The Journal of Transport History DATINI

The Journal of Transport History

Leicester. University College of Leicester
ISSN: 0022-5266
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0299
Consistenza: v. 1, 1953, 1-
Lacune: III ser., v . 21; III ser., 1980, 2;
[2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1953 ]

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III ser., 44, 2023, III

Massimo Moraglio, Transport history: a niche moving toward the mainstream?, p. 345

Seth Epstein, ?Wanna get married??: The taxi driver transportation network at the marriage mill of Elkton, Maryland, 1913–1941, p. 346
Emma Robertson, ?The girl conductor has come to stay?: Gender and labour on the buses in interwar Australia, p. 368
Olha Martynyuk, Threatening mobility: Cycling during World War II from a Ukrainian perspective, p. 389
Jacob Harris, ?Car, car over all, it has taken a terrible hold of us?: Experiencing automobility in interwar Britain and Germany, p. 411
Constantin Ardeleanu, ?Commercial and political needs demand the establishment of a Black Sea port?: Infrastructure development, opportunities and anxieties in an Eastern European periphery (1860s–1870s), p. 436
Csaba Sándor Horváth, Old railways, new borders. The impact of treaty of Trianon on Western Transdanubia network (1918–1924), p. 457

Julia Winterson, Hidden from history: Carriage cleaners in the United Kingdom from 1849 to COVID-19, p. 483

Book Reviews, p. 501

III ser., 44, 2023, II

Martin Emanuel, Daniel Normark, (Un)equal footing: Otherings and orderings of urban mobility, p. 165–182

Tauri Tuvikene, Between traffic and walking discourse: Pedestrians in the traffic machine, hints from the Estonian case, p. 183–200

Martin Emanuel, Pavement publics in late nineteenth-century Stockholm, p. 201–232
Cédric Feriel, Rethinking the dominant modernist planning narrative: Investigating pedestrianisation in Europe, 1960s–1970s, p. 233–253
Tiina Männistö-Funk, , The struggle over pedestrians: Defining the problems of walking in the 1960s and 1970s, p. 254–275
Tom Breen, Abbi Flint, Clare Hickman, Glen O?Hara, Whose right to roam? Contesting access to England?s countryside, p. 276–307
Alexei Kraikovski, Small-scale shipping and the maritime commerce of eighteenth-century St. Petersburg, p. 308–329

Book Reviews, p. 330

III ser., 44, 2023, I

Peter Hobbins, Emulating the ?pucker factor?: Faith, fidelity and flight simulation in Australia, 1936–58, p. 3–26
Benjamin B. Cohen, ?The water flows under the bridge and we pass above it …? infrastructure, transport and state power: The bridges of Hyderabad city, India c. sixteenth to twentieth centuries, p. 27–49
Tal Alon-Mozes, The landscape of Route 854 in Israel’s Galilee: Integrating nature, construction, and art in the service of a national project Efrat Hildesheim, p. 50–78
Thomas Pettersson, Johan Jansson, Urban Lindgren, A barrier to sustainable transports? Path dependence and the Swedish tax deduction for commuting , p. 79–98
Yuqing Zhu, Railroad investment and regional disparity: Public expenditure on transport infrastructure in France, 1837–57, p. 99–124

Tamires Saccharine Lico, Andreza Vellasco Gomes, Nicolle Oliveira Rocha, Eduardo Romero de Oliveira, The growth of a research field: A systematic analysis of Brazilian theses and dissertations on railways (1974–2020), p. 125–151

Book Reviews, p. 152

III ser., 43, 2022, III

Mike Esbester, Editorial: A fundamental threat to our field, p. 351

Nathalie Roseau, Mobile cultures and the Anthropocene, p. 354

James J. Ward, The motorcycle as identity construct and performance affect: Three real-life examples for whom transport alone was not enough, p. 368
Justin Shapiro, Environmental control: charting a course for the Navajo reservation through road construction, 1945-1978, p. 391
Malcolm Abbott, Maintaining aircraft manufacturing through government purchases: Australia and Canada from the end of the Second World War until the 1970s, p. 414
Martin Eriksson, To the mutual benefit of the member states. Nordic transnational road cooperation, 1956-1966, p. 440
Andrew Thomas Park, Europe’s disintegrative moment: Transportation and borders in Silesia during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, p. 461

Antonio Santamaría García, Reviewing Latin American railway historiography: New trends and research avenues, p. 479

Book Reviews, p. 503
Reviewer list, p. 514

III ser., 43, 2022, II

Massimo Moraglio, Transport history methodology: New trends and perspectives, p. 169

Govind Gopakumar, Placing automobility in postcolonial cities: Towards an ontology of a displaced past, p. 172
Thomas Spain, David A. Turner, Food for thought: Transport within the food supply chain, p. 194
Colin Pooley, Spotlight on the traveller: Individual experiences of routine journeys, p. 214
Zef Segal, The naturalisation of nineteenth-century German Railways as depicted in visual discourse, p. 232

Giovanni Favero, Michael-W. Serruys, Miki Sugiura, A new place for transport in urban network theory: The urban logistic network, p. 256
Daniel Normark, Ontologies on collision course: Collaborative mobility v. managerial transport in the contemporary history of intelligent transport systems, p. 277
James Fowler, Historical Institutionalism, Hybridity and Institutional Logics in Public Transport History, p. 296
Hugo Silveira Pereira, Photography and transport history: a speculative approach to a theoretical framework, p. 312

Book Reviews, p. 333

III ser., 43, 2022, I

James Cohen, Contributions to the post-World War II History of High-Speed Ground Transport in the United States, p. 3

Albert J. Churella, Private agendas and the public good: The contested development of high-speed passenger rail transport in the United States, p. 11
David Reinecke, Moonshots to Nowhere? The Metroliner and Failed High-Speed Rail in the United States, 1962-1977, p. 33
Jonathan Michael Feldman, High-speed rail and barriers to innovation: The Budd Company and the limits of US indirect industrial policy in the 1960s and 1970s, p. 54
James K. Cohen, Development of a futuristic technology programme: How the aerospace industry (almost) transformed ground transportation in the United States (1960-1972), p. 82
Jonathan English, Getting Off Track: the Northeast Corridor Improvement Project in an International Context, p. 107
Melanie Bassett, Negotiating Mobility: Royal Dockyard Workers as Railway Excursion Agents and Social Entrepreneurs, 1880-1918, p. 131

Book Reviews, p. 152