Scandinavian Journal of History DATINI

Scandinavian Journal of History

Oslo, Historical Associations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
5 fascicoli l’anno, già trimestrale
ISSN: 0346-8755 (Print)
ISSN: 1502-7716 (Online)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 107
Consistenza: v. 31, 2006, 1-Vol. 41, 2016, 4-5

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze
Risorsa online
Consistenza: 1976-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2006 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ]

copertina della rivista

Vol. 25, 2000, 4

Matti Peltonen, Between Landscape and Language: The Finnish National Self-image in Transition, p. 265
Ismo Björn, Takeover: The Environmental History of the Coniferous Forest, p. 281
Ferdinand Linthoe Næshagen, Medieval Norwegian Religiosity: Historical Sources and Modern Social Science, p. 297
Thorsten B. Olesen, History of Norwegian Foreign Policy, p. 317

Book Reviews, p. 327

Vol. 25, 2000, 3-4

Ferdinand Linthoe Næshagen, Norway’s Democratic and Conservative Tradition in Policing, p. 177
Maria Ågren, Contracts for the Old or Gifts for the Young? On the Use of Wills in Early Modern Sweden, p. 197
Bent Jensen, Soviet Occupation of a New Type: The Long Liberation of the Danish Island of Bornholm 1944-1946, p. 219
Iver B. Neumann, State and Nation in the Nineteenth Century: Recent Research on the Norwegian Case, p. 239

Book Reviews, p. 261
Books Received, p. 263
Erratum, p. 264

Vol. 25, 2000, 1-2

Rolf Torstendahl, Thirty-Five Years of Theories in History: Social Science Theories and Philosophy of History in the Scandinavian Debate, p. 1
Arnved Nedkvitne, Beyond Historical Anthropology in the Study of Medieval Mentalities, p. 27
Erling Sandmo, The History of Violence in the Nordic Countries: A Case Study, p. 53
Antti Kujala, The Breakdown of a Society: Finland in the Great Northern War 1700-1714, p. 69
Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Iceland: A Peaceful Secession, p. 87
Pirjo Markkola, Promoting Faith and Welfare. The Deaconess Movement in Finland and Sweden, 1850?1930, p. 101
Claus Bjørn, Modern Denmark: A Synthesis of Converging Developments, p. 119
Bo Malmberg, Lena Sommestad, The Hidden Pulse of History: Age Transition and Economic Change in Sweden, 1820-2000, p. 131
Thorsten B. Olesen, Choosing or Refuting Europe? The Nordic Countries and European Integration, 1945-2000, p. 147

Book Reviews, p. 169
Books Received, p. 175

Vol. 24, 1999, 3-4

Kan Jakobsson, The Warship in Swedish Seventeenth-Century Society ? A Cultural Construction?, p. 225
Kare Lunden, Money Economy in Medieval Norway, p. 245
Anders Berge, The “People’s Pensioner” in Sweden 1914?1954 – On the Changing Moral Content of a Social Category, p. 267
Per Gunnar Edebalk, Jonas Olofsson, Sickness Benefits Prior to the Welfare State – The Case of Sweden 1850?1955, p. 281
Sverre Bagge, The Structure of the Political Factions in the Internal Struggles of the Scandinavian Countries During the High Middle Ages, p. 299

Olav Riste, Tore Pryser?s Article ?From Petsamo to Venona?. Some Comments, p. 321
Tore Pryser, Reply to Comments, p. 323

Book Reviews, p. 325
Books Received, p. 339

Vol. 24, 1999, 2

Gunnar Broberg, Mattias Tyden, Introduction, p. 141

Dorothy Porter, Eugenics and the Sterilization Debate in Sweden and Britain Before World War II, p. 145
Peter Weingart, Science and Political Culture: Eugenics in Comparative Perspective, p. 163
Paul Weindling, International Eugenics: Swedish Sterilization in Context, p. 179
Nils Roll-Hansen, Eugenics in Scandinavia After 1945: Change of Values and Growth in Knowledge, p. 199

Book Reviews, p. 215
Miscellany, p. 223

Vol. 24, 1999, 1

Hans Kirchhoff, “Doing All That Can Be Done” – The Swedish Foreign Ministry and the Persecution of Jews in Denmark in October 1943 A Study in Humanitarian Aid and Realpolitik, p. 1
Sidsel Eriksen, Alcohol as a Gender Symbol, p. 45
Tore Pryser, From Petsamo to Venona Intelligence Services in the Nordic Countries from Hot War to Cold War, p. 75
Sverrir Jakobsson, Defining a Nation: Popular and Public Identity in the Middle Ages, p. 91
Guomundur Halfdanarson, Defining the Modern Citizen: Debates on Civil and Political Elements of Citizenship in Nineteenth-Century Iceland, p. 103
Lars Christensen, The Foreign Policy of Hannibal Sehested 1660-1666, p. 117

Miscellany, p. 135

Vol. 23, 1998, 3-4

Maria Lahteenmaki, To the Margins and Back? The Role of Women in the Finnish Labour Movement in the Twentieth Century, p. 113
Anne Ollila, Perspectives to Finnish Identity, p. 127
Vinland or Vinland?, p. 139
Bernard Porter, Virtue and Vice in the North. The Scandinavian Writings of Samuel Laing, p. 153
Richard Gaskins, Visions of Sovereignty in Snorri Sturluson’s Heimskringla, p. 173
Harald Gustafsson, The Conglomerate State: A Perspective on State Formation in Early Modern Europe, p. 189
Petri Karonen, The Worst Offenders in the Provincial Towns: Serious Urban Crime and its Perpetrators in the Early Years of Sweden’s Period as a Great Power, p. 215
Esko Salminen, The Struggle Over Freedom of Speech in the North The Finnish Press Gave Obeisance to Moscow, but did not Succumb to the Kremlin’s Propaganda Programme during the Cold War Years 1968-1991, p. 239

Book Review, p. 253

Vol. 23, 1998, 1-2

Dagfinn Skre, Missionary Activity in Early Medieval Norway. Strategy, Organization and the Course of Events, p. 1
Nikolaj Petersen, The H. C. Hansen Paper and Nuclear Weapons in Greenland, p. 21
Erik Ringmar, Re-Imagining Sweden: The Rhetorical Battle Over EU Membership, p. 45
Hans Westlund, State and Market Forces in Swedish Infrastructure History, p. 65
Carl O. Nordling, The Location of the “Birca” – The Missionary Station of Bishop Ansgar, p. 89

Book Reviews, p. 107

Vol. 22, 1997, 4

Frode Sæland, White-collar unionization and employer’s response. “the functionaries issue” 1930-1938, p. 225
Eldbjørg Haug, The icelandic annals as historical sources, p. 263
þorsteinn Helgason, Historical narrative as collective therapy: The case of the Turkish raid in Iceland, p. 275
Gabriela Majewska, Sweden’s form of government during the reign of gustavus III – in the eyes of the journals of the Polish enlightenment, p. 291

Book Reviews, p. 305

Vol. 22, 1997, 3

Jukka Korpela, “The Russian threat against Finland” in the western sources before the peace of noteborg (1323), p. 161
Søren Hein Rasmussen, From social movements to political movements, p. 173
Knut Sogner, The double meaning of vitamins, p. 187
Liv Helene Willumsen, Witches of the high north. The finnmark witchcraft trials in the seventeenth century, p. 199

Book Reviews, p. 223

Vol. 22, 1997, 2

Jukka Nevakivi, Kekkonen, the Soviet Union and Scandinavia — Aspects of policy in the years 1948-1965, p. 65
Kåre Lunden, Overcoming religious and political pluralism. interactions between conversion, state formation and change in social infrastructure in Norway c. AD 950-1260, p. 83
Ingrid Millbourn, Swedish social democrats’ experiences and consciousness. A theory of learning processes, p. 99

Book Reviews, p. 121
Miscellany, p. 123

Vol. 22, 1997, 1

Peter Burke, State-making, king-making and image-making from renaissance to baroque: Scandinavia in a European Context, p. 1
Bjørn Poulsen, The necessity of state in early modern peasant society, p. 9
Steinar Imsen, Gommunalism and state-building in Norway, 1537-1648, p. 21
Flemming Mikkelsen, Cycles of struggle and innovation in industrial relations in Denmark after World War II, p. 31

Book Reviews, p. 53

Vol. 21, 1996, 4

Halldor Heldal, Norway in the international Labour organization, 1919-1939, p. 255
Kai R. Pedersen, Norwegian business and the Marshall plan, 1947-1952, p. 285
Eeva-Liisa Lehtonen, Fund-raising entertainments in rural Finland during the nineteenth century, p. 303
Øystein Rian, Taxation through trade in seventeenth-century Norway, p. 309
Veijo Åberg, Conspiracy or political purge? The Stockholm trial of 1536, p. 315
Auvo Kostiainen, Genocide in soviet Karelia: Stalin’s terror and the Finns of soviet Karelia, p. 331

Book Reviews, p. 343

Vol. 21, 1996, 3

ORIGINAL ARTICLES Ole Jørgen Benedictow, The demography of the Viking age and the high middle ages in the Nordic countries, p. 151
Mika Kallioinen, The burgesses of Finland as an estate—An example of the social organization of medieval society, p. 183
Esa Konttinen, Central bureaucracy and the restriction of education in early nineteenth-century Finland, p. 201
Henry Minde, The making of an international movement of indigenous peoples, p. 221

Book Reviews, p. 247

Vol. 21, 1996, 2

Hans Bonde, Masculine movements. Sport and masculinity in Denmark at the turn of the century, p. 63

Jan Lindroth, Introduction to sport history research, p. 91
Jens Ljunggren, Nation-building, primitivism and manliness: The issue of gymnastics in Sweden around 1800, p. 101
Else Trangbaek, Discipline and emancipation through sport. The pioneers of women’s sport in Denmark, p. 121
Matti Goksøyr, “Sportsmanship” in a bourgeois town: Disciplining and character-building or posing and production of status? The role of the emerging sport in the city of Bergen in the last decades of the 19th century, p. 135

Vol. 21, 1996, 1

Ida Blom, Nation — Class — Gender. Scandinavia at the turn of the century, p. 1
Thyra Nors, Illegitimate children and their high-born mothers. Changes in the perception of legitimacy in Mediaeval Denmark, p. 17
Erik Lönnroth, The Vinland problem, p. 39
Øystein Rian, Why did Norway survive as a kingdom?, p. 49

Vol. 20, 1995, 4

Gunnar Yttri, From a Norwegian rationalization law to an American productivity institute, p. 231
Nils Hybel, The creation of large-scale production in Denmark, c. 1100-1300, p. 259
Martin Rheinheimer, The belief in werewolves and the extermination of real wolves in Schleswig-Holstein, p. 281
Hans Bonde, National identity and the body. The Nordic Olympiad in Denmark in 1935, p. 295

Vol. 20, 1995, 3

Jón Vioar Sigurosson, The Icelandic aristocracy after the fall of the free state, p. 153
Tor Egil Førland, Far out: International history in Norway, p. 167
Maxim Korobochkin, Soviet policy toward Finland and Norway, 1947-1949, p. 185
Torben Worre, Danish public opinion and the european community, p. 209

Book Reviews, p. 229

Vol. 20, 1995, 2

Anne Løkke, No difference without a cause. Infant mortality rates as a world view generator, p. 75
Anne Ollila, Women’s voluntary associations in Finland during the 1920s and 1930s1, p. 97
Elina Waris, The extended family in the Finnish Karelia. The family system in Ruokolahti 1750-1850, p. 109
Anu Pylkkänen, Substitute Children and Adoption in Finnish Legal History, p. 129

E. Ladewig Petersen, A Note on Danish Royal Diplomas, 12th and 13th Centuries, p. 141
Book Reviews, p. 147

Vol. 20, 1995, 1

Sverre Bagge, Nationalism in Norway in the middle ages, p. 1
Kåre Lunden, Was there a Norwegian national identity in the middle ages?, p. 19
Anne-Lise Seip, Nation-building within the Union: Politics, class and culture in the Norwegian nation-state in the nineteenth century, p. 35
Sivert Langholm, The new nationalism and the new universities — The case of Norway in the early nineteenth century, p. 51
Roald Berg, Nation-building, state structure, and ethnic groups: The Scandinavian Sámis 1905-1919, p. 61

Book Reviews, p. 71

Vol. 19, 1994, 4

Sven Lilja, Swedish urbanization c. 1570-1800. Chronology, Structure and Causes, p. 277
Mikko Majander, The limits of sovereignty. Finland and the Question of the Marshall Plan in 1947, p. 309
Harald Espeli, Norway and the green pool 1952-1954, p. 327
Olav Njølstad, Fissionable consensus: Scandinavia and the quest for international atomic energy control, 1946-1950, p. 349

Book Reviews, p. 365
Miscellany, p. 367

Vol. 19, 1994, 3

Pia Letto-Vanamo, On the history of assistance in conflict resolution in Finland. The emergence of the profession of advocates in the 17th Century, p. 193
Lars Olsson, “We stand here as sellers and buyers in relation to each other”. On work, culture, and consciousness among Swedish Typographers in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, p. 201
Bode Janzon, “A matter for the whole nation?” The sports movement and public interest during the first half of the 20th century: An overview, p. 223
Jan Eivind Myhre, Finding the middle-class. Norway in a comparative perspective, c. 1870-1940, p. 237-249 Anders Nilsson, Birgitta Svärd, Writing ability and agrarian change in early 19th-century rural scania1, p. 251

Book Reviews, p. 275

Vol. 19, 1994, 2

Jukka Nevakivi, A decisive armistice 1944-1947: Why was Finland not Sovietized?, p. 91
Ruth Franzén, Rivals or Allies? Gender interaction in the Finnish student Christian Federation 1897-1914, p. 117
István M. Szijártó, Playing Second Fiddle. The role of Hungary and Norway in the foreign policy of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and the Swedish-Norwegian union: A comparison, p. 143
Tor Egil Førland, Foreign policy profiles of the Scandinavian Countries: Making use of GoCom, p. 165

Book Reviews, p. 185
Miscellany, p. 191

Vol. 19, 1994, 1

Martina Stein-Wilkeshuis, Legal prescriptions on manslaughter and injury in a Viking age treaty between Constantinople and northern merchants, p. 1

Marie C. Nelson, John Rogers, Gleaning up the cities: Application of the first comprehensive public health law in sweden, p. 17

Bill Sund, The safety movement and the Swedish model, p. 41
Pauli Kettunen, Ilkka Turunen, The middle class, knowledge and the idea of the third factor, p. 63

Book Reviews, p. 87

Vol. 18, 1993, 4

Erik Ringmar, Historical writing and rewriting: Gustav II Adolf, the French revolution, and the historians, p. 233
Francine M. Mayer, Carolyn E. Fick, Before and after emancipation: Slaves and free coloreds of Saint-Barthélemy (French West Indies) in the 19th century, p. 251
Klas Åmark, Class struggle and calculability. Trade Union rationality in Sweden, p. 275
Arieh J. Kochavi, Britain’s attitude towards the Swedish position on war criminals, 1943-1945, p. 291
Ingrid Sogner, The European idea: The Scandinavian answer Norwegian attitudes towards a closer Scandinavian economic cooperation 1947-1959, p. 307

Book Reviews, p. 329
Miscellany, p. 333

Vol. 18, 1993, 3

Tore Pryser, The Thranite movement in Norway 1849-1851, p. 169
Ulla Johansson, Christina Florin, Young men in old institutions. Culture, Class, and Gender in Swedish Grammar Schools – A Comparative Perspective, p. 183
Aleksander Kan, Norwegian Sovietology 1922-1992, p. 199
Jussi Hanhimäki, Containment, coexistence and neutrality: The return of the Porkkala naval base as an issue in Soviet-American relations, 1955-1956, p. 217

Book Reviews, p. 229

Vol. 18, 1993, 2

Leon Jespersen, Office and offence crisis and structural transformation in 17th-century Scandinavia. I. Scandinavia and the crisis of the 17th century, p. 97
E. Ladewig Petersen, Office and offence. Crisis and structural transformation in 17th-century Scandinavia. II. Profit from office – profit from grant: Sweden and Denmark 1560-1660, p. 121
Yael Waldman, The meaning of sanctio in medieval Danish royal letters, p. 131
Terje Halvorsen, Stalinist purges in the communist party of Norway 1948-1949?, p. 149

Book Reviews, p. 163

Vol. 18, 1993, 1

Ulf Olsson, The Nordic countries and Europe in the twentieth century: An introduction, p. 1

Ulf Olsson, Sweden and Europe in the 20th century: Economics and politics, p. 7
Hans Chr. Johansen, The Danish economy at the crossroads between Scandinavia and Europe, p. 37
Riitta Hjerppe, Finland’s foreign trade and trade policy in the 20th century, p. 57
Marko Nenonen, “Envious are all the people, witches watch at every gate”. Finnish witches and witch trials in the 17th century, p. 77

Book Review, p. 92

Vol. 17, 1992, 4

Ingrid Millbourn, Swedish social democracy, crises and tariffs before 1900, p. 271
Robert Sandberg, Growth and transformation of an early modern capital city, p. 295-314 Inger Dübeck, Women, weddings and concubines in medieval Danish Law, p. 315

Book Reviews, p. 323

Vol. 17, 1992, 2-3

Antero Heikkinen, Promenades as the form of exercise among the gentlefolk in 18th and 19th century Finland, p. 87
Sirkka Ahonen, Getting rid of the strait-jacket: History education in estonia after the singing revolution, p. 105
Søren Juelstorp, The politicization of the general public in Denmark during the 1830s, p. 125
Dan H. Andersen, Denmark’s treaty with the sublime porte in 1756, p. 145
Ragnhild Høgsæt, “Their ancestral lands” – succession rights of Norwegian tenants in the 16th and 17th centuries, p. 167
Helene Carlbäck-Isotalo, Glasnost and the opening up of Soviet archives. Time to conclude the Raoul Wallenberg case?, p. 175
Tore Grønlie, Establishment of state-owned industrial enterprises Norway in a West European context, p. 209
Geir Lundestad, The evolution of Norwegian security policy: Alliance with the West and reassurance in the East, p. 227

Miscellany, p. 275

Vol. 17, 1992, 1

John P. Maarbjerg, The economic background to “the war of clubs”, p. 1
Jon Th. Thór, The extension of Iceland’s fishing limits in 1952 and the British reaction, p. 25
Jorunn Bjørgum, Dreams of the old country: A room of one’s own The Norwegian nationality room in the university of Pittsburgh’s cathedral of learning, p. 45
Ole Jørgen Benedictow, On the origin and spread of the notion that breast-feeding women should abstain from sexual intercourse, p. 65

Book Reviews, p. 77

Vol. 16, 1991, 4

Hans Kirchhoff, Foreign policy and rationality – the Danish capitulation of 9 April 1940. An outline of a pattern of action, p. 237
John H. Lind, Early Russian-Swedish Rivalry. The battle on the Neva in 1240 and Birger Magnussons’ second crusade to Tavastia, p. 269
Toivo Nygård, Suicides in Finland during the latter half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, p. 297-312 Esa Sundbäck, Finland, Scandinavia and the Baltic states viewed within the framework of the border state policy of great Britain from the autumn of 1918 to the spring of 1919, p. 313
Peter Swenson, Managing the managers. The Swedish employers’ confederation, labor scarcity, and the suppression of labor market segmentation, p. 335

Vol. 16, 1991, 3

Per Norseng, Law codes as a source for Nordic history in the early middle ages, p. 137
John P. Maarbjerg, Diplomatic relations between Denmark and Russia during the Livonian Wars 1558-1581, p. 167
Karl-Erik Michelsen, The power of system: Aellstofffabrik Waldhof in Pernau, Livonia, 1898-1915, p. 189
Trond Bergh, Pragmatic and democratic socialism. Ideological and political trends in the Norwegian labour party during the 1940s and 1950s, p. 205
Even Lange, Helge Pharo, Planning and economic Policy in Norway, 1945-1960, p. 215

Miscellany, p. 229

Vol. 16, 1991, 1-2

Michael Bregnsbo, Clerical attitudes towards society in the age of revolution: Points of view on government, freedom, equality and human rights in Danish sermons, 1775-1800, p. 1
Anne-Lise Seip, Science and social policy. The Norwegian debate in the 1930s, p. 27
Bengt Nilson, No coal without iron ore: Anglo-Swedish trade relations in the shadow of the Korean War, p. 45
Per Sveaas’ Andersen, When was regular, annual taxation introduced in the Norse Islands of Britain? A comparative study of assessment systems in North-Western Europe, p. 73
Heikki Ylikangas, The historical connections of European peasant revolts, p. 85
Vibeke M. Sørensen, How to become a member of a club without joining. Danish Policy with Respect to European Sector Integration Schemes, 1950-1957, p. 105

Book Reviews, p. 125
Miscellany, p. 127