Labour History Review DATINI

Labour History Review

Liverpool, Society for the Study of Labor History
ISSN (print): 0961-5652
ISSN (online): 1745-8188
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. dig.

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1960 ]

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v. 85, 2020, n. 3

Jamie Bronstein, John Belchem, Katrina Navickas, Tom Scriven, Malcolm Chase: Appreciations, p. 219-232

Timo Luks, Building the ‘House of Industry’: Factory Citizenship and Gendered Spaces at Cadbury’s and Rowntree’s, p. 233-252
Matt Beebee, 2019 Labour History Review Essay Prize Winner: Navigating Deindustrialization in 1970s Britain: The Closure of Bilston Steel Works and the Politics of Work, Place, and Belonging, p. 253-283
Detlev Mares, A Place in History? The 2018 Marx Bicentennial in Germany, p. 285-308

Book Reviews, p. 309-326
Labour History Review Essay Prize, p. 327-329

v. 85, 2020, n. 2

Tom Scriven, Chartism’s Electoral Strategy and the Bifurcation of Radicalism, 1837-1852, p. 99-126
Steven Parfitt, Transnational Borrowings: Scottish Sons of Labour and American Knights of Labor, 1887-1890, p. 127-156
Samuel S. Hyde, ‘These Apish Tricks’: Newspaper Cartooning and the Struggle for the Labour Party, 1900-1914, p. 157-197

Book Reviews, p. 199-215

v. 85, 2020, n. 1

Emmanuelle Morne, ‘Glorious Auxiliaries’? Gender, Participation, and Subordination in the Chartist Movement (1838-1851), p. 7-32
Rosalind Eyben, ‘The Question of Pratt’: A Syndicalist Conundrum, p. 33-58
Patrick Smylie, Communism in Cold War Belfast, 1945-1962, p. 59-83

Book Reviews, p. 85-98

v. 84, 2019, n. 3

Graham Walker, James Greer, Religion, Labour, and National Questions: The General Election of 1924 in Belfast and Lanarkshire, p. 217-239
Don Watson, ‘Theirs was the crisis. Ours was the remedy’: The Squatting Movements of 1946 in Britain, Canada, and Australia, p. 241-265 Calum Aikman, From Labourism to Thatcherism: Stephen Haseler and the Social Democratic Alliance, p. 267-294

Book Reviews, p. 295-307
Labour History Review Essay Prize, p. 308-310

v. 84, 2019, n. 2

Matt Perry, Introduction: Visualizing Labour, p. 105-113

Simon Dell, Visualizing Labour: The Problem and a Case Study, U.S.S.R. in Construction, p. 115-148
Matt Perry, ‘Murderer, Delinquent or Unemployed’: Photojournalism and Visualizing the French Unemployed in the 1930s, p. 149-173
Benjamin Partridge, Visualizing Labour: Photographing the Factory Gates in May 1968, p. 175-201

Book Reviews, p. 203-215

v. 84, 2019, n. 1

Mark Phelan, ‘Strike Breaking, Union Breaking, Intolerance and Bigotry’: Irish Working-Class Perceptions of Fascist Italy in the 1920s, p. 1-20
Lewis Young, The Infant Hercules and the Socialist Missionary: Ellen Wilkinson in Middlesbrough East, 1924-1931, p. 21-45
Christos Efstathiou, ‘The Great Debate’: Welfarism, Objectivity, and Cold War Ideology in the Workers’ Educational Association, p. 47-69

Malcolm Chase, Obituary: J.F.C. Harrison (1921-2018), p. 71-83

Book Reviews, p. 85-104

v. 83, 2018, n. 3

David Strittmatter, The Evolving Rhetoric of Peterloo, 1819-1919, p. 191-217
Daniel A. Gordon, Talking Out of Revolution: Henri Krasucki and Jacques Chirac’s Secret Pigalle Negotiations and the Resolution of the French General Strike of May-June 1968, p. 219-247
Jens Ljunggren, The Boosting and Moulding of Anger: Swedish Social Democratic Emotional Policy from the 1880s to the 1980s, p. 249-275

Book Reviews, p. 277-296
Labour History Review Essay Prize, p. 297-299

v. 83, 2018, n. 2

Katrina Navickas, The ‘Bastilles’ of the Constitution: Political Prisoners, Radicalism, and Prison Reform in Early Nineteenth-Century England, p. 97-123
Andrew Waterman, The Limits of Embedded Liberalism: TUC Strategies to Influence the Multi-Fibre Arrangement and the GATT Social Clause, 1973-1994, p. 125-146
Nick Hayes, Heritage, Craft, and Identity: Twisthands and Their Machinery in What is Left of the British Lace Industry, p. 147-177

Book Reviews, p. 179-190

v. 83, 2018, n. 1

Malcolm Chase, ‘True Democratic Sympathy’: Charles Stubbs, Christian Socialism, and English Labour, 1863-1912, p. 1-28
Marcus Morris, The General Strike as a Weapon of Peace: British Socialists, the Labour Movement, and Debating the Means to Avoid War before 1914, p. 29-53

John Belchem, Beyond the Age of Improvement, p. 55-67
Stephen Yeo, Asa Briggs, ‘An Appreciation’, p. 69-79

Book Reviews,p. 81-95

v. 82, 2017, n. 3

Emily Mason, 2016 Labour History Review Essay Prize Winner, p. 189-213
Mark J. Crowley, ‘Produce More Coal’ = ‘Produce More Silicosis’? Re-training, Re-employment, and Respiratory Illnesses in the South Wales Coalfield, 1938-1945, p. 215-250
Stephen Meredith, A ‘Brooding Oppressive Shadow’? The Labour Alliance, the ‘Trade Union Question’, and the Trajectory of Revisionist Social Democracy, c. 1969-1975, p. 251-276

Book Reviews, p. 277-291
Labour History Review Essay Prize, p. 293-295

v. 82, 2017, n. 2

Matthew Kidd, Class without Conflict: Popular Political Continuity in Late Victorian Bristol, 1867-1900, p. 91-117
Alex Burston-Chorowicz, Labour’s Finest Hour: Labour Electoral Victories after the Second World War in Britain and Australia, 1945 and 1946, p. 119-147
Tony Insall, Evidence from Norwegian Archives of British Attempts to Remove Franco in 1946, p. 149-171

Book Reviews, p. 173-188

v. 82, 2017, n. 1

Christopher Loughlin, The Moral Economy of Loyalty: Labour, Law, and the State in Northern Ireland, 1921-1939, p. 1-22
Michael Fleming, The Limits of Solidarity: The 1942 Protest Meeting at Caxton Hall against German Atrocities, p. 23-50
Nicholas Barnett, Evan Smith, ‘Peace with a Capital P’: The Spectre of Communism and Competing Notions of ‘Peace’ in Britain, 1949-1960, p. 51-76

Book Reviews, p. 77-90

v. 81, 2016, n. 3

David Selway, Death Underground: Mining Accidents and Memory in South Wales, 1913-74, p. 187-209
Charlie McGuire, ‘Through Trade Unionism you felt a belonging – you belonged’: Collectivism and the Self-Representation of Building Workers in Stevenage New Town, p. 211-236
Shirin Hirsch, ‘A Quarrel of Limited Concern to the People of this Country’?: The British Labour Movement and Chile Solidarity, p. 237-257

John Belchem, Rohan McWilliam, Richard N. Price, Eileen Yeo, Roundtable on Asa Briggs’s Legacy, p. 259-277

Pat Hudson, Don MacRaild, Sam Davies (2 March 1950-27 August 2016), p. 279-283

Book Reviews, p. 285-302
Labour History Review Essay Prize, p. 303-305

v. 81, 2016, n. 2

Shane Nagle, Socialist Intellectuals and National(ist) Historiography: The Cases of James Connolly and Franz Mehring, p. 97-122
Tom Buchanan, Ideology, Idealism, and Adventure: Narratives of the British Volunteers in the International Brigades, p. 123-140
George Stevenson, The Forgotten Strike: Equality, Gender, and Class in the Trico Equal Pay Strike, p. 141-168

Book Reviews, p. 169-185

v. 81, 2016, n. 1

Kevin Whitston, The Politics of Production in the Engineering Industry, p. 1-24
Christos Efstathiou, E.P. Thompson, the Early New Left and the Fife Socialist League, p. 25-48
Greig Taylor, White-Collar Workers and Industrial Militancy: The Formation of the ACTSS 6/567 Branch at the Port of Liverpool, p. 49-75

Antony Taylor, The Transnational Turn in British Labour History, p. 77-87

Book Reviews, p. 89-96

v. 80, 2015, n. 3

John K. Walton, Revisiting the Rochdale Pioneers, p. 215-248
David Vessey, ‘People want newspapers far more than weekly collections of articles’: The Sheffield Guardian, the Labour Party and the left-wing press, p. 249-272
Duncan Money, ‘There are worse places than Dalmuir!’ Glaswegian Riveters on the Clyde and the Copperbelt, p. 273-292

Logie Barrow, Letter, p. 293-296

Book Reviews, p. 297
Essay Prize, p. 313

v. 80, 2015, n. 2

John K. Walton, Revisiting the Rochdale Pioneers, p. 215-248
David Vessey, ‘People want newspapers far more than weekly collections of articles’: The Sheffield Guardian, the Labour Party and the left-wing press, p. 249-272
Duncan Money, ‘There are worse places than Dalmuir!’ Glaswegian Riveters on the Clyde and the Copperbelt, p. 273-292

Logie Barrow, Letter, p. 293-296

Book Reviews, p. 297
Essay Prize, p. 313

v. 80, 2015, n. 1

André Gounot, Social Democratic and Communist Influences on Workers’ Sport across Europe (1893-1939), p. 1-29
Alex Zukas, Inscribing Class Struggle in Space: Unemployed Protest in the Ruhr in Late Weimar Germany, p. 31-62
Jin Li Lim, ‘The Weakness and Soft-headedness of my Friends’: The People’s Action Party, the British Labour Government and Party, and the Socialist International, 1976, p. 63-90

Book Reviews, p. 91

v. 79, 2014, n. 3

Joseph Cozens, ‘The Blackest Perjury’: Desertion, Military Justice, and Popular Politics in England, 1803-1805, p. 255-280
John Tully, Silvertown 1889: The East End’s Great Forgotten Strike, p. 281-304
Malcolm Petrie, Unity from Below? The Impact of the Spanish Civil War on Labour and the Left in Aberdeen and Dundee, 1936-1939, p. 305-327
Matthew Roberts, Radicalism, Protest, and Repression in Britain, 1830-1848, p. 329-336

Book Reviews, p. 337

v. 79, 2014, n. 2

Christopher Frank, The Sheriff’s Court or the Company Store: Truck, the Arrestment of Wages, and Working-Class Consumption in Scotland, 1837-71, p. 139-165
Matthew Taylor, The Transatlantic Migration of Sporting Labour, 1920-39, p. 167-200
Stephen Meredith, Rethinking Revisionist Social Democracy: The Case of the Manifesto Group and Labour’s 1970s ‘Third Way’, p. 201-225
Terry Irving, Paul Pickering, Debate: Terry Irving and Paul Pickering, p. 227-237

Book Reviews, p. 239

v. 79, 2014, n. 1

Yann Béliard, Introduction: Revisiting the Great Labour Unrest, 1911-1914, p. 1-17
Labour History Review Essay Prize, p. 18 Emmet O’Connor, Old Wine in New Bottles? Syndicalism and ‘Fakirism’ in the Great Labour Unrest, 1911-1914, p. 19-36
James Thompson, The Great Labour Unrest and Political Thought in Britain, 1911-1914, p. 37-54
Sam Davies, Ron Noon, The rank-and-file in the 1911 Liverpool General Transport Strike, p. 55-81
Constance Bantman, The Franco-British Syndicalist Connection and the Great Labour Unrest, 1880s-1914, p. 83-96
Jonathan Hyslop, The Strange Death of Liberal England and the Strange Birth of Illiberal South Africa: British Trade Unionists, Indian Labourers and Afrikaner Rebels, 1910-1914, p. 97-120

Book Reviews, p. 121

v. 78, 2013, n. 3

John Walton, The Northern Rambler: Recreational Walking and the Popular Politics of Industrial England, from Peterloo to the 1930s, p. 243-268
Donald MacRaild, ‘No Irish Need Apply’: The Origins and Persistence of a Prejudice, p. 269-299
David Redvaldsen, The Eugenics Society’s Outreach to the Labour Movement in Britain, 1907-1945, p. 301-329
Peter Gurney, History and Commitment: E.P. Thompson’s Legacy, p. 331-349
Roundtable on Eric Hobsbawm’s Legacy, p. 351-371

Book Reviews, p. 373

v. 78, 2013, n. 2

Stephen Murray, Transatlantic Migration and the Amalgamated Society of Engineers in Fall River, Massachusetts, 1873-79, p. 145-170
Máire Cross, Remembering and Forgetting Flora Tristan’s Biographer: Puech’s Contribution to French Labour History, p. 171-196
Richard Temple, ‘A difficult and peculiar section’: Provincial Bus Company Workers, 1934-47, p. 197-226

Book Reviews, p. 227

v. 78, 2013, n. 1

Joan Allen, Owen Ashton, Editorial: Radicals, Chartists, and Internationalism, p. 1-2
Matthew Roberts, Chartism, Commemoration, and the Cult of the Radical Hero, c.1770-c.1840, p. 3-32
Iorwerth Prothero, Chartism and French Radicalism in the 1830s and 1840s: A Comparison, p. 33-49
Benoît Agnes, A Chartist Singularity? Mobilizing to Promote Democratic Petitions in Britain and France, 1838-1848, p. 51-66
Joan Allen, ‘The teacher of strange doctrines’: George Julian Harney and the Democratic Review, 1849-1850, p. 67-86
Paul Pickering, From Rifle Club to Reading Room: Sydney’s Democratic Vistas, 1848-1856, p. 87-112
Matthew Roberts, Essay in Review: Labouring in the Digital Archive, p. 113-126

Archive Reports, p.127-132
Book Reviews, p. 133

v. 77, 2012, n. 3

Marcella Sutcliffe, Mazzini’s Transnational Legacy amongst British Co-operators (c.1885-1949), p. 267-288
Barry Doyle, The Economics, Culture, and Politics of Hospital Contributory Schemes: The Case of Inter-war Leeds, p. 289-315
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Annual Bibliography, 2011, p. 317-345
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations, 2011, p. 347-359

Book Reviews, p. 361

v. 77, 2012, n. 2

Antony Taylor, ‘We Dream Our Dream Still’: Ruralism, Empire, and the Debate about New Australia in Britain, p. 163-187
Steven Thompson, The Friendly and Welfare Provision of British Trade Unions: A Case Study of the South Wales Miners’ Federation, p. 189-210
John McIlroy, Asa Briggs and the Emergence of Labour History in Post-War Britain, p. 211-242
Neville Kirk, David Montgomery: A Tribute, p. 243-248

Book Reviews, p. 249

v. 77, 2012, n. 1

Peter Gurney, Paul Corthorn, Editorial, p. 1-2
Claudia Baldoli, Matt Perry, Bombing and Labour in Western Europe, from 1940 to 1945, p. 3-9
Richard Overy, ‘The Weak Link’? The Perception of the German Working Class by RAF Bomber Command, 1940-1945, p. 11-33
Ralf Blank, The Battle of the Ruhr, 1943: Aerial Warfare against an Industrial Region, p. 35-48
Matt Perry, Bombing Billancourt: Labour Agency and the Limitations of the Public Opinion Model of Wartime France, p. 49-74
Claudia Baldoli, Bombing the FIAT: Allied Raids, Workers’ Strikes, and the Italian Resistance, p. 75-92
Jill Stephenson, Bombing and Rural Society in Württemberg, p. 93-112
Helen Jones, Civil Defence in Britain, 1938-1945: Friendship during Wartime and the Formation of a Work-based Identity, p. 113-132
Martin Farr, The Labour Party and Strategic Bombing in the Second World War, p. 133-153

Book Reviews, p. 155

v. 76, 2011, n. 3

Nigel Copsey, Communists and the Inter-War Anti-Fascist Struggle in the United States and Britain, p. 184-206
Kevin Whitston, Craftsmen and Skilled Workers in Engineering, 1914-64, p. 207-226

Owen Ashton, Joan Allen, Joe White, James Epstein, Dorothy Thompson (1923-2011), p. 227-230

Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Annual Bibliography: 2010, p. 231-256
Yasmin Adeeb, Fathi Boud, Theses and Dissertations: 2010, p. 257-274

Dolores Janiewski, Labour History in the USA, p. 275-278
Emmet O’Connor, Irish Trade Union Organization, p. 279-280

Book rewiew, p. 281

v. 76, 2011, n. 2

Martin Crawford, Back to the Future? The Potters’ Emigration Society and the Historians, p. 81-103
Cathy Hunt, Dancing and Days Out: The Role of Social Events in British Women’s Trade Unionism in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 104-120
Audrey Giles, Railway Accidents and Nineteenth Century Legislation: ‘Misconduct, Want of Caution or Causes Beyond their Control?’, p. 121-142

John McIlroy, A Labour Historian of the Old School – Raymond Challinor Remembered, p. 143-160
Stephen Roberts, Memories of Dottie: Dorothy Thompson (1923-2011), p. 161-168

Review article, p. 169
Book Reviews, p. 176

v. 76, 2011, n. 1

RESEARCH ARTICLE Ivan Gibbons, The Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921: The Response of the British Parliamentary Labour Party and Labour Press, p. 1-15
Kevin Manton, Labour Governments and Capital Punishment, 1924-1970, p. 16-33
Ben Curtis, A Tradition of Radicalism: The Politics of the South Wales Miners, 1964-1985, p. 34-50
David Stewart, Preserving the ‘Contentious Alliance’? The Labour Party, the Trade Unions, and the Political Fund Ballots of 1985-1986, p. 51-69

Review article, p. 70
Book Reviews, p. 77