Parliamentary History DATINI

Parliamentary History

ISSN: 0264-2824

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza, Scienze politiche, Emeroteca, Coll. Riv. Str. 571
Consistenza: v. 8, 1989; 10, 1991-

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di servizio: Scienze della Formazione, Coll. 7 R00 00086
Consistenza: v. 1, 1982-3, 1984

[ 2030-2011 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-1982 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 39, 2020, 3

Jonathan McGovern, The Presentation of the Speaker of the Commons in Tudor Parliaments: Pageantry, Persuasion and Management, p. 361
Grorce Yerby, The Representative of the State: Why the English Parliament Was Distinctive in the Early 17th Century, p. 377
Philip Baker, ‘But Private Notes for My Own Memory?? Parliamentary Diaries, Parliamentary History and the Politics of Information in Early Stuart England, p. 405
Natalie Mears, The Culture of Fasting in Early Stuart Parliaments, p. 423
Philippa Tudor, House of Lords Committee Accommodation and Its Use: Restoration and Renewal in the 19th and 20th Centuries, p. 442
Adam Evans, ‘The Best-Laid Schemes o’ Mice an’ Men’? Proposals, Planning, Defeat, and Legacy, of Devolution in the 1970s, p. 462

Reviews, p. 481

v. 39, 2020, 2

Christopher Reid, Reporting by Letter: The 2nd Earl of Hardwicke and his Parliamentary Correspondents, p. 239
Ian Harris, What Was Parliamentary Reporting? A Study of Aims and Results in the London Daily Newspapers, 1780-96, p. 255
Louise Ryland-Epton, The Impact of Back Benchers in the Creation of Social Reform: The Indefatiga ble and Honourable Exertions of Mr Cilbert, p. 276
Antero Holmila, Parliament and the Press: Forging the United Nations in Wartime Britain, 1939-45, p. 291
Philip Aylett, Did 1979 Make Much Difference? An Alternative View of Select Committee Reform in the 1970s and 1980s, p. 311
Emmeline Ledgerwood, MPs on the Subject of STEMM: What Can Oral History Tell Us?, p. 331

Reviews, p. 350

v. 39, 2020, 1

Peers and Politics, c. 1650-1850: Essays in Honour of Clyve Jones
Edited by Richard A.Gaunt and D.W. Hayton

List of Illustrations, p. VI
Notes on Omttibutors, p. VII
D.W. Hayton, Clyve Jones and Parliamentary History, p. 1
Jason Peacey, The Duke’s Parrot : The Earl of Leicester, the King’s Children and the English Revolution, p. 7
France S Harris, The ‘Little Palaces’ of St James’s: Ladies, Lords, and Political Association under the later Stuarts, p. 25
Graham Townend, Republicans, Unionists and Jacobites: The 1st Marquess of Tweeddal e and the Restoration of the British Parliament, p. 34
Daniel Szechi, Playing with fire: The 4th Duke of Hamilton’s Jacobite Politics and the Union, p. 62
Charles Littleton, ‘Tis Not in the Power of Words to Tell What My Heart Feels in Favour of You’; or, What the Ossulston Diary Does Not Reveal, p. 85
D.W. Hayton, Party and Management in the Irish House of Lords, 1713-15, p. 99
Stuart Handley, The Members of the House of Lords and the Hanoverian Succession, p. 126
Robin Eagles, ‘A Reward for so Meritorious an Action’? Lord Hervey’s Summons to the House of Lords and Walpol e’s Management of the Upper Chamber (1727-42), p. 143
Richard Connors, Ben Gilding, ‘Hereditary Guardians of the Nation’: The House of Lords and the East India Company in the Age of the American Revolution, p. 159
Richard A. Gaunt, A Great Electioneer and His Motives Reconsidered: The 4th Duke of Newcastle, p. 190
John Beckett, Fixing the Membership of the Lords and Commons: The Case of Sir John Cam Hobhouse and the Nottin gham By-Election, 1834, p. 205

Bibliography of the Published Works of Clyve Jones, p. 220
Index, p. 228

v. 38, 2019, Special Issue

Texts & Studies Series 15: Anglo-Irish Politics, 1680-1728: The Correspondence of the Brodrick Family of Surrey and County Cork – Volume One, 1680-1714
Edited by David Hayton and Michael Page

Acknowledgments, p. VIII
Abbreviations, p. IX
Introduction, p. 1
Note on Editorial Principles, p. 36
Correspondence 1680-1714, p. 38
Appendix 1:Brodrick Family Members and Connections Mentioned in the Text, p. 327
Appendix 2: Members of the Irish House of Commons Mentioned in the Text, p. 329

v. 38, 2019, 3

Matt Raven, Magnate Counsel and Parliament, c.1340-76: The Place of the Lords in the Era of the Commons, p. 309
Paul Johnson, Buggery and Parliament, 1533-2017, p. 325
Philip Loft, Petitioning and Petitioners to the Westminster Parliament, 1660-1788, p. 342
Clyve Jones, Lord Bruce and the Marlborough Election Petition of 1735: An Aristocratic Lobbying of the House of Commons and a Blow against the Ministry of Sir Robert Walpole, p. 362
Mel Farrell, Structures and Members: An Overview of The Cumann na nGaedheal Party Organisation, 1923-33, p. 387
Philip Aylett, Crossman and Beyond: House of Commons Select Committees in the 1960s, p. 408

Review Article
Edward Legon, Radical Possibilities:Gary S.De Krey’s Following the Levellers, p. 431

Reviews, p. 436

v. 38, 2019, 2

Ben Gilding, Richard Connors, ‘Chatham’s Ghost’ and the Enduring Spectre of Lord Bute’s Secret Influence: A Political Negotiation of 1778, p. 175
Christopher Rowe, The Liberal Party, Free Trade and the 1841 Election, p. 203
Luke Stanley, The Rebel Chief Whip:The Role of Leslie Wilson in the Fall of the Lloyd George Coalition, 1922, p. 224
Stephen Meredith, ‘Divided Within Itself’: The Parliamentary Labour ‘Right’ and the Demise of Post-War Revisionist Social Democracy in the 1970s, p. 244
Thomas A.W. Stewart, By-Elections and Political Change in a Local Context: The Case of the 1973 Dundee East By-Election and the SNP, p. 262

Alex Middleton, The State of Modern British Political History?, p. 278
Reviews, p. 286

v. 38, 2019, 1

Edited by J.P.D. Cooper and Richard A. Gaunt

Notes on Contributors, p. VI

J.P.D. Cooper, Richard A. Gaunt, Architecture and Politics in the Palace of Westminster, 1399 to the Present, p. 1
Jennifer Caddick, The Painted Chamber at Westminster and the Openings of Parliament, 1399-1484, p. 17
J.P.D. Cooper, The Elizabethan House of Commons and St Stephen’s Chapel Westminster, p. 34
Catriona Cooper, The Sound of Debate in Georgian England: Auralising the House of Commons, p. 60
Elizabeth Hallam Smith, Ventilating the Commons,Heating the Lords, 1701-1834, p. 74
Paul Seaward, ‘A Sense of Crowd and Urgency’? Atmosphere and Inconvenience in the Chamber of the Old House of Commons, p. 103
Sarah Richardson, Parliament as Viewed Through a Woman’s Eyes: Gender and Space in the 19th-Century Commons, p. 119
Miles Taylor, St Stephen’s in War and Peace: Civil Defence and the Location of Parliament, 1938-51, p. 135
Leanne-Marie Cotter, Matthew Flinders, The Palace of Westminster: Another Window of Opportunity?, p. 149

Index, p. 166

v. 37, 2018, 3

Rocco Giurato, The Language of Constitutionalism and the Royal Prerogative in the English Parliament of 1593: James Morice’s Speech on the Ex Officio Proceedings and his Constitutional Thought, p. 327
James Harris, Partisanship and Popular Politics in a Cornish ‘Pocket’ Borough, 1660-1714, p. 350
Aaron Graham, Legislatures, Legislation and Legislating in the British Atlantic, 1692-1800, p. 369
Keisuke Masaki, Within the Bounds of Acceptability: Tory Associational Culture in Early 19th Century Britain, p. 389
Ralph Walter, British Parliamentary By Elections during the First World War, 1914-18, p. 415

Note, p. 435
Reviews, p. 442

v. 37, 2018 – Issue Supplement S1

Supplement: Pressure and Parliament: From Civil War to Civil Society. Edited by Richard Huzzey

Richard Huzzey, Contesting Interests: Rethinking Pressure, Parliament, Nation, and Empire, p. 1
Mark Knights, ‘The Lowest Degree of Freedom’: The Right to Petition Parliament, 1640-1800, p. 18
Sarah Richardson, Conversations with Parliament: Women and the Politics of Pressure in 19th Century England, p. 35
Julian Hoppit, Petitions, Economic Legislation and Interest Groups in Britain, 1660-1800, p. 52
Lawrence Goldman, Social Reform and the Pressure of ‘Progress’ on Parliament, 1660-1914, p. 72
Stephen Taylor Richard Huzzey, From Estate under Pressure to Spiritual Pressure Group: The Bishops and Parliament, p. 89
Amanda B. Moniz, Reforming Expectations: Parliamentary Pressure and Moral Reform, p. 102
William Whyte, ‘The Too Clever by Half People’ and Parliament, p. 119

Index, p. 139

v. 37, 2018, 2

Andrew Thrush, The Fall of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk and the Revival of Impeachment in the Parliament of 1621, p. 197
P.D.G. Thomas, ‘A Young Tory’? The Early Parliamentary Career of Charles James Fox 1768-74, p. 212
Conor McGrath, British Lobbying in Newspaper and Parliamentary Discourse, 1800-1950, p. 226
Matthew Roberts, Richard Oastler, Toryism, Radicalism and the Limitations of Party, c.1807-46, p. 250
Adam Evans, Devolution and Parliamentary Representation: The Case of the Scotland and Wales Bill, 1976-7, p. 274

Note, p. 293
Reviews, p. 299

v. 37, 2018, 1

Special Issue: The Advent of Democracy: The Impact of the 1918 Reform Act on British Politics

Stuart Ball, The Reform Act of 1918 – the Advent of Democracy, p. 1

Stuart Ball, The Conservative Party and the Impact of the 1918 Reform Act, p. 23
Gavin Freeman, The Liberal Party and the Impact of the 1918 Reform Act, p. 47
Chris Wrigley, The Labour Party and the Impact of the 1918 Reform Act, p. 64
Ian Cawood, The Impact of the 1918 Reform Act on the Politics of the West Midlands, p. 81
Ewen A. Cameron, The 1918 Reform Act, Redistribution and Scottish Politics, p. 101
John Coakley, The Impact of the 1918 Reform Act in Ireland, p. 116
Martin Farr, The Impact of the 1918 Reform Act on the House of Commons, p. 133
Adrian Bingham, The British Press and the 1918 Reform Act, p. 150
Mari Takayanagi, Women and the Vote: The Parliamentary Path to Equal Franchise, 1918-28, p. 168

Chronology of the 1918 Reform Act, p. 186
Index, p. 188

v. 36, 2017, 3

Christopher Wright, Richard Gaunt, David Hayton, Professor Michael Thompson, p. III

Catherine Chou, ‘One that was no Furtherer of this Devise’: (Manufactured?) Opposition to the ‘Monarchical Republic of Elizabeth I’, p. 273
Patrick Little, The Scottish Union Bill of 1656-7, p. 298
Ruth Paley, Peers, Politics and the Price of Pepper: Skinner v. the East India Company, p. 314
J. C. Sainty, The Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, p. 333
Alvar Blomgren, ‘Shew Yourselves as Men’: Gender, Citizenship and Political Propaganda in the 1773 and 1774 Worcester Election Contests, p. 346

Kenneth O. Morgan, 7 December 1916: Asquith, Lloyd George and the Crisis of Liberalism, p. 361

John Beckett, On the Radar: The House of Lords Comes in from the Cold, p. 372

Reviews, p. 387

v. 36, 2017 – Issue Supplement S1


Issue Information, p. I
Acknowledgements, p. VII
Editorial note, p. IX
Abbreviations, p. X
List of correspondents, p. XI

Introduction, p. 1

Letters of Arthur Onslow, 1691-1768, p. 19

Bibliography, p. 303
Index, p. 317

v. 36, 2017, 2

Mark Parry, William Laud and the Parliamentary Politics of 1628-9, p. 137
Blair Worden, The Campaign for a Free Parliament, 1659-60, p. 159
P.D.G. Thomas, Sir Henry Cavendish (1732-1804), Parliamentarian in Two Countries, p. 185
Gary D. Hutchison, ‘The Manager in Distress’: Reaction to the Impeachment of Henry Dundas, 1805-7, p. 198
Taym Saleh, The Decline of the Scottish Conservatives in North-East Scotland, 1965-79: A Regional Perspective, p. 218

v. 36, 2017, 1

Robert Saunders, Introduction: ‘Shooting Niagara – and After?’, p. 1
Malcolm Chase, The Popular Movement for Parliamentary Reform in Provincial Britain during the 1860s, p. 14
Kathryn Gleadle, Masculinity, Age and Life Cycle in the Age of Reform, p. 31
Jonathan Parry, 1867 and the Rule of Wealth, p. 46
Kathryn Rix, The Second Reform Act and the Problem of Electoral Corruption, p. 64
Alex Middleton, The Second Reform Act and the Politics of Empire, p. 82
Colin Barr, The Irish Reform Act of 1868, p. 97
Gareth Stedman Jones, ‘Pressure from Without’: Karl Marx and 1867, p. 117

v. 35, 2016 – Issue Supplement S1


Issue Information, p. I
Abbreviations, p. X
List of Tables and Maps, p. XII
List of Figures, p. XIII
Preface, p. XIV

Introduction, p. 1

Chapter 1. Elections and Electoral Practice, p. 9
Chapter 2. The Members, p. 107
Chapter 3. Organisation, p. 189
Chapter 4. The House in Session, p. 225
Chapter 5. Legislation, p. 279

Appendix 1: Dates of Parliaments, p. 341
Appendix 2: The Parliament of September 1553, p. 344
Appendix 3: King Philip, p. 346
Appendix 4: New Constituencies, p. 348
Appendix 5: By-elections, p. 350
Appendix 6: Additional Members and Names, p. 353
Appendix 7: Private Acts for Members, p. 355
Appendix 8: Provisos in Acts for Constituencies, p. 357
Appendix 9: Provisos in Acts for Members, p. 359

Bibliography, p. 362
Index, p. 383

v. 35, 2016, 3

Jonathan R. Fitzgibbons, Reconstructing the Debates of the Protectorate Parliaments: The Pitfalls of J.T. Rutt’s Edition of ‘Thomas Burton’s’ Diary, p. 221
Charles Littleton, The Earls of Derby and the Opposition to their Estate Bills in Parliament, 1660-92: Some New Manuscript Sources, p. 242
Andrew Hanham, The Politics of Chivalry: Sir Robert Walpole, the Duke of Montagu and the Order of the Bath, p. 262
J.M. Fewster, Before and after the Grenville Act: The House of Commons and the Morpeth Elections of 1768 and 1774, p. 298
Adam Evans, A Lingering Diminuendo? The Conference on Devolution, 1919-20, p. 315
J.R. Maddicott, The History of Parliament Annual Lecture, 2015 – Parliament and the People in Medieval England, p. 336

P.D.G. Thomas, The Irish Parliamentary Diary (1776-89) of Sir Henry Cavendish, p. 352

Reviews, p. 355

v. 35, 2016, 2

Carole Rawcliffe, A Crisis of Confidence? Parliament and the Demand for Hospital Reform in Early-15th- and Early-16th-Century England, p. 85
Warren E. Spehar, The Militia Ordinance of 1642 and the 14th-Century Great Statute of Praemunire, p. 111
Rachel N. Schnepper, Qualified Toleration: Bermuda and the English Revolution, p. 132
Tessa Mobbs, Robert Unwin, The Longitude Act of 1714 and the Last Parliament of Queen Anne, p. 152
Mark Garnett, Polemic, Parliament and History: Michael Foot versus David Owen, p. 171

v. 35, 2016, 1

Pasi Ihalainen, Satu Matikainen, The British Parliament and Foreign Policy in the 20th Century: Towards Increasing Parliamentarisation?, p. 1
Satu Matikainen, The British Parliament and Minority Protection under the League of Nations, 1929-33, p. 15
Matti Roitto, The Atomic Question of 1945-6 as an Attempt to Parliamentarise British Foreign Policy, p. 28
Jonas Harvard, War and ‘World Opinion’: Parliamentary Speaking and the Falklands War, p. 42
Teemu Häkkinen, Challenging the Royal Prerogative: The Decision on War against Iraq in Parliamentary Debates in 2002-3, p. 54
Rinna Kullaa, The European Parliament and the UK Parliament: A Relationship in Foreign Policy, p. 67

v. 34, 2015, 3

Alan MacDonald, You have free access to this contentScottish Shire Elections: Preliminary Findings in Sheriff Court Books, p. 279
Michael Wagner, The Levant Company under Attack in Parliament, 1720-53, p. 295
Norma Landau, Enacting a Local Reform in the Age of Reform: A Salary for the Chairman of Middlesex Sessions, p. 314
Erica Doherty, ‘The Party Hack, and Tool of the British Government’: T.P. O’Connor, America and Irish Party Resilience at the February 1918 South Armagh By-Election, p. 339
Kevin Manton, Edwardian Conservatism and the Constitution: The Thought of Lord Hugh Cecil, p. 365

Diarmaid MacCulloch, You have free access to this contentParliament and the Reformation of Edward VI, p. 383

Reviews, p. 401

v. 34, 2015 – Issue Supplement S2

Special Issue: TEXTS & STUDIES SERIES 11: SIR THOMAS DUPPA’S COMMONPLACE BOOK, edited by Alasdair Hawkyard and J.C. Sainty

Acknowledgments, p. VII
Method, p. VIII
Abbreviations, p. IX

Introduction, p. 1
The Text, p. 9
Appendix: Biographical Notes, p. 75

Index, p. 77

v. 34, 2015 – Issue Supplement S1


Clyve Jones, Foreword, p. VIII

Chapter 1. Leaders and Whips in the House of Lords 1783-1960, p. 1
Chapter 2. Further Materials from an Unpublished Manuscript of the House of Lords Journal for Sessions 1559 and 1597-8, p. 25
Chapter 3. A List of Representative Peers for Scotland, 1707 to 1963, and for Ireland, 1800 to 1961, p. 47
Chapter 4. The Origin of the Office of Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords, p. 85
Chapter 5. The Parliament Office in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Biographical Notes on Clerks in the House of Lords 1600 to 1800, p. 120
Chapter 6. Parliamentary Functions of the Sovereign since 1509, p. 148
Chapter 7. The Edmunds Case and the House of Lords, p. 159
Chapter 8. The Parliamentary Office in the Early Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Biographical Notes on Clerks in the House of Lords 1800 to 1939, p. 166
Chapter 9. New Light on the Office of Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords, p. 210

v. 34, 2015, 2

Richard Gaunt, David Hayton, Editors’ Note, p. III

Ruth Paley, A Matter of Judgment: Politics, Law and the Trial of Bishop Thomas Watson, p. 181
John Beckett, Politician or Poet? The 6th Lord Byron in the House of Lords, 1809-13, p. 201
Stephen Lamont, Independence and Corporations in Pre-Reform Freeman Boroughs: A Case Study – Newcastle-under-Lyme in the 1810s, p. 218
Graham Walker, Gareth Mulvenna, Northern Ireland Representation at Westminster: Constitutional Conundrums and Political Man?uvres, p. 237

Reviews, p. 256

v. 34, 2015, 1

edited by Chris R. Kyle

Notes on Contributors, p. VI
Chris R. Kyle, Foreword, p. 1
Chris R. Kyle, Introduction, p. 8

P.R. Cavill, Anticlericalism and the Early Tudor Parliament, p. 14
David Dean, Staging the Settlement: Shekhar Kapur and the Parliament of 1559, p. 30
Norman Jones, William Cecil, Lord Burghley, and Managing with the Men-of-Business, p. 45
Glyn Parry, Foreign Policy and the Parliament of 1576, p. 62
Paul E.J. Hammer, The Earl of Essex and Elizabethan Parliaments, p. 90
Paul M. Hunneyball, The Development of Parliamentary Privilege, 1604-29, p. 111
Chris R. Kyle, ‘Wrangling Lawyers’: Proclamations and the Management of the English Parliament of 1621, p. 129
Lori Anne Ferrell, Preaching and English Parliaments in the 1620s, p. 142
Jason Peacey, The Street Theatre of State: The Ceremonial Opening of Parliament, 1603-60, p. 155

Index, p. 173

v. 33, 2014, 3

Alasdair Hawkyard, The Journals, the Clerks of the Parliaments and the Under-Clerks 1485-1601, p. 389
Jason Peacey, ‘Rushworth Shall Not Take Any Notes Here’: Journals, Debates and the Public, 1640-60, p. 422
Douglas Kanter, Was All Irish Politics Local? The Portarlington Election of 1832 and the Structure of Politics in 19th-Century Ireland, p. 438
Kathryn Rix, ‘Whatever Passed in Parliament Ought to be Communicated to the Public’: Reporting the Proceedings of the Reformed Commons, 1833-50, p. 453
Ryan McCourt, Ernest Blythe as Minister for Finance in the Irish Free State, 1923-32, p. 475
Hannes Kleineke and Euan C. Roger, Baldwin Hyde, Clerk of the Parliaments in the Readeption Parliament of 1470-1, p. 501
J.C. Sainty, Black Rod and the Office of Usher of the Parliament Chamber, p. 511
Wesley Ferris, The Whips of the Liberal Unionist Party in the House of Commons, p. 516


v. 33, 2014 – Issue Supplement S1


Introduction, p. 1

Chapter 1. Opening of the Campaign: 1788, p. 63
Chapter 2. Making the Case: 1789-90, p. 107
Chapter 3. The West India Interest under Siege: 1791-2, p. 146
Chapter 4. Defeat, Obstruction and Partial Victory: 1793-5, p. 198

Appendix 1: Members of Parliament with West Indian Connections, 1780-96, p. 229
Appendix 2: List of the Membership of the Persian Club (undated), p. 234
Appendix 3: Remonstrance of His Majesty’s Dutiful and Loyal Subjects, the Council and Assembly of Jamaica, on Behalf of Themselves, and All Persons Interested in the Trade or Cultivation of the West India Islands, 10 December 1789, p. 236
Appendix 4: List of Planters and Merchants who Resided in and around London, 1789, p. 238
Appendix 5: To the King’s Most Excellent Majesty: The Humble Address and Petition of the Assembly of Jamaica, 5 November 1790, p. 241
Appendix 6: To the Right Honourable William Pitt, Chancellor of His Majesty’s Exchequer: The Memorial of the West India Planters and Merchants, London Tavern, March 1791, p. 243

v. 33, 2014, 2

Patrick Ludolph, An Anatomy of the London Agent, p. 277
Edwin Jaggard, Lord Falmouth and the Parallel Political Worlds of Ultra-Toryism, 1826-32, p. 300
Stephen Evans, Touching from a Distance: The Younger Generation of One Nation Conservatives and Thatcherism, p. 321
Clyve Jones, Accommodation in the Painted Chamber for Conferences between the Lords and the Commons from 1600 to 1834, p. 342

Reviews, p. 358

v. 33, 2014, 1

Essays in Honour of D.W. Hayton, edited by Clyve Jones and James Kelly

Clyve Jones and James Kelly, Foreword, p. 1
W.A. Speck, David W. Hayton, p. 3
Clyve Jones, Richard A. Gaunt, Bibliography of the Published Works of D.W. Hayton, p. 8
Mark Knights, Samuel Pepys and Corruption, p. 19
John Beckett, The Glorious Revolution, Parliament, and the Making of the First Industrial Nation, p. 36
Eoin Magennis, The Irish Parliament and the Regulatory Impulse, 1692-1800: The Case of the Coal Trade, p. 54
James Kelly, The Private Bill Legislation of the Irish Parliament, 1692-1800, p. 73
Toby Barnard, The Irish Parliament and Print, 1660-1782, p. 97
Alex W. Barber, Censorship, Salvation and the Preaching of Francis Higgins: A Reconsideration of High Church Politics and Theology in the Early 18th Century, p. 114
Charles Ivar McGrath, Securing the Hanoverian Succession in Ireland: Jacobites, Money and Men, 1714-16, p. 140
Clyve Jones, The House of Lords and the Excise Crisis: The Storm and the Aftermath, 1733-5, p. 160
Perry Gauci, The Attack of the Creolian Powers: West Indians at the Parliamentary Elections of Mid-Georgian Britain, 1754-74, p. 201
Robin Eagles, Loyal Opposition? Prince Frederick and Parliament (1729-51), p. 223
Richard A. Gaunt, Peel’s Other Repeal: The Test and Corporation Acts, 1828, p. 243

v. 32, 2013, 3

Elaine Chalus, My Lord Sue’: Lady Susan Keck and the Great Oxfordshire Election of 1754, p. 443
David F. Krein, The Great Landowners in the House of Commons, 1833-85, p. 460
Alex S. Rosser, Businessmen in the Parliament of 1852-7: Players or Spectators?, p. 477
Ivan Gibbons, The British Parliamentary Labour Party and the Government of Ireland Act 1920, p. 506

Clyve Jones, The Extra-Parliamentary Organisation of the Whig Junto in the Reign of William III, p. 522
Reviews, p. 531

v. 32, 2013, 2

Alex W. Barber, ‘It is Not Easy What to Say of our Condition, Much Less to Write It’: The Continued Importance of Scribal News in the Early 18th Century, p. 293
Shinsuke Satsuma, Politicians, Merchants, and Colonial Maritime War: The Political and Economic Background of the American Act of 1708, p. 317
N.C. Fleming, Diehard Conservatism, Mass Democracy, and Indian Constitutional Reform, c.1918-35, p. 337
John Maiden, Peter Webster, Parliament, the Church of England and the Last Gasp of Political Protestantism, 1963-4, p. 361
Stephen Farrell, Peers and the Press in Late-18th-Century Ireland, p. 378

Reviews, p. 408

v. 32, 2013, 1 – Special Issue

Special Issue:

List of Contributors, p. VII

Clyve Jones, Foreword, p. 1
Clyve Jones, Bibliography of the Published Works of Sir John Sainty, p. 2
Michael Pownall, Sir John Sainty and the House of Lords, 1959-90, p. 8
Alasdair Hawkyard, Inigo Jones, the Surveyors of the Works and the ‘Parliament House’, p. 16
Jason Peacey, Disorderly Debates: Noise and Gesture in the 17th-Century House of Commons, p. 60
Paul Seaward, Divisions, Tellers and Management in the 17th-Century House of Commons, p. 79
Clyve Jones, Insight into the Work of the Clerks of the House of Lords: Some Case Studies during John Walker Senior’s Occupancy of the Office of Clerk Assistant, 1670-80, p. 103
Robin Eagles, ‘If he Deserves it’: William of Orange’s Pre-Revolution British Contacts and Gilbert Burnet’s Proposals for the Post-Revolution Administration, p. 128-147) Michael McCahill, Estate Acts of Parliament, 1740-1800, p. 148
Ruth Paley, The Dying Embers of an Outdated Privilege: The 1935 Trial of Lord de Clifford in the House of Lords, p. 169
D.W. Hayton, Sir Lewis Namier, Sir John Neale and the Shaping of the History of Parliament, p. 187
Hannes Kleineke, Some Parliamentary Material in the Early Records of the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, p. 212
Jan Broadway, Richard Cust, Stephen K. Roberts, Additional Docquets of Commissions of the Peace from the Papers of Lord Keeper Coventry (1625-40) in the Worcestershire Record Office, p. 229
Robin Eagles, Clyve Jones, The Missing Official Proxy Records of the House of Lords for 1661-2, p. 237
Charles Littleton, Three (More) Division Lists from the Ailesbury Manuscripts: On the ‘Church in Danger’ (1705), the Septennial Bill and Forfeited Estates of Jacobites (1716), p. 253

v. 31, 2012, 3

Colin Tyler, Drafting the Nineteen Propositions, January-July 1642, p. 263
Patrick Little, Scottish Representation in the Protectorate Parliaments: The Case of the Shires, p. 313
Shin Matsuzono, ‘Attaque and Break Through a Phalanx of Corruption . . . the Court Party!’ The Scottish Representative Peers’ Election and the Opposition, 1733-5: Three New Division Lists of the House of Lords of 1735, p. 332
Henry Miller, Radicals, Tories or Monomaniacs? The Birmingham Currency Reformers in the House of Commons, 1832-67, p. 354
Gerard Charmley, ‘The Costly Luxury of Protesting’: The Deselection of J.M. Maclean, MP, p. 378
Barry M. Doyle, A Crisis of Urban Conservatism? Politics and Organisation in Edwardian Norwich, p. 396
Geraint Thomas, Conservatives, the Constitution and the Quest for a ‘Representative’ House of Lords, 1911-35, p. 419
Philip Norton, The History of Parliament Annual Lecture, 2011. Resisting the Inevitable? The Parliament Act 1911, p. 444

Review Article, p. 460

v. 31, 2012, 2, Special issue

Special Issue:

Chapter 1. Colonel Wedgwood and the History of Parliament, p. 1
Chapter 2. The Questionnaire, p. 11
Chapter 3. ‘Getting Inside Their Minds’: Formative Influences and Personal Backgrounds, p. 22
Chapter 4. Political and Parliamentary Careers, p. 49
Chapter 5. Personal and Political Finances, p. 77
Chapter 6. Speeches, Speech-Making and Voting Behaviour, p. 95
Chapter 7. The Biographies, p. 109

Appendix 1: Respondents to Wedgwood’s Questionnaire, p. 119
Appendix 2: The Questionnaire, p. 128
Appendix 3: Wedgwood’s Own Completed Questionnaire, p. 130
Appendix 4: Sir Henry Bowles’ Questionnaire, Biography and Correspondence, p. 132
Appendix 5: The Biographies, p. 141

v. 31, 2012, Supplemento 1

Special Issue:

Chapter 1. Introduction: Reading the Trial of Dr Sacheverell, p. 1
Chapter 2. A Brief Chronology of the Sacheverell Controversies, p. 35
Chapter 3. The Osborn ‘Account’: Beinecke Library, MS S 13043, p. 42
Chapter 4. ‘Proceedings in Parliament against Dr Henry Sacheverell’; Beinecke Library, Osborn MS C171: Commonplace Book (1679-1710), 15-28, p. 80
Chapter 5. Annotations to The Tryal of Dr Henry Sacheverell (1710) [Madan 465]; Huntington Library shelfmark 143302, p. 108
Chapter 6. An Impartial Account of what Pass’d most Remarkable in the Last Session of Parliament: Relating to the Case of Dr Henry Sacheverell: Done on such another Paper and Letter, and may therefore be Bound up with the Tryal of the Said Doctor (printed for Jacob Tonson at Grays-Inn-Gate, in Grays-Inn-Lane [false imprint for Abel Roper], 1710), MS annotations to Beinecke Rare Books & Manuscripts Library, Yale University, Brit Tracts 1710 Im7, p. 130
Chapter 7. Dr Henry Sacheverells Speech, Relating to the Tumults (printed for W. Garnet, near Fleetstreet, 1710) [4 Mar. 1710] folio sheet [Madan 223]. Available only at Cambridge University Library, shelfmark Acton.b.25.393 (item 12), p. 134
Chapter 8. Resistance or Non Resistance: Or, an Account of the Debates in the H- of L-s, on the First Article of Impeachment of Dr Henry Sacheverell, with Remarks on the Bishop of Salisbury’s, and the Bishop of Oxford’s Speeches, in a Letter to a Friend (1710) [Madan 281]. Available only at Indiana University, Lilly Library, shelfmark PR3404.B9, p. 138
Chapter 9. ‘A Description of ye High Court of Judicature for ye Tryal of Dr Henry Sacheverell’, printed for and sold by John Morphew (1710) [Madan 951], Harvard University, Houghton Rare Books Library, p EB65 A100 B675b v.5, p. 142
Chapter 10. Plan of the Scaffold, p. 145
Chapter 11. The ‘Case of Henry Sacheverell’, Harvard Law School Rare Trials S Folio, p. 147
Chapter 12. The Life, Character, and Pious Deportment, of the Reverend Dr Henry Sacheverell, from His Cradle through the whole Course of His Life, to this Unfortunate Division and Distraction relating to His Two Sermons so much Discours’d of; with His Speech Spoken in His own Vindication, before Her most Excellent Majesty, and the Right Honourable the Lords and Commons in Westminster-Hall (printed and sold by J. Bradford, at the Bible in Fetter-lane, 1710), p. 187
Chapter 13. An Alphabetical List, p. 197
Chapter 14. Debates in the House of Lords on Sacheverell’s Impeachment, p. 201
Chapter 15. Robert Walpole’s Manuscripts Relating to the Trial; Cambridge UL, MSS Ch(H) 67/4, 8-10, 13, p. 205
Chapter 16. Materials Relating to the Earl of Nottingham’s Contributions to the Trial, p. 232
Chapter 17. Ralph Bridges’ Correspondence with Sir William Trumbull Relating to Sacheverell; BL, Add. MSS 72494-5, p. 252
Chapter 18. Major Figures Mentioned in the Text, p. 280

v. 31, 2012, 2

Heather Falvey, Interpreting the Instrument of Government: Objections to the 1654 Election in the Isle of Ely, p. 133
Benjamin Woodford, Printing Oliver Cromwell’s Speeches: The Making of a Split Personality, p. 152
Douglas James, Parliamentary Divorce, 1700-1857, p. 169
N.G. Howe, Sir Watkin Williams Wynn, 4th Baronet: An Unconventional Politician?, p. 190
Chris Cooper, Heir Not Apparent: Douglas Hailsham, the Role of the House of Lords, and the Succession to the Conservative Leadership 1928-31, p. 206

J.C. Sainty, The House of Commons Serjeant 1640-93, p. 230

v. 31, 2012, 1

Special Issue:

Mark Knights, Introduction: The View from 1710, p. 1
W.A. Speck, The Current State of Sacheverell Scholarship, p. 16
Brian Cowan, The Spin Doctor: Sacheverell’s Trial Speech and Political Performance in the Divided Society, p. 28
Geoff Kemp, The ‘End of Censorship’ and the Politics of Toleration, from Locke to Sacheverell, p. 47
Eirwen E.C. Nicholson, Sacheverell’s Harlots: Non-Resistance on Paper and in Practice, p. 69
D.W. Hayton, Irish Tories and Victims of Whig Persecution: Sacheverell Fever by Proxy, p. 80
Steve Pincus, Addison’s Empire: Whig Conceptions of Empire in the Early 18th Century, p. 99

Daniel Szechi, A Non-Resisting, Passively Obedient Revolution: Lord North and Grey and the Tory Response to the Sacheverell Impeachment, p. 118

v. 30, 2011, 3

Youngkwon Chung, Parliament and the Committee for Accommodation, 1644-6, p. 289
Zoe Dyndor, Widows, Wives and Witnesses: Women and their Involvement in the 1768 Northampton Borough Parliamentary Election, p. 309
Daeryoon Kim, In Search of ‘Affectionate Regard’: American Merchant Lobbies and the State during the Atlantic Imperial Crisis, p. 324
Luke Blaxill, Electioneering, the Third Reform Act, and Political Change in the 1880s, p. 343
Peter Dorey, ‘A Rather Novel Constitutional Experiment’: The Formation of the 1977-8 ‘Lib-Lab Pact’, p. 374
H.T. Dickinson, The History of Parliament Annual Lecture, 2010 George III and Parliament, p. 395

Clyve Jones, ‘Too Wild to Succeed’: The Occasional Conformity Bills and the Attempts by the House of Lords to Outlaw the Tack in the Reign of Anne, p. 414

Ian Cawood, Liberalism and the ‘New’ Politics, p. 428

Reviews, p. 436

v. 30, 2011, 2

Gabriel Glickman, Parliament, the Tories and Frederick, Prince of Wales, p. 120
Wesley Ferris, The Candidates of the Liberal Unionist Party, 1886-1912, p. 142
Huw Clayton, How Not to Run a Political Campaign: The Failure of the Unionist Free Traders 1903-6, p. 158
Richard Toye, The Rhetorical Premiership: A New Perspective on Prime Ministerial Power Since 1945, p. 175

John Morrill, Cromwell, Parliament, Ireland and a Commonwealth in Crisis: 1652 Revisited, p. 193
Peter D.G. Thomas, John Robinson’s ‘State’ for the General Election of 1774, p. 215

v. 30, 2011, 1

Philip Norton, Introduction: A Century of Change, p. 1

Chris Ballinger, Hedging and Ditching: The Parliament Act 1911, p. 19
Robert Blackburn, Laying the Foundations of the Modern Voting System: The Representation of the People Act 1918, p. 33
Philip Norton, Divided Loyalties: The European Communities Act 1972, p. 53
David Feldman, Extending the Role of the Courts: The Human Rights Act 1998, p. 65
Barry K. Winetrobe, Enacting Scotland’s ‘Written Constitution’: The Scotland Act 1998, p. 85
Alexandra Kelso, Stages and Muddles: The House of Lords Act 1999, p. 101