Scandinavian Journal of History DATINI

Scandinavian Journal of History

Oslo, Historical Associations of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
5 fascicoli l’anno, già trimestrale
ISSN: 0346-8755 (Print)
ISSN: 1502-7716 (Online)
Conservata in: Prato, Fondazione Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica “F. Datini”, Coll: Riv. 107
Consistenza: v. 31, 2006, 1-Vol. 41, 2016, 4-5

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze
Risorsa online
Consistenza: 1976-

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2006 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ]

copertina della rivista

Vol. 35, 2010, 4

Anne Eriksen, A Case of Exemplarity: C. F. Rottböll’s history of smallpox inoculation in Denmark-Norway, 1766, p. 351
Ingi Sigur?sson, The Icelandic Enlightenment as an Extended Phenomenon, p. 371
Per Gunnar Edebaik, Mats Olsson, Poor Relief, Taxes and the First Universal Pension Reform: the origin of the Swedish welfare state reconsidered, p. 391
Rodney Edvinsson, Major Recessions in Sweden i 850-2000: from pre-capitalist to modem types of crises, p. 403
Therese Nordlund Edvinsson, Johan Söderberg, Servants and Bourgeois Life in Urban Sweden in the Early 20th Century, p. 427
Kristian Ravn Paaskesen, A Bleak Chapter in Nordic Development Aid History?: the Nordic Co-operative Assistance Project in Tanzania, p. 451
Terrence Bush, Biodiversity and Sectoral Responsibility in the Development of Swedish Forestry Policy, 1988-1993, p. 471

Book Reviews, p. 499

Vol. 35, 2010, 3

Ildar H. Garipzanov, The Cult of St Nicholas in the Early Christian North (c. 1000-1150), p. 229
Lomarsh Roopnarine, Re-Indenture, Repatriation and Remittances of Ex-Indentured Indians from Danish St Croix to British India 1863-1873, p. 247
Kim B. Ostman, Mormons, Civil Authorities and Lutheran Clergy in Finland, 1875-1889, p. 268
Mikael Nilsson, Aligning the Non-Aligned: a re-interpretation of why and how Sweden was granted access to US military materiel in the early Cold War, 1948-1952, p. 290
Aryo Makko, Multilateralism and the Shaping of an ‘Active Foreign Policy’: Sweden during the preparatory phase of the CSCE, p. 310

Review Article, p. 330
Book Reviews, p. 345

Vol. 35, 2010, 2

Tapio Salminen, Common Road, Common Duty – Public Road, Private Space?: King Magnus Eriksson’s law and the understanding of road as a space in late medieval Finland and the Swedish realm, p. 115
Kati Parppei, Pagans of Darkness, Cruel Lutherans: images of religious ‘others’ in the historical accounts concerning the Russian Orthodox Valaam monastery, p. 135
Hans Bonde, Sport and Politics – Danish-German Sport Collaboration during World War II, p. 156
Klas Ronnback, An Early Modern Consumer Revolution in the Baltici, p. 177
Katarina Piuva, The Meaning of Normality: the controversy about the menta1 health campaign in Sweden 1969, p. 198

Review Article, p. 217
Book Reviews, p. 223

Vol. 35, 2010, 1

Gu?mundur Hálfdanarson, Editorial, p. 1
Hans Jacob Orning, The Magical Reality of the Late Middle Ages : exploring the world of the fornaldarsügur, p. 3
Pieter Dhondt, The Echo of the Quatercentenary of Uppsala University in 1877: Nordic universities as examples in Europe?, p. 21
Michael C. Coleman, ‘You Might Ali Be Speaking Swedish Today’: language change in 19th-century Finland and Ireland, p. 44
Yvorine Maria Werner, Catholic Mission and Conversion in Scandinavia: some reflections on religion, modernisation, and identity construction, p. 65
Vesa-Pekka Herva, Timo Ylimaunu, What’s on the Map?: re-assessing the first urban map of Tornea and early map-making in Sweden, p. 86

Book Reviews, p. 108

Vol. 34, 2009, 4

Jari Ojala, Changing the Guards: an Editorial, p. 353
Roddy Nilsson, Creating the Swedish Juvenile Delinquenti criminal policy, science and institutionalization e. 1930-1970, p. 354
Pål Thonstad Sandvik, Facing Oligopoly and Protectionism: the fate of small producers in the inter-war nickel industry, p. 376
Elin Malmer, Erik Sidenvall, Christian Manliness for Women?: contradictions of Christian youth organization in early 20th-century Sweden, p. 394
Anssi Halmesvirta, A Foreign Benefactor and a Domestic Liberator: the cults of Lenin and Mannerheim in Finland, p. 414

Book Reviews, p. 433
Books Received, p. 462
Volume Index: Volume 34, 2009, p. 465

Vol. 34, 2009, 3

Jenny Andersson, Mary Hilson, Introduction, p. 219
Jenny Andersson, Nordic Nostalgia and Nordic Light: the Swedish model as Utopia 1930-2007, p. 229
Nikolas Glover, Imaging Community: Sweden in “cultural propaganda “then and now, p. 246
Carl Marklund, The Social Laboratory, the Middle Way and the Swedish Model: three frames for the image of Sweden, p. 264
Kazimierz Musial, Reconstructing Nordic Significance in Europe on the Threshold of the 21st Century, p. 286
Andrew G. Newby, “In Building a Nation Few Better Examples can be Found”: Norden and the Scottish Parliament, p. 307
Andrew Scott, Looking to Sweden in order to Reconstruct Australia, p. 330

Vol. 34, 2009, 2

May-Brith Ohman Nielsen, Editorial, p. 119
Edward Burton, Racism on the Palace Steps?, p. 121
Simo Muir, Anti-Semitism in the Finnish Academe: rejection of Israel-Jakob Schur’s PhD dissertation at the University of Helsinki (1937) and Åbo Akademi University (1938), p. 135
Mortevi Karnoe Søndergaard, Vera Schwach, The Nordic Shrimp Industry: state entrepreneurship, intellectual and industrial structures, e. 1895-1950, p. 162
Jussi Jalonen, Three Scandinavian Counterfactual Scenarios from the Napoleonic Wars, p. 182

Debate, p. 205
Book Reviews, p. 208
Biannual Artide Competition, p. 217

Vol. 34, 2009, 1

Jari Ojala, Seeking for a Nordic Model, p. 1
Henning Bro, Housing: From Nighet Watchmann State to Welfare State: Danish housing policy, 1914 – 1930, p. 2
Tapio Bergholm, The Making of the Finnish Model: the qualitative change in Finnish corporatism in the early 1960s, p. 29
Per Gunnar Edebalk, Employers and Sickness Insurance: a contribution to the development of social policy in Sweden 1955 – 2005, p. 49
Elina Sopo, Some Early Finnish Art Collectors in the Light of New Sources: Imperial Honorary Surgeon Alexander von Collan (1819-1910) and Master of Laws Alexander von Collan (1858-1939) as collectors from the “third estate”, p. 69

Books Reviews, p. 93

Vol. 33, 2008, 4

Tor Egil Førland, Guest Editor, Introduction to the Special Issue on 1968, p. 317
Thomas Ekman Jørgensen, The Scandinavian 1968 in a European Perspective, p. 326
Kjell Östberg, Sweden and the Long ‘1968’: break or continuity?, p. 339
Anette Warring, Around 1968 – Danish Historiography, p. 353
Laura Kolbe, From Memory to History: year 1968 in Finland, p. 366
Tor Egil Førland, ‘1968’ in Norway: piecemeal, peaceful and postmodern, p. 382
James Godbolt, Chris Holmsted Larsen, Søren Hein Rasmussen, The Vietnam War: the Danish and Norwegian experience 1964-1975, p. 395
Rolf Werenskjold, The Dailies in Revolts: the global 1968 revolts in major Norwegian newspapers, p. 417
Laura P. Skardhamar, ‘Real Revolution’ in Kana Commune, p. 441
Jukka Relander, From Flowers to Steel: development of the Leninist Mind in Finland 1968-1972, p. 464
Hans Petter Sjøli, Maoism in Norway: and how the AKP(m-l) made Norway more Norwegian, p. 478
Terry H. Anderson, 1968: the American and Scandinavian experiences, p. 491

Books Received, p. 500
Volume Index: Volume 33, 2008, p. 503

Vol. 33, 2008, 3

Petri Karonen, Coping with Peace After a Debacle: the crisis of the trasition to peace in Sweden after the Great Northern War (1700-1721), p. 203
Andis Cinis, Marija Drèmaité, Mart Kalm, Perfect Representations of Soviet Planned Space: mono-industrial towns in the Soviet Baltic republics in the 195s-1980s, p. 226
Mats Hallenberg, Johan Holm, Dan Johansson, Organization, Legitimation, Participation: state formation as a dynamic process – the Swedish example, c. 1523-1680, p. 247
Astri Andresen, A Farewell to “Rural Bliss”: shifting problematizations of school children’s health in Norway 1900-1940, p. 269

Debate, p. 289
Book Reviews, p. 300

Vol. 33, 2008, 2

Þorsteinn Helgason, The Pen and the Borrowed Sword: 500 years of Icelandic defense policy, p. 105
Chiharu Inaba, Japanese Intelligence Operations in Scandinavia During World War II: cryptographic cooperation with the Finns and Onodera’s activities in Sweden, p. 122
Matti Hannikainen, Unemployment and Labour Market Flexibility in the Great Depression: the case of construction workers in Helsinki, p. 139
Erik Opsahl, Conflict and Alliance: the question of a national kingdom – political attitudes of Norwegian gentry and farmers in the Late Middle Ages, p. 161

Review Essay, p. 183
Book Reviews, p. 191

Vol. 33, 2008, 1

Glen O’Hara, ‘Applied Socialism of a Fairly Moderate Kind’: Scandinavia, British policymakers and the post-war housing market, p. 1
Patrik Lantto, Ulf Mórkenstam, Sami Rights and Sami Challenges: the modernization process and the Swedish Sami movement, 1886-2006, p. 26
Ida Blom, From Coercive Policies to Voluntary Initiatives: legislating to prevent venereal diseases in Denmark during the 20th century, p. 52
Nikolaj Petersen, The Iceman that Never Carne: ‘Project Iceworm’, the search for a NATO deterrent, and Denmark, 1960-1962, p. 75

Book Reviews, p. 99

Vol. 32, 2007, 4

Jori Ojala, Editorial, p. 321
]arì Eloranta and Ilkka Nummela, Finnish Nickel as a Strategie Metal, 1920-1944, p. 322

Special Issue: Enlightened Loyalties: new constructions of loyalty and identity in late 18th-century Scandinavia
Guest Editor: Pasi Ihalainen

Pasi Ihalainen, The Enlightenment and the Redefinition of Politicai Loyalties: a review of the state of research in Scandinavia, p. 346
Charlotta Wolff, Aristocratic Republicanism and the Hate of Sovereignty in 18th-century Sweden, p. 358
Steinar Supphellen, ‘Rational Norwegian Patriotism’ in the 1780s: a Norwegian civil servant’s endeavour to define his identity and his loyalties, p. 376
Jouko Nurmiainen, Particular Interests and the Common Good in Swedish mid-18th-century Diet Politics: the ‘Finnish’ perspective, p. 388

Book Reviews, p. 405
Books Received, p. 419
Volume Index: Volume 32, 2007, p. 422

Vol. 32, 2007, 3

Pauli Heikkilä, Northern Replies to the Briand Memorandum in 1930. The european Federal Union in Estonia, Finland and Sweden, p. 215
Gunnar Thorvaldsen, An International Perspective on Scandinavia’s Historical Censues, p. 237
Pernilla Jonsson, Silke Neunsinger, Comparison and Transfer – A Fruitful Approach to National History?, p. 258
Jan Kunnas, Potash, Saltpeter and Tar: Production, exports and use of wood in Finland in the 19th century, p. 281

Book Reviews, p. 312

Vol. 32, 2007, 2

Cristina Folke Ax, Incorporating New Ideas in a Local Community, p. 119
Peter Thaler, A Tale of Three Communities, p. 141
Jarle Simensen, Writing the History of Development Aid, p. 167
Juhana Aunesluoma, Magnus Petersson and Charles Silva, Deterrence or Reassurance?, p. 183

Book Reviews, p. 209

Vol. 32, 2007, 1

]ari Ojala, Editorial: Nordic Historical Research for a Wider Audience, p. 1
Sverre Bagge, Aims and Means in the Inter-Nordic Conflicts 1302-1319, p. 5
Thomas Munck, Keeping the Peace, p. 38
Reine Rydén, Smallholders, Organic Farmers, and Agricultural Policy, p. 63
Claus Bryld, ‘The Pive Accursed Years’, p. 86

Book Review, p. 116

Vol. 31, 2006, 3-4

Special issue: Break-up of Political Unions – from the Kalmar Union to Five Nordic Nation-States (editor: Gu?mundur Hálfdanarson)

Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, FROM ONE, TO TWO, TO FIVE. On the break-up of political unions in the Nordic region, p. 201
Harald Gustafsson, A STATE THAT FAILED? On the Union of Kalmar, Especially its Dissolution, p. 205
H. Arnold Barton, FINLAND AND NORWAY, 1808-1917, A comparative perspective, p. 221
, p. 237
Kristin Asdal, MAKING SPACE WITH MEDICINE. The dissolution of Norway’s union with Sweden and the unexplored role of animal trade, p. 255
, p. 270
Juha Siltala, NATIONAL REBIRTH OUT OF YOUNG BLOOD. Sacrificial fantasies in the Finnish Civil War, 1917-1918, p. 290
Kari Alenius, UNIFICATION WITH SWEDEN, AUTONOMY, FEDERAL SELF-GOVERNMENT? The dilemma of the Swedish minority of Estonia during the period between the World Wars, p. 308

Book reviews, p. 328
Books Recieved, p. 360

Vol. 31, 2006, 2

Gu?mundur Gu?mundsson, The Cod and the Cold War, p. 97
Jan Froestad, Bodil Kavneberg, Education Policy, the Norwegian Unitary School and the Social Construction of Disability, p. 119
Heiko Droste, Diplomacy as a Means of Cultural Transfer in Early Modern Times, p. 144
Erik Thomson, For a Comparative History of Early Modern Diplomacy, p. 151
Badeloch Noldus, An “Unvergleichbarer Liebhaber”, p. 173
Leos Müller, The Swedish Consular Service in Southern Europe, 1720-1815, p. 186

Book Reviews, p. 196

Vol. 31, 2006, 1

Special issue: Elite Networks

Eldrid Mageli, Norwegian-Japanese Whaling Relations in the Early 20th Century, p. 1
Mary Elizabeth Ailes, Wars, Widows, and State Formation in 17th-Century Sweden, p. 17
Mika Kallioinen, Plagues and Governments, p. 35
Liliane Irlenbusch-Reynard, Snorri Go?i and William Marshal, p. 52

Book Reviews, p. 70

Vol. 30, 2005, 3-4

Einar Hreinsson, ‘NOBLESSE DE ROBE’ IN A CLASSLESS SOCIETY. The making of an Icelandic elite in the Age of Absolutism, p. 225
Ulla Koskinen, FRIENDS AND BROTHERS. Rhetoric of friendship as a medium of power in late-16th-century Sweden and Finland, p. 238
Päivi Maria Pihlaja, SWEDEN AND L’ACADÉMIE DES SCIENCES. Scientific Elites in 18th-century Europe, p. 271
Jon Stobart, INFORMATION, TRUST AND REPUTATION: Shaping a merchant elite in early 18th-century England, p. 298
Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson, THE BISHOPS IN THE CHURCH OF SWEDEN. An elite in society during the first half of the 20th century, p. 308

Book reviews, p. 320
Books Received, p. 370

Vol. 30, 2005, 2

Jari Ojala Editor, Current trends in Nordic historical research, p. 105

Juha Siltala, NATION AS MOTHER FIGURE FOR REFORMERS IN FINLAND, 1840-1910. A psychohistorial approach to identification, p. 135

Marjatta Rahikainen, WOMEN IN RELIEF WORK. Female unemployment in Helsinki before World War II, p. 159

Rauno Lahtinen, Timo Vuorisalo, IN SEARCH FOR THE ROOTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN. Water management and animal welfare issues in the Finnish local press in 1890-1950, p. 177
Guðmundur Hálfdanarson, Börje Harnesk, May-Brith Ohman Nielsen, Jari Ojala, Poul Villaume, Pasi Saarimäki (Compiled by), DISSERTATIONS IN SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES IN 2004, p. 199

Book review, p. 209

Vol. 30, 2005, 1

Magne Njåstad, A few words from the incoming book-review editor, p. 1

Svein H. Gullbekk, Natural and money economy in medieval Norway, p. 3
Øyvind Giæver, Abortion and eugenics. The role of eugenic arguments in Norwegian abortion debates and legislation, 1920-1978, p. 21

Mianna Meskus, To exclude or to enclose? Medicalization of abortion in Finland, 1900-1950, p. 45

Kekke Stadin, The masculine image of a great power. Representations of Swedish imperial power c. 1630-1690, p. 61

Reviews, p. 83
Books Received, p. 103

Vol. 29, 2004, 3-4

Jari Ojala, Editorial, p. 169

Hanne Marie Johansen, Widowhood in Scandinavia – an introduction, p. 171

Ida Bull, Professions, absolutism and the role of widows, p. 193
Inger Dübeck, Legal status of widows in Denmark 1500-1900, p. 209
John Ragnar Myking, Attractive marriage partners? tenant widows and remarriages in western Norway in the seventeenth and eighteenth century, p. 225
Åsa Karlsson Sjögren, Peter Lindström, Widows, ownership and political culture: Sweden 1650-1800, p. 241
Ida Blom, Widows, widowers and the construction of the Norwegian welfare society,c. 1900-1960s, p. 263
Birgitta Fritz, St Birgitta and Vadstena abbey in the scholarly literature published during the jubilee year, 2003, p. 277

Book Reviews, p. 287
Reviews, p. 393

Vol. 29, 2004, 2

Norbert Götz, Prestige and lack of alternative: Denmark and the United Nations in the making, p. 73
Ida Blom, Contagious women and male clients. Public policies to prevent venereal diseases in Norway, 1888-1960, p. 97
Hans Bonde, Gymnastics and politics. Niels Bukh and the German occupation of Denmark, p. 119
Henrik Horstbøll, Pietism and the politics of catechisms. The case of Denmark and Norway in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, p. 143

Reviews, p. 161
Book review, p. 163

Vol. 29, 2004, 1

Peter Scharff Smith, Isolation and mental illness in Vridsløselille 1859-1873. A new perspective on the breakthrough of the modern penitentiary, p. 1
Lars Fredrik Andersson, Convergence and structure of trade: The Swedish-Finnish case, p. 27
Justyna Wubs-Mrozewicz, Interplay of identities: German settlers in late medieval Stockholm, p. 53

Books Received, p. 69

Vol. 28, 2003, 3-4

Stephen Turk Christensen, Introduction, p. 151
Janis Kreslins, Linguistic landscapes in the baltic, p. 165
Alexander Cowan, Cultural traffic in Lübeck and Danzig in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, p. 175

Krista Kodres, Church and art in the First Century of the reformation in Estonia: towards Lutheran orthodoxy, p. 187

Marika Keblusek, The business of news. Michel le Blon and the transmission of political information to Sweden in the 1630s, p. 205-213 Badeloch Noldus, Dealing in politics and art. Agents between Amsterdam, Stockholm and Copenhagen, p. 215-225 Konrad A. Ottenheym, Dutch contributions to the classicist tradition in Northern Europe in the Seventeenth Century: patrons, architects and books, p. 227
Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen, Ceremonial interaction across the Baltic around 1700. The “Coronations” of Charles XII (1697), Frederick IV (1700) and Frederick III/I (1701), p. 243-
Michael North, The Hamburg art market and influences on Northern and Central Europe, p. 253

Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Early modern ideas about artistic geography related to the Baltic Region, p. 263

Juhan Maiste, The glass bead game in the topic of classics. Baltic identity and the transport of culture, p. 273

Reviews, p. 285

Vol. 28, 2003, 2

Inger Marie Okkenhaug, Gender and Nordic Missions in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries*, p. 73
Seija Jalagin, Negotiating for Space and Autonomy: Strategies of Finnish Missionary Women in Japan, 1900-1941, p. 83
Line Nyhagen Predelli, Emma Dahl: Contesting the Patriarchal Gender Regime of the Norwegian Missionary Society in Madagascar, p. 103
Lisbeth Mikaelsson, Marie Monsen: Charismatic Revivalist – Feminist Fighter, p. 121
Már Jónsson, Socialt och politisk våld: Perspektiv på svensk historia, p. 135
Hallvard Tjelmeland, Guldet fra Moskva. Finansieringen af de nordiske kommunistpartier 1917-1990 [The Gold From Moscow. The Financing of the Nordic Communist Parties 1917-1990] (København: Forum), p. 136
Martti Häikiö, Modernization of Infrastructure Saved Finland, p. 139
Svein Ivar Angell, Nordic Lights – Education for Nation and Civic Society in the Nordic Countries, 1850-2000, p. 139

Reviews, p. 141
Books Received, p. 148

Vol. 28, 2003, 1

Axel Kristinsson, Lords and Literature: The Icelandic Sagas as Political and Social Instruments, p. 1
Mikael Alm, Royalty, Legitimacy and Imagery, p. 19
Pasi Ihalainen, The Concepts of Fatherland and Nation in Swedish State Sermons from the Late Age of Absolutism to the Accession of Gustavus III, p. 37
Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen, Karen Skovgaard-Petersen, Historiography at the Court of Christian IV (1588-1648). Studies in the Latin Histories of Denmark by Johannes Pontanus and Johannes Meursius (Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press, 2002). 454 pp. ISBN 87-7289-703-1, p. 59-60 Leidulf Melve, Klaus-Joachim Lorenzen-Schmidt and Bjørn Poulsen, (eds.), Writing Peasants. Studies on Peasant Literacy in Early Modern Northern Europe(Landbohistorisk selskab, Gylling, 2002). ISBN 87-7526-179-0, p. 60

Reviews, p. 63
Miscellany, p. 69

Vol. 27, 2002, 4

Ida Bull, Inheritance in Family Business: The “Long” Merhcant Family: Problems Concerning Generation Change, p. 193
Esa Sundback, “A Compartatively Small Market, But Which Is Still Worth Taking into Consideration”: Britain and the Economic Attraction of Finland after World War I, p. 211
Elizabeth Ashman Rowe, The Flateyjarbôk Annals as a Historical Source, p. 233

Book Reviews, p. 243
Books Received, p. 253

Vol. 27, 2002, 3

Leon Jespersen, Court and Nobility in Early Modern Denmark, p. 129
Vesa Vares, Is This the Top of the Slippery Slope?, p. 143
Lene Koch, The Ethos of Science, p. 167

Book Reviews, p. 175
Books Received, p. 190

Vol. 27, 2002, 2

Sebastian Olden-Jørgensen, State Ceremonial, Court Culture and Political Power in Early Modern Denmark, 1536-1746, p. 65
Anne Irene Riisøy, What’s on the Case-List? Legal Texts and Felonies Rediscovered, p. 77
Harald Gustafsson, The Eighth Argument. Identity, Ethnicity and Political Culture in Sixteenth-Century Scandinavia, p. 91
Jørn Øyrehagen Sunde, The Ploughman and the Flying Circus, p. 115

Book Reviews, p. 125

Vol. 27, 2002, 1

Niels Kayser Nielsen, Body and Enlightenment in Denmark: On Matthias Lunding’s Diary 1787 and its Context, p. 1
Ferdinand Linthoe Naeshagen, Private Law Enforcement in Norwegian History: The Husband’s Right to Chastise His Wife, p. 19
Christer Kuvaja, Provisioning of the Russian Army in Finland During the Occupation 1713-1721, p. 31

Book Reviews, p. 47
Books Received, p. 61

Vol. 26, 2001, 4

Peter Henningsen, Peasant Society and the Perception of a Moral Economy – Redistribution and Risk Aversion in Traditional Peasant Culture, p. 271
Marjatta Rahikainen, Ageing Men and Women in the Labour Market – Continuity and Change, p. 297
Natasha Vall, The Regional Apparel: Urban Aggrandisement and Regionalist Aspirations in Malmo and Newcastle 1960-1995, p. 315

Book Reviews, p. 333

Vol. 26, 2001, 3

Niels Finn Christiansen, Klaus Petersen, Preface, p. 153
Urban Lundberg, Klas Åmark, Social Rights and Social Security: The Swedish Welfare State, 1900-2000, p. 157
Niels Finn Christiansen, Klaus Petersen, The Dynamics of Social Solidarity: The Danish Welfare State, 1900-2000, p. 177
Øyvind BjØrnson, The Social Democrats and the Norwegian Welfare State: Some Perspectives, p. 197
Pauli Kettunen, The Nordic Welfare State in Finland, p. 225
Gudmundur Jonsson, The Icelandic Welfare State in the Twentieth Century, p. 249

Vol. 26, 2001, 2

Ole Feldbæk, Denmark in the Napoleonic Wars: A Foreign Policy Survey, p. 89
Mary Hilson, Swedish Approaches to the Rise of Labour: A British Perspective, p. 103
Carl-Gustaf Scott, Swedish Sanctuary of American Deserters During the Vietnam War: A Facet of Social Democratic Domestic Politics, p. 123

Book Reviews, p. 143
Books Received, p. 149

Vol. 26, 2001, 1

Mirkka Lappalainen, Regional Elite Group and the Problem of Territorial Integration: The Finnish Nobility and the Formation of the Swedish “Power State”, c. 1570-1620, p. 1
Peter Hallberg, Mirrors of the Nation: The Construction of National Character and Difference in the Historical Writings of E. G. Geijer, p. 25
John P. Maarbjerg, The Peasant, His Land and Money: Land Transactions in Late Sixteenth-century East Bothnia, p. 53
Ragnhild Høgsaet, The Use of Money in Early Modern Norway, p. 69
Nils Roll-Hansen, Eugenic Practice and Genetic Science in Scandinavia and Germany: Some Comments on Peter Weingart’s Comparison of Sweden and Germany, p. 75

Book Reviews, p. 83
Books Received, p. 87