The Economic history review DATINI

The Economic History review

London, poi Oxford, poi Cambridge, Economic history society
semestrale; dal 1949/50 quadrimestrale, dal 1971 trimestrale
ISSN: 0013-0117

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia Coll. Riv. Str. 0060
Consistenza: n. 1, 1927/28-
Lacune: a. 6, 1935-36; a. 15, 1946, 2;

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche Coll. Riv. Str. 0306
Consistenza: n. 24, 1971-n. 54, 2001

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1927 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 33 n. s., 1980, 4

P. J. Cain, A.G. Hopkins, The Political Economy of British Expansion overseas [Surveys and Speculations], p. 463
P. A. Stafford, The ‘Farm of one Night’ and the Organization of King Edward’s Estates in Domesday, p. 491
J. D. Marshall, Agrarian Wealth and Social Structure in Pre-Industrial Cumbria, p. 503
P. J. Atkins, The retail Milk Trade in London, c. 1790-1914, p. 522
N. K. Buxton, Economic Growth in Scotland between the Wars: The Role of Production Structure and Rationalization, p. 538
B. English, J. Saville, Family Settlement and the ‘Rise of Great Estates’, p. 556
Lloyd Bonfield, Marriage Settlements and the ‘Rise of Great Estates’: A Rejoinder, p. 559
D. Spring, Aristocratic Indebtedness in the Nineteenth Century: A Comment, p. 564
D. Cannadine, Aristocratic Indebtedness in the Nineteenth Century: A Restatement, p. 569
John Armstrong, J. Hannam, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1979, p. 574

Reviews, p. 622

a. 33 n. s., 1980, 3

D. Cannadine, Urban Development in England and America in the Nineteenth Century: Some Comparisons and Contrasts [Surveys and Speculations], p. 309
Mavis Mate, Profit and Productivity on the Estates of Isobella De Forz (1260-92), p. 326
G. F. Steckley, The Wine Economy of Tenerife in the Seventeenth Century: Anglo-Spanish Partnership in a Luxury Trade, p. 335
S. Marriner, English Bankruptcy Records and Statistics before 1850, p. 351
J. P. Huzel, The Demographic Impact of the Old Poor Law: More Reflections on Malthus, p. 367
Wray Vamplew, The Protection of English Cereal Producers: The Corn Laws reassessed, p. 382
A. D. Chandler, The Growth of the Transnational Industrial Firm in the United States and the United Kingdom: A Comparative Analysis, p. 396
M. Dziegielewski, S. J. Nicholson, Supply Elasticities, Rationality and Structural Changes in Irish Agriculture, 1850-1925, p. 411
C. Ó Gráda, Supply Elasticities in Irish Agriculture: A Reply, p. 415

Reviews, p. 417

a. 33 n. s., 1980, 2

A. B. Appleby, The Disappearance of Plague: A Continuing Puzzle [Surveys and Speculations], p. 161
Bruce Campbell, Population Change and the Genesis of Commonfields on a Norfolk Manor, p. 174
J. I. Israel, Spanish Wool Exports and the European Economy, 1610-40, p. 193
S. Pollard, A New Estimate of British Coal Production, 1750-1850, p. 212
A. Offer, Ricardo’s Paradox and the Movement of Rents in England, c. 1870-1910, p. 236
R. A. Mcdonald, Measuring the British Slave Trade to Jamaica, 1780-1801: A Comment, p. 253
J. Harrison, Spanish Economic History: From the Restoration to the Franco Regime [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 259

Reviews, p. 276

a. 33 n. s., 1980, 1

D. C. M. Platt, British Portfolio Investment overseas before 1870: Some Doubts [Surveys and Speculations], p. 1
M. K. Mcintosh, Land, Tenure and Population in the Royal Manor of Havering, Essex, 1251-1352/3, p. 17
D. M. Woodward, The Background to the Statute of Artificers: The Genesis of Labour Policy, 1558-63, p. 32
J. Ellis, The Decline and Fall of the Tyneside Salt Industry, 1660-1790: A Re-examination, p. 45
S. Macdonald, Agricultural Response to a Changing Market during the Napoleonic Wars, p. 59
A. A. Le Roux; R. Lloyd-Jones, The Size of Firms in the Cotton Industry, Manchester, 1815-41, p. 72
J. Redmond, An Indicator of the Effective Exchange Rate of the Pound in the Nineteen-Thirties, p. 83
C. H. Wilson, Land Carriage in the Seventeenth Century, p. 92
J. A. Chartres, On the Road with Professor Wilson, p. 96
L. A. Clarkson, The Writing of Irish Economic and Social History since 1968 [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 100

Reviews, p. 112

a. 32 n. s., 1979, 4

W. Hatwood Long, The Low Yields of Corn in Medieval England [Surveys and Speculations], p. 459
M. Prestwich, Early Fourteenth-Century Exchange Rates, p. 470
Lloyd Bonfield, Marriage Settlements and the ‘Rise of Great Estates’: The Demographic Aspect, p. 483
J. D. Tomlinson, The First World War and British Cotton Piece Exports to India, p. 494
Noel Whiteside, Welfare Insurance and Casual Labour: A Study of Administrative Intervention in Industrial Employment, 1906-26, p. 507
Daniel K. Benjamin, Levis A. Kochin, What went right with Juvenile Unemployment Policy between the Wars: A Comment, p. 523
W. R. Garside, Juvenile Unemployment between the Wars: A Rejoinder, p. 529
N. F. R. Crafts, Victorian Britain did fail, p. 533
D. N. Mccloskey, No it did not: A Reply to Crafts, p. 538
C. B. Schedvin, Midas and the Merino: A Perspecive on Australian Economic Historiography [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 542
R. C. Richardson, Geoffrey Channon, John Armstrong, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1978, p. 557
SSRC Research Grants and Research Completed 1978-9, p. 596

Reviews, p. 600

a. 32 n. s., 1979, 3

Alan Booth, Sean Glynn, The Public Records and Recent British Economic Historiography [Surveys and Speculations], p. 303
A. Jones, Caddington, Kensworth and Dunstable in 1297, p. 316
J. M. Martin, The Small Landowner and Parliamentary Enclosure in Warwickshire, p. 328
T. M. Devine, Temporary Migration and the Scottish Highlands in the Nineteenth Century, p. 344
John W. Kanefsky, Motive Power in British Industry and the Accuracy of the 1870 Factory Return, p. 360
G. R. Hawke, Acquisitiveness and Equality in New Zealand’s Economic Development, p. 376
Larry Neal, The Economics and Finance of Bilateral Clearing Agreements: Germany, 1934-8, p. 391
Kathleen Burk, J. M. Keynes and the Exchange Rate Crisis of July 1917, p. 405

Reviews, p. 417

a. 32 n. s., 1979, 2

Peter Mcclure, Patterns of Migration in the late Middle Ages: The Evidence of English Place-name Surnames [Surveys and Speculations], p. 167
John Broad, Gentry Finances and the Civil War: The Case of the Buckinghamshire Verneys, p. 183
Liam Kennedy, Traders in the Irish Rural Economy, 1880-1914, p. 201
D. Eltis, The British Contribution to the Nineteenth-Century Transatlantic Slave Trade, p. 211
Zora P. Pryor, Czechoslovak Fiscal Policies in the Great Depression, p. 228
David Galenson, The Slave Trade to the English West Indies, 1673-1724, p. 241
L. D. Schwarz, Income Distribution and Social Structure in the late Eighteenth Century, p. 250
Paul M. Hohenberg, The Transformation of Agricultural Labour Supply in Nineteenth-Century France, p. 260
Roger Price, On Agricultural Labour Supply in Nineteenth-Century France: A Rejoinder, p. 267

Reviews, p. 270

a. 32 n. s., 1979, 1

M. W. Beresford, The Decree Rolls of Chancery as a Source of Economic History, 1547-c. 1700 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 1
R. J. Bonney, The Failure of the French Revenue Farms, 1600-60, p. 11
G. N. von Tunzelmann, Trends in Real Wages, 1750-1850, revisited, p. 33
S. D. Chapman, Financial Restraints on the Growth of Firms in the Cotton Industry, 1790-1850, p. 50
Jon S. Cohen, Fascism and Agriculture in Italy: Policies and Consequences, p. 70
B. R. Tomlinson, Britain and the Indian Currency Crisis, 1930-2, p. 88
G. F. R. Spenceley, R. J. Overy and the Motorisierung: A Comment, p. 100
R. J. Overy, The German Motorisierung and Rearmament: A Reply, p. 107
Michael Collins, English Bank Deposits before 1844: A Comment, p. 114

Reviews, p. 118

a. 31 n. s., 1978, 4

A. R. Bridbury, The Farming out of Manors, p. 503
M. M. Postan, A Note on the Farming Out of Manors, p. 521
G. D. Ramsay, The Recruitment and Fortunes of some London Freemen in the mid Sixteenth Century, p. 526
J. Tann-M. J. Breckin, The International Diffusion of the Watt Engine 1775-1820, p. 541
P. J. Cain, J. A. Hobson, Cobdenism and the Radical Theory of Economic Imperialism, 1898-1914, p. 565
M. Sanderson, The Professor as Industrial Consultant: Oliver Arnold and the British Steel Industry, 1900-14, p. 585
H. S. Cobb, Cloth Exports from London and Southampton in the later Fifteenth and early Sixteenth Centuries: A Revision, p. 601
W. W. Rostow, No Random Walk: A Comment on ‘What was England first?’, p. 610
N. F. R. Crafts, Entrepreneurship and a Probabalistic View of the British Industrial Revolution, p. 613
R. C. Richardson-G. Channon, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1977, p. 615
SSRC Research Grants and Research Completed 1977-8, p. 658

Reviews, p. 661

a. 31 n. s., 1978, 3

R. A. Lomas, The Priory of Durham and its Demesne in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, p. 339
S. R. H. Jones, The Development of Needle Manufacturing in the West Midlands before 1750, p. 354
E. G. West, Literacy and the Industrial Revolution, p. 369
I. L. D. Forbes, German Informal Imperialism in South America before 1914, p. 384
F. Capie, The British Tariff and Industrial production in the 1930s, p. 399
J. Benson, The Thrift of English Coal Miners, 1860-95, p. 410
R. B. Morrow, Family Limitation in Pre-industrial England: A Reappraisal, p. 419
E. A. Wrigley, Marital Fertility in Seventeenth-Century Colyton: A Note, p. 429
A. Engel, Oxford College Finances, 1871-1913: A Comment, p. 437
J. P. D. Dunbabin, Oxford College Finances, 1871-1913: A Reply, p. 446
C. Hill, Sex, Marriage and the Family in England [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 450

Reviews, p. 464

a. 31 n. s., 1978, 2

R. H. Britnell, English Markets and Royal Administration before 1200, p. 180
J. R. Ward, The Profitability of Sugar Planting in the British West Indies, 1650-1834, p. 197
A. G. Kenwood, Fixed Capital Formation on Mersyside, 1800-1913, p. 214
E. E. Mckenna, Age, Region and Marriage in Post-Famine Ireland: An Empirical Examination, p. 238
R. Munting, Ransomes in Russia: An English Agricultural Engineering Company’s Trade with Russia to 1917, p. 257
R. Lowe, The Erosion of State Intervention in Britain, 1917-24, p. 270
John Komlos, Is the Depression in Austria after 1873 a ‘myth’?, p. 287
D. F. Good, The Great Depression and Austrian Growth after 1873, p. 290

Reviews, p. 295

a. 31 n. s., 1978, 1

Ian Blanchard, Labour Productivity and Work Psychology in the English Mining Industry, 1400-1600, p. 1
H. S. Klein, The English Slave Trade to Jamaica, 1782-1808, p. 25
R. J. Irving, The Profitability and Performance of British Railways, 1870-1914, p. 46
L. S. Pressnell, 1925: The Burden of Sterling, p. 67
C. E. Harvey, Politics and Pyrites during the Spanish Civil War, p. 89
J. F. Hadwin, Deflating Philanthropy, p. 105
D. C. Coleman, Philanthropy Deflated: A Comment, p. 118
J. D. Gould, Bittle and Lane on Charity: An uncharitable Comment, p. 121
W. C. Bittle-R. T. Lane, A Re-assessment reiterated, p. 124
A. Mackay, Recent Literature on Spanish Economic History [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 129

Reviews, p. 146

copertina della rivista

a. 30 n. s., 1977, 4

D. L. Farmer, Grain Yields on the Winchester Manors in the Later Middle Ages, p. 555
J. V. Beckett, English Landownership in the later Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: The Debate and the Problems, p. 567
M. Palairet, Merchant Enterprise and the Development of the Plum-based Trades in Serbia, 1847-1911, p. 582
W. D. Rubinstein, The Victorian Middle Classes: Wealth, Occupation and Geography, p. 602
D. Cannadine, Aristocratic Indebtedness in the Nineteenth Century, the case re-opened, p. 624
R. C. Richardson-G. Channon, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1976, p. 651
SSRC Research Grants and Research Completed 1976-7, p. 693

Reviews, p. 695

a. 30 n. s., 1977, 3

A. R. Bridbury, Before the Black Death, p. 393
H. Nader, Noble Income in Sixteenth-Century Castile: The Case of the Marquises of Mondejar, 1480-1580, p. 411
N. F. R. Crafts, Industrial Revolution in England and France: Some Thoughts on the Question, ‘Why was England First?’, p. 429
P. Riden, The Output of the British Iron Industry before 1870, p. 442
C. Lis-H. Soly, Food Consumption in Antwerp between 1807 and 1859: A Contribution to the Standard of Living Debate, p. 460
J. M. Winter, The Impact of the First World War on Civilian Health in Britain, p. 487
A. A. Appleby, Famine, Mortality and Epidemic Disease: A Comment, p. 508

Reviews, p. 513

a. 30 n. s., 1977, 2

D. C. North-R. P. Thomas, The First Economic Revolution, p. 229
A. R. Disney, The First Portuguese India Company, 1628-33, p. 242
R. Anstey, The Slave Trade of the Continental Powers, 1760-1810, p. 259
I. Donnachie, Sources of Capital and Capitalization in hte Scottish Brewing Industry, c. 1750-1830, p. 269
Cormac Ó Gráda, The Beginnings of the Irish Creamery System, 1880-1914, p. 284
E. Roberts, Working-Class Standards of Living in Barrow and Lancaster, 1890-1914, p. 306
W. R. Garside, Juvenile Unemployment and Public Policy between the Wars, p. 322
E. Kerridge, The Coal Industry in Tudor and Stuart England: A Comment, p. 340
D. C. Coleman, The Coal Industry: A Rejoinder, p. 343
D. C. Coleman, The Model Game [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 346

Reviews, p. 352

a. 30 n. s., 1977, 1

T. C. Barker, The Beginnings of the Economic History Society, p. 1
N. B. Harte, Trends in Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland, 1925-74, p. 20
M. H. Crawford, Rome and the Greek World: Economic Relationships, p. 42
R. H. Britnell, Agricultural Technology and the Margin of Cultivation in the Fourteenth Century, p. 53
D. Thomas, Leases in Reversion on the Crown’s Lands 1558-1603, p. 67
J. A. Chartres, Road Carrying in England in the Seventeenth Century: Myth and Reality, p. 73
V. A. C. Gatrell, Labour, Power and the Size of Firms in Lancashire Cotton in the second Quarter of the Nineteenth Century, p. 95
W. Ashworth, Typologies and Evidence: Has Nineteenth-Century Europe a Guide to Economic Growth?, p. 140
T. Balderston, The German Business Cycle in the 1920s: A Comment, p. 159
Peter Temin, The German Business Cycle in the 1920s: A Comment and Reply, p. 162
M. E. Falkus, The German Business Cycle in the 1920s: A Reply, p. 165
P. K. O’Brien, Agriculture and the Industrial Revolution [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 166

Reviews, p. 182

a. 29 n. s., 1976, 4

L. B. Smith, The Gage and the Land Market in Late Medieval Wales, p. 537
R. A. Dodgshon, The Economics of Sheep Farming in the Southern Uplands during the Age of Improvement, 1750-1833, p. 551
W. A. Maguire, Lord Donegall and the Sale of Belfast: A Case History from the Encumbered Estates Court, p. 570
D. Taylor, The English Dairy Industry, 1860-1930, p. 585
V. Jamal, Asians in Uganda, 1880-1972: Inequality and Expulsion, p. 602
P. Thane, Craft Unions, Welfare Benefits and the Case for Trade Union Law Reform, 1867-75: A Comment, p. 617
A. E. Musson, Craft Unions, Welfare Benefits and the Case for Trade Union Law Reform, 1867-75: A Comment, p. 626
C. G. Hanson, Craft Unions, Welfare Benefits and the Case for Trade Union Law Reform, 1867-75: A Reply, p. 631
R. C. Richardson-G. Channon, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1975, p. 636

Reviews, p. 675
SSRC Research Grants and Research Completed 1975-6, p. 727

a. 29 n. s., 1976, 3

P. Clark, Popular Protest and Disturbance in Kent, 1558-1640, p. 365
H. C. Tomlinson, Wealden Gunfounding: An Analysis of its Demise in the Eighteenth Century, p. 383
G. Hueckel, Relative Prices and Supply Response in English Agriculture during the Napoleonic Wars, p. 401
A. E. Musson, Industrial Motive Power in the United Kingdom, 1800-70, p. 415
J. Maloney, Marhall, Cunningham and the Emerging Economics Profession, p. 440
I. W. Mclean, Anglo-American Engineering Competition, 1870-1914: Some Third-Market Evidence, p. 452
I. R. Phimister, The Reconstruction of the Southern Rhodesian Gold Mining Industry, 1903-10, p. 465
E. Searle, Freedom and Marriage in Medieval England: An Alternative Hypothesis, p. 482
J. Scammell, Wife-rents and Merchet, p. 487
M. Desai, The Consolation of Slavery [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 491

Reviews, p. 504

a. 29 n. s., 1976, 2

W. G. Bittle-R. T. Lane, Inflation and Philanthropy in England: A Reassessment of W.K. Jordan’s Data, p. 203
P. G. E. Clemens, The Rise of Liverpool, 1665-1750, p. 211
N. F. R. Crafts, English Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century: A Re-examination of Deane and Cole’s Estimates, p. 226
R. B. Sheridan, ‘Sweet Malefactor’: The Social Costs of Slavery and Sugar in Jamaica and Cuba, 1807-54, p. 236
S. L. Engerman, Some Economic and Demographic Comparisons of Slavery in the United States and the British West Indies, p. 258
C. M. Pelaez, The Theory and Reality of Imperialism in the Coffee Economy of Nineteenth-Century Brazil, p. 276
D. Mclean, Finance and ‘Informal Empire’ before the First World War, p. 291
D. M. Hirst, The Seventeenth-Century Freeholder and the Statistician: A Case of Terminological Confusion, p. 306
F. M. L. Thompson, A Terminological Confusion confounded, p. 311

Reviews, p. 314

a. 29 n. s., 1976, 1

T. M. Devine, The Colonial Trades and Industrial Investment in Scotland, c. 1700-1815, p. 1
J. D. Post, Famine, Mortality and Epidemic Disease in the Process of Modernization, p. 14
E. J. T. Collins, Migrant Labour in British Agriculture in the Nineteenth Century, p. 38
F. M. L. Thompson, Nineteenth-Century Horse Sense, p. 60
C. M. White, The Concept of Social Saving in Theory and Practice, p. 82
C. K. Harley, Goschen’s Conversion of the National Debt and the Yield on Consols, p. 101
N. K. Buxton, Efficiency and Organization in Scotland’s Iron and Steel Industry during the Interwar Period, p. 107
M. Kishlansky, The Sales of Crown Lands and the Spirit of the Revolution, p. 125
I. Gentles, The Sale of Crown Lands: A Rejoinder, p. 131
T. R. Gourvish, Flinn and Real Wage Trends in Britain, 1750-1850, p. 136
M. W. Flinn, Real Wage Trends in Britain, 1750-1850: A Reply, p. 143

Reviews, p. 146

a. 28 n. s., 1975, 4

M. Turner, Parliamentary Enclosure and Landownership Change in Buckinghamshire, p. 565
F. J. A. Broeze, The Cost of Distance: Shipping and the Early Australian Economy, 1788-1850, p. 582
B. L. Anderson-P. L. Cottrell, Another Victorian Capital Market: A Study of Banking and Bank Investors on Merseyside, p. 598
R. A. Church, Nineteenth-Century Clock Technology in Britain, the United States and Switzerland, p. 616
J. P. D. Dunbabin, Oxford and Cambridge College Finances, 1871-1913, p. 631
A. J. Robertson, The British Airframe Industry and the State in the Interwar Period: A Comment, p. 648
P. Fearon, The British Airframe Industry and the State in the inter-war Period. A Reply, p. 658
N. B. Harte-D. J. Tierney-R. C. Richardson, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1974, p. 663
SSRC Research Grants and Research Completed 1974-75, p. 702

Reviews, p. 705

a. 28 n. s., 1975, 3

R. Perren, The Meat and Livestock Trade in Britain, 1850-70, p. 385
J. Benson, English Coal-Miners’ Trade-Union Accident Funds, 1850-1900, p. 401
J. A. Schmiechen, State Reform and the Local Economy: An Aspect of Industrialization in Late Victorian and Edwardian London, p. 413
J. A. Dowie, 1919-20 is in Need of Attention, p. 429
M. E. Falkus, The German Business Cycle in the 1920s, p. 451
R. J. Overy, Cars, Roads and Economic Recovery in Germany, 1932-8, p. 466
D. Meredith, The British Governman and Colonial Economic Policy, 1919-39, p. 484
D. J. O’Keefe, Some Economic Aspects of Raising the School Leaving Age in England and Wales in 1947, p. 500
R. V. Leonard, The Glastonbury Estates: A Rejoinder with an Introduction by B.F. Harvey and E. Stone, p. 517
M. M. Postan, The Glastonbury Estates: A Restatement, p. 524

Reviews, p. 528

a. 28 n. s., 1975, 2

H. S. A. Fox, The Chronology of Enclosure and Economic Development in Medieval Devon, p. 181
Herman Van Der Wee, Structural Changes and Specialization in the Industry of the Southern Netherlands, 1100-1600, p. 203
E. Hopkins, Small town Aristocrats of Labour and their Standard of Living, 1840-1914, p. 222
C. G. Hanson, Craft Unions, Welfare Benefits and the Case for Trade Union Law Reform, 1867-75, p. 243
R. Price, The Onset of Labour Shortage in Nineteenth-Century French Agriculture, p. 260
R. Walters, Labour Productivity in the South Wales Steam-Coal Industry, 1870-1914, p. 280
J. B. Post, Manorial Amercements and Peasant Poverty, p. 304
C. Ó Gráda, Supply Responsiveness in Irish Agriculture during the Nineteenth Century, p. 312

Reviews, p. 318

a. 28 n. s., 1975, 1

Mavis Mate, High Prices in Early Fourteenth-Century england: Causes and Consequences, p. 1
P. Croft, Free Trade and the House of Commons, 1605-6, p. 17
H-C. Mui-L. Mui, ‘Trends in Eighteenth-Century Smuggling’ reconsidered, p. 28
W. A. Cole, The Arithmetic of Eighteenth-Century Smuggling: A Rejoinder, p. 44
D. A. Baugh, The Cost of Poor Relief in South-east England, 1790-1834, p. 50
G. R. Hawke, The United States Tariff and Industrial Protection in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 84
P. E. Dewey, Agricultural Labour Supply in England and Wales during the First World War, p. 100

Reviews, p. 113

a. 27 n. s., 1974, 4

J. Scammell, Freedom and Marriage in Medieval England, p. 523
A. R. Bridbury, Sixteenth-Century Farming, p. 538
B. A. Holderness, The English Land Market in the Eighteenth Century: The Case of Lincolnshire, p. 557
R. W. Weiss, The Colonial Monetary Standard of Massachusetts, p. 577
J. R. Wordie, Social Change on the Leveson-Gower Estates, 1714-1832, p. 593
J. L. Anderson, A Measure of the Effect of British Public Finance, 1793-1815, p. 610
R. J. Harrison, British Armaments and European Industrialization, 1890-1914: The Spanish Case re-examined, p. 620
C. Trebilcock, British Armaments and European Industrialisation, 1890-1914: The Spanish Case reaffirmed, p. 625
N. B. Harte-D. J. Tierney, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1973, p. 632
SSRC Research Grants and Research Completed 1973-74, p. 678

Reviews, p. 681

a. 27 n. s., 1974, 3

P. D. A. Harvey, The Pipe Rolls and the Adaption of Demesne Farming in England, p. 345
P. A. Slack, Vagrants and Vagrancy in England, 1598-1664, p. 360
D. Rapp, Social Mobility in the Eighteenth Century: The Whitbreads of Bedfordshire, 1720-1815, p. 380
M. W. Flinn, Trends in Real Wages, 1750-1850, p. 395
E. S. Richards, The Industrial Face of a Great Estate: Trentham and Lilleshall, 1780-1860, p. 414
R. J. Harrison, Catalan Business and the Loss of Cuba, 1898-1914, p. 431
R. Van Zwanenberg, The Development of Peasant Commodity Production in Kenya, 1920-40, p. 442
J. D. Gould, ‘The Landscape and the Machine’: Comment, p. 455
T. A. Climo-P. G. A. Howells, Cause and Counterfactuals, p. 461

Reviews, p. 469

a. 27 n. s., 1974, 2

C. Clay, The Price of Freehold Land in the later Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries, p. 173
C. K. Hyde, Technological Change in the British Wrought Iron Industry, 1750-1815: A Reinterpretation, p. 190
P. Temin, The Anglo-American Business Cycle, 1820-60, p. 207
P. L. Robertson, Technical Education in the British Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering Industries, 1863-1914, p. 222
P. Fearon, The British Airframe Industry and the State, 1918-35, p. 236
L. Hannah, Managerial Innovation and the Rise of the Large Scale Company in Interwar Britain, p. 252
D. H. Aldcroft, McCloskey on Victorian Growth: A Comment, p. 271
D. N. Mccloskey, Victorian Growth: A Rejoinder, p. 275
N. B. Harte-D. J. Tierney, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1972, p. 278

Reviews, p. 315

a. 27 n. s., 1974, 1

N. J. Mayhew, Numismatic Evidence and Falling Prices in the Fourteenth Century, p. 1
A. F. Butcher, The Origins of Romney Freemen, 1433-1523, p. 16
R. G. Lang, Social Origins and Social Aspirations of Jacobean London Merchants, p. 28
A. Klima, The Role of Rural Domestic Industry in Bohemia in the Eighteenth Century, p. 48
R. C. Floud, The Adolescence of American Engineering Competition, 1860-1900, p. 57
D. F. Good, Stagnation and ‘Take-Off’ in Austria, 1873-1913, p. 72
S. Howson, The Origins of Dear Money, 1919-20, p. 88
J. H. Drabble-P. J. Drake, More on the Financing of Malayan Rubber, 1905-23, p. 108
R. T. Stillson, The Financing of Malayan Rubber, 1905-23: A Reply, p. 121

Reviews, p. 124

a. 26 n. s., 1973, 4

A. R. Bridbury, The Black Death, p. 577
G. Hammersley, The Charcoal Iron Industry and its Fuel, 1540-1750, p. 593
I. Gentles, The Sales of Crown Lands during the English Revolution, p. 614
S. Pollard, Industrialization and the European Economy, p. 636
C. Ehrlich, Building and Caretaking: Economic Policy in British Tropical Africa, 1890-1960, p. 649
F. J. A. Broeze, The New Economic History, the Navigation Acts and the Continental Tobacco Market, 1770-90, p. 668
P. D. Mcclelland, The New Economic History and the Burdens of the Navigation Acts: A Comment, p. 679
G. M. Walton, The Burdens of the Navigation Acts: A Reply, p. 687
D. J. Loschky, Studies of the Navigation Acts: New Economic Non-History?, p. 689
Sean Glynn-A. L. Lougheed, A Comment on United States Economic Policy and the ‘Dollar Gap’ of the 1920s, p. 692

Reviews, p. 695

a. 26 n. s., 1973, 3

A. N. May, An Index of Thirteenth-Century Peasant Impoverishment? Manor Court Fines, p. 389
A. B. Appleby, Disease or Famine? Mortality in Cumberland and Westmorland, 1580-1640, p. 403
Maria Bogucka, Amsterdam and the Baltic in the first Half of the Seventeenth Century, p. 433
W. A. Green, The Planter Class and British West Indian Sugar Production, before and after Emancipation, p. 448
D. Mclean, Commerce, Finance and British Diplomatic Support in China, 1885-86, p. 464
D. Mazumdar, Labour Supply in Early Industrialization: The Case of the Bombay Textile Industry, p. 477
R. Burt-M. J. Morrissey, A Theory of Mineral Discovery: A Note, p. 497
G. Blainey, A Rejoinder [to M.J. Morrisey and R. Burt], p. 506
C. P. Griffin, The Standard of Living in the Black Country in the Nineteenth Century: A Comment, p. 510
G. J. Barnsby, A Rejoinder [to C.P. Griffin], p. 514

Reviews, p. 517

a. 26 n. s., 1973, 2

Mavis Mate, The Indebtedness of Canterbury Cathedral Priory, 1215-9, p. 183
F. Heal, The Tudors and Church Lands: Economic problems of the Bishopric of Ely during the Sixteenth Century, p. 198
C. Jago, The Influence of Debt on the Relations between Crown and Aristocracy in Seventeenth-Century Castile, p. 218
S. R. H. Jones, Price Associations and Competition in the British Pin Industry, 1814-40, p. 237
C. Trebilcock, British Armaments and European Industrialization, p. 254
M. W. Kirby, The Control of Competition in the British Coal Mining Industry in the Thirties, p. 273
D. R. Ringrose, European Economic Growth: Comments on the North-Thomas Theory, p. 285
D. C. North-R. P. Thomas, A Reply to Professor D. Ringrose, p. 293
N. B. Harte-D. J. Tierney, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1971, p. 295

Reviews, p. 337

a. 26 n. s., 1973, 1

R. B. Dobson, Admissions to the Freedom of the City of York in the Later Middle Ages, p. 1
K. von Loewe, Commerce and Agriculture in Lithuania, 1400-1600, p. 23
R. W. Ferrier, The Armenians and the East India Company in Persia in the Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Century, p. 38
E. S. Richards, Structural Change in a Regional Economy: Sutherland and the Industrial Revolution, 1780-1830, p. 63
D. C. M. Platt, Further Objections to an ‘Imperialism of Free Trade’, 1830-60, p. 77-91
D. C. Coleman, Gentlemen and Players, p. 92
M. M. Farrar, Preclusive Purchases: Politics and Economic Welfare in France during the First World War, p. 117
T. L. Anderson-G. Reed, An Economic Explanation of English Agricultural Organization in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, p. 134
E. Miller, Farming of Manors and Direct Management, p. 138
T. W. Hutchison, The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, vols. I-VI and XV-XVI [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 141

Reviews, p. 153

a. 25 n. s., 1972, 4

A. J. Pollard, Estate Management in the Later Middle Ages: The Talbots and Whitchurch, 1383-1525, p. 553
D. W. Jones, The ‘Hallage’ Receipts of the London Cloth Markets, 1562-1720, p. 567
M. Moohr, The Economic Impact of Slave Emancipation in British Guiana, 1832-1852, p. 588
A. E. Dingle, Drink and Working-class Living Standards in Britain, 1870-1914, p. 608
P. J. Cain, Railway Combination and Government, 1900-1914, p. 623
Jon S. Cohen, The 1927 Revaluation of the Lira: A Study in Political Economy, p. 642
M. W. Kirby, Entrepreneurial Efficiency in the British Coal Industry between the Wars: A Comment, p. 655
N. K. Buxton, Entrepreneurial Efficiency in the British Coal Industry between the Wars reconfirmed, p. 658
W. Johnson, Entrepreneurial Efficiency in the British Coal Industry between the Wars: A second Comment, p. 665
N. K. Buxton, Avoiding the Pitfalls: Entrepreneurial Efficiency in the Coal Industry again, p. 698
P. T. Bauer-B. S. Yamey, Industrialization and Development: The Nigerian Experience [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 674
D. C. Coleman, Early Modern Economic England [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 690

Reviews, p. 697
Herman Van Der Wee, List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of the Low Countries 1970-1, p. 758

a. 25 n. s., 1972, 3

P. F. Brandon, Cereal Yields in the Sussex Estates of Battle Abbey during the later Middle Ages, p. 403
D. W. Crossley, The Performance of the Glass Industry in Sixteenth-Century England, p. 421
B. A. Holderness, Landlords’ Capital Formation in East Anglia, 1750-1870, p. 434
G. Channon, A Nineteenth-Century Investment Decision: The Midland Railway’s London Extension, p. 448
P. D. Mcclelland, Rates of Return on American Railroads in the Nineteenth Century, p. 471
N. H. Leff, Economic Retardation in Nineteenth-Century Brazil, p. 489

Reviews, p. 508

a. 25 n. s., 1972, 2

C. C. Patterson, Silver Stocks and Losses in Ancient and Medieval Times, p. 205
H. Taylor, Trade, Neutrality and the ‘English Road’, 1630-1648, p. 236
J. S. Kepler, Fiscal Aspects of the English Carrying Trade during the Thirty Years War, p. 261
E. S. Richards, The Finances of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway again, p. 284
F. Capie-K. A. Tucker, British and New Zealand Trading Relationships, 1841-1852, p. 293
J. F. A. Ajayi-R. A. Austen, Hopkins on Economic Imperialism in West Africa, p. 303
A. G. Hopkins, Economic Imperialism in West Africa: A Rejoinder, p. 307
C. E. Challis, Currency and the Economy in mid-Tudor England [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 313
N. B. Harte-D. J. Tierney, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1970, p. 323

Reviews, p. 356

a. 25 n. s., 1972, 1

William Henry, Bassano Court 1904-1971 [Nachruf; Obituary], p. V
J. Rosen, Prices and Public Finance in Basle, 1360-1535, p. 1
A. Jones, Land and People at Leighton Buzzard in the later Fifteenth Century, p. 18
J. Langton, Coal Output in South-West Lancashire, 1590-1799, p. 28
D. Eltis, The Traffic in Slaves between the British West Indian Colonies, 1807-1833, p. 55
T. R. Gourvish, The Cost of Living in Glasgow in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 65
D. J. Rowe, A Trade Union of the North-East Coast Seamen in 1825, p. 81
H. W. Richardson, British Emigration and Overseas Investment, 1870-1914, p. 99
Laurence Stone, The Artistocracy in Transition: A Reply to Dr. Woolf, p. 114
C. Russell, English Land Sales, 1540-1640: A Comment on the Evidence, p. 117
Laurence Stone, English Land Sales, 1540-1640: A Reply to Mr. Russell, p. 121
C. Thompson, The Counting of Manors reconsidered, p. 124
Laurence Stone, Counting Manors again: A Reply to Mr. Thompson, p. 131
J. M. Winter, A Bibliography of the Published Writings of R.H. Tawney [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 137

Reviews, p. 154

a. 24 n. s., 1971, 4

G. M. Walton, The New Economic History and the Burdens of the Navigation Acts, p. 533
R. A. Church, The British Leather Industry and Foreign Competition, 1870-1914, p. 543
S. M. Eddie, Farmers’ Response to Price in Large-Estate Agriculture: Hungary, 1870-1913, p. 571
R. Stillson, The Financing of Malayan Rubber, 1905-1923, p. 589
M. E. Falkus, United States Economic Policy and the ‘Dollar Gap’ of the 1920s, p. 599
J. S. Hurt, professor West on early Nineteenth-Century Education, p. 624
E. G. West, The Interpretation of Early Nineteenth-Century Education Statistics, p. 633
L. Neal, Deane and Cole on Industrialization and Population Change in the Eighteenth Century, p. 643
W. A. Cole, Rejoinder, p. 648
A. Gerschenkron, Mercator gloriosus [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 653
P. Hanak, Short Survey of Recent Literature on Hungarian Economic History [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 667

Reviews, p. 683
Herman Van Der Wee, K. De Blonde-Cottenier, K. Veraghtert, List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of the Low Countries 1969-70, p. 738

a. 24 n. s., 1971, 3

J. D. Chambers, The Tawney Tradition, p. 355
F. W. Carter, The Commerce of the Dubrovnik republic, 1500-1700, p. 370
B. W. Hill, The Change of Government and the ‘Loss of the City’, 1710-1711, p. 395
P. Harnetty, Cotton Exports and Indian Agriculture, 1861-1870, p. 414
R. Perren, The North American Beef and Cattle Trade with Great Britain, 1870-1914, p. 430
A. E. Rockwell, The Lumber Trade and the Panama Canal, 1920-1940, p. 445
D. G. Paterson, ‘Spin-off’ and the Armaments Industry, p. 463
C. Trebilcock, Rejoinder
, p. 464
W. H. Marwick, A Bibliography of Scottish Economic History, 1963-1970 [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 469

Reviews, p. 480

a. 24 n. s., 1971, 2

Herman Van Der Wee, List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of the Low Countries 1966-9, p. 167
V. Morgan, Agricultural Wage Rates in late Eighteenth-Century Scotland, p. 181
I. J. Prothero, London Chartism and the Trades, p. 202
G. J. Barnsby, The Standard of Living in the Black Country during the Nineteenth Century, p. 220
P. Temin, The Beginning of the Depression in Germany, p. 240
J. D. Gould, Cloth Exports, 1600-1640
, p. 249
W. B. Stephens, Further Observations on English Cloth Exports, 1600-1640, p. 253
G. R. Hawke, D.C. Coleman on the Counterfactual History of the New Draperies, p. 258
D. C. Coleman, Rejoinder: G.R. Hawke on – what?, p. 260
R. S. Craig-N. B. Harte, Annual List of Publications on the Economic and Social History of Great Britain and Ireland 1969, p. 262

Reviews, p. 292

a. 24 n. s., 1971, 1

E. Miller, England in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: An Economic Contrast?, p. 1
M. G. Davies, Country Gentry and Payments to London, 1650-1714, p. 15
Wray Vamplew, Railways and the Transformation of the Scottish Economy, p. 37
G. A. Phillips, The Triple Industrial Alliance in 1914, p. 55
G. C. Abbott, A Re-examination of the 1929 Colonia Development Act, p. 68
T. Kemp, The French Economy under the Franc Poincaré, p. 82
T. Lummis, Charles Booth: Moralist or Social Scientist?, p. 100
J. Brown, Social Judgements and Social Policy, p. 106
M. J. Cullen, Laurence Stone and the Manors, p. 114
Laurence Stone, Rejoinder, p. 115

Reviews, p. 117