Traditio. Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion MS

Traditio. Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion

New York, Fordham University
ISSN: 0362-1529
Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza e Dipartimenti, Coll. Riv. Str. 0143 RUSPOL
Consistenza: a. 1, 1943-

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di servizio: Lettere, Coll. Riv. Str. 869/55
Consistenza: a. 1, 1943-30, 1975; 35, 1979-
[ 2030-2021] [ 2020-2011] [ 2010-2001] [2000-1943]

copertina della rivista

75, 2020

Megan Welton, The City Speaks: Cities, Citizens, and Civic Discourse in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, p. 1
Dennis Trout, Poets and Readers in Seventh-Century Rome: Pope Honorius, Lucretius, and the Doors of St. Peter’s, p. 39
Joel L. Gamble, A Defense of the Carolingian “Defense of Medicine”: Introduction, Translation, and Notes, p. 87
Scott G. Bruce, Textual Triage and Pastoral Care in the Carolingian Age: The Example of the Rule of Benedict, p. 127
Owen M. Phelan, The Carolingian Renewal in Early Medieval Europe Through Hrabanus Maurus’s Commentary on Matthew, p. 143
David Andrés Fernàndez, Carmen Julia Gutiérrez, Emma Hornby, Raquel Rojo Carrillo, Processions and their Chants in the Old Hispanic Liturgy, p. 177
Matteo Pace, Ut animalium pictura: Aristotle’s Heart in the Poetry of Giacomo da Lentini, p. 225
Sister Maria Theotokos Adams SSVM, Bonaventure Pondering with Augustine: De civitate Dei 11.2 and the Making of the Itinerarium mentis in Deum, p. 253
Ernesto Dezza, John Duns Scotus on Human Beings in the State of Innocence, p. 289
John M. McManamon SJ, The Lettered Public for the Funeral Orations of Poggio Bracciolini on Francesco Zabarella and Leonardo Giustiniani on Carlo Zeno, p. 311
Benjamin Pohl, Richard Allen, Rewriting the Gesta Normannorum Ducum in the Fifteenth Century: Simon de Plumetot’s Brevis cronica compendiosa ducum Normannie, p. 385

74, 2019

Theodore A. Bergren, Greek Loan-words in the Vulgate New Testament and the Latin Apostolic Fathers, p. 1
Brian Brennan, Weaving with Words: Venantius Fortunatus’s Figurative Acrostics on the Holy Cross, p. 27
Nicole Marafioti, Unconsecrated Burial and Excommunication in Anglo-Saxon England: A Reassessment, p. 55
Jonathan Jarrett, Nuns, Signatures, and Literacy in Late-Carolingian Catalonia, p. 125
Marijane Osborn, The Alleged Murder of Hrethric in Beowulf, p. 153
Sarah Hamilton, Liturgy as History: The Origins of the Exeter Martyrology, p. 179
Mark J. Clark, An Early Version of Peter Lombard’s Lectures on the Sentences, p. 223
Helena de Carlos Villamarín, Rodrigo Jiménez de Rada y la compilación historiográfica del códice de Bamberg Hist. 3, p. 249
Juan A. Estévez Sola, Los versos desconocidos del Toledano: Propuesta de identificación, p. 271
Georgiana Donavin, The Virgin Mary as Lady Grammar in the Medieval West, p. 279
Irven M. Resnick, Albert the Great on Nature and the Production of Hermaphrodites: Theoretical and Practical Considerations, p. 307
John Bugbee, Chaucer’s Lucretia and What Augustine Really Said about Rape: Two Reconsiderations, p. 335
Jorge Ledo, The Recovery of Freedom of Speech in the Culture of Humanists and the Communicative Origins of the Reformation, p. 375
Yaniv Fox, Chronicling the Merovingians in Hebrew: The Early Medieval Chapters of Yosef Ha-Kohen’s Divrei Hayamim, p. 423

73, 2018

Erik Carlson, Dryhthelm’s Desire Compunction and Bede’s Celestial Topography, p. 1
Lindy Brady, Crowland Abbey as Anglo-Saxon Sanctuary in the Pseudo-Ingulf Chronicle, p. 19
A. J. Forey, The Papacy and the Commutation of Crusading Vows from one Area of Conflict to Another (1095-C. 1300), p. 43
Peter O’Hagan, Glossing the Gloss Reading Peter Lombard’s Collectanea on the Pauline Epistles as a Historical Act, p. 83
Alasdair C. Grant, The Mongol Invasions between Epistolography and Prophecy The Case of the Letter “AD Flagellum,” C. 1235/36-1338, p. 117
Anita Mir, Fluidity in Stillness A Reading of Hadewijch’s Strofische Gedichten/Poems in Stanzas, p. 179
James C. Kriesel, The Marvelous between Dante and Boccaccio, p. 213
Julie Casteigt, Metaphysics and Testimonial Knowledge in the Super Iohannem of Albert the Great, p. 255
Siegfried Wenzel, The Work Called Congesta and Fifteenth-Century English Theology, p. 291

72, 2017

S.J. Joseph T. Lienhard, Traditio:: Seventy-Five Years, p. 1
Barbara Newman, New Seeds, New Harvests Thirty Years of Tilling the Mystic Field, p. 9
Nicolas De Maeyer, Anthony Dupont, Patrvm Vestigia Seqvens the Transmission and Reception of Augustine’s Exegesis of Eph. 3:17-18 in the Venerable Bede’s Collectio Ex Opvscvlis Sancti Avgvstini in Epistvlas Pavli Apostoli, p. 21
Charles D. Wright, Stephen Pelle, The Alphabet of Words in the Durham Collectar an Edition With Two New Manuscript Witnesses, p. 61
Dennis Cronan, Hroðgar and the Gylden Hilt in Beowulf, p. 109
Thomas W. Smith, Scribal Crusading Three New Manuscript Witnesses to the Regional Reception and Transmission of First Crusade Letters, p. 133
Mark J. Clark, Peter Lombard, Stephen Langton, and the School of Paris the Making of the Twelfth-Century Scholastic Biblical Tradition, p. 171
Katherine E. C. Willis, The Poetry of the Poetria Nova: The Nubes Serena and Peregrinatio of Metaphor, p. 275
Edward A. Reno III, Ad Agendam Penitentiam Perpetuam Detrudatur Monastic Incarceration of Adulterous Women in Thirteenth-Century Canonical Jurisprudence, p. 301
Ayelet Even-Ezra, Visualizing Narrative Structure in the Medieval University: Divisio Textus Revisited, p. 341
Marie Schilling Grogan, Baptisms by Blood, Fire, and Water a Typological Rereading of the Passio S. Margaretae, p. 377
Robert E. Lerner, Alfonso Pecha’s Treatise on the Origins of the Great Schism: What an Insider “Saw and Heard”, p. 411
Magda Hayton, Hildegardian Prophecy and French Prophecy Collections, 1378-1455: A Study and Critical Edition of the “Schism Extracts”, p. 453

71, 2016

Carlos Megino Rodriguez, Topics of Aristotle’s Protrepticus in Augustine of Hippo: The Transmission of Cicero and the Context of Their Use, p. 1
Colin A. Ireland, Vernacular Poets in Bede and Muirchú: A Comparative Study of Early Insular Cultural Histories, p. 33
Owen M. Phelan, New Insights, Old Texts: Clerical Formation and the Carolingian Renewal in Hrabanus Maurus, p. 63
Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, The Development of the Consecration Rite for Abbesses and Abbots in Central Medieval England, p. 91
Anna Minara Ciardi, “Per clerum et populum”?: Reflections on Legal Terminology and Episcopal Appointments in Denmark, 1059-1225, p. 143
Benjamin Williams, Glossa ordinaria and Glossa Hebraica: Midrash in Rashi and the Gloss, p. 179
Alexander Andrée, Peter Comestor’s Lectures on the Glossa “ordinaria” on the Gospel of John: The Bible and Theology in the Twelfth-century Classroom, p. 203
John Eldevik, Saints, Pagans, and the Wonders of the East: The Medieval Imaginary and Its Manuscript Contexts, p. 235
Jochen Schenk, Aspects and Problems of the Templars’ Religious Presence in Medieval Europe from the Twelfth to the Early Fourteenth Century, p. 273
Jennifer Speed, The Thirteenth-century Codification of the Fueros de Aragón, p. 303
John C. Hirsh, The Twenty-five Joys of Our Lady: An English Marian Rosary of the Fifteenth Century from Bodleian Library MS Don. d. 85, p. 333

70, 2015

Gregory I. Halfond, The Endorsement of Royal-Episcopal Collaboration in the Fredegar Chronica, p. 1
Colin A. Ireland, Where Was King Aldfrith of Northumbria Educated?: An Exploration of Seventh-Century Insular Learning, p. 29
William Sayers, Mesocosms and the Organization of Interior Space in Early Ireland, p. 75
Bryan Carella, The Earliest Expression for Outlawry in Anglo-Saxon Law, p. 111
Sergey Ivanov, A Note on the Calendar of the Liber Floridus, p. 145
Paul Antony Hayward, The Cronica de Anglia in London, British Library, Cotton MS Vitellius C.VIII, fols. 6V-21V: Another Product of John of Worcester’s History Workshop, p. 159
Chris Schabel, The Myth of the White Monks’ “Mission to the Orthodox”: Innocent III, the Cistercians, and the Greeks, p. 237
Jaume Mensa I Valls, Arnau de Vilanova, el “Pequeño Cristo”: Significado y sentido del neologismo christinus en su obra espiritual, p. 263
Wolfgang P. Müller, Yes and No: Late Medieval Dispensations from Canonical Bigamy in Theory and Practice, p. 281
John M. McManamon SJ, Res nauticae: Mediterranean Seafaring and Written Culture in the Renaissance, p. 307
Amos Edelheit, Poliziano and Philosophy: The Birth of the Modern Notion of the Humanities?, p. 369

69, 2014

Kati Ihnat, Early Evidence for the Cult of Anne in Twelfth-Century England, p. 1
Benjamin Pohl, Abbas qui et scriptor?: The Handwriting of Robert of Torigni and His Scribal Activity as Abbot of Mont-Saint-Michel (1154-1186), p. 45
A. B. Kraebel, Middle English Gospel Glosses and the Translation of Exegetical Authority, p. 87
Kirsten Wolf, Somatic Semiotics: Emotion and the Human Face in the Sagas and þættir of Icelanders, p. 125
Gregory Hays, A Poem by Guarino on Leonello of Ferrara, p. 147
Anthony H. Minnema, Algazel Latinus: The Audience of the Summa theoricae philosophiae, 1150-1600, p. 153

68, 2013

Burgess, R. W., “The Date, Purpose, and Historical Context of the Original Greek and the Latin Translation of the So-called Excerpta Latina Barbari.”, p. 1
Rose, E., “Virtutes apostolorum: Origin, Aim, and Use.”, p. 57
Chiu, H., and D. Juste., “The De tonitruis Attributed to Bede: An Early Medieval Treatise on Divination by Thunder Translated from Irish.”, p. 97
Ritari, K., “The Irish Eschatological Tale The Two Deaths and Its Sources.”, p. 125
Forey, A. J., “Western Converts to Islam (Later Eleventh to Later Fifteenth Centuries).”, p. 153
Black, W., “William of Auvergne on the Dangers of Paradise: Biblical Exegesis between Natural Philosophy and Anti-Islamic Polemic.”, p. 233
Stutz, D. D., “Papal Legates against the Albigensians: The Debts of the Church of Valence (1215-1250)”, p. 259
Moureau, S., “Elixir atque fermentum: New Investigations about the Link between Pseudo-Avicenna’s Alchemical De anima and Roger Bacon: Alchemical and Medical Doctrines.”, p. 277
Febert, H. L., “The Poor Sisters of Söflingen: Religious Corporations as Property Litigants, 1310-1317.”, p. 327

67, 2012

Donato, A., “Boethius’s Consolation of Philosophy and the Greco-Roman Consolatory Tradition.”, p. 1
Shuler, E., “Caesarius of Arles and the Development of the Ecclesiastical Tithe: From a Theology of Almsgiving to Practical Obligations.”, p. 43
Ponesse, M., “Standing Distant from the Fathers: Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel and the Reception of Early Medieval Learning.”, p. 71
Albertson, D., “Achard of St. Victor (d. 1171) and the Eclipse of the Arithmetic Model of the Trinity.”, p. 101
Jones, E. A., “Rites of Enclosure: The English Ordines for the Enclosing of Anchorites, S. XXII – S. XVI.”, p. 145
Obrist, B., “Twelfth-century Cosmography, the De secretis philosophie, and Masha’allah (Attr. to), Liber de Orbe.”, p. 235
Craun, E. D., “Aristotle’s Biology and Pastoral Ethics: John of Wales’s De lingua and British Pastoral Writing on the Tongue.”, p. 277
González Manjarrés, M. Á., “La rise en la fisiognomía antigua y medieval.”, p. 305
Mantello, F. A. C., J. Goering, “Robert Grosseteste’s Quoniam Cogitatio, A Treatise on Confession.”, p. 341
Johnson, H., “The Divine Dinner Party: Domestic Imagery and Easter Preaching in Late Medieval England.”, p. 385

66, 2011

Maria Teresa Santamaria Hernández, El capitulo De Vulture del Liber medicinae ex animalibus de Sexto Plácido: Relación con la Zooterapia hermética y propuestas de enmienda al texto, p. 1
Lucy K. Pick, Liturgical Renewal in Two Eleventh-Century Royal Spanish Prayer-books, p. 27
Michael L. Norton, Amelia J. Carr, Liturgical Manuscript, Liturgical Pratice, and the Women of Klosterneuburg, p. 67
Stephen Yeager, The South English legendary “Life of St. Egwine”: An Edition, p. 171
Maby Dzon, Jesus and the Birds in medieval Abrahamic Traditions, p. 189
Daniel Hobbins, A Rediscovered Work of Jean Gerson on a Spiritual Classic: Admonitio super librum qui dicitur Clymachus de xxx gradibus perfectionis (ca. 1396-1400), p. 231
Jesús Fiernández Lobato, La receptión de Sidonio Apolinar en los albores del Humanismo: Petrarca y Salutati como intérpretes y transmisores de la cultura tardoantigua, p. 267