Parliamentary History DATINI

Parliamentary History

ISSN: 0264-2824

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza, Scienze politiche, Emeroteca, Coll. Riv. Str. 571
Consistenza: v. 8, 1989; 10, 1991-

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di servizio: Scienze della Formazione, Coll. 7 R00 00086
Consistenza: v. 1, 1982-3, 1984

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1982 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 42, 2023, 3

Ellen Paterson, Corruption, Conspiracy and Collusion: Anti-Monopoly Petitioning in the Parliament of 1621, p. 289
Daniel Szechi, Christopher A. Whatley, Counting the ?Cavaliers?: Two Contemporary Analyses of the Political Wing of the Scots Jacobite Underground in the Union Parliament, p. 309
Andrew Brunatti, ?It Must End, or I Must End?: Castlereagh, Mental Health and Politics in Regency Britain, p. 348
Roland Quinault, The Referendum Issue and the Edwardian Constitutional Crisis, p. 377
Tim Aker, Re-assessing the Conservative Anti-EEC Rebellion of 1971–2, p. 391

Reviews, p. 409

v. 42, 2023, 2

Robin Eagles, ‘Old and unfit for other service?’ Maintaining the Fabric of Parliament c.1660–1760 p. 175
Eilish Gregory, Catherine of Braganza during the Popish Plot and Exclusion Crisis: Anti-Catholicism in the Houses of Commons and Lords, 1678–81 p. 195
Louise Ryland-Epton, Parliament and the English County Magistrate: The Parliamentary Aspirations of Sir George Onesiphorus Paul 1780–1810 p. 213
David W. Jones, The Passage of the Welsh Church Bill under the 1911 Parliament Act and the Impact of War p. 234
Adam Evans, ‘There will be no shortage of Cabinet ministers taking part in the Scottish referendum campaign. The same is not true in Wales’: New Labour, Old Struggles, and the Advent of Welsh Devolution p. 255

Reviews, p. 274

v. 42, 2023, 1

Edited by Sarah Richardson, Natalie Hanley-Smith

Notes on Contributors, p. vii
Natalie Hanley-Smith, Sarah Richardson, Dangerous or Goodly Passions: The Role of Emotion in Parliament and Politics p. 1
Kirsty Wright, Revisiting the War in the Receipt, 1572–1609 p. 11
Natalie Hanley-Smith, The Political Mistress: Intimacy, Emotion, and Parliamentary Politics in the Late 18th Century p. 32
Caitlin Kitchener, Cato Street Conspiracy and Consuming Crime: How Radical Politics Fed into the Public’s Passion for Violent Media Coverage p. 51
Kerry Love, Restraining Political Passion: Medals of the Birmingham Political Union and the 1832 Reform Act p. 75
Lucy Kilfoyle, ‘That Gleaming Sword of Satire’: Power, Passion and Parliament in the Mid-Victorian City p. 94
Amy Galvin, Passion, Parliament, and the Pen: Articulations of Female Citizenship in Britain, c.1790–1890 p. 113
Ciara Stewart, The Ulster Women’s Declaration and the Passion of Women in the Campaign against Home Rule, c.1886–1912 p. 129
Lisa Berry-Waite, ‘A rancour and a passion would be introduced into politics’: Perceptions of the Woman MP in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Britain p. 148

Index, p. 168

v. 41, 2022, 3

Kathrin Strauss, The Ceremonial Mace in the House of Commons and Great Maces of Cities and Boroughs in the 16th and Early 17th Century, p. 389-405
Jon Kukla, Grenville’s Postponement of the Stamp Act Reconsidered , p. 406-425
Norman Gash, The Economic Achievement of Sir Robert Peel 1841-6, p. 426-434
M.K. Thompson, Edinburgh’s Local Liberal Party and the Political Crises of 1885-6, p. 435-462 John Connolly, Matthew Flinders, David Judge, Michael Torrance, Philippa Tudor, Institutions Ignored: A History of Select Committee Scrutiny in the House of Lords, 1968-2021, p. 463-490

Johann Sommerville, A House Divided, but Stronger: The Lords, 1604-29, p. 491-499

Reviews, p. 500

v. 41, 2022, Supplemento

by Phillip Johnson
Pages: i-xii, 1-526

v. 41, 2022, 2

David Hayton, Eveline Cruickshanks (1926-2021): An Appreciation, p. 235
Callum D. Smith, The ‘Republican’ Publican: ‘Honest’ Sam House, Visual Culture, and the General Election of 1784, p. 240
Elizabeth Hallam Smith, The ‘Gothic Slum’:MPs and St Stephen’s Cloister,Westminster, 1548-2017, p. 279
Richard Holmes, Thomas Sinclair and the Political Representation of Presbyteria 1892-1912, p. 303
Marc Collinson, Inevitable Results and Political Myths? Ilford North’s 1978 By-Election, p. 323
James Mitchell, Clifford Williamson, Choreography of Defeat: The Fall of the 1979 Government, p. 342

Reviews, p. 366

v. 41, 2022, 1

Edited by Robin Eagles and Michael Schaich

Notes on Contributors, p. VII
Abbreviations, p. X
Robin Eagles, Michael Schaich, Preface, p. 1
Robin Eagles, Michael Schaich, Introduction, p. 2
Jason Peacey, ‘A Knowing but a Discrete Man’: Scribal News and Information Management in Restoration England, p. 19
Edward Taylor, ‘Our Masters the Commons Begin Now to Roar’: Parliament in Scribal Verse, 1621-81, p. 37
Brendan Dooley, Davide Boerio, Hot News: The Florence Resident Reports on the Great Fire of London, p. 62
Michael Schaich, (Extra)ordinary News: Foreign Reporting on English Politics under William III, p. 83
Charles Littleton, Diplomatic Residents in England and Approaches to Reporting Parliament in the First Years of George I, p. 105
Rachael Scarborough King, ‘SirMadam’:Female Consumers of Parliamentary News in Manuscript Newsletters, p. 119
Alasdair Raffe, Wodrow’s News: Correspondence and Politics in Early 18th-Century Scotland, p. 135
Leith Davis, Inscripting Rebellion: The Newdigate Manuscript Newsletters, Printed Newspapers and the Cultural Memory of the 1715 Rising, p. 150
Robin Eagles, Reporting Trials and Impeachments in the Reign of George I: The Evidence of the Wigtown and Wye Newsletters, p. 167
Ugo Bruschi, The Formidable Machine: Parliament as Seen by Italian Diplomats at the Court of St James’s in the First Half of the 18th Century, p. 184
Markman Ellis, Philip Yorke and Thomas Birch: Scribal News in the Mid 18th Century, p. 202
Kate Loveman, Afterword, p. 221

Index, p. 225

v. 40, 2021, 3

Richard A. Gaunt, J.P.D. Cooper, What is Parliamentary History Now?, p. 409
Amy Blakeway, Reassessing the Scottish Parliamentary Records, 1528-48: Manuscript, Print, Bureaucracy and Royal Authority, p. 417
Jonathan Gibson, ‘A Place To Speak One’s Conscience In’: Disciplines of Debate in the Protectorate Parliaments, 1654-9, p. 443
Bob Harris, The 1782 Gaming Bill and Lottery Regulation Acts (1782 and 1787):Gambling and the Law in Later Georgian Britain, p. 462
Jason McElligott, ‘United Britons & Irishmen’: Cato Street, Proclamations, and the Insurrectionary Tradition, 1798-1820, p. 481
John Beckett, Hobhouse, O’Connor and the Nottingham Election of 1847, p. 502
Ben Sayle, ‘Populist Constitutionalism’ and the Unionist Party during the 1911 House of Lords’ Crisis, p. 521
Max Skjönsberg, Edmund Burke, the French Revolution and the Battle for the Soul of the Whig Party, p. 543

Review Article, p. 563
Reviews, p. 572

v. 40, 2021, 2

C.J.Wright, Frances Harris (1950-2021): A Memoir, p. 255
S.J. Payling, The Rise of New Boroughs and the Decline of Electoral Localism: The Evolving Composition of the House of Commons, 1386-1558, p. 261
Andrea McKenzie, Inside the Commons Committee of Secrecy: George Treby’s Shorthand and the Popish Plot, p. 277
Glenn McKee, Standing Orders and Precedents in the Irish House of Commons in the 17th and 18th Centuries, p. 311
Robert G. Ingram, ‘State Whiggs, but such Bigotted Church Toryes’: The Irish Toleration Act of 1719 and the Politics of Religion, p. 343
Christopher Shoop-Worrall, Leaps and Light Shows: Visual Politics in the Edwardian Mass Press, 1900-10, p. 362
Alistair Lexden, The Man Who Enriched – and Robbed – the Tories, p. 378

Reviews, p. 391

v. 40, 2021, 1

Notes on Contributors, p. VII

David Hayton, Linda Clark, Preface, p. 1
Paul Seaward, Why the History of Parliament Has Not Been Written, p. 5
Gwilym Dodd, William Stubbs, Parliament and the Medieval English Constitution, p. 25
Paul Cavill, A.F. Pollard, p. 45
Chris R. Kyle, Constitutionalists, Despots, Whigs, and Revisionists: Tudor Parliamentary History in the 20th Century, p. 59
Stephen K. Roberts, King Pym and his ‘Happy, Scrappy Jester’, p. 81
Amy Blakeway, Laura A.M. Stewart, Writing Scottish Parliamentary History, c.1500-1707, p. 93
David Hayton, Parties in Parliament in the 18th Century: The Demolition of Robert Walcott and its Consequences, p. 113
Nigel Aston, John Brooke and the Namierite Succession, p. 131
Richard A.Gaunt, Norman Gash and the Making of Mr Secretary Peel, p. 148
Alex Middleton, ‘High Politics’ and its Intellectual Contexts, p. 168
Philip Bull, An Irish Party and the British Parliament: Conor Cruise O’Brien’s Parnell and His Party, p. 192
Paul Corthorn, Enoch Powell, Parliament and Europe, p. 212
Michael Bentley, Parliamentary History: An Oblique Glance, p. 228

Index,p. 245