Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

v. 84, 2010, 4


V. R. Berghahn, Gary Herrigel, Martin Jes Iversen, Cathie Jo Martin, Rory M. Miller, Kathleen Thelen, Richard Whitley, Mira Wilkins, Jonathan Zeitlin, “Varieties of Capitalism” Roundtable, p. 637
William Lazonick, Innovative Business Models and Varieties of Capitalism: Financialization of the U.S. Corporation, p. 675
Jeffrey Fear, Christopher Kobrak, Banks on Board: German and American Corporate Governance, 1870-1914, p. 703

Keetie Sluyterman, Introduction: Changing Business Systems in the Netherlands in the Twentieth Century, p. 737
Bram Bouwens, Joost Dankers, The Invisible Handshake: Cartelization in the Netherlands, 1930-2000, p. 751
Abe de Jong, Ailsa Röell, Gerarda Westerhuis, Changing National Business Systems: Corporate Governance and Financing in the Netherlands, 1945-2005, p. 773
Keetie Sluyterman, Ben Wubs, Multinationals and the Dutch Business System: The Cases of Royal Dutch Shell and Sara Lee, p. 799

Announcements, p. 823
Book Reviews, p. 829

v. 84, 2010, 3

Steven A. Bank, Brian R. Cheffins, The Corporate Pyramid Fable, p. 435
Juliette Levy, Notaries and Credit Markets in Nineteenth-Century Mexico, p. 459
Joachim Lund, Building Hitler’s Europe: Forced Labor in the Danish Construction Business during World War II, p. 479
Mark Aldrich, On the Track of Efficiency: Scientific Management Comes to Railroad Shops, 1900-1930, p. 501
Javier Silvestre, Improving Workplace Safety in the Ontario Manufacturing Industry, 1914-1939, p. 527

Announcements, p. 551
International abstracts, p. 561
Review Essays, p. 567
Book Reviews, p. 571

v. 84, 2010, 2


Diana Davids Hinton, Introduction, p. 195

Keetie Sluyterman, Royal Dutch Shell: Company Strategies for Dealing with Environmental Issues, p. 203
Nathan J. Citino, Internationalist Oilmen, the Middle East, and the Remaking of American Liberalism, 1945-1953, p. 227
Daniele Pozzi, Entrepreneurship and Capabilities in a “Beginner” Oil Multinational: The Case of ENI, p. 253
Lisa Bud-Frierman, Andrew Godley, Judith Wale, Weetman Pearson in Mexico and the Emergence of a British Oil Major, 1901-1919, p. 275
Michael R. Adamson, The Role of the Independent: Ralph B. Lloyd and the Development of California’s Coastal Oil Region, 1900-1940, p. 301

Announcements, p. 329
Literature Reviews, p. 339
Review Essays, p. 363
Book Reviews, p. 369

v. 84, 2010, 1

Gordon Boyce, Language and Culture in a Liverpool Merchant Family Firm, 1870-1950, p. 1
Lucy Newton, The Birth of Joint-Stock Banking: England and New England Compared, p. 27
Ingo Koehler, Overcoming Stagnation: Product Policy and Marketing in the German Automobile Industry of the 1970s, p. 53
Matthias Kipping, Ludovic Cailluet, Mintzberg’s Emergent and Deliberate Strategies: Tracking Alcan’s Activities in Europe, 1928-2007, p. 79
Christian Kleinschmidt, Comparative Consumer Product Testing in Germany, p. 105

Announcements, p. 125
Review Essays, p. 129
Book Reviews, p. 133

v. 83, 2009, 4

Debora Spar, Krysztof Bebenek, To the Tap: Public versus Private Water Provision at the Turn of the Twentieth Century, p. 675
Pierre Desrochers, Victorian Pioneers of Corporate Sustainability . 703 Cyrus Veeser, Concessions as a Modernizing Strategy in the Dominican Republic, p. 731
Jonathan Silberstein-Loeb, The Structure of the News Market in Britain, 1870-1914, p. 759
Shakila Yacob, Ford’s Investment in Colonial Maiaya, 1926-1957, p. 789

Announcements, p. 813
Abstracts from Articles in International Business History Journals, p. 819
Review Essays, p. 831
Book Reviews, p. 835

v. 83, 2009, 3

Brian Cheffins, Steven Baank, Is Berle and Means Really a Myth?, p. 443
Carsten Burhop, Pharmaceutical Research in Wilhelmine Germany: The Case of E. Merck, p. 475
Núria Puig, Rafael Castro, Patterns of International Investment in Spain, 1850-2005, p. 505
Yovanna Pineda, Financing Manufacturing Innovation in Argentina, 1890-1930, p. 539
David T. Merrett, Simon Ville, Financing Growth: New Issues by Australian Firms, 1920-1939, p. 563

Announcements, p. 591
Review Essays, p. 599
Book Reviews, p. 605

v. 83, 2009, 2


Introduction by Shane Hamilton, p. 233

Mansel G. Blackford, Fishers, Fishing, and Overfishing: American Experiences in Global Perspective, 1976-2006, p. 239
Andrew Godley, Bridget Williams, Democratizing Luxury and the Contentious “Invention of the Technological Chicken” in Britain, p. , p. 267
Uwe Spiekermann, Twentieth-Century Product Innovations in the German Food Industry, p. 291
Edward Beatty, Bottles for Beer: The Business of Technological Innovation in Mexico, 1890-1920, p. 317
Knut Sogner, Innovation as Adaptation: The Digital Chalilenge in the Norwegian Fishing Industry, 1970-1985, p. 349

Announcements, p. 369
Review Essays, p. 375
Book Reviews, p. 379

v. 83, 2009, 1


Introduction by Per. H. Hansen, p. 1

Naomi R. Lamoreaux, Scylia or Charybdis? Historical Reflections on Two Basic Problems of Corporate Governance, p. 9
Thomas Max Safley, Business Failure and Civil Scandal in Early Modern Europe, p. 35
Richard Sylla, RobertE. Wright, and David J. Cowen, Alexander Hamilton, Central Banker: Crisis Management during the JJ.S. Financial Panic of 1792, p. 61
Eric Hilt, Rogue Finance: The Life and Fire Insurance Company and the Panic of 1826, p. 87
Edward J. Balleisen, Private Cops on the Fraud Beat: The Limits of American Business Self-Regulation, 1895-1932, p. 113

Announcements, p. 161
Research Note, p. 165
Review Essays, p. 173
Book Reviews, p. 183

v. 82, 2008, 4

A SPECIAL ISSUE ON SALESMANSHIP, Organized and edited with the help of Andrew Popp

Editor’s Note by Walter A. Friedman, p. 665

Andrew Gordon, Selling the American Way: The Singer Sales System in Japan, 1900-1938, p. 671
Howell J. Harris, Inventing the U.S. Stove Industry, c.1815-1875: Making and Selling the First Universal Consumer Durable, p. 701
Roman Rossfeld, Suchard and the Emergence ofTraveling Salesmen in Switzerland, 1860-1920, p. 735
Peter Scott, Managing Door-to-Door Sales of Vacuum Cleaners in Interwar Britain, p. 761
Michael French, Andrew Popp, “Àmbassadors of Commerce”: The Commercial Traveler in British Culture, 1800-1939, p. 789

Abstracts from articles in International Business History Journals, p. 815
Announcements, p. 823
Book Notes, p. 827
Review Essays, p. 839

v. 82, 2008, 3

A SPECIAL ISSUE ON BUSINESS IN LATIN AMERICA. Organized with the help of Aldo Musacchio

Carlos Dávila, Introduction, p. 439

Aldo Musacchi, “Laws versus Contracts: Shareholder Protections and Ownership Concentration in Brazil, 1890-1950”, p. 445
Aurora Gómez-Galvarriato, “Networks and Entrepreneurship: The Modernization of the Textile Business in Porfirian Mexico”, p. 475
Norma S. Lanciotti, “Foreign Investments in Electric Utilities: A Comparative Analysis of Belgian and American Companies in Argentina, 1890-1960”, p. 503
Marcelo Bucheli, “Negotiating under the Monroe Doctrine: Weetman Pearson and the Origins of U.S. Control of Colombian Oil”, p. 529
María Inés Barbero, “Business History in Latin America: A Historiographical Perspective”, p. 555

Announcements, p. 577
Archivial note, p. 585
Books that made a difference, p. 603

v. 82, 2008, 2


Editors’ note, p. 203

Thomas K. McCraw, “Alfred Chandler: His Vision and Achievement”, p. 207
Richard R. John, “Turner, Beard, Chandler: Progressive Historians”, p. 227
Neil Fligstein, “Chandler and the Sociology of Organizations”, p. 241
Mira Wilkins, “Chandler and Global Business History”, p. 251
Richard Whittington, “Alfred Chandler, Founder of Strategy: A Lost Tradition and Renewed Inspiration”, p. 267
Martin Jes Iversen, “Measuring Chandler’s Impact on European Business Studies since the 1960s”, p. 279
Paul J. Miranti, “Chandler’s Paths of Learning”, p. 293
Marie Anchordoguy, “Chandler and Business History in Japan”, p. 301
Mary A. Yeager, “Lessons from Al, Revisited”, p. 309

Archivial note, p. 317
Announcements, p. 321
Roundtable on business education, p. 329
Review Essay, p. 359

v. 82, 2008, 1

Sharon Ann Murphy, “Selecting Risks in an Anonymous World: The Agency System for Life Insurance in Antebellum America”, p. 1
Timothy Alborn, “Quill-Driving: British Life-Insurance Clerks and Occupational Mobility, 1800-1914”, p. 31
Robin Pearson and Mikael Lönnborg, “Regulatory Regimes and Multinational Insurers before 1914”, p. 59
Jerònia Pons Pons, “Multinational Enterprises and Institutional Regulation in the Life Insurance Market in Spain, 1880-1935”, p. 87

Announcements, p. 115
Review Essay, p. 119
Book Reviews, p. 127

v. 81, 2007, 4

Teresa da Silva Lopes, Mark Casson, Entrepreneurship and the Development of Global Brands, p. 651
Hugo van Driel, Greta Devos, Path Dependence in Ports: The Persistence of Cooperative Forms, p. 681
Knut Sogner, The Fall and Rise of the Norwegian IT Industry in the Global Age, 1970-2005, p. 709
Martin Campbell-Kelly, Daniel D. Garcia-Swartz, From Products to Services: The Software Industry in the Internet Era, p. 735

Abstracts from Articles in other business histry Journals, p. 765
Review Essay, p. 777
Book Reviews, p. 783

v. 81, 2007, 3

Angel Kwolek-Folland and Margaret Walsh, Women in the Service Industries: National Perspectives, p. 421
Angel Kwolek-Folland, Gender, the Service Sector, and U.S. Business History, p. 429
Lena Andersson-Skog, In the Shadow of the Swedish Welfare State: Women and the Service Sector, p. 451
Katrina Honeyman, Doing Business with Gender: Service Industries and British Business History, p. 471
Lina Gálvez Muñoz, Paloma Fernñndez Pérez, Female Entrepreneurship in Spain during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, p. 495
Ioanna Pepelasis Minoglou, Women and Family Capitalism in Greece, c.1780-1940, p. 517
Announcements, p. 539
Literature Review, p. 545
Review Essay, p. 563
Book Reviews, p. 569

v. 81, 2007, 2

David Merrett, Sugar and Copper: Postcolonial Experiences of Australian Multinationals, p. 213
Gelina Harlaftis, From Diaspora Traders to Shipping Tycoons: The Vagliano Bros., p. 237
Jennifer Delton, Before the EEOC: How Management Integrated the Workplace, p. 269
Simon Ville, Rent Seeking or Market Strengthening? Industry Associations in New Zealand Wool Broking, p. 297

Announcements, p. 331
Book Reviews, p. 341

v. 81, 2007, 1

Gareth Austin, Chibuike Ugochukwu Uche, Collusion and Competition in Colonial Economies: Banking in British West Africa, 1916-1960, p. 1
Lynn Hollen Lees, International Management in a Free-Standing Company: The Penang Sugar Estates, Ltd., and the Malayan Sugar Industry, 1851-1914, p. 27
Stephanie Decker, Corporate Legitimacy and Advertising: British Companies and the Rhetoric of Development in West Africa, 1950-1970, p. 59

Literature Reviews, p. 87
Announcements, p. 111
Books that made a difference, p. 119
Book Reviews, p. 147

v. 80, 2006, 4

ARTICLES Mary A. O’Sullivan, Living with the U.S. Financial System: The Experiences of General Electric and Westinghouse Electric in the Last Century, p. 621
Mila Davids, Geert Verbong, Intraorganizational Alignment and Innovation Processes: Philips and Transistor Technology, p. 657
Michael J. Lynskey, The Locus of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Kirin Brewery’s Diversification into Biopharmaceuticals, p. 689

Mijriam Cloodt, John Hagedoorn, Nadine Roijakkers, Trends and Patterns in Interfirm R&D Networks in the Global Computer Industry: An Analysis of Major Developments, 1970-1999, p. 725

Announcements, p. 747

James W. Cortada, The Digital Hand: How Information Technology Changed the Way Industries Worked in the United States, p. 755

Review Essay, p. 767
Book Reviews, p. 773

v. 80, 2006, 3

Elisabetta Merlo, Francesca Polese, Turning Fashion into Business: The Emergence of Milan as an International Fashion Hub, p. 415
Per H. Hansen, Networks, Narratives, and New Markets: The Rise and Decime of Danish Modern Furniture Design, 1930-1970, p. 449
Regina Lee Blaszczyk, Styling Synthetics: DuPont’s Marketing of Fabrics and Fashions in Postwar America, p. 485

Announcements, p. 529
Review Essay, p. 537
Book Reviews, p. 543

v. 80, 2006, 2

Thomas K. McCraw, Schumpeter’s Business Cycles as Business History, p. 231
Hartmut Berghoff, The End of Family Business? The Mittelstand and German Capitalism in Transition, 1949-2000, p. 263
Robert MacDougall, Long Lines: AT&T’s Long-Distance Network as an Organizational and Political Strategy, p. 297

Announcements, p. 329
Review Essay, p. 335
Book Reviews, p. 341

v. 80, 2006, 1

Jejfrey Fear and Christopher Kobrak, Diverging Paths: Accounting for Corporate Governance in America and Germany, p. 1 Mare Levinson, Container Shipping and the Decline of New York, 1955-1975, p. 49 Gerben Bakker, The Making of a Music Multinational: PolyGram’s International Businesses, 1945-1998, p. 81

Announcements, p. 125
Books that made a difference, p. 131
Review Essay, p. 163
Book Reviews, p. 171

v. 79, 2005, 4


John J. McCusker, Introduction, p. 697
Kenneth Morgan, Remittance Procedures in the j Eighteenth-Century British Slave Trade, p. 715
Thomas M. Truxes, Transnational Trade in the Wartime North Atlantic: The Voyage of the Snow Recovery, p. 751
Linda K. Salvucci, Atlantic Intersections: Early American Commerce and the Rise of the Spanish West Indies (Cuba), p. 781
Silvia Marzagalli, Establishing Transatlantic Trade Networks in Time of War: Bordeaux and the United States, 1793-1815, p. 811

Announcements, p. 845
Review Essay, p. 853
Book Reviews, p. 859

v. 79, 2005, 3


Paul Duguid, Introduction: The Changing Organization ofliidustry, p. 453
David Hancock, The Trouble with Networks: Managing the Scots’ Early-Modern Madeira Trade, p. 467
Paul Duguid, Networks and Knowledge: The Beginning and End of the Port Commodity Chain, 1703-1860, p. 493
James Simpson, Cooperation and Conflicts: Institutional Innovation in France’s Wine Markets, 1870-1911, p. 527
Teresa da Silva Lopes, Competing with Multinationals: Strategies of the Portuguese Alcohol Industry, p. 559

Thomas P. Hughes, From Firm to Networked Systems, p. 587 Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Commercializing High-Technology Industries, p. 595

Review Essay, p. 605
Book Reviews, p. 613

v. 79, 2005, 2

Mira Wilkins, “Dutch Multinational Enterprises in the United States: A Historical Summary”, p. 193
Ian Hunter, “Commodity Chains and Networks in Emerging Markets: New Zealand, 1880-1910”, p. 275
Robert Fitzgerald and Takashi Hirao, “Reappraising Corporate Failure in Britain: Labor Management in the Tobacco Industry before 1939”, p. 305

Announcements, p. 339
Review Essay, p. 353
Book Reviews, p. 365

v. 79, 2005, 1

Louis Galambos, Recasting the Organizational Synthesis: Structure and Process in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries, p. 1
Paul J. Miranti, Corporate Learning and Quality Control at the Bell System, 1877-1929, p. 39
Pak K. Auyeung, Lei Fu, Zhixiang Liu, Double-Entry Bookkeeping in Early-Twentieth-Century China, p. 73

Announcements, p. 97
Books that made a difference, p. 109
Review Essay, p. 125
Book Reviews, p. 129

v. 78, 2004, 4

Edited by Cathy Matson
Cathy Matson, Introduction: The Ambiguities of Risk in the Early Republic, p. 595
A. Glenn Crothers, Commercial Risk and Capital Formation in Early America: Virginia Merchants and the Rise of American Marine Insurance, 1750-1815, p. 607
Matthew Mulcahy, Weathering the Storms: Hurricanes and Risk in the British Greater Caribbean, p. 635
Brian P. Luskey, “What Is My Prospects?”: The Contours of Mercantile Apprenticeship, Ambition, and Advancement in the Early American Economy, p. 665
José-Ianacio Martínez Ruiz, Vertical Restraints in the Spanish Steel Industry and Their Effects on Competition, 1906-1936, p. 703

Announcements, p. 721
Book Reviews, p. 729

v. 78, 2004, 3

Cheryl Lyon-Jenesse, Planting a Seed: The Nineteenth-Century Horticultural Boom in America, p. 381
Wyatt Wells, Counterpoint to Reform: Gilbert H. Montague and the Business of Regulation, p. 423
John P. Caskey, The Philadelphia Stock Exchange: Adapting to Survive in Changing Markets, p. 451

Announcements, p. 489
Review Essay, p. 501
Book Reviews, p. 507

v. 78, 2004, 2

Marcelo Bucheli, Enforcing Business Contracts in South America: The United Fruit Company and Colombian Banana Planters in the Twentieth Century, p. 181
Dimitry Anastakis, From Independence to Integration: The Corporate Evolution of the Ford Motor Company of Canada, 1904-2004, p. 213
F. Kees Boersma, The Organization of Industrial Research as a Network Activity: Agricultural Research at Philips in the 1930s, p. 255

Announcements, p. 273
Book Reviews, p. 285
Recent Reference Works, p. 377

v. 78, 2004, 1

John A. Britton, Jorma Ahvenainen, Showdown in South America: James Scrymser, John Pender, and United States-British Cable Competition, p. 1
Peter Miskell, Cavity Protection or Cosmetic Perfection? Innovation and Marketing of toothpaste Brands in the United States and Western Europe, 1955-1985, p. 29
Elie Podeh, Making a Short Story Long: The Construction of the Suez-Mediterranean Oil Pipeline in Egypt, 1967-1977, p. 61

Announcements, p. 89
Book Reviews, p. 99

v. 77, 2003, 4

Alex Nalbach, “Poisoned at the Source”? Telegraphic News Services and Big Business in the Nineteenth Century, p. 577
Robert Lewis, Local Production Practices and Chicago’s Automotive Industry, 1900-1930, p. 611
John N. Ingham, Building Businesses, Creating Communities: Residential Segregation and the Growth of African American Business in Southern Cities, 1880-1915, p. 639
Maceo Crenshaw Dailey Jr., The Business Life of Emmett Jay Scott, p. 667

Richard S. Tedlow, Kim Eric Bettcher, Courtney A. Purrington, The Chief Executive Officer of the Large American Industrial Corporation in 1917, p. 687
Blaine McCormick, Burton W. Folsom Jr., A Survey of Business Historians on America’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, p. 703

Announcements, p. 717
Review Essays, p. 725
Book Reviews, p. 743

v. 77, 2003, 3

Jennifer Scanlon, Mediators in the International Marketplace: U.S. Advertising in Latin America in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 387
Marc J. Stern, Industrial Structure and Occupational Health The American Pottery Industry, 1897-1929, p. 417
P. Bradley Nutting, Selling Elegant Glassware During the Great Depression: A. H. Heisey & Company and the New Deal, p. 447

Announcements, p. 479
Book Reviews, p. 487

v. 77, 2003, 2

Mark R. Wilson, Gentlemanly Price-Fixing and Its Limits: Collusion and Competition in the U.S. Explosives Industry during the Civil War Era, p. 207
Timothy W. Guinnane, A “Friend and Advisor”: External Auditing and Confidence in Germany’s Credit Cooperatives, 1889-1914, p. 235
Evan Roberts, “Don’t Sell Things, Sell Effects”: Overseas Influences in New Zealand Department Stores, 1909-1956, p. 265

Announcements, p. 291
Book Reviews, p. 297

v. 77, 2003, 1

Michael B. Miller, The Business Trip: Maritime Networks in the Twentieth Century, p. 1
Shane Hamilton, The Economies and Conveniences of Modern-Day Living: Frozen Foods and Mass Marketing, 1945-1965, p. 33
Elizabeth Fones-Wolf, Ken Fones-Wolf, Cold War Americanism: Business, Pageantry, and Antiunionism in Weirton, West Virginia, p. 61

Announcements, p. 93
Review Essay, p. 99
Book Reviews, p. 107

v. 76, 2002, 4

Elizabeth Kruse, From Free Privilege to Regulation: Wireless Firms and the Competition for Spectrum Rights before World War, p. 659
David Hochfelder, Constructing an Industrial Divide: Western Union, AT&T, and the Federal Government, 1876-1971, p. 705
Paul J. Miranti Jr., Corporate Learning and Traffic Management at the Bell System, 1900-1929: Probability Theory and the Evolution of Organizational Capabilities, p. 733
Atsushi Akera, IBM’s Early Adaptation to Cold War Markets: Cuthbert Hurd and His Applied Science Field Men, p. 767
Henry Chesbrough, Graceful Exits and Missed Opportunities: Xerox’s Management of Its Technology Spin-off Organizations, p. 803

Announcements, p. 839
Book Reviews, p. 847

a. 76, 2002, 3

Geoffrey Jones, Control, Performance, and Knowledge Transfers in Large Multinationals: Unilever in the United States, 1945-1980, p. 435
Michael R. Adamson, The Failure of the Foreign Bondholders Protective Council Experiment, 1934-1940, p. 479
William C. Baer, The Institution of Residential Investment in Seventeenth-Century London, p. 515

Announcements, p. 553
Review Essay, p. 561

Book Reviews, p. 565

a. 76, 2002, 2

William J. Breen, Social Science and State Policy in World War II: Human Relations, Pedagogy, and Industrial Training, 1940-1945, p. 233
Mark Aldrich, Regulating Transportation of Hazardous Substances: Railroads and Reform, 1883-1930, p. 267
Anatole Browde, Settling the Canadian Colonies: A Comparison of Two Nineteenth-Century Land Companies, p. 299

Announcements, p.
Book Reviews, p. 345

a. 76, 2002, 1

Robin Pearson, Moral Hazard and the Assessment of Insurance Risk in Eighteenth- and Early-Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 1
Pankaj Ghemawat, Competition and Business Strategy in Historical Perspective, p. 37
David A. Kirsch, Gijs P. A. Mom, Visions of Transportation: The EVC and the Transition from Service- to Product-Based Mobility, p. 75

TRIBUTES TO ROBERT D. CUFF, 1941-2001, p. 111
Robert D. Cuff, Notes for a Panel on Entrepreneurship in Business History, p. 123

Announcements, p. 133
Book Reviews, p. 137

a. 75, 2001, 4

William R. Childs, State Regulators and Pragmatic Federalism in the United States, 1889-1945, p. 701
Eugene Ridings, Chambers of Commerce and Business Elites in Great Britain and Brazil in the Nineteenth Century: Some Comparisons, p. 739
Jonathan Soffer, The National Association of Manufacturers and the Militarization of American Conservatism, p. 775
Robert Gardella, Tea Processing in China, circa 1885- A Photographic Essay, p. 807

Announcements, p. 813
Book Reviews, p. 819

a. 75, 2001, 2

Julie Winch, “A Person of Good Character and Considerable Property”: James Forten and the Issue of Race in Philadelphia’s Antebellum Business Community, p. 261
Eugene N. White, California Banking in the Nineteenth Century: The Art and Method of the Bank of A. Levy, p. 297
Maury Klein, The Stock Market Crash of 1929: A Review Article, p. 325

Announcements, p. 353
Book reviews, p. 409

a. 75, 2001, 1

Richard R. John, Guest editor

Richard R. John, Rendez-vous with Information? Computers and Communications Networks in the United States, p. 1
Thomas Haigh, Inventing Information Systems: The Systems Men and the Computer 1950-1968, p. 15
Leslie R. Berlin, Robert Noyce and Fairchild Semiconductor, 1957-1968, p. 63
Martin Campbell-Kelly, Not Only Microsoft: The Maturing of the Personal Computer Software Industry 1982-1995, p. 103
Janet Abbate, Government, Business, and the Making of the Internet, p. 147

Announcements, p. 177
Book reviews, p. 179