The Economic history review DATINI

The Economic History review

London, poi Oxford, poi Cambridge, Economic history society
semestrale; dal 1949/50 quadrimestrale, dal 1971 trimestrale
ISSN: 0013-0117

Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia Coll. Riv. Str. 0060
Consistenza: n. 1, 1927/28-
Lacune: a. 6, 1935-36; a. 15, 1946, 2;

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche Coll. Riv. Str. 0306
Consistenza: n. 24, 1971-n. 54, 2001

[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1991 ] [ 1990-1981 ] [ 1980-1971 ] [ 1970-1961 ] [ 1960-1951 ] [ 1950-1941 ] [ 1940-1927 ]

copertina della rivista

a. 53, 2000, 4

Roy Church, Advertising consumer goods in nineteenth-century Britain: reinterpretations, p. 621
Stephen Hipkin, Tenant farming and short-term leasing on Romney Marsh, 1587-1705, p. 646
Margaret Spufford, The cost of apparel in seventeenth-century England and the accuracy of Gregory King, p. 677
Pat Hudson, Steve King, Tew textile townships, c. 1660-1820: a comparative demographic analysis, p. 706
Patricia L. Garside, The impact of philanthropy: housing provision and the Sutton Model Dwellings Trust, 1900-1939, p. 742
Julia A. Smith, Land ownership and social change in late nineteenth-century Britain, p. 767
Tom Nicholas, Businessmen and land ownership in the late nineteenth century revisited, p. 777

Annual List of Publications in 1999, p. 783
Book reviews, p. 821

a. 53, 2000, 3

Hugh Cunningham, The decline of child labour: labour markets and family economies in Europe and North America since 1830, p. 409
Maryanne Kowaleski, The expansion of the south-western fisheries in late medieval England, p. 429
Jeremy Boulton, Food prices and the standard of living in London in the ‘century of revolution’, 1580-1700, p. 455
Pierre Claude Reynard, Manifacturing quality in the pre-industríal age: finding value in diversity, p. 493
Timothy J. Hatton, Roy E. Bailey, Seebohm Rowntree and the postwar poverty puzzle, p. 517
Nicholas J. White, The business and the politics of decolonization: the British experience in the twentieth century, p. 544

Book reviews, p. 565

a. 53, 2000, 2

B. W. Higman, The sugar revolution, p. 213
Harry Kitsikopoulos, Standards of living and capital formation in pre-plague England: a peasant budget model, p. 237
Robin Haines, Ralph Shlomowitz, Explaining the mortality decline in the eighteenth-century British slave trade, p. 262
Luca Einaudi, From the franc to the ‘Europe’: the attempted transformation of theLatin Monetary Union into a European Monetary Union, 1865-1873, p. 284
Blanca Sánchez-Alonso, European emigration in the late nineteenth century: the paradoxical case of Spain, p. 309
Astrid Ringe, Neil Rollings, Responding to relative decline: the creation of the NationalEconomic Development Council, p. 331

Book reviews, p. 354

a. 53, 2000, 1

Kent G. Deng, A critical survey of recent research in Chinese economic history, p. 1
Kevin Greene, Technological innovation and economic progress in the ancient world: M. I. Finley reconsidered, p. 29
T. H. Lloyd, Early Elizabethan investigations into exchange and the value of sterling, 1558-1568, p. 60
A. J. Gritt, The census and the servant: a reassessment of the decline and distribution of farm service in early nineteenth-century England, p. 84
Ian Blanchard, Russian railway construction and the Urals charcoal iron and steel industry, 1851-1914, p. 107

Review of periodical literature, 1998, p. 127

a. 52, 1999, 4

Margaret Yates, Change and continuities in rural society from the later middle ages to the sixteenth century: the contribution of west Berkshire, p. 617
H. M. Boot, Real incomes of the British middle class, 1760-1850: the experience of clerks at the East India Company, p. 638
Chibuike Ugochukwu Uche, Foreign banks, Africans, and credit in colonial Nigeria, c. 1890-1912, p. 669
Dudley Baines, Paul Johnson, In search of the ‘traditional’ working class: social mobility and occupational continuity in interwar London, p. 692
Farley Grubb, Withering heights: did indentured servants shrink from an encounter with Malthus? A comment on Komlos, p. 714
John Komlos, On the nature of the Malthusian threat in the eighteenth century, p. 730
Javier Cuenca Esteban, Factory costs, market prices, and Indian calicos: cotton textile prices revisited, 1779-1831, p. 749
C. Knick Harley, Cotton textile prices revisited: a response to Cuenca Esteban, p. 756

Annual list of publications in 1998, p. 766
Book reviews, p. 803

a. 52, 1999, 3

Roy Church, New perspectives on the history of products, firms, marketing, and consumers in Britain and the United States since the mid-nineteenth century, p. 405
R. G. Wilson, A. L. Mackley, How much did the English country house cost to build, 1660-1880?, p. 436
Charles Harvey, Edmund M. Green, Penelope J. Corfield, Continuity, change, and specialization within metropolitan London: the economy of Westminster, 1750-1820, p. 469
Sara Horrell, Deborah Oxley, Crust or crumb?: Intrahousehold resource allocation and male breadwinning in late Victorian Britain, p. 494
J. Adam tooze, Weimar’s statistical economics: Ernst Wagemann, the Reich’s Statistical Office, and the Institute for Business-Cyc1e Research, 1925-1933, p. 523
David Ormrod, Art and its markets, p. 544
Ben Fine, Household appliances and the use of time: the United States and Britain since the 1920s: a comment, p. 552
Sue Bowden, Avner Offer, Household appliances and ‘systems of prevision’: a reply, p. 563

Book reviews, p. 568

a. 52, 1999, 2

Robert C. Allen, Tracking the agricultural revolution in England, p. 209
Leonard Schwarz, English servants and their employers during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, p. 236
T. V. Jackson, British incomes circa 1800, p. 257
David Sunderland, Principals and agents: the activities of the Crown Agents for the colonies, 1880-1914, p. 284
Caroline Fohlin, The rise of interlocking directorates in imperial Germany, p. 307
G. A. Fleming, Agricultural support policies in a small open economy: New Zealand in the 1920s, p. 334
J. F. Wright, British govemment borrowing in wartime, 1750-1815, p. 355

Book reviews, p. 362

a. 52, 1999, 1

J. N. Hare, Growth and recession in the fifteenth-century economy: the Wiltshire textile industry and the countryside, p. 1
Tom Nicholas, Businessmen and land ownership in the late nineteenth century, p. 27
A. J. Arnold, Profitability and capital accumulation in British industry during the transwar period, 1913-1924, p. 45
Mitsuhiko Kimura, From fascism to communism: continuity and development of collectivist economic policy in North Korea, p. 69
John Iliffe, The South African economy, 1652-1997, p. 87

Review of periodical literature, 1997, p. 104
Book reviews, p. 144

a. 51, 1998, 4

R. W. Hoyle, Taxation and the mid-Tudor crisis, p. 649
S. D. Smith, The market for manufactures in the thirteen continental colonies,1698-1776, p. 676
Ruger Burt, Segmented capital markets and patterns of investment in late Victorian Britain: evidence from the non-ferrous mining industry, p. 709
Brian A’Hearn, Institutions, externalities, and economic growth in southern Italy: evidence from the cotton textile industry, 1861-1914, p. 734
Stephen Dobson, John Goddard, Performance, revenue, and cross subsidization in the Football League, 1927-1994, p. 763

Annual list of publications in 1997, p. 786
Book reviews, p. 823

a. 51, 1998, 3

E. A. Wrigley, Explaining the rise in marital fertility in England in the ‘1ong’ eighteenth century, p. 435
Byung Khun Song, Landed interest, local government, and the labour market in England, 1750-1850, p. 465
Martin Gorsky, The growth and distribution of English friendly societies in the early nineteenth century, p. 489
Frank Geary, Deindustrialization in Ireland to 1851: some evidence from the census, p. 512
William R. Summerhill, Market intervention in a backward economy: railway subsidy in Brazil, 1854-1913, p. 542
Howard Taylor, Rationing crime: the political economy of criminal statisties since the 1850s, p. 569
Howard Gospel, Markets, institutions, and the development of national collective bargaining in Britain: a comment on Adams, p. 591
Tony Adams, Employers, labour, and the state in industrial relations history: a reply to Gaspel, p. 597

Book reviews, p. 606

a. 51, 1998, 2

Mark Bailey, Peasant welfare in England, 1290-1348, p. 223
Gianni Toniolo, Europe’s golden age, 1950-1973: speculations from a long-run perspective, p. 252
Emma Rothschild, An alarming commercial crisis in eighteenth?century Angoulême: sentiments in economic history, p. 268
David Greasley, Les Oxley, A tale two dominions: comparing the macroeconomic records of Australia and Canada since 1870, p. 294
Sue Bowden, David M. Higgins, Short-time working and price maintenance: collusive tendencies in the cotton-spinning industry, 1919-1939, p. 319
H. Freudenberger, Work efficiency and endogenous growth, p. 344
Peter Razzell, Did smallpox reduce height?, p. 351
Markus Heintel, Joerg Baten, Smallpox and nutritional status in England, 1770-1873: on the difficulties of estimating historical heights, p. 360
Timothy Leunig, Hans-Joachim Voth, Smallpox did reduce height: a reply to our critics, p. 372

Annual review of information technology developments, p. 382
Book reviews, p. 398

a. 51, 1998, 1

Michael Collins, English bank development within a European context, 1870-1939, p. 1
E. A. Wasson, The penetration of new wealth into the English governing class from the middle ages to the First World War, p. 25
C. Knick Harley, Cotton textile prices and the industrial revolution, p. 49
Simon Szreter, Graham Mooney, Urbanization, mortality, and the standard of living debate: new estimates of the expectation of life at birth in nineteenth-century British cities, p. 84
David G. Surdam, King Cotton: monarch or pretender? The state of the market for raw cotton on the eve of the American civil war, p. 113
C. M. Leitz, Arms exports from the Third Reich, 1933-1939: the example of Krupp, p. 133

Review of periodical literature, 1996, p. 155
Book reviews, p. 192

a. 50, 1997, 4

N. F. R. Crafts, Some dimensions of the ‘quality of life’ during the British industrial revolution, p. 617
David Stone, The productivity of hired and customary labour. evidence from Wisbech Barton in the fourteenth century, p. 640
J. F. Wright, The contribution of overseas savings to the funded national debt of Great Britain, 1750-1815, p. 657
Ron Harris, Political economy, interest groups, legal institutions, and the repeal of the Act in 1825, p. 675
George R. Boyer, Timothy J. Hatton, Migration and labour market integration in late nineteenth-century England and Wales, p. 697
Marc Flandreau, Central bank cooperation in historical perspective: a sceptical view, p. 735
Marco H. D. Van Leeuwen, Trade unions and the provision of we1fare in the Netherlands, 1910-1960, p. 764

Annual list of publications in 1996, p. 792
Book reviews, p. 833

a. 50, 1997, 3

Derek Matthews, Malcolm Anderson, John Richard, The rise of the professional accountant in British management, p. 407
Oliver Volckart, Early beginnings of the quantity theory of money and their context in Polish and Prussian monetary policies, c. 1520-1550, p. 430
Avner Offer, Between the gift and the market. The economy of regard, p. 450
E. H. Hunt, S. J. Pam, Prices and structural response in English agriculture, 1873-1896, p. 477
Tony Adams, Market and institutional forces in industrial relations: the development of national collective bargaining, 1910-1920, p. 506
Jane Humphries, Short stature among coalmining children: a comment, p. 531
Peter Kirby, Short stature among coalmining children: a rejoinder, p. 538

Annual review of information technology developments, p. 543
Book reviews, p. 556

a. 50, 1997, 2

Robert Millward, The 1940s nationalizations in Britain: means to an end or the means of production?, p. 209

Robin Pearson, Towards an historical model of services innovation: the case of the insurance industry, 1700-1914, p. 235
Joyce Burnette, An investigation of the female-male wage gap during the industrial revolution in Britain, p. 257
Max-Stephan Schulze, The machine-building industry and Austria’s great depression after 1873, p. 282
Steven Cherry, Before the National Health Service: financing the voluntary hospitals, 1900-1939, p. 305
John Singleton, Paul L. Robertson, Britain, butter, and European integration, 1957-1964, p. 327

James Simpson, Economic development in Spain, 1850-1936, p. 348

Steve King, Poor relief and English economic development reappraised, p. 360
Peter M. Solar, Poor relief and English economic development: a renewed plea for comparative history, p. 369

Book reviews, p. 375

a. 50, 1997, 1

D. J. Siddle, Migration as a strategy of accumulation: social and economic change in eighteenth-century Savoy, p. 1
John E. Archer, The nineteenth-century allotment: half an acre and a row, p. 21
R. A. Bryer, The Mercantile Laws Commission of 1854 and the political economy of limited liability, p. 37
Michael John Jones, The agricoltural depression, collegiate finances, and provision for education at Oxford, 1871-1913, p. 57
Robin Gowers, Timothy J. Hatton, The origins and early impact of the minimum wage in agriculture, p. 82

Olive Anderson, Emigration and marriage break-up in mid-Victorian England, p. 104

R. C. Nash, The balance of payments and foreign capital flows in eighteenth-century England: a comment, p. 110
Elise S. Brezis, Did foreign capital flows finance the industrial revolution? A reply, p. 129

Review of periodical literature, 1995, p. 133
Book reviews, p. 169

a. 49, 1996, 4

Niall Ferguson, Constraints and room for manoeuvre in the German inflation of the early 1920s, p. 635

Michael Zell, Credit in the pre-industrial English woollen industry, p. 667
Karl Gunnar Persson, The seven lean years, elasticity traps, and intervention in grain markets in pre-industrial Europe, p. 692
Alan Gillie, The origin of the poverty line, p. 715
Jim Tomlinson, Inventing ‘decline’: the falling behind of the British economy in the postwar years, p. 731

Z. Razi, Manorial court rolls and local population: an East Anglian case study, p. 758

Giovanni Federico, Italy, 1860-1940: a little-known success story, p. 764

Annual list of publications in 1995, p. 787
Book reviews, p. 828

a. 49, 1996, 3

Jeremy Edwards, Sheilagh Ogilvie, Universal banks and German industrialization: a reappraisal, p. 427

James A. Galloway, Derek Keene, Margaret Murphy, Fuelling the city: production and distribution of firewood and fuel in London’s region, 1290-1400, p. 447
Stephen Quinn, Gold, silver, and the Glorious Revolution: arbitrage between bills of exchange and bullion, p. 473
Dorian Gerhold, Productivity change in road transport before and after turnpiking, 1690-1840, p. 491
Julian Hoppit, Political arithmetic in eighteenth-century England, p. 516
Hans-Joachim Voth, Timothy Leunig, Did smallpox reduce height? Stature and the standard of living in London, 1770-1873, p. 541
Ruy Church, Deconstructing Nuffield: the evolution of managerial culture in the British motor industry, p. 561

R. V. Jackson, The heights of rural-born English female convicts transported to New South Wales, p. 584
Stephen Nicholas, Deborah Oxley, Living standards of women in England and Wales, 1785-1815: new evidence from Niwgate prison records, p. 591

Book reviews, p. 600

a. 49, 1996, 2

Patrick Karl O’Brien, Path dependency, or why Britain became an industrialized and urbanized economy long before France, p. 213

Phillipp R. Shofield, Tenurial developments and the availability of customary land in a later medieval community, p. 250
Jeremy Boulton, Wage labour in seventeenth-century London, p. 268
Ann M. Carlos, Jamie Brown Kruse, The decline of the Royal African Company: fringe firms and the role of the charter, p. 291
Duncan M. Ross, Commercial banking in a market-oriented financial system: Britain between the wars, p. 314
P. J. Cain, Gentlemanly imperialism at work: the Bank of England, Canada, and the sterling area, 1932-1936, p. 336

Harry A. Miskimin, Silver, not sterling: a comment on Mayhew’s velocity, p. 358
N. J. Mayhew, Silver, not sterling: a reply to Prof. Miskimin, p. 361
J. P. D. Dunbabin, Can we tell whether Arch raised wages?, p. 362
George R. Boyer, Timothy J. Hatton, Did Joseph Arch raise agricultural wages? A reply, p. 370

Annual review of information technology developments, p. 377
Book reviews, p. 382

a. 49, 1996, 1

Mark Bailey, Demographic decline in late medieval England: some thoughts on recent research, p. 1

Malcolm Wanklyn, The impact of water transport facilities on English river ports, c. 1660-c. 1760, p. 20
Humphrey Southall, David Gilbert, A good time to wed?: marriage and economic distress in England and Wales, 1839-1914, p. 35
Katherine Watson, Banks and industrial finance: the experience of brewers, 1880-1913, p. 58
David Greasley, Les Oxley, Discontinuities in competitiveness: the impact of the First World War on British industry, p. 82
Solomos Solomou, Martin Weale, UK national income, 1920-1938: the implications of balanced estimates, p. 101
Paolo Palladino, Science, technology, and the economy: plant breeding in Great Britain, 1920-1970, p. 116
Kenneth Mouré, Undervaluing the franc Poincaré, p. 137

Review of periodical literature, 1994, p. 154
Book reviews, p. 187

a. 48 n. s., 1995, 4

J. L. van Zanden, Tracing the beginning of the Kuznets curve: western Europe during the early modern period[Surveys and Speculations], p. 643
E. W. Evans, David Richardson, Hunting for rents: the economics of slaving in pre-colonial Africa, p. 665
Peter Kirby, Causes of short stature among coal-mining children, 1823-1850, p. 687
Edward Higgs, Occupational censuses and the agricultural workforce in Victorian England and Wales, p. 700
Angela Redish, The persistence of bimetallism in nineteenth-century France, p. 717
Peter Temin, The ‘Koreaboom’ in West Germany: fact or fiction?, p. 737
Wendy R. Childs, 1492-1494: Columbus and the discovery of America [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 754
J.-C. Toutain, Food rations in France in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: a comment [Notes and Comments], p. 769
George W. Grantham, Food rations in France in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries: a reply [Notes and Comments], p. 774
Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Michael Partridge, Annual List of Publications in 1994, p. 778

Book Reviews, p. 818-856

a. 48 n. s., 1995, 3

N. F. R. Crafts, The golden age of economic growth in Western Europe, 1950-1973 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 429
Chris Galley, A model of early modern urban demography, p. 448
Paul Johnson, Stephen Nicholas, Male and female living standards in England and Wales, 1812-1857: evidence from ciminal height records, p. 470
Boaz Moselle, Allotments, enclosure and proletarianization in early nineteenth-century southern England, p. 482
Robert Millward, Sally Sheard, The urban fiscal problem, 1870-1914: government expenditure and finance in England and Wales, p. 501
Shizuya Nishimura, The French provincial banks, the Banque de France and bill vinance, 1890-1913, p. 536
Mitsuhiko Kimura, The economics of Japanese imperialism in Korea, 1910-1939, p. 555
S. D. Smith, Prices and the value of English exports in the eighteenth century: evidence from the North American colonial trade [Notes and Comments], p. 575
N. F. R. Crafts, Macroinventions, economic growth and ‘industrial revolution’ in Britain and France [Notes and Comments], p. 591
David S. Landes, Some further thoughts on accident in history: a reply to Professor Crafts [Notes and Comments], p. 599
Paola Subacchi, Meta-economic history: a survey of the Eleventh International Economic History Congress [International Congress Report], p. 602

Book Reviews, p. 612

a. 48 n. s., 1995, 2

Gregory Clark, Michael Huberman, Peter H. Lindert, A British food puzzle, 1770-1850 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 215
N. J. Mayhew, Population, money supply and the velocity of circulation in England, 1300-1700, p. 238
A. J. S. Gibson, T. C. Smout, Regional prices and market regions: the evolution of the early modern Scottish grain market, p. 258
H. M. Boot, How skilled were Lancashire cotton factory workers in 1833?, p. 283
Elaine N. Katz, Outcrop and deep level mining in South Africa before the Anglo-Boer War: re-examining the Blainey thesis, p. 304
Vincent Barnett, Soviet commodity markets during NEP, p. 329
Pamela Sharpe, Continuity and change: women’s history and economic history in Britain [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 353
Roger Middleton, Annual review of information technology developments, p. 370

Book Reviews, p. 396

a. 48 n. s., 1995, 1

Peter M. Solar, Poor relief and English economic development before the industrial revolution [Surveys and Speculations], p. 1
Roger Burt, The transformation of the non-ferrous metals industries in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, p. 23
Elise S. Brezis, Foreign capital flows in the century of Britain’s industrial revolution: new estimates, controlled conjectures, p. 46
Frank Geary, The Act of Union, British-Irish trade and pre-Famine deindustrialization, p. 68
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, Women’s labour force participation and the transition to the male-breadwinner family, 1790-1865, p. 89
Tirthankar Roy, Price movements in early twentieth-century India, p. 118
C. K. Harley, N. F. R. Crafts, Cotton textiles and industrial output growth during the industrial revolution [Notes and Comments], p. 134
Javier Cuenca Esteban, Further evidence of falling prices of cotton cloth, 1768-1816 [Notes and Comments], p. 145
R. H. Britnell, Jeremy Boulton, Katrina Honeyman, Michael Collins, Review of Periodical Literature in 1993, p. 151

Book Reviews, p. 181

a. 47 n. s., 1994, 4

Davis S. Landes, What room for accident in history? explaining big changes by small events [Surveys and Speculations], p. 637
Rosamond Faith, Demesne resources and labour rent on the manors of St. Paul’s Cathedral, 1066-1222, p. 657
David Hancock, ‘Domestic bubbling’: eighteenth-century London merchants and individual investment in the Funds, p. 679
Roy Church, Trevor Baldwin, Bob Berry, Accounting for profitability at the Consett Iron Company before 1914: measurement, sources and uses, p. 703
Sue Bowden, Avner Offer, Household appliances and the use of time: the United States and Britain since the 1920s, p. 725
Gilliam Cookson, Innovation, diffusion and mechanical engineers in Britain, 1780-1850 [Notes and Comments], p. 749
Christine Macleod, The peculiarities of Yorkshire inventors: a reply [Notes and Comments], p. 754
David Greasley, Les Oxley, Rehabilitation sustained: the industrial revolution as a macroeconomic epoch [Notes and Comments], p. 760
N. F. R. Crafts, T. C. Mills, The industrial revolution as a macroeconomic epoch: an altenative view [Notes and Comments], p. 769
Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Michael Partridge, Annual List of Publications in 1993, p. 776

Book Reviews, p. 816

a. 47 n. s., 1994, 3

Barry Supple, Fear of failing: economic history and the decline of Britain [Presidential Address], p. 441
S. R. Epstein, Regional fairs, institutional innovation and economic growth in late medieval England [Surveys and Speculations], p. 459
Carole Shammas, The decline of textile prices in England and British America prior to industrialization, p. 483
R. V. Jackson, Inequality of incomes and lifespans in England since 1688, p. 508
Dudley Baines, European emigration, 1815-1930: looking at the emigration decision again, p. 525
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, Martin Weale, An input-output table for 1841, p. 545
John Springhall, ‘Disseminating impure literature’: the ‘penny dreadful’ publishing business since 1860, p. 567
Francesco L. Galassi, Jon S. Cohen, The economics of tenancy in early twentieth-century southern Italy, p. 585
John Singleton, The cotton industry and the British war effort, 1914-1918, p. 601

Book Reviews, p. 619

a. 47 n. s., 1994, 2

D. E. H. Edgerton, S. M. Horrocks, British industrial research and development before 1945 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 213
Nuala Zahedieh, London and the colonia consumer in the late seventeenth century, p. 239
Hartmut Berghoff, Roland Möller, Tired pioneers and dynamic newcomers? A comparative essay on English and German entrepreneurial history, 1870-1914, p. 262
Barry Eichengreen, Ian W. Mclean, The supply of gold under the pre-1914 gold standard, p. 288
George R. Boyer, Timothy J. Hatton, Did Joseph Arch raise agricultural wages? Rural trade unions and the labour market in late nineteenth-century England, p. 310
Catherine R. Schenk, Closing the Hong Kong Gap: Hong Kong and the free dollar market in the 1950s, p. 335
Michael Zell, Fisher’s ‘flu and Moore’s probates: quantifying the mortality crisis of 1556-1560 [Notes and Comments], p. 354
John S. Moore, Jack Fisher’s ‘flu: a virus still virulent [Notes and Comments], p. 359
Adriaan Verhulst, The origins and early development of medieval towns in northern Europe[Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 362
Roger Middleton, Peter Wardley, Annual Review of Information Technology Developments, 1993, p. 374

Book Reviews, p. 408

a. 47 n. s., 1994, 1

Gabriel tTorella, Patters of economic retardation and recovery in south-western Europe in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries [Surveys and Speculations], p. 1
Donald Woodward, The determination of wage rates in the early modern north of England, p. 22
J. R. Ward, The industrial revolution and British imperialism, 1750-1850, p. 44
Javier Cuenca Esteban, British textile prices, 1770-1831: are British growth rates worth revising once again?, p. 66
Paul Johnson, The employment and retirement of older men in England and Wales, 1881-1981, p. 106
Kosmas Tsokhas, The Australian role in Britain’s return to the gold standard, p. 129
Maxine Berg, Pat Hudson, Growth and Change: a comment on the Crafts-Harley view of the industrial revolution [Notes and Comments], p. 147
R. H. Britnell, Jeremy Boulton, Katrina Honeyman, Michael Collins, Review of Periodical Literature in 1992, p. 165

Book Reviews, p. 194

a. 46 n. s., 1993, 4

L. M. Cullen, History, economic crises and revolution: understanding eighteenth-century France [Surveys and Speculations], p. 635
S. R. H. Jones, Transaction costs, institutional change and the emergence of a market economy in later Anglo-Saxon England, p. 658
Robert A. Dodgshon, Strategies of farming in the western highlands and islands of Scotland prior to crofting and the clearances, p. 679
Simon Ville, The growth of specialization in English shipowning, 1750-1850, p. 702
Stephan Nicholas, Deborah Oxley, The living standards of women during the industrial revolution, 1795-1820, p. 723
Simon Johnson, Peter Temin, The macroeconomics of NEP, p. 750
John Komlos, A Malthusian episode revisited: the height of British and Irish servants in colonial America [Notes and Comments], p. 768
Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Michael Partridge, Annual List of Publications in 1992, p. 783

Book Reviews, p. 820

a. 46 n. s., 1993, 3

Peter Gatrell, Mark Harrison, The Russian and Soviet economies in two world wars: a comparative view [Surveys and Speculations], p. 425
S. R. Epstein, Town and country: economy and institutions in late medieval Italy, p. 453
G. W. Grantham, Divisions of labour: agricultural productivity and occupational specialization in pre-industrial France, p. 478
Richard K. Fleischman, Thomas N. Tyson, Cost accounting during the industrial revolution: the present state of historical knowledge, p. 503
Lara Marks, Medical care for pauper mothers and their infants: poor law provision and local demand in east London, 1870-1919, p. 518
Francis Goodall, Appliance trading activities of British gas utilities, 1875-1935, p. 543
Richard Anthony, The Scottish agricultural labour market, 1900-1939: a case of institutional intervention, p. 558
G. Balachandran, Britain’s liquidity crisis and India, 1919-1920, p. 575
Kenneth D. Brown, The collapse of the British toy industry, 1979-1984, p. 592
John Armstrong, The Englis coastal coal trade, 1890-1910: why calculate figures when you can collect them?[Notes and Comments], p. 607
William J. Hausman, Freight rates and shipping costs in the English coastal coal trade: a reply[Notes and Comments], p. 610

Book Reviews, p. 613

a. 46 n. s., 1993, 2

Avner Offer, The British empire, 1870-1914: a waste of money? [Surveys and Speculations], p. 215
Gerold Krozewski, Sterling, the ‘minor’ territories and the end of formal empire, 1939-1958 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 239
James Masschaele, Transport costs in medieval England, p. 266
John S. Moore, ‘Jack Fisher’s flu’: a visitation revisited, p. 280
David Eltis, Stanley L. Engerman, Fluctuations in sex and age ratios in the transatlantic slave trade, 1663-1864, p. 308
Thomas Weiss, Long-term changes in US agricultural output per worker, 1800-1900, p. 324
D. M. Higgins, Rings, mules and structural constraints in the Lancashire textile industry, c. 1945-1965, p. 342
John Komlos, Further thoughts on the nutritional status of the British population [Notes and Comments], p. 363
Roderick Floud, Kenneth W. Wachter, Annabel Gregory, Further thoughts on the nutritional status of the British population [Notes and Comments], p. 367
Jona Schellekens, The role of marital fertility in Irish population history, 1750-1840[Notes and Comments], p. 369
David Dunn, Roger Middleton, Peter Wardley, Review of Information Technology, 1992, p. 379

Book Reviews, p. 410

a. 46 n. s., 1993, 1

Jim Tomlinson, Mr. Attlee’s supply-side socialism [Surveys and Speculations], p. 1
Craig Muldrew, Credit and the courts: debt litigation in a seventeenth-century urban community, p. 23
Robin Pearson, Taking risks and containing competition: diversification and oligopoly in the fire insurance markets of the north of England in the early nineteenth century, p. 39
Paul Johnson, Small debts and economic distress in England and Wales, 1857-1913, p. 65
Colin A. Linsley, Christine L. Linsley, Booth, Rowntree and Llewelyn Smith: a reassessment of interwar poverty, p. 88
Karl Gunnar Persson, Was there a productivity gap between fourteenth-century Italy and England? [Notes and Comments], p. 105
John Komlos, The secular trend in the biological standard of living in the UK, 1730-1860[Notes and Comments], p. 115
Roderick Floud, Kenneth W. Wachter, Annabel Gregory, Measuring historical heights: short cuts or the long way round: a reply to Komlos [Notes and Comments], p. 145
David Greasley, Economics of scale in British coalmining between the wars [Notes and Comments], p. 155
Ben Fine, Is small beautiful? Mine size in the British interwar coal industry [Notes and Comments], p. 160
R. H. Britnell, R. A. Houston, Katrina Honeyman, Michael Collins, Review of Periodical Literature in 1991, p. 163

Book Reviews, p. 195

a. 45 n. s., 1992, 4

M. W. Kirby, Institutional rigidities and economic decline: reflections on the British experience [Surveys and Speculations], p. 637
Mavis Mate, The economic and social roots of medieval popular revellion: Sussex in 1450-1451, p. 661
R. C. Nash, South Carolina and the Atlantic economy in the late seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, p. 677
N. F. R. Crafts, C. K. Harley, Output growth and the British industrial revolution: a restatement of the Crafts-Harley view, p. 703
Seán Glynn, Alan Booth, The emergence of mass unemployment: some questions of precision [Notes and comments], p. 731
S. N. Broadberry, The emergence of mass unemployment: a reply [Notes and comments], p. 739
Peter Gatrell, Robert Lewis, Russian and Soviet economic history, p. 743
Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Michael Partridge, Annual List of Publications on the economic and social history of Great Britain and Ireland (published in 1991), p. 755

Book Reviews, p. 794

a. 45 n. s., 1992, 3

Boris N. Mironov, Consequences of the price revolution in eighteenth-century Russia, p. 457
Hans Chr. Johansen, Scandinavian shipping in the late eighteenth century in a European perspective, p. 479
Gilles Postel-Vinay; Jean-Marc Robin, Eating, working and saving in a unstable world: consumers in nineteenth-century France, p. 494
Patrick K. O’Brien, Leandro Prados De La Escosura, Agricultural productivity and European industrialization, 1890-1980, p. 514
Nicola Rossi, Gianni Toniolo, Catching up or falling behind? Italy’s economic growth, 1895-1947, p. 537
John Lawrence, Martin Dean, Jean-Louis Robert, The outbreak of war and the urban economy: Paris, Berlin and London in 1914, p. 564
Harold James, Financial flows across frontiers during the interwar depression, p. 594

Book Reviews, p. 614

a. 45 n. s., 1992, 2

Barry Eichengreen, The origins and nature of the Great Slump revisited[Surveys and Speculations], p. 213
D. F. Harrison, Bridges and economic development, 1300-1800, p. 240
Larry Sawers, The Navigation Acts revisited, p. 262
Christine Macleod, Strategies for innovation: the diffusion of new technology in nineteenth-century British industry, p. 285
Maxine Berg, The first women economic historians, p. 308
Paul L. Robertson, Lee J. Alston, Technological choice and the organization of work in capitalist firms, p. 330
W. D. Rubinstein, Cutting up rich: a reply to F.M.L. Thompson [Notes and comments], p. 350
F. M. L. Thompson, Stitching it together again [Notes and comments], p. 362
Austin Robinson, Munitions output of the United Kingdom, 1939-1944: a comment [Notes and comments], p. 376
Jean Colson, Roger Middleton, Peter Wardley, Review of Information Technology 1991, p. 378

Book Reviews, p. 413

a. 45 n. s., 1992, 1

R. V. Jackson, Rates of industrial growth during the industrial revolution [Surveys and Speculations], p. 1
Maxine Berg, Pat Hudson, Rehabilitating the industrial revolution [Surveys and Speculations], p. 24
S. J. Payling, Social mobility, demographic change and landed society in late medieval England, p. 51
Emma Rothschild, Adam Smith and conservative economics, p. 74
Peter Robb, Peasants’ choices? Indian agriculture and the limits of commercialization in nineteenth-century Bihar, p. 97
Sue Bowden, Michael Collins, The Bank of England, industrial regeneration and hire purchase between the wars, p. 120
Dieter Ziegler, The banking crisis of 1878: some remarks [Notes and comments], p. 137
Michael Collins, The Bank of England as lender of last restort, 1857-1878 [Notes and comments], p. 145
R. H. Britnell, John Walter, Katrina Honeyman, Michael Collins, Review of Periodical Literature in 1990, p. 154

Book Reviews, p. 188

a. 44 n. s., 1991, 4

Peter Temin, Soviet and Nazi economic planning in the 1930s [Surveys and Speculations], p. 573
S. R. H. Jones, Devaluation and the balance of payments in eleventh-century England: an exercise in dark age economics, p. 594
Katrina Honeyman, Jordan Goodman, Women’s work, gender conflict and labour markets in Europe, 1500-1900, p. 608
H. M. Boot, Salaries and career earnings in the bank of Scotland, 1730-1880, p. 629
R. E. Rowthorn, S. N. Solomou, The macroeconomic effects of overseas investment on the UK balance of trade, 1870-1913, p. 654
Noel Whiteside, James A. Gillespie, Deconstructing unemployment: developments in Britain in the interwar years, p. 665
Matthew Hale, Richard Hawkins, Michael Partridge, Annual List of Publications on the economic and social history of great Britain and Ireland(published in 1990), p. 683

Book Reviews, p. 721

a. 44 n. s., 1991, 3

Patrick O’Brien, Trevor Griffiths, Philip Hunt, Political components of the industrial revolutions: Parliament and the English cotton textile industry, 1660-1774 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 395
John Langdon, Water-mills and windmills in the west midlands, 1086-1500, p. 424
Gregory Clark, Yields per acre in English agriculture, 1250-1860: evidence from labour inputs, p. 445
Peter King, Customary rights and women’s earnings: the importance of gleaning to the rural labouring poor, 1750-1850, p. 461
Liam Kennedy, Farm succession in modern Ireland: elements of a theory of inheritance, p. 477
Barry Supple, Scale and scope: Anfred Chandler and the dynamics of industrial capitalism [Essays in Bibliography and Criticism], p. 500
Paul Turner, Wealth effects and fiscal policy in the 1930s [Comments], p. 515
Jim Tomlinson, Planning for cotton, 1945-1951 [Comments], p. 523
John Singleton, The crisis in postwar Lancashire: a rejoinder [Comments], p. 527

Book Reviews, p. 531

a. 44 n. s., 1991, 2

J. L. van Zanden, The first green revolution: the growth of production and productivity in European agriculture, 1870-1914 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 215
Emilie M. Amt, The meaning of waste in the early pipe rolls of Henry II, p. 240
Roger Burt, The international diffusion of technology during the early modern period: the case of the British non-ferrous mining industry, p. 249
Humphrey R. Southall, The tramping artisan revisits: labour mobility and economic distress in early Victorian England, p. 272
A. M. Eckstein, Is there a ‘Hobson-Lenin thesis’ on late nineteenth-century colonial expansion?, p. 297
T. V. Jackson, Personal wealth in late eighteenth-century Britain [Comments], p. 319
Michael Kitson, Solomos Solomou, Martin Weale, Effective protection and economic recovery in the United Kingdom during the 1930s [Comments], p. 328
Forrest Capie, Effective protection and economic recovery in Britain, 1932-1937 [Comments], p. 339
Roger Middleton, Peter Wardley, Review of Information Technology, 1990, p. 343

Book Reviews, p. 373

a. 44 n. s., 1991, 1

Avner Offer, Farm tenure and land values in England, c. 1750-1950 [Surveys and Speculations], p. 1
R. H. Britnell, The towns of England and northern Italy in the early fourteenth century, p. 21
John Komlos, Richard Landes, Anacronistic economics: grain storage in medieval England, p. 36
Pamela Sharpe, Literally spinsters: a new interpretation of local economy and demography in Colyton in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, p. 46
Stana Nenadic, Businessmen, the urban middle classes and the ‘dominance’ of manufacturers in nineteenth-century Britain, p. 66
Ralph Shlomowitz, John Mcdonald, Babies at risk on immigrant voyages to Australia in the nineteenth century, p. 86
Robert Millward, The market behaviour of loca utilities in pre-World War I Britain: the case of gas, p. 102
Donald N. Mccloskey, Conditional economic history: a reply to Komlos and Landes [Comments], p. 128
John Komlos, Richard Landes, Alice to the Red Queen: imperious econometrics[Comments], p. 133
Christopher Dyer, R. A. Houston, Katrina Honeyman, Michael Collins, Review of Periodical Literature in 1989, p. 137

Book Reviews, p. 172