The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought DATINI

The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought

bimestrale, fino al 2009 trimestrale
ISSN: 0967-2567
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia – Coll.: RIV STR0699
Consistenza: a. 1, 1993, 1-
Lacune: a. 2, 1995, 3
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1993 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 30, 2023, 5

Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay, Marianne Johnson, Richard Sturn, Mapping the history of public economics in the twentieth century: an introduction to the special issue, p. 689-712
Steven G. Medema, Theorising public expenditures: welfare theorems, market failures, and the turn from ?public finance? to ?public economics?, p. 713-738
Raphaël Fèvre, Thomas M. Mueller, The emerging discipline of public economics in postwar France, p. 739-763
Paolo Silvestri, Luigi Einaudi?s ?Scienza delle Finanze? or the science of good government, p. 764-790
Robert W. Dimand, The emergence of social choice at the Cowles Commission, 1948–1952: Arrow?s Social Choice and Individual Values in context, p. 791-811
David C. Coker, Alain Marciano, Samuelson?s social welfare function and Buchanan?s critique: the struggle with normative science, p. 812-831
Ignacio Hauser, Welfare, state, and values: the winding road of the normative approach to inequality measurement (1912–1970), p. 832-859
Benoît Walraevens, Rawls?s maximin and optimal taxation theory, p. 860-882
Herrade Igersheim, Samuelson against ?Rawls?s gratuitism?: some lessons on the misunderstandings between Rawls and the economists, p. 883-905
Danielle Guizzo, Carles Paré-Ogg, Economics with(out) ethics? An interdisciplinary encounter between public economists and John Rawls in the 1970s, p. 906-933
Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay, Marianne Johnson, Richard Sturn, From public finance to public economics, p. 934-964

v. 30, 2023, 4

Erik W. Matson, Commerce as cooperation with the deity: Self-love, the common good, and the coherence of Francis Hutcheson, p. 507-524
Aldo Barba, Gesell?s half a theory of the rate of interest The Keynes-Hochstetter correspondence, p. 525-555
Eleni Drakaki, Geography and the critique of mainstream economic theory: the legacy of J.A. Hobson, p. 556-576
Luigino Bruni, Paolo Santori, The theological stems of modern economic ideas: John Duns Scotus, p. 577-595
Pavlo Blavatskyy, Backward induction and expected value calculations in an anonymous XVth century Italian manuscript, p. 596-605
Alain Alcouffe, David Le Bris, Georges d?Avenel. An economic historian ahead of his time, p. 606-634
Karl-Friedrich Israel, Pawel Ciompa and the meaning of econometrics: a comparison of two concepts, p. 635-657

Book Reviews, p. 658

v. 30, 2023, 3

D. Wade Hands, Frank Knight and behavioral economics, p. 341-368
Nicola Giocoli, Beyond trust: why American classical jurists and economists could not love the corporation, p. 369-394
Yasuo Takatsuki, Taro Hisamatsu, The role of information in the Rice Exchange: YAMAGATA Bant??s Great Knowledge (1806), p. 395-409
Paolo Silvestri, Benoît Walraevens, Liberty, political economy and good government in Adam Smith, p. 410-442
Juan Ramón Rallo, Business cycle theory: Where Minsky and Hayek agreed, p. 443-467
Pascal Bridel, Sismondi on money, banking, credit and public debt: an exploratory essay, p. 468-485

Obituary, p. 486
Book Reviews, p. 491

v. 30, 2023, 2

Milan Zafirovski, Economics and social stratification: classical-neoclassical economists? thought on class structure and related phenomena, p. 157-205
John Yinger, Envelopes for economists: an intellectual history, p. 206-226
Joachim De Paoli, Debates on the falling birth rate in France at the beginning of the twentieth century, p. 227-246
Stefano Simonetta, Some elements of political economy in the thought of Sir John Fortescue, p. 247-274
Matthieu Renault, Macroeconomics under pressure: the feedback effects of economic expertise, p. 275-298
Rosario Patalano, International clearing system as alternative monetary order, p. 299-331

Book Reviews, p. 332

v. 30, 2023, 1

Jordan Melmiès, Unit profit margins along post-Keynesian lines: from Sraffa, Kalecki, Robinson to Eichner, Wood, Harcourt and Kenyon, p. 1-21
Carolina Alves, Danielle Guizzo, When economic theory meets policy: Barbara Wootton and the creation of the British welfare state, p. 22-39
Stefano Di Bucchianico, The negative natural rate of interest in the modern theories of Liquidity Trap and Secular Stagnation: back to Böhm-Bawerk via Samuelson, p. 40-61
Guillaume Vallet, Rebuilding the economy of the home – for the emergence of the ?new woman?: Charlotte Perkins Gilman?s pioneering thoughts, p. 62-85
Thomas Delcey, Francesco Sergi, The efficient market hypothesis and rational expectations macroeconomics. How did they meet and live (happily) ever after?, p. 86-116
Michaël Assous, Vincent Carret, Moving dynamics beyond business cycles: Jan Tinbergen?s first macrodynamic model (1934–1936), p. 117-131
Shinji Nohara, An unpublished letter from Adam Smith, p. 132-140

Book Reviews, p. 141

v. 29, 2022, 6


Stefan Kolev, Nikolay Nenovsky, Pencho Penchev, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Introduction, p. 1003

Richard van den Berg, « esclave né de quiconque l’achète ». The multiple histories of economic texts, p. 1008
Ioannes P. Chountis, Justice and charity: the role of Aristotelianism and Anglicanism in Edmund Burke’s Thoughts and Details on Scarcity, p. 1022
Anton Galeev, Yuli Zhukovsky’s contribution to Russian debates on economic development of the 1860s-70s, p. 1042
Robert W. Dimand, Sofia Valeonti, Irving Fisher, Simon Newcomb, and their plans to stabilize the dollar, p. 1052
Philip Clarke, Guido Erreygers, Edgar Sydenstricker, a pioneer of health economics, p. 1066
Theresa Hager, Ines Heck, Johanna Rath, Polanyi and Schumpeter: Transitional processes via societal spheres, p. 1089
Alessandro Le Donne, Economic theory and philosophical anthropology: Marx, Gramsci, Sraffa and the study of human nature, p. 1111
Amélie Fiévet, On the shoulders of giants: from Lange (1934) to Samuelson (1938) on the « unique » measure of utility, p. 1125
Vincent Carret, Rupture and continuity in the original divide between microdynamics and macrodynamics, p. 1146

Olivier J. Blanchard, Beatrice Cherrier, Pierrick Clerc, David E. W. Laidler, Athanasios Orphanides, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Monetary non-neutrality and stabilisation policies 50 years after Lucas’s « expectations » paper: a roundtable discussion, p. 1165

Obituary, p. 1190-1194
Book Review, p. 1195

v. 29, 2022, 5


Sandye Gloria, Ludovic Ragni, Richard Sturn, Introduction: roundabout ways of looking at Menger’s modernity, p. 781

Peter J. Boettke, Menger and contemporary Austrian economics: knowledge, institutions and liberalism, p. 788
Richard Arena Time, uncertainty and knowledge: the foundations and the modernity of Carl Menger’s contribution, p. 801
Gilles Campagnolo Carl Menger on time and entrepreneurship, p. 817
Günther Chaloupek Monetary theory and policy: the difficult relationship of Menger’s theory of money and his positions on currency reform and monetary policy, p. 836
Karl-Friedrich Israel The monetary theories of Carl Menger and Friedrich von Wieser: a comparative study, p. 855
Heinz D. Kurz Re-reading Carl Menger’s Grundsätze-another book that « cries out to be surpassed », p. 877
Stefano Solari Menger and the continental epistemology of uncertainty, p. 920
Scott Scheall The Mengers versus Mises on matters methodological, p. 938
Gilles Campagnolo, Sandye Gloria, Heinz Kurz, Richard Sturn On the modernity of Carl Menger: criss-cross views. Roundtable conversation, p. 967-992

Book Review, p. 993-1001

v. 29, 2022, 4

Simona Pisanelli, The Sympathy of Sophie de Grouchy, translator and critic of Adam Smith, p. 579
Michael J. Murray, Economic method, public policy, and society: Adolph Lowe’s political economics, p. 600
Jan Greitens, Money is a right: Alfred Lansburgh’s Token Theory of Money, p. 619
Hansong Li, Timing the laws: Rousseau’s theory of development in Corsica, p. 648
Richard S. J. Tol, Rise of the Kniesians: the professor-student network of Nobel laureates in economics, p. 680
Stephen John Nash, Liza Joan Rybak, Locke, Marshall, and Knight, on uncertainty and risk, p. 704
Pierre Januard, Risky exchanges: price and justice in Thomas Aquinas’s De emptione et venditione ad tempus, p. 729

Book Reviews, p. 770-777
Obituary, p. 778-780

v. 29, 2022, 3

Alexandre Truc, Forty years of behavioral economics, p. 393
Amélie Fiévet, Decision over Time as a By-Product of a Measure of Utility: A Reappraisal of Paul Samuelson’s « A Note on Measurement of Utility » (1937), p. 438
Michaël Assous, Vincent Carret, The importance of multiple equilibria for economic policy in Jan Tinbergen’s early works, p. 455
Virgile Chassagnon, Bernard Baudry, Naciba Haned, The legacy of Chester I. Barnard in the science of organization of Oliver E. Williamson, p. 480
Jochen Hartwig, The evolution of Patinkin’s interpretation of Keynes’ principle of effective demand, p. 505
Jean-Daniel Boyer, Police of individual interests against police of good order: Herbert’s Essay on the general police of grain as an attack on Delamare’s Treatise on the police, p. 523
Luigino Bruni, Paolo Santori, The other invisible hand. The social and economic effects of theodicy in Vico and Genovesi, p. 548

v. 29, 2022, 2

Luiz Felipe Bruzzi Curi, Ian Coelho de Souza Almeida, Beyond the Sonderweg: defining political economy in 19th-century Germany, p. 197
Jonas Ljungberg, Anders Ögren, Discipline or international balance: the choice of monetary systems in Europe, p. 218
Frank Decker, Charles A. E. Goodhart, Wilhelm Lautenbach’s credit mechanics – a precursor to the current money supply debate, p. 246
Enrico Bellino, Saverio M. Fratini, Absolute advantages and capital mobility in international trade theory, p. 271
Jean-Sébastien Lenfant, Substitutability and the quest for stability, p. 294
Christophe Depoortère, Robert Torrens and the dynamics of wages in a growing economy, p. 329
Adrien Faudot, The dual context of Keynes’ International Clearing Union: theoretical advances meet history, p. 349
A. Reeves Johnson, Cyclical stagnation: the continental contribution to Alvin Hansen’s stagnation thesis, p. 369
Gilbert Faccarello, Jérôme de Boyer des Roches (1954-2020), p. 387

v. 29, 2022, 1

Gabriel Sabbagh, The first appearances of Quesnay in German: about Sinophilia, Sweden and the politics of physiocracy, p. 1
Motohiro Okada, Friedrich von Wieser on labour, p. 21
Kwangsu Kim, Resolving a seeming paradox in Adam Smith’s study of history with regard to inference to the best explanation, p. 40
Gilbert Faccarello, « I profess to have made no discovery ». James Mill on comparative advantage, p. 61
Sora Sato, Rethinking Burke and Smith: political economy and foundations of industry, p. 82
Pavlo Blavatskyy, Lexicographic preferences in Pascal’s Wager, p. 104
Alexandre Chirat, Thibault Guicherd, Oligopoly, mutual dependence and tacit collusion: the emergence of industrial organisation and the reappraisal of American capitalism at Harvard (1933-1952), p. 112
Alexandre Truc, Becoming paradigmatic: the strategic uses of narratives in behavioral economics, p. 146

Review Essay, p. 169

v. 28, 2021, 6

ESHET 2020 Special Issue (Sofia I)

Richard van den Berg, Pencho Penchev, Hans-Michael Trautwein, Introduction, p. 889

Rogério Arthmar, Michael McLure, On continuity and general equilibrium: Pareto, Cassel, and the foundations of neoclassical economics, p. 892
Eyüp Özveren, M. Erdem Özgür, The Turkish Kadro pioneers of a Balkan Dependencia in the interwar period: rethinking underemployment, monetary policy, and technology, p. 910
Robert W. Dimand, Sylvie Rivot, From « science as measurement » to « measurement and theory »: the Cowles Commission and contrasting empirical methodologies at the University of Chicago, 1943 to 1955, p. 940
Stavros A. Drakopoulos, The marginalization of absolute and relative income hypotheses of consumption and the role of fiscal policy, p. 965
Fabio Masini, William Nordhaus: A disputable Nobel [Prize]? Externalities, climate change, and governmental action, p. 985
Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay, Andrej Svorencík, A prosopography of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought, p. 1005

Hans-Michael Trautwein, Heinz Rieter, « It might be good to know on whose shoulders we stand – and why »: a conversation with Heinz Rieter, p. 1025

Tamotsu Nishizawa, Richard van den Berg, Obituary: Takumi Tsuda (1929-2021), p. 1041

Review Essay, p. 1044

v. 28, 2021, 5

Joost Hengstmengel, The paradox of value in the teaching of the Church Fathers, p. 695
Enrico Petracca, On the origins and consequences of Simon’s modular approach to bounded rationality in economics, p. 708
, Chester Barnard’s systems-theoretic approach to organisation theory: a reconstruction Vladislav Valentinov, Steffen Roth Pages: 733
Pascal Bridel, The part played by general equilibrium in the liquidity preference vs loanable funds episode (1936-1956), p. 753
Tommaso Brollo, Money in the debt relationship: notes on the medieval conceptualisation of money in Accursius and Bartolus of Sassoferrato, p. 787
Adriano do Vale, Central bank independence, a not so new idea in the history of economic thought: a doctrine in the 1920s, p. 811
Pierre Courtois, Tarik Tazdaït, Jacques Lacan and game theory: an early contribution to common knowledge reasoning, p. 844

v. 28, 2021, 4

Tiago Cardao-Pito, Fisher-Modigliani-Miller organisational finance theory and the financialisation of contemporary societies, p. 499
Fabrizio Simon, The economist and the secret agent. Strategies to introduce the British model of society into Sicily of 1812.1, p. 523
Gary M. Galles, Robert L. Sexton, Why the kinked demand curve may still be useful, p. 559
Samuel Demeulemeester, The 100% money proposal of the 1930s: an avatar of the Currency School’s reform ideas?, p. 577
Pierre Januard, Analysis risk and commercial risk: the first treatment of usury in Thomas Aquinas’s Commentary on the Sentences, p. 599
Sergio Nisticò, Some notes on Gossen’s « submerged and forgotten » approach to consumption and time, p. 635
Yorgos Stassinopoulos, Andreas Andréadès: economic liberalism’s dilemmas in the interwar period, p. 654

v. 28, 2021, 3

Alex M. Thomas, On « effectual demand » and the « extent of the market » in Adam Smith and David Ricardo, p. 305
Luca Sandonà, An intellectual boost for Italy’s Europeanisation: the contribution of the influential think tanks Arel and Nomisma (1978-1993), p. 324
João Sicsú, Keynes’s state planning: from Bolshevism to The General Theory, p. 352
Lennart Erixon, The Stockholm School in a new age – Erik Lundberg’s changing views of the Rehn-Meidner Model, p. 375
Kayoko Misaki, Léon Walras and The Wealth of Nations: what did he really learn from Adam Smith?, p. 404
Philippe Broda, Institutions, economy and politics: the debate between Commons and North, p. 419
Alexander Jordan, The dismal science down under: responses to Thomas Carlyle amongst Australasian Economists, c. 1880-1920, 436
Eric Magnin, Nikolay Nenovsky, Calculating without money. Theories of in-kind accounting of Alexander Chayanov, Otto Neurath and the early Soviet experiences, p. 456
Ariane Dupont Kieffer, The most Frischian among the Norwegian Economists, p. 478

v. 28, 2021, 2

Motohiro Okada, Maffeo Pantaleoni on labour exchange: bridge between neoclassicism and Fascism, p. 179
Michael Gaul, Robert Torrens’ model of trade and growth: genesis and implications for the discovery of comparative advantage, p. 201
James R. Wible, Kevin D. Hoover, The economics of trade liberalization: Charles S. Peirce and the Spanish Treaty of 1884, p. 229
Claes-Henric Siven, Bent Hansen’s theory of inflation 19511, p. 249
Paolo Paesani, Annalisa Rosselli, How speculation became respectable: early theories on financial and commodity markets, p. 273

v. 28, 2021, 1

Clément Coste, A trilogy of debt. The emancipatory virtue of public debt in saint-simonian, liberal and socialist discourses in nineteenth century France (1825-1852), p. 1
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt, Ivo Maes, Paul van Zeeland, a monetary economist between two worlds, p. 31
José M. Gaspar, New economic geography: history and debate, p. 46
Victor Cruz e Silva, Marco Cavalieri, Marcelo Curado, On the transmission of Keynes’ and Keynesian ideas in Brazil through Eugênio Gudin’s Principles of Monetary Economics, p. 83
Attilio Trezzini, Sraffa on Marshall’s theory of value in the Cambridge lectures: achievements in an unfinished criticism, p. 103
Luca Fiorito, Massimiliano Vatiero, Frank H. Knight on social values in economic consumption: an archival note, p. 126
Manolis Manioudis, Dimitris Milonakis, Smith’s Wealth of Nations and the economic past: setting the scene for economic history?, p. 142