The Economic history review DATINI

The Economic History review

London, poi Oxford, poi Cambridge, Economic history society
semestrale; dal 1949/50 quadrimestrale, dal trimestrale
ISSN: 0013-0117

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia Coll. Riv. Str. 0060
Consistenza: n. 1, 1927/28-
Lacune: a. 6, 1935-36; a. 15, 1946, 2;

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche Coll. Riv. Str. 0306
Consistenza: n. 24, 1971-n. 54, 2001

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1927 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 2 n. s., 1949/50, 3

M. M. Postan, Some Economic Evidence of Declining Population in the Later Middle Ages, p. 221
E. E. Rich, The Population of Elizabethan England, p. 247
E. F. Heckscher, Swedish Population Trends before the Industrial Revolution, p. 266
K. H. Connell, Land and Population in Ireland, 1780-1845, p. 278
Philippe Wolff, English Cloth in Toulouse (1380-1450), p. 290
W. O. Henderson, Prince Smith and Free Trade in Germany, p. 295
E. J. Buckatzsch, Places of Origin of a Group of Immigrants into Sheffield, 1624-1799, p. 303
R. H. Tawney, History of Capitalism [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 307
E. E. Rich, Colonia Empire [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 317

Reviews, p. 326

a. 2 n. s., 1949/50, 2

R. H. Hilton, Peasant Movements in England before 1381, p. 117
A. A. Ruddock, London Capitalists and the Decline of Southampton in the early Tudor Period, p. 137
Charles Wilson, Treasure and Trade Balances: The Mercantilist Problem, p. 152
W. Hoffmann, The Growth of Industrial Production in Great Britain: A Quantitative Study, p. 162
C. M. Cipolla, The Trends in Italian Economic History in the later Middle Ages [Revisions in Economic History], p. 181
W. H. Chaloner, Further Light on the Invention of the Process for Smelting Iron Ore with Coke, p. 185
T. M. Hodges, The History of the Newport and Caerleon Savings Bank (1830-1888), p. 188
Pl Leuilliot, Recent French Writings in the Social and Economic History of Modern France [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 200

Reviews, p. 206

a. 2 n. s., 1949/50, 1

R. Koebner, The Concept of Economic Imperialism, p. 1
L. Stone, Elizabethan Overseas Trade, p. 30
S. Melman, An Industrial Revolution in the Cotton South, p. 59
W. H. Hosford, Some Lincolnshire Enclosure Documents, p. 73
J. K. Horsefield, The Bank of England as Mentor, p. 80

Reviews, p. 88-108

a. 1 n. s., 1948/49, 2

B. S. Yamey, Scientific Bookkeeping and the Rise of Capitalism, p. 99
A. J. Taylor, Concentration and Specialization in the Lancashire Cotton Industry, 1825-1850, p. 114
E. J. Hobsbawm, General Labour Unions in Britain, 1889-1914, p. 123
R. Lennard, The Destruction of Woodland in the Eastern Counties, 1066-1086, p. 144
E. J: Buckatzsch, Occupations in the Parish Registers of Sheffield, 1655-1719, p. 145
G. L. Phillips, Sweep for the Soot O! 1750-1850, p. 151

Reviews, p. 155

a. 1 n. s., 1948/49, 1

S. G. Checkland, The Birmingham Economists, 1815-1850, p. 1
N. J. G. Pounds, The Discovery of China Clay, p. 20
M. W. Beresford, Ridge and Furrow and the Open Fields [Revisions in Economic History], p. 34
M. C. Wren, The Chamber of London in 1633, p. 46
A. Geddes, Conjoint-Tenants and Tacksmen in the Isle of Lewis, 1715-26, p. 54
P. Leuilliot, Recent French Writings in the Social and Economic History of Modern France [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 61

Reviews, p. 73

a. 18, 1948

L. Stone, The Anatomy of the Elizabethan Aristocracy, p. 1
W. O. Henderson, German Economic Penetration in the Middle East, 1870-1914, p. 54
H. Grossman, W. Playfair, The Earlies Theorist of Capitalist Development, p. 65
T. M. Hodges, Early Banking in Cardiff, p. 84
W. H. G. Armytage, A.J. Mundella and the Hisiery Industry, p. 91

Reviews, p. 100

a. 17, 1947, II

D. L. Burn, Recent Trends in the History of the Steel Industry, p. 95
L. Stone, State Control in Sixteenth-Century England, p. 103
E. G. R. Taylor, The Surveyor, p. 121
G. L. Mosse, The Anti-League: 1844-1846, p. 134
M. Mollat, Anglo-Norman Trade in the Fifteenth Century, p. 143
R. Lennard, An Early Fulling Mill: A Note, p. 150

Reviews, p. 151
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1946, p. 170

a. 17, 1947, I

J. Lestocquoy, The Tenth Century, p. 1
L. S. Sutherland, The East India Company in Eighteenth-Century Politics, p. 15
M. & J. B. Jeffreys, The Wages, Hours and Trade Customs of the Skilled Engineer in 1861, p. 27
Grahame Clark, Forest Clearance and Prehistoric Farming, p. 45
D. Oschinsky, Medieval Treatises on Estate Accounting, p. 52
T. M. Hodges, The Peopling of the Hinterland and the Port of Cardiff, p. 62
H. M. Larson, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1945-6, p. 87

a. 16, 1946, I

R. J. Hammond, British Food Supplies, 1914-1939, p. 1
L. S. Sutherland, Samson Gideon and the Reduction of Interest, 1749-50, p. 15
A. A. Ruddock, Alien Hosting in Southampton in the Fifteenth Century, p. 30
F. E. Hyde, Utility and Radicalism, 1825-1837, p. 38
J. B. Jeffreys, The Denomination and Character of Shares, 1855-1885, p. 45
M. Postan, Early Banking [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 63
J. W. Davidson, The History of Empire [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 68
F. M. Powicke, The Economic Motive in Politics, p. 85
G. D. Ramsay, Industrial Laisser Faire and the Policy of Cromwell, p. 93
K. H. Connell, The Population of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, p. 111
C. Hill, Professor Lavrovsky’s Study of a Seventeenth-Century Manor, p. 125
M. W. Beresford, Commissioners of Enclosure, p. 130
W. Gordon East, The Economic History of U.S.S.R. [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 141

Reviews, p. 145
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1943-5, p. 160
Ph. Wolff, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of France 1940-44, p. 164

copertina della rivista

a. 15, 1945, I-II

W. H. B. Court, Problems of the British Coal Industry between the Wars, p. 1
T. S. Ashton, The Bill of Exchange and Private Banks in Lancashire, 1790-1830, p. 25
R. Lennard, The Destruction of Woodland in the Eastern Counties under William the Conqueror, p. 36
A. & N. L. Clow, Vitriol in the Industrial Revolution, p. 44
W. O. Henderson, British Economic Activity in the German Colonies, 1884-1914, p. 56
W. T. C. King, The Bank of England [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 67
D. W. Brogan, The American Negro Problem [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 73
G. E. Fussell, English Agriculture from Cobbett to Caird (1830-80) [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 79

Reviews, p. 86
H. M. Larson, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1943-4, p. 107

a. 14, 1944/45

J. Hurstfield, The Control of British Raw Material Supplies, 1919-1939, p. 1
E. M. Carus-Wilson, The English Cloth Industry in the Late Twelfth and Earl Thirteenth Centuries, p. 32
R. Lennard, The Origin of the Fiscal Carucate, p. 51
S. T. Bindoff, Clement Armstrong and his Treaties of the Commonweal, p. 64
W. Schenk, A Seventeenth-Century Radical, p. 74
J. H. Clapham, Imperial Economists [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 84

Reviews, p. 89
H. M. Larson, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1942, p. 113
M. M. Postan, The Rise of a Money Economy, p. 123
H. Levy, The Economic History of Sickness and Medical Benefit since the Puritan Revolution, p. 135
M. M. Postan, Obituary: Marc Bloch [Nachruf], p. 161
B. Dodwell, The Free Tenantry of the Hundred Rolls, p. 163
E. C. R. Hadfield, The Thames Navigation and the Canals, 1770-1830, p. 172
E. A. Radice, The National Income [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 180
D. Hay, The Official History of the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1919 [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 185

Reviews, p. 191
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1942, p. 208

a. 14, 1944

M. M. Postan, The Rise of a Money Economy, p. 123
H. Levy, The Economic History of Sickness and Medical Benefit since the Puritan Revolution, p. 135
M. M. Postan, Obituary: Marc Bloch [Nachruf], p. 161
B. Dodwell, The Free Tenantry of the Hundred Rolls, p. 163
E. C. R. Hadfield, The Thames Navigation and the Canals, 1770-1830, p. 172
E. A. Radice, The National Income [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 180
D. Hay, The Official History of the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1919 [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 185

Reviews, p. 191
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1942, p. 208

a. 13, 1943, I-II

R. H. Tawney, The Abolition of Economic Controls, 1918-1921, p. 1
J. Brutzkus, Trade with Eastern Europe, 800-1200, p. 31
H. Levy, The Economic History of Sickness and Medical Benefit before the Puritan Revolution, p. 42
H. Rosenberg, Political and Social Consequences of the Great Depression of 1873-1896, p. 58
M. W. Beresford, Lot Acres, p. 74
W. G. Hoskins, The Reclamation of the Waste in Devon, 1550-1800, p. 80
A. H. John, Iron and Coal on a Glamorgan Estate, 1700-1740, p. 93
W. O. Henderson, The War Economy of German East Africa, 1914-1917, p. 104
J. R. Hicks, History of Economic Doctrine [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 111

Reviews, p. 116

a. 12, 1942, I-II

M. M. Postan, Some Social Consequences of the Hundred Years’ War, p. 7
J. U. Nef, War and Economic Progress, 1540-1640, p. 13
B. Pearce, Elizabethan Food Policy and the Armed Forces, p. 39
A. & N. L. Clow, Lord Dundonald, p. 47
E. C. R. Hadfield, Canals between the English and Bristol Channels, p. 59
W. E. Tate, Members of Parliament and the Proceedings upon Enclosure Bills, p. 68
C. W. Centner, Great Britain and Chilean Mining, 1830-1914, p. 76

Reviews, p. 83
J. De L. Mann, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of Great Britain 1940, p. 108
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1941, p. 114

a. 11, 1941

R. H. Tawney, The Rise of the Gentry, 1558-1640, p. 1
E. M. Carus-Wilson, An Industrial Revolution of the Thirteenth Century, p. 39
F. L. Carsten, Slavs in North-Eastern Germany, p. 61
J. H. Chapman, The Private Business of the Bank of England, 1744-1800, p. 77

Reviews, p. 90
N. S. B. Gras, List of Books and Articles on the Economic History of the United States and Canada 1940, p. 114