Scandinavian Economic History Review DATINI

Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 48, 2000, 3

Johan Söderberg, Controversial Consumption in Sweden, 1914-1945, p. 5
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Differences in the Standard of Living in Inter-War Norway: A Comparative Analysis, p. 22
Jesper Strandskov, Kurt Pedersen, Pioneering FDI into the Danish Bacon Industry: Building an Agro-Industrial Diamond, p. 42
Kurt Pedersen, Peter Sorensen, Jesper Strandskov, Otto Monsted and the Early Margarine Industry: Alliance Capitalism a Century Ago, p. 57

Book reviews, p. 72
Select bibliography 1999s, p. 96
Call for papers, p. 114 Aarhus, Denmark, 25-26 May, 2001, p. 114
Contributors, p. 116

v. 48, 2000, 2

Olle Krantz, The Transport and Communications Sector in Economic Development: Views from the Historical National Accounts, p. 5
Lena Andersson-Skog, National Patterns in the Regulation of Railways and Telephony in the Nordic Countries to 1950, p. 30
Kimmo Antila, Marko Nenonen, Relief Works, the World Bank and Private Business: Building Highways in Finland, p. 47
Steen Thomsen, The Survival of Foreign Subsidiaries and Domestically-owned Companies in Denmark, 1895-1995, p. 72

Book reviews, p. 87

v. 48, 2000, 1

Dan H. Andersen, Hans-Joachim Voth, The Grapes of War: Neutrality and Mediterranean Shipping under the Danish Flag, 1747-1807, p. 5
Jón Th. Thór, Why Was Greenland ‘Lost’? Changes in North Atlantic Fisheries and Maritime Trade in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries, p. 28
Kirsi Vainio-Korhonen, Handicrafts as Professions and Sources of Income in Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century Turku (Åbo): A Gender Viewpoint to Economic History, p. 40
Susanna Hedenborg, The World is Full of Sorrow: Infant Mortality in Stockholm, 1754-1850, p. 64
Pirkko Leino-Kaukiainen, Cleaning a Thousand Waste-Waters: Water Pollution in Finland, 1945-1970, p. 81

Book reviews, p. 100
Contributors, p. 115

v. 47, 1999, 3

Philip Keisall, The Danish Monopoly Trading Companies ano their Shareholders, 1730-1774, p. 5
Erkki Pihkala, The Political Economy of Post-War Finland, 1945-1952, p. 26
Beatrice Moring, Economic and Ecologic Determinant of Household Organisation in the Northeastern Baltic Region, p. 48

Book reviews, p. 69
Bibliography, p. 89
Call for papers, p. 107
Contributors, p. 109

v. 47, 1999, 2

Risto Herrala, Banking Crises vs. Depositor Crises: the Era of the Finnish Markka, 1865-1998, p. 5
Erlend Bjortvedt, Christian Venneslan, The Gold Standard, Trade and Recovery in the 1930s: The Norwegian Case, 23
Lars Pettersson, The Swedish Model and Manufacturing Industry: A Pattern of Change, p. 45
Carl Jeding, Jan Ottosson, Lars Magnusson, Regulatory Change and International Co-operation: The Scandinavian Telecommunication Agreements, 1900-1960, p. 63

Lennart Andersson Palm, Household Size in Pre-industrial Sweden, p. 78

Book reviews, p. 91
Contributors, p. 106

v. 47, 1999, 1

Sverre Knutsen, Mary B. Rose, Hans Sjögren, Introduction, p. 5
Mark Casson, The Economics of the Family Firm, p. 10
Andrea Colli, Mary B. Rose, Families and Firms: The Culture and Evolution of Family Firms in Britain and Italy in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 24
Hans Sjögren, Shipping as Gambling: Governance Mechanisms and the 1984 Bankruptcy of Saléninvest, p. 48
Sverre Knutsen, Government Regulations, Information Costs and Concentration in the Norwegian Insurance Industry, 1960-1990, p. 65
Paul Duguid, Teresa da Silva Lopes, Ambiguous Company: Institutions and Organizations in the Port Wine Trade, 1814-1834, p. 84

Book reviews, p. 103
Contributors, p. 120

v. 46, 1998, 3

Even Lange, In memoriam Helge W. Nordvik, p. 5

Kjell Bjorn Minde, Was there a Fall in the Return to Educational Investment in Norway, 1885-1955?, p. 6
Anders Skonhoft, Industrialisation and Deindustrialisation in Norway, 1960-1990: Events, Structure and Causes, p. 23
Torbjörn Lundqvist, The Making of a National Cartel in the Swedish Brevving Industry, 1885-1908, p. 42

Douglass C. North, Comment on Bo Gustafsson’s « The Methodological Problems of Institutional Economic History », p. 64

Book reviews, p. 66
Bibliography, p. 75
Call for papers, p. 87
Contributors, p. 89

v. 46, 1998, 2

Bo Gustafsson, Some Theoretical Problems of Institutional Economic History, p. 5
Timothy W. Guinnane, Ingrid Henriksen, Why Danish Credit Co-operatives Were so Unimportant, p. 32
Lewis Johnman, Hugh Murphy, The Norwegian Market for British Shipbuilding, 1945-1967, p. 55
Juha-Antti Lamberg, Economic Interest Groups in Finnish Foreign-trade Policy Decision-making in the Early Years of Independence, p. 79
Lena Sommestad, Human Reproduction and the Rise of Welfare States: An Economic-demographic Approach to Welfare State Formation in the United States and Sweden, p. 97

Book reviews, p. 117

v. 46, 1998, 1


Editors’ Note
Johan Söderberg, Lars Magnusson, Introduction, p. 7

Hans Chr. Johansen, Food Consumption in the Pre-industrial Nordic Societies, p. 11
Gudmundur Jonsson, Changes in Food Consumption in Iceland, 1770-1940, p. 24
Ola Honningdal Grytten, Kjell Bjorn Minde, The Demand for Consumer Goods in the Modernisation of the Norwegian Economy, 1850-1920, p. 42
Sakari Heikkinen, Major Necessities and Minor Luxuries: Workers as Consumers in Finland at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p. 59
Johan Söderberg, Consumption, Gender and Preferences in Sweden, 1920-1965, p. 71
Kias Nyberg, Pernilla Jonsson, Mats Fagerberg, Erik Lindberg, Trade and Marketing, Some Problems Concerning the Growth of Marker Institutions in Swedish Industrialisation, p. 85

Book reviews, p. 103

copertina della rivista

v. 45, 1997, 3

Lennart Schön, Internal and external Factors in Swedish Industrialization, p. 209
Henrik Harnow, The Role of the Engineer in Danish Modernisation. 1850-1920, p. 224
Thomas Marmefelt, Network Commitment as Institutional Endowment and the Evolution of Bank-Industry Networks in Sweden and France, p. 244
Harald Espeli, Protectionism, Lobbying and Innovation. Perspectives on the Development of the Norwegian Textile Industry, especially since 1940, p. 257
Olavi Uusitalo, Development of the Flat Glass Industry in Scandinavia. 1910-1990: the Impact of Technological Change, p. 276

Bibliography, p. 296
Contributors, p. 314

v. 45, 1997, 2

RichardSwedber, Joseph Schumpeter in Sweden, p. 113
Niels-Henrik Topp, Unemployment in Denmark in the 1930s, p. 131
Björn Basberg, Creating a Patent System in the European Periphery: the Case of Norway, 1839-1860, p. 142
Jonas Ljungberg, The Impact of the Great Emigration on the Swedish Economy, p. 159

Reviews, p. 190

v. 45, 1997, 1

Jan Tore Klovland, The Silver Age of Manufacturing in Norway: New Estimatesof the Growth of Industrial Production, 1927-1948, p. 3
Henrik J. Meyer, The Distribution of Income in Copenhagen at the Beginning of the Nineteenth Century, p. 30
Knut Sogner, Recent Trends in Business History, p. 58
Christer Persson, Land Ownership, Farm Structure and the Economy: Some Examples og Farm Sub-Division in Sweden, 1780-1862, p. 70

Reviews, p. 90
Contributors, p. 110

v. 44, 1996, 3

Ernst Söderlund In Memoriam, p. 205

Lars Pettersson, Reading and Writing Skills and the Agrarian Revolution: Scanian Peasants During the Age of Enclosure, p. 207
Birgit Karlsson, Sweden and the OEEC, 1947-50: Walking the tightrope, p. 222
Atle Midttun, Strategic Challenges and Institutional Patterns: Nordic Heavy Industry’s Adaptation to Market-Oriented Electricity Reform, p. 244

Jonas Ljungberg, Catch-Up and Static Equilibrium: A Critique of the Convergence Model, p. 265

Kevin Hjortshoj O’Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Reply to Ljungberg, p. 276

Bibliography, p. 280
Contributors, p. 298

v. 44, 1996, 2

Mika Kallioinen, Community the Individual, and the Rise of Capitalism: The Organization of Finnish Foreign Trade in the Middle Ages, p. 110
Jan Eivind Myhre, Wanted and Unwanted Suburbs: Annexations and Urban Identity. The Case of Christiania (Oslo) in the Nineteenth Century, p. 124
H. A. R. Smidt, Dutch and Danish Agricultural Exports During the First World War, p. 140
Lars Svensson, Politics or Market Forces? The Determinants of the Relative Wage Movements of Female Industrial Workers in Sweden, 1960-1990, p. 161

Book Reviews, p. 183

v. 44, 1996, 1

Margarita Dritsas, Swedish Capital in Greece and Entrepreneurial Strategies in Greece during the Interwar Period, p. 3
Lena Andersson-Skog, From State Railway Housekeeping, to Railway Economics: Swedish Railway Policy and Economic Transformation after 1920 in an Institutional Perspective, p. 23
Leo Andreas Grünfeld, Monetary Aspects of Norwegian Business Cycles: An Exploratory Study Based on Historical Data, p. 43
Steen Thomsen, Company Dynamics and Economic Growth: The Largest Danish Manufacturing Companies, 1890-1990, p. 66

Book Reviews, p. 84

v. 43, 1995, 3

Kevin Hjortshoj O’Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Education, Globalization and Catch-Up: Scandinavia in the Swedish Mirror, p. 287
Kent Olsson, Big Business in Sweden: The Golden Age of the Great Swedish Ship-yards, 1945-1974, p. 310
Niels-Henrik Topp, Influence of the Flublic Sector on Activity in Denmark, 1929-39, p. 339

Bibliography, p. 357
Contributors, p. 375

v. 43, 1995, 2

Kevin Hjortshoj O’Rourke, Jeffirey G. Williamson, Open Economy Forces and Late Nineteenth Century Swedish Catch-Up. A Quantitative Accounting, p. 171
Kurt Lundgren, Why in Sweden? An Analysis of the Development of the Large Swedish International Firms From a Learning Perspective, p. 204
Ola Honningdal Grytten, The Scale of Norwegian Interwar Unemployment in International Perspective, p. 226
Marjatta Rahikainen, The Fading of Compulsory Labour: The Dispiacement of Work by Hobbies in the Reformatory Schools of Twentieth-Century Finland, p. 251

Book Reviews, p. 263
Contributors, p. 283

v. 43, 1995, 1

Bart van Ark, Towards European Historical National Accounts, p. 3
Nick Crafts, Recent Research on the National Accounts of the UK, 1700-1939, p. 17
Jorgen Peter Christensen, Riitta Hjerppe, Olle Krantz, Carl-Axel Nilsson, Nordic Historical National Accounts since the 1880s, p. 30
Erik Buyst, Jan Pieter Smits, Jan Luiten van Zanden, National Accounts for the Low Countries, 1800-1990, p. 53
Rainer Fremdling, German National Accounts for the 19th and Early 20th Century, p. 77
Kieran A. Kennedy, The National Accounts for Ireland in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 101
Carlo Bardini, Albert Carreras, Pedro Lains, The National Accounts for Italy, Spain and Portugal, p. 115
Valentin Kudrov, National Accounts and International Comparisons for the Former Soviet Union, p. 147

Contributors, p. 167

v. 42, 1994, 3

Sven Lilja, The Geography of Urbanization. Sweden and Finland, c. 1570-1770, p. 235
Eli Moen, Technological Change and the Decline of the Traditional Pulp and Paper Industry in Norway, 1950-1980, p. 257
Bo Malmberg, Age Structure Effects on Economic Growth. Swedish Evidence, p. 279
Fritz Hodne, Export-led Growth or Export Specialization?, p. 296

Bibliography, p. 311
Contributors, p. 331

v. 42, 1994, 2

Rolf Ohlsson, Introduction, p. 123
Helge W. Nordvik, Ola H. Grytten, The Labour Market, Unemployment and Economic Growth in Norway, 1920-1939, p. 125
Jorma Kalela, Unemployment as a Dimension of Politics in Finland between the Wars, p. 145
Klas Fregert, Relative Wage Strugales during the Interwar Period, General Equilibrium and the Rise of the Swedish Model, p. 173
Rolf Ohlsson, Demographic Aspects on the Labour Market Situation in Sweden during the Interwar Period, p. 187
Joe Melling, Alf Johansson, Employers, Craft Workers and the Effort Bargain. The Institutional Context of Engineering Firms’ Labour Policies in Britain and Sweden, c. 1920-1940, p. 200

Book Reviews, p. 220

v. 42, 1994, 1

Stefan Carlén, An Institutional Analysis of the Swedish Salt Market, 1720-1862, p. 3
Ole Hyldtoft, Modern Theories of Regulation: An Old Story. Danish Gasworks in the Nineteenth Century, p. 29
Mogens Dilling-Hansen, Kristian Rask Petersen, Valdemar Smith, Growth and Convergence in Danish Regional Incomes, p. 54
Björn Gustafsson, Ali C. Tasiran, Wages in Sweden since World War II. Gender and age specific salaries in wholesale and retail trade, p. 77

Book Reviews, p. 101

v. 41, 1993, 3

Knut Sogner, Nations, Clusters and Culture: Nycomed and World Leadership in the Field of X-ray Contrast Media, p. 209
Jan Pedersen, The Production and Sale of Industrial Knowledge: Intemational Licensing of the Danish B&W Marine Diesel Engine, 1912-32, p. 221
Markku Kuisma, Government Action, Cartels and National Corporations – the Development Strategy of a Small Peripheral Nation during the Period of Crisis and Economic Disintegration in Europe. (Finland 1918-1938), p. 242
Flemming Just, Agriculture and Controls in Denmark 1930-1950, p. 269

Michael Bergman, Lars Jonung, The Business Cycle Has Not Been Dampened: A Reply, p. 286

Bibliography, p. 291
Contributors, p. 317

v. 41, 1993, 2

Guðmundur Jónsson, Institutional Change in Icelandic Agriculture, 1780-1940, p. 101
Rainer Fremdling, Günter Knieps, Competition, Regulation and Nationalization: The Prussian Railway System in the Nineteenth Century, p. 129
Stefan Gerlach, Swedish Business Cycles During the Period of the Gold Standard 1873-1913, p. 155
Lars Pålsson Syll, Wicksell on Harmony Economics: The Lausanne School vs. Wicksell, p. 172

Olle Krantz, Are Data Unimportant in Business Cycle Analysis, p. 189

Book Reviews, p. 192
Contributors, p. 205

v. 41, 1993, 1

Agnete Raaschou-Nielsen, The Organizational History of the Firm. The putting-out system in Denmark around 1900, p. 3
Michael Bergman, Lars Jonung, The Business Cycle Has Not Been Dampened: The Case of Sweden and the United States 1873-1988, p. 18
Karl Gunnar Persson, On Corn, Turgot, and Elasticities: The Case for Deregulation of Grain Markets in Mid-Eighteenth Century France, p. 37
Helge W Nordvik, The Banking System, Industrialization and Economic Growth in Norway, 1850-1914, p. 51
Eino Jutikkala, Frost or Microbes, p. 73

Book Reviews, p. 80
Contributors, p. 95

v. 40, 1992, 3

Rolf H. Dumke, The Future of Cliometric History. A European View, p. 3
Carl-Axel 0lsson, Eli Heckscher and the Problem of Synthesis. A Methodological Note, p. 29
Benny Carlson, Eli Heckscher and Natural Monopoly: The Nightmare that Never Came True, p. 53

Bibliography, p. 80
Contributors, p. 102

v. 40, 1992, 2

Carl Hampus Lyttkens, Effects of the Taxation of Wealth in Athens in the Fourth Century B. C., p. 3
Lars Pålsson Syll, Notes on Neoinstitutional Economics, p. 21

Francesco L. Galassi, Was Feudalism Inevitable? A Critique of K. G. Persson, p. 34
Karl Gunnar Persson, The Inevitability of Feudalism. A Reply, p. 44
Colin M. White, The Proper Concerns of Economic History. Ultimate and Proximate Growth Causality?, p. 47
Hans Kryger Larsen, Carl-Axel Nilsson, Measuring Transformation, p. 51
Jonas Ljungberg, Once More on the Gerschenkron Effect. A reply to Larsen and Nilsson, p. 54
Jonas Ljungberg, When the Track does not Accord with the Map. A Critique of Rojas, p. 59

Review Article, p. 63
Book Reviews, p. 69
Contributors, p. 79

v. 40, 1992, 1

Per Frennberg, Björn Hansson, Computation of a Monthly Index for Swedish Stock Returns 1919-1989, p. 3
Hans Kryger Larsen, Carl-Axel Nilsson, Some Remarks on the Use of Prices when Constructing Volume Series, p. 28
Francis Sejersted, A Theory of Economic and Technological Development in Norway in the Nineteenth Century, p. 40

Rewiew article, p. 76
Book Reviews, p. 95
Contributors, p. 108

v. 39, 1991, 3

Alice Teichova, Introduction, p. 3
Håkan Lindgren, Swedish Historical Research on Banking during the 1980’s: Tradition and Renewal, p. 5
Per H. Hansen, From Growth to Crisis. The Danish Banking System from 1850 to the Interwar Years, p. 20
Sverre Knutsen, From Expansion to Panic and Crash. The Norwegian Banking System and its Customers 1913-1924, p. 41
Hans Sjögren, The Financial Contracts of Large Firms. A Longitudinal Study of Swedish Firms and Commercial Banks, 1919-1947, p. 72

Bibliography, p. 95
Contributors, p. 120

v. 39, 1991, 2

Dan Bücklund, Continuous Transformation: The Leading Cities of Sweden, 1820-1970, p. 3
Benny Carlson, Gösta Bagge’s American Lessons, p. 29
Neelambar Hatti, James Heimann, The Return of the « Black Books », p. 42
Jonas Ljungberg, Prices and Industrial Transformation, p. 49

Mauricio Rojas, The « Swedish Model » in Historical Perspective, p. 64

Book Reviews, p. 75
Contributors, p. 97

v. 39, 1991, 1

Ole Feldbæk, The Danish Asia Trade, 1620-1807. Value and Volume, p. 3
Rainer Fremdling, Productivity Comparison between Great Britain and Germany, 1855-1913, p. 28
Christer Gunnarsson, What is New and What is Institutional in the New Institutional Economics? An Essay on Old and New Institutionalism and the Role of the State in Developing Countries, p. 43

Karl Gunnar Persson, Was Feudalism Inevitable?, p. 68

Book Reviews, p. 77
Contributors, p. 102