The Economic history review DATINI

The Economic History review

London, poi Oxford, poi Cambridge, Economic history society
semestrale; dal 1949/50 quadrimestrale, dal 1971 trimestrale
ISSN: 0013-0117
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia Coll. Riv. Str. 0060
Consistenza: n. 1, 1927/28-
Lacune: a. 6, 1935-36; a. 15, 1946, 2;

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche Coll. Riv. Str. 0306
Consistenza: n. 24, 1971-n. 54, 2001

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1927 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 63, 2010, 4

Max Hantke, Mark Spoerer, The imposed gift of Versailles: the fiscal effects of restricting the size of Germany’s armed forces, 1924-9, p. 849
Nuala Zahedieh, Regulation, rent-seeking, and the Glorious Revolution in the English Atlantic economy, p. 865
A. J. Christopher, Occupational classification in the South African census before ISCO-581, p. 891
Alysa Levene, Parish apprenticeship and the old poor law in London, p. 915
Julie Marfany, Is it still helpful to talk about proto-industrialization? Some suggestions from a Catalan case study, p. 942
R. W. Hoyle, Famine as agricultural catastrophe: the crisis of 1622-4 in east Lancashire, p. 974
Andrew Dilley, ‘The rules of the game’: London finance, Australia, and Canada, c.1900-14, p. 1003
Daniel Vickers, Errors expected: the culture of credit in rural New England, 1750-1800, p. 1032
John Oldland, The allocation of merchant capital in early Tudor London, p. 1058
Pamela Nightingale, Gold, credit, and mortality: distinguishing deflationary pressures on the late medieval English economy, p. 1081
Peter Scott, James Walker, Advertising, promotion, and the competitive advantage of interwar British department stores, p. 1105

List of publications, p. 1129

a. 63, 2010, 3

Theo Balderston, The economics of abundance: coal and cotton in Lancashire and the world, p. 569
Gijs Rommelse, The role of mercantilism in Anglo-Dutch political relations, 1650-74, p. 591
William C. Baer, Stuart London’s standard of living: re-examining the Settlement of Tithes of 1638 for rents, income, and poverty, p. 612
Bruno Blondé,Ilja Van Damme, Retail growth and consumer changes in a declining urban economy: Antwerp (1650-1750), p. 638
Karine Van Der Beek, Political fragmentation, competition, and investment decisions: the medieval grinding industry in Ponthieu, France, 1150-1250, p. 664
Jonas Hjort, Pre-colonial culture, post-colonial economic success? The Tswana and the African economic miracle, p. 688
Jan De Vries, The limits of globalization in the early modern world, p. 710
Peter Maw, Yorkshire and Lancashire ascendant: England’s textile exports to New York and Philadelphia, 1750-1805, p. 734
M. D. Mar Rubio César Yáñez, Mauricio Folchi, Albert Carreras, Energy as an indicator of modernization in Latin America, 1890-1925, p. 769

Book reviews, p. 805

a. 63, 2010, 2

Bruce M. S. Campbell, Nature as historical protagonist: environment and society in pre-industrial England, p. 281

Gilles Postel-Vinay, David E. Sahn, Explaining stunting in nineteenth-century France, p. 315
Thomas Nutt, Illegitimacy, paternal financial responsibility, and the 1834 Poor Law Commission Report: the myth of the old poor law and the making of the new, p. 335
R. C. Nash, South Carolina indigo, European textiles, and the British Atlantic economy in the eighteenth century, p. 362
Stephen H. Rigby, Urban population in late medieval England: the evidence of the lay subsidies, p. 393
Ewout Frankema, The colonial roots of land inequality: geography, factor endowments, or institutions?, p. 418
Dorothee Crayen, Joerg Baten, New evidence and new methods to measure human capital inequality before and during the industrial revolution: France and the US in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, p. 452
Anthony B. Atkinson, Brian Nolan, The changing distribution of earnings in Ireland, 1937 to 1968, p. 479
Harald Edquist, Does hedonic price indexing change our interpretation of economic history? Evidence from Swedish electrification, p. 500

Book reviews, p. 524

a. 63, 2010, 1

Tine De Moor, Jan Luiten Van Zanden, Girl power: the European marriage pattern and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period, p. 1

Germà Bel, Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany, p. 34
Michael Pokorny, John Sedgwick, Profitability trends in Hollywood, 1929 to 1999: somebody must know something, p. 56
Helen Doe, Waiting for her ship to come in? The female investor in nineteenth-century sailing vessels, p. 85
Lutz Budrass, Jonas Scherner, Jochen Streb, Fixed-price contracts, learning, and outsourcing: explaining the continuous growth of output and labour productivity in the German aircraft industry during the Second World War, p. 107
Paolo Di Martino, Michelangelo Vasta, Companies’ insolvency and ‘the nature of the firm’ in Italy, 1920s-70s, p. 137
Elise Van Nederveen Meerkerk, Market wage or discrimination? The remuneration of male and female wool spinners in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic, p. 165

Review of periodical literature, p. 187

a. 62, 2009, 4

Sviatoslav Dmitriev, The rise and quick fall of the theory of ancient economic imperialism, p. 785

Peter Scott, Mr Drage, Mr Everyman, and the creation of a mass market for domestic furniture in interwar Britain, p. 802
Akihito Suzuki, Measles and the spatio-temporal structure of modern Japan, p. 828
Indrajit Ray, Identifying the woes of the cotton textile industry in Bengal: tales of the nineteenth century, p. 857
A. W. Carus, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Turning qualitative into quantitative evidence: a well-used method made explicit, p. 893
Julian Goodare, The debts of James VI of Scotland, p. 926

Annual List of publications, p. 953
Book reviews, p. 1003

a. 62, 2009, 3

Robert C. Allen, Agricultural productivity and rural incomes in England and the Yangtze Delta, c.1620-c.1820, p. 525
Maria Alejandra Irigoin, Gresham on horseback: the monetary roots of Spanish American political fragmentation in the nineteenth century, p. 551
Paul Slack, Material progress and the challenge of affluence in seventeenth-century England, p. 576
Erik Lindberg, Club goods and inefficient institutions: why Danzig and Lübeck failed in the early modern period, p. 604
Gayle Davis, Stillbirth registration and perceptions of infant death, 1900-60: the Scottish case in national context, p. 629
Kevin H. O’rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, Did Vasco da Gama matter for European markets?, p. 655
Alessandro Nuvolari, Bart Verspagen, Technical choice, innovation, and British steam engineering, 1800-50, p. 685
E. A. Wrigley, Rickman revisited: the population growth rates of English counties in the early modern period, p. 711

Book reviews, p. 736

a. 62, 2009, 2

George R. Boyer, Timothy P. Schmidle, Poverty among the elderly in late Victorian England, p. 249
Stephen Broadberry, Bishnupriya Gupta, Lancashire, India, and shifting competitive advantage in cotton textiles, 1700-1850: the neglected role of factor prices, p. 279
Fernando Collantes, Rural Europe reshaped: the economic transformation of upland regions, 1850-2000, p. 306
David Greasley, Les Oxley, The pastoral boom, the rural land market, and long swings in New Zealand economic growth, 1873-1939, p. 324
Elaine S. Tan, Market structure and the coal cartel in early nineteenth-century England, p. 350
Robert Lewis, Industrial districts and manufacturing linkages: Chicago’s printing industry, 1880-1950, p. 366
Adam Fox, Sir William Petty, Ireland, and the making of a political economist, 1653-87, p. 388
Siân Pooley, Domestic servants and their urban employers: a case study of Lancaster, 1880-1914, p. 405
Mark Bailey, Villeinage in England: a regional case study, c.1250-c.1349, p. 430
Jane Humphries, Tim Leunig, Cities, market integration, and going to sea: stunting and the standard of living in early nineteenth-century England and Wales, p. 458

Book review, p. 479

a. 62, 2009, 1, Special issue


Jane Humphies, Steve Hindle, Editor’s Introduction, p. 1

Anne L. Murphy, Trading options before Black-Scholes: a study of the market in late seventeenth-century London, p. 8
David Chambers, Gentlemnly capitalism revisited: a case study of the underpricing of initial public offerings on the London Stock Exchange, p. 31
Stuart Sweeney, Indian railroading: floating companies in the late nineteenth century, p. 57
Valerio Cerretano, The Treasury, Britain’s postwar reconstrution, and the industrial intervention of the Bank of England, 1921-9, p. 80
Stefano Battilossi, Did governance fail universal banks? Moral hazard, risck taking, and banking crises in interwar Italy, p. 101
Frans Buelens, Stefaan Marysse, Returns on investiments during the colonial era: the case of the Belgian Congo, p. 135
John D. Turner, Wider share ownership? : investors in English and Welsh Bank shares in the nineteenth century, p. 167

a. 62, 2009, 1

Tine De Moor, Avoiding tragedies: a Flemish common and its commoners under the pressure of social and economic change during the eighteenth century, p. 1
Jari Eloranta, Rent seeking and collusion in the military allocation decisions of Finland, Sweden, and Great Britain, 1920-38, p. 23
Joan R. Rosés, Subcontracting and vertical integration in the Spanish cotton industry, p. 45
Scott Newton, The two sterling crises of 1964 and the decision not to devalue, p. 73
Frans W. A. Van Poppel, Hendrik P. Van Dalen, Evelien Walhout, Diffusion of a social norm: tracing the emergence of the housewife in the Netherlands, 1812-1922, p. 99
Dan Bogart, Turnpike trusts and property income: new evidence on the effects of transport improvements and legislation in eighteenth-century England, p. 128

Review of periodical, p. 153

a. 61, 2008, 4

Astrid Kander, Is it simply getting worse? Agriculture and Swedish greenhouse gas emissions over 200 years, p. 773
Nigel Goose, Cottage industry, migration, and marriage in nineteenth-century England, p. 798
A. Bielenberg, What happened to Irish industry after the British industrial revolution? Some evidence from the first UK Census of Production in 1907, p. 820
Nicholas Crafts, Timothy Leunig, Abay Mulatu, Were British railway companies well managed in the early twentieth century?, p. 842
Jonas Scherner, The beginnings of Nazi autarky policy: the ‘National Pulp Programme’ and the origin of regional staple fibre plants, p. 867
Bruce M. S. Campbell, Benchmarking medieval economic development: England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, c.1290, p. 896

Corrigendum, p. 946
List of publications in 2007, p. 949
Book reviews, p. 996

a. 61, 2008, 3

Peter Temin, Hans-Joachim Voth, Private borrowing during the financial revolution: Hoare’s Bank and its customers, 1702-24, p. 541
Anne Laurence, The emergence of a private clientele for banks in the early eighteenth century: Hoare’s Bank and some women customers, p. 565
Gareth Austin, Resources, techniques, and strategies south of the Sahara: revising the factor endowments perspective on African economic development, 1500-2000, p. 587
Trevor Griffiths, Philip Hunt, Patrick O’brien, Scottish, Irish, and imperial connections: Parliament, the three kingdoms, and the mechanization of cotton spinning in eighteenth-century Britain, p. 625
Ian Gazeley, Women’s pay in British industry during the Second World War, p. 651
Alexander J. Field, The impact of the Second World War on US productivity growth, p. 672
Roy Church, Salesmen and the transformation of selling in Britain and the US in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, p. 695

Book reviews, p. 726

a. 61, 2008, Special Issue


Steve Hindle, Jane Humphries, Feeding the masses: plenty, want and the distribution of food and drink in historical perspective. Editors’ introduction, p. 4

Cormac Ó Gráda, The ripple that drowns? Twentieth-century famines in China and India as economic history, p. 5
Phillipp R. Schofield, The social economy of the medieval village in the early fourteenth century, p. 38
Steve Hindle, Dearth and the English revolution: the harvest crisis of 1647-50, p. 64
Stephen Hipkin, The structure, development, and politics of the Kent grain trade, 1552-1647, p. 99
Mette Ejrnæs, Karl Gunnar Persson And Søren Rich, Feeding the British: convergence and market efficiency in the nineteenth-century grain trade, p. 140
Anne E. C. Mccants, Poor consumers as global consumers: the diffusion of tea and coffee drinking in the eighteenth century, p. 172

a. 61, 2008, 2

Judith Spicksley, Usury legislation, cash, and credit: the development of the female investor in the late Tudor and Stuart periods, p. 277
Alan Gillie, Identifying the poor in the 1870s and 1880s, p. 302
Michael Huberman, Ticket to trade: Belgian labour and globalization before 1914, p. 326
J. L. Bolton, Francesco Guidi Bruscoli, When did Antwerp replace Bruges as the commercial and financial centre of north-western Europe? The evidence of the Borromei ledger for 1438, p. 360
H. M. Boot, J. H. Maindonald, New estimates of age- and sex-specific earnings and the male-female earnings gap in the British cotton industry, 1833-1906, p. 380
Neil Rollings, Matthias Kipping, Private transnational governance in the heyday of the nation-state: the Council of European Industrial Federations (CEIF), p. 409
N. Draper, The City of London and slavery: evidence from the first dock companies, 1795-1800, p. 432
Alun Howkins, Nicola Verdon, Adaptable and sustainable? Male farm service and the agricultural labour force in midland and southern England, c.1850-1925, p. 467

Book reviews, p. 496

a. 61, 2008, 1

Jordi Domenech, Labour market adjustment a hundred years ago: the case of the Catalan textile industry, 1880-1913, p. 1
Patrick Wallis, Consumption, retailing, and medicine in early-modern London, p. 26
Wray Vamplew, Successful workers or exploited labour? Golf professionals and professional golfers in Britain 1888-1914, p. 54
Richard Hayman, Charcoal ironmaking in nineteenth-century Shropshire, p. 80
Peter Scott, Did owner-occupation lead to smaller families for interwar working-class households?, p. 99
Geoffrey Jones, Blonde and blue-eyed? Globalizing beauty, c.1945-c.1980, p. 125

S. R. Epstein, Craft guilds in the pre-modern economy: a discussion, p. 155
Sheilagh Ogilvie, Rehabilitating the guilds: a reply, p. 175

Review of Periodical Literature, p. 186
Book reviews, p. 231

a. 60, 2007, 4

Sheilagh Ogilvie, ‘Whatever is, is right’? Economie institutions in pre-industrial Europe, p. 649-684

Natasha Glaisyer, Calculating credibility: print culture, trust and economie figures in early eighteenth-century England, p. 685-711
Jaime Reis, An ‘art’ not a ‘science’? Central bank management in Portugal under the gold standard, 1863-87, p. 712-741

Gary S. Shea, Financial market analysis can go mad (in the search for irrational behaviour during the South Sea Bubble), p. 742-765
Richard Dale, Johnnie E. V. Johnson, Leilei Tang, Pitfalls in the quest for South Sea rationality, p. 766-772

Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Catherine Wright, List of publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland published in 2006, p. 773-826

Book Reviews, p. 827-876
Index volume 60 2007

a. 60, 2007, 3

Samuel Cohn, After the Black Death: labour legislation and attitudes towards labour in late-medieval western Europe, p. 457-485
Michael J. Oliver, Arran Hamilton, Downhill from devaluation: The battle for sterling, 1968-72, p. 486-512
T. K. Dennison, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Serfdom and social capital in Bohemia and Russia, p. 513-544
Ian Mitchell, The changing role offairs in the long eighteenth century: evidence from the north midlands, p. 545-573
John C. Brown, Timothy W. Guinnane, Regions and time in the European fertility transition: problems in the Princeton Project’s statistical methodology, p. 574-595

Book Reviews, p. 596

a. 60, 2007, 2

Anne Booth, Night watchman, extractive, or developmental states? Some evidence from late colonial south-east Asia, p. 241-266
William N. Goetzmann, Andrey D. Ukhov, Ning Zhu, China and the world financial markets 1870-1939: Modern lessons from historical globalization, p. 267-312
David Kessler, Peter Temin, The organization of the grain trade in the early Roman Empire, p. 313-332
Liam Brunt, Where there’s muck, there’s brass: the market for manure in the industrial revolution, p. 333-372
Robert Woods, Ancient and early modern mortality: experience and understanding, p. 373-399

Book Reviews, p. 400

a. 60, 2007, 1

Glen O’Hara, Towards a new Bradshaw? Economic statistics and the British state in the 1950s and 1960s, p. 1-34
E. A. Wrigley, English county populations in the later eighteenth century, p. 35-69
Graham Brownlow, The causes and consequences of rent-seeking in Northern Ireland, 1945-72, p. 70-96
Gregory Clark, The long march of history: Farm wages, population, and economic growth, England 1209-1869, p. 97-135

David Pratt, p. R. Schofield, Henry French, Peter Kirby, Mark Freeman And Julian Greaves, And Hugh Pemberton, p. 136-189

Book Reviews, p. 190

a. 59, 2006, 4

John Hatcher, A. J. Piper, David Stone, Monastic mortality: Durham Priory, 1395-1529, p. 667-687
Joyce Burnette, How skilled were English agricultural labourers in the early nineteenth century?, p. 688-716
Peter M. Solar, Shipping and economie development in nineteenth-century Ireland, p. 717-742
Anthony Webster, The strategies and limits of gentlemanly capitalism: the London East India agency houses, provincial commerciai interests, and the evolution of British economie policy in South and South East Asia 1800-50, p. 743-764
Marcelo De Paiva Abreu, Brazil as a debtor, 1824-1931, p. 765-787

Annual list of pubblications in 2005, p. 788
Book reviews, p. 839

a. 59, 2006, 2

E. A. Wrigley, The transition to an advanced organic economy: halfa millennium of English agriculture, p. 435
Mais Olsson, Manorial economy and corvee labour in southern Sweden 1650-1850, p. 481
Ann M. Carlos, Larry Neal, The micro-foundations of the early London capitai market: Bank of England shareholders during and after the South Sea Bubble, 1720-25, p. 498
Gary B. Magee, Andrew S. Thompson, ‘Lines of creditr, debts of obligation’: migrant remittances to Britain, c. 1875-1913, p. 539
John Welshman, The concept of the unemployable, p. 578

Timothy Leunig, Hans-Joachim Voth, Comment on ‘Seat of Death and Terror’, p. 607
Deborah Oxley, ‘Pitted but not pitied’ or, does smallpox moke you small?, p. 617

Book Reviews, p. 636

a. 59, 2006, 2

Martin Rorke, English and Scottish overseas trade, 1300-1600, p. 265-288
Paul Warde, Subsistence and sales: the peasant economy of Wùrttemberg in the early seventeenth century, p. 289-319
Graeme G. Acheson, John D. Turner, The impact of limited liability on ownership and control: Irish banking, 1877-1914, p. 320-346
Jochen Streb, Jörg Baten, Shuxi Yin, Technological and geographical knowledge spillover in the German empire 1877-1918, p. 347-373
Tetsuji Okazaki, ‘Voice’ and ‘exit’ in Japanese firms during the Second World War: Sanpo revisited, p. 374-395

Book Reviews, p. 220

a. 59, 2006, 1

Editorial, p. 1

Stephen Broadberry, Bishnupriya Gupta, The early modern great divergence: wages, prices and economie development in Europe and Asia, 1500-1800, p. 2-31

Tom Arkell, Illuminations and distortions: Gregory King’s Scheme calculated far the year 1688 and the social structure of later Stuart England, p. 32-69 Niall Ferguson, Politicai risk. and the international bond market between the 1848 revolution and the outbreak of the First World War, p. 70-112 Andrei Markevich, Mark Harrison, Quality, experience, and monopoly: the Soviet market far weapons under Stalin, p. 113-142 Martin Chick, The marginalist approach and the making of fuel policy in France and Britain, 1945-72, p. 143-167

Review of Periodical Literature, p. 168
Book Reviews, p. 220

a. 58, 2005, 4

Chris Briggs, Taxation, warfare, and the early fourteenth century ‘crisis’ in the north: Cumberland lay subsidies, 1332-1348, p. 639
David Eltis, Frank D. Lewis, David Richardson, Slave prices, the African slave trade, and productivity in the Caribbean, 1674-1807, p. 673
J. K. J. Thomson, Explainin the ‘take-off’ ot the Catalan industry, p. 701
Namsuk Kim, John Joseph Wallis, The market for American state government bonds in Britain and the United States, 1830-43, p. 736
Pablo Astorga, Ame R. Berges, Valpy Fitzgerald, The standard of living in Latin America during the twentieth century, p. 765

Annual list of pubblications in 2004, p. 797
Book reviews, p. 832

a. 58, 2005, 3

John Munro, Spanish merino wools and the nouvelles draperies: an industrial trasformation in the late medieval Low Countries, p. 431
Samantha Williams, Poor relief, labourers’ households and living standards in rural England c. 1770-1834: a Bedfordshire case study, p. 485
Ingrid Henriksen, Kevin H. O’Rourke, Incentives, technology, and the shift to year-round dairying in late nineteenth-century Denmark, p. 520
Jim Tomlinson, Managing the economy, Managing the people: Britain c. 1931-70, p. 555

Note, p. 586
Book reviews, p. 596

a. 58, 2005, 2

Richard S. Dale, Johnnie E. V. Johnson, Leilei Tang, Financial markets can go mad: evidence of irrational behaviour during the South Sea Bubble, p. 233
Frans Van Poppel, Marianne Jonker, Kees Mandemakers, Differential infant ald child mortality in three Dutch regions, 1812-1909, p. 272
Gerben Bakker, The decline adn fall of the European film industry, sunk costs, market size, and market structure, 1890-1927, p. 310
Michael French, Commercials, careers, and culture: Travelling salesmen in Britain, 1890s-1930s, p. 352
Sean O’Connell, Chris Reid, Working-class consumer credit in the UK, 1925-60: the role of the check trader, p. 378

Book Reviews, p. 406

a. 58, 2005, 1

Peter King, The production and consumption of bar iron in early modern England and Wales, p. 1
Joerg Baten, Rainer Schulz, Making profits in wartime: corporate profits, inequality, and GDP in Germany during the First World War, p. 34
Peter J. Atkins, Fattening children or fattening farmers? School milk in Britain, 1921-1941, p. 57
John Sedgwick, Michael Pokorny, The film business in the United States and Britain during the 1930s, p. 79
Geoffrey Jones, Peter Miskell, European integration and corporate restructuring: the strategy of Unilever, c. 1957-c. 1990, p. 113

Review of Periodical Literature, p. 140
Book Reviews, p. 196

a. 57, 2004, 4

Paul Slack, Measuring the national wealth in seventeenth-century England, p. 607
Eugene N. White, From privatized to government-administered tax collection: tax farming in eighteenth-century France, p. 636
Joyce Burnette, The wages and employment of female day-labourers in English agriculture, 1740-1850, p. 664
David Clayton, The consumption of radio broadcast technologies in Hong Kong, c. 1930-1960, p. 691

Annual list of publications in 2003, p. 727
Book Reviews, p. 772

a. 57, 2004, 3

Giovanni Federico, Paolo Malanima, Progress, decline, growth: product and productivity in Italian agriculture, 1000-2000, p. 437
James Davis, Baking for the common good: a reassessment of the assize of bread in medieval England, p. 465
Bas J. P. Van Bavel, Jan Luiten Van Zanden, The jump-start of the Holland economy during the late-medieval crisis, c. 1350-c. 1500, p. 503
Francesca Carnevali, ‘Crooks, thieves, and receivers’: transaction costs in nineteenth-century industrial Birmingham, p. 533
Catherine R. Schenk, The empire strikes back: Hong Kong and the decline of sterling in the 1960s, p. 551

Book Reviews, p. 581

a. 57, 2004, 2

Ben Dodds, Estimating arable output Durham Priory tithe receipts, 1341-1450, p. 245
Sheilagh Ogilvie, Guilds, efficiency, and social capital: evidence from German proto-industry, p. 286
David R. Stead, Risk and risk management in English agriculture, c. 1750-1850, p. 334
Frank Geary, Tom Stark, Trends in real wages during the industrial revolution: a view from across the Irish Sea, p. 362
Peter Howlett, The internal labour dynamics of the Great Eastern Railway Company, 1870-1913, p. 396

Book Reviews, p. 423

a. 57, 2004, 1

Pamela Nightingale, The lay subsidies and the distribution of wealth in medieval England, 1275-1334, p. 1
Liam Brunt, Edmund Cannon, The Irish grain trade from the Famine to the First World War, p. 33
James Simpson, Selling to recluctant drinkers: the British wine market, 1860-1914, p. 80
Peter Scott, Peter Walsh, Patterns and determinants of manufacturing plant location in interwar London, p. 109
Sarah Stockwell, Trade, empire, and the fiscal context of imperial business during decolonization, p. 142

Review of Periodical Literature, p. 161
Book Reviews, p. 221

a. 56, 2003, 4

H. R. French, R. W. Hoyle, English individualism refuted-and reasserted: the land market of Earls Colne (Essex), 1550-1750, p. 595
Deborah Oxley, ‘The seat of death and terror’: urbanization, stunting, and smallpox, p. 623
Roger Burt, Freemasonry and business networking during the Victorian period, p. 657
Andrew Thompson, Gary Magee, A soft touch? British industry, empire markets, and the self-governing dominions, c. 1870-1914, p. 689

Stephen Broadberry, Nicholas Crafts, UK productivity performance from 1950 to 1979: a restatement of the Broadberry-Crafts view, p. 718
Alan Booth, The Broadberry-Crafts view and the evidence: a reply, p. 736

Annual list of publications in 2002, p. 743
Book Reviews, p. 788

a. 56, 2003, 3

Robert C. Allen, Progress and poverty in early modern Europe, p. 403
Liam Brunt, Mechanical innovation in the industrial revolution: the case of plough design, p. 444
George Selgin, Steam, hot air, and small change: Matthew Boulton and the reform of Britain’s coinage, p. 478
David R. Green, Alastair Owens, Gentlewomanly capitalism? Spinsters, widows, and wealth holding in England and Wales, c. 1800-1860, p. 510
Christine Macleod, Jennifer Tann, James Andrew, Jeremy Stein, Evaluating inventive activity: the cost of nineteenth-century UK patents and the fallibility of renewal data, p. 537

Book Reviews, p. 563

a. 56, 2003, 2

François Crouzet, The historiography of French economic growth in the nineteenth century, p. 215

John S. Lee, Feeding the colleges: Cambridge’s food and fuel supplies, 1450-1560, p. 243
Liam Brunt, Rehabilitating Arthur Young, p. 265
W. G. Huff, Monetization and financial development in Southeast Asia before the Second World War, p. 300

Comments and Replies, p. 346
Book Reviews, p. 369

a. 56, 2003, 1

Alan Booth, The manufacturing failure hypothesis and the performance of British industry during the long boom, p. 1

H. M. Dunsford, S. J. Harris, Colonization of the wasteland in County Durham, 1100-1400, p. 34
W. Fritschy, A ‘financial revolution’ revisited: public finance in Holland during the Dutch Revolt, 1568-1648, p. 57
Timothy Leunig, A British industrial success: productivity in the Lancashire and New England cotton-spinning industries a century ago, p. 90

Comments and Replies, p. 118
Review of Periodical Literature, p. 131
Book Reviews, p. 181

a. 55, 2002, 4

Junichi Kanzaka, Villein rents in thirteenth-century England: an analysis of the Hundred Rolls of 1279-1280, p. 593
Jan Lutten Van Zanden, The ‘revolt of the early modernists’ and the ‘first modern economy’: an assessment, p. 619
Chris Evans, Owen Jackson, Goran Rydén, Baltic iron and the British iron industry in the eighteenth century, p. 642
Alan G. Green, Mary Mackinnon, Chris Minns, Dominion or Republic? Migrants to North America from the United Kingdom, 1870-1910, p. 666
David Greasley, Les Oxley, Regime shift and fast recovery on the periphery: New Zealand in the 1930s, p. 697

Annual list of Publications in 2001, p. 721
Book Reviews, p. 760

a. 55, 2002, 3

Theo Barker, p. V

Mark Harrison, Coercion, compliance, and the collapse the Soviet command economy, p. 397

S. D. Smith, Merchants and planters revisited, p. 434
H. V. Bowen, Sinews of trade and empire: the supply of commodity exports to the East India Company during the late eighteenth century, p. 466
Timothy W. Guinnane, Cormac ó Gráda, Mortality in the North Dublin Union during the Great Famine, p. 487
Tirthankar Roy, Acceptance of innovations in early twentieth-century Indian weaving, p. 507
Martin Gorsky, John Mohan, Martin Powell, The financial health of voluntary hospitals in interwar Britain, p. 533

Book Reviews, p. 558

a. 55, 2002, 2

Nils Hybel, The grain trade in northern Europe before 1350, p. 219
Glyn Redworth, Philip I of England, embezzlement, and the quantity theory of Money, p. 248
K. D. M. Snell, English rural societies and geographical marital endogamy, 1700-1837, p. 262
Nicola Verdon, The rural labour market in the early nineteenth century: women’s and children’s employment, family income, and the 1834 Poor Law Report, p. 299
Valery Lazarev, Paul R. Gregory, The wheels of a command economy: allocating Soviet vehicles, p. 324

Book Reviews, p. 349

a. 55, 2002, 1

Maxine Berg, From imitation to invention: creating commodities in eighteenth-century Britain, p. 1

Colin Smith, The wholesale and retail markets of London, 1660-1840, p. 31
Stephen Broadberry, Andrew Marrison, External economies of scale in the Lancashire cotton industry,
, p. 51
Peter Scott, Towards the ‘cult of the equity’? Insurance companies and the interwar capital market, p. 78
Byung-Yeon Kim, Causes of repressed inflation in the Soviet consumer market, 1965-1989, p. 105

R. H. Britnell, Steve Hindle, R. C. Nash, Roger Middleton, p. 128

Book Reviews, p. 186

a. 54, 2001, 4

Martin Allen, The volume of the English currency, 1158-1470, p. 595

David Stone, Medieval farm management and technological mentalities: Hinderclay before the Black Death, p. 612
Ben Baack, Forging a nation state: the Continental Congress and the financing of the War of American Independence, p. 639
Robin Pearson, David Richardson, Business networking in the industrial revolution, p. 657
Paul Hudson, English emigration to New Zealand, 1839-1850: information diffusion and marketing a new world, p. 680
Robert Millward, Frances Bell, Infant mortality in Victorian Britain: the mother as medium, p. 699

Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Michael Partridge, Annual list of publications in 2000, p. 734

Book reviews, p. 771

a. 54, 2001, 3

S. J. Payling, The economics of marriage in late medieval England: the marriage of heiresses, p. 413
Sheilagh Ogilvie, The economic world of the Bohemian serf: economic concepts, preferences, and constraints on the estate of Friedland, 1583-1692, p. 430
Sthephen D. Behrendt, David Eltis, David Richardson, The costs of coercion: African agency in the pre-modern Atlantic world, p. 454
Gregory Clarck, Farm wages and living standards in the industrial revolution: England, 1670-1869, p. 477
T. G. Burnard, ‘Prodigious riches’: the wealth of Jamaica before the American Revolution, p. 506
Susannah Morris, Market solutions for social problems: working-class housing in nineteenth-century London, p. 525

Book reviews, p. 546

a. 54, 2001, 2

Barbara Harvey, Jim Oeppen, Patterns of morbidity in late medieval England: a sample from Westminster Abbey, p. 215
E. H. Hunt, S. J. Pam, Managerial failure in late Victorian Britain?: land use and English agricolture, p. 240
A. J. Arnold, ‘Riches beyond the dreams of avarice’?: commercial returns on British warship construction, 1889-1914, p. 267
W. J. Huff, Entitlements, destitution, and emigration in the 1930s Singapore great depression, p. 290
A. O. Ritschl, Nazi economic imperialism and the exploitation of the small: evidence from Germany’s secret foreign exchange balances, 1938-1940, p. 324
Alan Booth, New revisionists and the Keynesian era in British economic policy, p. 346

Book reviews, p. 367

a. 54, 2001, 1

R. H. Britnell, Specialization of work in England, 1100-1300, p. 1

Evan T. Jones, Illicit business: accounting for smuggling in mid-sixteenth-century Bristol, p. 17
Laurence Fontaine, Antonio and Shylock: credit and trust in France, c. 1680-c. 1780, p. 39
Javier Cuenca Esteban, The British balance of payments, 1772-1820: India transfers and war finance, p. 58
Timothy J. Hatton, Roy E. Bailey, Women’s work in census and survey, 1911-1931, p. 87

Peter Razzel, Did smallpox reduce height? A final comment, p. 108
Timothy Leunig, Hans-Joachim Voth, Smallpox really did reduce height: a reply to Razzell, p. 110

Review of periodical literature, 1999, p. 115
Book reviews, p. 175