. 335
Richard B. Allen, Marie Rozette and Her World: Class, Ethnicity, Gender, and Race in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Mauritius, p. 345
Pier M. Larson, Fragments of an Indian Ocean Life: Aristide Corroller Between Islands and Empires, p. 366
Ian Duffield, Identity Fraud: Interrogating the Impostures of “Robert de Bruce Keith Stewart” in Early Nineteenth-Century Penang and Calcutta, p. 390
James Bradley, The Colonel and the Slave Girls: Life Writing and the Logic of History in 1830s Sydney, p. 416
Kerry Ward, Blood Ties: Exile, Family, and Inheritance across the Indian Ocean in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 436
Anoma Pieris, The “Other” Side of Labor Reform: Accounts of Incarceration and Resistance in the Straits Settlements Penal System, 1825-1873, p. 453
Clare Anderson, Writing Indigenous Women’s Lives in the Bay of Bengal: Cultures of Empire in the Andaman Islands, 1789-1906, p. 480
Devleena Ghosh, Under the Radar of Empire: Unregulated Travel in the Indian Ocean, p. 497

Reviews, p. 515

v. 45, 2011, 1

Brenton J. Malin, Electrifying Speeches: Emotional Control and the Technological Aesthetic of the Voice in the Early 20th Century US, p. 1
Itai Vardi, Auto Thrill Shows and Destruction Derbies, 1922-1965: Establishing the Cultural Logic of the Deliberate Car Crash in America, p. 20
Christopher Oldstone-Moore, Mustaches and Masculine Codes in Early Twentieth-Century America, p. 47
Lisa Z. Sigel, Censorship in Inter-War Britain: Obscenity, Spectacle, and the Workings of the Liberal State, p. 61
Gregory Wood, “Habits of Employees”: Smoking, Spies, and Shopfloor Culture at Hammermill Paper Company, p. 84

Jacqueline Shine, “Open to the People for Their Free Assembly”: Tompkins Square Park, 1850-1880, p. 108

Daniel H. Kaiser, Icons and Private Devotion Among Eighteenth-Century Moscow townsfolk, p. 125
Katherine L. French, Rebuilding St. Margaret’s: Parish Involvement and Community Action in Late Medieval Westminster, p. 148

James Caron, Reading the Power of Printed Orality in Afghanistan: Popular Pashto Literature as Historical Evidence and Public Intervention, p. 172
Michael A. Trotti, The Scaffold’s Revival: Race and Public Execution in the South, p. 195

Co-Winner of the 2010 JSH Student Essay Competition
Nicolas Déplanche, From Young People to Young Citizens: The Emergence of a Revolutionary Youth in France, 1788-1790, p. 225
Melissa Jane Taylor, Family Matters: The Emigration of Elderly Jews from Vienna to the United States, 1938-1941, p. 238

Review Essay
John Hendrix Hinshaw, Darwinian Evolution and Social History, p. 261

Reviews, p. 274

copertina della rivista

v. 44, 2011, 4 (special issue)


Chris Healy, Maria Tumarkin, Introduction, p. 1007

Linde Apel, Voices from the Rubble Society: “Operation Gomorrah” and its Aftermath, p. 1019
Professor Anna Haebich, Forgetting Indigenous Histories: Cases from the History of Australia’s Stolen Generations, p. 1033
Maria M. Tumarkin, The Long Life of Stalinism: Reflections on the Aftermath of totalitarianism and Social Memory, p. 1047
Emilio Crenzel, Between the Voices of the State and the Human Rights Movement: Never Again and the Memories of the Disappeared in Argentina, p. 1063
Rachel Buchanan, Why Gandhi Doesn’t Belong at Wellington Railway Station, p. 1077
Judith Keene, Lost to Public Commemoration: American Veterans of the “Forgotten” Korean War, p. 1095
Amanda Nettelbeck, The Australian Frontier in the Museum, p. 1115
Jo McCormack, Social Memories in (Post)colonial France: Remembering the Franco-Algerian War, p. 1129

Peter Scholliers, Patricia Van den Eeckhout, Hearing the Consumer?: The Laboratory, the Public, and the Construction of Food Safety in Brussels (1840s-1910s), p. 1139
Martin Bruegel, “An Acceptable Refreshment”: The Meaning of Food and Drink in the Hudson Valley, 1780-1860, p. 1157

SECTION III Childhood and Institutions
Catrien Bijleveld, Frans van Poppel, The Success of the Civilization Offensive: Societal Adaptation of Reformed Boys in the Early Twentieth Century in the Netherlands, p. 1173
Erica Windler, Honor Among Orphans: Girlhood, Virtue, and Nation at Rio de Janeiro’s Recolhimento, p. 1195

Chris M. Messer, The Tulsa Race Riot of 1921: toward an Integrative Theory of Collective Violence, p. 1217

Reviews, p. 1235

v. 44, 2011, 3

Janet Golden, Lynn Weiner, Reading Baby Books: Medicine, Marketing, Money and the Lives of American Infants, p. 667
Michael E. Woods, “The Indignation of Freedom-Loving People”: The Caning of Charles Sumner and Emotion in Antebellum Politics, p. 689
Camilla T. Nereid, Kemalism on the Catwalk: The Turkish Hat Law of 1925, p. 707

Robert Hill, “We Share a Sacred Secret”: Gender, Domesticity, and Containment in Transvestia’s Histories and Letters from Crossdressers and their Wives, p. 729
Hanan Hammad, Between Egyptian “National Purity” and “Local Flexibility”: Prostitution in Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra in the First Half of the 20th Century, p. 751
Cristian Berco, Textiles as Social Texts: Syphilis, Material Culture and Gender in Golden Age Spain, p. 785
Neil Roos, Education, Sex and Leisure: Ideology, Discipline and the Construction of Race Among South African Servicemen During the Second World War, p. 811

Abosede George, Within Salvation: Girl Hawkers and the Colonial State in Development Era Lagos, p. 837
Lotta Vikström, Before and after Crime: Life-Course Analyses of Young Offenders Arrested in Nineteenth-Century Northern Sweden, p. 861

Robert C. Schwaller, “Mulata, Hija De Negro Y India”: Afro-Indigenous Mulatos in Early Colonial Mexico, p. 889
Alannah Tomkins, Who were his Peers? The Social and Professional Milieu of the Provincial Surgeon-Apothecary in the Late-Eighteenth Century, p. 915
Reviews, p. 937