Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 74, 2000, 4

Robert Fitzgerald, Markets, Management, and Merger: John Mackintosh & Sons, 1890 – 1969, p. 555
Barry E. C. Boothrnan, High Finance/Low Strategy: Corporate Collapse in the Canadian Pulp and Paper Industry, 1919 – 1932, p. 611
Rex Pope, A Consumer Service in Interwar Britain: The Hotel Trade, 1924 – 1938, p. 657

Margaret E. Hale, The Nineteenth-Century American Trade Card, p. 683

Announcements, p. 689
Book reviews, p. 695

a. 74, 2000, 3

Bradley Hansen, The People’s Welfare and the Origins of Corporate Reorganization: The Wabash Receivership Reconsidered, p. 377
Howard R. Stanger, From Factory to Family: The Creation of a Corporate Culture in the Larkin Company of Buffalo, New York, p. 407
Martin Stack, Local and Regional Breweries in America’s Brewing Industry, 1865 to 1920, p. 435

Laura Cochrane, From the Archives: Women’s History in Baker Library’s Business Manuscripts Collection, p. 465

Announcements, p. 477
Book reviews, p. 479

a. 74, 2000, 2

Wyatt Wells, Certificates and Computers: The Remaking of Wall Street, 1967 to 1971, p. 193
Sébastien Guex, The Origins of the Swiss Banking Secrecy Law and Its Repercussions for Swiss Federal Policy, p. 237
Jesús Ma Valdaliso, The Rise of Specialist Firms in Spanish Shipping and Their Strategies of Growth, 1860 to 1930, p. 267

Announcements, p. 301
Book reviews, p. 307

a. 74, 2000, 1

Thomas R. Eisenmann, The U.S. Cable Television Industry, 1948 – 1995: Managerial Capitalism in Eclipse, p. 1
Juan C. Santamarina, The Cuba Company and the Expansion of American Business in Cuba, 1898 – 1915: Building a New Cuba Through Business Networks, p. 41
Martin Horn, A Private Bank at War: J. P. Morgan & Co. and France, 1914 – 1918, p. 85

Daniel Wren, The J. and W. Seligman Archives at the Harry W Bass Collection, p. 113

Announcements, p. 119

Jean Strouse, Morgan: American Financier, Reviewed by George David Smith, p. 121

Book reviews, p. 127

a. 73, 1999, 4

Christine Meisner Rosen, Christopher C. Sellers, The Nature of the Firm: towards an Ecocultural History of Business, p. 577

Hugh S. Gorman, Efficiency, Environmental Quality, and Oil Field Brines: The Success and Failure of Pollution Control by Self-Regulation, p. 601
Frank Uekoetter, Divergent Responses to Identical Problems: Businessmen and the Smoke Nuisance in Germany and the United States, 1880 – 1917, p. 641
David Stradling, Joel A. Tarr, Environmental Activism, Locomotive Smoke and Corporate Response: The Case of the Pennsylvania Railroad and Chicago Smoke Control, p. 677
Christian Warren, Toxic Purity: The Progressive Era Origins of America’s Lead Paint Poisoning Epidemic, p. 705

Announcements, p. 737
Book reviews, p. 743

a. 73, 1999, 3

Nancy F. Koehn, Henry Heinz and Brand Creation in the Late Nineteenth Century, p. 349
Andrew G. Godley, Pioneering Foreign Direct Investment in British Manufacturing, p. 394
Donald N. Sull, The Dynamics of Standing Still: Firestone Tire & Rubber and the Radial Revolution, p. 430
Jeff Merron, Putting Foreign Consumers on the Map: J. Walter Thompson’s Struggle with General Motors’ International Advertising Account in the 1920s, p. 465

Announcements, p. 505
Book reviews, p. 517

a. 73, 1999, 2

Rowena Olegario, “That Mysterious People”: Jewish Merchants, Transparency, and Community in Mid-Nineteenth Century America, p. 161
Matthias Kipping, American Management Consulting Companies in Western Europe, 1920 to 1990: Products, Reputation, and Relationships, p. 190
Elizabeth Fones-Wolf, Creating a Favorable Business Climate: Corporations and Radio Broadcasting. 1934 to 1954, p. 221

Simon Ville, Grant Fleming, Locating Australian Corporate Memory, p. 256

Announcements, p. 265
Book reviews, p. 275

a. 73, 1999, 1

A. Glenn Crothers, Banks and Economic Development in Post Revolutionary Northern Virginia, 1790 – 1812, p. 1
Robert E. Wright, Bank Ownership and Lending Patterns in New York and Pennsylvania, 1781 – 1831, p. 40
Michael Zakim, A Ready – Made Business: The Birth of the Clothing Industry in America, p. 61
Andrew Lohmeier, Bürgerliche Gesellschaft and Consumer Interests: The Berlin Public Market Hall Reform, 1867 – 1891, p. 91

Announcements, p. 114
Book reviews, p. 117

a. 72, 1998, 4

Dong-Woon Kim, The British Multinational Enterprise in the United States before 1914: The Case of J. & P. Coats, p. 523
Walter A. Friedman, John H. Patterson and the Sales Strategy of the National Cash Register Company, 1884 to 1922, p. 552
Priscilla Roberts, “Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?” The Federal Reserve System’s Founding Fathers and Allied Finances in the First World War, p. 585

Announcements, p. 621
Book reviews, p. 627

a. 72, 1998, 3

Geoffrey Jones, Judith Wale, Merchants as Business Groups: British Trading Companies in Asia before 1945, p. 367
Dean J. Kotlowski, Black Power – Nixon Style: The Nixon Administration and Minority Business Enterprise, p. 409
James D. Rose, The Struggle over Management Rights at US Steel, 1946 – 1960: A Reassessment of Section 2 – B of the Collective Bargaining Contract, p. 446

Announcements, p. 478
Book reviews, p. 483

a. 72, 1998, 2

Philip Scranton, Introduction, p. 185
Wendy Gamber, A Gendered Enterprise: Placing Nineteenth Century Businesswomen in History, p. 188
Kathy Peiss, “Vital Industry” and Women’s Ventures: Conceptualizing Gender in Twentieth Century Business History, p. 219
Joan W Scott, Conceptualizing Gender in American History, p. 242

Louis Galambos, Jeffrey L. Sturchio, Pharmaceutical Firms and the Transition to Biotechnology: A Study in Strategic Innovation, p. 250
Andrew A. Workman, Manufacturing Power: The Organizational Revival of the National Association of Manufacturers, 1941 – 1945, p. 279

Announcements, p. 318
Book reviews, p. 326

a. 72, 1998, 1

Karen Schnietz, The 1916 Tariff Commission: Illustrating the Consumer Costs of Protectionism, p. 1
Michael Smith, Putting France in the Chandlerian Framework: France’s 100 Largest Industrial Firms in 1913, p. 46
Bradley Hansen, Commercial Associations and the Creation of a National Economy: The Demand for Federal Bankruptcy, p. 86

Richard S. Tedlow, Remembering Roland Marchand, 1933 – 1997, p. 114
W Mark Fruin, To Compare or Not to Compare: Two Books That Look at Capitalist Systems Across Centuries, Countries & Industries, p. 123

Announcements, p. 137
Book reviews, p. 144

a. 71, 1997, 4

Howard Bodenhorn, Private Banking in Antebellum Virginia: Thomas Branch & Sons of Petersburg, p. 513
Pamela Pennock, The National Recovery Administration and the Rubber Tire Industry, 1933 – 1935, p. 543
J. Ronald Shearer, The Reichskuratorium für Wirtschaftlichkeit: Fordism and Organized Capitalism in Germany, 1918 – 1945, p. 569

Announcements, p. 603
Book reviews, p. 607

a. 71, 1997, 3

Antje Hagen, German FDI in the British Chemical Industry before 1914, p. 351
Margaret C. Rung, Paternalism and Pink Collars: Gender and Federal Employee Relations, 1941 – 50, p. 381
Robert Bussel, “Business without a Boss”: The Columbia Conserve Company and Workers’ Control, 1917 – 43, p. 417
Gloria Vollmers, A History of the Industrial Home Work of the Dennison Manufacturing Company of Framingham, Massachusetts, p. 444

Announcements, p. 471
Book reviews, p. 474

a. 71, 1997, 2

Richard R. John, Elaborations, Revisions, Dissents: Alfred D. Chandler, Jr.’s, “The Visible Hand” after Twenty Years, p. 151
Kevin Whitston, The Reception of Scientific Management by British Engineers 1890 – 1914, p. 207
Gary B. Magee, Competence or Omniscience: Assessing Entrepreneurship in the Victorian and Edwardian British Paper Industry, p. 230
Peter Botticelli, The British Engineering Press during the Second Industrial Revolution: Responses to Corporate Capitalism, p. 260

David Edgerton, The Decline of Declinism, p. 201
Louis Galambos, Four Paths into the Third Industrial Revolution, p. 287
Geoffrey Jones, Some British Paradoxes, p. 291
Etsuo Abe, The Development of Modern Business in Japan, p. 299
Franco Amatori, Reflections on Global Business and Modern Italian Enterprise by a Stubborn “Chandlerian”, p. 309

Announcements, p. 319
Book reviews, p. 323

a. 71, 1997, 1

Peter Tufano, Business Failure, Judicial Intervention, and Financial Innovation: Restructuring U.S. Railroads in the Nineteenth Century, p. 1
Nick Tiratsoo, Jim Tomlinson, Exporting the “Gospel of Productivity”: United States Technical Assistance and British Industry 1945 – 1960, p. 41
Sebastian Ritchie, The Price of Air Power: Technological Change, Industrial Policy, and Military Aircraft Contracts in the Era of British Rearmament, 1935 – 39, p. 82

Editor’s Corner, p. 112
Book reviews, p. 116

a. 70, 1996, 4

Stuart W. Leslie, Robert H. Kargon, Selling Silicon Valley: Frederick Terman’s Model for Regional Advantage, p. 435
Edward J. Balleisen, Vulture Capitalism in Antebellum America: The 1841 Federal Bankruptcy Act and the Exploitation of Financial Distress, p. 473
Daniel Barbezat, Comptoir Sidérurgique de France, 1930 – 1939, p. 517
Charles W. Wootton, Barbara E. Kemmerer, The Changing Genderization of Bookkeeping in the United States, 1870 – 1930, p. 541

Editor’s Corner, p. 587
Book reviews, p. 590

a. 70, 1996, 3

Karen Miller, “Air Power is Peace Power” The Aircraft Industry’s : Campaign for Public and Political Support, 1943 – 1949, p. 297
Clark Davis, “You are the Company”: The Demands of Employment in the Emerging Corporate Culture, Los Angeles, 1900 – 1930, p. 328
George Bittlingmayer, Antitrust and Business Activity: The First Quarter Century, p. 363

Editor’s Corner, p. 402
Book reviews, p. 405

a. 70, 1996, 2

Wellington K. K. Chan, Personal Styles, Cultural Values and Management: The Sincere and Wing On Companies in Shanghai and Hong Kong, 1900 – 1941, p. 141
Francesca Fauri, The Role of Fiat in the Development of Italy’s Car Industry in the 1950s, p. 167
Geoffrey Jones, Frances Bostock, U.S. Multinationals in British Manufacturing before 1962, p. 207

Editor’s Corner, p. 257
Book reviews, p. 260

a. 70, 1996, 1

Elizabeth MacIver Neiva, Chain Building: The Consolidation of the American Newspaper Industry, 1953 – 1980, p. 1
Stuart Coupe, Testing for Aptitude and Motivation in South African Industry: The Work of the National Institute for Personnel Research, 1946 – 1973, p. 43
Harris Corporation, Founding Dates of the 1994 Fortune 500 U.S. Companies, p. 69
Cynthia J. Little, Business History Holdings at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, p. 91

Editor’s Corner, p. 108
Book reviews, p. 111

a. 69, 1995, 4

Dong-Woon Kim, J. & P. Coats in Tsarist Russia, 1889 – 1917, p. 465
David Fairris, From Exit to Voice in Shopfloor Governance: The Case of Company Unions, p. 494
Glen Gendzel, Competitive Boosterism: How Milwaukee Lost the Braves, p. 530

Editor’s Corner, p. 567
Book reviews, p. 571

a. 69, 1995, 3

Steven Tolliday, Enterprise and State in the West German Wirtschaftswunder: Volkswagen and the Automobile Industry, 1939 – 1962, p. 273
Christine Meisner Rosen, Businessmen Against Pollution in Late Nineteenth Century Chicago, p. 351
Craig Young, Financing the Micro-Scale Enterprise: Rural Craft Producers in Scotland, 1840 – 1914, p. 398

Editor’s Corner, p. 422
Book reviews, p. 425

a. 69, 1995, 2

H. Vincent Moses, G. Harold Powell and the Corporate Consolidation of the Modern Citrus Enterprise, 1904 – 1922, p. 119
Louis Galambos, David Milobsky, Organizing and Reorganizing the World Bank, 1946 – 1972, p. 156
Albert Churella, Corporate Culture and Marketing in the American Railway Locomotive Industry: American Locomotive and Electro-Motive Despond to Dieselization, p. 191

Editor’s Corner, p. 230
Book reviews, p. 234

a. 69, 1995, 1

Mark Clark, Henry Nielsen, Crossed Wires and Missing Connections: Valdemar Poulsen, the American Telegraphone Company, and the Failure to Commercialize Magnetic Recording, p. 1
Annette C. Wright, Strategy and Structure in the Textile Industry: Spencer Love and Burlington Mills, 1923 – 1962, p. 42

Editor’s Corner, p. 80
Book reviews, p. 83

a. 68, 1994, 4


William J. Breen, Foundations, Statistics, and State-Building: Leonard P. Ayres, the Russell Sage Foundation, and U.S. Government Statistics in the First World War, p. 451
Alan Derickson, Physiological Science and Scientific Management in the Progressive Era: Frederic S. Lee and the Committee on Industrial Fatigue, p. 483
Larry Owens, The Counterproductive Management of Science in the Second World War: Vannevar Bush and the Office of Scientific Research and Development, p. 515

Editor’s Corner, p. 577
Book reviews, p. 582

a. 68, 1994, 3

J. Lodge Gillespie Jr., Rhetoric and Reality: Corporate America’s Perceptions of Southeast Asia, 1950 – 1961, p. 325
Roger Lloyd-Jones, Myrddin J. Lewis, Personal Capitalism and British Industrial Decline: The Personally Managed Firm and Business Strategy in Sheffield, 1880 – 1920, p. 364

Editor’s Corner, p. 412
Book reviews, p. 418

a. 68, 1994, 2

George A. Selgin, Lawrence H. White, Monetary Reform and the Redemption of National Bank Notes, 1863- 1913, p. 205
David A. Moss, Kindling a Flame under Federalism: Progressive Reformers, Corporate Elites, and the Phosphorous Match Campaign of 1909 – 1912, p. 244

Editor’s Corner, p. 276
Book reviews, p. 283

a. 68, 1994, 1


Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Introduction, p. IX

Alfred D. Chandler Jr., The Competitive Performance of U.S. Industrial Enterprises since the Second World War, p. 1
Carliss Y. Baldwin, Kim B. Clark, Capital-Budgeting Systems and Capabilities Investments in U. S. Companies after the Second World War, p. 73
Bronwyn H. Hall, Corporate Restructuring and Investment Horizons in the United States. 1976 – 1987, p. 110

Editor’s Corner, p. 144
Book reviews, p. 147

copertina della rivista

a. 67, 1993, 4

Clayton M. Christensen, The Rigid Disk Drive Industry: A History of Commercial and Technological Turbulence, p. 531
David L. Morton, “The Rusty Ribbon”: John Herbert Orr and the Making of the Magnetic Recording Industry, 1945 – 1960, p. 589

William N. Parker, A “New” Business History? A Commentary on the 1993 Nobel Prize in Economics, p. 623

Editor’s Corner, p. 637
Book reviews, p. 641

a. 67, 1993, 3


Harm G. Schröter, The German Question, the Unification of Europe, and the European Market Strategies of Germany’s Chemical and Electrical Industries, 1900 – 1992, p. 369
Alfred C. Mierzejewski, The German National Railway Company, 1924 – 1932: Between Private and Public Enterprise, p. 406

Hans Medick, The Unique Industrial Development of Württemberg: A Review Essay, p. 439
Rolf H. Dumke, Knut Borchardt: A Critical Appreciation, p. 448

Editor’s Corner, p. 459
Book reviews, p. 462

a. 67, 1993, 2

Edward Peter Fitzgerald, Business Diplomacy: Walter Teagle, Jersey Standard. and the Anglo-French Pipeline Conflict in the Middle East. 1930 – 1931, p. 207
Michael French, Structure, Personality, and Business Strategy in the U . S. Tire Industry: The Seiberling Rubber Company, 1922 – 1964, p. 246

H. S. Ferns, Ezequiel Gallo, Melville Watkins, Carl Solberg’s “The Prairies and the Pampas”: A Review Colloquium, p. 279

Editor’s Corner, p. 300
Book reviews, p. 302

a. 67, 1993, 1

JoAnne Yates, Co-evolution of Information-Processing Technology and Use: Interaction between the Life Insurance and Tabulating Industries, p. 1
Allen Kaufman, Ernest J. Englander, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. and the Restructuring of American Capitalism, p. 52
Janet T. Knoedler, Market Structure, Industrial Research, and Consumers of Innovation: Forging Backward Linkages to Research in the Turn-of-the-Century U.S. Steel Industry, p. 98

Editor’s Corner, p. 140
Book reviews, p. 144

a. 66, 1992, 4

Margaret Walsh, Flush Endeavors: An Analysis of the Modern American Soft-toy Industry, p. 637
Henry C. Klassen, T. C. Power & Bro.: The Rise of a Small Western Department Store, 1870 – 1902, p. 671
Martin Brown, Jens Christiansen, Peter Philips, The Decline of Child Labor in the U. S. Fruit and Vegetable Canning Industry: Law or Economics?, p. 723

Editor’s Corner, p. 771
Book reviews, p. 774

a. 66, 1992, 3

Mark Mason, The Origins and Evolution of Japanese Direct Investment in Europe, p. 435
Benjamin Kline Hunnicutt, Kellogg’s Six-Hour Day: A Capitalist Vision of Liberation through Managed Work Reduction, p. 475
Allen Kaufman, Lawrence Zacharias, From Trust to Contract: The Legal Language of Managerial Ideology, 1920 – 1980, p. 523

Editor’s Corner, p. 573
Book reviews, p. 576

a. 66, 1992, 2

Steven W. Usselman, From Novelty to Utility: George Westinghouse and the Business of Innovation during the Age of Edison, p. 251
Leonard S. Reich, Lighting the Path to Profit: GE’s Control of the Electric Lamp Industry, 1892 – 1941, p. 305
Stephen H. Haber, Business Enterprise and the Great Depression in Brazil: A Study of Profits and Losses in Textile Manufacturing, p. 335

Editor’s Corner, p. 364
Book reviews, p. 367

a. 66, 1992, 1


Introduction, p. IX

Richard N. Langlois, External Economies and Economic Progress: The Case of the Microcomputer Industry, p. 1
Michael A. Cusumano, Yiorgos Mylonadis, Richard S. Rosenbloom, Strategic Manuevering and Mass-Market Dynamics: The Triumph of VHS over Beta, p. 51
Louis Galambos, Theodore N. Vail and the Role of Innovation in the Modern Bell System, p. 95
Glenn E. Bugos, Intellectual Property Protection in the American Chicken-Breeding Industry, p. 127

Editor’s Corner, p. 169
Book reviews, p. 171

a. 65, 1991, 4


Introduction, p. IX

Daniel M. G. Raff, Making Cars and Making Money in the Interwar Automobile Industry: Economies of Scale and Scope and the Manufacturing behind the Marketing, p. 721
Yves Cohen, The Modernization of Production in the French Automobile Industry between the Wars: A Photographic Essay, p. 754
Susan Helper, Strategy and Irreversibility in Supplier Relations: The Case of the U.S. Automobile Industry, p. 781
Roland Marchand, The Corporation Nobody Knew: Bruce Barton, Alfred Sloan, and the Founding of the General Motors “Family”, p. 825
Helen Shapiro, Determinants of Firm Entry into the Brazilian Automobile Manufacturing Industry, 1956 – 1968, p. 876

Editor’s Corner, p. 948
Book reviews, p. 953

a. 65, 1991, 3


Introduction, p. IX

Jennifer I. Kermode, Money and Credit in the Fifteenth Century some Lessons from Yorkshire, p. 475
Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Christopher Glaisek, Vehicles of Privilege or Mobility? Banks in Providence, Rhode Island, during the Age of Jackson, p. 502
Philip L. Merkel, Going National: The Life Insurance Industry’s Campaign for Federal Regulation after the Civil War, p. 528
Theo Balderston, German Banking between the Wars: The Crisis of the Credit Banks, p. 554

Larry Schweikart, U.S. Commercial Banking: A Historiographical Survey, p. 606

Editor’s Corner, p. 662
Book reviews, p. 665

a. 65, 1991, 2

A. M. McGahan, The Emergence of the National Brewing Oligopoly: Competition in the American Market, 1933 – 1958, p. 229
William R. Childs, The Transformation of the Railroad Commission of Texas, 1917-1940: Business-Government Relations and the Importance of Personality, Agency Culture, and Regional Differences, p. 285
Michael Huberman, Industrial Relations and the Industrial Revolution: Evidence from M’Connel and Kennedy, 1810 – 1840, p. 345
Robin Pearson, Collective Diversification: Manchester Cotton Merchants and the Insurance Business in the Early Nineteenth Century, p. 379

Editor’s Corner, p. 415
Book reviews, p. 417

a. 65, 1991, 1


Introduction, p. VII

Mansel G. Blackford, Small Business in America: A Historiographic Survey, p. 1

Philip Scranton, Diversity in Diversity: Flexible Production and American Industrialization, 1880 – 1930, p. 27
Bernard Smith, Market Development, Industrial Development: The Case of the American Corset Trade, 1860 – 1920, p. 91
Alan R. Raucher, Dime Store Chains: The Making of Organization Men, 1880 – 1940, p. 130

Editor’s Corner, p. 164
Book reviews, p. 166