The Economic history review DATINI

The Economic History review

London, poi Oxford, poi Cambridge, Economic history society
semestrale; dal 1949/50 quadrimestrale, dal 1971 trimestrale
ISSN: 0013-0117
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia Coll. Riv. Str. 0060
Consistenza: n. 1, 1927/28-
Lacune: a. 6, 1935-36; a. 15, 1946, 2;

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche Coll. Riv. Str. 0306
Consistenza: n. 24, 1971-n. 54, 2001

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1927 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 73, 2020, 4

Philip Slavin, Mites and merchants: the crisis of English wool and textile trade revisited, c. 1275-1330, p. 885
Yu Hao, Kevin Zhengcheng Liu, Taxation, fiscal capacity, and credible commitment in eighteenth-century China: the effects of the formalization and centralization of informal surtaxes, p. 914
Aaron Graham, Patents and invention in Jamaica and the British Atlantic before 1857, p. 940
Christopher David Absell, The rise of coffee in the Brazilian south-east: tariffs and foreign market potential, 1827-40, p. 964
Hannaliis Jaadla, Ellen Potter, Sebastian Keibek, Romola Davenport, Infant and child mortality by socio-economic status in early nineteenth-century England, p. 991
Francisco J. Medina-Albaladejo, Salvador Calatayud, Unequal access to food during the nutritional transition: evidence from Mediterranean Spain, p. 1023
Corinne Boter, Living standards and the life cycle: reconstructing household income and consumption in the early twentieth-century Netherlands, p. 1050
Ahmed S. Rahman, Officer retention and military spending: the rise of the military-industrial complex during the Second World War, p. 1074
Leonard Kukic, Origins of regional divergence: economic growth in socialist Yugoslavia, p. 1097
Robert C. Allen, Spinning their wheels: a reply to fane Humphries and Benjamin Schneider, p. 1128
Jane Humphries, Benjamin Schneider, Losing the thread: a response to Robert Allen, p. 1137

Annual list of Publications, p. 1153
Book Reviews, p. 1203

a. 73, 2020, 3

Marta García Morcillo, Mentality, motivation, and economic decision-making in Ancient Rome: Cicero and Tullia’s shrine, p. 623
Pim De Zwart, Jan Lucassen, Poverty or prosperity in northern India? New evidence on real wages, 1590s-1870s, p. 644
John E. Murray, Javier Silvestre, Integration in European coal markets, 1833-1913, p. 668
María-Isabel Ayuda, Hugo Ferrer-Pérez, And Vicente Pinilla, A leader in an emerging new international market: the determinants of French wine exports, 1848-1938, p. 703
Daniel Gallardo-Albarran, Santtary infrastructures and the decline of mortality in Germany, 1877-1913, p. 730
Laura Maravall, Factor endowments on the “frontier”: Algerian settler agriculture at the beginning of the 1900s, p. 758
Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Janette Rutterford, Carolyn Keber, UK investment trust portfolio strategies before the First World War, p. 785
Alejandro Ayuso-Dîaz, Antonio Tena-Junguito, Trade in the shadow of power: Fapanese industrial exports in the interwar years, p. 815
Jason Lennard, Uncertainty and the Great Slump, p. 844

Book Reviews, p. 868

a. 73, 2020, 2

Gavin Wright, Slavery and Anglo-American capitalism revisited, p. 353

Phil Withington, Intoxicants and the invention of ‘consumption’, p. 384
9Judy Z. Stephenson, Working days in a London construction team in the eighteenth century: evidence from St Paul’s Cathedral, p. 409
9Kerstin Enflo, Anna Missiaia, Between Malthus and the industrial take-off: regional inequality in Sweden, 1571-1850, p. 431
Romola J. Davenport, Urbanization and mortality in Britain) c. 1800-50, p. 455
Paolo Malanima, The limiting factor: energy, growth, and divergence, 1820-1913, p. 486
Debin Ma, Liuyan Zhao, A silver transformation: Chinese monetary integration in times of political disintegration, 1898-1933, p. 513
David Chambers, Rasheef Saleuddin, Commodity option pricing efficiency before Black, Scholes, and Merton, p. 540
Alvaro La Parra-Pérez, Por a fistful of pesetas? The political economy of the army in a nonconsolidated democracy: the Second Spanish Republic and Civil War (1931-9), p. 565

Book Reviews, p. 595

a. 73, 2020, 1

Jane Whittle, Mark Hailwood, Thegender division of labour in early modern England, p. 3
Alan Dye, Sumner La Croix, Institutions for the taking: property rights and the settlement of the Cape Colony, 1652-1750, p. 33
Francisco J. Beltràn Tapia, Domingo Gallego-Martinez, U7hat explains the missing girls in nineteenth-century Spain?, p. 59
Kristina Lilja, Pernilla Jonsson, Inadequate supply and increasing demand for textiles and clothing: second-hand trade at auctions as an alternative source of consumer goods in Sweden, 1830-1900, p. 78
Xuesheng You, Women’s labour force participation in nineteenth-century England and Wales: evidence from the 1881 census enumerators’ books, p. 106
Latika Chaudhary, Anand V. Swamy, A policy of credit disruption: the Punjab Land Alienation Act of 1900, p. 134
Gabriele Cappelli, Michelangelo Vasta, Can school centralization foster human capital accumulation? A quasi-experiment from early twentieth-century Italy, p. 159
Jean-Pascal Bassino, Pierre Van Der Eng, Asia’s ‘little divergence’ in the twentieth century: evidence from PPP-based direct estimates of GDP per capita, 1913-69, p. 185
Alexander Klein, Nicholas Crafts, Agglomeration externalities and productivity growth: US cities, 1880-1930, p. 209
Thilo N. H. Albers, Currency devaluations and beggar-my-neighbour penalties : evidence from the 1930s, p. 233
Michael J. Oliver, Janette Rutterford, ‘The capital market is dead’: the difficult birth of index-linked gilts in the UK, p. 258

Review Of Periodical Literature, p. 281
Book Reviews, p. 325

a. 72, 2019, 4

Sevket Pamuk, Uneven centuries: Turkey’s experience with economic development since 1820, p. 1129

Alexandra Sapoznik, Bees in the medieval economy: religious observance and the production, trade, and consumption of wax in England, c. 1300-1555, p. 1152
Guido Alfani, Marco Percoco, Plague and long-term development: the lasting effects of the 1629-30 epidemic on the Italian cities, p. 1175
1 Daniel Strum, Institutional choice in the governance of the early Atlantic sugar trade: diasporas, markets, and courts, p. 1202
Fabien Eloire, Claire Lemercier, Veronica Aoki Santarosa, Beyond the personal-anonymous divide: agency relations in powers of attorney in France in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, p. 1229
Stuart Henderson, Religion and development in post-Famine Ireland, p. 1251
William Quinn, Squeezing the bears: cornering risk and limits on arbitrage during the ‘British bicycle mania’, 1896-8, p. 1286
Pablo Duarte, Marcel Freidinger, Andreas Hoffmann, Military casualties and exchange rates during the First World War: did the Eastern Front matter?, p. 1312
Janet Hunter, Kota Ogasawara, Price shocks in regional markets: Japan’s Great Kant? Earthquake of 1923, p. 1335
Einar Lie, Losing autonomy: the Norwegian central bank during the Second World War, p. 1363
Margarita Vilar-Vilar-Rodríguez, Jerònia Pons-Pons, Competition and collaboration between public and private sectors: the historical construction of the Spanish hospital system, 1942-86, p. 1384
Rebecca Simson, Africa’s clientelist budget policies revisited: public expenditure and employment in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, 1960-2010, p. 1409
Jeremy Edwards, Sheilagh Ogilvie, What can we learn from a race with one runner? A comment on Foreman-Peck and Zhou, ‘Late marriage as a contributor to the industrial revolution in England’, p. 1439
James Foreman-Peck, Peng Zhou, Response to Edwards and Ogilvie, p. 1447

Annual list of publications in 2018, p. 1451
Book Reviews, p. 1508

a. 72, 2019, 3

Bishnupriya Gupta, Falling behind and catching up: India’s transition from a colonial economy, p. 803

Hillary Taylor, The price of the poor’s words: social relations and the economics of deposing for one’s ‘betters’ in early modern England, p. 828
Dan Bogart, Investing in early public works: financial risks and returns in English and Welsh turnpikes, 1820-82, p. 848
Thor Berger, Adopting a new technology: potatoes and population growth in the periphery, p. 869
Jens Andersson, Thor Berger, Elites and the expansion of education in nineteenth-century Sweden, p. 897
Ewout Depauw, Deborah Oxley, Toddlers, teenagers, and terminal heights: the importance of puberty for male adult stature, Flanders, 1800-76, p. 925
Fernando Collantes, Why did the industrial diet triumph? The massification of dairy consumption in Spain, 1965-90, p. 953
Cihan Artunç, Religious minorities and firm ownership in early twentieth-century Egypt, p. 979
Sturla Fjesme, Neal Galpin, Lyndon Moore, An efficient market? Going public in London, 1891-1911, p. 1008
Leonardo Weller, Loans of the revolution: how Mexico borrowed as the state collapsed in 1912-13, p. 1028
Georges Gallais-Hamonno, Thi-Hong-Van Hoang, Kim Oosterlinck, Price formation on clandestine markets: the case of the Paris gold market during the Second World War, p. 1048
María Gómez León, Herman J. De Jong, Inequality in turbulent times: income distribution in Germany and Britain, 1900-50, p. 1073

Book reviews, p. 1099

a. 72, 2019, 2

Alexander G. Taylor, Tobacco retail licences and state formation in early modern England and Wales, p. 433
Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, Speed under sail during the early industrial revolution (c. 1750-1830), p. 459
Carmen Sarasua, Women’s work and structural change: occupational structure in eighteenth-century Spain, p. 481
Sean Bottomley, The returns to invention during the British industrial revolution, p. 510
Diana Seave Greenwald, Modernization and rural imagery at the Paris Salon: an interdisciplinary approach to the economic history of art, p. 531
Laura Panza, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Australian squatters, convicts, and capitalists: dividing up a fast-growing frontier pie, 1821-71, p. 568
Atsushi Kobayashi, International bimetallism and silver absorption in Singapore, 1840-73, p. 595-617 Rebecca Stuart, UK shocks and Irish business cycles, 1922-79, p. 618
Flora Macher, The Hungarian twin crisis of 1931, p. 641
Juan Carmona, Joan R. Rosés, James Simpson, The question of land access and the Spanish land reform of 1932, p. 669
William J. Collins, Gregory T. Niemesh, Unions and the Great Compression of wage inequality in the US at mid-century: evidence from local labour markets, p. 691
Peter M. Scott, James T. Walker, ‘Stop-go’ policy and the restriction of postwar British house-building, p. 716
Robert C. Allen, Real wages once more: a response to Judy Stephenson, p. 738
Judy Z. Stephenson, Mistaken wages: the cost of labour in the early modern English economy, a reply to Robert C. Allen, p. 755

Book reviews, p. 770

a. 72, 2019, 1

Blanca Sánchez-Alonso, The age of mass migration in Latin America, p. 3

Joris Roosen, Daniel R. Curtis, The ‘light touch’ of the Black Death in the Southern Netherlands: an urban trick?, p. 32
Sergio Sardone, Forced loans in the Spanish Empire: the first requisition of American treasures in 1523, p. 57
Robert C. Allen, Class structure and inequality during the industrial revolution: lessons from England’s social tables, 1688-1867, p. 88
Jane Humphries, Benjamin Schneider, Spinning the industrial revolution, p. 126
Elena Korchmina, Igor Fedyukin, Extralegal payments to state officials in Russia, 1750s-1830s: assessing the burden of corruption, p. 156
Alexander Donges, Felix Selgert, Technology transfer via foreign patents in Germany, 1843-77, p. 182
Klas Rönnbäck, Dimitrios Theodoridis, African agricultural productivity and the transatlantic slave trade: evidence from Senegambia in the nineteenth century, p. 209
Jonathan Chapman, The contribution of infrastructure investment to Britain’s urban mortality decline, 1861-1900, p. 233
Olivier Accominotti, International banking and transmission of the 1931 financial crisis, p. 260
Gregg Huff, Causes and consequences of the Great Vietnam Famine, 1944-5, p. 286
Tamás Vonyó, Alexander Klein, Why did socialist economies fail? The role of factor inputs reconsidered, p. 317

Review of periodical literature, p. 346
Book reviews, p. 397

a. 71, 2018, 4

Branko Milanovic, Towards an explanation of inequality in premodern societies: the role of colonies, urbanization, and high population density, p. 1029
Sam Geens, The Great Famine in the county of Flanders (1315-17): the complex interaction between weather, warfare, and property rights, p. 1048-
James Foreman-Peck, Peng Zhou, Late marriage as a contributor to the industrial revolution in England, p. 1073
Carlos Álvarez-Nogal, Christophe Chamley, Refinancing short-term debt with a fixed monthly interest rate into funded juros under Philip II: an asiento with the Maluenda brothers, p. 1100
Edmond Smith, The global interests of London’s commercial community, 1599-1625: investment in the East India Company, p. 1118
Leonor Freire Costa, Maria Manuela Rocha, Paulo B. Brito, The alchemy of gold: interest rates, money stock, and credit in eighteenth-century Lisbon, p. 1147
Thijs Lambrecht, Anne Winter, An old poor law on the Continent? Agrarian capitalism, poor taxes, and village conflict in eighteenth-century coastal Flanders, p. 1173
J. R. Ward, The amelioration of British West Indian slavery: anthropometric evidence, p. 1199
Kelly B. Olds, The Taiwan tea boom-a financial glut, p. 1227
Seán Kenny, Jason Lennard, Monetary aggregates for Ireland, 1840-1921, p. 1249
Ian Mitchell, Retail markets in northern and midland England, 1870-1914: civic icon, municipal white elephant, or consumer paradise?, p. 1270
Felix Meier Zu Selhausen, Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen, Jacob L. Weisdorf Social mobility among Christian Africans: evidence from Anglican marriage registers in Uganda, 1895-2011, p. 1291
Jordi Domenech, Francisco Herreros, Land reform and conflict before the Civil War: landowner response to tenancy reform in 1930s Catalonia, p. 1322
Leslie Hannah, The London Stock Exchange, 1869-1929: new statistics for old?, p. 1349
Richard S. Grossman, Revising ‘Bloody foreigners!’, p. 1357

Annual list of publications in 2017, p. 1360
Book Reviews, p. 1412

a. 71, 2018, 3

Bart Ballaux, Bruno Blondé, Road transport productivity in the sixteenth-century Low Countries: the case of Brabant, 1450-1650, p. 707
Stephen Gadd, Illegal quays: Elizabethan customs reforms and suppression of the coastal trade of Christchurch, Hampshire, p. 727
Adam Crymble, Adam Dennett, Tim Hitchcock, Modelling regional imbalances in English plebeian migration to late eighteenth-century London, p. 747
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, Wealth inequality in Sweden, 1750-1900, p. 772
Luciano Amaral, A monetary plethora and what to do with it: the Bank of Portugal during the Second World War and the postwar period (1931-60), p. 795
Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Qing Ye, The liquidity of the London capital markets, 1825-70, p. 823
John C. Brown And Timothy W. Guinnane, Infant mortality decline in rural and urban Bavaria: fertility, economic transformation, infant care, and inequality in Bavaria and Munich, 1825-1910, p. 853
Ian Webster, The Public Works Loan Board and the growth of the state in nineteenth-century England, p. 887
Mikio Ito, Kiyotaka Maeda, Akihiko Noda, The futures premium and rice market efficiency in prewar Japan, p. 909
Ji Yeon Hong, Christopher Paik, Colonization and education: exploring the legacy of local elites in Korea, p. 938
Michiel De Haas, Ewout Frankema, Gender, ethnicity, and unequal opportunity in colonial Uganda: European influences, African realities, and the pitfalls of parish register data, p. 965

Book Reviews, p. 995

a. 71, 2018, 2

Nuno Palma, Reconstruction of money supply over the long run: the case of England, 1270-1870, p. 373
Jon Stobart, Lucy Bailey, Retail revolution and the village shop, c. 1660-1860, p. 393
Esther Sahle, Quakers, coercion, and pre-modern growth: why Friends’ formal institutions for contract enforcement did not matter for early modern trade expansion, p. 418
Anita Boele, Tine de Moor, ‘Because family and friends got easily weary of taking care’: a new perspective on the specialization in the elderly care sector in early modern Holland, p. 437
Matthias Blum, Karl-Peter Krauss, Age heaping and numeracy: looking behind the curtain, p. 464
David le Bris, What is a market crash?, p. 480
Bruno Gabriel Witzel de Souza, Immigration and the path dependence of education: the case of German-speakers in Sao Paulo, Brazil (1840-1920), p. 506
Valerio Cerretano, Multinational business and host countries in times of crisis: Courtaulds, Glanzstoff, and Italy in the interwar period, p. 540
Pablo Gutiérrez González, Lars-Fredrik Andersson, Managing financial constraints: undercapitalization and underwriting capacity in Spanish fire insurance, p. 567
Kentaro Nakajima, Tetsuji Okazaki, The expanding Empire and spatial distribution of economic activity: the case of Japan’s colonization of Korea during the prewar period, p. 593
Taylor Jaworski, Andrew Smyth, Shakeout in the early commercial airframe industry, p. 617
Stephen Broadberry, Bruce M. S. Campbell, Alexander Klein, Mark Overton, Bas van Leeuwen, Clark’s Malthus delusion: response to ‘Farming in England 1200-1800’, p. 639

a. 71, 2018, 1

Paolo Malanima, Italy in the Renaissance: a leading economy in the European context, 1350-1550, p. 3

Bas Van Bavel, Eltjo Buringh, Jessica Dijkman, Mills, cranes, and the great divergence: the use of immovable capital goods in western Europe and the Middle East, ninth to sixteenth centuries, p. 31
Gregory Clark, Growth or stagnation? Farming in England, 1200-1800, p. 55
Matteo Di Tullio, Cooperating in time of crisis: war, commons, and inequality in Renaissance Lombardy, p. 82
Judy Z. Stephenson, ‘Real’ wages? Contractors, workers, and pay in London building trades, 1650-1800, p. 106
Seven Agir, The rise and demise of gedik markets in Istanbul, 1750-1860, p. 133
Gareth Campbell, William Quinn, John D. Turner, Qing Ye, What moved share prices in the nineteenth-century London stock market?, p. 157
Brian D. Varian, Anglo-American trade costs during the first era of globalization: the contribution of a bilateral tariff series, p. 190
Helene Castenbrandt, Trends in morbidity: national statistics on sickness claims among the working population in Sweden, 1892-1954, p. 213
Marc Badia-Miró, Anna Carreras-Marín, Christopher M. Meissner, Geography, policy, or productivity? Regional trade in five South American countries, 1910-50, p. 236
Masaki Nakabayashi, From the substance to the shadow: the role of the court in Japanese labour markets, p. 267

Review of periodical literature published in 2016, p. 290
Book Reviews, p. 336

a. 70, 2017, 4

Avner Offer, Tawney Lecture. The market turn: from social democracy to market liberalism, p. 1051
Guido Alfani, Francesco Ammannati, Long-term trends in economic inequality: the case of the Florentine state, c. 1300-1800, p. 1072
Justin R. Bucciferro, The economic geography of race in the New World: Brazil, 1500-2000, p. 1103
Mika Kallioinen, Inter-communal institutions in medieval trade, p. 1131
Richard J. Blakemore, Pieces of eight, pieces of eight: seamen’s earnings and the venture economy of early modern seafaring, p. 1153
Gareth Campbell, Meeghan Rogers, Integration between the London and New York Stock Exchanges, 1825-1925, p. 1185
Elise Van Nederveen Meerkerk, Challenging the de-industrialization thesis: gender and indigenous textile production in Java under Dutch colonial rule, c. 1830-1920, p. 1219
Giovanni Federico, Antonio Tena-Junguito, Lewis revisited: tropical polities competing on the world market, 1830-1938, p. 1244
Paul Atkinson, Brian Francis, Ian Gregory, Catherine Porter, Patterns of infant mortality in rural England and Wales, 1850-1910, p. 1268
Janette Rutterford, Dimitris P. Sotiropoulos, Carry Van Lieshout, Individual investors and local bias in the UK, 1870-1935, p. 1291
Peter M. Scott, James T. Walker, The impact of ‘stop-go’ demand management policy on Britain’s consumer durables industries, 1952-65, p. 1321
Byung-Yeon Kim, Yoshisada Shida, Shortages and the informal economy in the Soviet republics, 1965-89, p. 1346

Annual List of Publications in 2016, p. 1375
Book Reviews, p. 1439

a. 70, 2017, 3

Ulrich Pfister, The timing and pattern of real wage divergence in pre-industrial Europe: evidence from Germany, c. 1500-1850, p. 701
Ruben Schalk, From orphan to artisan: apprenticeship careers and contract enforcement in The Netherlands before and after the guild abolition, p. 730
Oliver Volckart, Power politics and princely debts: why Germany’s common currency failed, 1549-56, p. 758
Franziska Tollnek, Joerg Baten, Farmers at the heart of the ‘human capital revolution’? Decomposing the numeracy increase in early modern Europe, p. 779
Montserrat Carbonell-Esteller, Julie Marfany, Gender, life cycle, and family ‘strategies’ among the poor: the Barcelona workhouse, 1762-1805, p. 810
Jennifer Aston, Paolo Di Martino, Risk, success, and failure: female entrepreneurship in late Victorian and Edwardian England, p. 837
Stavros Thomadakis, Dimitrios Gounopoulos, Christos Nounis, Michalis Riginos, Innovation and upheaval: early growth in Greek capital market listings and IPOs from 1880 to the Second World War in the Athens Stock Exchange, p. 859
Quentin Outram, The demand for residential domestic service in the London of 1901, p. 893
Amanda G. Gregg, Shareholder rights and share capital: the effect of the 1901 Russian Corporation Reform, 1890-1905, p. 919
Tobias A. Jopp, Did closures do any good? Labour productivity, mine dynamics, and rationalization in interwar Ruhr coal mining, p. 944
Samuel Garrido, Sharecropping was sometimes efficient: sharecropping with compensation for improvements in European viticulture, p. 977
Geoffrey Barnes, Timothy W. Guinnane, Rejoinder to Szreter, p. 1004
Simon Szreter, Rebuttal to Barnes and Guinnane, p. 1010

Book Reviews, p. 1014

a. 70, 2017, 2

Adrian R. Bell, Chris Brooks, Tony K. Moore, Cambium non est mutuum: exchange and interest rates in medieval Europe, p. 373
Andrea Caracausi, Information asymmetries and craft guilds in pre-modern markets: evidence from Italian proto-industry, p. 397
Mark Forrest, Patterns of economic change in the south-west during the fifteenth century: evidence from the reductions to the fifteenths and tenths, p. 423
Andrew Wareham, The unpopularity of the hearth tax and the social geography of London in 1666, p. 452
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, The agricultural revolution and the conditions of the rural poor, southern Sweden, 1750-1860, p. 483
Carolyn Downs, Networks, trust, and risk mitigation during the American Revolutionary War: a case study, p. 09
Jean Beuve, Eric Brousseau, Jérôme Sgard, Mercantilism and bureaucratic modernization in early eighteenth-century France, p. 529
Natacha Postel-Vinay, Debt dilution in 1920s America: lighting the fuse of a mortgage crisis, p. 559
Marcelo De Paiva Abreu, Britain as a debtor: Indian sterling balances, 1940-53, p. 586
Michiel De Haas, Measuring rural welfare in colonial Africa: did Uganda’s smallholders thrive?, p. 605
Juan Carmona, Markus Lampe, Joan Rosés, Housing affordability during the urban transition in Spain, p. 632

Book Reviews, p. 659

a. 70, 2017, 1

Eric B. Schneider, Children’s growth in an adaptive framework: explaining the growth patterns of American slaves and other historical populations, p. 3

Luis Angeles, The great divergence and the economics of printing, p. 30
Leah E. Long, Extracting economics from Roman marble quarries, p. 52
Martin Allen, The first Sterling Area, p. 79
Francisco J. Beltrán Tapia, Santiago De Miguel Salanova, Migrants’ self-selection in the early stages of modern economic growth, Spain (1880-1930), p. 101
Eva Fernández, James Simpson, Product quality or market regulation? Explaining the slow growth of Europe’s wine cooperatives, 1880-1980, p. 122
D. C. H. Watts, Building an alternative economic network? Consumer cooperation in Scotland from the 1870s to the 1960s, p. 143
Magnus Bohman, Conditional crisis? Ecological challenges and conditions of growth during the agricultural revolution in southern Sweden, c. 1700-1900, p. 171
Matthias Blum, Christopher L. Colvin, Laura Mcatackney, Eoin Mclaughlin, Women of an uncertain age: quantifying human capital accumulation in rural Ireland in the nineteenth century, p. 187
Tobias Straumann, Peter Kugler, Florian Weber, How the German crisis of 1931 swept across Europe: a comparative view from Stockholm, p. 224
Tamás Vonyó, War and socialism: why eastern Europe fell behind between 1950 and 1989, p. 248

Review of Periodical Literature, p. 275
Book Reviews, p. 323

a. 69, 2016, 4

Kent Deng, Patrick O’Brien, Establishing statistical foundations of a chronology for the great divergence: a survey and critique of the primary sources for the construction of relative wage levels for Ming-Qing China, p. 1057
Matthew Frank Stevens, London creditors and the fifteenth-century depression, p. 1083
Roger Svensson, Periodic recoinage as a monetary tax: conditions for the rise and fall of the bracteate economy, p. 1108
James Celia, Farley Grubb, Non-legal-tender paper money: the structure and performance of Maryland’s bills of credit, 1767-75, p. 1132
Nonso Obikili, The trans-Atlantic slave trade and local political fragmentation in Africa, p. 1157
Oscar Gelderblom, Joost Jonker, Clemens Kool, Direct finance in the Dutch Golden Age, p. 1178
Robert J. Bennett, Interpreting business partnerships in late Victorian Britain, p. 1199
Magnus Henrekson, Daniel Waldenström, Inheritance taxation in Sweden, 1885-2004: the role of ideology, family firms, and tax avoidance, p. 1228
Jutta Bolt, Ellen Hillbom, Long-term trends in economic inequality: lessons from colonial Botswana, 1921-74, p. 1255
Frank Barry, Linda Barry, Aisling Menton, Tariff-jumping foreign direct investment in protectionist era Ireland, p. 1285

Annual List of Publications in 2015, p. 1309
Book Reviews, p. 1366

a. 69, 2016, 3

Esteban A. Nicolini, Fernando Ramos Palencia, Decomposing income inequality in a backward pre-industrial economy: Old Castile (Spain) in the middle of the eighteenth century, p. 747
Steven Nafziger, Communal property rights and land redistributions in Late Tsarist Russia, p. 773
Ioanna Iordanou, Pestilence, poverty, and provision: re-evaluating the role of the popolani in early modern Venice, p. 801
Thomas Leng, Interlopers and disorderly brethren at the Stade Mart: commercial regulations and practices amongst the Merchant Adventurers of England in the late Elizabethan period, p. 823
Sofia Teives Henriques, Paul Sharp, The Danish agricultural revolution in an energy perspective: a case of development with few domestic energy sources, p. 844
Peter Edwards, The decline of an aristocratic stud: the stud of Edward Lord Harley, 2nd Earl of Oxford and Mortimer, at Welbeck (Nottinghamshire), 1717-29, p. 870
Gary B. Magee, Lorraine Greyling, Grietjie Verhoef, South Africa in the Australian mirror: per capita real GDP in the Cape Colony, Natal, Victoria, and New South Wales, 1861-1909, p. 893
Raphaël Franck, Noel D. Johnson, Can public policies lower religiosity? Evidence from school choice in France, 1878-1902, p. 915
Samantha Williams, The maintenance of bastard children in London, 1790-1834, p. 945
Tobias A. Jopp, After us, the deluge: German miners’ experience with pay-as-you-go pensions and the intergenerational contract before the great inflation, p. 972
Mauricio Drelichman, Hans-Joachim Voth, Duplication without constraints: Álvarez-Nogal and Chamley’s analysis of debt policy under Philip II, p. 999
Carlos Álvarez-Nogal, Christophe P. Chamley, Response to ‘Duplications’ by Drelichman and Voth, p. 1007

Book Reviews, p. 1014

a. 69, 2016, 2

Charles Read, Laissez-faire, the Irish famine, and British financial crisis, p. 411
Leandro Prados De La Escosura, Economic freedom in the long run: evidence from OECD countries (1850-2007), p. 435
Olivier Accominotti, Barry Eichengreen, The mother of all sudden stops: capital flows and reversals in Europe, 1919-32, p. 469
Alexander Klein And Sheilagh Ogilvie, Occupational structure in the Czech lands under the second serfdom, p. 493
Lluís to Figueras, Wedding trousseaus and cloth consumption in Catalonia around 1300, p. 522
Julio Martínez-Galarraga, Marc Prat, Wages, prices, and technology in early Catalan industrialization, p. 548
Catherine Casson, Mark Casson, Location, location, location? Analysing property rents in medieval Gloucester, p. 575
Roger Schofield, The last visitation of the plague in Sweden: the case of Br?akne-Hoby in 1710-11, p. 600
Christopher Spencer, Paul Temple, Standards, learning, and growth in Britain, 1901-2009, p. 627
Juan H. Flores Zendejas, Yann Decorzant, Going multilateral? Financial markets’ access and the League of Nations loans, 1923-8, p. 653
Joseph Molitoris, Martin Dribe, Ready to stop: socioeconomic status and the fertility transition in Stockholm, 1878-1926, p. 679

Book Reviews, p. 705

a. 69, 2016, 1

Neil Cummins, Morgan Kelly, Cormac ó Gráda, Living standards and plague in London, 1560-1665, p. 3
Roy E. Bailey, Timothy J. Hatton, Kris Inwood, Health, height, and the household at the turn of the twentieth century, p. 35
Peter H. Lindert, Jeffrey G. Williamson, American colonial incomes, 1650-1774, p. 54
Paolo Malanima, Energy consumption in England and Italy, 1560-1913. Two pathways toward energy transition, p. 78
Justin Colson, Commerce, clusters, and community: a re-evaluation of the occupational geography of London, c. 1400-c. 1550, p. 104
Mark Harrison, Inga Zaksauskien?, Counter-intelligence in a command economy, p. 131
Bas Van Bavel, Auke Rijpma, How important were formalized charity and social spending before the rise of the welfare state? A long run analysis of selected western European cases, 1400-1850, p. 159
Romola J. Davenport, Jeremy Boulton, And Leonard Schwarz, Urban inoculation and the decline of smallpox mortality in eighteenth-century cities—a reply to Razzell, p. 188
Frank Geary, Tom Stark, What happened to regional inequality in Britain in the twentieth century?, p. 215
Felix Meier Zu Selhausen, Jacob Weisdorf, A colonial legacy of African gender inequality? Evidence from Christian Kampala, 1895-2011, p. 229
Concepción Betrán, Michael Huberman, International competition in the first wave of globalization: new evidence on the margins of trade, p. 258
Yoram Gorlizki, Theft under Stalin: a property rights analysis, p. 288

Review of Periodical Literature, p. 314
Book Reviews, p. 361

a. 68, 2015, 4

Kent Deng, Lucy Zheng, Economic restructuring and demographic growth: demystifying growth and development in Northern Song China, 960-1127, p. 1107
Markus Lampe, Paul Sharp, Just add milk: a productivity analysis of the revolutionary changes in nineteenth-century Danish dairying, p. 1132
John Singleton, Catherine R. Schenk, The shift from sterling to the dollar, 1965-76: evidence from Australia and New Zealand, p. 1154
Moshe Justman, Karine van der Beek, Market forces shaping human capital in eighteenth-century London, p. 1177
Ling-Fan Li, Information asymmetry and the speed of adjustment: debasements in the mid-sixteenth century, p. 1203
Jean-Pascal Bassino, Thomas Lagoarde-Segot, Informational efficiency in the tokyo Stock Exchange, 1931-40, p. 1226
Paul Caruana-Galizia, Strategic colonies and economic development: real wages in Cyprus, Gibraltar, and Malta, 1836-1913, p. 1250
Vincent Bignon, Rui Esteves, Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Big push or big grab? Railways, government activism, and export growth in Latin America, 1865-1913, p. 1277
Alexandra Semrad, Modern secondary education and economic performance: the introduction of the Gewerbeschule and Realschule in nineteenth-century Bavaria, p. 1306
Jeroen Puttevils, ‘Eating the bread out of their mouth’: Antwerp’s export trade and generalized institutions, 1544-5, p. 1339
Mary A. O’Sullivan, Yankee Doodle went to London: Anglo-American breweries and the London securities market, 1888-92, p. 1365

a. 68, 2015, 3

Henry French, An irrevocable shift: detailing the dynamics of rural poverty in southern England, 1762-1834: a case study, p. 769
Peter M. Solar, Klas Rönnbäck, Copper sheathing and the British slave trade, p. 806
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, Ken Sneath, Consumption conundrums unravelled, p. 830
Alessandro Nuvolari, Michelangelo Vasta, Independent invention in Italy during the Liberal Age, 1861-1913, p. 858
John E. Murray, Javier Silvestre, Small-scale technologies and European coal mine safety, 1850-1900, p. 887
Graeme G. Acheson, Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Nadia Vanteeva, Corporate ownership and control in Victorian Britain, p. 911
Latika Chaudhary, Manuj Garg, Does history matter? Colonial education investments in India, p. 937
James Foreman-Peck, Leslie Hannah, The diffusion and impact of the corporation in 1910, p. 962
Javier Silvestre, María Isabel Ayuda, Vicente Pinilla, The occupational attainment of migrants and natives in Barcelona, 1930, p. 985
David James Gill, Rating the UK: the British government’s sovereign credit ratings, 1976-8, p. 1016
Mark Latham, ‘The city has been wronged and abused!’: institutional corruption in the eighteenth century, p. 1038

Book Reviews, p. 1062

a. 68, 2015, 2

Osamu Saito, Growth and inequality in the great and little divergence debate: a Japanese perspective, p. 399
Piet van Cruyningen, Dealing with drainage: state regulation of drainage projects in the Dutch Republic, France, and England during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, p. 420
Jessica S. Bean, ‘to help keep the home going’: female labour supply in interwar London, p. 441
Richard S. Grossman, Bloody foreigners! Overseas equity on the London Stock Exchange, 1869-1929, p. 471
Gregg Huff, Gillian Huff, Urban growth and change in 1940s Southeast Asia, p. 522
Leslie Hannah, A global corporate census: publicly traded and close companies in 1910, p. 548
Ann M. Carlos, Erin Fletcher, Larry Neal, Share portfolios in the early years of financial capitalism: London, 1690-1730, p. 574
Mary Elisabeth Cox, Hunger games: or how the Allied blockade in the First World War deprived German children of nutrition, and Allied food aid subsequently saved them, p. 600
Jörg Baten, Johan Fourie, Numeracy of Africans, Asians, and Europeans during the early modern period: new evidence from Cape Colony court registers, p. 632
Peter Scott, James T. Walker, Peter Miskell, British working-class household composition, labour supply, and commercial leisure participation during the 1930s, p. 657
Sergio Espuelas, The inequality trap. A comparative analysis of social spending between 1880 and 1930, p. 683

Simon Szreter, Fertility, social class, gender, and the professional model: statistical explanation and historical significance, p. 707

Book Reviews, p. 723

a. 68, 2015, 1

Robert C. Allen, The high wage economy and the industrial revolution: a restatement, p. 1
Myung Soo Cha, Unskilled wage gaps within the Japanese Empire, p. 23
William Guanglin Liu, The making of a fiscal state in Song China, 960-1279, p. 48v Laura Panza, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Did Muhammad Ali foster industrialization in early nineteenth-century Egypt?, p. 79
Ian Gazeley, Andrew Newell, Urban working-class food consumption and nutrition in Britain in 1904, p. 101
Frank Geary, Tom Stark, Regional GDP in the UK, 1861-1911: new estimates, p. 123
Rebecca Searle, Is there anything real about real wages? A history of the official British cost of living index, 1914-62, p. 145
Amy Blakeway, The sixteenth-century price rise: new evidence from Scotland, 1500-85, p. 167
Kerstin Enflo, Joan Ramón Rosés, Coping with regional inequality in Sweden: structural change, migrations, and policy, 1860-2000, p. 191
Michael D. Bordo, Angela Redish, Hugh Rockoff, Why didn’t Canada have a banking crisis in 2008 (or in 1930, or 1907, or …)?, p. 218
Lars-Fredrik Andersson, Liselotte Eriksson, The compulsory public pension and the demand for life insurance: the case of Sweden, 1884-1914, p. 244
Richard A. Kleer, Riding a wave: the Company’s role in the South Sea Bubble, p. 264

Michael Costen, Philip Slavin, Helen Paul, Patrick Walsh, Tom Crook, Aashish Velkar, Christopher Godden, Review of periodical literature published in 2013, p. 286

Book Reviews, p. 354

a. 67, 2014, 4 – Special Issue: The Renaissance of African Economic History

Gareth Austin, Stephen Broadberry, Introduction: The renaissance of African economic history, p. 893
Ewout Frankema, Morten Jerven, Writing history backwards or sideways: towards a consensus on African population, 1850-2010, p. 907
Johan Fourie, Dieter von Fintel, Settler skills and colonial development: the Huguenot wine-makers in eighteenth-century Dutch South Africa, p. 932
Morten Jerven, A West African experiment: constructing a GDP series for colonial Ghana, 1891-1950, p. 964
Hanaan Marwah, What explains slow sub-Saharan African growth? Revisiting oil boom-era investment and productivity in Nigeria’s national accounts, 1976-85, p. 993
James Fenske, The battle for rubber in Benin, p. 1012
Gareth Austin, Vent for surplus or productivity breakthrough? The Ghanaian cocoa take-off, c. 1890-1936, p. 1035
Klas Rönnbäck, Climate, conflicts, and variations in prices on pre-colonial West African markets for staple crops, p. 1065
Leigh A. Gardner, The rise and fall of sterling in Liberia, 1847-1943, p. 1089

a. 67, 2014, 3

J. I. Andrés Ucendo, R. Lanza García, Prices and real wages in seventeenth-century Madrid, p. 607
Jutta Bolt, Jan Luiten van Zanden, The Maddison Project: collaborative research on historical national accounts, p. 627
Christiaan van Bochove, External debt and commitment mechanisms: Danish borrowing in Holland, 1763-1825, p. 652
Eva Fernández, Trust, religion, and cooperation in western agriculture, 1880-1930, p. 678
A. T. Brown, Estate management and institutional constraints in pre-industrial England: the ecclesiastical estates of Durham, c. 1400-1640, p. 699
Miguel Á. López-Morell, José M. O’kean, Rothschilds’ strategies in international non-ferrous metals markets, 1830-1940, p. 720
Jim Tomlinson, British government and popular understanding of inflation in the mid-1970s, p. 750
Markus Lampe, Paul Sharp, Greasing the wheels of rural transformation? Margarine and the competition for the British butter market, p. 769
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Paulo Guimaraes, Trademarks and British dominance in consumer goods, 1876-1914, p. 793
Dorian Gerhold, The development of stage coaching and the impact of turnpike roads, 1653-1840, p. 818
Book Reviews, p. 846

a. 67, 2014, 2

Marjorie K. McIntosh, Poor relief in Elizabethan English communities: an analysis of Collectors’ accounts, p. 331
Morgan Kelly, Cormac Ó Gráda, Living standards and mortality since the middle ages, p. 358
Svante Prado, Yeast or mushrooms? Productivity patterns across Swedish manufacturing industries, 1869-1912, p. 382
Chun-Yu Ho, Dan Li, A mirror of history: China’s bond market, 1921-42, p. 409
David Stone, The impact of drought in early fourteenth-century England, p. 435
Theresa Gutberlet, Mechanization and the spatial distribution of industries in the German Empire, 1875 to 1907, p. 463
Christopher L. Colvin, Eoin McLaughlin, Raiffeisenism abroad: why did German cooperative banking fail in Ireland but prosper in the Netherlands?, p. 492
Metin M. Cosgel, Bogaç A. Ergene, The selection bias in court records: settlement and trial in eighteenth-century Ottoman Kastamonu, p. 517
Marcelo de Paiva Abreu, A ‘blank cheque’? Portuguese Second World War sterling balances, 1940-73, p. 535
Siobhan Talbott, ‘Such unjustificable practices’?: Irish trade, settlement, and society in France, 1688-1715, p. 556

Book Reviews, p. 578

a. 67, 2014, 1

Bishnupriya Gupta, Where have all the brides gone? Son preference and marriage in India over the twentieth century, p. 1
John Oldland, Wool and cloth production in late medieval and early Tudor England, p. 25
Maria Stanfors, Tim Leunig, Björn Eriksson, Tobias Karlsson, Gender, productivity, and the nature of work and pay: evidence from the late nineteenth-century tobacco industry, p. 48
Eric B. Schneider, Prices and production: agricultural supply response in fourteenth-century England, p. 66
Sibylle H. Lehmann, Taking firms to the stock market: IPOs and the importance of large banks in imperial Germany, 1896-1913, p. 92
Adrian R. Bell, Chris Brooks, Tony K. Moore, The credit relationship between Henry III and merchants of Douai and Ypres, 1247-70, p. 123
Laura Panza, De-industrialization and re-industrialization in the Middle East: reflections on the cotton industry in Egypt and in the Izmir region, p. 146
John Killick, Transatlantic steerage fares, British and Irish migration, and return migration, 1815-60, p. 170
Carlos Álvarez-Nogal, Christophe Chamley, Debt policy under constraints: Philip II, the Cortes, and Genoese bankers, p. 192

Comment, p. 214
Reply, p. 231
Review of Periodical Literature, p. 240
Book Reviews, p. 294

a. 66, 2013, 4

Cristiano Andrea Ristuccia, Adam tooze, Machine tools and mass production in the armaments boom: Germany and the United States, 1929-44, p. 953
Price Fishback, Joseph A. Cullen, Second World War spending and local economic activity in US counties, 1939-5, p. 975
John Dodgson, Gregory King and the economic structure of early modern England: an input-output table for 1688, p. 993
Giovanni Federico, Paul Sharp, The cost of railroad regulation: the disintegration of American agricultural markets in the interwar period, p. 1017
Andrew Seltzer, The impact of female employment on male salaries and careers: evidence from the English banking industry, 1890-1941, p. 1039
Matthias Blum, War, food rationing, and socioeconomic inequality in Germany during the First World War, p. 1063
Christopher Dudley, Party politics, political economy, and economic development in early eighteenth-century Britain, p. 1084
Rodney Edvinsson, New annual estimates of Swedish GDP, 1800-2010, p. 1101
Scott Newton, The two sterling crises of 1964: a reply to Oliver, p. 1127
Matthew Hale, Graham Raymond, Catherine Wright, List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2012, p. 1134


a. 66, 2013, 3

Jane Humphries, The lure of aggregates and the pitfalls of the patriarchal perspective: a critique of the high wage economy interpretation of the British industrial revolution, p. 693
Tracy Dennison, Contract enforcement in Russian serf society, 1750-1860, p. 715
Jord Hanus, Real inequality in the early modern Low Countries: the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 1500-1660, p. 733
Ian Gazeley, Sara Horrell, Nutrition in the English agricultural labourer’s household over the course of the long nineteenth century, p. 757
Tomoko Hashino, Keijiro Otsuka, Hand looms, power looms, and changing production organizations: the case of the Kiryu weaving district in early twentieth-century Japan, p. 785
Nuala Zahedieh, Colonies, copper, and the market for inventive activity in England and Wales, 1680-1730, p. 805
Hein A. M. Klemann, Joep Schenk, Competition in the Rhine delta: waterways, railways and ports, 1870-1913, p. 826
David r. Green, Alastair Owens, Geographies of wealth: real estate and personal property ownership in England and Wales, 1870-1902, p. 848
S. J. Thompson, The first income tax, political arithmetic, and the measurement of economic growth, p. 873
Thomas C. Owen, Measuring business cycles in the Russian Empire, p. 895

Book Reviews

a. 66, 2013, 2

Jane Humphries, Childhood and child labour in the British industrial revolution, p. 395
Johan Fourie, The remarkable wealth of the Dutch Cape Colony: measurements from eighteenth-century probate inventories, p. 419
Neil Cummins, Marital fertility and wealth during the fertility transition: rural France, 1750-1850, p. 449
Pamela Nightingale, Alien finance and the development of the English economy, 1285-1311, p. 477
Jonas Scherner, ‘Armament in depth’ or ‘armament in breadth’? German investment pattern and rearmament during the Nazi period, p. 497
Alexandra Sapoznik, The productivity of peasant agriculture: Oakington, Cambridgeshire, 1360-99, p. 518
Yvonne Stolz, Joerg Baten And Jaime Reis, Portuguese living standards, 1720-1980, in European comparison: heights, income, and human capital, p. 545
Margaret Yates, The market in freehold land, 1300-1509: the evidence of feet of fines, p. 579
Blanca Sánchez-Alonso, Making sense of immigration policy: Argentina, 1870-1930, p. 601
Buchanan Sharp, Royal paternalism and the moral economy in the reign of Edward II: the response to the Great Famine, p. 628

Book Reviews

a. 66, 2013, 1

Carlos Álvarez-Nogal, Leandro Prados De La Escosura, The rise and fall of Spain (1270-1850), p. 1-37) Jaco Zuijderduijn, Tine De Moor, Spending, saving, or investing? Risk management in sixteenth-century Dutch households, p. 38
Carlo Ciccarelli, Stefano Fenoaltea, Through the magnifying glass: provincial aspects of industrial growth in post-Unification Italy, p. 57
Jordi Domenech, Rural labour markets and rural conflict in Spain before the Civil War (1931-6), p. 86
Pål Thonstad Sandvik, Espen Storli, Big business and small states: Unilever and Norway in the interwar years, p. 109
Richard S. Grossman, Masami Imai, Contingent capital and bank risk-taking among British banks before the First World War, p. 132
Sandeep Mazumder, John H. Wood, The Great Deflation of 1929-33: it (almost) had to happen, p. 156
Anne L. Murphy, Demanding ‘credible commitment’: public reactions to the failures of the early financial revolution, p. 178
Rory Naismith, The English monetary economy, c. 973-1100: the contribution of single-finds, p. 198
K. Tawny Paul, Credit, reputation, and masculinity in British urban commerce: Edinburgh, c. 1710-70, p. 226
Jacob F. Field, Domestic service, gender, and wages in rural England, c.1700-1860, p. 249
Rosemary O’day, Matchmaking and moneymaking in a patronage society: the first duke and duchess of Chandos, c. 1712-35, p. 273

Review of periodical literature published in 2011, p. 297
Book Reviews

a. 65, 2012, 4

James Foreman-Peck, Leslie Hannah, Extreme divorce: the managerial revolution in UK companies before 1914, p. 1217
Philip Slavin, The Great Bovine Pestilence and its economic and environmental consequences in England and Wales, 1318-50, p. 1239
Geoffrey A. Barnes, Timothy W. Guinnane, Social class and the fertility transition: a critical comment on the statistical results reported in Simon Szreter’s Fertility, class and gender in Britain, 1860-1940, p. 1267
Gareth Austin, Joerg Baten, Bas Van Leeuwen, The biological standard of living in early nineteenth-century West Africa: new anthropometric evidence for northern Ghana and Burkina Faso, p. 1280
Peter Scott, The determinants of competitive success in the interwar British radio industry, p. 1303
Pierre-Cyrille Hautcoeur, Angelo Riva, The Paris financial market in the nineteenth century: complementarities and competition in microstructures, p. 1326
Sara Horrell, Deborah Oxley, Bringing home the bacon? Regional nutrition, stature, and gender in the industrial revolution, p. 1354
Benjamin L. Wild, Royal finance under King Henry III, 1216-72: the wardrobe evidence, p. 1380
Gelina Harlaftis, George Kostelenos, International shipping and national economic growth: shipping earnings and the Greek economy in the nineteenth century, p. 1403
Hugh Pemberton, The failure of ‘nationalization by attraction’: Britain’s cross-class alliance against earnings-related pensions in the 1950s, p. 1428
Rosemary Elliot, Smoking for taxes: the triumph of fiscal policy over health in postwar West Germany, 1945-55, p. 1450
Pamela Sharpe, Explaining the short stature of the poor: chronic childhood disease and growth in nineteenth-century England, p. 1475
Peter Maw, Terry Wyke, Alan Kidd, Canals, rivers, and the industrial city: Manchester’s industrial waterfront, 1790-1850, p. 1495

a. 65, 2012, 3

Jan Luiten Van Zanden, Eltjo Buringh, Maarten Bosker, The rise and decline of European parliaments, 1188-1789, p. 835
Graeme G. Acheson, John D. Turner, Qing Ye, The character and denomination of shares in the Victorian equity market, p. 862
Juan Carmona, James Simpson, Explaining contract choice: vertical coordination, sharecropping, and wine in Europe, 1850-1950, p. 887
Andrew Wareham, Fiscal policies and the institution of a tax state in Anglo-Saxon England within a comparative context, p. 910
Kerstin Manzel, Joerg Baten, Yvonne Stolz, Convergence and divergence of numeracy: the development of age heaping in Latin America from the seventeenth to the twentieth century, p. 932
Peter Kirby, Attendance and work effort in the Great Northern Coalfield, 1775-1864, p. 961
Samuel Cohn, Jr, Renaissance attachment to things: material culture in last wills and testaments, p. 984
Guido Alfani, Vincent Gourdon, Entrepreneurs, formalization of social ties, and trustbuilding in Europe (fourteenth to twentieth centuries), p. 1005
Beatrice Dedinger, The Franco-German trade puzzle: an analysis of the economic consequences of the Franco-Prussian war, p. 1029
Mark Harrison, Nikolaus Wolf, The frequency of wars, p. 1055
Joyce Burnette, Child day-labourers in agriculture: evidence from farm accounts, 1740-1850, p. 1077
Martine Mariotti, Labour markets during apartheid in South Africa, p. 1100
Martin Dribe, Bart Van De Putte, Marriage seasonality and the industrious revolution: southern Sweden, 1690-1895, p. 1123
Michael Schiltz, Money on the road to empire: Japan’s adoption of gold monometallism, 1873-97, p. 1147

a. 65, 2012, 2

Jeremy Edwards, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Contract enforcement, institutions, and social capital: the Maghribi traders reappraised, p. 421
Avner Greif, The Maghribi traders: a reappraisal?, p. 445
Giovanni Federico, How much do we know about market integration in Europe?, p. 470
Craig Muldrew, Th’ancient Distaff’ and ‘Whirling Spindle’: measuring the contribution of spinning to household earnings and the national economy in England, 1550-1770, p. 498
James Fenske, Land abundance and economic institutions: Egba land and slavery, 1830-1914, p. 527
Chris Minns, Patrick Wallis, Rules and reality: quantifying the practice of apprenticeship in early modern England, p. 556
Vincent Bignon, Marc Flandreau, Stefano Ugolini, Bagehot for beginners: the making of lender-of-last-resort operations in the mid-nineteenth century, p. 580
Regina Grafe, Alejandra Irigoin, A stakeholder empire: the political economy of Spanish imperial rule in America, p. 609
Max-Stephan Schulze, Nikolaus Wolf, Economic nationalism and economic integration: the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the late nineteenth century, p. 652
Rosamond Faith, The structure of the market for wool in early medieval Lincolnshire, p. 674
Maria Fusaro, Cooperating mercantile networks in the early modern Mediterranean, p. 701
Bernard Harris, Martin Gorsky, Aravinda Meera Guntupalli, Andrew Hinde, Long-term changes in sickness and health: further evidence from the Hampshire Friendly Society, p. 719
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson, Patrick Svensson, If the landlord so wanted . . . Family, farm production, and land transfers in the manorial system, p. 746
Ingrid Henriksen, Markus Lampe, Paul Sharp, The strange birth of liberal Denmark: Danish trade protection and the growth of the dairy industry since the mid-nineteenth century, p. 770

a. 65, 2012, 1

K. D. M. Snell, Belonging and community: understandings of ‘home’ and ‘friends’ among the English poor, 1750-1850, p. 1
Leigh Shaw-Taylor, The rise of agrarian capitalism and the decline of family farming in England, p. 26
Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen, Guilds and middle-class welfare, 1550-1800: provisions for burial, sickness, old age, and widowhood, p. 61
Jose A. Carrasco-Galleg, The Marshall Plan and the Spanish postwar economy: a welfare loss analysis, p. 91
Paolo Di Martino, Legal institutions, social norms, and entrepreneurship in Britain (c.1890-c.1939), p. 120
Brandon Dupont, Alka Gandhi, Thomas Weiss, The long-term rise in overseas travel by Americans, 1820-2000, p. 144
Luke Samy, Extending home ownership before the First World War: the case of the Co-operative Permanent Building Society, 1884-1913, p. 168
Eminegul Karababa, Investigating early modern Ottoman consumer culture in the light of Bursa probate inventories, p. 194
Stephen Hipkin, The coastal metropolitan corn trade in later seventeenth-century England, p. 220
Jim Phillips, Material and moral resources: the 1984-5 miners’ strike in Scotland, p. 256
Peter Scott, James Walker, The British ‘failure’ that never was? The Anglo-American ‘productivity gap’ in large-scale interwar retailing-evidence from the department store sector, p. 277
Peter Foldvari, Bas Van Leeuwen, Jieli Van Leeuwen-L, How did women count? A note on gender-specific age heaping differences in the sixteenth to nineteenth centuries, p. 304
Michael J. Oliver, The two sterling crises of 1964: a comment on Newton, p. 314

a. 64, 2011, 4

Dan Bogart, Did the Glorious Revolution contribute to the transport revolution? Evidence from investment in roads and rivers, p. 1073
Masato Shizume, Sustainability of public debt: evidence from Japan before the Second World War, p. 1113
Susan Flavin, Consumption and material culture in sixteenth-century Ireland, p. 1144
Mark Freeman, Seebohm Rowntree and secondary poverty, 1899-1954, p. 1175
Melanie Harrington, The earl of Derby and his tenants: sales of Royalist land during the Interregnum revisited, p. 1195
Charles R. Hickson, John D. Turner, Qing Ye, The rate of return on equity across industrial sectors on the British stock market, 1825-70, p. 1218
Jordan Claridge, John Langdon, Storage in medieval England: the evidence from purveyance accounts, 1295-1349, p. 1242
Peter Scott, Anna Spadavecchia, Did the 48-hour week damage Britain’s industrial competitiveness?, p. 1266
Romola Davenport, Leonard Schwarz, Jeremy Boulton, The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London, p. 1289

Peter Razzell, The decline of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London: a commentary, p. 1315

Book Reviews, p. 1382

a. 64, 2011, 3

R. C. Allen, J. L. Weisdorf, Was there an ‘industrious revolution’ before the industrial revolution? An empirical exercise for England, c. 1300-1830, p. 715
Alexander Klein, Did children’s education matter? Family migration as a mechanism of human capital investment: evidence from nineteenth-century Bohemia, p. 730
Richard K. Fleischman, David Oldroyd, Thomas N. Tyson, Plantation accounting and management practices in the US and the British West Indies at the end of their slavery eras, p. 765
Brian Mitchell, David Chambers, Nick Crafts, How good was the profitability of British railways, 1870-1912?, p. 798
T. A. B. Corley, Andrew Godley, The veterinary medicine industry in Britain in the twentieth century, p. 832
Rafael Dobado, Gustavo A. Marrero, The role of the Spanish imperial state in the mining-led growth of Bourbon Mexico’s economy, p. 855
Jon Stobart, Gentlemen and shopkeepers: supplying the country house in eighteenth-century England, p. 885
Francesca Carnevali, Social capital and trade associations in America, c. 1860-1914: a microhistory approach, p. 905
Emanuele Felice, Regional value added in Italy, 1891-2001, and the foundation of a long-term picture, p. 929
Timothy J. Hatton, Infant mortality and the health of survivors: Britain, 1910-50, p. 951
Tetsuji Okazaki, The supplier network and aircraft production in wartime Japan, p. 973
Tom Nicholas, Independent invention during the rise of the corporate economy in Britain and Japan, p. 995

Book Reviews p. 1024

a. 64, 2011, 2

R. C. Allen, Why the industrial revolution was British: commerce, induced invention, and the scientific revolution, p. 357
Olivier Accominotti, Marc Flandreau And Riad Rezzik, The spread of empire: Clio and the measurement of colonial borrowing costs, p. 385
Patrick O’brien, The nature and historical evolution of an exceptional fiscal state and its possible significance for the precocious commercialization and industrialization of the British economy from Cromwell to Nelson, p. 408
Victoria N. Bateman, The evolution of markets in early modern Europe, 1350-1800: a study of wheat prices, p. 447
Herman De Jong, Pieter Woltjer, Depression dynamics: a new estimate of the Anglo-American manufacturing productivity gap in the interwar period, p. 472
Alexandra Shepard, Judith Spicksley, Worth, age, and social status in early modern England, p. 493
Jelle Van Lottum, Labour migration and economic performance: London and the Randstad, c. 1600-1800, p. 531
Gareth Campbell, John D. Turner, Substitutes for legal protection: corporate governance and dividends in Victorian Britain, p. 571
Samuel Garrido, Salvador Calatayud, The price of improvements: agrarian contracts and agrarian development in nineteenth-century eastern Spain, p. 598
John Dodgson, New, disaggregated, British railway total factor productivity growth estimates, 1875 to 1912, p. 621
Markus Lampe, Explaining nineteenth-century bilateralism: economic and political determinants of the Cobden-Chevalier network, p. 644

Book Reviews, p. 669

a. 64, 2011, Special issue


Stephen Broadberry, Steve Hindle, Editors’ introduction, p. 1

Robert C. Allen, Jean-Pascal Bassino, Debin Ma, Christine Moll-Murata, Jan Luiten Van Zanden, Wages, prices, and living standards in China, 1738-1925: in comparison with Europe, Japan, and India, p. 8
Philip T. Hoffman, Prices, the military revolution, and western Europe’s comparative advantage in violence, p. 39
Tirthankar Roy, Indigo and law in colonial India, p. 60
Bishnupriya Gupta, Wages, unions, and labour productivity: evidence from Indian cotton mills, p. 76
John P. Tang, Technological leadership and late development: evidence from Meiji Japan, 1868-1912, p. 99
James Kai-Sing Kung, Nansheng Bai, Yiu-Fai Lee, Human capital, migration, and a ‘vent’ for surplus rural labour in 1930s China: the case of the Lower Yangzi, p. 117
Sunyoung Pak, Daniel Schwekendiek, Hee Kyoung Kim, Height and living standards in North Korea, 1930s-1980s, p. 142
Sevket Pamuk, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Ottoman de-industrialization, 1800-1913: assessing the magnitude, impact, and response, p. 159

a. 64, 2011, 1

Astrid Kander, Paul Warde, Energy availability from livestock and agricultural productivity in Europe, 1815-1913: a new comparison, p. 1
Adam Tooze, Martin Ivanov, Disciplining the ‘black sheep of the Balkans’: financial supervision and sovereignty in Bulgaria, 1902-38, p. 30
Ian Gazeley, Andrew Newell, Poverty in Edwardian Britain, p. 52
Peter M. Solar, Jan Tore Klovland, New series for agricultural prices in London, 1770-1914, p. 72
Louise A. Jackson, Angela Bartie, ‘Children of the city’: juvenile justice, property, and place in England and Scotland, 1945-60, p. 88
Martin Allen, Silver production and the money supply in England and Wales, 1086-c.1500, p. 114
Peter King, The choice of fuel in the eighteenth-century iron industry: the Coalbrookdale accounts reconsidered, p. 132
Janette Rutterford, David R. Green, Josephine Maltby, Alastair Owens, Who comprised the nation of shareholders? Gender and investment in Great Britain, c. 1870-1935, p. 157
Graeme G. Acheson, John D. Turner, Investor behaviour in a nascent capital market: Scottish bank shareholders in the nineteenth century, p. 188
A. J. Arnold, S. Mccartney, ‘Veritable gold mines before the arrival of railway competition’: but did dividends signal rates of return in the English canal industry?, p. 214
Elaine Tan, Scrip as private money, monetary monopoly, and the rent-seeking state in Britain, p. 237

Review of periodical literature, p. 256
Book reviews, p. 305