The Journal of Transport History DATINI

The Journal of Transport History

Leicester. University College of Leicester
ISSN: 0022-5266
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0299
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-
Lacune: III ser., v . 21; III ser., 1980, 2;
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

copertina della rivista

III ser., 1, 1980, 1

Jack Simmons, Rail 150 : 1975 or 1980?, p. 1
Peter Cain, Private enterprise or public utility? Output, pricing and investment on English and Welsh railways, 1870-1914, p. 9
John Chartres, Trade and shipping in the Port of London : Wiggins Key in the later seventeenth century, p. 29
Chris Davies, Josiah Wedgwood and canal management, p. 49
Michael Freeman, Transporting methods in the British cotton industry during the industrial revolution, p. 59
Theo Barker, Towards an historical classification of urban transport development since the later eighteenth century, p. 75

Book reviews, p. 91
Books received, p. 94

copertina della rivista

n. ser., V, 1979, 2

L. J. Andrew Villalon, James M. Laux, Steaming through New England with locomobile, p. 63
Michel Robbins, The third reich and its railways : a review article, p. 83
Jon Press, The collapse of a contributory pension scheme : the merchant seamen’s fund, 1747-1851, p. 91
David Turnock, The romanian railway dabate : a theme in political geography, p. 105

Notes on contributors, p. 121
Bibliography of transport in current periodicals, p. 122
Reviews, p. 128
Publisher’s Announcement, p. 131

n. ser., V, 1979, 1

W. Albert, Popular opposition to Turnpike Trusts in early eighteenth-century England, p. 1
Peter H. Stainer, The copper ore trade of South West England in the nineteenth century, p. 18
V. Vale, The government and the cunard contract, of 1903, p. 36
A.K. Humphreys, Trooping and the development of the British independent airlines, p. 46

Reviews, p. 60
Publication received, p. 64
Notes on contributors, p. 64

n. ser., IV, 1978, 4

Frank J. A. Broeze, British intercontinental shipping and Australia, 1813-1850, p. 189
P. J. Atkins, The growth of London’s railway milk trade, c. 1845-1914, p. 208
C. P. Griffin, Transport change and the development of the Leichestershire coalfield in the Canal Age : a re-interpretarion, p. 227
Dan F. Bradshaw, Stephenson, de Lesseps and the Suez Canal : an englishman’s blindspot, p. 239

Notes on contributors, p. 243
Bibliography of transport in current periodicals, p. 244
Reviews, p. 249

n. ser., IV, 1978, 3

A. D. Ochojna, The influence of local and national politics on the development of urban passenger transport in Britain 1850-1900, p. 125
Alun C. Davies, A welsh Waterway in the industrial revolution : the Aberdare Canal, 1793-1900, p. 147
B.P. Hindle, Seasonal variations in travel in medieval England, p. 170

Notes on Contributors, p. 178
David M. Williams, The shipping and organization of the Atlantic slave trade : a review article, p. 179
Reviews, p. 185
Publications received, p. 187

n. ser., IV, 1977, 2

M. J. Freeman, The carrier system of South Hampshire, 1775-1851, p. 61
J. A. Perkins, The Lincolnshire contraband tobacco trade after the Napoleonic Wars, p. 86
Roy Church, Myths, men and motor cars : a review article, p. 102

Notes on contributors, p. 112
Bibliography of transport in current periodicals, 113
Reviews, p. 113
Publisher’s Announcement, p. 131

n. ser., IV, 1977, 1

A.Gerald Peters, Donald F. Wood, Helicopter airlines in the United States, 1945-75, p. 1
G. L. Turnbull, Provincial road carrying in England in the eighteenth century, p. 17
D. G. Tucker, The trolleybus proposal at Stroud, Glos., in 1903 : the Stroud District & Cheltenham tramways bill, p. 40
Peter Fearon, Aviation past and present : a review article, p. 47

Reviews, p. 55
Publication received, p. 60
Notes on contributors, p. 60

n. ser., III, 1976, 4

G. Rhys, Concentration in the Inter-War motor, p. 241
B.K. Humphreys, Nationalization and the independent airlines in the United Kingdom, 1945-51, p. 265
Harold W. Hart, Thomas Clarke Worsdell and the Leipzig & Dresden railway, p. 282

Notes on contributors, p. 285
Bibliography of transport in current periodicals, p. 286
Publications received, p. 292
Publisher’s Note : the Deckray diaries, p. 293
Reviews, p. 294
Publisher’s Announcement, p. 131

n. ser., III, 1976, 3

H. J. Dyos, Jack Simmons : An appreciation, p. 133
Diana Dixon, Jack Simmons : A bibliography of his published writings, p. 145
G. H. Martin, Road travel in the middle ages : some journeys by the warden and fellows of Merton College, Oxford, 1315-1470, p. 159
Alan Everitt, Country Carriers in the nineteenth century, p. 179
Henry Parris, Sir Daniel Gooch : A biographical Sketch, p. 203
Derek H. Aldcroft, A new chapter in transport history : the twentieth-century revolution, p. 217

n. ser., III, 1975, 2

M. J. Daunton, Aristocrat and traders : the Bute Doks, 1839-1914, p. 65
P. L. Cottrell, George Ottley, The beginning of the Stockton & Darlington railway : people and documents, 1813-25 : a celebratory note, p. 86
C. H. Lee, Some aspects of the coastal shipping trade : the Aberdeen steam navigation company, 1835-80, p. 94
M. Le Guillou, Freight rates and their influence on the black country iron trade in a period of growing domestic and foreign competition, 1850-1914, p. 108
George Ottley, Bibliography of transport in current periodicals, p. 119

Notes on contributors, p. 126
Reviews, p. 127

n. ser., III, 1975, 1

Max Fletcher, From coal to oil in British shipping, p. 1
P.L. Cottrell, Railway finance and the crisis of 1866 : contractor’s bills of exchange, and the finance companies, p. 20
D. Brooke, Railway navvies on the Pennines, p. 41

Reviews, p. 54
Publication received, p. 64
Notes on contributors, p. 64

n. ser., II, 1974, 4

Sylvia McIntire, The mineral Water trade in the eighteenth century, p. 1
Barrie M. Ratcliffe, The building of the Paris-St Germain railway, p. 20
John Hibbs, A history of the motor bus industry : a bibliographical survey, p. 41
P. J. Cain, Traders versus railways : the genesis of the railway and canal traffic act of 1894, p. 65

Reviews, p. 56
Publications received, p. 64
Notes on contributors, p. 40

n. ser., II, 1974, 3

James H. Bater, The development of public transportation in St Petersburg, 1860-1914, p. 85
David M. Williams, Abolition and the re-development of the Slave Fleet, 1807-II, p. 103
George Ottley, Transport bibliography 1972-3, p. 116

Reviews, p. 122
Notes on contributors, p. 128
Publisher’s note, p. 128

n. ser., II, 1973, 2

Henry C. Binford, Land tenure, social structure, and railway impact in North Lambeth, 1830-61, p. 129
James R. Hepple, Abingdon and the G.W.R. ; Or why the Oxford line missed the town, p. 155
Richard W. Barsness, Maritime activity and Port development in the United States since 1900 : a survey, p. 167

Reviews, p. 185
Publications received, p. 188
Notes on contributors, p. 188

n. ser., II, 1973, 1

Dennis Whomsley, A landed estate and the railway : Huddersfield 1844-54, p. 189
James H. Bater, The journey to work in St Petersburg, 1860-1914, p. 214
George Ottley, Transport history in British University theses, 1964-72, p. 234
George Ottley, Transport bibliography, p. 239

Reviews, p. 244
Notes on contributors, p. 256

n. ser., I, 1972, 4

Barrie M. Ratcliffe, The origins of the Paris-St-Germain railway, p. 197
C. Brooke, The struggle between hull and the North eastern railway, p. 220
Derek H. Aldcroft, Raiwais and economic growth : a review article, p. 238
George Ottley, Transport Bibliography, 1971, p. 250

Relics and records : a note, p. 256
Notes on contributors, p. 257
Reviews, p. 258

n. ser., I, 1972, 3

Wray Vamplew, Railways and the Scottish transport system in the nineteenth century, p. 133
Michel Simpson, Urban transport and the development of Glasgow’s West Ent, 1830-1914, p. 146
Ernest M. Teagarden, Industrial railroad rate divisions and the interstate commerce commission, p. 161
Geoffrey Alerman, Joseph Chamberlain’s attempted reform of the British mercantile marine, p. 169

Reviews, p. 185
Publications received, p. 195
Notes on contributors, p. 196

n. ser., I, 1971, 2

A. G. Kenwood, Capital investment in Docks, Harbours, and River Improvements in North-Eastern England 1825-1850, p. 69
Gareth Rees, Copper Sheathing : An esample of technological diffusion in the English Merchant Fleet, p. 85
A.M. Hay, The development of road transport in Nigeria, p. 1900-1940, p. 95
Jack Simmons, A holograph letter from George Stephenson, p. 108
George Ottley, Transport Bibliography, 1970, p. 116
George Ottley, Transport bibliography, 1966-9. II Official Publications, p. 123
Reviews, p. 126

n. ser., I, 1971, 1

C. L. Mowat, The heyday of the British railway system : vanishing evedence and the historian’s task, p. 1
Trevor May, Road passenger transport in Harrow in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, p. 18
John Charles Kendall, The construction and maintenance of Coteau du Lac : the first lock canal in North America, p. 39
George Ottley, Transport bibliography, 1966-9. I Publications on transport studies in British periodicals, p. 51
Reviews, p. 63