Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 44, 1970, 4

Vincent Carosso, Washington and Wall Street: The New Deal and Investment Bankers, 1933 – 1940, p. 425
Yen-P’Ing Hao, A “New Class” in China’s Treaty Ports: The Rise of the Comprador-Merchants, p. 446
Mary Yeager Kujovich, The Refrigerator Car and the Growth of the American Dressed Beef Industry, p. 460
Ralph W. Hidy, Business History: Present Status and Future Needs, p. 483
Gene M. Gressley, The French, Belgians, and Dutch Come to Salt Creek, p. 498
Daniel Nelson, “A Newly Appreciated Art”: The Development of Personnel Work at Leeds & Northrup, 1915 – 1923, p. 320

Joseph W. Ernst, The Business Archivist: Problems and Perspectives, p. 536

The Editor’s Corner, p. 547
Book Reviews, p. 550

a. 44, 1970, 3

Louis Galambos, The Emerging Organizational Synthesis in Modern American History, p. 279
Robert D. Cuff, Melvin I. Urofsky, The Steel Industry and Price-Fixing during World War I, p. 291
Mansel Griffiths Blackford, Businessmen and the Regulation of Railroads and Public Utilities in California during the Progressive Era, p. 307
M. Browning Carrott, The Supreme Court and American Trade Associations. 1921 – 1925, p. 320
Arthur H. Cole, The Mystery of Fuel Wood Marketing in the United States, p. 339

Thomas R. Navin, The 500 Largest American Industrials in 1917, p. 360

The Editor’s Corner, p. 387
Book Reviews, p. 389

a. 44, 1970, 2

Robert S. Starobin, The Economics of Industrial Slavery in the Old South, p. 131
Stanley Caine, Why Railroads Supported Regulation: The Case of Wisconsin, 1905 – 1910, p. 175
William E. O’ Connell Jr., The Development of the Private Railroad Freight Car, 1830 – 1966, p. 190
Wolfgang Von Stromer, Nuremberg in the International Economics of the Middle Ages, p. 210

David O. Whitten, Tariff and Profit in the Antebellum Louisiana Sugar Industry, p. 226

The Editor’s Corner, p. 234
Book Reviews, p. 238

a. 44, 1970, 1


Kozo Yamamura, Henry Rosovsky, Entrepreneurial Studies in Japan: An Introduction, p. 1
Johannes Hirschmeier, The Japanese Spirit of Enterprise, 1868 – 1970, p. 13
Tsunehiko Yui, The Personality and Career of Hikojiro Nakamigawa, 1887 – 1901, p. 39
Hidemasa Morikawa, The Organizational Structure of the Mitsubishi and Mitsui Zaibatsu, 1868 – 1922: A Comparative Study, p. 62
Koji Taira, Factory Legislation and Management Modernization during Japan’s Industrialization, 1868 – 1916, p. 84
Robert Evans Jr., Evolution of the Japanese System of Employer-Employee Relations, 1868 – 1945, p. 110
Kozo Yamamura, Note on the Japan Business History Review and Recent Books, p. 126

a. 43, 1969, 4

David M. Tucker, Black Pride and Negro Business in the 1920’s: George Washington Lee of Memphis, p. 435
Robert Asher, Business and Workers’ Welfare in the Progressive Era: Workmen’s Compensation Reform in Massachusetts, 1880 – 1911, p. 452
Peter Fearon, The Formative Years of the British Aircraft Industry, 1913 – 1924, p. 476
Anthony Slaven, A Glasgow Firm in the Indian Market: John Lean and Sons, Muslin Weavers, p. 496
J. Clayburn La Force, The Supply of Muskets and Spain’s War of Independence, p. 523

Robert D. Cuff, Woodrow Wilson’s Missionary to American Business, 1914 – 1915, p. 545

The Editor’s Corner, p. 552
Book Reviews, p. 555

a. 43, 1969, 3

Alfred D. Chandler Jr., The Structure of American Industry in the Twentieth Century: A Historical Overview, p. 255
Robert B. Davies, “Peacefully Working to Conquer the World”: The Singer Manufacturing Company in Foreign Markets, 1854 – 1889, p. 299
Mira Wilkins, An American Enterprise Abroad: American Radiator Company in Europe, 1895 – 1914, p. 326
Francis G. Awalt, Recollections of the Banking Crisis in 1933, p. 347
Herman Van Der Wee, International Business Finance and Monetary Policy in Western Europe, 1384 – 1410, p. 372

Herman Freudenberger, Records of the Bohemian Iran Industry, 1694-1875: The Basis for a Comprehensive Study of Modern Factories, p. 381

The Editor’s Corner, p. 385
Book Reviews, p. 392

a. 43, 1969, 2

Robert D. Cuff, Bernard Baruch: Symbol and Myth in Industrial Mobilization, p. 115
Lloyd J. Mercer, Land Grants to American Railroads: Social Cost or Social Benefit?, p. 134
William J. Callahan, Don Juan De Goyeneche: Industrialist of Eighteenth-Century Spain, p. 152
Erling A. Erickson, Money and Banking in a “Bankless” State: Iowa, 1846 – 1857, p. 171
Theodore M. Berson, “Dependencia do Imperialismo”: Foreign Investment in Brazil, 1935, p. 192

On the Origin of Created Deposits in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, p. 204

The Editor’s Corner, p. 209
Book Reviews, p. 216

a. 43, 1969, 1

Robert C. Puth, Supreme Life: The History of a Negro Life Insurance Company, 1919 – 1962, p. 1
Baron F. Duckham, The Emergence of the Professional Manager in the Scottish Coal Industry, 1760 – 1815, p. 21
Vincent Ponko Jr., The Colonial Office and British Business before World War I: A Case Study, p. 39
Patrick G. Porter, Origins of the American Tobacco Company, p. 59
Peter D. McClelland, New Perspectives on the Disposal of Western Lands in Nineteenth Century America, p. 77

Uniform Containerization of Freight: Early Steps in the Evolution of an Idea, p. 84

The Editor’s Corner, p. 88
Book Reviews, p. 90

a. 42, 1968, 4

Matthew Simon, The Morgan-Belmont Syndicate of 1895 and Intervention in the Foreign-Exchange Market, p. 385
Jacques M. Downs, American Merchants and the China Opium Trade, 1800 – 1840, p. 418
Robin Higham, Quantity Vs. Quality: The Impact of Changing Demand on the British Aircraft Industry, 1900-1960, p. 443
Bruno Fritzsche, “On Liberal Terms”: The Boston Hide-Merchants in California, p. 467

Arthur H. Cole, Underground Social Capital, p. 482

The Editor’s Corner, p. 493
Book Reviews, p. 503

a. 42, 1968, 3

Ellis W. Hawley, Segretary Hoover and the Bituminous Coal Problem, 1921 – 1928, p. 247
William I. Roberts III, Ralph Carr: A Newcastle Merchant and the American Colonial Trade, p. 271
Maury Klein, Southern Railroad Leaders, 1865 – 1893: Identities and Ideologies, p. 288
Irving Stone, British Long-Term Investment in Latin America, 1865 – 1913, p. 311

Herman Kellenbenz, The Economy of Expanding Europe in the 16th and 17th Centuries: A Review Essay, p. 340

The Editor’s Corner, p. 351
Book Reviews, p. 356

a. 42, 1968, 2

Richard H. Lytle, The Introduction of Diesel Power in the United States, 1897 – 1912, p. 115
Edmund C. Lynch, Walter Dill Scott: Pioneer Industrial Psychologist, 149
Harold C. Livesay, The Lobdell Car Wheel Co., 1830 – 1867, p. 171
Allen Weinstein, The Bonanza King Myth: Western Mine Owners and the Remonetization of Silver, p. 195

James Montgomery on Factory Management, 1832, p. 219

The Editor’s Corner, p. 227
Book Reviews, p. 229

a. 42, 1968, 1

Robert F. Himmelberg, Business, Antitrust Policy and the Industrial Board of the Department of commerce, 1919, p. 1
Eugene C. Mc Creary, Social Welfare and Business: The Krupp Welfare Program, 1860 – 1914, p. 24
William R. Braisted, China, the United States Navy, and the Bethlehem Steel Company, 1909-1929, p. 50
Collamer M. Abbott, Isaac Tyson, Jr.: Pioneer Industrialist, p. 67

Dorothea D. Reeves, Annual Report of the Kress Library of Business and Economics, 1966 – 1967, p. 84

The Editor’s Corner, p. 89
Book Reviews, p. 94

a. 41, 1967, 4

Merle Curti, The Changing Concept of “Human Nature” in the Literature of American Advertising, p. 335
Maury Klein, Kozo Yamamura, The Growth Strategies of Southern Railroads, 1865 – 1893, p. 358
Paul A. C. Koistinen, The “Industrial-Military Complex” in Historical Perspective: World War I, p. 378
Robert D. Cuff, A “Dollar-a-Year Man” in Government: George N. Peek and the War Industries Board, p. 404

James P. Baughman, Early American Checks: Forms and Functions, p. 421

The Editor’s Corner, p. 436
Book Reviews, p. 438

a. 41, 1967, 3

John P. Mckay, John Cockerill in Southern Russia, 1885-1905: A Study of Aggressive Foreign Entrepreneurship, p. 243
Raymond De Roover, The Scholastics, Usury, and Foreign Exchange, p. 257
Philip B. Schary, The Civil Aeronautics Board and the All-Cargo Airlines: The Early Years, p. 272
Fritz Redlich, Webster M. Christman, Early American Checks and an Example of their Use, p. 285

Dwight E. Robinson, “Half the Story of The Rise of the English Shipping Industry”, p. 303
Ralph Davis, “Well, Maybe Three-Fifths”, p. 309

The Editor’s Corner, p. 312
Book Reviews, p. 316

a. 41, 1967, 2

Thomas S. Hines, Echoes from ‘Zenith:’ Reactions of American Businessmen to ‘BABBITT’, p. 123
Kozo Yamamura, The Founding of Mitsubishi: A Case Study in Japanese Business History, p. 141
Donald G. Tailby, Foreign Interest Remittances by the United States, 1785 – 1787: A Story of Malfeasance, p. 161
Vsevolod Slessarev, “Ecclesiae Mercatorum” and the Rise of Merchant Colonies, p. 177

Charles R. Schultz, “Costs of Constructing and Outfitting the Ship” Charles W. Morgan, “1840 – 1841”, p. 198

The Editor’s Corner, p. 217
Book Reviews, p. 219

a. 41, 1967, 1

Robert P. Swierenga, The “Western Land Business”: The Story of Easley & Willingham, Speculators, p. 1
Thomas V. Dibacco, American Business and Foreign Aid: The Eisenhower Years, p. 21
Hansjörg Siegenthaler, What Price Style? The Fabric-Advisory Function of Drygoods Commission Merchant, 1850-1880, p. 36
Winthrop R. Wright, Foreign-Owned Railways in Argentina: A Case Study of Economic Nationalism, p. 62
Claude Fohlen, The Present State of Business History in France, p. 94

Robert G. Albion, “Planning the Black Bali Line, 1817”, p. 104

The Editor’s Corner, p. 108
Book Reviews, p. 110

a. 40, 1966, 4

Carl C. Erwin, The Dark Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association, 1922 – 1926, p. 403
Bertram Wyatt-Brown, God and Dun & Bradstreet, 1841 – 1851, p. 432
Joel A. Tarr, John R. Walsh of Chicago: A Case Study in Banking and Politics, 1881 – 1905, p. 451
Emma Lou Thornbrough, American Negro Newspapers, 1880 – 1914, p. 467

Ronda Larmour, “Business Investment and Social Attitudes in l6th-Century France: The Example of the Paris Grocers.”, p. 491

The Editor’s Corner, p. 499
Book Reviews, p. 504

a. 40, 1966, 3

Derek H. Aldcroft, The Performance of the British Machine-tool Industry in the Interwar Years, p. 281
Peter N. Stearns, Individualism and Association in French Industry, 1820-1848, p. 297
James D. Norris, The Missouri and Kansas Zinc Miners’ Association, 1899 – 1905, p. 321
Bohumil Lehar, Milan Myska, The Study of the History of Industrial Enterprises in Czechoslovakia since 1945, p. 335
S. G. Checkland, The Economic Evolution of the Modern World: A Review Article, p. 355

The General Manager’s Mail, 1879, p. 369

The Editor’s Corner, p. 372
Book Reviews, p. 377

a. 40, 1966, 2

J. Clayburn La Force, Gresham’s Law and the Suffolk System: A Misapplied Epigram, p. 149
Herman Freudenberger, Three Mercantilistic Proto-Factories, p. 167
Bernard Mason, Entrepreneurial Activity in New York during the American Revolution, p. 190
Harold B. Hancock, Norman B. Wilkinson, A Manufacturer in Wartime: Du Pont, 1860 – 1865, p. 213
Eleanor L. Nicholes, Dorothea D. Reeves, The Kress Library of Business and Economics and some of Its Treasures, p. 237

“Corporate Names and Change”, by J. Boddewyn, p. 250

The Editors’ Corner, p. 254
Book Reviews, p. 258

a. 40, 1966, 1

Richard P. Brief, The Origin and Evolution of Nineteenth-Century Asset Accounting, p. 1
Peter J. Parker, The Philadelphia Printer: A Study of an Eighteenth-Century Businessman, p. 24
Harry N. Scheiber, The Commercial Bank of Lake Erie, 1831 – 1843, p. 47
Robert M. Sutton, The Origins of American Land-Grant Railroad Rates, p. 66
Thomas G. Paterson, American Businessmen and Consular Service Reform, 1890’s to 1906, p. 77

“Memo. for Mr. Forbes Respecting Canton Affairs”, p. 98

The Editors’ Corner, p. 108
Book Review, p. 121

a. 39, 1965, 4


James P. Baughman, Recent Trends in the Business History of Latin America, p. 425
Ruth Pike, The Sevillian Nobility and Trade with the New World in the Sixteenth Century, p. 439
Troy S. Floyd, The Indigo Merchant: Promoter of Central American Economic Development, 1750 – 1808, p. 466
Harold A. Bierck, Tobacco Marketing in Venezuela, 1798 – 1799: An Aspect of Spanish Mercantilistic Revisionism, p. 489
Frank Safford, Foreign and National Enterprise in Nineteenth-Century Colombia, p. 503
Miguel S. Wionczek, The State and the Electric-Power Industry in Mexico, 1895 – 1965, p. 527
Albert Lauterbach, Management Aims and Development Needs in Latin America, p. 557

A Case Study of Infant Industry in Latin America, p. 589

The Editors’ Corner, p. 597
Book Reviews, p. 598

a. 39, 1965, 3

Arthur H. Cole, Aggregative Business History, p. 287
Harry E. Resseguie, Alexander Turney Stewart and the Development of the Department Store, 1823 – 1876, p. 301
Robin Higham, Government, Companies, and National Defense: British Aeronautical Experience, 1918-1945 As The Basis for a Broad Hypothesis, p. 323
Charles C. Alexander, Kleagles and Cash: The Ku Klux Klan as a Business Organization, 1915 – 1930, p. 348
Marian V. Sears, The National Shawmut Bank Consolidation of 1898, p. 368
John P. Shelton, The First Printed Share Certificate: An Important Link in Financial History, p. 391

George W. Bishop Jr., A Note on the Origin of the Averaging and Indexing of Stock Prices, p. 403

The Editors’ Corner, p. 406
Book Reviews, p. 413

a. 39, 1965, 2

William I. Roberts III, Samuel Storke: An Eighteenth-Century London Merchant Trading to the American Colonies, p. 147
James G. Lydon, Fish and Flour for Gold: Southern Europe and the Colonial American Balance of Payments, p. 171
Charles E. Freedeman, Joint-Stock Business Organization in France, 1807 – 1867, p. 184
Frank Otto Gatell, Secretary Taney and the Baltimore Pets: A Study in Banking and Politics, p. 205
Harold E. Cox, “Daily Except Sunday”: Blue Laws and the Operation of Philadelphia Horsecars, p. 228
Barton J. Bernstein, The Removal of War Production Board Controls on Business, 1944 – 1946, p. 243

A Fourteenth-Century Business History, p. 261

The Editors’ Corner, p. 265
Book Reviews, p. 273

a. 39, 1965, 1


Richard C. Overton, Transportation: A Special Issue, p. 1
James H. Lemly, The Mississippi River: St. Louis’ Friend or Foe?, p. 7
Alfred D. Chandler Jr., The Railroads: Pioneers in Modern Corporate Management, p. 16
David P. Gagan, The Railroads and the Public, 1870-1881: A Study of Charles Elliott Perkins’ Business Ethics, p. 41
Thomas Leduc, Carriers, Courts, and the Commodities Clause, p. 57
Roy V. Scott, American Railroads and Agricultural Extension, 1900 – 1914: A Study in Railway Developmental Techniques, p. 74
John B. Rae, Financial Problems of the American Aircraft Industry, 1906-1940, p. 99
John C. L. Andreassen, Canadian National Railway Records, p. 115

A View of American Shipping Policy, 1883, p. 120

The Editors’ Corner, p. 127
Book Review, p. 130

a. 38, 1964, 4

Arthur Schweitzer, Business. Policy in a Dictatorship, p. 413
Thomas Odle, Entrepreneurial Cooperation on the Great Lakes: The Origin of the Methods of American Grain Marketing, p. 439
Roland T. Ely, The Old Cuba Trade: Highlights and Case Studies of Cuban-American Interdependence during the Nineteenth Century, p. 456
Stanley C. Hollander, Nineteenth Century Anti-Drummer Legislation in the United States, p. 479
H. Klompmaker, Business History in Holland, p. 501

A Fraternal Organization of Eighteenth-Century German Merchant Clerks, p. 511

The Editors’ Corner, p. 515
Book Review, p. 517

a. 38, 1964, 3

Helen M. Kramer, Harvesters and High Finance: Formation of the International Harvester Company, p. 283
G. R. Simonson, Missiles and Creative Destruction in the American Aircraft Industry, 1956 – 1961, p. 302
Walther Kirchner, Western Businessmen in Russia: Practices and Problems, p. 315
David C. Smith, Wood Pulp and Newspapers, 1867 – 1900, p. 328
George V. Taylor, Notes on Commercial Travelers in Eighteenth-Century France, p. 346
Lorna M. Daniells, Studies in Enterprise, 1963: A Selected Bibliography, p. 354

The Speed of Business Communication, 1883, p. 370

The Editors’ Corner, p. 376
Book Review, p. 379

a. 38, 1964, 2


Arthur M. Johnson, Government-Business Relations: A Domestic View, p. 141
Gerald D. Nash, Government and Business: A Case Study of State Regulation of Corporate Securities, 1850 – 1933, p. 144
Benjamin J, Klebaner, Potential Competition and the American Antitrust Legislation of 1914, p. 163
Louis P. Galambos, The Cotton-Textile Institute and the Government: A Case Study in Interacting Value Systems, p. 186
Gene M. Gressley, Thurman Arnold, Antitrust, and the New Deal, p. 214
Meyer H. Fishbein, Business History Resources in the National Archives, p. 232

Business, Government, and Technological Progress in the Aircraft Industry, 1923, p. 258

The Editors’ Corner, p. 265
Book Review, p. 270

a. 38, 1964, 1

Arthur M. Johnson, Government-Business Relations: An International Approach, p. 1
Hugh G. J. Aitken, Government and Business in Canada: An Interpretation, p. 4
R. L. Varshney, Government-Business Relations in India, p. 22
Roger R. Trask, The United States and Turkish Nationalism: Investment and Technical Aid during the Ataturk Era, p. 58
Theodore F. Marburg, Government and Business in Germany: Public Policy toward Cartels, p. 78
Hans A. Schmitt, The European Coal and Steel Community: Operations of the First European Antitrust Law, 1952 – 1958, p. 102

Plan for the Establishment of a War Industry in the Imperial Dominions during the Thirty Years’ War, p. 123

The Editors’ Corner, p. 127
Book Review, p. 130

a. 37, 1963, 4

Peter J. Coleman, The Entrepreneurial Spirit in Rhode Island History, p. 319
Harry N. Scheiber, Entrepreneurship and Western Development: The Case of Micajah T. Williams, p. 345
Joseph A. Litterer, Systematic Management: Design for Organizational Recoupling in American Manufacturing Firms, p. 369
Morton Rothstein, A British Firm on the American West Coast, 1869 – 1914, p. 392
Wolfram Fischer, Some Recent Developments of Business History in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland, p. 416

Business Failures in the Panic of 1857, p. 437

The Editors’ Corner, p. 444
Book Review, p. 456

a. 37, 1963, 3

David F. Hawkins, The Development of Modern Financial Reporting Practices among American Manufacturing Corporations, p. 135
John W. Eilert, Illinois Business Incorporations, 1816 – 1869, p. 169
Alvin J. Silk, Louis William Stern, The Changing Nature of Innovation in Marketing: A Study of Selected Business Leaders, 182 – 1958, p. 182
George R. Nielsen, Torrey’s Frontier Post No. 2: A Business History, p. 201
John Mc Master, The Takashima Mine: British Capital and Japanese Industrialization, p. 217
Francis E. Hyde, British Business History: A Review of Recent Books, p. 240
Lorna M. Daniells, Studies in Enterprise, 1962: A Selected Bibliography, p. 251

Contract of the Painter Albrecht Durer, 1497, p. 266

The Editors’ Corner, p. 268
Book Reviews, p. 279

a. 37, 1963, 1 – 2


Adolph I. Klein, Fashion: Its Sense of History – Its Selling Power, p. 1
Fritz Redlich, A Needed Distinction in Fashion Study, p. 3
Dwight E. Robinson, The Importance of Fashions in Taste to Business History: An Introductory Essay, p. 5
Herman Freudenberger, Fashion, Sumptuary Laws, and Business, p. 37
Adolph S. Cavallo, To Set a Smart Board: Fashion as the Decisive Factor in the Development of the Scottish Linen Damask Industry, p. 49
Keiichiro Nakagawa, Henry Rosovsky, The Case of the Dying Kimono: The Influence of Changing Fashions on the Development of the Japanese Woolen Industry, p. 59
Marshall I. Goldman, “From Sputniks to Panties”: Is Economic Development Really that Easy?, p. 81
Richard S. Rosenbloom, A Conjecture about Fashion and Vertical Process Integration, p. 94

A Thirteenth-Century Castilian Sumptuary Law, p. 98

The Editors’ Corner, p. 101
Book Reviews, p. 108

a. 36, 1962, 4

Daniel O. Fletcher, The Decline of the Great Lakes Package-Freight Carriers, p. 387
Richard M. Abrams, Brandeis and the New Haven-Boston & Maine Merger Battle Revisited, p. 408
Robert C. Toole, Steamboats on the Rocks: The North Western Union Packet Company, 1866 – 1873, p. 431
James D. Norris, One-Price Policy among Antebellum, p. 455

H. Klompmaker, People or Circumstance?, p. 459
Comment,byRalph W. Hidy, p. 463

The Editors’ Corner, p. 476
Book Review., p. 470

a. 36, 1962, 3

Harry E. Resseguie, The Decline and Fall of the Commercial Empire of A. T. Stewart, p. 255
Richard D. Robinson, Interrelationship of Business Enterprise and Political Development, p. 287
Herbert H. Lang, Uranium Mining and the AEC: The Birth Pangs of a New Industry, p. 325
Robert A. Waller, Business and the Initiation of the Teapot Dome Investigation, p. 334

The Editors’ Corner, p. 354
Book Review, p. 373

a. 36, 1962, 2

Ernest Dale, Charles Meloy, Hamilton MacFarland Barksdale and the Du Pont Contributions to Systematic Management, p. 127
Charles J. Kennedy, Commuter Services in the Boston Area, 1835 – 1860, p. 153
George W. Hilton, The Decline of Railroad Commutation, p. 171
Arthur E. Taylor, Losses to the Public in the Insull Collapse: 1932 – 1946, p. 188
Paul J. Meier, The Zurich Association for Economic History, p. 205
Lorna M. Daniells, Studies in Enterprise, 1961: A Selected Bibliography, p. 215

The Editors’ Corner, p. 229
Book Review, p. 231

a. 36, 1962, 1


Ralph W. Hidy, Muriel E. Hidy, Henrietta M. Larson: An Appreciation, p. 1
Arthur M. Johnson, Where Does Business History Go from Here?, p. 11

Clarence C. Walton, Business History: Some Major Challenges, p. 21
Comment, by Ralph W, Hidy, p. 35
Comment, by R. C. Overton, p. 39
Comment, by Harold F. Williamson, p. 41

Herman E. Krooss, Recruiting Business History Teachers, p. 44
Comment, by Howard F. Bennett, p. 48
Comment, by Thomas C. Cochran, p. 54
Comment, by A. K. Steigerwalt, p. 57

Fritz Redlich, Approaches to Business History, p. 61
Comment, by J. D. Clover, p. 70
Comment, by Arthur M. Johnson, p. 75
Comment, by George Rogers Taylor, p. 79
Comment, by R. C. Overton, p. 85

Glen Perry, Communication between the Academician and Businessman, p. 87
Arthur H. Cole, What Is Business History?, p. 98

The Editors’ Corner, p. 107
Book Reviews, p. 111

a. 35, 1961, 4

Joseph A. Litterer, Systematic Management: The Search for Order and Integration, p. 461
Mabel Newcomer, The Little Businessman: A Study of Business Proprietors in Poughkeepsie, New York, p. 477
W. Stewart Nelson, The Private Companies and a Public-Power Paradox, p. 532
Irene D. Neu, J. B. Moussier and the Property Banks of Louisiana, p. 550
Craig R. Hanyan, China and the Erie Canal, p. 558

The Heard Collection and Its Story, by Robert W. Lovett, p. 567
AFL Papers and other Manuscript Accessions – State Historical Society of Wisconsin, by Glenn E. Thompson, p. 574
Editorial and Footnote Suggestions for Contributors to Business History Review, p. 576
Reprints Available, p. 579
Annual Meeting of the Business History Conference, p. 580
Announcement of Research Grant, Harvard Business School, Summer, 1962, p. 580

Book Review, p. 581

a. 35, 1961, 3

Morton Keller, The Judical System and the Law of Life Insurance. 1888 – 1910, p. 317
Leland H. Jenks, Multiple-Level Organization of a Great Railroad, p. 336
Sidney I. Roberts, Portrait of a Robber Baron: Charles I. Yerkes, p. 344
Orange A. Smalley, Market Entry and Economic Adaptation: Spiegel’s First Decade in Mail Order, p. 372
Richard W. Griffin, An Origin of the New South: The South Carolina Homespun Company, 1808 – 1815, p. 402

Is History Bunk or Good Business?, by Rt. Rev. Msgr. James F. Shannon, p. 416
Sources for Research in Forest History: The University of Washington Manuscripts Collection, by Richard C. Berner, p. 420
Reading Railroad Collection, p. 426
Hagley Museum History Fellowships, p. 428

Recent Developments in American Business Administration and Their Conceptualization: A Discussion of the Chandler-Redlich Article (Spring, 1961, Business History Review), p. 429
Comment, by Hugh G. J. Aitken, p. 430
Comment, by Arthur H. Cole, p. 432
Comment, by Muriel E. Hidy and Ralph W. Hidy, p. 434
Comment, by John G. B. Hutchins, p. 435
Comment, by Leland H. Jenks, p. 438
Comment, by Arthur M. Johnson, p. 440
Comment, by Harold F. Williamson, p. 442
Reply to “Comments”, by Alfred D. Chandler JR., and Fritz Redlich, p. 443

William Kahl, Five Centuries of Printing in London – A Review Article, p. 445

Book Reviews, p. 457

a. 35, 1961, 2

Leland H. Jenks, Early History of a Railway Organization, p. 153
Catherine C. Ellsworth, Integration into Crude Oil Transportation in the 1930’s – A Case Study: The Standard Oil Co. (Ohio), p. 180
Joseph A. Litterer, Alexander Hamilton Church and the Development of Modern Management, p. 211
Frederick J. Glover, Thomas Cook and the American Blanket Trade in the Nineteenth Century, p. 226
Irwin Unger, The Business Community and the Origins of the 1875 Resumption Act, p. 247
Lorna M. Daniells, Studies in Enterprise, 1960: A Selected Bibliography, p. 263

University of Washington Library Notes, by Marion A. Milczewski, p. 287

Book Review, p. 291

a. 35, 1961, 1

Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Fritz Redlich, Recent Developments in American Business Administration and Their Conceptualization, p. 1
W. J. Reader, Oil for the West of England, 1889-1896: A Study in Competition, p. 28
Richard S. Kirkendall, A. A. Berle Jr.: Student of the Corporation, 1917-1932, p. 43
Harold I. Sharlin, The First Niagara Falls Power Project, p. 59
Arthur H. Cole, A Note on Continuity of Enterprise, p. 75
Rondo E. Cameron, Problems of French Investment in Italian Railways: A Document of 1868, p. 89

The American Manufacturing Frontier, 1870 – 1940: A Comment, by R. L. Andreano, p. 105
The American Manufacturing Frontier, 1870 – 1940: Reply to “A Comment”, by Robert F. Severson Jr., p. 109

Newcomen Awards in Business History, p. 114

Book Review, p. 116