Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

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n. 49, Nov. 1970

S. Harvey, The Knight and the Knight’s Fee in England, p. 3
R.L. Kagan, Universities in Castile 1500-1700, p. 44
G. parker, Spain, Her Enemies and the Revolt of the Netherlands 1599-1648, p. 72
R. Johnson, Educational Policy and Social Control in Early Victorian England, p. 96

G.E.Aylmer, Gentlemen Levellers?, p. 120

K. Leyser, Maternal Kin in Early Medieval Germany. A Reply, p. 126

n. 48, Aug. 1970

M.E. James, Obedience and Dissent in Henrician England: The Lincolnshire Rebellion 1536, p. 3
A. Clarke, Ireland and the General Crisis, p. 79
E. Stokes, Traditional Resistance Movements and Afro-Asian Nationalism: The Context of the 1857 Mutiny Rebellion in India, p. 100
H.-U. Wehler, Bismark’s Imperialismn 1862-1890, p. 119

J.J. Hurwich, The Social Origins of the Early Quakers, p. 156
R.T. Vann, Rejoinder, p. 162

n. 47, May 1970

M.I. Finley, Aristotle and Economic Analysis, p. 3
E. King, Large and Small. Landowners in Thirteenth-Century England. The Case of Peterborough Abbey, p. 26
J. Bossy, The Counter-Reformation and the People of Catholic Europe, p. 51
J.M. Winter, R.H. Tawnbey’s Early Political Thought, p. 71
R. Sarti, Mussolini and the Italian Industrial Leadership in the Battle of the Lira 1925-1927, p. 97

D. Cressy, The Social Composition of Caius College, Cambridge, 1580-1640, p. 113

B. Worden, The Independents: A Reprisal in History, p. 116
V. Pearl, Exorcist or Historian;: The Dangers of Ghost-Hunting, p. 122
D. Underdown, The Presbyterian Independents Exorcised: A Brief Comment, p. 128
G. Yule, Presbyterians, Independents and Puritans, A Voice from the Past, p. 134
S. Foster, A Rejoinder, p. 137

J. Morris, A.H.M. Jones, p. 147

Notes and Comments, p. 151

n. 46, Feb. 1970

E.L. Bowie, Greeks and Their Past in the Second Sophistic, p. 3
H.E.J. Coudrey, The Peace and the Truce of God in the Eleventh Century, p. 42
R. Howell Jr., D.E. Brewster, Reconsidering the Levellers: The Evidence of The Moderate, p. 68
R. Grassby, English Merchant Capitalism in the Late Seventeenth Ventury. The Composition of Business Fortunes, p. 87
J. Piel, The Place of the Peasantry in the National Life of Peru in the Nineteenth Century, p. 108

n. 45, Nov. 1969

D.A. Bullough, Early Medieval Social Groupings: The Terminology of Kinship, p. 3
E.L. Eisenstein, The Advent of Printing and the Problem of the Renaissance, p. 19
J.H. Plumb, The Growth of the Electorate in England from 1600 to 1715, p. 90
E. Matthias, Resistance to National Socialism: The Example of Mannheim, p. 117

n. 44, Aug. 1969

L.M. Ruff, D.A. Wilson, The Madrigal, The Lute Song and Elizabethan Politics, p. 3
S. Foster, The Presbyterian Independents Exorcized. A Ghost Story for Historians, p. 52
I. Prothero, Chartism in London, p. 76
Th. Parke Hugues, Technological Momentum in History: Hydrogenation in Germany 1898-1933, p. 106

W.M. Lamont, Puritanism as History and Historiography: Some Further Troughts, p. 133

n. 43, May 1969

C.D. Darlington, The Genetics of Society, p. 3
L.P. Wright, The Military Orders in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century Spanish Society. The Institutional Embodiment of a Historical Tradition, p. 34
R.T. Vann, Quakerism and the Social Structure in the Interregnum, p. 71
R.B. Rose, Tax Revolt and Popular Organization in Picardy 1789-1791, p. 92
R.M. Young, Malthus and the Evolutionists: The Common Context of Biological and Social Theory, p. 109

B.J. Harris, Landlords and Tenants in England in the Later Middle Ages: The Buckingham Estates, p. 146
R. Ashton, Jacobean Free Trade Again, p. 151

A. Kazdan, The Byzantine Empire, p. 158

Notes and Comments, p. 170

n. 42, Feb. 1969

H.R. Trevor-Roper, The Past and the Present: History and Sociology, p. 3
G.C. Homans, The Explanation of English Regional Differences, p. 18
J.H. Elliott, Revolution and Continuity in Early Modern Europe, p. 35
K. Thomas, Another Digger Broadside, p. 57
L. Stone, Literacy and Education in England 1640-1900, p. 69
H. Pogge von Strandmann, Domestic Origins of Germany’s Colonial Expansion under Bismarck, p. 140

K. Thomas, The Date of Gerrard Winstanley’s Fire in the Bush, p. 160
G. Sutherland, Reform of the English Civil Service 1780-1914. A Project for a Colloquium, p. 163

Notes and Comments, p. 166

n. 41, Dec. 1968

P. Gransey, Legal Privilege in the Roman Empire, p. 3
K. Leiser, The German Aristocracy from the Ninth to the Early Twelfth Century. A Historical and Cultural Sketch, p. 25
C.S.L. Davies, The Pilgrimage of Grace Reconsidered, p. 54
C.H. George, Puritanism as History and Historiography, p. 77
J.R. Gillis, Aristocracy and Bureaucracy in Nineteenth-Century Prussia, p. 105
J. Romero Maura, Terrorism in Barcelona and its Impact on Spanish Politics 1904-1909, p. 130
E. Abrahamian, The Crowd in Iranian Politics 1905-1953, p. 184
Editorial Notes, p. 211

n. 40, July 1968

England’s Spirit Unfoulder, or an Incouragement to take the Engagement, by Jerrard Winstanley. A newly discovered pamphlet, ed. by G.E. Aylmer, p. 3
B.J. Shapito, Latitudinarianism and Science in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 16
J.A.W. Gunn, The Civil Polity of Peter Paxton, p. 42
E.L. Jones, Agricultural Origins of Industry, p. 58
L.M. Cullen, Irish History without the Potato, p. 72
T. Halperin Donghi, Revolutionary Militarization in Buenos Aires 1806-1815, p. 84
M. Reckord, The Jamaica Slave Rebellion of 1831, p. 108
U.R.Q. Henriques, The Jewish Emancipation Controversy in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 126
A.P. Kannangara, Indian Millowners and Indian Nationalism before 1914, p. 147

Th. Rabb, Free Trade and the gentry in the Parliament of 1604, p. 65
J.C. davis, The Levellers and Democracy, p. 174

A.W. Smith, Popular Religion, p. 181
T.W. Mason, Nineteenth-Century Cromwell, p. 187

n. 39, Apr. 1968

G. Duby, The Diffusion of Cultural Patterns in Feudal Society, p. 3
Ch. Dyer, A Redistribution of Incomes in Fifteenth-Century England, p. 11
J.V. Polisensky, The Thirty Years’ War and the Crises and Revolutions of Seventeenth-Century Europe, p. 34
H. Kamen, The Economic and Social Consequences of the Thirty yeras’ War, p. 44
K. Lockridge, Land, Population and the Evolution of New England Society 1630-1790, p. 62
R. Wolfe, The Parisian Club de la revolution of the 17th Arrondissement 1870-1871, p. 81
D.C.M. Platt, Economic Factors in British Policy during the “New Imperialism”, p. 120
M. Jack, The Purchase of the British Government’s Shares in the British Petroleum Company 1912-1914, p. 139

A. Cobban, Communication, p. 169
R. Forster, Rejoinder, p. 171

E.J. Hobsbawm, L. Stone, Notes, p. 173

n. 38, Dec. 1967

F. Grant, Social Utopias in the Middle Ages, p. 3
W. Prest, Legal Education of the Gentry at the Inns of Court, 1560-1640, p. 20
R. Ashton, The Parliamentary Agitation for Free Trade in the Opening years of the Reign of James I, p. 40
E.P. Thompson, Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism, p. 56
B. Harrison, Religion and Recreation in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 98
L.J. Macfarlane, Hands of Russia: British Labour and the Russo-Polish War, 1920, p. 126

Q. Skinner, More’s Utopia, p. 153

I. Prothero, The London Working Men’s Association and the “People’s Charter”, p. 169
D.J. Rowe, Rejoinder, p. 174
G.E. Torrey, The First World War: Communication, p. 177

n. 37, July 1967

P.R.C. Weaver, Social Mobility in the Early Roman Empire: The Evidence of the Imperial Freedmen and Slaves, p. 3
J.H.M. Salmon, Venality of Office and Popular Sedition in Seventeenth-Century France. A Review of a Controversy, p. 21
E.A. Wrigley, A Simple Model of London’d Importance in Changing English Society and Economy 1650-1750, p. 44
R. Forster, The Survival of the Nobility During the French Revolution, p. 71
G. Rudé, English Rural and Urban Disturbance on the Eve of the First reform Bill, 1830-1831, p. 87
U.R.Q. Henriques, Bastardy and the New Poor Law, p. 103
S. Kiniewicz, Polish Society and the Insurrection of 1963, p. 130

A.H. Hopkins, Underdevelopment in the Empires of the Western Sudan, p. 140
M. Malowist, Rejoinder, p. 157
J.W. Sherborne, The English Navy: Shipping and Manpower 1369-1389, p. 163

n. 36, Apr. 1967

J. Briscoe, Rome and the Class Struggle in the Greek States 200-146 b.C., p. 3
H. Baron, Leonardo Bruni: “Professional Rhetorician” or “Civic Humanist”?, p. 21
G. Strauss, Protestant Dogma and City Government: The Case of Nuremberg, p. 38
C.H. Church, The Social Basis of the French Central Bureaucracy under the Directory 1795-1799, p. 59
D.J. Rowe, The London Working Men’s Association and the “People’s Charter”, p. 73
O. Anderson, The Political Uses of History in Mid Nineteenth-Century England, p. 87
S. Budd, The Loss of Faith. resons for Unbelief among Members of the Secular Movement in England, 1850-1950, p. 106

J.E. Talbott, p. 126
D.R. Watson, Rejoinder, p. 131
P.H.S. Hatton, Britain and Germany in 1914. The July Crisis and War Aims, p. 138
H.S.W. Corrigan, German-Turkish Relations and the Outbreak of War in 1914: a Re-Assessment, p. 144
J.M. Kitch, The Promise of the New Revisionism, p. 153

n. 35, Dec. 1966

P.A. Brunt, The Roman Mon, p. 3
D. Twitchett, Chinese Social History from the Seventeenth to the Tenth Centuries. The Tunhuang Documents and their Implications, p. 28
E. Lourie, A Society Organized for War: Medieval Spain, p. 54
A.L. Beier, Poor Relief in Warwickshire 1630-1660, p. 77
R.M. MacLeod, Social Policy and the “Floating Population”. The Administration of the Canal Boats Acts 1877-1899, p. 101
A.G. Hopkins, The Lagos Strike of 1897: An Exploration in Nigerian Labour History, p. 133

L. Stone, Social Mobility, p. 156
Editorial Note, Strafford in Ireland, p. 157

Obituary: Delio Cantimori, p. 157ì

n. 34, July 1966

J.E. Seigel, “Civic Humanism” or Ciceronian Rhetoric? The Culture of Petrarch and Bruni, p. 3
J.F. Pound, The Social and Trade Structure of Norwich 1525-1575, p. 49
N.R. Keddie, The Origins of the Religious-Radical Alliance in Iran, p. 70
D.R. Watson, The Politics of Educational Reform in France during the Third Republic 1900-1940, p. 81
J. Joll, The 1914 Debate Continues. Fritz Fischer and his Critics, p. 100
A.J. Mayer, Post-War Nationalism 1918-1919, p. 114

W.A. Speck, Social Status in Late Stuart England, p. 127
E. Midwinter, A Tory Interpretation of History: Some Comments, p. 130
G.A. Jones, Further Thoughts on the Franchise 1885-1918, p. 134

n. 33, Apr. 1966

M. Malowist, The Social and Economic Stability of the Western Sudan in the Middle Ages, p. 3
L. Stone, Social Mobility in Englans, 1500-1700: Conference Paper, p. 16
A. Everitt, Social Mobility in Early Modern Englans: Conference Paper, p. 56
W.M. Mathew, The Origins and Occupations of Glasgow Students, 1740-1839, p. 74
N. Stone, Army and Society in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1900-1914, p. 95
T.W. Mason, Labour in the Third Reich, 1933-1939, p. 112

J. Thirsk, The Origin of the Common Fields, p. 142
Th. H. Rabb, Science, Religion and Society in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Communication, p. 148

H. Pelling, Taylor’s England, p. 149
Notes and Comments, p.