Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 62
Consistenza: a. 1, 1958 – a. 56, 2013, 4-5
Lacune: a. 2, 1959; 6, 1963; 23, 1980; 42, 1999-43, 2000; 45, 2002; 48, 2005, 1; a. 51, 2008, 4; a. 54, 2011, 2;
[ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1958 ]
S Allam, Women as holders of rights in Ancient Egypt (during
the late period), p. 1
R. Murphey, Conditions of Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean.
An appraisal of eighteenth century Ottoman documents from Aleppo, p. 35
Amy Singer, The Countryside of Ramle in the Sixteenth century.
A study of villages with computer assistance, p. 51
S A. M. Adshead, From Chien to Shai: Chronology of a technological
revolution, p. 80
Suraiya Faroqhi, Towns, Agriculture and the State in Sixteenth
century Ottoman Anatolia, p. 125
Nayanjot Lahiri, Landholding and Peasantry in the Brahmaputra
VaIley c. 5th-13th centuries A.D, p. 157
Nisar Ahmad, Assam-Bengal Trade in the Medieval period. A
Numismatic perspective, p. 169
Brent D Shaw, Bandit Highlands and Lowland Peace: The Mountains
of Isauria-Cilicia, p. 199
Brent D Shaw, Bandit Highlands and Lowland Peace: The Mountains
of Isauria-Cilicia, continued, p. 237
Ronald C Jennings, Pious Foundations in the Society and Economy
of Ottoman Trabzon, 1565-1640, p. 271
Mohammed El Faiz, Salinité et Histoire de l’Irak Pré-Islamique, p. 105
Reviews, p. 117
Janothan D Safren, Dur-Yahdun-Lim – The Raison d’être
of an ancient Mesopotamian Fortress-city, p. 1
Christopher Edens, Garth Bawden, History of Taymaand Hejazi
trade during the First Millennium B C, p. 48
Avner Giladi, Concepts of Childhood and attitudes towards
Children in Medieval Islam, p. 121
Pan Jixing, Hans Ulrich, Vogel and Elisabeth Theisen-Vogel,
Die Übersetzung und Verbreitung von Georgius Agricolas « De
re metallica » im China der späten Ming-Zeit (1368-1644), p. 153
G Van Driel, The Mura?ûs in context, p. 203
W F Leemans, À propos du livre de Dominique Charpin,
Le Clergé d’Ur au siècle d’Hammurabi La fonction
de ?andabakku, p. 229
Meir Malul, Susapinnu The Mesopotamian paranymph, p. 241
Richard T Mortel, Prices in Mecca during the Mamluk period, p. 279
M Athar Ali, The Islamic Background to Indian History An Interpretation
of the Islamic past, p. 335
G. Van Driel, The Mura?ûs in context, p. 203
W. F. Leemans, À propos du livre de Dominique Charpin, Le
Clergé d’Ur au siècle d’hammurabi, p. 229
Reviews, p. 104, 237, 346
Daniel C. Snell, The allocation of resources in the Umma
Silver Account system, p. 1
Josette Elayi, L’exploitation dec Cédres du Mont Liban
par les rois assyriens et néo-babyloniens, p. 14
Lawrence I. Conrad, Seven and the Tasbi On the implications
of numerical symbolism for the study of Medieval Islamic History, p. 42
Sushil Chaudhury, Merchants, Companies and Rulers: Bengal
in the eighteenth century, p. 74
R. K. Englund, Administrative Timekeeping in Ancient Mesopotamia, p. 121
Martha T Roth, « She Will die by the Iron Dagger » Adultery and Neo-Babylonian Marriage, p. 186
W F Leemans, Aperçu sur les textes juridiques d’Emar, p. 207
Uri Rubin, Muhammad’s Curse of Mudar and the Blockade of Mecca, p. 249
Bernhard Kölver, On the Origins of the Jajmani system, p. 265
Hanoch Reviv, Kidinnu Observations on privileges of Mesopotamian
cities, p. 286
Salih Kh. Sari, A note on Al-Maqrizi’s remarks regarding the
silver coinage of Baybars, p. 298
Anrew S. Ehrenkreutz, Theresa K. Tonan Emington, Salih Kh Sari,
Contribution to the knowledge of the standard of fineness
of silver coinage struck in Egypt and Syria during the period
of the crusades, p. 301
Claude Cahen, Un traité de droit commercial maritime
du IVe/Xe siècle Ifriqiyen, p. 304
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, A note on Narsapur Peta – A « Syncretic » shipbuilding centre in South India, 1570-1700, p. 305
Himanshu p: Ray, The Yavana presence in ancient India, p. 311
Reviews, p. 110, 326
Karlheinz Deller, Tamkaru-Kredite in neuassyrischer Zeit, p. 1
E.C.L. During Caspers, A copper-bronze animal in Harappan
style from Bahrain: Evidence of mercantile interaction, p. 30
Shireen Moosvi, The Silver influx, Money supply, Prices and
Revenue-extraction in Mughal India, p. 47
Erhard Rosner, Der Streik der Kaufleute in der Ch’ing-Zeit, p. 95
Irène Beldiceanu-Steinherr, À propos des tribus
Atceken (XVe -XVIe siècles), p. 121
Vijay Kumar Thakur, Trade and Towns in Early Medieval Bengal
(c. A.D.. 600-1200), p. 196
M. Elat, Der tamkaru im neuassyrischen Reich, p. 233
David Waines, Cereals, Bread and Society An essay on the staff
of life in medieval Iraq, p. 255
Ronald C, Jennings, Black slaves and Free blacks in Ottoman
Cyprus, 1590-1640, p. 286
Maheshwar P Joshi, C. W Brown, Some dynamics of Indo-Tibetan
trade through Uttarakhnda (Kumaon-Garhwal), India, p. 303
H. P. H. Petschow, Zum Altbabylonischen Getreidekurs, p. 114
Jacques Gernet, Histoire et agricolture en Chine, p. 221
John Emerson, Rahdars and their tolls in Savavid and Afsharid
Iran, p. 318
Reviews, p. 116, 229, 328
Amnon Ben-Tor, The Trade Relations of Palestine in the
Early Bronze Age, p. 1
Boaz Shoshan, Exchange-Rate Policies in Fifteenth-century
Egypt, p. 28
Iqtidar Husain Siddiquy, Water Works and Irrigation System
in India during Pre-Mughal Times, p. 52
Thomas S. Noonan, Early Abbasid Mint Output, p. 113
I. M: Diakonoff, Women in Old Babylonia not under patriarchal
authority, p. 225
Margaret L. Venzke, Special use of the tithe as a revenue-raising
measure in the sixteenth-century Sanjaq of Aleppo, p. 239
Prabhati Mukherjee, « A passage to India », p.
Daniel Crecelius, Incidences of Waqf cases in three Cairo
courts (1640-1802), p. 176
A. M. Samozvantsev, Some remarks regarding a term of Dasakalpa
in the Kautiliya Arthasastra, p. 190
Peter Francis Jr., Baba Ghor and the Ratanpur rakshisha, p. 198
Surendra Gopal, A Brief note on business organisation of indian
merchants in Russia in the 17th century, p. 205
Reviews, p. 89, 213, 335
David Ayalon, Regarding population estimates in the countries
of Medieval Islam, p. 1
Clinton Bailey, Dating the arrival of Bedouin tribes in Sinai
and the Negev, p. 20
Malati J. Shendge, The inscribed calculi and the invention
of writing: The indus view, p. 50
George Erdosy, The origin of cities in Ganges valley, p. 81
Renate Müller-Wollermann, Warenaustausch im Ägypten
des Alten Reiches, p. 121
Saïd Amir Arjomand, The Clerical Estate and the Emergence
of a Shi’ita Hierocracy in Safavid Iran. A Study in Historical
Sociology, p. 169
D.S. Richards, Documents from Sinai concerning mainly Cairene
property, p. 225
Vijaya Ramaswamy, The genesis and historical role of the master-weavers
in South Indian textile production, p. 294
Huda Lufti, « Iqrars from al-quds »: Emendations, p. 326
Reviews, p. 110, 220, 331
Elisabeth C.L. During Caspers, Dilmun: International burial
ground, p. 1
Gary Leiser, The Endowment of the Al-Zahiryya in Damascus, p. 33
Kenneth R, Hall, Small Asian nations in the shadow of the
large: Early Asian History through the eyes of Southeast Asia, p. 56
Jean-Claude Garcin, Toponymie et Topographie urbaines médiévales
à fustat et au Caire, p. 113
Moshe Gil, Dhimmi, Donations and Foundations for Jerusalem
(638-1099), p. 156
William J. Griswold, A sixteenth century Ottoman Pious Fountation,
p. 175
Daniel Potts, On Salt and Salt Gathering in Ancient Mesopotamia, p. 225
Kilian Butz, On Salt again… Lexikalische Randbemerkungen, p. 272
Rosemary Ellison, Methods of Food preparation in Mesopotamia
(c. 300-600 B.C), p. 89
Anthony Leahy, Death by fire in ancient Egypt, p. 199
Reviews, p. 99, p. 207, p. 317
Danielle Bonneau, Loi et coutume en Égypte. Un exemple:
les marais du Fayoum appelés drymoi, p. 1
P. W. Pestman, L’origine et l’extension d’un manuel de droit
égyptien. Quelques réflexions à propos du
soi-disant Code de Hermoupolis, p. 14
Hélène Cadell, Sur quelques cas de grève
dans l’Égypte lagide, p. 22
R.D. McChesney, The Amirs of Muslim Central Asia in the XVIIth
century, p. 33
J. Holmgren, The Harem in Northern Wei politics-398/498 A.D.:
A study of t’o-pa attitudes towards the institution of empress,
empress-dowager, and regency governments in the Chinese dynastic
system during early Northern Wei, p. 71
Malati J. Shendge, The use of Seals and the invention of Writing, p. 113
Abraham Marcus, Men, and property: Dealers in Real Estate
in 18th century Aleppo, p. 137
Lionel Casson, Sakas versus Andhras in the Periplus maris
Erythraei, p. , 164
Mounira Chapoutot-Remadi, Une grande Crise à la fin
du XIIIe siècle en Égypte, p. 217
Huda Lutfi, A study of six Fourteenth Century Iqrars from
al-Quds relating tu Muslim Women, p. 246
Sheila S. Blair, The Coins of the later Ilkhanids: A typological
Analysis, p 295
Madeline C. Zilfi, Elite Circulation in the Ottoman Empire:
Great Mollas of the Eighteenth Century, p. 318
Jean Gascou, De Byzance a l’Islam – Les Impôts en Egypte
après la conquête arabe, p. 97
Romila Thapar, The Dravidian hypothesis for the identification
of Meluhha, Dilmun and Makan, p. 178
Bh. Kri?hnamurti, The Dravidian Identification of Meluhha,
Dilmun and Makan, p. 191
Reviews, p. 110, 193
Jean Sapin, La géographie humaine de la Syrie-Palestine
au deuxième millénaire avant J.C. comme voie de
recherche historique (suite), p 1
Elizabeth C. Stone, The social rôle of the naditu women
in Old Babylonian Nippur, p. 50
Peter Von Sivers, Taxes and trade in the Abbasid Thughur,
750-962/133-351, p. 71
James H. Cole, Social discrimination in traditional China
: The to-min of Shaohsing, p. 100
Jean Sapin, La géographie humaine de la Syrie-Palestine
au deuxième millénaire avant J.C. comme voie de
recherche historique, suite, p. 113
Michael J. Hollerich, The Alexandrian Bishops and the Grain
trade: Ecclesiastical Commerce in Late Roman Egypt, p. 187
Fiorella Imparati, Aspects de l’organisation de l’état
Hittite dans les documents juridiques et administratifs,
p. 225
Lawrence J. Conrad, Ta’un and Waba’. Conceptions of Plague
and Pestilence in Early Islam, p. 268
Haim Gerber, The Monetary system of the Ottoman Empire, p. 308
Reviews, p. 208, 325,
Jean Sapin, La Géographie Humaine de la Syrie-Palestine
au deuxième millénaire avant J.C. comme voie de
recherche historique, p. 1
Michael L. Bates, The Function of Fatimid and Ayyubid Glass
weights, p. 63
Paul Balog, Fatimid Glass jetons: Token currency or Coinweights?,
p. 93
Piotr Steinkeller, The Renting of fields in Early Mesopotamia
and the development of the concept of « interest » in
Sumerian, p. 113
Iqtidar Alam Khan, Early Use of Cannon and Musket in India:
A.D. 1442-1526, p. 146
Timothy Brook, The Merchant Network in 16th century China.
A discussion and translation of Zhang Han’s « On Merchants », p. 165
M. J. Kister, O God, tighten thy grip on Mudar… Some
Socio-economic and religious aspects of early hadith, p. 242
Gladys Frantz-Murphy, A new interpretation of the Economic
History of Medieval Egypt. The role of the Textile Industry 254-567/868-1171, p. 274
Timothy Brook, The Merchant Network in 16th century China.
A discussion and translation of Zhang Han’s « On Merchants », p. 324
William F. Tucker, Natural disasters and the Peasantry in
Mamluk Egypt, p. 215
Benjamin Foster, A new look at the Sumerian Temple State, p. 225
A. J. Naji, Y. N. Ali, The Suqs of Basrah: Commercial organization
and activity in a Medieval Islamic city, p. 298
A.S. Melikian-Chirvani, Notes sur la terminologie de la Metallurgie
et des Armes dans l’Iran musulman, p. 310
P. Chalmeta, Précisions au sujet du Monnayage Hispano-Arabe
(dirham qasimi et dirham arba’ini), p. 316
Reviews, p. 325