Traditio. Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion MS

Traditio. Studies in Ancient and Medieval History, Thought and Religion

New York, Fordham University
ISSN: 0362-1529
Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza e Dipartimenti, Coll. Riv. Str. 0143 RUSPOL
Consistenza: a. 1, 1943-

Conservata in: Università di Firenze, Biblioteca Umanistica
Punto di servizio: Lettere, Coll. Riv. Str. 869/55
Consistenza: a. 1, 1943-30, 1975; 35, 1979-
[ 2030-2021] [ 2020-2011] [ 2010-2001] [2000-1943]

copertina della rivista

77, 2022

Moreed Arbabzadah, Texts Relating to the Death of Matilda de Bailleul, Abbess of Wherwell: St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, MS Lat.Q.v.I.62, fol. 12v, pp. 1-29
Jessalynn Lea Bird, Prophecy, Eschatology, Global Networks, and the Crusades, from Hattin to Frederick II, pp. 31-106
Miguel Calleja-Puerta, Equum et rationabile est: Extensión y usos de un preámbulo de memoria en la ciudad de Oviedo (siglos XII—XIII), pp. 107-127
Emily A. Winkler Grief, Grieving, and Loss in High Medieval Historical Thought, pp. 129-183
Laura K. Morreale, Wealth and Material Goods in Medieval Italian Civic Historiography, pp. 185-233
Daniel A. Di Liscia, Aurora Panzica, The Writings of Nicole Oresme: A Systematic Inventory, pp. 235-375
Monica Brînzei, Principia on the Sentences in the Faculty of Theology of Bologna: The Case of Augustinus Favaroni of Rome, OESA († 1443), pp. 377-463
M. W. F. Stone, Retraction, p. 465

76, 2021

Leonard Neidorf, The Beowulf Poet’s Sense of Decorum, p. 1
Celia Chazelle, The Power of Oratory: Rereading the Whitby Liber beati Gregorii, p. 29
José Carlos Martín-Iglesias, Salvador Iranzo-Abellán, El tratado Serpens ille veternosvs (CPL 1263) atribuido a Julián de Toledo: Estudio, edición y traducción, p. 79
Yin Liu, Baptismal Renunciation and the Moral Reform of Charlemagne’s Christian Empire, p. 117
Steven Vanderputten, ‘Columbanus Wore a Single Cowl, Not a Double One’: The Vita Deicoli and the Legacy of Columbanian Monasticism at the Turn of the First Millennium, p. 157
Nigel Harris, The Lion in Medieval Western Europe: Toward an Interpretive History, p. 185
Maureen C. Miller, The Bishops’ Books of città di Castello in Context, p. 215
Ethan Leong Yee, Lest the Keys Be Scorned: The Implications of Indulgences for the Church Hierarchy and Thirteenth-Century Canonists’ Resistance to the Treasury of Merit, p. 247
Miguel Carabias Orgaz, Dos textos profético-apocalípticos del siglo XIII: De antichristo qui natus est (1227) y Cedrus alta Libani (1240), p. 289
Robert E. Lerner, Peter of Auvergne’s Question ‘Whether One is to Believe a Good Angel Revealing Something Good about the Advent of Christ or Antichrist’, p. 313
Alexander Fidora, Stephen of Besançon’s Principium in Aula (1286): An Epistemological Approach to the Relation between Philosophy and Theology, p. 319