Business History Review DATINI

Business History Review

Harvard, Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration
Bimestrale; dal 1949 trimestrale
ISSN: 0007-6805
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali
Punto di servizio: Economia, Riv. Str. 338
Consistenza: a. 10, 1936, 1-
Lacune: v. 75, 2001, 3;

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1936 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 54, 1980, 4

Paul Uselding, Business History and the History of Technology, p. 443
Helen Frey Rochlin, A List of Books on Technological and Business History Reviewed in the Business History Review, 1976 – 1980, p. 453
Richard B. Du Boff, Business Demand and the Development of the Telegraph in the United States, 1844-1860, p. 459
Stuart w. Leslie, Thomas Midcley and the Politics of Industrial Research, p. 480
Leonard S. Reich, Industrial Research and the Pursuit of Corporate Security: The Early Years of Bell Labs, p. 304

The Editor’s Corner, p. 530
Book Reviews, p. 533

a. 54, 1980, 3

Donald A. Ritchie, Reforming the Regulatory Process: Why James Landis Hanged His Mind, p. 283
C. Joseph Pusateri, Radio Broadcasters and the Challenge Of Television: A New Orleans Case, p. 303
W. B. E. Alford, C. E. Harvey, Copperbelt Merger: The Formation of the Rhokana Corporation, 1930 – 1932, p. 331
Franco Amatori, Entrepreneurial Typologies in the History of Industrial Italy (1880-1960): A Review Article, p. 359
John B. Davenport, Dan Rylance, Archival Note. Sources of Business History: The Archives of the Hudson’s Bay Company, p. 387
The Editor’s Corner, p. 394
Book Reviews, p. 397

a. 54, 1980, 2

Julian C. Skaggs, Richard L. Ehrlich, Profits, Paternalism, and Rebellion: A Case Study in Industrial Strife, p. 155
Rodney Carlisle, The “American Century” Implemented: Stettinius and the Liberian Flag of Convenience, p. 175
Saul Engelbourg, The Council of Economic Advisers and the Recession of 1953 – 1954, p. 192

The Editor’s Corner, p. 215
Book Reviews, p. 218

a. 54, 1980, 1

Richard H. E. Vietor, The Synthetic Liquid Fuels Program: Energy Politics in the Truman Era, p. 1
Malcolm Smith, Planning and Building the British Bomber Force, 1934 – 1939, p. 35
Mariann Jelinek, Toward Systematic Management: Alexander Hamilton Church, p. 63
Raymond L. Cohn, Local Manufacturing in the Antebellum South and Midwest, p. 80
Richard K. Vedder, Lowell E. Gallaway, The Profitability of Antebellum Manufacturing: Some New Estimates, p. 92
Gaston V. Rimlinger, Production Factors in Economic Development: A Review Article, p. 104

The Editor’s Corner, p. 112
Book Reviews, p. 116

a. 53, 1979, 4

Douglas J. Little, Twenty Years of Turmoil: Itt, the State Department, and Spain, 1924 – 1944, p. 499
Harry E. Cross, Debt Peonage Reconsidered: A Case Study in Nineteenth Century Zacatecas, Mexico, p. 473
Michael Sturmer, An Economy of Delicht: Court Artisans of the Eighteenth Century, p. 496
Benjamin J. Klebaner, State-Chartered American Commercial Banks, 1781 – 1801, p. 529

The Editor’s Corner, p. 539
Book Reviews, p. 544

a. 53, 1979, 3

Mohton Keller, Business History and Legal History, p. 295
Charles W. Mc Curdy, The Knight Sugar Decision of 1895 and the Modernization of American Corporation Law, 1869 – 1903, p. 304
Tony A. Freyer, The Federal Courts, Localism, and the National Economy, 1865 – 1900, p. 344
Gary D. Libecap, Government Support of Private Claims to Public Minerals: Western Mineral Rights, p. 364
Robert W. Lovett, Business Manuscripts at Baker Library, 1969-1979, p. 386

The Editor’s Corner, p. 392
Book Reviews, p. 395

a. 53, 1979, 2

Hans Jaeger, Fritz Leonhard Redlich, 1892 – 1978, p. 155
W. David Lewis, Wesley Phillips Newton, The Delta – C&S Merger: A Case Study In Airline Consolidation and Federal Regulation, p. 161
William M. Leary jr., At the Dawn of Commercial Aviation: Inglis M. Uppercu and Aeromarine Airways, p. 180
L. Gittins, Innovations in Textile Bleaching in Britain in the Eighteenth Century, p. 194
Stanley D. Chapman, British Marketing Enterprise: The Changing Roles of Merchants, Manufacturers, and Financiers, 1700 – 1860, p. 205
Frank B. Tipton jr., Small Business and the Rise of Hitler: A Review Article, p. 235
Thomas R. Winpenny, Hard Data On Hard Coal: Reflections On Chandler’s Anthracite Thesis, p. 247
A Reply, by Alfred D. Chandler, jr., p. 255

The Editor’s Corner, p. 259
Book Reviews, p. 262

a. 53, 1979, 1

David S. Landes, Watchmaking: A Case Study in Enterprise and Change, p. 1
Elaine Glovka Spencer, Rulers of the Ruhr: Leadership and Authority in German Big Business before 1914, p. 40
Toni Pierenkemper, Entrepreneurs in Heavy Industry: Upper Silesia and the Westphalian Ruhr Region, 1852 to 1913, p. 65
Thomas C. Cochran, The Value of Company History: A Review Article, p. 79

The Editor’s Corner, p. 85
Book Reviews, p. 91

a. 52, 1978, 4

Joseph M. Mc Fadden, Monopoly in Barbed Wire: The Formation of the American Steel and Wire Company, p. 465
H. Thomas Johnson, Management Accounting in an Early Multidivisional Organization: General Motors in the 1920s, p. 490
James H. Potts, The Evolution of Municipal Accounting in the United States: 1900 – 1935, p. 518
James E. Fell Jr., Rockefeller’s Right-Hand Man: Frederick T. Gates and the Northwestern Mining Investments, p. 537

The Editor’s Corner, p. 562
Book Reviews, p. 570

a. 52, 1978, 3

Ellis W. Hawley, The Discovery and Study of a “Corporate Liberalism”, p. 309
Richard Hume Werking, Bureaucrats, Businessmen, And Foreign Trade: The Origins of the United States Chamber of Commerce, p. 321
Kim Mc Quaid, Corporate Liberalism in the American Business Community 1920 – 1940, p. 342
Robert M. Collins, Positive Business Responses to the New Deal: The Roots of the Committee for Economic Development, 1933 – 1942, p. 369

The Editor’s Corner, p. 392
Book Reviews, p. 398

a. 52, 1978, 2

Arthur M. Johnson, Ralph Willard Hidy, 1905 – 1977, p. 155
Maury Klein, In Search of Jay Gould, p. 166
Lawrence L. Murray, Bureaucracy and Bi-Partisanship in Taxation: The Mellon Plan Revisited, p. 200
Roy A. Church, Innovation, Monopoly, and the Supply of Vehicle Components in Britain, 1880 – 1930: The Growth of Joseph Lucas LTD, p. 226
Robert D. Cuff, An Organizational Perspective on the Military-Industrial Complex, p. 250

The Editor’s Corner, p. 268
Book Reviews, p. 271

a. 52, 1978, 1

Joseph A. Pratt, Growth or a Clean Environment? Responses to Petroleum-Related Pollution in the Gulf Coast Refining Region, p. 1
Ronald E. Seavoy, The Public Service Origins of the American Business Corporation, p. 30
Donald R. Adams Jr., Portfolio Management and Profitability in Early Nineteenth-Century Banking, p. 61
Joyce Appleby, The Purchasing Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism: A Review Article, p. 80

The Editor’s Corner, p. 91
Book Reviews, p. 98

a. 51, 1977, 4

Harold C. Livesay, Entrepreneurial Persistence Through the Bureaucratic Age, p. 415
Paul V. Black, Experiment in Bureaucratic Centralization: Employee Blacklisting on the Burlington Railroad, 1877 – 1892, p. 444
William J. Hausman, Size and Profitability of English Colliers in the Eighteenth Century, p. 460
Richard H. Keehn, Gene Smiley, Mortgage Lending by National Banks, p. 474

The Editor’s Corner, p. 492
Book Reviews, p. 495

a. 51, 1977, 3

Michael H. Hunt, Americans in the China Market: Economic Opportunities and Economic Nationalism, 1890s – 1931, p. 277
Edward P. Duggan, Machines, Markets, and Labor: the Carriage and Wagon Industry in Late-Nineteenth-Century Cincinnati, p. 308
Carl Gersuny, Work Injuries and Adversary Processes in two New England Textile Mills, p. 326
Randolph R. Resor, Rubber in Brazil: Dominance and Collapse, 1876 – 1945, p. 341

The Editor’s Corner, p. 367
Book Reviews, p. 375

a. 51, 1977, 2

Donald Quataert, Limited Revolution: The Impact of the Anatolian Railway on Turkish Transportation and the Provisioning Of Istanbul, 1890 – 1908, p. 139
Robert H. Zieger, Herbert Hoover, the Wage-Earner, and the “New Economic System”, 1919-1929, p. 161
Hugh Neuburger, The Industrial Politics of the “Kreditbanken”, 1880 – 1914, p. 190
Leonard S. Reich, Research, Patents, and the Struggle to Control a Study of Big Business and the Uses of Research, p. 208

The Editor’s Corner, p. 236
Book Reviews, p. 241

a. 51, 1977, 1

David J. Jeremy, Damming the Flood: British Government Efforts to Check the Outflow of Technicians and Machinery, 1780 – 1843, p. 1
Burton I. Kaufman, Oil and Antitrust: The Oil Cartel Case and the Cold War, p. 35
Jules R. Benjamin, The New Deal, Cuba, And The Rise of a Global Foreign Economic Policy, p. 57
Harry N. Scheiber, Stephen Salsbury, Reflections on George Rogers Taylor’s the “Transportation Revolution”, 1815-1860: A Twenty-Five Year Retrospect, p. 79
Fritz Redlich, Note: The Role of Private Banks in the Early Economy of the United States, p. 90

The Editor’s Corner, p. 94
Book Reviews, p. 98

a. 50, 1976, 4

Tony A. Freyer, Negotiable Instruments and the Federal Courts in Antebellum American Business, p. 435
Neal R. Shipley, Thomas Sutton: Tudor-Stuart Moneylender, p. 456
Frank Costigliola, The United States and the Reconstruction of Germany in the 1920s, p. 477
Robert Craig West, Real Bills. The Gold Standard, and Central Bank Policy, p. 503

The Editor’s Corner, p. 514
Book Reviews, p. 518

a. 50, 1976, 3

Charles R. Friedrichs, Early Capitalism and Its Enemies: The Wörner Family and the Weavers of Nördlingen, p. 265
Joyce Maynard Ghent, Frederic Cople Jaher, The Chicago Business Elite: 1830 – 1930. A Collective Biography, p. 288
Arnold A. Sherman, Pressure from Leadenhall: The East India Company Lobby, 1660 – 1678, p. 329
H. Peers Brewer, Eastern Money and Western Mortgages in the 1870s, p. 356

The Editor’s Corner, p. 381
Book Reviews, p. 384

a. 50, 1976, 2

Carl Gersuny, “A Devil in Petticoats” and Just Cause: Patterns of Punishment in Two New England Textile Factories, p. 131
William R. Doezema, Railroad Management and the Interplay of Federal and State Regulation, 1885 – 1916, p. 153
Albro Martin, James J. Hill and the First Energy Revolution: A Study in Entrepreneurship. 1865 – 1878, p. 179
John A. James, A Note on Interest Paid on New York Bankers’ Balances in the Postbellum Period, p. 198
Robert W. Clawson, An American Businessman in the Soviet Union: The Reimer Report, p. 203

The Editor’s Corner, p. 219
Book Reviews, p. 223

a. 50, 1976, 1

Thomas C. Marx, Technological Change and the Theory of the Firm: The American Locomotive Industry, 1920 – 1955, p. 1
Richard S. Tedlow, The National Association of Manufacturers and Public Relations during the New Deal, p. 25
Michael Massouh, Technological and Managerial Innovation: The Johnson Company. 1883 – 1898, p. 46
Hoyt N. Wheeler, Mountaineer Mine Wars: An Analysis of the West Virginia Mine Wars of 1912 – 1913 and 1920 – 1921, p. 69

The Editor’s Corner, p. 92
Book Reviews, p. 96

a. 49, 1975, 4

Gerald D. Feldman, Ulrich Nocken, Trade Associations and Economic Power: Interest Group Development in the German Iron and Steel and Machine Building Industries. 1900 – 1933, p. 413
Carlos Manuel Pelaez, The Establishment of Banking Institutions in a Backward Economy: Brazil. 1800 – 1851, p. 446
Paul Barrett, Public Policy and Private Choice: Mass Transit and the Automobile in Chicago Between the Wars, p. 473
Otto H. Reichardt, Industrial Concentration and World War II: A Note on the Aircraft Industry, p. 498

The Editor’s Corner, p. 504
Book Reviews, p. 506

a. 49, 1975, 3

Alan L. Olmstead, Mutual Saving Bank Depositors in New York, p. 287
Fred Bateman, Thomas Weiss, Market Structure before the Age of Big Business: Concentration and Profit in Early Southern Manufacturing, p. 312
Alastair J. Durie, Textile Bleaching: A Note on the Scottish Experience, p. 337
Jeremy Atack, Erik F. Haites, James Mark, Gary M. Walton, The Profitability of Steamboating on Western Rivers: 1850, p. 346

The Editor’s Corner, p. 355
Book Reviews, p. 362

a. 49, 1975, 2

Thomas K. Mc Craw, Regulation in America: A Review Article, p. 159
H. Thomas Johnson, Management Accounting in an Early Integrated Industrial: E. I. Du Pont De Nemours Powder Company. 1903 – 1912, p. 184
Neil K. Buxton, The Role of the “New” Industries in Britain during the 1930s: A Reinterpretation, p. 205
Gerald Sirkin, The Stock Market of 1929 Revisited: A Note, p. 223

The Editor’s Corner, p. 232
Book Reviews, p. 237

a. 49, 1975, 1

Thomas C. Cochran, Arthur Harrison Cole, 1889 – 1974, p. 1
G. A. Lee, The Concept of Profit in British Accounting, 1760 – 1900, p. 6
James A. Ward, Power and Accountability on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 1846 – 1878, p. 37
Evan B. Metcalf, Secretary Hoover and the Emergence of Macroeconomic Management, p. 60
Robert L. Rosenberg, QUM – 1956: A Misadventure in Iranian Oil, p. 81

The Editor’s Corner, p. 105
Book Reviews, p. 107

a. 48, 1974, 4

Stanley D. Chapman, The Textile Factory Before Arkwright: A Typology of Factory Development, p. 451
Daniel Nelson, Scientific Management, Systematic Management, and Labor, 1880 – 1915, p. 479
John R. Killick, Bolton Ogden & Co.: A Case Study in Anglo – American Trade, 1790 – 1850, p. 501
James B. Gilbert, Collectivism and Charles Steinmetz, p. 520

The Editor’s Corner, p. 541
Book Reviews, p. 544

a. 48, 1974, 3

Lawrence G. Franko, The Origins of Multinational Manufacturing by Continental European Firms, p. 277
John M. Stopford, The Origins of British-Based Multinational Manufacturing Enterprises, p. 303
John P. Mckay, Foreign Enterprise in Russian and Soviet Industry: A Long Term Perspective, p. 336
M. Y. Yoshino, The Multinational Spread of Japanese Manufacturing Investment Since World War II, p. 357
Charles P. Kindleberger, Origins of United States Direct Investment in France, p. 382
Mira Wilkins, Multinational Oil Companies in South America in the 1920s, p. 414

The Editor’s Corner, p. 447

a. 48, 1974, 2

Klaus H. Wolff, Textile Bleaching and the Birth of the Chemical Industry, p. 143
James H. Madison, The Evolution of Commercial Credit Reporting Agencies in Nineteenth-Century America, p. 164
Michael J. Hogan, Informal Entente: Public Policy and Private Management in Anglo-American Petroleum Affairs, 1918 – 1924, p. 187
William R. Petrowski, Kansas City to Denver to Cheyenne: Pacific Railroad Construction Costs and Profits, p. 206

The Editor’s Corner, p. 225
Book Reviews, p. 227

a. 48, 1974, 1

Richard H. Keehn, Federal Bank Policy. Bank Market Structure, and Bank Performance: Wisconsin, 1863 – 1914, p. 1
Hans Jaeger, Business History in Germany: A Survey of Recent Developments, p. 28
William Graebner, Great Expectations: The Search for Order in Bituminous Coal. 1890 – 1917, p. 49
Donald J. Morse, The Truman Administration and the Enlistment of the Aviation Industry in Postwar Defense, p. 73
Ronald W. Finale, A Note on the Economic Viability of the Erie Canal. 1825 – 1860, p. 95

The Editor’s Corner, p. 103
Book Reviews, p. 106

a. 47, 1973, 4

Vincent P. Carosso, The Wall Street Money Trust from Pujo Through Medina, p. 421
Kozo Yamamura, The Development of “Za” in Medieval Japan, p. 438
William H. Becker, American Manufacturers and Foreign Markets, 1870 – 1900: Business Historians and the “New Economic Determinists”, p. 466
Mansel G. Blackford, Banking and Bank Legislation in California, 1890 – 1915, p. 482

The Editor’s Corner, p. 508
Book Reviews, p. 512

a. 47, 1973, 3

Terence R. Gourvish, A British Business Elite: The Chief Executive Managers of the Railway Industry, 1850 – 1922, p. 289
Stuart Morris, Stalled Professionalism: The Recruitment of Railway Officials in the United States, 1885 – 1940, p. 317
N. Stephen Kane, Bankers and Diplomats: The Diplomacy of the Dollar in Mexico, 1921 – 1924, p. 335
Paul H. Giddens, Historical Origins of the Adoption of the Exxon Name and Trademark, p. 353

The Editor’s Corner, p. 367
Book Reviews, p. 372

a. 47, 1973, 2

Glenn Porter, Recent Trends in Canadian Business and Economic Financial History, p. 141
Christopher Armstrong, H. V. Nelles, Private Property in Peril: Ontario Businessmen and the Federal System, 1898 – 1911, p. 158
Michael Bliss, Another Anti-Trust Tradition: Canadian Anti-Combines Policy, 1889 – 1910, p. 177
T. W. Acheson, Changing Social Origins of the Canadian Industrial Elite, 1880 – 1910, p. 189
Stephen Scheinberg, Invitation to Empire: Tariffs and American Economic Expansion in Canada, p. 218
Patricia E. Roy, Direct Management from Abroad: The Formative Years of the British Columbia Electric Railway, p. 239
Alan Wilson, Maritime Business History: A Reconnaissance of Records, Sources, and Prospects, p. 260

The Editor’s Corner, p. 277
Book Reviews, p. 279

a. 47, 1973, 1

H. M. Gitelman, Perspectives on American Industrial Violence, p. 1
David J. Jeremy, British Textile Technology Transmission to the United States: The Philadelphia Region Experience, 1770 – 1820, p. 24
Norman Nordhauser, Origins of Federal Oil Regulation in the 1920’s, p. 53
Paul P. Abrahams, Brandeis and Lamont on Finance Capitalism, p. 72

The Editor’s Corner, p. 95
Book Reviews, p. 101

a. 46, 1972, 4

John Braeman, The New Deal and the “Broker State”: A Review of the Recent Scholarly Literature, p. 409
Stanley L. Engerman, The Slave Trade and British Capital Formation in the Eighteenth Century: A Comment on the Williams Thesis, p. 430
Burton I. Kaufman, Organization for Foreign Trade Expansion in the Mississippi Valley, 1900 – 1920, p. 444
H. Thomas Johnson, Early Cost Accounting for Internal Management Control: Lyman Mills in the 1850’s, p. 466

The Editor’s Corner, p. 475
Book Reviews, p. 480

a. 46, 1972, 3

Lloyd J. Mercer, Taxpayers or Investors: Who Paid for the Land-Grant Railroads?, p. 279
Jim F. Heath, American War Mobilization and the Use of Small Manufacturers, 1939 – 1943, p. 295
Wray Vamplew, Scottish Railways and the Development of Scottish Locomotive Building in the Nineteenth Century, p. 320
Robert Hessen, The Transformation of Bethlehem Steel, 1904 – 1909, p. 339

The Editor’s Corner, p. 361
Book Reviews, p. 366

a. 46, 1972, 2

Alfred D. Chandler Jr., Anthracite Coal and the Beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in the United States, p. 141
Peter Seaborn Smith, Petrobrás: The Politicizing of a State Company, 1953 – 1964, p. 182
Jon Didrichsen, The Development of Diversified and Conglomerate Firms in the United States, 1920 – 1970, p. 202
Maynabd Brichford, The Relationship of Records Management Activities to the Field of Business History, p. 220

The Editor’s Corner, p. 233
Book Reviews, p. 236

a. 46, 1972, 1

Daniel Nelson, Stuart Campbell, Taylorism Versus Welfare Work in American Industry: H. I. Gantt and the Bancrofts, p. 1
Burton I. Kaufman, The Organizational Dimension of United States Economic Foreign Policy, 1900 – 1920, p. 17
H. Craig Miner, The Cherokee Oil and Gas Co., 1889 – 1902: Indian Sovereignty and Economic Change, p. 45
Albert W. Niemi, Structural and Labor Productivity Patterns in United State Manufacturing, 1849 – 1899, p. 67
Ronald E. Seavoy, Laws to Encourage Manufacturing: New York Policy and the 1811 General Incorporation Statute, p. 85

The Editor’s Corner, p. 96
Book Reviews, p. 98

a. 45, 1971, 4

Edwin J. Perkins, Financing Antebellum Importers: The Role of Brown Bros. & Co. in Baltimore, p. 421
Noel H. Pugach, Standard Oil and Petroleum Development in Early Republican China, p. 452
Lynn Muchmore, The Project Literature: An Elizabethan Example, p. 474
Ira Cohen, The Auction System in the Port of New York, 1817 – 1837, p. 488

The Editor’s Corner, p. 511
Book Reviews, p. 514

a. 45, 1971, 3

Harold C. Livesay, Marketing Patterns in the Antebellum American Iron Industry, p. 269
Edward L. Bernays, Emergence of the Public Relations Counsel: Principles and Recollections, p. 296
David Bunting, Jeffery Barbour, Interlocking Directorates in Large American Corporations, 1896 – 1964, p. 317
David J. Jeremy, British and American Yarn Count Systems: An Historical Analysis, p. 336

The Editor’s Corner, p. 369
Book Reviews, p. 372

a. 45, 1971, 2

Jurgen Kocka, Family and Bureaucracy in German Industrial Management, 1850-1914: Siemens in Comparative Perspective, p. 133
Thomas W. Blomquist, Commercial Association in Thirteenth-Century Lucca, p. 157
William H. Becker, American Wholesale Hardware Trade Associations, 1870 – 1900, p. 179
David O. Whitten, A Black Entrepreneur in Antebellum Louisiana, p. 201

The Editor’s Corner, p. 220
Book Reviews, p. 223

a. 45, 1971, 1

Fred Bateman, James D. Foust, Thomas J. Weiss, Large-Scale Manufacturing in the South and West, 1850 – 1860, p. 1
Richard J. Arnould, Changing Patterns of Concentration in American Meat Packing, 1880 – 1963, p. 18
Larry Neal, Trust Companies and Financial Innovation, 1897 – 1914, p. 35
Erik F. Haites, James Mak, Steamboating on the Mississippi, 1810 – 1860: A Purely Competitive Industry, p. 52
Albert W. Niemi Jr., Structural Shifts in Southern Manufacturing, 1849 – 1899, p. 79

The Editor’s Corner, p. 85
Book Reviews, p. 89