Past & present : a journal of historical studies DATINI

Past & Present: a journal of historical studies

ISSN: 0031-2746
Conservata in: Università degli Studi di Firenze, Biblioteca di Scienze Sociali

– Punto di servizio: Economia; Riv. str. 0293
Consistenza: n. 19, 1961-
Lacune: n. 183, 2004

– Punto di servizio: Giurisprudenza; Riv. str. 0249
Consistenza: 1968-2001
Lacune: 1968

– Punto di servizio: Scienze Politiche; Riv. str. 0307
Consistenza: 1971-2000
[ 2030-2021 ] [ 2020-2011 ] [ 2010-2001 ] [ 2000-1996 ] [ 1995-1991 ] [ 1990-1986 ] [ 1985-1981 ] [ 1980-1976 ] [ 1975-1971 ] [ 1970-1966 ] [ 1965-1961 ] [ 1960-1956 ] [ 1955-1952 ]

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n. 129, Nov. 1990

M. Wittow, Ruling the Late Roman and Early Byzantine City: A Continuous History, p. 3
L. Jardine, A. Grafton, “Studied for Action”: How Gabriel Harvey Read his Livy, p. 30
J.C. Davis, Fear Myth and Furore: Reappraising the “Ranters”, p. 79
K.J. Andrien, Economic Crisis, Taxes and the Quito Insurrection of 1765, p. 104
M. Chase, From Millennium to Anniversary: The Concept of Jubilee in Late Eighteenth.- and Nineteenth-Century England, p. 132
H. Berghoff, Public Schools and the Decline of the British Economy 1870-1914, p. 148
O. Figes, The Red Army and Mass Mobilization during the Russian Civil War 1918-1920, p. 168

n. 128, Aug. 1990

D. Blackbourn, Tim Mason, p. 3
K.W. Harl, Sacrifice and Pagan Belief in Fifth- and Sixth-Cemtury Byzantium, p. 7
R.H. Britnell, Feudal Reaction after the Black Death in the Palatinate of Durham, p. 28
D. Hayton, Moral Reform and Country Politics in the Late Seventeenht-Century House of Commons, p. 48
R. Mukkherjee, “Satan Let Loose upon Earth”: The Kanpur Massacres in India in the Revolt of 1857, p. 92
M. Conway, Building the Christian City: Catholics and Politics in Inter-War Francophone Belgium, p. 117

C.J. Sommervile, Comment, p. 152
T. Edwards, Reply, p. 155

W. Beinart, Empire, Hunting and Ecological Change in Southern and Central Africa, p. 162

Notes, p. 187

n. 127, May 1990

P. Foucacre, Merovingian History and Merovingian Hagiography, p. 3
T.C. Barnard, Crises of Identity among Irish Protestants 1641-1685, p. 39
R. Schultz, The Small-Producer Tradition and the Moral Origins of Artisan Radicalism in Philadelphia 1720-1810, p. 84
N. MacMaster, The Battle for Mousehold Heath 1857-1884: “Popular Politics” and the Victorian Public Park, p. 117
J. Rosselli, The Opera Business and the Italian Immigrant Community in Latin America 1820-1930: The Example of Buenos Aires, p. 155

A. Brundage, Comment 1, p. 183
D. Eastwood, Comment 2, p. 186
P. Mandler, Reply, p. 194

n. 126, Feb. 1990

J.A. North, Democratic Politics in Republican Rome, p. 3
H. Härcke, “Warrior Graves”? The Background of the Anglo-Saxon Weapon Burial Rite, p. 22
L.S. Popofsky, The Crisis over Tonnage and Poundage in Parliament in 1629, p. 44
S. Subrahmanyam, Rural Industry and Commercial Agriculture in Late Seventeenth-Century South-Eastern India, p. 76
H. Cunningham, The Employment and Unemployment of Children in England c. 1680-1851, p. 115
W. Seccombe, Starting to Stop: Working-Class Fertility Decline in Britain, p. 151

P. Borsay, Comment, p. 189
A. McInnes, Reply, p. 196

G. Walker, Irish Nationalism and the Uses of History, p. 203

Notes, p. 215

n. 125, Nov. 1989

R. Thapar, Epic and History: Tradition, Dissent and Politics in India, p. 3
P.R. Coss, Bastard Feudalism Revised, p. 27
S.T. Nalle, Literacy and Culture in Early Modern Castile, p. 65
J.D. Fage, African Societies and the Atlantic Slave Trade, p. 97
P. King, Gleaners, Farmers and the Failure of Legal Sanctions in England 1750-1850, p. 116
A. Sherratt, V. Gordon Childe: Archaeology and Intellectual History, p. 151

P. Kennedy, Comment, p. 186
P.K. O’Brien, Reply, p. 192

n. 124, Aug. 1989

P. Nightingale, Capitalists, Crafts and Constitutional Change in Late Fourteenth-Century London, p. 3
Sh. Lambert, Richard Montagu, Arminianism and censorship, p. 36
C. O’Halloran, Irish Recreations of the Gaelic Pasr: The Challenge of Macpherson’s Ossian, p. 69
S. Woolf, French Civilization and Ethnicity in the Napoleonic Empire, p. 96
B. Harrison, Class and Gender in Modern British Labour History, p. 121

G. Prins, But What Was the Disease? The Present State of Health and Healing in African Studies, p. 159
J. Bossy, Vile Bodies, p. 180

n. 123, May 1989

J.R. Maddicott, Trade, Industry and the Wealth of King Alfred, p. 3
S.J. Gunn, Peers, Commons and Gentry in the Lincolnshire Revolt of 1536, p. 52
C. Poni, Norms and Disputes: The Shoemakers’s Guild in Eighteenth-Century Bologna, p. 80
R. Lenman, Painters, Patronage and the Art Market in Germany 1850-1914, p. 109
E. Guha, M. Gadgil, State Forestry and Social Conflict in British India, p. 141
J. Raven, Viewpoint: British History and the Enterprise Culture, p. 178

n. 122, Feb. 1989

A. Verhulst, The Origins of Towns in the Low Countries and the Pirenne Thesis, p. 3
D. Parker, Sovereignty, Absolutism and the Function of the Law in Seventeenth-Century France, p. 36
J. Epstein, Understanding the Cap of Liberty: Symbolic Practice and Social Conflict in Early Nineteenth-Century England, p. 75
M.J. Daunton, “Gentlemanly Capitalism” and British Industry 1820-1914, p. 119
D. Wylie, The Changing Face of Hunger in Southern Africa, p. 159

D. Kaiser, Comment 1, p. 200
T. Mason, Comment 2, p. 205
R.J. Overy, Reply, p. 221

n. 121, Nov. 1988

P. Freedman, Cowardice, Heroism and the Legendary Origins of Catalonia, p. 3
H. Swanson, The Illusion of Economic Structure: Craft Guilds in Late Medieval English Towns, p. 29
D. Nicholls, The Theatre of Martyrdom in the French Reformation, p. 49
K. Wilson, Empire, Trade and Popular Politics in Mid-Hanoverian Britain: The Case of Admiral Vernon, p. 74
S. O’Brien, Terra Incognita: The Nun in Nineteenth-Century England, p. 110
A. Gordon, The Crowd and Politics in Imperial Japan: Tokyo 1905-1918, p. 141
G. Eley, Viewpoint: Nazism, Politics and Public Memory: Thoughts on the West German Historikerstreit 1986-1987, p. 171

S. Elwitt, Comment, p. 209
L. Goldman, Reply, p. 214

n. 120, Aug. 1988

J. Edwards, Religious Faith and Doubt in Late Medieval Spain: Soria circa 1450-1500, p. 3
D.R. Woolf, The “Common Voice”: History, Folklore and Oral Tradition in Early Modern England, p. 26
A. McInnes, The Emergence of a Leisure Town: Shrewsbury 1660-1760, p. 53
J. Bohstedt, Gender, Household and Community Politics: Women in English Riots 1790-1810, p. 88
R.J. Evans, Epidemics and Revolutions: Cholera in Nineteenth-Century Europe, p. 123
J. Park, The British Suffrage Activists of 1913: An Analysis, p. 147
P.K. O’Brien, The Costs and Benefits of British Imperialism 1846-1914, p. 163

N. Canny, Comment, p. 201
C. Brady, Reply, p. 210

F. Kaskell, Visual Sources and the Embarrassment of Riches, p. 216

n. 119, May 1988

W.R. Connor, Early Greek Land Warfare as Symbolic Expression, p. 3
H. Kamen, The Mediterranean and the Expulsion of Spanish Jews in 1492, p. 30
J. Broad, Whigs and Deer-Stealers in Other Guises: A Return to the Origins of the Black Act, p. 56
T.H. Breen, “Baubles of Britain”: The American and Consumer Revolutions of the Eighteenth Century, p. 73
M. John, The Peculiarities of the German State: Bourgeois Law and Society in the Imperial Era, p. 105
R. Whipp, Work and Social Consciusness: The British Potters in the Early Twentieth Century, p. 132

D.T. Andrew, Comment, p. 158
M. MacDonald, Reply, p. 165

P.R. Coss, Comment 1, p. 171
W. Lamont, Comment 2, p. 183
N. Evans, Comment 3, p. 194

n. 118, Feb. 1988

M.E. Mullett, Byzantium: A Friendly Society?, p. 3
Ch. Zika, Hosts, Processions and Pilgrimages: Controlling the Sacred in Fifteenth-Century Germany, p. 25
B. Donagan, Codes and Conduct in the English Civil War, p. 65
J.R. Hill, Popery and Protestantism, Civil and Religious Liberty: The Disputed Lessons of Irish History 1690-1812, p. 96
E. Van Young, Islands in the Storm: Quiet Cities and Violent Countrysides in the Mexican Independence Era, p. 130
R. Chickering, “Casting their Gaze More Broadly”: Women’s Patriotic Activism in Imperial Germany, p. 156

R. Porter, Seeing the Past, p. 186

n. 117, Nov. 1987

D. Cohen, Law, Society and Homosexuality in Classical Athens, p. 3
J. Birrell, Common Rights in the Medieval Forest: Disputes and Conflicts in the Thirteenth Century, p. 22
G. Ferrari, Public Anatomy Lessons and the Carnival: The Anatomy Theatre of Bologna, p. 50
B. Hill, A Refuge from Men: The Idea of a Protestant Nunnery, p. 107
P. Mandler, The Making of the New Poor Law Redivivus, p. 131
T. Ranger, Taking Hold of the Land: Holy Places and Pilgrimages in Twentieth-Century Zimbabwe, p. 158
J.C.D. Clark, On Hitting the Buffers: The Historiography of England’s Ancien regime. A Response, p. 195

G.E. Aylmer, Did the Ranters exist?, p. 208

Editorial Notes, p. 220

n. 116, Aug. 1987

R. Holt, Whose Were the Profits of Corn Milling? An Aspect of the Changing Relationship between the Abbots of Glastonbury and their Tenants 1086-1350, p. 3
R.W. Hoyle, An Ancient and Laudable Custom: The Definition and Development of Tenant Right in North-Western England in the Sixteenth Century, p. 24
J.M. McMullen, Rullers or Fathers? A Casuistical Problem in Early Modern Japanese Thought, p. 56
M. Vickers, Value and Simplicity: Eighteenth-Century Taste and the Study of Greek Vases, p. 98
R.J. Overy, Germany, “Domestic Crisis” and War in 1939, p. 138

D. Cannadine, British History: Past, Present – and Future?, p. 169

D.S. Landes, The Ordering of the Urban Environment: Time, Work and the Occurrence of Crowds 1790-1835, p. 192
M. Harrison, A Rejoinder, p. 199

Th. Bartlett, A New History of Ireland, p. 206

Notes, p. 220

n. 115, May 1987

B.D. Shaw, The Family in Late Antiquity: The Experience of Augustine, p. 3
R. Gray, The Papacy and the Atlantic Slave Trade: Lourenço da Silva, the Capuchins and the Decisions of the Holy Office, p. 52
E. Melton, Proto-Industrialization, Serf Agriculture and Agrarian Social Structure: Two Estates in Nineteenth-Century Russia, p. 69
P.K. O’Brien, Britain’s Economy between the Wars: A Survey of a Counter-Revolution in Economic History, p. 107
M. Aris, “The Boneless Tongue”: Alternative Voices from Bhutan in the Context of Lamaist Societies, p. 131

J. Innes, Jonathan Clark, Social History and England’s “Ancien Regime”, p. 165

N. Tyacke, The Rise of Arminianism Reconsidered, p. 201
P. White, Rejoinder, p. 217

n. 114, Feb. 1987

R.A. Goldthwaite, The Medici Bank and the World of Florentine Capitalism, p. 3
P.G. lake, Calvinism and the English Church 1570-1635, p. 32
M. Sonenscher, Journeymen, the Corts and the French Trades 1781-1791, p. 77
I. Ali, Malign Growth? Agricultural Colonization and the Roots of Backwardness in the Punjab, p. 110
L. Goldman, A Peculiarity of the English? The Social Science Association and the Ebsence of Sociology in Nineteenth-Century Britain, p. 133
D. Fitzpatrick, Divorce and Separation in Modern Irish History, p. 172
P. Burke, Masaniello: A Response, p. 197

A. Charlesworth, A.J. Randall, Morals, Markets and the English Crowd in 1766, p. 200

n. 113, Nov. 1986

S.R.F. Price, The Future of Dreams: From freud to Artemidorus, p. 3
D. Cressy, Kinship and Kin Interaction in Early Modern England, p. 38
J. Richards, “His Nowe Majestie” and the English Monarchy: The Kingship of Charles I before 1640, p. 70
L. Colley, Whose Nation? Class and National Consciusness in Britain 1750-1830, p. 97
D. Arnold, Cholera and Colonialism in British India, p. 118
D. Blackbourn, The Politics of Demagogy in Imperial Germany, p. 152

K. Sorensen Zapalac, Ritual and Propaganda in Fifteenth-Century Castile, p. 185
A. MacKay, A Rejoinder, p. 197

M. Elwin, A Working Definition of “Modernity”?, p. 209

n. 112, Aug. 1986

D. Owen Hughes, Distinguishing Signs: Ear-Rings, Jews and Franciscan Thetoric in the Italian Renaissance City, p. 3
R. Cust, News and Politics in Early Seventeenth-Century England, p. 60
J.-P. Bertaud, Napoleon’s Officers, p. 91
J.R.I. Cole, M. Momen, Mafia, Mob and Shiism in Irag: The Rebellion of Ottoman Karbala 1824-1843,m p. 112
P.A. Pickering, Class without Words: Symbolic Communication in the Chartist Movement, p. 144
W.D. Rubinstein, Education and the Social Origins of British Elites 1880-1970, p. 163
O. Hufton, Fernand Braudel, p. 208

n. 111, May 1986

T. North, Legerwite in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries, p. 3
C. Brady, Spenser’s Irish Class: Humanism and Experience in the 1590s, p. 17
M. MacDonald, The Secularization of Suicide in England 1660-1800, p. 50
I. Woloch, Napoleonic Conscription: State Power and Civil Society, p. 101
D. Kirby, “The Workers’ Cause”: Rank-and-File Attitudes in the Finnish Social Democratic Party 1905-1918, p. 130
Th.C. Smith, Peasant Time and Factory Time in Japan, p. 165

n. 110, Feb. 1986

R.H. Hilton, C.H.E. Philpin, M. Vasey, T.S. Aston, p. 3
E. Cohen, Law Folklore and Animal Lore, p. 6
R.W. Scribner, Incombustible Luther: The Image of the Reformer in Early Modern Germany, p. 38
D. Harris Sacks, The Corporate Town and the English State: Bristol’s “Little Businesses” 1625-1641, p. 69
C.E. Searle, Custom, Class Conflict and Agrarian Capitalism: The Cumbrian Customary Economy in the Eighteenth Century, p. 106
M. Harrison, The Ordering of the Urban Environment: Time, Work and the Occurrence of Crowds 1790-1835, p. 134
P. Chatterjee, The Colonial State and Pesant Resistance in Bengal 1920-1947, p. 169