Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 24, 1950, 4

Charles W. Chatfield, The W. L. Douglas Shoe Company: Background of a Recent Merger, p. 159
A. R. Reynolds, Sources of Credit for a Frontier Lumber Company: The Daniel Shaw Lumber Company as a Type Study, p. 184
Robert E. Moore, Business Philosophy, p. 196
Robert W. Lovett, Publisher and Advertiser Extraordinary: The E. C. Allen Collection, p. 201
William J. Parish, Charles Ilfeld and Mercantile Capitalism in the Arid Southwest, p. 216

Secretary’s Column, p. 218

a. 24, 1950, 3

Thomas C. Cochran, Entrepreneurial History, p. 113
Henrietta M. Larson, History of Business Administration and Operation, p. 120

Herman Krooss, In a School of Commerce, p. 136
Charles J. Kennedy, To College and University Freshmen, p. 140
John G. B. Hutchins, In Professional Education for Business, p. 146

Meeting of the Council of the Business Historical Society, p. 157
Announcement of Two Book Dividends, p. 158

a. 24, 1950, 2

Robert W. Lovett, The Cole Brothers Pump and Lightning Rod Company, p. 53
J. D. Chambers, The Memoir of a Nottingham Lace Merchant: William Cripps, 1798 – 1884, p. 65
Index to Bulletin Available to Members of the Society, p. 109
Charles C. Abbott, A New Book on Anglo-American Trade and Finance: A Review, p. 110

a. 24, 1950, 1

S. B. Gras, Past, Present, and Future of the Business Historical Society, p. 1
William M. Ferris, Land Title Difficulties in Mexico: A Memorandum Written in 1926, p. 13
Joe B. Frantz, The Annual Report as a Public Relations tool in Three Industries, p. 23
Mary E. Murphy, Research in Public Accountancy, p. 43
General Meeting of the Members of the Business Historical Society, Inc., p. 51

a. 23, 1949, 4

Vincent P. Carosso, The Waltham Watch Company: A Case History, p. 165
General Meeting of the Business Historical Society, p. 188
Information about the Business History Foundation, Inc., p. 189
History of the House of Baring Presented to Members, p. 190
Robert W. Lovett, The Thompson Products Collection, p. 191
Thomas R. Navin, World’s Leading Cymbal Maker: Avedis Zildjian Company, p. 196

Secretary’s Column, p. 207

a. 23, 1949, 3

John F. Hippen, A Wall Street Man and a Western Railroad: A Chapter in Railroad Administration, p. 117
N. S. B. Gras, A Great Indian Industrialist: Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata, 1839 – 1904, p. 149
Robert W. Lovett, Rundell, Bridge and Rundell- An Early Company History, p. 152
Book to Be Presented to Members, p. 163
Announcement of the Business Historical Society Fellowship Award, p. 163

a. 23, 1949, 2

Ralph W. Hidy, Problems in Collaborative Writing of Business History, p. 67
Vincent P. Carosso, Anaheim, California: A Nineteenth Century Experiment in Commercial Viniculture, p. 78
Ruth Teiser, Catherine Harroun, Wells, Fargo & Company: The First Half Year, p. 87
Hilma Holton, Survey of the Teaching of Business History, p. 96
Charles A. Bliss, A History of Pepperell: A Review, p. 104
N. S. B. Gras, The Cravath Firm and Its Predecessors: A Review, p. 107
Fritz Redlich, Banking in Mediaeval Bruges: A Review, p. 109
Robert W. Lovett, Plans for Reconstruction of America’s First Iron Works, p. 113
Meeting of the Council of the Business Historical Society, p. 116

a. 23, 1949, 1


Survey of the Business Road We Have Traveled, p. 1
Economic and Non-Economic Men, p. 5
External Difficulties (as well as Advantages) Business Men Have Encountered, p. 12
World Struggle between Four Systems: Social Democracy, Communism (Autocratic Socialism), Fascism, and Democratic Socialism, p. 23
Stock Arguments of Socialists against Private Business Capitalism, p. 30
Potent Current Drives in Favor of Socialism and against Private Business, p. 36
Leadership, Past and Present: the Business Man Rises and Falls, p. 45
Chance for Leadership – in Socializing Business, p. 50
Consequences of the New Business Statesmanship – Not All Good, p. 57

a. 22, n. 133, 1948, 4 – 6

Joe B. Frantz, Gail Borden as a Businessman, p. 123
The Society Announces Another Fellowship, p. 133
Henrietta M. Larson, A New Book on Banking Four Hundred Years Ago, p. 134
Fritz Redlich, Jacques Laffitte and the Beginnings of Investment Banking in France, p. 137
A New Book for Members of the Business Historical Society, p. 161
Announcing a Change in the Frequency of Publication of the Bulletin, p. 161

Secretary’s Column, p. 162

a. 22, n. 132, 1948, 3

Meeting of the Council of the Business Historical Society, p. 67
Members of the Society Will Receive a Critical Guide to Business History, p. 68
Request for a Volume of Harvard Studies in Business History, p. 69
Ruth Teiser, Catherine Harroun, Origin of Wells, Fargo & Company, 1841-1852, p. 70
Kenneth K. Kolker, The Changing Status of the Foreman, p. 84
Theodore F. Marburg, Manufacturer’s Drummer, 1852, with Comments on Western and Southern Markets, p. 106
Carolyn Curtis, A Note on the Burlington Records in the Newberry Library, p. 115
A History of the Standard Oil Company of Indiana, p. 118

a. 22, n. 131, 1948, 2

Announcement of Fellowship Awards, p. 39
Theodore F. Marburg, Manufacturer’s Drummer, 1832, p. 40
C. J. Kennedy, Introducing College Freshmen to Business History, p. 57
History of the Humble Oil & Refining Company, p. 64

a. 22, n. 130, 1948, 1


Ralph W. Hidy, Importance of the History of the Large Business Unit, p. 4
Henrietta M. Larson, Availability of Records for Research in the History of Large Business Concerns, p. 12
Richard C. Overton, Problems of Writing the History of Large Business Units with Special Reference to Railroads, p. 22

a. 21, n. 129, 1947, 6

T’ai-Ch’u Liao, The An Lo Szu Market of Chengtu: A Field Study, p. 155
History of a West Coast Firm Being Written at Stanford University, p. 172
Henrietta M. Larson, Business History: Retrospect and Prospect, p. 173

Secretary’s Column, p. 200

a. 21, n. 128, 1947, 5

The Society Announces a New Fellowship, p. 123
Fritz Redlich, William Jones and His Unsuccessful Steamboat Venture of 1819, p. 125
Lee M. Friedman, The First Chamber of Commerce in the United States, p. 137
Thomas R. Navin Jr., The Wellman-Woodman Patent Controversy in the Cotton Textile Machinery Industry, p. 144I

a. 21, n. 127, 1947, 4


Linguistic Booby Traps, p. 79
What Do We Mean by Capitalism?, p. 82
The Earliest Stages of Pre-Business Capitalism, p. 85
Private Business Capitalism, p. 86
Individualism in Private Business Capitalism, p. 90
Sedentary Merchants as Model Business Men in a Régime of Mercantile Capitalism, p. 95
Industrial Capitalists: Good Engineers but Poor Administrators, p. 100
Financial Capitalists Rely Upon Policy-Formulation and Over-All Control, p. 107
National Capitalists: top Control Is Completely Divorced From Business, p. 111
Public Business Capitalists: The Socialist Leaders of Soviet Russia, p. 114
The Seven Births of “Capitalism”, p. 116
Some Further Conclusions, p. 117

a. 21, n. 126, 1947, 3

Henrietta M. Larson, The Business History Foundation, Inc., p. 51
Thomas R. Navin Jr., Advertising in the Grand Manner, p. 55
William H. Woodwell, The Woodwell Shipyard, 1759 – 1852, p. 58
A Seventeenth Century Shoemaker’s Account Book, p. 75
Meeting of the Council of the Business Historical Society, p. 75

a. 21, n. 125, 1947, 2

Mary E. Murphy, Arthur Lowes Dickinson: Pioneer in American Professional Accountancy, p. 27
Lee M. Friedman, The Drummer in Early American Merchandise Distribution, p. 39
Irving P. Schiller, A Program for the Management of Business Records, p. 44

a. 21, n. 124, 1947, 1

Leon S. Gay, A New Approach to Local Business History, p. 3
George S. Gibb, Three Early Railroad Equipment Contracts, p. 10
Lewis S. Atherton, Predecessors of the Commercial Drummer in the Old South, p. 17

a. 20, n. 123, 1946, 6

Members Receive a New Book on the Radio Industry, p. 163
N. B. S. Gras, War and Business: Four Century-Long Struggles, p. 165
Fritz Redlich, “Translating” Economic Policy into Business Policy: An Illustration from the Resumption of Specie Payments in 1879, p. 190

Secretary’s Column, p. 196

a. 20, n. 122, 1946, 5

Ralph W. Hidy, Cushioning a Crisis in the London Money Market, p. 131
N. B. S. Gras, What Type of Business History Are You Writing?, p. 146

Secretary’s Column, p. 159

a. 20, n. 121, 1946, 4

George S. Gibb, The Pre-Industrial Revolution in America: A Field for Local Research, p. 103
Raymond De Roover, The Three Golden Balls of the Pawnbrokers, p. 117
N. S. B. Gras, Questions and Answers, p. 124

a. 20, n. 120, 1946, 3

Elva C. Tooker, A Merchant Turns to Money-Lending in Philadelphia, p. 71
N. S. B. Gras, The Philosophy of the Business Man, p. 86
Elizabeth M. Bacon, Marketing Sewing Machines in the Post – Civil War Years, p. 93
Thomas C. Cochran, Plans for Internship in Business Archival Work, p. 95
N. S. B. Gras, Letters of a Canadian Business Man: A Book Review, p. 97

a. 20, n. 119, 1946, 2


Editor’s Introduction, p. 35
N. S. B. Gras, Historical Background, p. 36
Lincoln Gordon, Government Controls in War and Peace, p. 42
Charles Cortez Abbott, Governmental Activity in the Financial Field, p. 51
C. O. Ruggles, Public Utilities, p. 57

a. 20, n. 118, 1946, 1

Paul M. Giddens, History Looks at Oil, p. 3
General Meeting of the Business Historical Society, p. 16
The Status of Business History at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, p. 17
The Hundredth Anniversary of the Graniteville Company, p. 21
A New York Farmer’s Capital Investment in the 1840’s, p. 22
The Teaching of Business History, p. 24
N. S. B. Gras, Questions and Answers in Business History, p. 25
Henrietta M. Larson, “Plutarch’s Lives” of Trade: The First Series of American Business Biographies, p. 28

a. 19, n. 117, 1945, 6

Josepha M. Perry, Samuel Snow, Tanner and Cordwainer, p. 183
N. S. B. Gras, An Old-Time Novel About Business, p. 194
George S. Gibb, The Society Presents a History of the Waltham Watch Company, p. 195
Selections from De Tocquevilles Democracy in America: “A Frenchman Assays the Spirit behind American Business Expansion in the 1830’s”, p. 202
Hiram J. Halle – A Memorial, p. 211

Secretary’s Column, p. 212

a. 19, n. 116, 1945, 5

T. D. Clark, Records of Little Businesses as Sources of Social and Economic History, p. 151
N. S. B. Gras, Sir Andrew Freeport, a Merchant of London, p. 159
Why Write Company Histories?, p. 162
Frederic C. Lane, Venture Accounting in Medieval Business Management, p. 164
Deposit of Illinois Central Railroad Company Records in the Newberry Library, Chicago, p. 173
Meeting of the Council of the Business Historical Society, p. 176
N.S. B. Gras, J. Franklin Ebersole, 1884 – 1945, p. 177

Secretary’s Column, p. 178

a. 19, n. 115, 1945, 4


1. What are public relations?, p. 97
2. Rise of an interest in public relations, p. 100
3. Business is business: a fundamental dictum, p. 102
4. Let business alone, relatively speaking, p. 104
5. The first period in the history of public relations: the public must help business, p. 106
6. The second period in the history of public relations: let the public keep its hands off business and let business men freely Compete, p. 111
7. The third period in the history of public relations: economic freedom is dangerous; regulation and control are the only enduring systems, p. 118
8. The public be p1eased (but fooled), p. 120
9. The public be fully served and fully informed (and perhaps partly educated), p. 122
10. Public relations counsellors, p. 127
11. Public relations departments, p. 129
12. Effect of business changes, especially depressions, on public relations, p. 134
13. Other business factors in the creation of bad public relations, p. 136
14. Success, failure, and difficulties in public relations, p. 139

a. 19, n. 114, 1945, 3

BOOM-TOWN BANKER-CENTRAL CITY COLORADO, 1880, by Herbert O. Brayer (Archivist of The State Historical Society of Colorado and Director of The Western Range Cattle Industry Study)

a. 19, n. 113, 1945, 2

Lewis E. Atherton, Itinerant Merchandising in the Ante-Bellum South, p. 35
Josepha M. Perry, A New Book on Business History, p. 59
A Book Concerning a Country Store, p. 62
Florence Edler De Roover, Concerning the Ancestry of the Dollar Sign, p. 63

a. 19, n. 112, 1945, 1

Florence Edler De Roover, A Prize of War: A Painting of Fifteenth Century Merchants, p. 3
Selections from the Autobiography of Thomas Mellon – II, p. 12
The Adam Smith Collection at the Harvard School of Business Administration, p. 26
Historical Societies’ Interest in Business History, p. 28
A New Book in American Social History, p. 29

Secretary’s Column, p. 30

a. 18, n. 111, 1944, 6

Selections from the Autobiography of Thomas Mellon – I, p. 145
The Corporation and the Historian: Report of a Meeting of the American Economic History Association, Held at Princeton, New Jersey, September, 1944, p. 155
Henrietta M. Larson, Business Men as Collectors, p. 162
George Avery Rich – A Memorial, p. 171
Percy Selden Straus – A Memorial, p. 172

Secretary’s Column, p. 174

a. 18, n. 110, 1944, 5

Kenneth Wiggins Porter, The Business Man in American Folklore, p. 113
The Closing of the Industrial Museum of the American Steel and Wire Company, p. 131
Henrietta M. Larson, An Early Industrial Capitalist’s Labor Policy and Management, p. 132
Joseph P. Day-A Memorial, p. 142

a. 18, n. 109, 1944, 4


What Is Business History?, p. 73
The Purpose of Business History, p. 76
Who Should Write a Business History?, p. 78
Sources of Information, p. 82
Digging Out the Facts, p. 85
What topics to Emphasize, p. 87
Special Problems of a Large Holding Company, p. 92
Conflict in Composition, p. 95
Balance of Research and Composition, p. 96
What to Leave Out and Why, p. 98
How Much of the Industry and of General Business to Include, p. 101
Editorial Review of the Manuscript, p. 103
What Are the Larger Generalizations, p. 104
How Much of the Scholar’s Research Materials to Publish, p. 106
General Implications of the Task, p. 107
Criticisms of the Finished Product, p. 109

a. 18, n. 108, 1944, 3

Josepha M. Perry, Sketch of the Life and Work of Milton Prince Higgins, 1842 – 1912, p. 33
R. C. Overton, Scholars Get Access to Burlington Records, p. 54
A New Business History Series, p. 56
Evelyn H. Knowlton, Early Manufacturing in Oregon, p. 57
Thomas C. Cochran, New York City Business Records: A Plan for Their Preservation, p. 59
R. Gordon Wasson, Another View of the Historian’s Treatment of Business, p. 62
Charles Copeland-A Memorial, p. 69

Secretary’s Column, p. 70

a. 18, n. 107, 1944, 2

Members to Receive a History of Two Bank Groups in the Northwest, p. 17

a. 18, n. 106, 1944, 1

Records Available for a Study of the Career of Henry Shaw, p. 1

a. 17, n. 105, 1943, 6

A History of Reed & Barton, p. 97

a. 17, n. 104, 1943, 5

An International Business Promoter, 1797-1821

Part I: The Foreign Merchant, p. 81

a. 17, n. 103, 1943, 4

Francesco Sassetti and the Downfall of the Medici Banking House, p. 65

a. 17, n. 102, 1943, 3

Personal Letters of a New Orleans Mercantile Clerk-1844-1845, by Lewis E. Atherton (University of Missouri), p. 49

a. 17, n. 101, 1943, 2

His History of Macy’s Soon to Be Distributed to Members of the Society, p. 33

a. 17, n. 100, 1943, 1 (Supplement to a. 17, n. 100, 1943, 1)

An Experiment in the Retention and Preservation of Corporate Records, by Carl H. McKenzie (Secretary-Treasurer Pennsylvania Telephone Corporation)

a. 17, n. 100, 1943, 1

The Social Implications of Business Administration: Past and Present, p. 1

a. 16, n. 99, 1942, 6

The Life of the Genoese Woolworkers as Revealed in Thirteenth-Century Notarial Records, p. 101

a. 16, n. 98, 1942, 5

Sidelights on the Investment Policies of Stanford, Huntington, Hopkins, and Crocker, p. 85

a. 16, n. 97, 1942, 4

Some Unexplored Fields in American Railroad History, p. 69

a. 16, n. 96, 1942, 3

The New Bridge Oyster Company, 1863 – 1868, p. 53

a. 16, n. 95, 1942, 2

Capitalism-Concepts and History, by N. S. B. Gras, p. 21

a. 16, n. 94, 1942, 1

Marketing Life Insurance: Its History in America,by J. Owen Stalson, D.C.S.,reviewed by Willis Hatfield Hazard, Ph.D. (New England Mutual Life Insurance Company), p. 1

a. 15, n. 93, 1941, 6

Business and the Telephone, 1878,as illustrated by Early Directories, p. 81

a. 15, n. 92, 1941, 5

James J. Hill’s Philosophy of Railroad Management, by William J. Cunningham, p. 65

a. 15, n. 91, 1941, 4

A New Study of Rockefeller, a review by N. S. B. Gras, p. 49

a. 15, n. 90, 1941, 3

John C. Kiley, Changes in Realty Values in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 33

a. 15, n. 89, 1941, 2

A paper read by Professor Ralph M. Hower at the annual meeting of the Economic history Association, New York, December 28, 1940, p. 17.

a. 15, n. 88, 1941, 1

Aspects of Labor Administration in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 1