Scandinavian Economic History Review DATINI

Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953]

copertina della rivista

v. 8, 1960, 2

Kristof Glamann, The Danish Asiatic Company, 1732-1772, p. 109
Ingrid Semmingsen, Norwegian Emigration in the Nineteenth Century, p. 150
Franklin D. Scott, The Study of the Effects of Emigration, p. 161

Review Arlicle, p. 175
Reviews, p. 180

v. 8, 1960, 1

Sven-Erik Åström, The English Navigation Laws and the Baltic Trade, 1660-1700, p. 3
Donald J. Blake, Swedish Trade Unions and the Social Democratic Party: The Formative Years, p. 19
Arthur Montgomery, From a Northern Customs Union to EFTA, p. 45

Review articles, p. 71

v. 7, 1959, 2

Svend Aakjær, Land Measurement and Land Valuation in Medieval Denmark, p. 115
Arvo M. Soininen, Burn-beating as the Technical Basis of Colonisation in Finland in the 16th and 17th Centuries, p. 150
Sven Dahl, Travelling Pedlars in Nineteenth Century Sweden, p. 167

Reviews, p. 179

v. 7, 1959, 1

Gustaf Utterström, Migratory Labour and the Herring Fisheries of Western Sweden in the 18th Century, p. 3
E. F. Söderlund, The Swedish Iron Industry, 1932-1939, p. 41
Sven UIric Palme, Politics and Economic Theory in Allied Planning for Peace, 1944-1945, p. 67

Review articles, p. 79
Reviews, p. 107

v. 6, 1958, 2

Andreas Holmsen, Landowners and Tenants in Norway, p. 121
Armas Luukko, The ‘Annual Budget’ of North Finnish Farmers at the End of the 17th Century, p. 132
B. Boëthius, Swedish Iron and Steel, 1600-1955, p. 143
Kurt Samuelsson, The Banks and the Financing of Industry in Sweden, c. 1900-1927, p. 176

Reviews, p. 191

v. 6, 1958, 1

K.-G. Hildebrand, Foreign Markets for Swedish Iron in the 18th Century, p. 3
E. F. Söderlund, The Swedish Iron Industry during the First World War and the Post-War Depression, p. 53

Reviews, p. 95

v. 5, 1957, 2

Aksel E. Christensen, Scandinavia and the Advance of the Hanseatics, p. 89
Ingrid Hammarström, The Price Revolution of the Sixteenth Century: Some Swedish Evidence, p. 118
Eino Jutikkala, Can the Population of Finland in the 17th Century be Calculated?, p. 155
A. W. Coats, In Defence of Heckscher and the Idea of Mercantilism, p. 173
Steinar Kjærheim, Norwegian Timber Exports in the 18th Century: A Comparison of Port Books and Private Accounts, p. 188

v. 5, 1957, 1

D. C. Coleman, Eli Heckscher and the Idea of Mercantilism, p. 3
Lauri Korpelainen, Trends and Cyclical Movements in Industrial Employment in Finland 1885-1952, p. 26
Gustaf Åkerman, The Income Elasticity of Demand for Housing, p. 49

Reviews, p. 74

v. 4, 1956, 2

J. William Fredrickson, American Shipping in the Trade with Northern Europe, 1783-1860, p. 109
Fredrik Neumeyer, A Contribution to the History of Modern Patent Legislation in the United States and in France, p. 126
Arthur Montgomery, Production and Ideology in the Soviet Union, p. 151

Reviews, p. 178

v. 4, 1956, 1

Sune Dalgård, Danish Enterprise and Mauritius Ebony, 1621-1624, p. 3

The Old Norwegian Peasant Community: Investigations undertaken by the Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo
I. Andreas Holmsen, General Survey and Historical Introduction, p. 17
II. Halvard Björkvik, The Farm Territories, p. 33
III. Rigmor Frimannslund, Farm Community and Neigh-bourhood Community, p. 62

Reviews, p. 82
B. Boëthius, A History of Ironmaking, p. 82

v. 3, 1955, 2

Arne Öhberg, Russia and the World Market in the Seventeenth Century, p. 123
Kurt Samuelsson, International Payments and Credit Movements by the Swedish Merchant-Houses, 1730-1815, p. 163
Arthur Montgomery, Economic Fluctuations in Sweden in 1919-1921, p. 203

Reviews, p. 239
William N. Parker, Growth and Stagnation in the European Economy, p. 239

v. 3, 1955, 1

Gustaf Utterström, Climatic Fluctuations and Population Problems in Early Modern History, p. 3
Eino Jutikkala, The Great Finnish Famine in 1696-97, p. 48
Edvard Bull, Industrial Workers and Their Employers in Norway circa 1900, p. 64
G. R. Allen, A Comparison of Real Wages in Swedish Agriculture and Secondary and Tertiary Industries, 1870-1949, p. 85

Reviews, p. 108

v. 2, 1954, 2

Johan Schreiner, Wages and Prices in England in the Later Middle Ages, p. 1
Karl-Gustaf Hildebrand, Salt and Cloth in Swedish Economic History, p. 74
Gustaf Utterström, Some Population Problems in Pre-Industrial Sweden, p. 103
Ingrid Semmingsen, The Dissolution of Estate Society in Norway, p. 106

v. 2, 1954, 1

Sture Bolin, Tax Money and Plough Money, p. 3
Olle Gasslander, The Convoy Affair of 1798, p. 22
Michael Flinn, Scandinavian Iron Ore Mining and the British Steel Industry 1870-1914, p. 31

Reviews, p. 47

v. 1, 1953, 2

Bertil Boëthius, New Light on Eighteenth Century Sweden, p. 143
E. W. Fleisher, Transatlantic Market for Swedish Iron …, p. 178

An Inquiry into the Relations between Economic and Financial Factors in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.
I. Astrid Friis, The Two Crises in the Netherlands in 1557, p. 193
Astrid Friis, Svend Ellehoj, Appendices. Grain Prices, p. 218

Reviews, p. 243

v. 1, 1953, 1

E. F. Söderlund, Introduction, p. 3
Sture Bolin, Mohammed, Charlemagne, and Ruric, p. 5
Kristof Glamann, The Dutch East India Company’s Trade in Japanese Copper, 1645-1736, p. 40
Eino Jutikkala, The Distribution of Wealth in Finland in 1800, p. 81
Eli F. Heckscher, A Survey of Economic Thought in Sweden, 1875-1950, p. 105

Reviews, p. 127

In Memoriam
E. F. Söderlund, Eli F. Heckscher, 1879-1952, p. 137