Scandinavian Economic History Review DATINI

Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 58, 2010, 3

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editor’s Note, p. 187

Klas Rönnbäck, Balancing the Baltic trade: colonial commodities in the trade on the Baltic, 1773-1856, p. 188
Lars Fredrik Andersson, Liselotte Eriksson, Magnus Lindmark, Life insurance and income growth: the case of Sweden 1830-1950, p. 203
Kristoffer Jensen, Successful strategy leading to lock-in – lessons from the Danish garment industry, 1960 to 2000, p. 220
Björn Gustafsson, Birgitta Jansson, If Seebohm Rowntree had studied Sweden – how poverty changed in the city of Göteborg from 1925 to 2003, p. 239

v. 58, 2010, 2

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editor’s Note, p. 99

Tobias Karlsson, Allocating job losses: the mass layoffs at the Swedish Tobacco Monopoly in 1921, p. 100
Christian Venneslan, Norway’s recovery from the Great Depression – an act of balancing?, p. 119
Mark Casson, Entrepreneurship: theory, institutions and history. Eli F. Heckscher Lecture, 2009, p. 139

v. 58, 2010, 1

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editorial, p. 1

Kim Abildgren, Consumer prices in Denmark 1502-2007, p. 2
Ilja Kristian Kavonius, Does our nation have the patience to become prosperous? Finnish income, consumption and saving in the beginning of the 1950s, p. 25
Peter Sandberg, The creation of big business in the Swedish brewing industry during the aftermath of the Second World War, p. 43
Mike Burkhardt, The German Hanse and Bergen – new perspectives on an old subject, p. 60

v. 57, 2009, 3

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editorial, p. 227

Pernilla Jonsson, Fredrik Sandgren, Erik Lindberg, Tord Snäll, Towns and rural industrialisation in Sweden 1850-1890: A spatial statistical approach, p. 229
Lars Fredrik Øksendal, Bank Rate policy in Norway, 1893-1914, p. 252
Mikael Nilsson, Limiting diplomatic friction: Sweden, the United States and SKF’s ball bearing exports to Eastern Europe, 1950-52, p. 273

v. 57, 2009, 2

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editor’s Note, p. 123

Christian Venneslan, Electrification and industrialisation: An assessment of the industrial breakthrough in Norway, p. 124
Hans Sjögren, Miki Kishida, Has the control-oriented industrial finance system faded away? A comparative analysis of Japan and Sweden, p. 156
Eva Lindgren, Thomas Pettersson, Two sides of the same coin? Private car ownership in Sweden and Norway since 1950, p. 172
Erik Lindberg, The Swedish Salt Market during the Great Northern War, p. 191

v. 57, 2009, 1

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editor’s Note, p. 1

Rodney Edvinsson, Swedish Harvests, 1665-1820: Early Modern Growth in the Periphery of European Economy, p. 2
Jens Christensen, The Danish Agro Machinery Industry in a Global Perspective, 1945-2005, p. 26
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Purchasing Power of Labour: Norwegian Real Wages, 1726-2006, p. 48
Martin Gustavsson, Orsi Husz, Johan Söderberg, Collapse of a Bourgeoisie? The Wealthy in Stockholm, 1915-1965, p. 88

v. 56, 2008, 3

Lars Magnusson, Mats Morell, Editor’s Note, p. 175
Jari Kauppila, Impact of Tariffs on Industries and Prices in Finland during the Interwar Period, p. 176
Lars Fredrik Andersson, Magnus Lindmark, Is Structural Change Speeding Up? The Case of Sweden, 1850-2000, p. 192
Harald Espeli, Prelude to Extreme Protectionism? Norwegian Agricultural Protectionism in a West-European Context, 1850-1940, p. 209
Peter Hedbergand Elias Hakansson, Did Germany Exploit Its Small Trading Partners? The Nature of the German Interwar and Wartime Trade Policies Revisited from the Swedish Experience, p. 246

Book Reviews, p. 230

v. 56, 2008, 2

Kim Abildgren, A ‘First Go’ on Financial Accounts for Denmark, 1875-2005, p. 103
Martin Dribe, Patrick Svensson, Social Mobility in Nineteenth Century Rural Sweden – A Micro Leve/ Analysis, p. 122
Håkan Lobell, Lennart Schön, Olle Krantz, Swedish Historical National Accounts, 1800-2000: Principles and Implications of a New Generation, p. 142

Book Reviews, p.

v. 56, 2008, 1

Jukka Jalava, Growth and Productivity in the Finnish Trade Industry, 1975-2003: A National Comparative Perspective, p. 1
Martin Wottle, Opposing Prêt-à-Porter: Mills, Guilds and Government on Ready-made Clothing in Early Nineteenth-Century Stockholm, p. 21
Andrei V. Poletayev, Gross Domestic Product of the Russian Federation in Comparison with the United States, 1960-2004, p. 41
Niels-Henrik Topp, Unemployment and Economie Policy in Denmark in the 1930s, p. 71

Book Reviews, p.

v. 55, 2007, 3

Leandro Prados de la Escosura, European Patterns of Devebpment in Historical Perspective, p. 187
Lennart Schön, Technological Shifts and Convergence in a European Perspective since 1950, p. 222
Stig Tenold, Norway’s Internar Tanker Expansion – A Reappraisal, p. 244 Frank Barry, Foreign Direct Investment and Institutional Co-Evolution in Ireland, p. 262

Moshe Syrquin, Convergence since the Second World War: Blind Alleys and Misplaced Expectations, p. 289

Book Reviews, p. 299

v. 55, 2007, 2

René Taudal Poulsen, Liner Shipping and Technological Innovation: Ostasiat and the Container Revolution, 1963-75, p. 83
Jan Kunnas and Timo Mullyntaus, The Environmental Kunznets Curve Hypothesis and Air Pollution in Finland, p. 101
Johan Söderberg, Prices and Economic Change in Medieval Sweden, p. 128
Arto Kokkinen, Jukka Jalava, Riitta Hjerppe and Matti Hannikainen, Catching up in Europe: Finland’s Convergence with Sweden and the EU15, p. 153

Book Reviews, p. 172

v. 55, 2007, 1

Erik Lindberg, Mercantilism and urban inequalities in eighteenth-century Sweden, p. 1
Per Hortlund, The Provision of Liquidity in the Swedish Note Banking System, 1878-1901, p. 20
Christian Lyhne Ibsen, Lauge Skovgaard Poulsen, Path dependence and independent utility regulation: The case of Danish energy and telecommunications regulation, p. 41

Book Reviews, p. 64

v. 54, 2006, 3

Editor’s Note, p. 243

Susanna Fellmann, Pirkko Leino-Kaukianen, Business or Culture? Family Firms in the Finnish Media Business in the 20th Century, p. 244
Ulva Hasselberg, Networks and Scientific Integrity: Eli Heckscher and the Construction of Economic History in Sweden, 1920-1950, p. 273
Alain Clement, English and French mercantilist thought and the matter of colonies during the 17th century, p. 291

Book Reviews, p. 324

v. 54, 2006, 2

Editor’s Note, p. 115

David Greasley, Jakob B Madsen, A Tale of Two Peripheries: Real Wages in Denmark and New Zealand 1875-1939, p. 116
Ole Risager, A Price-Earnings Index for the Danish Stock Market, p. 137
Hans Sjögren, Family Capitalism within Big Business, p. 161
Lars Fredrik Øksendal, The Norwegian Debate on the Gold Standard and Monetary Integration in the 1870s, p. 187

Book Reviews, p. 214

v. 54, 2006, 1

Editor’s Introduction, p. 3

Björn L. Basberg, Patenting and Early Industrialization in Norway, 1860-1914. Was there a Linkage?, p. 4
Erik Törnlund, Investments and Changing Labour Productivity in Timber Floating: The Case of Tributaries in Northern Sweden, 1930-1960, p. 22
Jukka Jalava, Catching up with the Technology Frontier: Finnish Manufacturing Productivity, 1975-2003, p. 47
Hans Jörgensen, The Inter-War Land Reforms in Estonia, Finland and Bulgaria: A Comparative Study, p. 64

Book Reviews, p. 98

v. 53, 2005, 3

Editor’s Introduction, p. 5

Øyvind Eitrheim, Solveig K. Erlandsen, House Prices in Norway, 1819-1989, p. 7
Erling Røed Larsen, The Top Three Questions in Economics? When Theory is Confronted with History, p. 34
Kim Abildgren, Real Effective Exchange Rates and Purchasing-Power-parity Convergence: Empirical Evidence for Denmark, 1875-2002, p. 58
Christer Lundh, Lennart Schön, Lars Svensson, Regional Wages in Industry and Labour Market Integration in Sweden, 1861-1913, p. 71

Daniel Waldenström, Increased International Integration is a Prerequisite for More and Better Research in Economic History, p. 85

Book Reviews, p. 93

v. 53, 2005, 2

Editor’s Introduction, p. 5

Jan Bohlin, Tariff Protection in Sweden, 1885-1914, p. 7
Martin Dribe, Maria Stanfors, Leaving Home in Post-War Sweden. A Micro-level Analysis of Leaving the Parental Home in Three Birth Cohorts, p. 30

Debate Articles, p. 50
Daniel Waldenström, Is Swedish Research in Economic History Internationally Integrated?, p. 50

Book Reviews, p. 87

v. 53, 2005, 1

Editor’s Note, p. 5
Juha-Antti Lamberg, Jari Ojala, The Nordic Forest Industry in Retrospect: An Introduction, p. 7

Antti Ainamo, Coevolution of Individual and Firm-Specific Competences: the Imprinting Conditions and Globalization of the Jaakko Pöyry Group, 1946-1980, p. 19
Mika Skippari, Jari Ojala, Juha-Antti Lamberg, Long-Run Consequances of a Radical Change in the Business Environment: Dualistic Corporate Cooperate Cooperation in the Finnish Wood-Processing Industry during the 20th Century, p. 44
Kimmo Alajoutsijärvi, Heikki Holma, Kjell Nyberg, Henrikki Tikkanen, Cyclicality in the Finnish and Swedish Sawmill Industry, 1970-2000, p. 66
Anders Melander, Industry-wide Belief Structures and Strategic Behaviour, p. 91

Book Reviews, 119
Contributors, p. 130

v. 52, 2004, 2-3

Editor’s Note, p. 5
Hans Otto Froland, The Nordic Countries’ Trade Liberalisation in the 1950s: An Introduction, p. 7

Hans Otto Froland, Norway’s Liberalisation of Trade and Payments in the 1950s, p. 11
Birgit Karisson, Neutrality and Free Trade: Sweden and Trade Liberalisation, 1948-1958, p. 39
Guomundur Jónsson, Iceland, OEEC and the Trade Liberalisation of the 1950s, p. 62
Tapani Paavonen, Finland and the Question of West European Economic Integration, 1947-1961, p. 85
Johnny Laursen, Denmark and the OEEC, 1948-1959, p. 110
Hans Otto Froland, European Trade Liberalisation and the Stillborn Nordic Customs Union in the 1950s, p. 133

Statistical Appendix, p. 155
Notes to the Statistical Appendix, p. 178
Book Reviews, p. 182
Contributors, p. 204

v. 52, 2004, 1

Ola Honningdal Grytten, Editor’s Introduction, p. 5

Håkaban Lobell, Integration and Efficiency in the Foreign Exchange Market in Sweden 1834-1880, p. 7
Mika Kallioinen, Information, Communication Technology, and Business in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of a Finnish Merchant House, p. 19
Rauno Lahtinen, Timo Vuorisalo, Sewers, Wastewater and Newspapers: the Early Environmental Debate on Water Pollution in Turku, Finland, 1887-1934, p. 34
Bjørn Poulsen, Trade and Consumption Among Late Medieval and Early Modern Danish Peasants, p. 52

Book Reviews, p. 69
Contributors, p. 85

v. 51, 2003, 3

Sverre Knutsen, Editor’s Introduction, p. 5

Richard Palmer, Variations in the regional distribution of cross-border activity of Swedish transnational corporations during the 20th century, p. 7
Leos Müller, The Swedish East India Trade and International Markets: Re-exports of teas, 1731-1813, p. 28
Jens Gammelgaard, Time and Path Dependencies in Foreign Acquisition Behaviours: The History of Danish Take-overs Abroad, p. 45
Pirkko Aulin-Ahmavaara, Jukka Jalava, Capital and its productivity in Finland, 1975-2001, p. 62

Book Reviews, p. 80
Contributors, p. 97

v. 51, 2003, 2

Ola Honningdal Grytten, Editor’s Introduction, p. 7

Matti Peltonen, Where is the ‘Social’ in Social History? Refelctions on the CDoncept of Total History, p. 7
Lars Magnusson, Between micro and macro – what economic history can learn from modern economics, p. 14
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Beyond Quantitative and Qualitative, p. 23
Kristine Bruland, What is the economy in economic history, p. 32
Bo Sandelin, Wicksell versus Brisman: A Dispute on Capital between Generations, p. 45

Book Reviews, p. 57

v. 51, 2003, 1

New SEHR Editorial Board 2003-2007, p. 5
Sverre Knutsen, Editor’s Introduction, p. 7

Martin Dribe, Paul Nystedt, Information, Trust and the Diffusion of Smallpox Vaccination: the Case of Scania in Sweden, 1802-1835, p. 9
Martin Jes Iversen, Via Northern: Strategic and organisational upheavals of the Great Northern Telegraph Company, 1939-1948 and 1966-1977, p. 29
Magnus Lindmark, Peter Vikström, Growth and structural change in Sweden and Finland, 1870-1990: a story of convergence, p. 46
Lena Andersson-Skog, Olle Krantz, Swedish Economic History Writing – National Self-Sufficiency or Recognition of the International Context?, p. 75

Book reviews, p. 88

v. 50, 2002, 3

New SEHR Editorial Board 2003-2007
Introduction by Riitta Hjerppe and Yrjö Kaukiainen

Per Boje, Danish Economic History – Towards a New Millenium, p. 13
Matti Peltonen, From Growth Studies to Microhistory: Finnish Economic and Social History in the 1990s and Early 2000, p. 35
Guðmundur Jónsson, Icelandic Economic History: A Historiographical Survey of the Last Century, p. 44
Even Lange, Growth and Adaptation – Norwegian Economic History in the Last Quarter of the Twentieth Century, p. 57

Ulf Olsson, Fluctuat nec mergitur: Economic History in Sweden at the Turn of the Century 2000, p. 68

Kristof Glamann, SEHR & IEHA – The Early Years, p. 83
Jim Potter, Scandinavian Economic History Review, The First Ten Years – A Personal Memoir, p. 90
Geoffrey French, Fifty Years of Giant-Watching – A Sideline View by a Translator, p. 95
Svenska Dagbladet, 12 September 1953, International Spokesman by Karl-Gustaf Hildebrand, p. 98
Riitta Hjerppe, A Discussion with Academician Eino Jutikkala, p. 101
Letters from Professor Ernst Söderlund to Professor Eino Jutikkala about Editorial Principles, p. 103
Francis Sejersted, Norway and the Scandinavian Economic History Review, p. 105
Olle Krantz, Carl-Axel Nilsson, Economy and History – A Dissident Journal, p. 107

Book Reviews, p. 111
Select Bibliography 2001, p. 131
Acknowledgements, p. 148
Call For Sessions, p. 150
Contributors, p. 151

v. 50, 2002, 2

New SEHR Editorial Board 2003-2007, p. 5

L. Peter Jennergren, The swedish finance company crisis – could it have been anticipated?, p. 7
Concepción García-Iglesias, Interest rate risk premium and monetary union in the european periphery: new lessons from the gold standard, p. 31
Petri Böckerman, Jaakko Kiander, Labour markets in Filand durino the Great depressions of the twentieth century, p. 55
Marjatta Rahikainen, First-generation factory children: child labour in textile manufacturing in nineteenth-century Finland, p. 71

Book reviews, p. 96
Call for papers, p. 124

v. 50, 2002, 1

In Memoriam H.E.S. (Stephen Fisher, 1930-2002, by David J. Starkey

Harri Siiskonen, Silent Spring and the Nordic Agricultural Magazines, p. 7
Pedro Lains, Southern European Economic Backwardness Revisited: The Role of Open Economy Forces in Portugal and the Balkans, 1870-1913, p. 24
Jari Eloranta, « Weak » European States in the International Arms Trade, 1920-1937: The Impact of External Threats, Market Forces, and Domestic Constraints, p. 44
Karl Gratzer, Marcus Box, Causes of Selection Amongst Swedish Firms: a Contribution to the Development of a Business Demography, p. 68

Book Reviews, p. 85

v. 49, 2001, 3

Susanna Fellman, The Professionalisation of Management in Finland: The Case of the Manufacturing Sector, 1900-1975, p. 5
Juha.Antti Lamberg, Mika Skippari, Endogeneous and Exogeneous Variables in Trade Ahreement Policy: Finnish Trade Agreement Policy between 1930 and the 1960s, p. 28
Richard Wall, The Family Circumstances of Women Migrating Permanently or Temporarily to Sundsvall in the Nineteenth Century, p. 46

Book Reviews, p. 62
Select bibliography 2000, p. 79

v. 49, 2001, 2

Carsten Selch Jensen, Kurt Villads Jensen, John H. Lind, Communicating Crusades and Crusading Communications in the Baltic Region, p. 5
Juhan Kreem, The Business of War: Mercenary Market and Organisation in Reval in the Fifteenth and Early Sixteenth Centuries, p. 26
Anna-Maria Vilkuna, The Communications System and the Economic Transactions of Häme Castle in the Mid-Sixteenth Century, p. 43
Henrik Ågren, Time and Communication: A Preindustrial Modernisation of the Awareness of Time, p. 55
Antti Kujala, Why Did Finland’s War Economy Collapse during the Great Northern War?, p. 78

Book Reviews, p. 90

v. 49, 2001, 1

Einar Lie, Statistical Thinking in Norway in the Nineteenth Century, p. 5
Christer Peterson, Finnish Engineering and Swedish Imperialism: The Development Paths of Two Nordic Forest-Nations, 1950-1992, p. 23
Marjatta Rahikainen, Children and « the Right to Factory Work »: Child Labour Legislation in Nineteenth-Century Finland, p. 41
Steen Nielsen, Ole Risager, Stock Returns and Bond Yields in Denmark, 1922-1999, p. 63

Andreas Graflund, A Swedish Real Estate Stock Market Index, 1939-1998, p. 83

Book Reviews, p. 100
Contributors, p. 116