Scandinavian Economic History Review DATINI

Scandinavian Economic History Review

København, The Scandinavian Society for Economic and Social History
Semestrale; dal 1981 quadrimestrale
ISSN: 0358-5522
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica « F. Datini », Coll: Riv. 64
Consistenza: v. 49, 2001, 1-v. 56, 2008, 3

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0273
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 18, 1970, 2

A. Maczak, The Balance of Polish Sea Trade with the West, 1565-1646, p. 107
W. Vamplew, The Paraffin Factory at Mandal: A Study in Business Enterprise, p. 143
R. K. Vedder, L. E. Gallaway, The Settlement Preferences of Scandinavian Emigrants to the United States, 1850-1960, p. 159

Reviews, p. 177
Bibliography, p. 211
Editorial, p. 221
Announcement, p. 222

v. 18, 1970, 1

N. Steensgaard, European Shipping to Asia 1497-1700, p. 1
S.-E. Åström, English Timber Imports from Northern Europe in the Eighteenth Century, p. 12
L. Rumar, Assessed Average Market Prices (kapitelstakster) and the Prices of Cereal Grains in Denmark, 1800-1850, p. 33

E. Jutikkala, The Problem of Railway Ownership in 19th Century Finland, p. 66

Review Article, p. 69
Reviews, p. 86

v. 17, 1969, 2

S. Tveite, The Norwegian Textile Market in the 18th Century, p. 161
H. Chr. Johansen, Carl August Struensee: Reformer or Traditionalist?, p. 179

Reviews, p. 199
Bibliography, p. 219
Editorial, p. 230

v. 17, 1969, 1

G. Blöndal, The Growth of Public Expenditure in Iceland, p. 1
O. Hornby, Industrialization in Denmark and the Loss of the Duchies, p. 23
R. Adamson, Swedish Iron Exports to the United States, 1783-1860, p. 58
V. Rasila, The Finish Civil War and Land Lease Problems, p. 115

Reviews, p. 136

v. 16, 1968, 2

S.-E. Åström, The Reliability of the English Port Books, p. 125
F. Sejersted, Aspects of the Norwegian Timber Trade in the 1840s and ’50s, p. 137
R. V. Pierard, A Case Study in German Economic Imperialism: The Colonial Economic Committee, 1896-1914, p. 155

A. L. Horniker, N. Steensgaard, The First French Capitulations: 1536 or 1569?, p. 168
R. Karlbom, Swedish Iron Ore Exports, to Germany, 1933-44, p. 171

Review Article, p. 176
Reviews, p. 195
Bibliography, p. 209

v. 16, 1968, 1

K. Lunden, Four Methods of Estimating the Population of a Norwegian District on the Eve of the Black Death (1349-1350), p. 1
E. Jutikkala, Town Planning in Sweden and Finland until the Middle of the Nineteenth Century, p. 19
R. Adamson, Finance and Marketing in the Swedish Iron Industry, 1800-1860, p. 47

Reviews, p. 102

v. 15, 1967, 1-2

G. Myrdal, The Theories of ‘Stages of Growth’, p. 1
N. Steensgaard, Consuls and Nations in the Levant from 1570 to 1650, p. 13
R. J. Morrison, Financial Intermediaries and Economic Development: The Belgian Case, p. 56
Benedicte Hjejle, Slavery and Agricultural Bondage in South India in the Nineteenth Century, p. 71

A. S. Milward, Could Sweden have Stopped the Second World War?, p. 127
J.-J. Jäger, Sweden’s Iron Ore Exports to Germany 1933-1944, p. 139

Review Article, p. 148
Reviews, p. 158
Fourth International Congress of Economic History, p. 174

v. 14, 1966, 2

J. Engberg, Royalist Finances During the English Civil War 1642-1646, p. 73
H. Estrup, Oresme and Monetary Theory, p. 97
A. Arnheim, German Court Jews and Denmark During the Great Northern War, p. 117
A. Lassen, The Population of Denmark, 1660-1960, p. 134
K. Hvidt, Danish Emigration Prior to 1914. Trends and Problems, p. 158

Review Artiche, p. 179
Review, p. 188

v. 14, 1966, 1

S. Montelius, Recruitment and Conditions of Life of Swedish Ironworkers During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, p. 1
H. C. Johansen, J. G. Büsch’s Economic Theory and his Influence on the Danish Economic and Social Debite, p. 18
A. Rosenberg, Mobility of Population in the Finnish County of Uusimaa (Nyland) 1821-1880, p. 39

Review Article, p. 60

v. 13, 1965, 2

Michael Drake, The Growth of Population in Norway 1735-1855, p. 97
Niels Steensgaard, Freight Costs in the English East India Trade 1601-1657, p. 143
Toini Aunola, The Indebtedness of North-Ostrobothnian Farmers to Merchants, 1765-1809, p. 163

Reviews, p. 186

v. 13, 1965, 1

Aksel Lassen, The Population of Denmark in 1660, p. 1
Aage Rasch, American Trade in the Baltic, 1783-1807, p. 31
Rolf Karlbom, Sweden’s Iron Ore Exports to Germany, 1933-1944, p. 65

v. 12, 1964, 2

Lars Herlitz, The Concept of Mercantilism, p. 101
Erkki Pihkala, Finnish Iron and the Russian Market, 1880-1913, p. 121
Torben Damsholt, Some Observations on Four Series of Tuscan Corn Prices 1520-1630, p. 145

Review Article, p. 165
Reviews, p. 181

v. 12, 1964, 1

D. D. Aldridge, The Victualling of the British Naval Expeditions to the Baltic Sea between 1715 and 1727, p. 1
Ole Feldb?k, The Danish Trade in Bengal 1777-1808. An Interim Account, p. 26
Per Schybergson, Joint Stock Companies in Finland in the Nineteenth Century, p. 61

James Dow, A Comparative Note on the Sound Toll Registers, Stockholm Customs Accounts, and Dundee Shipping Lists, 1589, 1613-1622, p. 79

Review Article, p. 86
Reviews, p. 91

v. 11, 1963, 2

Johan Jørgensen, Denmark’s Relations with Lübeck and Hamburg in the Seventeenth Century, p. 73
Johan Jørgensen, Appendix. Lübeck and Hamburg Merchants Trading in Denmark, p. 109
Rondo Cameron, Banking in the Early Stages of Industrialization. A Preliminary Survey, p. 117
Reidar Østensjø, The Spring Herring Fishing and the Industrial Revolution in Western Norway in the Nineteenth Century, p. 135

Review Article, p. 156
Reviews, p. 167

v. 11, 1963, 1

Knud Erik Svendsen, Monetary Policy and Theory in Denmark, 1784-1800, Part II, p. 1
Pentti Virrankoski, Replacement of Flax by Cotton in the Domestic Textile Industry of South-West Finland, p. 27
E. F. Söderlund, The Placing of the First Swedish Railway Loan, p. 43

Review Article, p. 60

v. 10, 1962, 2

Kristof Glamann, To Ernst Söderlund, p. 103
Bertil Boëthius, Jernkontoret and the Credit Problems of the Swedish Ironworks: a Survey, p. 105
Donald C. Coleman, Growth and Decay during the Industrial Revolution: The Case of East Anglia, p. 115
Kristof Glamann, Beer and Brewing in Pre-Industrial Denmark, p. 128
Ingrid Hammerström, Anglo-Swedish Economic Relations and the Crisis of 1857, p. 141
Andreas Holmsen, Desertion of Farms around Oslo in the late Middle Ages, p. 165
Eino Jutikkala, Finnish Agricultural Labour in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, p. 203
Arthur Montgomery, The Swedish Economy in the 1950s, p. 220
William N. Parker, Work in Progress. A Report to Ernst Söderlund, p. 233
Jim Potter, ‘Optimism’ and ‘Pessimism’ in Interpreting the Industrial Revolution: an Economic Historian’s Dilemma, p. 245
Gustaf Utterström, Labour Policy and Population Thought in Eighteenth Century Sweden, p. 262

v. 10, 1962, 1

Birgitta Odén, A Netherlands Merchant in Stock-holm in the Reign of Erik XIV, p. 3
Knud Erik Svendsen, Monetary Policy and Theory in Denmark, 1784-1800, Part I, p. 38

Review Articles, p. 78
Reviews, p. 92

v. 9, 1961, 2

Lars Herlitz, Trends in the Development of Physiocratic Doctrine, p. 107
Andreas Holmsen, The Transition from Tenancy to Freehold Peasant Ownership in Norway, p. 152
Fridlev Skrubbeltrang, Developments in Tenancy in Eighteenth-Century Denmark as a Move towards Peasant Proprietorship, p. 165
Gustaf Utterström, Population and Agriculture in Sweden, circa 1700-1830, p. 176

Review Article, p. 195
Reviews, p. 205

v. 9, 1961, 1

Lars Herlitz, The Tableau économique and the Doctrine of Sterility, p. 3
Sven Dahl, Strip Fields and Enclosure in Sweden, p. 56
Hugo E. Pipping, Swedish Paper Currency in Finland after 1809, p. 68
Auno Kiiskinen, Regional Economic Growth in Finland, 1880-1952, p. 83