Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

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n. 109, Nov. 1985

R.H. Hilton, Medieval Market Towns and Simple Commodity Production, p. 3
Ch. Jago, Philip II and the Cortes of Castle: the Case of the Cortes of 1576, p. 24
L. Stone, The Bourgeois Revolution of Seventeenth-Century England Revisited, p. 44
B. Worden, Providence and Politics in Cromwellian England, p. 55
Ph. Benedict, Towards the Comparative Study of the Popular Market for Art: thge Ownership of Painting in Seventeenth-Century Metz, p. 100
A.J. Kuethe, G.D. Inglis, Absolutism and Enlightened Reform: Charles III, the Establishment of the Alcabala, and Commercial Reorganization in Cuba, p. 118
G. Lewis, A Cevenol Community in Crisis: the Mistery of “L’Homme a Moustache”, p. 118
R. Anderson, Secondary Schools and Scottish Society in the Nineteenth Century, p. 176
Ch. Webster, Health, Welfare and Unenployment during the Depression, p. 204

n. 108, Aug. 1985

M. Clunies Ross, Concubinage in Anglo-Saxon England, p. 3
P.R. Coss, Aspects of Cultural Diffusion in Medieval England: The Early Romances, Local Society and Robin Hood, p. 35
W.W. Hagen, How Might the Kunkers? Peasant Rent and Seigneurial Profits in Sixteenth-Century Brandenburg, p. 80
R. Villari, Masaniello: Contemporary and Recent Interpretations, p. 117
Ch. Sabel, J. Zeitlin, Historical Alternative to Mass Production: Politics, Markets and technology in Nineteenth-Century Industrialization, p. 133
M. Vaughan, Famine Analysis and Family Relations: 1949 in Nyasaland, p. 177

J.A. Sharpe, The History of Violence in England: Some Observations, p. 206
L. Stone, A Rejoinder, p. 216

n. 107, May 1985

A. MacKay, Ritual and Propaganda in Fifteenth-Century Castile, p. 3
I. Clendinnen, The Cost of Courage in Aztec Society, p. 44
J. Walter, A “Rising of the People”? The Oxfordshire Rising of 1596, p. 90
J.A. Sharpe, “Last Dying Speeches”: Religion, Ideology and Public Execution in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 144
D. Levine, Industrialization and the Proletarian Family in England, p. 168
A. Offer, The Working Classes, British Naval Plans and the Coming of the Great War, p. 204

W. Lamont, The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered, p. 227

Notes and Comments, p. 232

n. 106, Feb. 1985

H. kennedy, From Polis to Madina: Urban Change in Late Antique and early Islamic Syria, p. 3
R.N. Swanson, Universities, Graduates and Benefices in Later Medieval England, p. 28
L. Roper, “Going to Church and Street”: Weddings in Reformation Augsburg, p. 62
C.B. Herrup, Law and Morality in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 102
E. Schulkind, Socialist Women during the 1871 Paris Commune, p. 124

P.J. Marshall, Early British Imperialism in India, p. 164
R. Mukherjee, A Rejoinder, p. 169

n. 105, Nov. 1984

B.D. Shaw, Bandits in the Roman Empire, p. 3
R.H. Hilton, Small Town Society in England before the Black Death, p. 53
M. Ingram, Ridings, Rough Music and the “Reform of Popular Culture” in Early Modern England, p. 79
J.M. Neeson, The Opponents of Enclosure in Eighteenth-Century Northamptonshire, p. 114
S. Clark, Nobility, Bourgeoisie and the Industrial Revolution in Belgium, p. 140

n. 104, Aug. 1984

W.G. Runciman, Accelerating Social Mobility: The Case of Anglo-Saxon England, p. 3
R. Gawthrop, G. Strauss, Protestantism and Literacy in Early Modern Germany, p. 31
D.E. Williams, Morals, Markets and the English Crowd in 1766, p. 56
I. McCalman, Unrespectable Radicalism: Infidels and Pornography in early Nineteenth-Century London, p. 74
M. Elvin, Female Virtue and the State in China, p. 111

Ch. Hill, The Muggletonians, p. 153
W. Lamont, A Rejoinder, p. 159

n. 103, May 1984

Ch. Wickham, The Outher Transition: From the Ancient World to Feudalism, p. 3
J. Langdon, Horse Hauling: A Revolution in Vehicle Transport in Twelfth- and Thirdteenth-Century England?, p. 37
S. Brigden, Religion and Social Obligation in Early Sixteenth-Century London, p. 67
R.B. Rose, The “Red Scare” of the 1790s: The French Revolution and the “Agrarian Law”, p. 113
D. Cannadine, The Past and the Present in the English Industrial Revolution 1880-1980, p. 131

n. 102, Feb. 1984

F. Millar, The Mediterranean and the Roman Revolution: Politics. War and the Economy, p. 3
J.R. Maddicott, Magna Carta and the Local Community 1215-1259, p. 25
F. Heal, The Idea of Hospitality in Early Modern England, p. 66
L. Colley, The Apotheosis of George III: Loyalty, Royalty and the British Nation 1760-1820, p. 94
A.P. Kannangara, The Riots of 1915 in Sri Lanka: A Study in the Roots of Communal Violence, p. 130

n. 101, Nov. 1983

R.M. Thomson, England and the Twelfth-Century Renaissance, p. 3
L. Stone, Interpersonal Violence in English Society 1300-1980, p. 22
P. White, The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered, p. 34
W.D. Rubinstein, The End of “Old Corruption” in Britain 1780-1860, p. 55
A. Graves, Truck and Gifts: Melanesian Immigrants and the Trade Box System in Colonial Queensland, p. 87

O. Hufton, Early Modern Europe, p. 125
J.W. Scott, The Modern Period, p. 141

J.A. Henretta, Ethnograpgy, Drama and Historical Method, p. 158

n. 100, Aug. 1983

Ch. Hill, R.H. Hilton, E.J. Hobsbawm, Origins and Early Years, p. 3
J. Le Goff, Later History, p. 14

J. Bossy, The Mass as a Social Institution 1200-1700, p. 29
S. Clark, French Historians and Early Modern Popular Culture, p. 62
M.J. Bric, Priests, Parsons and Politics: The Rightboy Protest in Country Cork 1785-1788, p. 100
D. Chakrabarty, On Deifying and Defying Authority: Managers and Workers in the Jute Mills of Bengal circa 1890-1940, p. 124

R. Browning, The Class Struggle in Ancient Greece, p. 147

D. White, Civic Ritual in Modern Britain, p. 157

P.T.H. Aston, Past and Present Publications, p. 158

n. 99, May 1983

P. Burke, The Virgin of the Carmine and the Revolt of Masaniello, p. 3
W. Lamont, The Muggletonians 1652-1979: A “Vertical” Approach, p. 22
Th. Bartlett, An End to Moral Economy: The Irish Militia Disturbances of 1793, p. 41
T.J.A. Le Goff, D.M.G. Sutherland, The Social Origins of Counter-Revolution in Western France, p. 65
H.W. Lepovitz, The Industrialization of Popular Art in Bavaria, p. 88

P.A. Brand and P.R. Hyams, p. 123
R. Faith, p. 133
E. Searle, A Rejoinder, p. 148

n. 98, Feb. 1983

M. James, Ritual, Drama and Social Body in the Late Medieval English Town, p. 3
F. Perlin, Proto-Industrialization and Pre-Colonial South Asia, p. 30
J.H. Langhein, Albion’s Fatal Flaws, p. 96
E.A. Wrigley, The Growth of Population in Eighteenth-Century England: A Conundrum Resolved, p. 121

A.J. Fletcher, Parliament and People in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 151
Ch. Hill, A Rejoinder, p. 155

Notes and Comments, p. 159

n. 97, Nov. 1982

R.H. Hilton, Lords, Burgesses and Hucksters, p. 3

R. Brenner, The Agrarian Roots of European Capitalism, p. 16

T.C. Smout, Born Again at Cambuslang: New Evidence on Popular religion and Literacy in Eighteenth-Century Scotland, p. 114
M.R. Beames, The Ribbon Societies: Lower-Class Nationalism in Pre-Famine Ireland, p. 128

H.Kamen, J.I. Israel, The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in New Spain: Myth or Reaklity?, p. 144
J.J. TePaske, H.S. Klein, A Rejoinder, p,. 156

n. 96, Aug. 1982

W. Goffart, Old and New in Merovingian Taxation, p. 3
P. Gatrell, Historians and Peasants: Studies of Medieval English Society in a Russian Context, p. 22
A.T. Grafton, L. Jardine, Humanism and the School of Guarino: A Problem of Evaluation, p. 51
R. Houston, The Literacy Myth? Illiteracy in Scotland 1630-1760, p. 81
Ph. Mansel, Monarchy, Uniform and the Rise of the Frac 1760-1830, p. 103
T. Garvin, Defenders, Ribbonmen and Others: Underground Politicaò Networks in Pre-Famine Ireland, p. 133

n. 95, May 1982

J. Bossy, Some Elementary Forms of Durkheim, p. 3
A. Wallace-Hadrill, The Golden Age and Sin in Augustan Ideology, p. 19
S. Bridgen, Youth and the English Reformation, p. 37
W.S. Atwell, International Bullion Flows and the Chinese Economy circa 1530-1650, p. 68
N. Canny, The Formation of the Irish Mind: Religion, Politics and Gaelic irish Literature 1580-1750, p. 91
D. Hay, War, Dearth and Theft in the Eighteenth Century: The Record of the English Courts, p. 117

n. 94, Feb. 1982

P.P.A. Biller, Birth-Control in the West in the Thirteenth and Early Fourteenth Centuries, p. 3
I. Clendinnen, Disciplining the Indians: Franciscan Ideology and Missionary Violence in Sixteenth-Century Yucatán, p. 27
R.S. DuPlessis, M.C. Howell, Reconsidering the Early Modern Urban Economy: The Cases od Leiden and Lille, p. 49
R. Mukherjee, Trade and Empire in Awadh 1765-1804, p. 85
S. Kanter, The Right of Property at the Beginning of the Third French Republic: The Personal Effects of Napoleon III, p. 103
D. Cannadine, The Transformation of Civic Ritual in Modern Britain: The Colchester Oyster Feast, p. 107
D. Hunt, Village Culture and the Vietnamese Revolution, p. 131
T.H. Aston, Philip Abrams 1933-1981, p. 158

n. 93, Nov. 1981

Zvi Razi, Family, Land and the Village Community in Later Medieval England, p. 3
Ch. Haig, The Continuity of Catholicism in the English Reformation, p. 37
D. Rollison, Property, Ideology and Popular Culture in a Gloucestershire Village 1660-1740, p. 70
E. Tandeter, Forced and free Labour in Late Colonial Potosí, p. 98
Th. Esper, The Incomes of Russian Serf Ironworkers in the Nineteenth Century, p. 137

J. Cornwall, Kett’s Rebellion in Context, p. 160
D. MacCulloch, A Rejoinder, p. 165

n. 92, Aug. 1981

R.P. Lindner, Nomadism, Horses and Huns, p. 3
K. Park, L.J. Daston, Unnatural Conceptions: The Study of Monsters in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century France and England, p. 20

Th.H. Rabb, The Role of the Commons, p. 55
D. Hirst, The Place of Principle, p. 79

Ch. Hill, Parliament and People in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 100
W.D. Rubinstein, New Men of Wealth and the Purchase of Land in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 125
M. Bernal, The Nghe-Tinh Societ Movement 1930-1931, p. 148

R. Finlay, Natural Decrease in Early Modern Cities, p. 169
A. Sharlin, A Rejoinder, p. 175

n. 91, May 1981

P. Stafford, The King’s Wife in Wessex 800-1066, p. 3
D. Woodward, Wage Rates and Living Standards in Pre-Industrial England, p. 28
P. Crawford, Attitutes to Menstruation in Seventeenth-Century England, p. 47
P.M. Jones, Parish, Seigneurie and the Community of Inhabitants in Southern Central France during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, p. 74
E. Yeo, Christianity in Chartist Stuggle 1838-1842, p. 109
D. Chakrabarty, Communal Riots andLabour: bengal’s Jute Mill-Hands in the 1890s, p. 140

J.I. Israel, The Decline of Spain: A Historical Myth?, p. 170
H. Kamen, A Rejoinder, p. 181

n. 90, Feb. 1981

J. Hatcher, English Serfdom and Villeinage: Towards a Reassessment, p. 3
N. Zemon Davis, The Sacred and the Body Social in Sixteenth-Century Lyon, p. 40
J. Green, Career Prospects and Clerical Conformity in the Early Stuart Church, p. 71
J.J. TePaske, H.S. Klein, The Seventeenth-Century Crisis in New Spain: Myth or Reality?, p. 116

A.J. Heesom, B. Duffy, Coal, Class and Education in the North-East, p. 136
R. Colls, A Rejoinder, p. 152