The American Historical Review DATINI

American Historical Review

Washington, American Historical Association
ISSN: 0002-8762
Rivista on line all’indirizzo web:

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche, Riv. Straniere 0011
Consistenza: a. 26, 1920/21-
Lacune: a. 91, 1986, 5; a. 106, 2001, 6; a. 110, 2005, 2

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1975 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 90, 1985, 5

Barbara Diefendorf, Prologue to a Massacre: Popular Unrest in Paris, 1557-1572, p. 1067
Louis A. Pérez, Jr., Vagrants, Beggars, and Bandits: Social Origins of Cuban Separatism, 1878-1895, p. 1092
Jean H. Quataert, The Shaping of Women’s Work in Manufacturing: Guilds, Households, and the State in Central Europe, 1648-1870, p. 1122

John Komlos, Stature and Nutrition in the Habsburg Monarchy: The Standard of Living and Economic Development in the Eighteenth Century, p. 1149

Reviews of Books, p. 1162
Collected Essays, p. 1309
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1317
Other Book Received, p. 1319
Communications, p. 1324

a. 90, 1985, 4

Peter N. Stearns, Carol Z. Stearns, Emotionology: Clarifying the History of Emotions and Emotional Standards, p. 813
John M. Sherwood, Engels, Marx, Malthus, and the Machine, p. 837
Charles C. Noel, Missionary Preachers in Spain: Teaching Social Virtue in the Eighteenth Century, p. 866

Review Article
Kemal H. Karpat, The Personality of Atatürk, p. 893

Reviews of Books, p. 900
Collected Essays, p. 1041
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1049
Other Book Received, p. 1052
Communications, p. 1057

a. 90, 1985, 3

Thomas L. Haskell, Capitalism and the Origins of the Humanitarian Sensibility, Part 2, p. 547
T.J. Jackson Lears, The Concept of Cultural Hegemony: Problems and Possibilities, p. 567
Philip D. Curtin, Medical Knowledge and Urban Planning in Tropical Africa, p. 594

AHR Forum
John Patrick Diggins, Comrades and Citizens: New Mythologies in American Historiography, p. 614
Comment: Paul Conkin, p. 639
Reply: John Patrick Diggins, p. 644

Reviews of Books, p. 650
Collected Essays, p. 800
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 806
Other Book Received, p. 808

a. 90, 1985, 2

Jon Kukla, Order and Chaos in Early America: Political and Social Stability in Pre-Restoration Virginia, p. 275
Stuart M. Blumin, The Hypothesis of Middle-Class Formation in Nineteenth-Century America: A Critique and Some Proposals, p. 299
Thomas L. Haskell, Capitalism and the Origins of the Humanitarian Sensibility, Part 1, p. 339
Jonathan C. Brown, Why Foreign Oil Companies Shifted Their Production from Mexico to Venezuela during the 1920s, p. 362

Reviews of Books, p. 386
Collected Essays, p. 525
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 532
Other Book Received, p. 536
Communications, p. 543

a. 90, 1985, 1

Presidential Addres
Arthur S. Link, The American Historical Association, 1884-1984: Retrospect and Prospect, p. 1

Elliott J. Gorn, “Gouge and Bite, Pull Hair and Scratch”: The Social Significance of Fighting in the Southern Backcountry, p. 18
Michael J. Hogan, American Marshall Planners and the Search for a European Neocapitalism, p. 44
Pauline Moffiyf Wayfs, Prophecy and Discovery: On the Spiritual Origins of Christopher Columbus’s “Enterprise of the Indies”, p. 73

Reviews of Books, p. 103
Collected Essays, p. 253
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 260
Other Book Received, p. 263
Communications, p. 268

a. 89, 1984, 5

John Higham, Herbert Baxter Adams and the Study of Local History, p. 1225
Michael M. Sokal, The Gestalt Psychologists in Behaviorist America, p. 1240
James S. Amelang, Barristers and Judges in Early Modern Barcelona: The Rise of a Legal Elite, p. 1264

A. Roger Ekirch, Great Britain’s Secret Convict Trade to America, 1783-1784, p. 1285

Reviews of Books, p. 1292
Collected Essays, p. 1425
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1433
Other Book Received, p. 1436

a. 89, 1984, 4

Dorothy Ross, Historical Consciousness in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 909
David D. Van Tassel, From Learned Society to Professional Organization: The American Historical Association, 1884-1900, p. 929
Morey D. Rothberg, “to Set a Standard of Workmanship and Compel Men to Conform to it”: John Franklin Jameson as Editor of the American Historical Review, p. 957
Daniel Joseph Singal, Beyond Consensus: Richard Hofstadter and American Historiography, p. 976

August Meier, Elliott Rudwick, J. Franklin Jameson, Carter G. Woodson, and the Foundations of Black Historiography, p. 1005
Emil Pocock, Presidents of the American Historical Association: A Statistical Analysis, p. 1016

Reviews of Books, p. 1037
Collected Essays, p. 1195
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1203
Other Book Received, p. 1207
Communications, p. 1217

a. 89, 1984, 3

Mary Beth Norton, The Evolution of White Women’s Experience in Early America, p. 593
Paula Baker, The Domestication of Politics: Women and American Political Society, 1780-1920, p. 620
Karen Offen, Depopulation, Nationalism, and Feminism in Fin-de-Siècle France, p. 648
M. Jeanne Peterson, No Angels in the House: The Victorian Myth and the Paget Women, p. 677
Bonnie Smith, The Contribution of Women to Modern Historiography in Great Britain, France, and the United States, 1750-1940, p. 709

Reviews of Books, p. 733
Collected Essays, p. 894
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 902
Other Book Received, p. 904

a. 89, 1984, 2

Paul A. Rahe, The Primacy of Politics in Classical Greece, p. 265
Peter H. Wood, La Salle: Discovery of a Lost Explorer, p. 294
W. Peter Ward, Patricia C. Ward, Infant Birth Weight and Nutrition in Industrializing Montreal, p. 324

AHR Forum
Melvyn P. Leffler, The American Conception of National Security and the Beginnings of the Cold War, 1945-48, p. 346
Comments: John Lewis Gaddis, Bruce Kuniholm, p. 382
Reply: Melvyn P. Leffler, p. 391

Reviews of Books, p. 401
Collected Essays, p. 567
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 579
Other Book Received, p. 581
Communications, p. 585

a. 89, 1984, 1

Presidential Address
Philip D. Curtin, Depth, Span, and Relevance, p. 1

John Eastburn Boswell, Expositio and Oblatio: The Abandonment of Children and the Ancient and Medieval Family, p. 10
Lawrence W. Levine, William Shakespeare and the American People: A Study in Cultural Transformation, p. 34
Kendrick A. Clements, Herbert Hoover and Conservation, 1921-33, p. 67

Reviews of Books, p. 89
Collected Essays, p. 241
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 255
Other Book Received, p. 258

a. 88, 1983, 5

Michael McGiffert, God’s Controversy with Jacobean England, p. 1151
Ira Berlin, Herbert G. Gutman, Natives and Immigrants, Free Men and Slaves: Urban Workingmen in the Antebellum South, p. 1175
Stanley L. Engerman, Manuel Moreno Fraginals, Herbert S. Klein, The Level and Structure of Slave Prices on Cuban Plantations in the Mid-Nineteenth Century: Some Comparative Perspectives, p. 1201

Donald J. Mattheisen, History as Current Events: Recent Works on the German Revolution of 1848, p. 1219

Reviews of Books, p. 1238
Collected Essays, p. 1355
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1360
Other Book Received, p. 1362

a. 88, 1983, 4

Robert W. Harms, The Wars of August: Diagonal Narratives in African History, p. 809
Patrick Manning, Contours of Slavery and Social Change in Africa, p. 835
Patricia Romero Curtin, Laboratory for the Oral History of Slavery: The Island of Lamu on the Kenya Coast, p. 858
Leroy Vail, Landeg White, Forms of Resistance: Songs and Perceptions of Power in Colonial Mozambique, p. 883
Andre Du toit, No Chosen People: The Myth of the Calvinist Origins of Afrikaner Nationalism and Racial Ideology, p. 920

Research Note
John Bratzel, Leslie Rout, Jr., Once Again: Pearl Harbor, Microdots, and J. Edgar Hoover, p. 953

Reviews of Books, p. 961
Collected Essays, p. 1120
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1126
Other Book Received, p. 1129
Communications, p. 1137

a. 88, 1983, 3

Bernard S. Bachrach, The Angevin Strategy of Castle Building in the Reign of Fulk Nerra, 987-1040, p. 533
R.A. Fletcher, Cobden as Educator: The Free-Trade Internationalism of Eduard Bernstein, 1899-1914, p. 561
Nikki R. Keddie, The Iranian Revolution in Comparative Perspective, p. 579

Gene Brucker, Tales of Two Cities: Florence and Venice in the Renaissance, p. 599
Jon Jacobson, Is There a New International History of the 1920s?, p. 617

Reviews of Books, p. 646
Collected Essays, p. 785
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 793
Other Book Received, p. 796
Communications, p. 800

a. 88, 1983, 2

David Eltis, Free and Coerced Transatlantic Migrations: Some Comparisons, p. 251
Samuel L. Baily, The Adjustment of Italian Immigrants in Buenos Aires and New York, 1870-1914, p. 281

AHR Forum
Herbert S. Klein, The Integration of Italian Immigrants into the United States and Argentina: A Comparative Analysis, p. 306
Comments:Jorge Balán, J. D. Gould, Tulio Halperin-Donghi, p. 330
Reply: Herbert S. Klein, p. 343

William A. Renzi, Who Composed “Sazonov’s Thirteen Points”? A Re-Examination of Russia’s War Aims of 1914, p. 347

Reviews of Books, p. 358
Collected Essays, p. 514
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 517
Other Book Received, p. 519
Communications, p. 524

a. 88, 1983, 1

Presidential Address
Gordon Craig, The Historian and the Study of International Relations, p. 1

Frederick Dreyer, Faith and Experience in the Thought of John Wesley, p. 12
Ronald Grigor Suny, Toward a Social History of the October Revolution, p. 31

Theodore S. Hamerow, Guilt, Redemption, and Writing German History, p. 53

Reviews of Books, p. 73
Collected Essays, p. 231
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 237
Other Book Received, p. 240
Communications, p. 245

a. 87, 1982, 5

Dolores Greenberg, Reassessing the Power Patterns of the Industrial Revolution: An Anglo-American Comparison, p. 1237
Karen Ordahl Kupperman, The Puzzle of the American Climate in the Early Colonial Period, p. 1262

AHR Forum
Edward P. Essen, Social Structure and Politics in American History, p. 1290
Cornments: Robert H. Wiebe, Michael B. Katz, p. 1326
Reply: Edward Pessen, p. 1336

John F. Bratzel, Leslie B. Rout, Jr., Pearl Harbor, Microdots, and J. Edgar Hoover, p. 1342

Reviews of Books, p. 1352
Collected Essays, p. 1510
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1516
Other Book Received, p. 1518
Communications, p. 1521

a. 87, 1982, 4

Alden T. Vaughan, From White Man to Redskin: Changing Anglo-American Perceptions of the American Indian, p. 917
Charles Ingrao, “Barbarous Strangers”: Hessian State and Society during the American Revolution, p. 954
Benjamin F. Martin, The Courts, the Magistrature, and Promotions in Third Republic France, 1871-1914, p. 977
Walter A. McDougall, Technocracy and Statecraft in the Space Age . Toward the History of a Saltation, p. 1010

Reviews of Books, p. 1041
Collected Essays, p. 1210
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1224
Other Book Received, p. 1227
Communications, p. 1234

a. 87, 1982, 3

John A. Larkin, Philippine History Reconsidered: A Socioeconomic Perspective, p. 595
Isaac Kramnick, Republican Revisionism Revisited, p. 629
Francis T. Butts, The Myth of Perry Miller, p. 665

AHR Forum
Gilbert Allardyce, The Rise and Fall of the Western Civilization Course, p. 695
Comments: Carolyn C. Lougee, Morris Rossabi, William F. Woehrlin, p. 726
Reply: Gilbert Allardyce, p. 739

Reviews of Books, p. 744
Collected Essays, p. 893
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 905
Other Book Received, p. 908
Communications, p. 912

a. 87, 1982, 2

J.G.A. Pocock, The Limits and Divisions of British History: In Search of the Unknown Subject, p. 311
Lee Quinby, Thomas Jefferson: The Virtue of Aesthetics and the Aesthetics of Virtue, p. 337
Eugen Weber, Comment la Politique Vint aux Paysans: A Second Look at Peasant Politicization, p. 357

AHR Forum
R. Laurence Moore, Insiders and Outsiders in American Historical Narrative and American History, p. 390
Comments: Edwin S. Gaustad, Gene Wise, p. 413
Reply: R. Laurence Moore, p. 420

Reviews of Books, p. 424
Collected Essays, p. 574
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 583
Other Book Received, p. 586
Communications, p. 591

a. 87, 1982, 1

Bernard Bailyn, The Challenge of Modern Historiography, p. 1

Thomas Kelly, Thucydides and Spartan Strategy in the Archidamian War, p. 25
Stuart B. Schwartz, Patterns of Slaveholding in the Americas: New Evidence from Brazil, p. 55
Robert Griffith, Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Corporate Commonwealth, p. 87

AHR Forum
Comparative History in Theory and Practice: A Discussion, communications and replies, p. 123

Reviews of Books, p. 144
Collected Essays, p. 300
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 304
Other Book Received, p. 306

a. 86, 1981, 5

William G. Rosenberg, The Democratization of Russia’s Railroads in 1917, p. 983
David R. Goldfield, The Urban South: A Regional Framework, p. 1009

Dewey W. Grantham, The Contours of Southern Progressivism, p. 1035

Reviews of Books, p. 1060
Collected Essays, p. 1186
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 1192
Other Book Received, p. 1195
Communications, p. 1199

a. 86, 1981, 4

John Patrick Diggins, Power and Authority in American History: The Case of Charles A. Beard and His Critics, p. 701
Esther Kingston-Mann, Marxism and Russian Rural Development: Problems of Evidence, Experience, and Culture, p. 731
John Bushnell, The Tsarist Officer Corps, 1881-1914: Customs, Duties, Inefficiency, p. 753
Steven C. Hause, Anne R. Kenney, The Limits of Suffragist Behavior: Legalism and Militancy in France, 1876-1922, p. 781

Reviews of Books, p. 807
Collected Essays, p. 962
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 969
Other Book Received, p. 972
Communications, p. 978

a. 86, 1981, 3

Constance B. Bouchard, The Origins of the French Nobility: A Reassessment, p. 501
Robert E. Lerner, The Black Death and Western European Eschatological Mentalities, p. 533
Richard H. Kohn, The Social History of the American Soldier: A Review and Prospectus for Research, p. 553

Reviews of Books, p. 568
Collected Essays, p. 683
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 691
Other Book Received, p. 694

a. 86, 1981, 2

Richard L. McCormick, The Discovery that “Business Corrupts Politics”: A Reappraisal of the Origins of Progressivism, p. 247
Walter Goffart, Rome, Constantinople, and the Barbarians, p. 275
Charles Jago, Habsburg Absolutism and the Cortes of Castile, p. 307

AHR Forum
Charles S. Maier, The Two Postwar Eras and the Conditions for Stability in Twentieth-Century Western Europe, p. 327
Comments: Charles P. Kindleberger, Stephen A. Schuker, p. 353
Reply: Charles S. Maier, p. 363

Reviews of Books, p. 368
Collected Essays, p. 487
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 492
Other Book Received, p. 495

a. 86, 1981, 1

Presidential Address
David H. Pinkney, American Historians on the European Past, p. 1

J. Russell Major, Noble Income, Inflation, and the Wars of Religion in France, p. 21
Allan Mitchell, “A Situation of Inferiority”: French Military Reorganization after the Defeat of 1870, p. 49
Samuel Kinser, Annaliste Paradigm? The Geohistorical Structure of Fernand Braudel, p. 63

Reviews of Books, p. 106
Collected Essays, p. 232
Documents and Bibliographies, p. 235
Other Book Received, p. 237
Communications, p. 243