Scandinavian Economic History Review DATINI

Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 38, 1990, 3

Ingrid Henriksen, Peasants and the Market, p. 3
Alf Johansson, Joseph Melling, Labour Relations and Industrial Productivity, p. 22
Agnete Raaschou-Nielsen, Danish Agrarian Reform and Economic Theory, p. 44

Review Article, p. 62
Bibliography, p. 70
Contributors, p. 99

v. 38, 1990, 2

Katrin Fridjonsdottir, Bo Gustafsson, Introduction, p. 3
Gunnar Fridlizius, The Growth of a Population Research Group in Economic History, p. 4
Carl-Johan Gadd, Ulf Jonsson, Agrarian History as a Sub-Field of Swedish Economic History, p. 18
Karl-Gustaf Hildebrand, Swedish Economic History before the 1980s, p. 31
Olle Krantz, Macroeconomic History in Sweden, p. 41
Lars Magnusson, Social History as Economic History in Sweden. Some Remarks, p. 52
Ulf Olsson, Business History as Economic History, p. 59
Ulla Wikander, On Women’s History and Economic History, p. 65

Book Reviews, p. 72
Contributors, p. 84

v. 38, 1990, 1

A W Coats, Disciplinary Self-Examination, Departments, and Rescarch Traditions in Economic History: The Anglo-American Story, p. 3
Arne Kiel, Lars Miøset, Wage Formation in the Norwegian Industry 1840-1985, p. 19
Anders Skonhoft, Home-led or Export-led Growth? The Growth of the Norwegian Electronics Industry in the Postwar Period, p. 50
Claudio Vedovato, Economic Stagnation and Easy « Exit »: The Italian South from Unification to the 1950’s, p. 74

Book Reviews, p. 95
Contributors, p. 118

v. 37, 1989, 3

Gunnar Fridlizius, The Deformation of Cohorts: Nineteenth Century Mortality Decline in a Generational Perspective, p. 3
Jan Tore Klovland, A Chronology of Cycles in Real Economic Activity for Norway, 1867-1914, p. 18
Mats Lundahl, Claudio Vedovato, The State and Economic Development in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, p. 39

Review articles, p. 60
Bibliography, p. 73
Contributors 101

v. 37, 1989, 2

Lars Magnusson, Introduction, p. 3
Lars Herlitz, On the Prehistory of the Trinity: Functional Class Division from Mercantilism to Classicism, p. 5
Henrik Horstbøll, Cosmology and Economics, p. 26
Per-Arne Karlsson, Housekeeping Ideology and Equilibrium Policy in Eighteenth Century Sweden, p. 51
Lars Magnusson, Corruption and Civic Order. Natural Law and Economic Discourse in Sweden during the Age of Freedom, p. 78

Book Reviews, p. 106
Contributors, p. 119

v. 37, 1989, 1

Niels Buus Kristensen, Industrial Growth in Denmark, 1872-1913 – in Relation to the Debate on an Industrial Break-through, p. 3
Tapani Paavonen, Neutrality, Protectionism and the International Community. Finnish Foreign Economic Policy in the Period of Reconstruction of the International Economy, 1945-1950, p. 23
Sanjay Subrahmanyam, The Coromandel Trade of the Danish East India Company, 1618-1649, p. 41
Sven-Erik Åström, Britain’s Timber Imports from the Baltic, 1775-1830. Some New Figures and Viewpoints, p. 57

Book Reviews, p. 72
Contributors, p. 89

v. 36, 1988, 3

Scandinavian Historiography, p. 3
Gunnar Viby Mogensen, Recent Danish Research in Economic History – a Survey, p. 5
Tapani Mauranen, Review of Research in Economic and Social History in Finland in the 1970s and 1980s, p. 23
Francis Sejersted, The Development of Economic History in Norway, p. 42
Rolf Adamson, Economic History Research in Sweden since the mid-1970s, p. 51

Bibliography, p. 67
Contributors, p. 89

v. 36, 1988, 2

L. Peter Jennergren, Bjarne G. Sørensen, Price Formation in the Danish Stock Market in the 1890s, p. 3
Angus Maddison, Ultimate and Proximate Growth Causality: A Critique of Mancur Olson on the Rise and Decline of Nations, p. 25
Sven-Olof Olsson, Swedish-Polish Trade Negotiations at the End of the Second World War and Their Results, p. 30
Johan Söderberg, Arne Jansson, Corn-Price Rises and Equalisation: Real Wages in Stockholm 1650-1719, p. 42
Kersti Ullenhag, Firms under Expansion. A Theoretical Model and Its Application, p. 68

Book Reviews, p. 82
Contributors, p. 92

v. 36, 1988, 1

Erik Dahmén, ‘Development Blocks’ in Industrial Economics, p. 3
Jørn Henrik Petersen, Danish Economists on the Issue of Funding versus Pay-as-you-go, p. 15
Matti Peltonen, Agrarian World Market and Finnish Farm Economy, p. 26
H. Arnold Barton, The Danish Agrarian Reforms, 1784-1814, and the Historians, p. 46
Bjørn L. Basberg, Hans Chr. Johansen, Olle Krantz, Patent Statistics as a Measure of Technological Change, p. 62
Benny Carlson, Lindahl Dynamics and Death, p. 76

Book Reviews, p. 87
Contributors, p. 97

v. 35, 1987, 3

Lee Soltow, Inequalities on the Eve of Mass Migration: Agricultural Holdings in Sweden and in The United States in 1845-1850, p. 219
Ilkka Nummela, Erkki K. Laitinen, Distribution of Income in Kuopio 1880-1910, p. 237

Book Reviews, p. 254
Bibliography, p. 260

v. 35, 1987, 2

Fritz Hodne, Bjørn Basberg, Public Infrastructure, Its Indispensability for Economic Growth: The Case of Norwegian Plublic Health Measures 1850-1940, p. 145
Sven-Erik Åström, Northeastern Europe’s Timber Trade Between The Napoleonic and Crimean Wars: A Preliminary Survey, p. 170
Sture Martinius, Capitalism: A Threat Against Freehold Farms Around The Middle of Nineteenth Century?, p. 178
Philip Riden, An English Factor at Stockholm in the 1680’s, p. 191

Book Reviews, p. 208

v. 35, 1987, 1

Bo Gustafson, The Rise and Economic Behaviour of Medieval Craft Guilds. An Economic-Theoretical Interpretation, p. 1
Lewis R. Fisher, Helge W. Nordvik, From Namsos to Halden: Myths and Realities in the History of Norwegian Seamen’s Wages, 1850-1914, p. 41
Mats Morell, Eli F. Heckscher, The ‘Food Budgets’ and Swedish Food Consumption From The 16th to The 197h Century, p. 67
Mats Lundahl, ‘Efficient but Poor’ – Schultz’ Theory of Traditional Agriculture, p. 108

Book Reviews, p. 130

v. 34, 1986, 3

Stewart P. Oakley, Reconstructing Scandinavian Farms 1660-1860: Sources in Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, p. 181
Ole Feldb?k, The Danish Trading Companies of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, p. 204

Book Reviews, p. 219
Bibliography, p. 238

v. 34, 1986, 2

Per Boje, The Standard of Living in Scandinavia 1750-1914, p. 73
Mats Essemyr, Food, Fare and Nutrition. Some Reflections on the Historical Development of Food Consumption, p. 76
Kjrll Bjørn Minde, Jan Ramstad, The Development of Real Wages in Norway about 1730-1910, p. 90
Sakari Heikkinen, On Private Consumption and the Standard of Living in Finland, 1860-1912, p. 122
Hans Chr. Johansen, Per Boje, Working Class Housing i Odense 1750-1914, p. 135
Ulf Olsson, Recent Rescarch on Changes in the Standard of Living During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, p. 153
Jan Eivind Myhre, Research into Norwegian Living Conditions in the Period 1750-1914, p. 159
Hannu Soikkanen, Finnish Research on Changes in the Standard of Living, p. 167
Per Boje, The Standard of Living in Denmark 1750-1914, p. 171

v. 34, 1986, 1

Lars Magnusson, Drinking and the Verlag System 1820-1850: The Significance of Taverns and Drink in Eskilstuna before Industrialisation, p. 1
Sigfus Jonsson, International Saltfish Markets and the Icelandic Economy ca. 1900-1940, p. 20
I. P. ?askolskij, New Phenomena in the Baltic Trade of Russia in the Seventeenth Century, p. 41
T. J. T. Rooth, Tariffs and Trade Bargaining: Anglo-Scandinavian Economic Relations in the 1930s, p. 54

v. 33, 1985, 3

Jorma Ahvenainen, The Competitive Position of the Finnish Sawmill Industry in the 1920s and 1930s, p. 173
Jan Thomas Lindblad, Structural Change in the Dutch Trade with the Baltic in the Eighteenth Century, p. 193

Book Reviews, p. 208
Bibliography, p. 220

v. 33, 1985, 2

Bjørn L. Basberg, Technological Transformation in the Norwegian Whaling Industry in the Interwar Period, p. 83
Lars Pettersson, Engineer Training in Sweden during the Postwar Period in the Context of Technical and Structural Change, p. 108
Timo Myllyntaus, Initial Electrification in three main Branches of Finnish Industry, 1882-1920, p. 122
Olav Wicken, Learning, Inventions and Innovations, p. 144

v. 33, 1985, 1

Lee Soltow, The Swedish Census of Wealth at the Beginning of the 19th Century, p. 1
Gerard Aalders, Cees Wiebes, Stockholms Enskilda Bank, German Bosch and IG Farben. A Short History of Cloaking, p. 25
Birgir Björn Sigur Jónsson, National Sovereignty and Economic Policy. The Case of Iceland, p. 51

Book Reviews, p. 66

v. 32, 1984, 3

Timo Herranen, Timo Myllyntaus, Effects of the First World War on the Engineering Industrics of Estonia and Finland, p. 121
Hans Kryger Larsen, Carl-Axel Nilsson, Consumption and Production of Bicycles in Denmark 1890-1980, p. 143
S. N. Broadberry, The North European Depression of the 1920s, p. 159

Book Reviews, p. 168
Bibliography, p. 175

v. 32, 1984, 2

Karen Fog Olwing, ‘Witnesses in Spite of Themselves’: Reconstructing Afro-Caribbean Culture in the Danish West Indian Archives, p. 61
Mats Lundahl, Defence and Distribution, Agricultural Poticy in Haiti during the Reign of Jean-Jacques Dessalines, 1804-1806, p. 77

Book Reviews, p. 104

v. 32, 1984, 1

Johan Söderberg, A Long-Term Perspective on Regional Economic Development in Sweden, ca. 1550-1914, p. 1
Jörgen Björklund, From the Gulf of Bothnia to the White Sea, p. 17
Riitta Hjerppe, Matti Peltonen, Erkki Pihkala, Investment in Finland, 1860-1979, p. 42

v. 31, 1983, 3

Eli Fure, Are Children Poor Men’s Riches?, p. 161
Tapani Paavonen, Reformist Programmes in the Planning for Post-War Economic Policy during World War II, p. 178

Book Reviews, p. 201
Bibliography, p. 226

v. 31, 1983, 2

Peter Bøegh Nielsen, Aspects of Industrial Financing in Denmark 1840-1914, p. 79
Olle Krantz, Historical National Accounts – some Methodo logical Notes, p. 109
Sigfús Jónsson, The Icelandic Fisheries in the Pre-Mechanization Era, C. 1800-1905: Spatial and Economic Implications of Growth, p. 132

Book Reviews, p. 151

v. 31, 1983, 1

Grethe Jacobsen, Women’s Work and Women’s Role: Ideology and Reality in Danish Urban Society, 1300-1550, p. 1
Erik Gøbel, Danish Trade to the West Indies and Guinea, 1671-1754, p. 21
Bertil Andersson, Early History of Banking in Gothenburg Discount House Operations 1783-1818, p. 49

Review Article, p. 68
Book Reviews, p. 74

v. 30, 1982, 3

Michael Fores, Technical Change and the ‘Technology’ Myth, p. 167
Håkan Lindgren, The Kreuger Crash of 1932 In Memory of a Financial Genius, or Was He a Simple Swindler?, p. 189
Hannu Heikkilä, Credits of Export-Import Bank to Finland, 1945-48, p. 207

Review Article, p. 227
Book Reviews, p. 235
Books and Publications Received, p. 249
Select Bibliography, p. 251

v. 30, 1982, 2

Ulla Margrethe Larsen, A Quantitative Study of Emigration from Denmark to the United States, 1870-1913, p. 101
Sven-Erik Åström, Swedish Iron and the English Iron Industry about 1700: Some Neglected Aspects, p. 129

Book Reviews, p. 143
Books and Publications Received, p. 162

v. 30, 1982, 1

ed. Lennart Jörberg

Lennart Jörberg, Proto-Industrialisation – an Economic Historical Figment?, p. 1

Ove Hornby, Erik Oxenbøll, Proto-Industrialisation before Industrialisation? The Danish Case, p. 3
Kai Hoffman, Sawmills – Finland’s Proto-Industry, p. 35
Edgar Hovland, Helge W. Nordvik, Stein Tveite, Proto-Industrialisation in Norway, 1750-1850: Fact or Fiction?, p. 45
Lennart Schön, Proto-Industrialisation and Factories: Textiles in Sweden in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, p. 57
Lars Magnusson, Maths Isacson, Proto-Industrialisation in Sweden: Smitheraft in Eskilstuna and Southern Dalecarlia, p. 73

v. 29, 1981, 3

Artur Attman, The Russian Market in World Trade, 1500-1860, p. 177
Jorma Kallenautio, Finnish Prohibition as an Economic Policy Issue, p. 203

Book Reviews, p. 229
Books and Publications Received, p. 252
Select Bibliography, p. 254

v. 29, 1981, 2

Robert K. Schaeffer, The Entelechies of Mercantilism, p. 81
Elsa-Britta Grage, Capital Supply in Gothenburg’s Foreign Trade, 1765-1810, p. 97
Eljas Orrman, The Progress of Settlement in Finland during the late Middle Ages, p. 129

Review Article, p. 145
Book Reviews, p. 155
Books and Publications Received, p. 175

v. 29, 1981, 1

Hans Chr. Johansen, Slave Demography of the Danish West Indian Islands, p. 1
Lee Soltow, Wealth Distribution in Finland in 1800, p. 21
Thomas Riis, Towns and Central Government in Northern Europe from the Fifteenth Century to the Industrial Revolution, p. 33

Book Reviews, p. 53
Books and Publications Received, p. 79