Labour History Review DATINI

Labour History Review

Liverpool, Society for the Study of Labor History
ISSN (print): 0961-5652
ISSN (online): 1745-8188
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. dig.

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1960 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 55, 1990, n. 3

Martin Alexander, Obituary, p. 2-4

Conference report, p. 5-17

Letters to the Editors, p. 18-19

ESSAY IN LABOUR HISTORY Bill Davidson, The Cairo Forces Parliament, p. 20-26

Essays in Review, p. 27-46
Short Notices, p. 47-84
Women, the Family Economy and Homework: Historical Perspectives on Paid Labour at Home, p. 84

v. 55, 1990, n. 2

News and Notes, p. 2-5
Theses and Dissertations, p. 6-20
Stephen Bird, Classified Archive Deposits, p. 21-27
John Bennett, Annual Bibliography 1989, p. 28-63
Graham Johnson, Thesis Report, p. 64-65

Notes on Sources, p. 66-78
Short Notices, p. 79-88
Conference Notices, p. 88

v. 55, 1990, n. 1

Editorial, p. 2-3
Obituary, p. 4-7
News and Notes, p. 8
Conference Report, p. 9-17
Letters to the Editors, p. 18-20

Humphrey Southall, David Gilbert, British nineteenth-century labour markets, p. 21-22

Richard Sibley, The swing to Labour during the Second World War: when and why? , p. 23-34

F. Donnelly, Clement Payne and the Barbados Riots of 1937 , p. 35-43

Essays in Review, p. 44-86
Short Notices, p. 87-126
Conference Notices, p. 127-128
