Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

copertina della rivista

n. 261, 2023

James Corke-Webster, By Whom Were Early Christians Persecuted?, p. 3
Mark Bailey, Servile Migration and Gender in Late Medieval England: The Evidence of Manorial Court Rolls, p. 47
Amanda McVitty, Homosociality, Sexual Misconduct and Gendered Violence In England’s Pre-Modern Legal Profession, p. 86
Caitlin Harvey, Gold Rushes, Universities and Globalization, 1840–1910, p. 118
Nick Foretek, The Cave Mission of 1876 and Britain’s Imperial Information Strategies, p. 158
Laura Robson, Unrra In North Africa: A Late Colonial History of Refugee Encampment, p. 193
Yasser Ali Nasser, Making Friends and Making ?Asia?: Sino-Indian Friendship, 1947–1957, p. 223

Review article, p. 259
Corrections, p. 297
Virtual issue, e32

n. 260, 2023

Mark Hailwood, Firearms and the State in Sixteenth-Century Italy: Gun Proliferation and Gun Control: by Catherine Fletcher, p. 3
Mark Hailwood, Rethinking Literacy in Rural England, 1550–1700, p. 38
Mary O’Sullivan, Machines in the Hands of Capitalists: Power and Profit in Late Eighteenth-Century Cornish Copper Mines, p. 71
Zavier Nunn, Trans Liminality and the Nazi State, p. 123
Roseanna Webster, Women and the Fight for Urban Change in Late Francoist Spain, p. 158
Nico Slate, The Radical Civil Rights Movement: The Highlander Folk School and the Legacies of the Left in ColdWar America, p. 200

John H. Arnold, Believing in Belief: Gibbon, Latour and the Social History of Religion, p. 236

Shami Ghosh, Chris Wickham on ‘The Economic Logic of Medieval Societies’: A Response, p. 269
Chris Wickham, A Reply to Shami Ghosh, p. 287
Micah S. Muscolino, Correction to: ‘Water has Aroused the Girls’ Hearts’: Gendering Water and Soil Conservation in 1950s China, p. 297
Erratum to: The Christian Anti-Torture Movement and the Politics of Conscience in France, p. 298
Erratum to: The Animal Body as Medium: Taxidermy and European Expansion, 1775–1865, p. 299
Tamara Fernando, Flows of History, p. e1

n. 259, 2023

Michelle Armstrong-Partida, Susan McDonough, Singlewomen in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, p. 3
Richard Calis, The Impossible Reformation: Protestant Europe and the Greek Orthodox Church, p. 43
Thomas Glesener, Daniel Hershenzon, The Maghrib in Europe: Royal Slaves and Islamic Institutions in Eighteenth-Century Spain, p. 77
G. Balachandran, Debasing Indigenous Statehood: Sovereign Monies, Markets and Imperial Power in the Indian Subcontinent, c.1893–1905, p. 117
Claire Eldridge, Christoph Kalter, Becky Taylor, Migrations of Decolonization, Welfare, and the Unevenness of Citizenship in the UK, France and Portugal, p. 155
Nicole Elizabeth Barnes, The Many Values of Night Soil in Wartime China, p. 194
Samuel Fury Childs Daly, Ghana Must Go: Nativism and the Politics of Expulsion in West Africa, 1969–1985, p. 229

Trevor Jackson, The New History of Old Inequality, p. 262

n. 258, 2023

Anna C. Kelley, Searching for Professional Women in the Mid to Late Roman Textile Industry p. 3
Maartje van Gelder, Filippo de Vivo, Papering Over Protest: Contentious Politics and Archival Suppression in Early Modern Venice p. 44
Devika Shankar, Water, Fish and Property in Colonial India, 1860–1890 p. 79
Cristina Florea, Frontiers of Civilization in the Age of Mass Migration from Eastern Europe p. 115
Aymeric Xu, Criminalization of Abortion in Late Qing and Republican China p. 151
Andrew Sloin, Writing the Paris Commune in the Warsaw Ghetto p. 181
Matthew Shutzer, Oil, Money and Decolonization in South Asia p. 212

Andrew Buchanan, Globalizing the Second World War p. 246

n. 257, 2022 – Issue suppl_16


List of illustrations, p. vii
List of contributors, p. viii

Emma Claussen, Luca Zenobi, Fiction and Disinformation in Early Modern Europe, p. 1

Fara Dabhoiwala, Inventing Free Speech: Politics, Liberty and Print in Eighteenth-Century England, p. 39
Clare Egan, Libel in the Provinces: Disinformation and ‘Disreputation’ in Early Modern England, p. 75
Frances Gage, Caravaggio’s Rumore: Fact, Fiction and Authority in Giovanni Baglione’s Lives of the Painters, Sculptors and Architects, p. 111

Deborah Steinberger, ‘Fake News’ in Seventeenth-Century France: The Case of Le Mercure galant, p. 143
Emily Butterworth, Novelty, Disinformation and Discrimination in Marguerite de Navarre’s Heptameron (1559) and Sixteenth-Century French News Culture, p. 172
Barret Reiter, A ‘Fiction of the Mind’: Imagination and Idolatry in Early Modern England, p. 201

Chiara De Caprio, Andrea Salvo Rossi, Rhetorical Strategies and the Manipulation of Discourse in Macchiavelli’s Writings, p. 233
Emily Teo, Hyperbole in Early Modern Miss ionary Travel Acco unts of China, p. 261
Giulia Delogu, Conflicting Narratives: Health (Dis)information in Eighteenth-Century Italy, p. 294

Rowan Cerys Tomlinson, Givens, Pleasures and Imaginings, p. 319

n. 257, 2022

Paul Slack, Sir John Elliott p. 3–10

William Mack, ‘Where Are the Proxenoi?’ Social Network Analysis, Connectivity and the Greek Poleis p. 11–54
Noel Malcolm, Forbidden Love in Istanbul: Patterns of Male–Male Sexual Relations in the Early-Modern Mediterranean World p. 55–88
Lucy Parker, Rosie Maxton, Archiving Faith: Record-Keeping and Catholic Community Formation in Eighteenth-Century Mesopotamia p. 89–133
Bernhard C. Schär, Switzerland, Borneo and the Dutch Indies: Towards a New Imperial History of Europe, c.1770–1850 p. 134–167
Joshua Ehrlich, The Meanings of a Port City Boundary: Calcutta’s Maratha Ditch, c.1700–1950 p. 168–208
Lauren Benton, Adam Clulow, Protection Shopping among Empires: Suspended Sovereignty in the Cocos-Keeling Islands p. 209–247
Samantha Payne, ‘A General Insurrection in the Countries with Slaves’: The US Civil War and the Origins of an Atlantic Revolution, 1861–1866 p. 248–279
Manimporok Dotulong, Hyakusho in the Arafura Zone: Ecologizing the Nineteenth-Century ‘Opening of Japan’ p. 280–317
Rachel M. Johnston-White, The Christian Anti-Torture Movement and the Politics of Conscience in France p. 318–342

n. 256, 2022

Sandro Carocci, The Pervasiveness of Lordship (Italy, 1050-1500), p. 3
Rosamund Oates, Speaking in Hands: Early Modern Preaching and Signed Languages for the Deaf, p. 49 Jasper van der Steen, Dynastic Scenario Thinking In The Holy Roman Empire, p. 87
Liesbeth Corens, Seasonable Coexistence: Temporality, Health Care and Confessional Relations in SPA, C.1648-1740, p. 129
José Antonio, Aguilar Rivera, Eduardo Posada-Carbó, Eduardo Zimmermann, Democracy in Spanish America: the Early Adoption of Universal Male Suffrage, 1810-1853, p. 165
Navyug Gill, Accumulation by Attachment: Colonial Benevolence and the Rule of Capital in Nineteenth-Century Panjab, p. 203
Yoav Di-Capua, Revolutionary Decolonization and the Formation of the Sacred: the Case of Egypt, p. 239

Monica H. Green, Out Of The East (Or North Or South): A Response To Philip Slavin, p. 283
Philip Slavin, Reply: Out Of The West – And Neither East, Nor North, Nor South, p. 325

n. 255, 2022

The Editors, Clare Morton, p. 3
Robert Portass, Peasants, Market Exchange and Economic Agency in North-Western Iberia, c.850-c.1050, p. 5
Genji Yasuhira, Transforming the Urban Space: Catholic Survival Through Spatial Practices in Post-Reformation Utrecht, p. 39
Giorgio Riello, Cotton Textiles and the Industrial Revolution in a Global Context, p. 87
Nitin Sinha, Domestic Servants and Master-Servant Regulations in Colonial Calcutta, 1750s-1810s, p. 141
Jan C. Jansen, Aliens in a Revolutionary World: Refugees, Migration Control and Subjecthood in the British Atlantic, 1790s-1820s, p. 189
Catherine Gibson, Irina Paert, Apostasy in the Baltic Provinces: Religious and National Indifference in Imperial Russia, p. 233
Albert Wu, Superstition and Statecraft in Late Qing China: Towards a Global History, p. 279
Stephanie Wright, Of Maiming and Privilege: Rethinking War Disability through the Case of Francoist Spain, 1936-1989, p. 317
Micah S. Muscolino, ‘Water Has Aroused the Girls’ Hearts’: Gendering Water and Soil Conservation in 1950s China, p. 351

n. 254, 2022

Patrick Lantschner, City States in the Later Medieval Mediterranean World, p. 3
Jeremy Fradkin, Christian Hospitality and the Case for Religious Refuge in Interregnum England, p. 51
Rhys Jones, Time Warps During the French Revolution, p. 87
Tamara Fernando, Seeing Like the Sea: A Multispecies History of the Ceylon Pearl Fishery 1800-1925, p. 127
Arthur Asseraf, Mass Media and the Colonial Informant: Messaoud Djebari and the French Empire, 1880-1901, p. 161
Lucy Riall, Hidden Spaces of Empire: Italian Colonists in Nineteenth-Century Peru, p. 193
Patrick Luiz Sullivan De Oliveira, Transforming a Brazilian Aeronaut into a French Hero: Celebrity, Spectacle, and Technological Cosmopolitanism in the Turn-of-the-Century Atlantic, p. 235
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, Natalie Thomlinson, Vernacular Discourses Of Gender Equality In The Post-War British Working Class, p. 277

Peter Sarris, Viewpoint New Approaches to the ‘Plague of Justinian’, p. 315

n. 253, 2021

John Weisweiler, Capital Accumulation, Supply Networks and the Composition of the Roman Senate, p. 3
Rowan Dorin, The Bishop as Lawmaker in Late Medieval Europe, p. 45
Karin Sennefelt, A Pathology of Sacral Kingship: Putrefaction in the Body of Charles XI of Sweden, p. 83
Erin Maglaque, Care Work and the Family in Catholic Reformation Tuscany, p. 119
Brodie Waddell, The Rise of the Parish Welfare State in England, C.1600-1800*, p. 151
Stephen D Behrendt, Philip D Morgan, Nicholas Radburn, African Cultures and Creolization on an Eighteenth-Century St Kitts Sugar Plantation, p. 195
Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, Ottoman and Egyptian Quarantines and European Debates on Plague in the 1830S-1840S, p. 235
Anne Dolan, Death in the Archives: Witnessing War in Ireland, 1919-1921, p. 271
Kara Moskowitz, Sons and Daughters of the Soil: Politics and Protest of Kenyan Resettlement to Tanzania, 1961-1968, p. 301

n. 252, 2021

Philip Slavin, Out of the West: Formation of a Permanent Plague Reservoir in South-Central Germany (1349-1356) and its Implications, p. 3
Michael Martoccio, The Art of Mercato: Buying City-States in Renaissance Tuscany, p. 53
Hannah Greig, Amanda Vickery, The Political Day in London, C.1697-1834, p. 101
Joseph la Hausse de Lalouvière, A Business Archive of the French Illegal Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century, p. 139
Omar Youssef Cheta, Kathryn A Schwartz, A Printer’s Odd Plea to Reform Legal Pluralism in Khedival Egypt, p. 179
James Vernon, Heathrow and the Making of Neoliberal Britain, p. 213
Shane Doyle, Chronology and Causality in Africa’s HIV Pandemic: The Production of History Between the Laboratory and the Archive, p. 249

n. 251, 2021

Chris Wickham, How did the Feudal Economy Work? the Economic Logic of Medieval Societies, p. 3
Jessica Dijkman, Managing Food Crises: Urban Relief Stocks in Pre-Industrial Holland, p. 41
David Chan Smith, Fair Trade and the Political Economy of Brandy Smuggling in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain, p. 75
Choon Hwee Koh, The Ottoman Postmaster: Contractors, Communication and Early Modern State Formation, p. 113
Edward Gillin, Fanny Gribenski, The Politics of Musical Standardization in Nineteenth-Century France and Britain, p. 153
Aditya Balasubramanian, Contesting ‘Permit-and-Licence Raj’: Economic Conservatism and the Idea of Democracy in 1950s India, p. 189
Emily Baum, Enchantment in an Age of Reform: Fortune-Telling Fever in Post-Mao China, 1980s-1990s, p. 229

n. 250, 2021

Matthew Hilton, Alexandra Walsham, Editors’ Introduction, p. 3

Jonathan Brack, Disenchanting Heaven: Interfaith Debate, Sacral Kingship, and Conversion to Islam in the Mongol Empire, 1260-1335, p. 11
Margaret McGlynn, From Written Record to Bureaucratic Mind: Imagining a Criminal Record, p. 55
Sara Horrell, Jane Humphries, Jacob Weisdorf, Family Standards of Living Over the Long Run, England 1280-1850, p. 87
Andrei Pesic, Concerts and Inadvertent Secularization: Religious Music in the Entertainment Market of Eighteenth-Century Paris, p. 135
Daniel Beer, Civil Death, Radical Protest and The Theatre of Punishment in the Reign of Alexander II, p. 171
Patrick J Houlihan, Renovating Christian Charity: Global Catholicism, the Save the Children Fund, and Humanitarianism During The First World War, p. 203
Boyd van Dijk, Internationalizing Colonial War: on the Unintended Consequences of the Interventions of the International Committee of the Red Cross in South-East Asia, 1945-1949, p. 243